Fantasia 'I'm Here' Belting It Out at Table Read ... For 'The Color Purple' Movie

all out

Fantasia Barrino doesn't do anything half-ass, evident in the fact that she was singing her heart out during a table read for her new film ... just imagine how the real thing sounds.

The "American Idol" alum is part of the star-studded cast for "The Color Purple" -- which just got released into theaters today ... and which is stirring up a lot of Oscar buzz, not to mention a ton of praise for the musical performances -- including one from Fantasia.

She handles one big number in there, in particular, called "I'm Here" ... and on Sunday, her costar Colman Domingo posted a video from their final table read as a cast last year.

Check it out ... it's pretty incredible to see. Fantasia is fully in character as Celie, and she's belting out this song with everything she's got -- which makes for an awesome showcasing of her talent. You can tell the other actors were impressed, encouraging her along the way.

Fantasia has sung this song before ... as she played this exact role for the Broadway version of 'TCP' -- and now, she'll be doing it for the big screen -- which is pretty exciting to see.

The reviews for this film are pretty stellar, and it should make a splash at the box office.

Mind you, this version of "The Color Purple" is a full-blown musical ... so we're sure to see/hear a lot more performances like this one -- and the early word is, 'TCP' is a frontrunner for Best Picture at next year's Oscars ceremony since it's so freaking good.

Now, if only these leading ladies could earn what they're worth ... that would be GREAT!!!

'Steamboat Willie' Mickey Entering Public Domain Soon ... 100% Probs Getting Ruined

Mickey Mouse is entering the public domain for the first time ever -- well, a version of him anyway -- and just like Winnie the Pooh's been desecrated ... so too is MM sure to follow.

Disney is losing its copyright over the original iteration of their prized cartoon character -- plus OG Minnie -- which was first depicted in 1928's "Steamboat Willie" ... directed by none other than Walt himself. Starting Jan. 1 ... they'll be up for grabs to just about anyone.

That was the first time Mickey had ever been onscreen, and that black-and-white form of Mickey served as the archetype template for all the other modern Mickeys we've seen since.

The Mouse House has had a tight grip on the rights to this old Mickey for years now -- and they even lobbied Congress to extend their exclusive hold for just a tad bit longer back in 2004 ... which lawmakers granted at the time. Their time is up now, though, at 95 years.

The original version of Winnie the Pooh (from the storybook) also got released to the public a couple years ago ... and we've seen what's happened to the beloved IP in the aftermath.

There was the famous slasher horror flick, 'Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,' that got released -- which saw the old bear reimagined as a psycho mass-murdering killer -- and other twisted takes on the story as well ... and something tells us Mickey might be next.

Funny enough, the filmmakers who did 'Blood and Honey' said they actually wouldn't touch Mickey and make him go evil -- but ya gotta imagine someone else will, and probably ASAP.

The more familiar versions of Mickey we all know are safe for quite a bit longer -- but all these black-and-white ones are about to unleashed into the masses. Buckle up, y'all.

'One Life to Live' Soap Star Kamar de los Reyes Dead at 56 ... After Private Cancer Battle

Kamar de los Reyes -- a longtime soap opera star -- has died, according to his family.

A spokesperson broke the news to THR Sunday, saying the actor passed away Saturday night in L.A. after a brief battle with cancer. Unclear what sort of cancer he might've been battling, or when he was diagnosed -- but it sounds like it was kept fairly private.

While de los Reyes will perhaps best remembered for his role as Antonio Vega on "One Life to Live" -- on which he was featured in 287 episodes -- video game fans probably recognize him too ... as he voiced villain Raul Menendez in the "Call of Duty" series.

He voiced Menendez -- a main and recurring character -- for a total of 4 'COD' installments ... including the famed 'Black Ops II,' where he debuted as the big bad for years to come.

de los Reyes had an impressive résumé outside of that as well. In addition to his work on 'OLTL' and 'COD' -- he had also memorably starred in shows like "Sleepy Hollow," "All American," "The Rookie," "Reed Between the Lines, "Promised Land," "Four Corners," "Valley of the Dolls," "ER" ... as well as guest starring on "Law & Order," "CSI," "The Mentalist" and more.

He had also been in a handful of films ... like "Nixon," "In Search of a Dream," "The Cell," "Cayo," "Salt," "LA Apocalypse," "Amelia 2.0," "Hot Guys with Guns" as well as others.

de los Reyes is survived by his wife, Sherri Saum, their children and other family. He was 56.


