Gary Oldman Craps on 'Harry Potter' Role ... I'd Probs Do It Differently

Josh Horowitz

Gary Oldman is considered one of the greatest living actors alive today -- but if you take his own review of his work, it's all pretty trash ... especially as it pertains to 'Harry Potter.'

The Academy Award-winning thespian -- who's range knows no limits -- recently got candid on the 'Happy Sad Confused' podcast over how he feels about some the roles he's taken over the years, including Sirius Black in the 'HP' film series.

He played Black for a total of 4 films ... but as he looks back now, GO says he thinks his acting was actually "mediocre" -- and when the host scoffed, Gary freaking doubled down!

The reasoning behind this apparently lies in the fact that he didn't know his character was going to be killed off. As Gare explains here, he didn't read ahead in the books -- the way the late Alan Rickman did -- and says he would've played Black differently if he'd known.

Still, he goes on to say that he often criticizes his past roles -- and while a lot of people try and give him praise ... Gary apparently doesn't get all the hype. Indeed, very harsh.

FWIW, you're a great actor, Mr. Oldman ... whether you like it or not!!!

El actor británico Tom Wilkinson Muere a los 75 'Full Monty,' 'Clayton,' Etc.

Tom Wilkinson, uno de los actores británicos más conocidos de los últimos tiempos, ha fallecido.

Sus seres queridos dieron la noticia a la BBC el sábado, con un comunicado de la familia que decía: "Es con gran tristeza que la familia de Tom Wilkinson anuncia que este murió repentinamente en su casa el 30 de diciembre. Su mujer y su familia estaban con él".

Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte no quedaron claras inmediatamente, ya que no se dieron más detalles. En cualquier caso, es un duro golpe para la comunidad cinematográfica, en la que era muy querido.

A Wilkinson se le recordará sobre todo por su papel de Gerald en "The Full Monty", una popular comedia de los 90 sobre un grupo de hombres de mediana edad que abría un local de striptease solo para hombres. Pero lo cierto es que Wilkinson participó en muchas otras películas igual de buenas a lo largo de los años.

Interpretó a Arthur Edens junto a George Clooney en "Michael Clayton", así como a Matt Fowler en "In the Bedroom" de 2001, y al autor en "The Grand Budapest Hotel" de Wes Anderson.

Wilkinson protagonizó otras innumerables películas a lo largo de los años, incluyendo "Batman Begins", "Shakespeare in Love", "Rush Hour", "Wilde", "El fantasma y la oscuridad", "El patriota", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Valkyrie", "Mission: Imposible - Protocolo Fantasma", "El Llanero Solitario", "Selma", "Snowden", "El Titán", "El Samaritano"... y muchas, muchas más.

En total, tenía 129 créditos como actor y 2 proyectos en espera. Uno ya estaba en postproducción, por lo que presumiblemente será su último papel antes de morir. Wilkinson tenía 75 años.

Que en paz descanse.

British Actor Tom Wilkinson Dead at 75 ... 'Full Monty,' 'Clayton,' Etc.

Tom Wilkinson -- one of the most recognizable British actors in recent memory -- has died.

His loved ones broke the news to the BBC Saturday, with a statement from the family reading, "It is with great sadness that the family of Tom Wilkinson announce that he died suddenly at home on December 30. His wife and family were with him."

The exact circumstances of his death weren't immediately clear, as no further details were provided. In any case, it's a huge blow to the film community, in which he was beloved.

Wilkinson will likely best be remembered for his role as Gerald in "The Full Monty" -- a popular '90s comedy about a bunch of middle-aged men starting an all-male strip joint. Fact is, though ... he'd been in plenty of other films over the years that were equally as great.

He played Arthur Edens opposite George Clooney in "Michael Clayton," as well as Matt Fowler in 2001's "In the Bedroom" ... plus, the author in Wes Anderson's "The Grand Budapest Hotel."

Wilkinson starred in countless other films over the years, including ... "Batman Begins," "Shakespeare in Love," "Rush Hour," "Wilde," "The Ghost and the Darkness," "The Patriot," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," "Valkyrie," "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," "The Lone Ranger," "Selma," "Snowden," "The Titan," "The Samaritan" ... and many, many more.

All told, he had 129 acting credits to his name ... and 2 projects on standby, with one already in post-production -- presumably his last role before he died. Wilkinson was 75.


Jeremy Renner I Came Back to Thank You!!! One Year After Near-Fatal Snowplow Accident

Jeremy Renner marked a near-fatal anniversary with a return trip to the hospital and medical staff that saved his life.

