La película biográfica de Amy Winehouse estrena tráiler y hay opiniones divididas

El casting de Marisa Abela como Amy Winehouse ha estado cabreando a la gente durante un año y las cosas siguen igual después de que el trailer salió a la luz.

Por lo que podemos ver, Marisa no es idéntica a la fallecida cantante, pero se acerca lo suficiente, pasando de ser una londinense común y corriente a una poderosa mujer con tatuajes en el primer tráiler de la película —"Back to Black"—, que muestra su ascenso en la industria músical.

Algunos se niegan a dar el brazo a torcer y un montón de haters ya se han hecho escuchar en X. El enojo es más que nada el casting de Marisa y también han pronosticado que la película se hundirá en taquilla. Resumiendo: muchos usuarios creen que no es creíble como la difunta Amy, tanto por su aspecto como por su voz.

Sin embargo, no todo es sombrío, otros admiten que están gratamente sorprendidos por el tráiler —lo suficiente como para ir al cine— añadiendo que se ve muy emocional.

El tráiler definitivamente despertó algo de conmoción. Se oye a la Winehouse de Abela decir que no escribe canciones para ser famosa y que solo lo hace porque no sabe qué otra cosa haría si no lo hiciera.

Ella también espera que la gente se olvide de los prejuicios cuando escuchen su voz. Amy tocó millones antes de su trágico fallecimiento a los 27 años de intoxicación accidental por alcohol en 2011.

La reacción mixta a la película biográfica dirigida por Sam Taylor-Johnson no es una sorpresa, ya que los fans de Amy se han estado quejando durante un tiempo de que Marisa no se parecía en nada a la estrella - también criticando la necesidad de una película biográfica en el primer lugar.

Sin embargo, el propio padre de Amy —Mitch— está totalmente de acuerdo con la película biográfica, diciendole a TMZ a principios del año pasado que Marisa es una gran elección para el papel, incluso si ella no se ve exactamente como Amy.

Jack O'Connell interpreta al marido de Amy, Blake Fielder-Civil, y Juliet Cowan y Eddie Marsan interpretan a su madre y su padre, Janis y Mitch Winehouse.

Estamos a favor de darle a la película una oportunidad... lo que ocurrirá cuando "Back To Black" llegue a los cines el 10 de mayo.

AMY WINEHOUSE Marisa Abela Critiques Resume ... As Biopic Trailer Drops

Marisa Abela's casting as Amy Winehouse has been pissing people off for about a year -- and loads are STILL fuming after the trailer for the biopic dropped ... can't win 'em all.

As far as we can see, Marisa's not a dead ringer for the late icon ... but she's close enough -- going from an average everyday Londoner to a beehive-wearing, heavily-tatted powerhouse in the first international teaser trailer for "Back to Black," showing her rise in the biz.

Some refuse to cut her slack, with a crap ton of haters hitting X with their fuming takes on Marisa's casting & also predicting the movie will tank at the box office. Long story short -- a lot of users feel she's just not believable as the late, great AW ... both in look, and in voice.

It ain't all bleak, though -- others admit they're pleasantly surprised at the trailer ... enough for them to make a theatre trip -- adding that it looks super emotional.

The trailer definitely stirs up some poignancy ... Abela's Winehouse is heard saying she doesn't pen songs to be famous ... only doing it cause she doesn't know what else she'd do if she didn't.

She also hopes people forget their troubles when listening to her voice -- which arguably they did as Amy's music touched millions before her tragic passing at 27 from accidental alcohol poisoning in 2011.

The mixed reaction to the Sam Taylor-Johnson-directed biopic doesn't come as a surprise as Amy fans have been venting for a while over Marisa looking nothing like the star -- also slamming the need for a biopic in the first place.

Though, Amy's own dad Mitch is totally cool with the biopic ... telling TMZ early last year Marisa's a great choice for the role -- even if she doesn't look exactly like Amy.

Jack O'Connell plays Amy's husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, and Juliet Cowan & Eddie Marsan play her mom and dad, Janis and Mitch Winehouse.

We're all about giving the movie a fair shot ... which will happen once "Back To Black" hits cinemas on May 10.

Dua Lipa Sexy Slow Dance With Hot Hunk ... At 'Masters of the Air' Party


Paps got Callum Turner on the way out of the party last night, and it looks like a few people caught wind of his and Dua Lipa's dance -- asking him if they were together or not.


