Avantika Vandanapu Working At Raising Cane's Is So Fetch ... On Regina's All-Carb Diet?!?

Raising Cane's

Avantika Vandanapu may wear pink on Wednesdays, but Tuesday is for work ... because she showed up for a shift at Raising Cane's looking totally fetch.

The actress/singer, who plays Karen Shetty in the new "Mean Girls" movie, hopped right into the line of fire at a New York City Cane's location ... taking orders and filling up drinks for hungry customers.

AV revealed she loves the lemonade at Raising too -- though she admitted the hardest part of the gig was getting the lid on a cup of it -- and called out an order of hot fresh chicken for Emilia before heading back to make some of the restaurant's famous Texas Toast.

The starlet seems to be following Regina George's lead too ... gobbling down a couple pieces of the delicacy (a little all-carb diet anyone?!?) dipped in a little Cane's Sauce.

Avantika's not exactly the new kid in school when it comes to this whole acting thing either ... she's got credits for Rebel Wilson's movie "Senior Year" and the Disney Channel Original "Spin" ... though it'd be fair to say "Mean Girls" is blowing those flicks out of the water.

But Vandanapu's not big-timing anyone ... giving all the normie Raising Cane's employees the OK to sit at her lunch table and taking a group pic with the gang!!!

She's definitely not like a regular actress ... she's a cool actress!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained in Munich for 'Unregistered' Watch Hauled Off to ATM to Pay Taxes

Arnold Schwarzenegger's known for his gun-toting characters ... but it was actually a benign watch that caused him problems at an airport Wednesday -- and the aftermath was a freaking mess.

The actor-turned-politician was held at the Munich Airport on Wednesday after trying to take an "unregistered" luxury watch through customs ... the Terminator didn't try to fight his way out of this one ... instead being spotted calmly hanging with customs agents.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... customs detained AS for three hours for traveling with a watch he owns -- one he might auction tomorrow in Austria.

They say Arnold was never asked to fill out a declaration form, but once he got to customs he was hit with what they describe as an "incompetent shakedown."

But, the former bodybuilding champ didn't make a fuss ... agreeing to prepay potential taxes on the watch -- again, a watch he already owns -- in order to get on with his day.

Authorities tried to have Arnold use a credit card machine for an hour ... but failure after failure forced the customs agents to take Schwarzenegger to a bank so he could withdraw cash from an ATM.

That should've been the end of the story ... except the ATM had too low a limit -- the taxes ended up costing AS $10,613 -- and the bank was closed too! The group headed back to the airport, and another officer brought a new, working credit card machine.

Our sources say the watch will still likely be auctioned off tomorrow for the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative -- a nonprofit dedicated to supporting clean energy efforts worldwide.

A spokesperson for the Munich Main Customs Office says it's simple, telling a local German outlet they've initiated criminal proceedings because the watch is an import staying in the EU -- it has to be declared.


As for why it took so long, the spokesperson explained the rest of Arnie's luggage had to be checked ... and that takes time.

An exhausting day at the airport for Arnold ... filled with more stress than trying to get a Turbo Man action figure!

Pierce Brosnan No tomé las rutas menos transitadas... Se declara inocente de los cargos de senderismo

Pierce Brosnan no está cediendo ante el gobierno federal, pues sigue luchando contra dos cargos por haber caminado en una zona restringida del Parque Nacional de Yellowstone.

El actor ingresó una declaración de no culpabilidad por los dos cargos de senderismo ilegal el 4 de enero, después de que fuera citado por supuestamente deambular en una "delicada" zona de aguas termales en el parque en Wyoming.

El juez accedió a la solicitud de Pierce Brosnan de cancelar su comparecencia inicial ante el tribunal y sostener una conferencia virtual el 20 de febrero.

Como informamos anteriormente, las autoridades citaron a 007 el mes pasado por supuestamente caminar fuera de los senderos cerca de Mammoth Hot Springs el 1 de noviembre, violando varios cierres.

La prueba parece estar en las fotos aquí también. Brosnan parece haber olvidado sus lecciones de espía secreto, pues él mismo posteó fotos donde parece estar fuera de la zona limitada. Él estuvo en Wyoming filmando su nuevo Western "The Unholy Trinity".

Las aguas termales están fuera de los límites de los turistas por una razón. Estas son muy frágiles y pueden tardar años en corregirse si se dañan, por no hablar de las personas que han fallecido por caer en los manantiales hirviendo y llenos de ácido

Colin Nathaniel Scott es solo un ejemplo. Las autoridades creen que se disolvió en las aguas de la piscina, solo ligeramente superiores al pH del ácido del estómago, después de aventurarse fuera del sendero en 2015.

