Tom Brady e Irina Shayk Tienen una romántica cena en la Gran Manzana Él se lleva la cuenta!!!

Tom Brady e Irina Shayk siguen viéndose cuando pueden. De hecho, cenaron anoche y por si no lo sabían, el mejor de todos los tiempos es un verdadero caballero.

TB12 y la ex de Bradley Cooper se reunieron el lunes por la noche en Nueva York, para comer en un lugar elegante de Lower Manhattan, cerca del agua, de hecho. El lugar se llama Brasserie Fouquet, es francés y ambos tenían una mesa para ellos solos.

Ahora, en términos de lo que pasó y si se pusieron cariñosos en público, nos dicen que no hubo signos explícitos de afecto durante la cena, pero estaban definitivamente amorosos el uno con el otro.

Tom e Irina estuvieron allí 2 horas y nos dicen que Tom Brady dijo algo sobre la hamburguesa y lo buena que estaba. Si lo hizo, de hecho, le costó unos $30 porque eso es lo que cobra el restaurante por un beef en el pan.

De todos modos, nos dicen que salieron de allí juntos y que Tom pagó.

Un par de cosas. Es bueno saber que Tom no es de los que prefiere que cada uno pague, incluso con alguien tan forrado como Irina, quien presumiblemente puede cubrirse. Ambos son ricos, pero cuando se trata de eso, Tommy es un hombre chapado a la antigua y dispuesto a pagar la cuenta de su dama.

Además, esto solo demuestra que Tom e Irina siguen estando en la órbita del otro. No solo se evidencia por esta salida, sino porque también se reunieron el mes pasado en Miami durante Art Basel.

Recuerden, Tom e Irina fueron vistos por primera vez saliendo el verano pasado y parece que siguen en contacto a medida que avanza el 2024, lo que sugiere que tienen una buena cosa.

Es difícil decir qué tan serio es esto, pero a primera vista, parece que se llevan bien y algo más.

El padre de Lindsay Lohan critica la nueva película de "Chicas Pesadas" por su guiño a la "entrepierna de fuego"

Michael Lohan está criticando la nueva película "Mean Girls" por revivir un golpe bajo del pasado de su hija, Lindsay Lohan, diciendo que Tina Fey y Megan Thee Stallion fueron muy bajas, igual que sus números en taquilla.

El padre de Lindsay le dice a TMZ que está enjado por el "comentario repugnante" en el reboot, pero que encuentra algo de consuelo en los números de apertura de la película, que fueron mucho más bajos que el fin de semana del debut de la original en aquel entonces.

el pasado vuelve

Michael está hablando de la frase de Megan "la entrepierna de fuego está de vuelta" en la nueva película, que hace referencia a un famoso clip de TMZ de 2006, cuando el amigo heredero de Paris Hilton, Brandon Davis llamó a LiLo "entrepierna de fuego" varias veces en cámara.

El padre de Lindsay también está señalando el hecho de que el nuevo musical "Mean Girls" haga 28 millones de dólares en taquilla el fin de semana de estreno es simplemente karma.

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el infame video

La versión original hizo 24.4 millones de dólares durante su fin de semana de apertura en 2004, no está mal cuando pensamos en la inflación. Para los estándares de hoy en día, estaría más cerca de los $40 millones, por no hablar de los $86 millones que recaudó a nivel nacional a través de su carrera teatral.

Básicamente, el padre está apostando a que la nueva "Mean Girls" no se comparará con la versión original de su hija en tereminos de recaudación. Michael también nos dice que nunca vería la nueva "Mean Girls", y mientras él dice que le encantaría aplaudir a Megan, Brandon y Tina, nos dice que está tomando el camino correcto al no involucrarse.

El padre de Lindsay añade: "Voy a decir esto, NADIE puede reemplazar a Lindsay o al elenco original en esa película. Megan tampoco puede reemplazar a Lindsay en el nuevo anuncio de Planet Fitness vestida como una stripper en un anuncio".

Por supuesto, se refiere al hecho de que Lindsay hizo algunos anuncios hace unos años, y ahora, Megan los está haciendo también. El asunto es que parece estar  dando los mismos pasos de Lindsay, pero sin el mismo talento.

En pocas palabras para Michael... alejarse de su hijo, porque él está listo para atacar en su defensa.

Papá Oso está gruñendo, para bien o para mal.