The dude breezes right by without saying a thing -- which is interesting. If he wasn't involved with her, you figure he'd just say so straight up ... his silence here is pretty telling.

Dua Lipa appears to have a new love interest -- at least that's what it looks like from this slow dance she shared with this stud ... whose identity might not be all that mysterious.

TMZ has obtained video of the British pop star at an after-party in L.A. Wednesday night -- where a private bash was being held to celebrate the "Masters of the Air" premiere. It's a new limited series on Apple ... and it's got a ton of big stars, including Austin Butler, etc.

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new boo?

Unclear why Dua was there -- she doesn't have any official tie to this show as far as we can tell -- but she was front and center at the shindig that was being held at Avra in Bev Hills ... the back entrance which was slightly cracked open, leading to a room where Dua could be seen getting cozy with a dude ... and slow dancing the night away, albeit briefly.

They're only swaying here for a bit -- and at one point ... it even looks like she may have gone in for a kiss, although it's hard to tell for sure. It sure looks romantic, though.

In the clip, you never see the guy's face -- but he's wearing a dark suit ... and word is, this may have been an actor on the 'MOTA' show -- namely, fellow Brit Callum Turner.


He was also obviously at the premiere ... and his suit certainly seems to match up.

Again, this is kinda in the weeds -- but Callum's all-black getup certainly looks like our mystery man here ... especially with the white collar popping out as he and Dua eventually walk back into the party. We should note ... DL is reportedly recently single (again).

She was dating director Romain Gavras last year, but they supposedly split last month.

If that's true, then she certainly would be on the market ... and CT is an eligible bachelor as an up-and-coming actor. Of course, their dancing could also be much ado about nothing ... but it's interesting they're all cuddled up here the way they are.

Anyway, Dua eventually left the party through this same back entrance ... and she was being trailed by another mystery dude -- however, different than the one she was dancing with ... seems to just be a pal of hers. She sure seemed to have fun ... smiling ear to ear.

If there is a new couple alert between Dua and Callum ... it'd be a pretty big deal. She's arguably one of the biggest stars in the world -- especially post-"Barbie" -- and she's landing movie roles too now herself. Time will tell if we see them out together again anytime soon.

Originally Published -- 7:58 AM PT

Dua Lipa Baila un cariñoso lento con un guapetón

Dua Lipa parece tener un nuevo interés amoroso, al menos eso es lo que parece por este lento que compartió con este guapetón, cuya identidad podría no ser tan misteriosa.

TMZ obtuvo un video de la estrella del pop británica en una fiesta privada de Los Ángeles el miércoles por la noche, para celebrar el estreno de "Masters of the Air". Esta es una nueva serie limitada de Apple y tiene un montón de grandes estrellas, incluyendo Austin Butler.

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Nuevo pretendiente

No está claro por qué Dua estaba allí. Ella no tiene ningún vínculo oficial con este espectáculo, por lo que podemos decir, pero estaba en la fiesta que se celebró en Avra en Beverly Hills. La entrada trasera estaba ligeramente abierta y daba a una habitación donde se podía ver a Dua bailando un lento con un tipo toda la noche, aunque brevemente.

Aquí solo se menean un poco, y en un momento dado, incluso parece que se dieron un beso, aunque es difícil asegurarlo. Seguro que parece romántico, sin embargo.

En el clip, nunca se ve la cara del chico, pero lleva un traje oscuro y puede haber sido un actor del nuevo show, a saber, su compatriota británico Callum Turner.

Él estaba, obviamente, también en el estreno y su traje sin duda parece coincidir.

Una vez más, esto es un poco confuso, pero Callum de negro sin duda se parece a nuestro hombre misterioso. Debemos tener en cuenta que Dua Lipa está soltera (otra vez).

La cantante estuvo saliendo con el director Romain Gavras el año pasado, pero supuestamente se separaron el mes pasado.

Si eso es cierto, la estrella del pop ciertamente estaría otra vez en el mercado y CT puede considerarse como un actor prometedor y soltero elegible. Por supuesto, su baile también podría ser nada, pero es interesante que estén tan acurrucados.

De todos modos, Dua finalmente se fue de la fiesta por esta misma entrada trasera y estaba siendo seguida por otro tipo misterioso. Diferente sí, del tipo con el que estaba bailando, y que parece ser solo un amigo. Sin duda lo pasó bien, pues estaba con una gran sonrisa.