Jeremy showed up Friday at the Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno ... nearly a year to the day after he was crushed by a snowplow. As you know, Jeremy actually jumped on the runaway plow to stop it, fearing it would run over his nephew. Jeremy fell off and was run over himself.

The 52-year-old actor thanked the doctors, nurses and others who cared for him ... taking photos and shaking lots of hands.

Renner also showed up at the local fire dept. to thank some of the first responders who rescued him.

Jeremy's injuries were gruesome ... more than 30 broken bones, a punctured liver, and one of his eyes popped out of his skill. Just horrific.


His recovery has been remarkable, and at least from the outside, Jeremy appears to be back to his normal self.


An anniversary to celebrate, for sure.

Mark Wahlberg, Rhea Durham Fit to Be Admired!!!

Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham are living proof ... fitness is not a young person's game.

Not that they're old, but their bodies simply defy age ... paste the heads of a couple 20 year olds over them and you'd never know Mark is 52 and Rhea is 45.

Mark and Rhea have been vacationing in Barbados, along with tons of other celebs.

They have 4 kids together, who came along for the vacay.

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Rhea joked about the brood they brought along ... "What do 4 teenagers,1 college kid and one family friend have in common? A free vacation."

They know how to live, that's for sure.

'Concussion' Dr. Bennet Omalu On Elijah Moore's Injury ... 'He Should Retire'


If Dr. Bennet Omalu -- the inspiration for the famous Will Smith "Concussion" movie -- were advising Elijah Moore following his scary head injury on Thursday night ... he says he'd tell the Browns wideout to retire.

"That is my recommendation," the famed neuropathologist tells TMZ Sports.

Moore was hurt in the second quarter of Cleveland's win over the Jets on "Thursday Night Football" -- and the scene was horrifying.

The 23-year-old's face slammed into the turf ... and after he appeared to lose consciousness, he convulsed on the ground several times.

Moore did not finish the game and stayed the night at a local hospital -- and Omalu says if he had things his way, it'd be the last time Moore ever sees an NFL field again.

"He was having a seizure," Omalu said Friday. "A seizure is a manifestation of brain damage, brain injury."

"That is permanent damage."

There currently is no timetable for a return for Moore -- he's been placed in the NFL's concussion protocol while he remains at home recovering.

Omalu tells us if Moore doesn't retire -- he'd at least urge the receiver to sit out the rest of this season ... even if that means missing Cleveland's upcoming playoff run.

"Given what I saw in that video, he should be benched for rest of the season," Omalu said. "For at least three months."

Moore has been one of the Browns' best players in 2023 -- logging 59 catches for 640 yards and two TDs in 16 games played.

'Parasite' Star Lee Sun-kyun Wife Breaks Down at Funeral

The death of "Parasite" star Lee Sun-kyun is hitting his family and friends hard as they lay the South Korean actor to rest.

Lee's funeral was held Friday in Seoul, where a large congregation followed as his coffin was placed in the hearse. His wife broke down in tears during the ceremony and the procession.

As we reported, Lee was found dead in his car Wednesday ... after an apparent suicide -- and his attorney says he'd been under an intense police investigation for a drug blackmail plot. He claimed he'd been tricked into smoking marijuana, and then extorted by the man and woman who allegedly tricked him.

Detectives in the Seoul suburb of Incheon had questioned him last week after detaining the actor for 19 hours. His attorney says Lee begged police not to go public with the investigation.

Lee was best known in America for his role as the father in the Oscar-winning film "Parasite."

The 2 suspects in the plot were arrested the day before Lee was found dead.

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Lee Sun-kyun de "Parásito" Su esposa se derrumba en el funeral

La muerte de la estrella de "Parásito" Lee Sun-kyun está golpeando duramente a su familia y amigos mientras el actor surcoreano es velado.

El funeral de Lee se celebró el viernes en Seúl y reunió a una gran congregación que siguió su ataúd mientras avanzaba en el coche fúnebre. Su esposa rompió en llanto durante la ceremonia y la procesión.

Como informamos, Lee fue encontrado sin vida en su carro el miércoles, después de un aparente suicidio, y su abogado dice que había estado bajo una intensa investigación policial por una trama de chantaje de drogas. Afirmó que había sido engañado para fumar marihuana y luego extorsionado por el hombre y la mujer que supuestamente lo engañó.

