Greta Gerwig Se casa con Noah Baumbach!!! Después de 12 años de noviazgo

Greta Gerwig ha sellado el acuerdo con su propio Ken, pues la directora se acaba de casar con Noah Baumbach después de 12 años de noviazgo.

Luego de intercambiar votos en el Ayuntamiento de Nueva York el martes, los directores celebraron en el concierto de Billy Joel en el Madison Square Garden. Greta todavía llevaba su blanco nupcial y Noah su elegante traje azul marino, mientras animaban el concierto.

Greta fue escuchada compartiendo la feliz noticia con la gente detrás del escenario, según Page Six. Una fuente les dijo que los recién casados se veían felices y radiantes.

La pareja comenzó a salir en 2011 y se comprometieron en 2020.

También son padres de Harold de 4 años y de otro bebé al que dieron la bienvenida a principios de este año.

Esto redondea un año espectacular para Greta, la primera directora en tener una película que cruza la línea de los mil millones de dólares con el fenomenal éxito de "Barbie".


Greta Gerwig has sealed the deal with her very own Ken ... marrying Noah Baumbach after 12 years of dating!

After exchanging vows at NYC's City Hall Tuesday, the directors celebrated at Billy Joel's Madison Square Garden concert -- Greta was still wearing her bridal white, and Noah his dashing navy blue suit, as they cheered at the concert.

Greta was heard sharing the happy news with folks backstage, according to Page Six ... with a source telling them the newlyweds were glowing and so happy.

Marriage was a long time coming for the pair ... who began dating in 2011, and got engaged in 2020.

They're also parents to son Harold, 4, and another baby boy, who they welcomed earlier this year.

This rounds off a massive year for Greta -- the first female director to have a film cross the billion-dollar line with the phenomenal success of "Barbie."

Protagonista de "Jay y Bob el silencioso" actúa en la obra "El Cascanueces" de su hija

Jason Mewes está pasando de cómico fumado a candidato a padre del año, porque tuvo un papel importante bailando ballet en la producción de su hija de "El Cascanueces".

Jay actuó en la obra de su hija Logan a principios de este mes, bailando junto a otros papás del elenco.

Nos dicen que Logan vio el 'Cascanueces' la pasada Navidad en la Escuela de Ballet Marat Daukayev en Los Ángeles y le encantó tanto, que hizo que sus padres la inscribieran en las clases de ballet de la escuela.

buenos movimientos
Marat Daukayev School of Ballet

Los ensayos para la obra de este año han estado sucediendo desde al menos octubre, que es cuando Jason se convirtió en un papá bailarín.

Nos dicen que Jason fue abordado por primera vez por Pamela Daukayev, directora ejecutiva de la escuela y la esposa de Marat, con Jason de acuerdo a pesar de no tener ni idea de lo que implica ser un bailarín.

Las responsabilidades de Jason en el ballet incluían 4 bailes en el escenario con el vestuario de la bailarina Lola Vernetti, además de ayudar a los otros 27 padres bailarines a ayudar al equipo y mover los muebles y las piezas del decorado entre las escenas. No es tarea fácil por decir lo menos.

Nos dicen que Jason ensayó varias veces a la semana antes del gran espectáculo y también participó en ensayos técnicos diarios en el escenario la semana antes de la actuación.

Al parecer Logan es una buena bailarina y nos informan que ganó una rutina de ballet en la escena Pulcinella... un ballet de 21 secciones.

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Jason siente que esta experiencia es uno de sus mejores momentos como padre, y Logan estaba orgullosa de tenerlo en el escenario con ella.

Tomen nota papás.

'JAY & SILENT BOB' STAR JASON MEWES Performs At Kid's Nutcracker Play ... I'm a Dancing Dad!!!

Jason Mewes is going from stoner comedian to candidate for father of the year ... because he had a big role dancing ballet in his daughter's production of "The Nutcracker."

Jay performed in his daughter Logan's play earlier this month, dancing alongside other dads of the cast.

It sounds like Jason's daddy-daughter ballet gig was a year in the making ... we're told Logan saw the 'Nutcracker' last Christmas at the Marat Daukayev School of Ballet in Los Angeles and loved it so much, she had her parents enroll her in the school's ballet classes.

Marat Daukayev School of Ballet

Rehearsals for this year's play have been going on since at least October, which is when Jason was approached about being a Dancing Dad.