Si hay una nueva alerta de pareja entre Dua y Callum sería algo bastante grande. Ella es una de las mayores estrellas del mundo, especialmente después de "Barbie", y está participando en algunos papeles de películas también. El tiempo dirá si los volvemos a ver juntos pronto.

'Mean Girls' Former Star's Cameo Leaks ... Guess the Fetch Who?!?

Tina Fey's been trying to downplay the possibility of any major cameos from any of the old "Mean Girls" stars in the rebooted musical -- but unfortunately ... the cat's outta the bag.


The new "Mean Girls" hits theaters this Friday here in the States, but a clip circulating online that appears to show a Spanish-dubbed version of the movie -- which has already been released abroad, including in Europe -- is letting fans know early who's back from the past.

As it turns out ... it's Lindsay Lohan, go figure. Indeed, Cady Heron herself is in the new one.

The scene from the movie that's already leaked shows some kind of academic decathlon between students, including the new main character -- played by Angourie Rice. As they're reciting lines/singing ... you can see LiLo serving as the moderator of the contest.

So, she's not reprising her old role, per se, but she does pop up in a fun, quick moment. LiLo also appears to have some dialogue ... commenting on how this feels familiar. Of course, it's all a callback to another big scene from the OG -- aka, "The limit does not exist!"

Lindsay's appearance only seems to last a few seconds ... but it's sure to delight all longtime 'MG' fans. So far, no word of any of the other Plastics having shown up -- not yet anyway.

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High School Reunion

If you didn't already know -- seriously, how could you not?! -- Lindsay starred as Cady Heron in the original movie -- an innocent teen who goes on a tumultuous journey by Queen Bee Regina George after being initiated into the Plastics at her new high school.

The cameo comes after LL reunited with OG cast member Tina Fey -- who not only wrote the screenplay for the new film but also the musical that came before it. She's also reprising her role as Ms. Norbury in the new flick.

Lindsay's long made her desire for a "Mean Girls" return apparent ... even reuniting with other cast members Amanda Seyfried & Lacey Chabert for an 'MG'-themed commercial for Walmart last year.

But, if you're looking for a serious dose of nostalgia ... head to the cinema Friday cause that's when "Mean Girls" is officially out in the States!

Actually, you can start watching it Thursday ... so go scratch your 'MG' itch, y'all.

Se filtra el cameo de una ex estrella de "Mean Girls" en el estreno extranjero del reboot

Tina Fey ha estado tratando de restarle importancia a la posibilidad de cualquier cameo importante de cualquiera de las antiguas estrellas de "Mean Girls" en la nueva versión de la querida película, pero no será tan fácil.


El nuevo "Mean Girls" llega a los cines este viernes en los Estados Unidos, pero un clip que circula en línea que parece mostrar una versión doblada al español de la película, que ya ha sido lanzado en el extranjero —incluso en Europa— está dejando que los fans sepan con anticipación quién está de vuelta.

Pues resulta que... es Lindsay Lohan, imagínate. Efectivamente, ¡la mismísima Cady Heron!

La escena de la película que ya se ha filtrado muestra una especie de decatlón académico entre estudiantes, incluida la nueva protagonista —interpretada por Angourie Rice— mientras recitan frases y cantan, se puede ver a LiLo ejerciendo de moderadora del concurso.

Por lo tanto, no está retomando su antiguo papel, pero aparece en un momento divertido y rápido. LiLo también parece tener algo de diálogo, comentando cómo esto se siente familiar. Por supuesto, todo es un guiño a la primera versión.

La aparición de Lindsay parece durar solo unos segundos, pero seguro será un deleite para todos los fans. Hasta ahora, no se sabe nada de ninguno de los otros personajes.

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reunión de escuela

Por si no lo sabías —¿en serio?— Lindsay interpretó a Cady Heron en la película original, una adolescente inocente que tiene que pasar por la experiencia de la escuela... donde conoce a la reina, Regina George

El cameo se produce después de que Lindsay se reuniera con Tina Fey, miembro del reparto original, que no solo escribió el guión de la nueva película, sino también el musical que la precedió. Ella también está retomando su papel como la Sra. Norbury en la nueva película.

Lindsay ha hecho evidente su deseo de regresar a "Mean Girls", incluso se reunió con otros miembros del elenco —Amanda Seyfried y Lacey Chabert— para un comercial para Walmart el año pasado.

Pero si lo que quieres es una buena dosis de nostalgia, ve al cine el viernes, que es cuando se estrena oficialmente "Chicas pesadas" en Estados Unidos.