Los detectives del suburbio de Incheon, en Seúl, lo habían interrogado la semana pasada tras haber detenido al actor por 19 horas. Su abogado dice que Lee le rogó a la policía que no hiciera pública la investigación.

Lee era conocido en Estados Unidos por su papel de padre en la película ganadora del Oscar "Parásito".

Los dos sospechosos de la trama fueron detenidos el día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto.

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El marido de Gypsy Rose Blanchard la recoge de la cárcel con un equipo de cámaras

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ya no está tras las rejas y TMZ tiene el primer vistazo a su recogida de la cárcel. Se puede ver su marido con un equipo de cámaras documentando todos sus movimientos.

La famosa delincuente fue puesta en libertad condicional el jueves temprano, y cuando salió del Centro Correccional en Chillicothe, fue recibida por su marido, Ryan Scott Anderson.

Gypsy quería mantener a los medios de comunicación alejados de la prisión y se marchó en un carro, pero no rehúye a la cámara de Ryan. Después de todo, ella es el tema de un próximo documental de Lifetime.

Ryan, un profesor de Louisiana que se casó con Gypsy en la cárcel el año pasado, capturó a su esposa gozando de su libertad luego de pasar siete años tras rejas y luego él y el fotógrafo volvieron al hotel unas horas más tarde, sin Gypsy.

Como te dijimos por primera vez, la liberación de Gypsy era supersecreta, a los medios de comunicación y a los fans no se les permitió en las instalaciones y el estacionamiento estaba fuera de los límites también.

Sin embargo, Ryan y su fotógrafo tenían el ticket de oro, su carro se destacó en el estacionamiento vacío, y no solo por la matrícula personalizada "Hitman", un homenaje al famoso luchador de la WWE.

La vuelta a casa de Gypsy ha sido muy esperada, recordemos fue condenada a una década entre rejas en 2016 al ser declarada culpable del asesinato de su madre, Dee Dee Blanchard, quien fue acusada de obligar a Gypsy a fingir ser discapacitada durante años.

El entonces novio de Gypsy, Nick Godejohn, admitió haber asesinado a Dee Dee en 2015 para ayudar a Gypsy a escapar de las garras de su madre y todavía está cumpliendo cadena perpetua.

Como hemos informado, a Gypsy se concedió la libertad condicional en septiembre y su liberación del jueves llega tres años antes de su fecha de liberación original.

El caso de Gypsy capturó la atención de la nación y dio lugar a un documentalnb de HBO y una serie de Hulu, aunque su historia será contada ahora en sus propias palabras gracias al nuevo documental de tres partes, "Las confesiones de prisión de Gypsy Rose Blanchard". Por eso el equipo de cámara en esta oportunidad.

El documental, que se estrenará a principios de 2024, relatará la boda de Gypsy y Ryan en la cárcel, mientras que también destacará los primeros días de su vida post-prisión, ¡incluyendo un viaje para ver a los Kansas City Chiefs de la NFL con la esperanza de conocer a Taylor Swift!


Gypsy Rose Blanchard is no longer behind bars and TMZ has the first look at her prison pickup ... featuring her husband and a camera crew documenting her every move.

The famous felon was freed on parole early Thursday, and when she departed Chillicothe Correctional Center in Chillicothe, MO she was greeted by a familiar face ... her hubby, Ryan Scott Anderson.

Gypsy wanted to keep media away from the prison, and she left in a car ... but she's not shying away from Ryan's camera guy. After all, she's the subject of an upcoming Lifetime doc.

Ryan, a teacher from Louisiana who married Gypsy in prison last year, captured his wife's first taste of freedom after her 7 years behind bars ... and then he and the photog went back to their hotel a few hours later, without Gypsy.

As we first told you, Gypsy's release was super secretive ... media and fans weren't allowed on the premises, and the parking lot was off limits too.

Ryan and his photog had the golden ticket though ... his car stood out in the empty parking lot, and not just because of the personalized 'Hitman' license plate -- a tribute to the famous WWE wrestler.


Gypsy's homecoming has been eagerly anticipated ... remember, she was was sentenced to a decade behind bars back in 2016 being convicted in the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard -- who was accused of forcing Gypsy to pretend to be disabled for years.

Gypsy's then-boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, admitted to murdering Dee Dee in 2015 to help GRB escape her mother's clutches -- and he's still serving a life sentence.

As we reported ... Gypsy was granted parole in September, and her release on Thursday comes 3 years before her original release date.