We're told Jason was first approached by Pamela Daukayev, the school's executive director and Marat's wife, with Jason agreeing despite having no clue what being a Dancing Dad entailed.

Jason's ballet responsibilities included 4 dances onstage in costume with ballerina Lola Vernetti ... plus helping the other 27 Dancing Dads assist the crew and move furniture and set pieces between scenes. No easy task to say the least.

We're told Jason rehearsed several times a week leading up to the big show ... and he also participated in daily tech rehearsals onstage the week before the performance.

Logan sounds like a pretty good dancer herself ... we're told she earned a demi-solo ballet routine in the Pulcinella scene -- a 21-section ballet.

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We're told Jason feels the experience is one of his best moments as a father ... and Logan was proud to have him onstage with her.

Take notes, dads.

Jonathan Majors visto por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable

Jonathan Majors luce bastante tranquilo después de que su carrera quedara patas arriba. Se lo vio tomando un café en solitario después de su veredicto de culpabilidad y la expulsión de Marvel.

El actor fue visto el martes en la ciudad de Nueva York por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable en su juicio penal y posteriormente abandonado por Disney.

Jonathan luce imperturbable, al menos así parece en las fotos. Es notable el hecho de que no está Meagan Good a su lado. Recordemos que ella lo acompañó durante todo el juicio

el veredicto ya está

Como informamos, Jonathan fue declarado culpable de 2 de 4 cargos después de haber sido acusado de maltratar a su ex-novia, Grace Jabbari.

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persecución en la calle

El actor fue declarado culpable de los cargos de asalto imprudente y el acoso y fue absuelto de acoso agravado y asalto intencional.

En cuanto a su ex novia, Grace Jabbari —cuyas acusaciones fueron a juicio— finalmente rompió su silencio, publicando en redes sociales información acerca de una organización sin fines de lucro para las víctimas de violencia doméstica.

Grace dice que se apoyó en Santuario para las Familias mucho este año, el incidente con Majors ocurrió en marzo y le está pidiendo a la gente que donen algo para la causa.

Mientras que el abogado de Jonathan está señalando una apelación, Marvel y Disney rápidamente se distanciaron, echándolo de su papel clave como el gran villano de Marvel, Kang el Conquistador.

Una última nota interesante ... Majors está fuera con un solo café en la mano aquí, mientras que tenía 2 el fin de semana pasado cuando estaba fuera y alrededor en medio de su juicio.

Jonathan Majors Looking Calm & Collected First Sighting Since Guilty Verdict, Marvel Decision

Jonathan Majors is looking unbothered after his career was totally turned on its head ... grabbing coffee solo after his guilty verdict and Marvel ouster.

The actor was spotted Tuesday in New York City for the first time since being found guilty in his criminal trial and subsequently dropped by Disney.

Jonathan's seemingly unfazed, at least based on the photos, and it's notable he's by his lonesome ... with no Meagan Good in sight after being by his side throughout his NYC assault trial.


As we reported ... Jonathan was found guilty on 2 of 4 counts after being accused of roughing up his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari.

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In all, the actor was convicted of charges of reckless assault and harassment ... and was acquitted of aggravated harassment and intentional assault.

As for his former gf, Grace Jabbari, whose allegations went to trial, she finally broke her silence ... posting on social media about a non-profit for domestic violence victims.

Grace says she leaned on Sanctuary For Families a lot this year -- the incident with Majors went down in March -- and is asking folks to donate to the cause.

While Jonathan's attorney is signaling an appeal ... Marvel/Disney quickly distanced themselves, booting him from his key role as Marvel's big villain, Kang the Conqueror.

One last interesting note ... Majors is out with just one coffee in his hand here, whereas he had 2 last weekend when he was out and about in the middle of his trial.


Robert Pattinson's been making big moves on the DL ... quietly selling his Hollywood Hills home off-market for a cool $3 million.

TMZ's hooked up your first look inside the modest home ... which was purchased by the 'Twilight' actor back in 2014, and has since undergone significant revamping.

The 1,940-square-ft. home has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and its rustic furnishings perfectly combine old-school charm and modern touches.

A plethora of added lights injects warmth to the neutral interiors ... while the exterior grounds boast a small swimming pool, nestled in between some well-manicured greenery.