Estamos expectantes a ver como se relacionan las chicas esta vez.

Dawn Summers In 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' 'Memba Her?!

American actress Michelle Trachtenberg was only 14 years old when she first started playing Dawn Summers -- as Buffy's immature and klutzy younger sister -- in the TV version of 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' from 2000-2003.

Michelle was part of an ensemble cast including Sarah Michelle Gellar as the friendly and ultimate vampire slayer, Buffy Summers, Alyson Hannigan as Buffy's shy and nerdy friend, Willow Rosenberg and Nicholas Brendon as Buffy's funny and brave pal who does not have supernatural abilities, Xander Harris.

Michelle also starred as Jenny in the comedy/adventure film "Euro Trip."

Guess what she looks like now!

Robert Downey Jr. on Globes Mix-Up Nothing's Better Than Losing, Bob ... How's That For a Bite?!?


Robert Downey Jr.'s joking about Robert De Niro's reaction to RDJ's win at the Golden Globes and hooking us up with a great soundbite -- even just for the sake of being glib.

We got the "Oppenheimer" star Wednesday outside "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" and our photog asked him about De Niro mistakenly standing up when the winner for Best Supporting Actor was being read. It was a quick little mix-up on Bob's part -- but people definitely noticed.

In case you missed it ... RDJ and RDN were both up for the same award -- Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture -- which went to "Robert ... Downey Jr." When De Niro heard "Robert" though, he started to stir in his seat ... almost as if he'd won ... only to be let down when a different last name followed.

RDJ's having fun with it all here, telling us ... "Nothing's better than losing."  Mind you, he was doing this in the middle of signing autographs and shooting the s*** a bit.

He's joking, of course, and the reason we know that is because we asked what he meant -- with Downey Jr. adding ... "I just wanted to give you a good quote." Indeed, it was!

Looks like RDJ's still in good spirits after the big win for his role as Lewis Strauss in "Oppenheimer" ... he didn't just bless us, but he also gave autograph hounds what they wanted too. He also walked away with a big fat peace sign for the whole gang.

Anyway, as our photog noted in the interview -- Robert (Downey Jr.) is the best.

Michael Lohan Gets Skin Cancer On Hand Removed

Michael Lohan -- father of Lindsay Lohan -- underwent a cancer procedure today on his hand ... TMZ has learned.

Michael tells TMZ ... he's been fighting skin cancer for a while, being diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma about 4 years ago and "recently had a suspicious lesion on my hand" that prompted doctors to do a biopsy.

Things changed Tuesday night when he got a call regarding the biopsy and that he needed to get the patch removed ASAP -- and Wednesday, that's exactly what happened.

He tells us the cancer had "deep roots" and needed a lot of digging, but we're told they thankfully were able to get it all out.

Michael admits the type of cancer he has is "aggressive" and he's constantly monitoring it ... adding it likely will return at some point.

Lindsay's father posted about his new scar on Instagram Wednesday, writing, "A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed, you endured the pain, and God has healed you."


BTW, we're told his son, Michael Jr., was the only one who knew about his medical situation -- and Michael tells us he didn't want Lindsay to worry or affect her work, which is why she was unaware.

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High School Reunion

As you know, Lindsay gave fans a big surprise when she appeared at the NYC premiere of the new "Mean Girls" flick earlier this week, smiling alongside Tina Fey, one of her costars from the 2004 version.

Selena Gomez Playing Linda Ronstadt ... Queen of Country-Rock Signs Off!!!

Selena Gomez is heading to the big screen to play one of the biggest music icons ever in Linda Ronstadt. -- with a personal sign-off from the legend herself ... TMZ has learned.

The speculation got kicked into high gear Wednesday after SG posted a photo of herself reading Linda's 2013 memoir, 'Simple Dreams' ... without much context or anything at all. That was enough to get folks to wonder if they were collaborating, or if Selena was teasing a future acting gig. Mind you, this was around the same time she said she was taking another break from social media.

Anyway, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Selena has, in fact, been tapped to portray Linda in a forthcoming biopic -- although, we're told it's in the very early stages ... and the rest of the deets about other cast members and a studio being attached are hazy.

With that said ... what we do know is that Linda personally approved of Selena herself, and we're told she's happy that SG is attached to the project -- feeling like she's the perfect fit. In fact, our sources say Selena actually met with Linda a couple months ago at her home where they spoke privately.

We're told Linda and her team are directly tied to the production -- so they'll oversee this ... with our sources noting the plot will revolve around her book ... which was optioned.