Si es declarado culpable, Pierce podría obtener una multa de 5.000 dólares o incluso, seis meses de tiempo duro.

James Bond puede tener licencia para matar, ¡pero incluso él tiene que cumplir con los senderos designados!

Pierce Brosnan I Didn't Take The Road Less Traveled ... Pleads Not Guilty To Hiking Charges

Pierce Brosnan's not caving to the federal government ... fighting two charges he hiked into a restricted area at Yellowstone National Park.

The actor entered a not guilty plea for two illegal hiking charges on January 4 after he was cited for allegedly wandering into a "delicate" hot springs at the park in Wyoming.

The judge granted PB's request to cancel his initial court appearance and set up a virtual conference for February 20.

As we previously reported ... authorities cited 007 last month for allegedly going off-trail near Mammoth Hot Springs on November 1 -- violating several closures.

The proof seems to be in the pics here too ... Brosnan appears to have forgotten his lessons in spy secrecy, posting photos that look like they're from the off-limits area. He was up in Wyoming filming his new Western "The Unholy Trinity."

The hot springs are off-limits to tourists for a reason ... they're super fragile and can take years to correct if damaged -- not to mention the people who have died from falling into the boiling/acidic springs


Colin Nathaniel Scott is just one example ... authorities think he dissolved in the pool waters -- only slightly higher on the pH scale than stomach acid -- after venturing off-trail in 2015.

If found guilty, Pierce might see a $5,000 fine ... or even six months of hard time.

James Bond might have a license to kill, but even he's gotta stay on the designated trails!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Nicole Kidman Too Tall For Hollywood ... Used to Lie About Height

Radio Times Podcast

Nicole Kidman says size matters ... at least she used to think so when she went in for auditions.

The Oscar winner shared she used to lie about her height during a recent interview with the "Radio Times Podcast" ... admitting she'd shave a half-inch off her stats when casting directors asked.

NK says despite being 5'11" she used to tell CDs she was 5'10" and a half ... not much of a difference, but a lie nonetheless.

The Australian star says people called her "stalky" when she first arrived on the acting scene, and was told a tall woman like her wouldn't have a career.

However, that's changed in recent years with Kidman saying, "Now, I get, ‘You’re so much taller than I thought,' or men grappling with how high my heels should be."

Another interesting anecdote ... NK was nearly turned away from an audition for the musical "Annie" when she was a kid, because she was 2 inches above the 5'2" cutoff line.

Kidman says she's trying to impart courage and resilience to her kids -- she has 2 with Tom Cruise and 2 with Keith Urban -- teaching them how to react when they hear the word "no."

You know the age-old adage ... if at first you don't succeed in Hollywood -- lie, lie again.

Nicole Kidman Muy alta para Hollywood... Solía mentir sobre su altura

Se burlaban de mí
Radio Times Podcast

Nicole Kidman dice que el tamaño importa, al menos eso solía pensar cuando iba a las audiciones.

La ganadora del Oscar dijo que solía mentir sobre su altura durante una reciente entrevista con "Radio Times Podcast", admitiendo que solía eliminar una media pulgada de sus estadísticas cuando los directores de casting le preguntaban.

Nicole Kidman dice que a pesar de medir 1,80 solía decir que medía como 1,75. No hay mucha diferencia, pero es una mentira de todos modos.

La estrella australiana dice que la gente la llamaba "stalky" (demasiado alta y delgada) cuando llegó por primera vez a la escena actoral y que le habrían dicho que una mujer alta como ella no tendría una carrera.

Sin embargo, dice que eso ha cambiado en los últimos años. Kidman dice: "Ahora me dicen, 'Eres mucho más alta de lo que pensaba', o los hombres se preguntan qué altura deben tener mis tacones".

Otra anécdota interesante es que casi fue rechazada de una audición para el musical "Annie" cuando era una niña, porque estaba 2 pulgadas por encima de la línea de corte de 5'2.

Kidman dice que está tratando de transmitirle valor y resiliencia a sus hijos (tiene 2 con Tom Cruise y 2 con Keith Urban), enseñándoles a cómo reaccionar cuando oyen la palabra "no".

Ya conocen el viejo adagio, si al principio no tienes éxito en Hollywood... miente, vuelve a mentir.

'Footloose' Actress Lynne Marta Dead at 78

Actress Lynne Marta – best known for her film roles in "Footloose" and "Joe Kidd" --- has died in California.

Marta passed away Thursday at her L.A. home after she was diagnosed with cancer, according to the Hollywood Reporter. It was not clear what type of cancer she had.