Lindsay Lohan Papa Bear Pounces on 'MG' 'Fire Crotch' Joke Is 'Disgusting'!!!

Michael Lohan is ripping the new 'Mean Girls' movie for taking a cheap shot at his daughter, Lindsay Lohan ... saying Tina Fey and Megan Thee Stallion went low, just like their box office numbers.

Lindsay's dad tells TMZ ... he's straight-up "pissed" over the "disgusting comment" in the reboot ... but he's finding some solace in the flick's opening numbers, which were far lower than the OG's debut weekend way back when.


Michael's talking about Megan's "fire crotch is back" line in the new movie ... which references a famous TMZ clip from way back in 2006, when Paris Hilton's oil heir buddy Brandon Davis called LiLo a "fire crotch" multiple times on camera.

Lindsay's dad is also pointing at the fact the new 'Mean Girls' musical made $28 million at the box office opening weekend as a bit of karma.

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infamous 'fire crotch' video

The original version made $24.4 million on its opening weekend in 2004 -- and while that's lower ... it's actually not bad when adjusted for inflation. By today's standards, it'd be closer to $40 million ... not to mention the $86 mil it grossed domestically through its theatrical run.

Basically, ML is betting the new 'Mean Girls' won't hold a candle to his daughter's initial take on it when it's all said and done. Michael also tells us he would never see the new 'Mean Girls' ... and while he says he'd love to clap back at Megan, Brandon and Tina, specifically ... he tells us he's taking the high road and not getting in the gutter with them.

Lindsay's father adds ... "I will say this however, NOBODY can replace Lindsay or the original cast in that film. Nor can Megan replace Lindsay in the new Planet Fitness commercial dressed like a stripper in a fitness commercial."

Of course, what he's referring to there is the fact that Lindsay did some PF commercials a few years ago ... and now, MTS is doing them as well -- the implication being, she's kinda riding Lindsay's coattails, and not doing it nearly as well as she did.

Bottom line for Michael ... back off from his kid, 'cause he's ready to pounce in her defense.

Papa Bear's growling here ... for better or worse.

Alec Baldwin Estoy vendiendo mi casa en los Hamptons... Mira cómo te convenzo

Alec Baldwin está buscando vender su mansión en los Hamptons una vez más y esta vez rebajó el precio en más de $10 millones e hizo un video para los potenciales compradores.

El actor acaba de poner a la venta nuevamente su enorme propiedad en Amagansett, Nueva York, por 18.995.000 dólares, lo que significa una fuerte reducción con respecto al precio original de 29 millones de dólares.

La casa de Alec en los Hamptons tiene 10.000 pies cuadrados y 7 dormitorios. La moderna finca está en un lote de 10 acres y dice: "Usted simplemente no puede conseguir más esto por aquí, no se pueden comprar grandes terrenos, especialmente en Amagansett."

El lugar está engalanado con una sala de cine, una sala de cata de vinos y una biblioteca con paneles de madera, además de una piscina exterior y un spa. También tiene varios balcones y porches para disfrutar de la reserva natural circundante.

En su video, Alec habla poéticamente sobre su amor por los Hamptons. Dice que se enamoró desde el momento en que fue allí por primera vez. Dice que solía ir mucho a la playa cercana cuando era más joven y que a veces se quedaba dormido bajo las estrellas.

En realidad, Alec no entra en la casa en su video. Solo está en la propiedad hablando de lo mucho que disfruta los Hamptons e incluso muestra algunas antiguas casas en la zona.

La casa salió por primera vez al mercado en septiembre de 2022, pero nunca se vendió y un año más tarde fue retirada del mercado. Ahora, Alec y compañía están tratando de poner en marcha la venta nuevamente y se puede decir que realmente quieren deshacerse de ella, lo que queda en evidencia con la participación de Alec y la rebaja en el precio.

Alec se ha trasladado hacia pastos más verdes, al norte, a su granja de 55 acres en Vermont, pero aquí hace que suene como que realmente va a extrañar el lugar. Scott Bradley de Saunders & Associates tiene el listado.

Alec Baldwin I'm Selling My Hamptons Home ... Watch Me Pitch It To You!!!

Alec Baldwin is once again looking to unload his mansion in the Hamptons ... and this time, he's slashed the price over $10 million and made a video pitch for potential buyers.