Of course, people are losing their minds about this news for a couple different reasons -- one, Selena certainly feels like great casting for something like this ... 'cause she does have a passing resemblance to Linda. Plus, they're both of Mexican descent -- so there's that.

Naturally, there's also the singing element -- Linda's got a unique, robust voice ... and Selena is obviously a trained professional singer herself. So technically, she can pull this off.


With Selena's casting, ya gotta figure this is gonna be a splashy film with some major talent ... and with biopics like this in the recent past -- there may even be awards buzz around it.

We've reached out to Selena's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Bhad Bhabie Sellin' Smoke ... In 1st Film Role!!!

Life's coming fast for Danielle Bregoli AKA Bhad Bhabie -- she's about ready to pop with her first child and also unveiled her very first movie role to kick off 2024!!!

The upcoming film "Drugstore June" rolled out its official trailer on Wednesday, which billed BB under her real name and joined an ensemble cast.

The film reunites BB with her longtime director Nicholaus Goossen, who primed her for the bigtime shooting a bunch of her star-studded videos in the past ... including "Gucci Flip Flops" with David Spade and "Trust Me" with Bella Thorne, Theo Von and Ty Dolla $ign.

Danielle plays a girl who works at a smoke shop and the cast is rounded out by Bill Burr, Beverly D’Angelo, Esther Povitsky, Miranda Cosgrove, Haley Joel Osment and many more.

Danielle's long removed from being the "Cash Me Ousside" girl ... platinum plaques, a movie career and motherhood and she's not even old enough to legally drink yet!!!

Selena Gomez Interpretará a Linda Ronstadt... La reina del country-rock la aprueba!!!

Selena Gomez se dirige a la gran pantalla para interpretar a uno de los mayores iconos de la música, Linda Ronstadt, y con la venia de la propia leyenda ... TMZ ha averiguado.

La especulación se puso en marcha el miércoles después de que Selena Gomez publicara una foto de ella leyendo las memorias de Linda de 2013, 'Simple Dreams', sin mucho contexto. Eso fue suficiente para que la gente se preguntara si estaban colaborando, o si Selena estaba bromeando con una futura actuación. Eso sí, esto fue alrededor del mismo tiempo en el que dijo que estaba tomando un descanso de las redes.

De todos modos, fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Selena, de hecho, ha sido elegida para retratar a Linda en una próxima película biográfica. Aunque nos dicen que está en las primeras etapas y que son confusos los detalles sobre el elenco y el estudio

Dicho esto, lo que sí sabemos es que Linda aprobó personalmente a Selena y nos dicen que está feliz de que la actriz y cantante esté unida al proyecto. Siente que ella es la persona perfecta. De hecho, nuestras fuentes dicen que Selena se reunió con Linda hace un par de meses en su casa donde hablaron en privado.

Nos dicen que Linda y su equipo están directamente vinculadas a la producción, por lo que ellos supervisarán. Nuestras fuentes señalan que la trama girará en torno a su libro.

Por supuesto, la gente está perdiendo la cabeza con esta noticia por un par de razones diferentes. Una, Selena sin duda se siente como una gran elección para algo como esto, porque tiene un parecido con Linda. Además, ambos son de ascendencia mexicana, así que...

Naturalmente, también está el elemento del canto. Linda tiene una voz única, robusta y Selena es, obviamente, una cantante profesional. Así que, técnicamente, puede conseguirlo.

Con el casting de Selena, pueden imaginarse que esta va a ser una gran película y con biopics como esta en el pasado, puede haber rumores de premios en torno a ella.

Contactamos al equipo de Selena para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Danielle Bregoli consigue su primer papel en la película "Drugstore June"

Danielle Bregoli, también conocida como Bhad Bhabie, está a punto de dar a luz a su primer hijo y también ha revelado su primer papel en una película para el año 2024.

"Drugstore June" presentó su tráiler oficial el miércoles, en el que Bhad aparece con su nombre real y se une a un elenco de actores.

La película reúne a la cantante con su director de toda la vida —Nicholaus Goossen—, que la preparó para el gran momento de rodaje durante un montón de sus videos llenos de estrellas en el pasado, trabajos como "Gucci Flip Flops" con David Spade y "Trust Me" con Bella Thorne, Theo Von y Ty Dolla $ign.

Danielle interpreta a una chica que trabaja en un fumadero y el reparto lo completan Bill Burr, Beverly D'Angelo, Esther Povitsky, Miranda Cosgrove, Haley Joel Osment y muchos más.