Chevy Chase Internet Sleuths Speculate On Clark's Bonus in 'Xmas Vacation'

We recently learned Kevin McCallister was, in fact, loaded in 'Home Alone' -- and now, the Internet has its sights set on Clark Griswold ... and that mysterious bonus check.

A Reddit thread that was recently started dives deep into the question of what sorta dough Chevy Chase's character in 'Christmas Vacation' was expecting, what he ended up getting, and what the hell he even did for work ... which is all left unanswered in the film.

It's not nearly as sophisticated or scientific as the NYT piece that broke down the 'Home Alone' finances, but it's interesting ... 'cause a lot of folks seem to have good guesses.

Based on clues dropped in the movie, one user -- who kinda takes the lead on all the sleuthing here -- suggests Clark was some sort of chemical engineer at a cereal company ... and that his salary at the time likely landed in the ballpark of about $75k-$80k in 1989.

If that's true, these online accountants figure Sparky might've been anticipating a fairly high bonus of about 20%-25% ... do the math, and that's likely a bonus of about $20k or so.

He also mentioned putting down a $7,500 deposit for it already, and hoping the check would cover the rest -- and based on some historical data ... people say the number checks out for pool construction in the late '80s. Clark was hoping for (but didn't get) a five-figure bonus.

Of course, that's not exactly how things worked out -- at first, anyway -- in the holiday classic. Clark gets stiffed by his boss, and his cousin Eddie kidnaps the guy to force him to pony up. In the end, the CEO of the company does give out the bonus -- plus an extra 20%.

In the end, the Internet suspects Clark walked away with about $24k in the end ... more than enough to install the pool and pay for it in full. Not bad for the bungling Griswolds!

As it turns out ... all our fave Christmas movie characters were pretty well-to-do in the 20th century. Something tells us they'd be hurting in 2023 though -- these gifts are expensive!

Duro De Matar es una película navideña, según un historiador de cine

sentando el debate

Los cinéfilos han debatido durante años si "Duro De Matar" es una película navideña o no, pero ahora un experto en la materia lo aclara de una vez por todas... y dice que sí.

Jake Tapper, de la CNN, presentó al historiador de cine y autor Jeremy Arnold en su programa el otro día, y estaban allí para discutir su nuevo libro, "Christmas in the Movies" y, finalmente, Jake se refirió a la vieja pregunta: ¿es "Duro de Matar" realmente un clásico navideño?

Según Arnold, sí que lo es... pero también explica que la razón por la que algunos creen que no lo es tiene que ver con cómo se definen las películas navideñas, tradicionalmente hablando.

A pesar de ello, Arnold argumenta que "Duro De Matar" tiene todos los ingredientes de una película navideña desde el principio, empezando por el hecho de que John McClain de Bruce Willis intenta reconciliarse con su esposa, de la que está separado, y que acaba siendo el telón de fondo de todo lo que viene después.

Tapper está de acuerdo, y señala más pruebas de que la cinta suena indudablemente a Navidad, a pesar de ser obviamente una película de acción. De hecho, señala el clímax para demostrar su punto de vista. Alerta de spoiler... utiliza regalos para matar al terrorista malo, Hans.

Todo esto para decir que "Duro De Matar" tiene todos los adornos de la Navidad, aunque incrustados en un montón de violencia y frases estilosas a través de un walkie-talkie. Por supuesto, algunos todavía piensan de manera diferente.

Como el propio Bruce dijo, ahora tengo una ametralladora... ho, ho, ho!

'Die Hard' Debate 🎥 Historian Weighs In Says It Is a Xmas Movie, After All!!!


Film buffs have debated whether 'Die Hard' is a Christmas movie or not for years -- but now, a guy who's very familiar with the art is settling it once and for all ... and he says, yea.

CNN's Jake Tapper featured film historian and author Jeremy Arnold on his show the other day, and they were there to discuss his new book -- 'Christmas in the Movies' -- and eventually JT landed on the age-old question ... is 'DH' actually a holiday classic???

According to Arnold, it absolutely is ... but he also explains that the reason some feel it isn't has to do with how they define Xmas movies, traditionally speaking.

Despite that, though, Arnold argues 'Die Hard' has all the tenets of a Christmas movie from the jump -- starting with the fact that Bruce Willis' John McClain is attempting to reconcile with his estranged wife ... that ends up being the backdrop of everything else that follows.