The actor just relisted his massive estate in Amagansett, NY, for $18,995,000 ... which is a heavy reduction from the original $29 million price tag.

Alec's longtime Hamptons home is 10,000 square feet with 7 bedrooms ... the modern farmhouse is on a 10-acre lot and he says, "You just can't get this out here anymore, you can't buy big pieces of land, especially in Amagansett."

The place is decked out with a movie theater, wine tasting room and wood-paneled library, plus an outdoor pool and spa. It's also got several balconies and screened-in porches to enjoy the surrounding nature preserve.

In his pitch video, Alec waxes poetically about his love for the Hamptons ... he says he fell in love the moment he first went there, and says he used to go out to the nearby beach a lot when he was younger, sometimes falling asleep under the stars.

Alec doesn't actually go inside the home in his video, he's just on the property talking about how much he enjoys the Hamptons ... and he even shows some of his old homes in the area.

The house first went on the market in September 2022 but it never sold and a year later it was taken off the market. Now, AB and co. are trying to get it going again -- and you can tell ... they really wanna unload this thing, evidenced in Alec's involvement and the price slash.

Alec's moved to greener pastures -- heading north to his 55-acre farm in Vermont ... but he makes it sound like he'll really miss this place. Scott Bradley of Saunders & Associates has the listing.

Kate Beckinsale Announces Death Of Stepdad At 87 ... 'I Have No Words Yet'

Kate Beckinsale's stepfather Roy Battersby has died after a reported battle with cancer.

The actress announced his passing on Instagram Monday, posting a heartfelt message to Roy with a video celebrating his life.

A Big Loss
Instagram / @katebeckinsale

Kate wrote, "I have no words yet. Thank you@katebeckinsale_slovakia2 for making this beautiful thing. I fought for you everything I had. Oh Roy I am so sorry I lost."

The video slide show featured Roy through the years with Kate and her mom, Judy. In 1997, Judy married Roy after Kate's dad, actor Richard Beckinsale, died from natural causes.

Last month, Roy was rushed to a Los Angeles hospital after he suffered a stroke while reportedly fighting two unspecified types of cancer, with which he was diagnosed in 2023.

Like Kate, Roy made a living in the visual arts, directing popular British TV shows, documentaries and films.

Roy was 87.


Fantasia Mocks Bagged Pizza Dinner at CCA ... Where's the Lamb Chops?!?

the hell is this?!?
Instagram / @oprahdaily

Fantasia is just one of several people calling out the grub at the Critics Choice Awards -- 'cause the bagged pizza they dished out just wasn't cutting it for hungry celebs.

Here's the deal ... the food that was handed out at Sunday night's show included slices that were bagged, and prepped to be served on an individual basis. When the pizza was handed out at Fantasia's table ... cameras caught her less-than-pleased reaction.

Check it out ... as the wait staff was handing out the pizza to her "Color Purple" costars, Fantasia looked right at the photog and asked ... "Where's the lamb chops???"

You can see Taraji P. Henson and some others start to chow down right away ... but Oprah herself holds off, saying she doesn't wanna ruin her lipstick. From the looks of it, an extra box of snacks was also handed out to those in the room ... with fruits and whatnot inside.

Now, while Fantasia and co. might've been poking fun at the menu ... others were a little more straightforward in their criticism of the food, including film producer Jen D'Angelo. She posted photos of the pizza, calling it "absolutely revolting" and "3D printed."

The CW

Even Paul Giamatti remarked about the food during his acceptance speech, saying ... "Serious guys, I need that endorsement. So let’s all just pray for me,” Giamatti continued. “Everybody get their pizza in a bag, by the way? I think that’d be a good endorsement. Paul Giamatti for pizza in a bag."

For the record, Baja Fresh and Cold Stone were the official food vendors for this thing -- but it appears their chow was served either before or after the show ... and not inside the venue itself. Baja and CS aren't known for pizza, so it's unclear who baked the pies.


In any case, it sounds like the response to it all was ... well, a mixed bag.

LINDSAY LOHAN 'Hurt' By 'Fire Crotch' Joke in 'Mean Girls' ... No Explanation from Fey

Lindsay Lohan was on the receiving end of a personal dig in the new "Mean Girls" movie that references one of the most infamous insults hurled her way ... and yeah, she's pissed.