Born and bred in New Jersey, Marta moved to Hollywood to pursue a career in acting, landing parts in several big movies.  She snagged the role of Elma in the 1972 western classic, "Joe Kidd," starring Clint Eastwood and Robert Duvall. She also played Lulu Warnicker alongside Kevin Bacon as Ren in 1984's "Footloose."

As for her TV work, Marta appeared in producer Aaron-Spelling's "The Mod Squad," "The Rookies," "Starsky & Hutch," "Charlie's Angels" and "Matt Houston." Marta also had small parts in Quinn Martin-produced telecasts, such as "The F.B.I.," "Dan August," "Cannon," "The Streets of San Francisco," "Barnaby Jones," "The Manhunter" and "Caribe."

Her personal life was tied to her day job. Marta reportedly had an open relationship with "Starsky & Hutch" star David Soul while he was married to Karen Carlson.

In 1983, People magazine wrote, "All through the 'Starsky & Hutch' years, David and Lynne lived together but spent time with other people." Earlier this month, Soul died at 80 ... his cause of death was not disclosed.

Marta was 78.


Josh Duhamel Announces Baby News ... I'm A Dad Again!!!

Josh Duhamel has something new to celebrate ... he's a dad again!

The actor and his model wife Audra Mari welcomed their first child, Shepherd Lawrence Duhamel, on January 11, announcing the exciting news Tuesday night on Instagram with a photo of the little one's feet. As far as feet go, Shepherd is one helluva cutie!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As you probably know, Josh has another son, 10-year-old Axl, whom he shares with his ex-wife, Fergie.

In a September 2023 interview, Josh told Parade that Axl had a funny reaction when he learned he was going to be an older brother.

Axl wanted reassurance that he was still the firstborn and Josh was still going to love him after Shepherd was born.

Of course, Josh confirmed all of the above, adding that Axl is a "really sweet kid" and "loves babies!"

Sounds like Axl and Shepherd are gonna hit it off.

Congrats everyone!!!

Taylor Swift Ella no es la guionista secreta de 'Argylle' El director lo desmiente...

Los fans de Taylor Swift han estado convencidos de que su ídola escribió el libro que se está convirtiendo en la película "Argylle", pero el director está lanzando un balde de agua fría sobre sus esperanzas y sueños.

Matthew Vaughn hizo una entrevista recientemente en la que abordó este rumor/teoría que ha estado flotando alrededor de casi 3 años y es que T-Swift sería la misteriosa autora del manuscrito de "Argylle", del que se está haciendo una película con el mismo nombre.

La escritora se hace llamar "Elly Conway", el mismo nombre de la protagonista de la película, y su verdadera identidad no ha sido revelada. Así que los Swifties han estado convencidos de que Taylor podría ser su creadora (más sobre esto en un momento).

Desafortunadamente para ellos, Vaughn le dijo a Rolling Stones que todo es mentira: "Yo no soy muy fan de Internet y en realidad fue mi hija la que se acercó a mí. Este es el poder de las celebridades y de Internet y me dijo: '¡Nunca me dijiste que Taylor escribió el libro!".

Y añade: "Y yo la miro diciendo: '¿De qué estás hablando con que Taylor Swift escribió el libro? ¡Ella no escribió el libro!' Y yo me reía porque le decía: '¡No es verdad! Ella no escribió el libro'. Pero mi hija estaba convencida de ello".

Matthew luego dice mucho más, definitivamente: "[H]ay una Elly Conway que escribió el libro, pero no es Taylor Swift. Y lo digo porque imagino que Taylor Swift tiene un montón de gente intentando subirse a su carro a diestra y siniestra. No quiero formar parte de ese club. Leí las conspiraciones y pensé: "¡Vaya, no dejan piedra sobre piedra!". Pero no es Taylor Swift. Definitivamente, ella no escribió el libro".

Parte de la razón por la que la legión de Taylor pensó que ella podría ser la autora se debe a cosas sutiles que pensaban se referían a ella, como el gato Scottish Fold (ella tiene 2), el hecho de que usa suéteres de argyle y otras "pistas" que los fans recogieron.

Resulta que no es más que su activa imaginación. Sigan adelante, amigos.

Taylor Swift She's Not Secret 'Argylle' Writer!!! Director Debunks Theory

Taylor Swift fans have been convinced that their idol wrote the book that's being made into the "Argylle" movie -- but the director's throwing cold water on their hopes and dreams.

Matthew Vaughn recently did an interview where he addressed this rumor/theory that's been floating around for almost 3 years now -- namely, that T-Swift is the mysterious author who penned the manuscript for "Argylle" ... which is being made into a film of the same name.