Tapper agrees, and he points to more evidence that 'DH' undoubtedly rings of Xmas throughout -- even though it's obviously an action flick. He actually points to the climax to make his point. Spoiler alert ... he uses presents to kill the bad guy terrorist, Hans.

All this is to say ... 'Die Hard' has all the trappings of Christmas, albeit embedded in a lot of violence and cool lines through a walkie-talkie. Of course, some still feel differently.

As BW said himself, now I have a machine gun ... ho, ho, ho!

Kevin Spacey anuncia su candidatura presidencial como Frank Underwood en una entrevista

Kevin Spacey está de vuelta para su payasada anual de Navidad Frank Underwood, solo que esta vez tiene grandes noticias, burlándose de una carrera presidencial y rompiendo con Tucker Carlson.

El actor apareció en la última entrevista por X de Tucker que acaba de caer el domingo y sí, está completamente en personaje como su ex personaje de "House of Cards" para el video de siete minutos. Mientras que él nunca dice abiertamente que se postula para, ciertamente sugiere que podría hacerlo.

mirando hacia el 2024
Tucker Carlson Network

Spacey (como Underwood), dice que no está por encima de entrar en la carrera en esta última hora, explicando que él cree que el país necesita a alguien como él durante este tiempo oscuro.

Tucker le pregunta directamente si se presenta, pero KS no llega a comprometerse.

Como de costumbre, todo es muy extraño, pero es coherente, por lo que suponemos que recibe algunos elogios. Spacey ha estado haciendo todo este asunto de Frank Underwood desde hace unos años, desde que fue efectivamente cancelado durante el movimiento #MeToo, y cada año es raro como el infierno.

Recordemos que el papel de Spacey fue nixed de la temporada final de "HOC" en medio de su escándalo, y ha estado tratando de hacer un regreso desde entonces... aunque con no mucho éxito.

Él ha hecho un buen trabajo en los casos penales y civiles presentados en su contra tanto aquí como en los Estados Unidos y en el extranjero, pero él sigue luchando contra las demandas de los acusadores. Mientras tanto, es obvio que sigue muy comprometido con la actuación, aunque con menos atención.

Melissa Barrera publica un post a favor de Palestina en medio de la salida del director de "Scream 7"

Melissa Barrera está redoblando su apoyo a Palestina mientras habla de las fiestas... recordemos que la franquicia "Scream" está en ruinas.

La actriz publicó un mensaje en su Instagram el domingo, justo antes de Navidad, y de nuevo puso el foco en la guerra en Oriente Medio, que se ha cobrado innumerables vidas en este momento, sobre todo porque Israel sigue tratando de cazar a Hamás.

Ella lanzó una caricatura de Santa en su trineo pasando por un carro que transportaba cadáveres envueltos -como comentario político, sin duda- y añadió un pie de foto muy directo.


Melissa continúa diciendo que exactamente lo mismo les está ocurriendo a millones de palestinos en esa misma parte del mundo, todos estos años después "son bombardeados indiscriminada e implacablemente". Termina su mensaje con un simple y contundente "FELIZ NAVIDAD".

Por supuesto, su posición no ha cambiado, pero el hecho de que esté hablando en este momento es curioso, sobre todo porque el director que iba a dirigir la nueva película "Scream" de la que fue despedida por sus puntos de vista pro-Palestina, acaba de anunciar que está dejando el proyecto también.

Christopher Landon dio la noticia el sábado, diciendo que abandonó "Scream 7" hace semanas sin explicar por qué. Lo que dijo, sin embargo, fue revelador... "Fue un trabajo de ensueño que se convirtió en una pesadilla. Y mi corazón se rompió por todos los involucrados. Por todos". Y añadió: "Espero que el legado de Wes prospere y se eleve por encima del estruendo de un mundo dividido".

Suena como que podría haber sido a causa de todo este asunto de Israel-Palestina y muchos sospechan que Jenna Ortega también, a pesar de que se citaron otras razones no relacionadas.

En cualquier caso, el nuevo "Scream 7" se ve bastante mal en este momento. Spyglass no solo ha perdido a sus dos grandes protagonistas, sino que también acaba de perder a su director. La pregunta es... ¿y ahora qué?