Of course, we're referring to Paris Hilton's oil heir buddy, Brandon Davis, once calling her a "fire crotch" gal -- a line that actually made its way into the rebooted flick ... which LL apparently had no idea about -- at least that's the indication from her team's response.

Lindsay's rep told The Messenger ... "Lindsay was very hurt and disappointed by the reference in the film." The outlet also reports that Lindsay was surprised last week when she watched the movie for the first time at the premiere.

It's pretty shocking that the line even made it into the film -- y'know, considering Tina Fey wrote it ... not to mention the fact that Lindsay herself cameos in the flick as well.

On its face, it seems she had no idea it was coming ... meaning she either didn't receive the full script, or didn't peruse it. Ya gotta imagine that if she saw this ahead of time ... she would've talked to Tina about it, because LiLo has famously spoken out about the dig.

The context of how it's used in the new movie features none other than Megan Thee Stallion -- who shows up as one of many people singing the praises of the new popular girl, Cady (once played by Lindsay), as they flee Regina George. MTS says "fire crotch is back."

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You'll recall, the way it was originally used dates back to a TMZ video from back in 2006 ... when Davis was being a bit of a "mean girl" himself in talking trash about LiLo at the time. Like we said, Lindsay's been fairly vocal about how hurtful that was back then.


That's why Tina's decision to include it in the movie -- even in jet -- is shocking ... and now even more so with LL speaking out like this. Tina gushed about working with Lindsay, so you know she loves her  ... perhaps this was just an innocent mistake or an oversight.

We've reached out to Tina Fey for comment ... so far, no word back.

Dua Lipa & Callum Turner We Danced the Night Away And Now We're Going Public!!!!

Dua Lipa got caught swaying with a hunky British actor last week -- something they were seemingly trying to do in secret -- but now that the cat's outta the bag ... so are they.

The popstar hit the town Sunday night in L.A. with none other than Callum Turner -- the same dude she was seen slow dancing with on Wednesday at an after-party for the guy's new Apple show, "Masters of the Air."

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new boo?

TMZ got video of Dua and Callum looking deep into each other's eyes that night through a crack in one of the exit doors -- which certainly seemed to indicate they were an item

Of course, once that was out ... everybody started asking the obvious ... are y'all dating???

Now, a few days later, it looks like DL and CT are answering that question with a very public outing at R+D Kitchen in Santa Monica -- where they chowed down with pals ... and exited the joint together, side by side, without trying to hide a thing.

There's no PDA here between Dua and Callum ... but you can certainly tell they're rolling together -- and on its face, it would appear they're confirming they're dating.

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Remember, Callum was asked directly about this during the initial night in question -- but he was mum on the whole thing ... not indicating one or another if their dance was romantic.

Sometimes, what you see is what you get ... and in this case, we seem to have a new couple. Dua reportedly split with her last movie director BF, Romain Gavras, last month.

No better time than now to start fresh in the love department ... Valentine's Day is fast approaching!


Melissa Barrera's been screaming her support of Palestine from the rooftops -- which led to her getting 86'd from the 'Scream' franchise -- but it looks like her former cast members still have her back.

The actress reunited with her former costars Sunday night at the Motion Picture and Television Fund's 17th Annual Evening Before Gala ... and Jenna Ortega was standing right by her, literally and figuratively.

Remember, Melissa was fired back in November from the 7th installment of the horror franchise over her Israel-Palestine posts.

Jenna appeared to like a post on Melissa doubling down on her pro-Palestine stance at the time of her firing ... and she too dropped out of the new 'Scream' movie -- though it was apparently due to a schedule clash with Netflix's "Wednesday" and not cause of MB's firing.

But Jenna's support was loud and clear in the new IG snaps shared by Melissa ... where she was also joined by her other  'Scream' costars Mason Gooding, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Liana Liberato, Tony Revolori, Skeet Ulrich, and Jack Quaid -- who all appeared to have her back, too.

As we reported ... Melissa doubled down on her pro-Palestine stance over Xmas while the 'Scream' Empire collapsed with director Christopher Landon also walking away from the new movie.

While Spyglass lost their 2 big leads and their director ... Neve Campbell recently teased a possible return to the franchise as Sidney Prescott -- only for the right amount of money, though.

She initially left the franchise due to pay disagreements, so that doesn't come as a shock -- but she ain't biting the hand that feeds her ... saying at Saturday's BAFTA Tea Party in L.A. she was sad the higher-ups at 'Scream' were struggling.