The writer goes under the pseudonym of "Elly Conway" -- the same name of the main character in the flick -- and her real identity hasn't been revealed whatsoever. So, Swifties have been eating up perceived Easter eggs that they think point to Taylor (more on this in a bit).

Unfortunately for them, Vaughn's now saying it's all BS -- telling Rolling Stone ... "I'm not a big internet guy, and it was actually my daughter who came up to me -- this is the power of celebrity and the internet -- and said, 'You never told me Taylor wrote the book!'"

He adds, "And I’m looking at her going, ‘What are you talking about Taylor Swift wrote the book? She didn’t write the book!’ And I was laughing because I was like, ‘It’s not true! She didn’t write the book!’ But my daughter was convinced of it."

MV then says much more definitively ... "[T]here is an Elly Conway who wrote the book, but it’s not Taylor Swift. And I say that because I imagine Taylor Swift has a load of people trying to jump on her bandwagon left, right, and center. I don’t want to be a part of that club. I did read the conspiracies and I was like, ‘Wow, they don’t leave a stone unturned!’ But it’s not Taylor Swift. She definitely didn’t write the book."

Part of the reason Taylor's legion thought she might've been the author is because of all these subtle things they thought referred to her -- including the Scottish Fold cat featured (she has 2 herself), the fact she wears argyle sweaters, and other "hints" fans picked up on.

As it turns out, it's nothing but their very active imagination at work. Keep it movin', folks!

'Rust' Case Armorer Allegedly Offered Leniency If She Explained Real Bullet

The armorer that's being prosecuted in the "Rust" criminal case was reportedly offered an ultimatum of sorts -- tell us how a real bullet made its way on set, or face more charges.

Variety cites emails that it says it's viewed -- which were supposedly sent to Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's legal team back in September from special prosecutor Kari Morrissey ... who's heading up the case after the D.A. recused herself.

According to the outlet -- which cites the emails that were allegedly sent -- Morrissey wrote ... "I feel very strongly she has some notion of how the live rounds came on set."

She adds, "I certainly respect her right not to come forward with that information and to stay silent, however if she were to come forward and answer some of these questions that plague the victims in this case that would go a long way toward getting her a favorable resolution."

Variety says the emails go on to float what Gutierrez-Reed's lawyers perceived as a threat ... "If she chooses not to, while I respect her decision, I will proceed with the additional felony charges we spoke of." Mind you, HGR has already said she doesn't know how a live round got into the gun that was used that day by Alec Baldwin, let alone how it got onto set.

042522_hannah_gutierrez_rust_armorer_kal_1 10/21/21

In response to this offer, her team invoked their client's right against self-incrimination -- and lo and behold ... Gutierrez-Reed was, in fact, hit with more charges shortly thereafter.

She was accused of carrying a gun into a liquor store about 10 days after the shooting ... a 4th-degree felony. Gutierrez-Reed is already facing involuntary manslaughter charges.

Now, her team has filed new docs asking that new charge to be dismissed -- claiming it was filed in retaliation for her not cooperating ... or as he puts it, for not making something up. She's pled not guilty to the charges against her, and has a trial set to start in February.

Luke In 'Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Jake Abel was in his early 20's when he played the role of Luke Castellan -- the handsome demigod at Camp Half-Blood -- in the fantasy film "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief" back in 2010.

Joining Jake in the adventure-packed movie included Logan Lerman as the brave demigod son of Poseidon, Percy Jackson, Brandon T. Jackson as Percy's hardworking bestie and guardian, Grover Underwood, and Alexandra Daddario as Percy's romantic interest and demigod daughter of Athena.

In 2013, Abel reprised his role in "Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters."

Guess what he looks like now!

Luke en "Percy Jackson" y el ladrón del rayo" ¿Lo recuerdas?

El actor estadounidense Jake Abel tenía poco más de 20 años cuando interpretó el papel de Luke Castellan —el apuesto semidiós del Campamento Half-Blood— en la película de fantasía "Percy Jackson y los Olímpicos: El ladrón del rayo" en 2010.

Junto a Jake en la película llena de aventuras se encontraban Logan Lerman como el valiente semidiós hijo de Poseidón —Percy Jackson— Brandon T. Jackson como el trabajador y guardián de Percy, Grover Underwood y Alexandra Daddario como el interés romántico de Percy y semidiosa hija de Atenea.

En 2013, Abel retomó su papel en "Percy Jackson: Mar de monstruos".

¡Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora!