Danielle hace tiempo que dejó de ser la chica de "Cash Me Ousside", ahora tiene placas de platino, carrera cinematográfica y va a ser madre ¡y aún no tiene edad para beber legalmente!

Jonathan Majors defiende el uso del nombre de Coretta Scott King en medio de las polémicas

Jonathan Majors está explicando por qué sigue trayendo el nombre de Coretta Scott King a sus relaciones, diciéndonos que la viuda de Martin Luther King es una inspiración.

El actor invocó el nombre de Coretta en su primera entrevista desde que fue declarado culpable de asalto y acoso, provocando la ira de Coretta y la hija de Martin Luther King y ahora está respondiendo.

Jonathan le dice a TMZ: "Mi intención era transmitir mi máximo respeto por Coretta Scott King, sus logros, y tanto su legado personal como el que comparte con su marido, el Dr. Martin Luther King".

En su entrevista con ABC, Jonathan elogió a su novia Meagan Good por permanecer a su lado: "Ella es un ángel, me ha sostenido como Coretta lo hizo alguna vez con su marido. Estoy tan bendecido de tenerla".

Como informamos, la Doctora Bernice King aparentemente llamó a Jonathan en línea después de la entrevista al aire, publicando: "Mi madre no era un accesorio".

Ahora, Jonathan nos dice que Coretta "es una gran mujer, una figura muy importante en la historia americana y mundial, y alguien que tanto Meagan como yo estamos inspirados y admiramos profundamente".

El juicio de Jonathan también incluyó clips de audio en los que le dice a su ex novia —Grace Jabbari— que sea más como Coretta y Michelle Obama. Jabbari es la mujer que lo condena por agredirla y acosarla.

¡siguiendo el ejemplo!

Parece que Jonathan respeta a Coretta profundamente, sin embargo, no está claro cómo se va a sentir su familia al respecto.

Jonathan Majors Defends Using Coretta's Name ... Utmost Respect For Her!!!

Jonathan Majors is explaining why he keeps bringing Coretta Scott King's name into his relationships ... telling us Martin Luther King's widow is an inspiration.

The actor invoked Coretta's name in his first sit-down interview since being found guilty of assault and harassment, drawing the ire of Coretta and MLK's daughter ... and now he's responding to pushback.

Jonathan tells TMZ ... "My intention was to convey my utmost respect for Coretta Scott King, her achievements, and both her personal legacy and the one she shares with her husband, Dr. Martin Luther King."

In his ABC interview, Jonathan praised girlfriend Meagan Good for sticking by his side ... saying, "She's an angel ... she's held me down like a Coretta. I'm so blessed to have her."

As we reported ... Dr. Bernice King seemingly called out Jonathan online after the interview aired, posting ... "My mother wasn't a prop."

Now, Jonathan tells us Coretta "is a great woman, a very important figure in American and world history, and someone both Meagan and I are inspired by and deeply admire."

Jonathan's trial also included audio clips where he's telling his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari to be more like Coretta and Michelle Obama. Jabbari's the woman he was convicted of assaulting and harassing.


Sounds like Jonathan's might just keep Coretta's name in his mouth ... 'cause he deeply respects her. Unclear how her kin are going to feel about that, though.

'CADDYSHACK' & 'TRON' STAR 911 Call Before Cindy Morgan Found Dead ... Roomie Smells 'Bad Stench'


Cindy Morgan's roommate noticed a bad odor and stench coming from the actress' room before growing so concerned, she called 911 ... leading to the discovery of Cindy's body.

TMZ obtained dispatch audio related to Cindy's death last month in Florida, and you hear her roommate listing all the reasons something seemed off with the "Caddyshack" actress.

The roommate told dispatchers she hadn't seen or heard from Cindy in days, there were foul smells coming from the room and the only responses to repeated knocks on the locked door were from Cindy's pets.


TMZ broke the story ... Cindy was found dead inside her room in a Lake Worth Beach house on Dec. 30 after her concerned roommate called police.

An investigation is underway, and while foul play is NOT suspected ... the cause of death remains unclear.

Cindy's best remembered for playing Lacey Underall in the famous 1980 comedy "Caddyshack" alongside Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and Rodney Dangerfield ... portraying the country club owner's hot niece who captures the attention of pretty much every male character.

Morgan also starred in "Tron" among her 37 acting credits. She was 69.