Neve said for the hope of OG "Scream" director Wes Craven and the new cast and crew she really hopes it doesn't fall apart.

Ariana DeBose at CCA Actor Who *Thinks* She Can Sing ... 'I Didn't Find It Funny'

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The CW

Ariana DeBose got lumped in with actors who became songbirds in their movies this past year -- a joke cracked at the Critics Choice Awards ... which she didn't appreciate one bit.

The Oscar winner was on hand Sunday night at the latest award show in Santa Monica -- where she was up for a statuette in the Best Song category for her tune in Disney's "Wish" ... alongside others in films like "Barbie," "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" and "Rustin."

Before they announced the winners, presenters Bella Ramsey and Anthony Ramos made a crack about some of the stars in the group ... labeling them "actors who think that they're singers," name-dropping Ryan Gosling, Jack Black and, surprisingly, Ariana herself.

The camera cut to her face right at that moment, and she looked fairly confused/insulted.

Welp, as it turns out ... that's exactly how she felt inside -- 'cause she later took to IG to express the sentiment that we all saw on her face ... writing, "I Didn't Find It Funny Lol."

While you could argue the crack was in good fun, fans jumped to her defense to point out it was technically inaccurate -- 'cause ADB most certainly *can* sing ... and does so flawlessly. Not only has she received accolades for her musical performances on camera, but she's a star on Broadway as well -- so to compare to the likes of JB and Gosling does seem off.

Sounds like one of the CCA script writers just might not like her ... that's the vibe anyway.


Ariana DeBose responde a las críticas sobre si sabe cantar

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sintiendo las dagas
The CW

Ariana DeBose fue agrupada con los actores que se convirtieron en pájaros cantores en sus películas el año pasado... una broma en los Critics Choice Awards que ella no apreció ni un poco.

La ganadora del Oscar estuvo presente el domingo por la noche en la última entrega de premios en Santa Mónica, donde era candidata a una estatuilla en la categoría de Mejor Canción por su melodía en "Wish" de Disney, junto a otros en películas como "Barbie", "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" y "Rustin".

Antes de anunciar a los ganadores, los presentadores Bella Ramsey y Anthony Ramos hicieron un chiste sobre algunas de las estrellas del grupo, etiquetándolos como "actores que piensan que son cantantes", nombrando a Ryan Gosling, Jack Black y sorprendentemente a la propia Ariana.

La cámara se enfocó en su cara justo en ese momento y parecía bastante ofendida.

Bueno, resulta que eso es exactamente lo que sentía por dentro, porque más tarde acudió a Insta para expresar el sentimiento que todos vimos en su cara escribiendo: "No me pareció gracioso Lol".

Si bien se podría argumentar que el crack era en broma, los fans saltaron en su defensa para señalar que era técnicamente inexacta, porque Ariana sin duda puede cantar y lo hace de manera impecable. No solo ha recibido elogios por sus actuaciones musicales en cámara, además es una estrella en Broadway, así que las comparaciones con Black y Gosling parecen fuera de lugar.

Parece que no le gusta a uno de los guionistas de la CCA... al menos esa es la sensación que nos queda.

Harrison Ford se atraganta en su discurso al recibir el Critics Choice Career Achievement

reconociendo al gran harrison ford
The CW

Harrison Ford se siente agradecido, afortunado y más que un poco emocionado por su carrera, pero todavía es capaz de reírse de sí mismo al aceptar un premio por todo su catálogo de trabajo, desde "Star Wars" a "Indiana Jones".

El icono de Hollywood se atragantó un poco mientras estaba en el escenario el domingo por la noche en los Critics Choice Award, donde el director de "Indiana Jones y el dial del destino" de James Mangold le otorgó a Harrison el Premio a la Trayectoria.

Agradeció a todos los directores, escritores y cineastas con los que ha trabajado a lo largo de los años y también tuvo un reconocimiento especial para su esposa Calista Flockhart.

El legendario actor de 81 años hizo reír a la multitud al felicitar a Calista por apoyarle y añadió: "Necesito mucho apoyo".

Harrison también se mostró feliz de ver que Hollywood le da oportunidades a gente con talento que no las habría tenido en los años 60, cuando él empezaba a actuar.

Un voto bastante sólido a favor de DEI por parte de Harrison.