Brad Pitt no se duchaba durante días dice un ex compañero de piso

Antes de alcanzar la fama en Hollywood, Brad Pitt pasaba días enteros sin ducharse, al menos según Jason Priestley, que solía vivir con él.

El ex "90210" reflexionó sobre su breve tiempo viviendo juntos antes de la fama junto con otra persona en una "parte cutre de Los Ángeles". Contando la historia en "Live with Kelly and Mark" el martes.

no se bañaba

Jason dice que los roomies con frecuencia jugaban un juego para ver quién de ellos podría estar más tiempo sin bañarse, y resulta que Jason dice que había un ganador constante.

Según él, era Brad quien generalmente ganaba la competencia repugnante, lo que nos deja preguntándonos si todavía se habría convertido en el mayor rompecorazones de Hollywood si la gente hubiera sabido de esto.

Afortunadamente, Jason dice que él no cree que Brad siga con esas costumbres, aunque dice que no puede confirmarlo tampoco.

Por suerte para Jaso, sus días juntos en un pequeño apartamento no duraron mucho, ya que ambos se catapultaron a la fama a principios de los noventa, Jason en "Beverly Hills 90210" y Brad en "Thelma y Louise". Después de eso, el resto es historia.

Es seguro decir, que son cualquier cosa menos actores lavados en estos días ... aunque, suena como BP podría haber necesitado un baño o dos, mientras que él estaba tratando de entrar en el negocio.

Afortunadamente, esos días han quedado atrás y sus carreras han recibido una lluvia de elogios.

No deja de ser curioso que el galán más reconocido de Hollywood alguna vez fue el roomie apestoso. 😅

BRAD PITT Wouldn't Shower for Days Pre-Fame ... Says Ex-Roomie Jason P.

Before scrubbing up for his Hollywood fame, Brad Pitt would happily go days without showering -- at least according to Jason Priestley ... who used to live with the dude.

The '90210' alum reflected on their brief time living together pre-fame along with one other person in a "crappy part of L.A." ... telling the tale on "Live with Kelly and Mark" Tuesday.


JP says the roomies would frequently play a game to see who among them could go the longest without bathing. And as it turns out, Jason says there was a consistent winner.

According to him, it was Brad who usually made a clean sweep of the disgusting competition ... which leaves us wondering if he still would've become Hollywood's biggest heartthrob if people caught wind of this alleged stink-fest back then.

Thankfully, Jason says he doesn't think he's into those games anymore, given his flashy A-list status and all -- although he says he can't confirm this definitively.

Luckily for both J&B, their days cramped up together in a small apartment didn't last long as they both catapulted to fame in the early nineties -- Jason in "Beverly Hills, 90210" & Brad in "Thelma and Louise." After that, the rest was history.

Safe to say, they're anything but washed-up actors these days ... although, it sounds like BP might've needed a bath or two while he was trying to break into the biz.


Fortunately, those days are behind them, and their careers have been showered with praise.

Whodathunkit ... the most famous Hollywood hunk was once a Hollywood skunk. 😅

Tom Brady & Irina Shayk Big Apple Dining ... Romantic Dinner, He Gets the Check!!!

Tom Brady and Irina Shayk are still seeing each other when they can -- 'cause they just grabbed dinner last night ... and wouldn't you know it, the G.O.A.T's a true gent.

TB12 and Bradley Cooper's ex got together Monday evening in NYC -- where they chowed down at a fancy shmancy place in Lower Manhattan ... kinda by the water, in fact. It's a French restaurant called Brasserie Fouquet's New York -- and they had a table to themselves.

Now, in terms of what went on and whether they were showing any PDA -- we're told they didn't put on explicit signs of affection during the meal ... but they were definitely cozy.

Tom and Irina were there for a total of 2 hours -- and we're told TB said something about the burger and how it good it was. If he did, in fact, grub on that ... he dropped a cool $30 for that bad boy, 'cause that's how much this joint charges for ground beef in a bun!

Anyway ... they walked out of there together, we're told, and lo and behold -- Tom paid.

Couple things ... nice to know Tom isn't one to go Dutch, even with somebody who's as loaded as Irina and who could presumably cover herself. They're both wealthy -- but when it comes down to it ... Tommy's old-fashioned, and willing to pick up the tab for his lady.

Also, this just goes to show Tom and Irina are still in one another's orbit -- not only evidenced in this outing ... but the fact they got together last month in Miami during Art Basel.

Remember, Tom and Irina were first spotted hanging out last summer ... and it seems they're keeping each other around as we go into 2024 -- suggesting they got a good thing.


Hard to tell how serious this is ... but on its face, they seem to get along and then some.