Gypsy's case captured the nation's attention and spawned an HBO doc and a Hulu series ... though her story will now be told in her own words thanks to the new 3-part doc, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard." Hence the camera crew here.

Set to debut in early 2024, the doc will chronicle Gypsy and Ryan's prison wedding ... while also highlighting the early days of her post-prison life ... including a trip to see the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs in hopes of meeting Taylor Swift!

Dwayne Johnson sigue diciendo que es la primera vez que prueba In-N-Out pero se equivoca

Dwayne Johnson NO es el virgen de In-N-Out Burger que dice ser.

"The Rock" publicó un divertido video a principios de esta semana afirmando que estaba probando In-N-Out Burger por primera vez. El clip generó mucha atención y resultó ser buena publicidad para la cadena.

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Mientras disfrutamos de la producción de Dwayne y su entusiasmo por las hamburguesas In-N-Out, las patatas fritas, el proceso de drive-thru sin problemas y sus amables empleados, nos dimos cuenta de que ha hecho esto mismo antes.

De hecho, esta es la TERCERA vez que Dwayne menciona ir a In-N-Out por primera vez.

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Curiosamente, Dwayne publicó un video en Instagram en agosto de 2022 documentando una comida de In-N-Out Double-Doubles, patatas fritas y su propia marca de tequila.

Por supuesto, Dwayne mezcló tequilas reposado y blanco en el mismo vaso para lavar su In-N-Out el año pasado, así que tal vez se olvidó de todo el asunto.

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Pero luego está el hecho de que The Rock también publicó sobre su "primera" experiencia en In-N-Out en 2017, esa vez fue solo una selfie con un par de empleados de In-N-Out en la ventanilla de autoservicio.

En su publicación de febrero de 2017, Dwayne añadió un largo pie de foto explicando que su esposa y su hija querían In-N-Out. También prometió "destruir múltiples hamburguesas" si su película "Moana" ganaba un Oscar unos días después... bueno, la película no lo consiguió.

Así que Dwayne ha estado en In-N-Out y ha probado la comida antes de afirmar esta semana que estaba teniendo su "primera experiencia" en la popular cadena.

Anthony Bourdain dijo una vez que conseguiría más likes en las publicaciones de IG sobre In-N-Out que en las fotos con grandes celebridades y parece que Dwayne también quiere algo de eso.

Todo eso está muy bien, pero recuerden amigos, no hay que mentir para triunfar.

Dwayne Johnson It's My First Time Trying In-N-Out ... Um No, He's Been Before!!!

Dwayne Johnson is NOT the In-N-Out Burger virgin he claims to be.

"The Rock" posted a fun video earlier this week claiming he was trying In-N-Out Burger for the first time ... leading to a lot of attention, headlines and pats on the back.

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While we enjoyed Dwayne's production and his zest for In-N-Out hamburgers, fries, the smooth drive-thru process and their friendly employees ... we noticed he's done this same thing before.

In fact, this is the THIRD time Dwayne's mentioned going to In-N-Out for the first time.

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Funnily enough, Dwayne posted a video on Instagram in August 2022 documenting a cheat meal of In-N-Out Double-Doubles, fries and his own brand of tequila.

Of course, Dwayne mixed reposado and blanco tequilas in the same glass to wash down his In-N-Out last year ... so maybe he forgot about the whole thing.

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But then there's the fact The Rock also posted about his "first" In-N-Out experience back in 2017 ... that time it was just a selfie with a couple In-N-Out employees at the drive-thru window.

In his February 2017 post, Dwayne added a long caption explaining his wife and daughter wanted In-N-Out. He also promised to "destroy multiple burgers" should his "Moana" movie win an Oscar a few days later ... well, the movie came up empty.

So, Dwayne's at least been to In-N-Out and tried the food before claiming this week he was having his "first ever" experience at the popular chain.

Anthony Bourdain once said he would get more likes on IG posts about In-N-Out than pics with huge celebs ... and it seems Dwayne's wanting some of that engagement too.


That's all well and good, but remember folks ... you don't have to lie to kick it.

Jennifer López Tonificada y bronceada en San Bartolomé

Jennifer López subió la temperatura de la isla San Bartolomé, paseando por la playa y su arena blanca en un pequeñísimo bikini blanco.

La multi talentosa estrella desfiló su tonificado cuerpo, mientras disfrutraba de algunos rayos de sol, completando su look de vacaciones con un gran sombrero de paja, gafas de sol y una toalla de color rosa envuelta alrededor de sus caderas.