Kevin Spacey Teases Prez Run (As Underwood) ... Drops News with Tucker

Kevin Spacey is back for his annual Christmas-time Frank Underwood shtick, only this time he has big news ... teasing a presidential run, and breaking it to Tucker Carlson.

The actor showed up in TC's latest X interview, which just dropped Sunday -- and yes, he's completely in character as his former "House of Cards" anti-hero for the 7-minute video. While he never outright says he's running for POTUS, he certainly suggests he just might.

Tucker Carlson Network

Watch ... Spacey (as Underwood) says he's not above stepping into the race at this late hour, explaining that he believes the country needs someone like him during this dark time.

Tucker asks him directly if he's running, but KS stops short of outright committing to it.

Per usual, it's very bizarre ... but it is consistent, which we suppose he gets some kudos for. Spacey's been doing this whole Frank Underwood thing for a few years now -- ever since he was effectively canceled during the #MeToo movement -- and each year, it's weird as hell.

Remember, Spacey's role was nixed from the final season of 'HOC' amid his scandal ... and he's been trying to mount a comeback ever since, with not very much mainstream success.

He's done a good job of beating criminal and civil cases brought against him -- both here in the States and abroad -- but he continues to fight lawsuits from accusers of his. In the meantime, he's obviously still very committed to acting ... albeit, in a smaller spotlight now.

Melissa Barrera Pro-Palestine Xmas Message ... Amid 'Scream 7' Collapse

Melissa Barrera is doubling down in her support of Palestine while speaking on the holidays -- and the timing is interesting ... considering the 'Scream' franchise is in shambles.

The actress posted a message to her Instagram Sunday, just ahead of Christmas, and it again put a spotlight on the war going on in the Middle East ... which has claimed countless lives at this point, especially as Israel continues to try and hunt down Hamas.

She threw up a cartoon of Santa on his sleigh passing by a cart carrying dead/wrapped-up bodies -- as political commentary, no doubt -- and she added a very in-your-face caption.


Melissa goes on to say the exact same thing is happening to millions of Palestinians in that same part of the world all these years later ... all while "they are indiscriminately and relentlessly bombed." She ends her message with a simple and blunt "MERRY XMAS."

Of course, her position hasn't changed ... but the fact she's speaking right now is curious, especially since the director who was attached to the new 'Scream' movie she was fired from over her pro-Palestine views *just* announced that he's leaving the project as well.

Christopher Landon broke the news Saturday, saying he exited 'Scream 7' weeks ago without explaining why. What he did say, though, was telling ... writing, "It was a dream job that turned into a nightmare. And my heart did break for everyone involved. Everyone." He added, "I hope Wes’ legacy thrives and lifts above the din of a divided world."

Sounds like he might've bounced over this whole Israel-Palestine issue too -- and many suspect Jenna Ortega did as well ... even though other unrelated reasons were cited.

In any case, the new 'Scream 7' is looking pretty rough at this point. Not only has Spyglass lost their two big leads, but they also just lost their director. The question ... what now?

Donald Trump y "Mi pobre angelito 2"... aprovechando el Plaza

El papel de estrella invitada de Donald Trump en "Mi pobre angelito: Perdido en Nueva York" no fue un guiño a su talento actoral, resulta que estaba exigiendo el papel a cambio de permitir la filmación en su hotel.

Director Chris Columbus le dijo a Business Insider cómo Trump trazó una línea en la arena al exigir una aparición en la película a cambio de permitirles filmar en el Plaza.

Columbus dijo: "Como la mayoría de los lugares en Nueva York, puedes pagar una cuota que te permite rodar en ese lugar. Nos pusimos en contacto con el Hotel Plaza, propiedad de Trump en aquel momento, porque queríamos rodar en el vestíbulo ya que no podíamos reconstruir The Plaza en un plató".

Chris dijo que el futuro Presidente fue tajante... "Trump dijo que de acuerdo. Pagamos la cuota, pero también dijo: 'La única forma en que puedes usar el Plaza es si estoy en la película'".

Parece que Columbus pensó que Trump sería una molestia para el público, pero fue todo lo contrario: "Cuando la proyectamos por primera vez ocurrió lo más extraño: La gente aplaudió cuando Trump apareció en pantalla. Así que le dije a mi editor: 'Déjalo en la película. Es un momento para el público'. Pero se coló a la fuerza en la película".

Un presagio de lo que está por venir, tal vez.