Harrison añadió que fue enormemente afortunado por su carrera, teniendo su última salida como Indy Jones el año pasado.

Con el premio en la mano, Harrison todavía tiene para rato... estará en dos películas: "Thunderbolts" y "Capitán América: Brave New World" en 2025.

Robert Downey Jr. lee sus peores críticas durante su aceptación en los Critics Choice

¡mírenme ahora críticos!
The CW

Robert Downey Jr. ganó a lo grande en los Critics Choice Awards este fin de semana y para devolver el favor ... recitó algunas de las peores críticas que ha recibido a lo largo de su carrera.

La superestrella subió al escenario el domingo para recibir su estatuilla al Mejor Actor de Reparto en honor a su trabajo en "Oppenheimer" y mientras daba las gracias terminó reconociendo al grupo que estaba votando a los ganadores de esa noche... ¡los críticos!

Robert dijo que tenía debilidad por esta noble profesión, al tiempo que señaló que había recibido críticas no muy agradables de dichos críticos a lo largo de los años... algunas de las cuales quería leer.

Fue divertidísimo... Rob sacó una lista de su abrigo y empezó a repasar lo que él considera las críticas más desagradables y/o graciosas que ha recibido por su trabajo ante la cámara desde que está en el negocio. No dio ningún nombre, pero las palabras hablaban por sí solas.

Solo algunas de las críticas que dejaron huella, incluyendo una especie de haiku que decía: "Descuidada, desordenada y perezosa". La siguiente fue más metafórica, como él dice: "Como Pee-wee Herman saliendo de un coma". Por último, uno que se quedó con él... "Divertido como un pedo encerrado en la cama".

Una vez más, Downey Jr. no dio más detalles sobre cuándo fueron estas críticas o sobre qué películas y actuaciones suyas fueron, pero estamos seguros de que una simple búsqueda en Google puede rastrearlas.

Rob ha tenido una larga carrera de altibajos y ahora él es un favorito de los premios. Tomen eso haters.


The CW

Harrison Ford is feeling grateful, lucky and more than a little emotional about his storied career, but he's still able to poke fun at himself as he accepts an award for his entire catalog of work ... from "Star Wars" to "Indiana Jones."

The Hollywood icon choked up a bit while onstage Sunday night at the Critics Choice Award, where "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" director James Mangold presented Harrison with the Career Achievement Award.

He thanked all the directors, writers, and filmmakers he's worked with over the years ... and also had a special shoutout for his wife Calista Flockhart.

The 81-year-old legend got a good laugh out of the crowd as he gave Calista props for supporting him ... adding, "I need a lot of support."

HF also expressed he was happy to see Hollywood giving opportunities to talented people who wouldn't have gotten them back in the 60s when he was starting out in acting.

Pretty solid vote in favor of DEI on Harrison's part.

Harrison added he was enormously lucky for his career ... having his final outing as Indy Jones last year.

With his career achievement in hand, Harrison's still going strong ... he'll be in 2 films "Thunderbolts" and "Captain America: Brave New World" in 2025.

Robert Downey Jr. Reads His Own Worst Reviews ... During CCA Speech

The CW

Robert Downey Jr. won big at the Critics Choice Awards this weekend -- and to pay back the favor ... he rattled off some of the worst reviews he's received throughout his career.

The superstar went onstage Sunday to receive his statuette for Best Supporting Actor -- honoring his work in "Oppenheimer" -- and while he was going through his thank-you's ... he ended up acknowledging the group that was voting on that night's winners ... critics!

RDJ said he had a soft spot for this noble profession -- while also pointing out he'd received not-so-nice reviews from said critics over the years ... some of which he wanted to read.

It was hilarious ... Rob pulled out a list from his coat and started going through what he considers the nastiest and/or most humorous feedback he's gotten for his on-camera work since he's been in the biz. He didn't name any names, but the words spoke for themselves.

Just a few of the reviews that left a mark ... including a haiku of sorts that read "Sloppy, messy and lazy." The next one was more metaphoric, as he puts it ... "Like Pee-wee Herman emerging from a coma." Finally, one that stayed with him ... "Amusing as a bed-locked fart."

Again, Downey Jr. didn't elaborate on when these reviews were dished or for what movies/performances of his -- but we're sure a simple Google search can track 'em down.

Rob's had a long career of highs and lows ... now, he's an awards darling. Take that, haters!