Con los auriculares conectados, J Lo estaba en modo descanso y vacaciones completamente, aprovechando al máximo su escapada festiva hacia el Caribe después de un año muy ocupado.

Las cosas se pondrán de nuevo en marcha en el Año Nuevo para Jen, especialmente con el lanzamiento en febrero de su nuevo documental, "This Is Me ... Now".

La película se centrará en su reavivado romance con Ben Affleck y su boda de 2022, así que parece que la pareja comenzará su camino promocional pronto.

Por ahora, J Lo está recargando energías en una isla paradisíaca y nos bendice con algunas hermosas y calientes fotos.


Jennifer Lopez brought some serious heat to St. Barts ... strolling down the sandy white beach in a teeny white bikini top.

The multi-talented star paraded her toned bod while catching some rays ... completing the vacation look in a large straw hat, shades, and a pink towel wrapped around her hips.

With headphones plugged in, J Lo was in complete R&R mode ... clearly making the most of her festive Caribbean getaway following a busy year.

Things will kick off again in the New Year for Jen -- especially with the February release of her new doc, "This Is Me ... Now."

The film will focus on her rekindled romance with Ben Affleck and their 2022 nuptials ... so looks like the husband/wife duo will be hot on the promo trail soon.

For now, J Lo is recharging in an island paradise ... and blessing us with some hot shots.

Actor de Parásito Lee Sun-Kyun Le rogó a la policía que no revelara su investigación sobre drogas ... Días antes de su muerte

La estrella de "Parásito", Lee Sun-kyun, le había suplicado a la policía que no anunciara públicamente que estaba siendo investigado por consumir drogas ilegales, solo cuatro días antes de su aparente suicidio.

Funcionarios de la policía confirmaron el jueves que el abogado de Sun-kyun le pidió a los policías que cerraran la última ronda de preguntas de la prensa el sábado, pero se negaron.

Un día antes de que se encontrara el cuerpo de Sun-kyun, su abogado añadió que el actor esperaba que cualquier interrogatorio futuro se realizara en privado, ya que estaba agobiado de hablar de las acusaciones en público, pues la cobertura mediática había sido intensa.

Aunque el jefe de la policía metropolitana de Incheon, Kim Hui-jung, expresó su profundo pesar por el fallecimiento de Sun-kyun, se mantuvo firme respecto a la línea de interrogatorio, añadiendo que se había hecho con su consentimiento.

Como ya informamos, el actor surcoreano fue encontrado sin vida, a los 48 años, en su carro el miércoles en la capital, Seúl. Esto, después de que su representante denunciara su desaparición a la policía.

Estaba siendo investigado por una trama de chantaje con drogas. Estaba acusado de consumir marihuana y otras sustancias en casa de una azafata de un bar local, aunque él decía que ella lo había engañado para que consumiera las drogas e intentó chantajearlo.

Fue interrogado por última vez por la policía el 23 de diciembre y fue detenido durante 19 horas antes de ser puesto en libertad.

Dos sospechosos, un hombre y una mujer, fueron detenidos en relación con la investigación de narcóticos y un día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto, pidió a través de su abogado que la policía le hiciera una prueba del detector de mentiras a él y a los otros dos.

No está claro si se les hizo la prueba del polígrafo o no.


'Parasite' star Lee Sun-kyun had begged police not to publicly announce he was under investigation for using illegal drugs ... 4 days before his apparent suicide.

Police officials confirmed Thursday that Sun-kyun's lawyer requested cops to close the latest questioning round to the press on Saturday ... but they declined.

A day before Sun-kyun's body was found, his lawyer added the actor was hopeful any future interrogation would be in private ... explaining he felt burdened discussing the allegations in a public setting as the media coverage had been intense.

While the Incheon Metropolitan Police Chief, Kim Hui-jung, expressed deep regret over Sun-kyun's passing ... he stuck by their tough line of questioning -- adding it had been done with his consent.

As we reported, the South Korean actor was found dead, aged 48, in his car Wednesday in the capital city of Seoul ... after his manager reported him missing to the police.

He was under investigation for a drug blackmail plot ... accused of using marijuana and other substances at the home of a hostess from the local bar -- though he claimed she deceived him into taking the drugs and tried to blackmail him.

He was last questioned by police on Dec 23 ... and was detained for 19 hours before being released.

Two suspects – a man and a woman – were arrested in connection with the narcotics investigation ... and a day before Lee was found dead, he requested through his attorney that police administer a lie detector test to him and the two others.

It's not clear if they were given the polygraph exam.

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