Donald Trump He Bullied His Way into 'Home Alone 2' ... So Says Director

Donald Trump's guest starring role in "Home Alone: Lost in New York" was not a nod to his talent ... turns out he was demanding the role in return for allowing filming at his hotel.

Director Chris Columbus told Business Insider how Trump drew a line in the sand -- you wanna shoot at The Plaza, then put me in your movie.

Columbus said, “Like most locations in New York City, you just pay a fee and you are allowed to shoot in that location. We approached The Plaza Hotel, which Trump owned at the time, because we wanted to shoot in the lobby. We couldn’t rebuild The Plaza on a soundstage."

Chris said the future President was blunt ... “Trump said OK. We paid the fee, but he also said, ‘The only way you can use the Plaza is if I’m in the movie.'”

Now here's the thing. It seems Columbus thought Trump would be an annoyance to audiences, but it was the opposite ... "When we screened it for the first time the oddest thing happened: People cheered when Trump showed up on-screen. So I said to my editor, 'Leave him in the movie. It’s a moment for the audience.' But he did bully his way into the movie.”

A harbinger of things to come, maybe.

Glenn Powell ¡¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?!

¡Glen Powell se ha convertido en todo un galán con el paso del tiempo!

Aquí hay una versión juvenil del actor de 24 años, que muestra sus cinceladas facciones en el Festival de Cine de Toronto allá por el 2012 (derecha). Esto fue mientras hacía papeles más pequeños en películas como "The Dark Knight Rises" y "The Expendables 3".

Y 11 años después, la estrella de "Top Gun Maverick" mostró recientemente algo de pecho y una sonrisa encantadora en el estreno de su último papel como protagonista de "Anyone But You" con Sydney Sweeney.

El mes pasado, Glen se desnudó para la revista "Men's Health" y estaba muy guapo, ¡quizás porque es la temporada festiva!

La pregunta es ...

Glen Powell...

Glenn Powell Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Glen Powell's looks over the years sleigh!

Here is a 23-year-old buzzed version of the studly actor showin' off his chiseled jawline at the Toronto International Film Festival back in 2012 (right). This was during the time he landed smaller roles in "The Dark Knight Rises" and "Stuck in Love."

And, 11 years later the "Top Gun: Maverick" star recently showed some chest and a charming smile at the premiere of his latest starring role In "Anyone But You" with Sydney Sweeney.

Just last month, Glen stripped down for "Men's Health" magazine and was lookin' mighty fine ... 'tis the season!

The question is ...

Glen Powell ...

Celebrity Christmas Trees 2023 Spruce Up Your Life!

The stars are stepping out of their usual Hollywood spotlight ... shining even brighter under their festive Christmas Trees ... and they sure are looking tree-mendous!

Standing tall and havin' a ball, a plentiful of your top celebs -- like Terry Crews, Lizzo and Corinne Olympios -- added their special touch to their trees with divine decorations, bringing light and life to their homes. And, of course, they posed with glee!

No "Dilemma" for Kelly Rowland this Christmas ... she and her sweet kiddo spread the holiday love and showed the BEST gift around the tree: a happy fam all wrapped up in each other!

And topping things off ... Hoda Kotb put the finishing touches on her tree -- assisting her two daughters with their tree-topper!

Check out our gallery of stars feeling right and shining bright by their trees and igniting the holiday spirit!

Merry Christmas Eve!

Navidad de famosos Árboles 2023, ¡adorna tu vida!

¡Las estrellas están saliendo de su habitual centro de atención en Hollywood para brillar aún más fuerte bajo sus árboles de Navidad y de seguro están buscando una decoración que sea magnífica!

De pie y sosteniendo los adornos de Navidad, muchos de los famosos como Terry Crews, Lizzo y Corinne Olympios, le han dado un toque especial a sus árboles con decoraciones divinas, aportando luz y vida a sus hogares. Y, por supuesto, ¡han posado felices frente a ellos!

No hay "dilema" para Kelly Rowland esta Navidad, ella y su dulce hija repartieron el amor navideño y mostraron el MEJOR regalo alrededor del árbol: ¡una familia feliz y reunida en torno al arbolito!

Y para rematar las cosas, Hoda Kotb le dio los toques finales a su árbol, ¡ayudando a sus dos hijas con sus adornos!

¡Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de estrellas, sintiéndose bien y brillando junto a sus árboles y encendiendo el espíritu navideño!

¡Feliz Nochebuena!