The sale comes after some significant life changes for Rob -- he'll soon welcome his first child with Suki Waterhouse ... and also appears to be tying the knot with her if that hefty ring on her finger is any indication.

The buyer was represented by Chase Rogers of The Beverly Hills Estates.

Robert Pattinson Vende su casa en Hollywood por $3 millones ... Echa un vistazo al interior

Robert Pattinson ha estado haciendo grandes movimientos muy discretamente. Por ejemplo, puso la venta su casa de Hollywood Hills en silencio por una suma de $3 millones.

TMZ dio un vistazo al interior de la modesta casa, que fue comprada por el actor de 'Crepúsculo' en 2014. Desde entonces ha sufrido una renovación significativa.

La casa de 1.940 pies cuadrados tiene 2 dormitorios, 2 baños y un mobiliario rústico que combina a la perfección con el encanto de la vieja escuela y toques modernos.

Una gran cantidad de luces aportan calidez a los interiores, mientras que el jardín del exterior cuenta con una pequeña piscina, rodeada de una vegetación bien cuidada.

La venta se produce después de algunos significativos cambios en la vida de Rob. Pronto dará la bienvenida a su primer hijo con Suki Waterhouse y también parece estar atando el nudo con ella si el anillo que vimos en su dedo es una indicación.

El comprador fue representado por Chase Rogers de The Beverly Hills Estates.

Alec Baldwin Goes Ballistic On Pro-Palestinian Protester ... Caught On Video


Alec Baldwin popped up at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in NYC -- and blew a gasket at an anti-Israel protester, prompting police to whisk away the actor before the situation escalated.

Baldwin got into a heated back-and-forth with the man at Monday night's march in Manhattan, which was organized by a Palestinian-led community group, Within Our Lifetime. It wasn't clear if Baldwin was part of the protest or just passing through.

Check out the video shot by NBC ... Baldwin offers a stern look to the man who mentions something about Hollywood -- and condemning Israel for the war in the Gaza Strip.

Baldwin responds, "You've already got your mind made up. I'm in Hollywood?"

The man repeatedly asks, "Is that your answer?"

Baldwin shouts, "You ask stupid questions! Ask me a smart question!"

The man starts screaming again about condemning Israel.

That's when Baldwin completely loses his s**t, getting in the man's face and yelling, "Ask me a smart question!!!!"

Luckily, NYPD officers were right there to escort Baldwin away before things potentially turned violent.

Other videos show Baldwin protected by cops as he gets heckled by protesters who are cursing at him.  At one point, Baldwin turns to the demonstrators and says, "You're really helping your cause."

As you know, Israel has been at war with Hamas since October -- and thousands of people have died on both sides.


Hamas militants -- who govern the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip - triggered the conflict after invading Israel, killing 1,400 citizens.

The battle has spawned passionate calls from people all over the world to end the violence.

Alec Baldwin Se ensaña con un manifestante pro palestino... Grabado en video

Solo preguntas inteligentes!!!

Alec Baldwin apareció en una manifestación pro-palestina en Nueva York y perdió los estribos frente a un protestante anti-israelí, lo que llevó a la policía a retirar al actor de la escena antes de que la situación se intensificara.

Baldwin se enzarzó en un acalorado tira y afloja con el hombre en la marcha del lunes por la noche en Manhattan, organizada por un grupo comunitario palestino, Within Our Lifetime. No está claro si Baldwin estaba participando en la protesta o si solo pasaba por allí.

Echa un vistazo al video grabado por NBC, Baldwin mira severamente al hombre cuando menciona algo acerca de Hollywood y condenar a Israel por la guerra en la Franja de Gaza.

Baldwin responde: "Ya te has hecho una idea. ¿Estoy en Hollywood?"

El hombre pregunta repetidamente: "¿Esa es tu respuesta?"

Baldwin grita: "¡Haces preguntas estúpidas! Hazme una pregunta inteligente".

El hombre empieza a gritar de nuevo sobre condenar a Israel.

Es entonces cuando Baldwin pierde completamente los estribos, encarándose con el hombre y gritándole: "¡Hazme una pregunta inteligente!".

Por suerte, los agentes de policía de Nueva York estaban allí para escoltar a Baldwin antes de que las cosas se pusieran violentas.

Otros videos muestran a Baldwin protegido por los policías mientras es abucheado por manifestantes que lo insultan. En un momento dado, Baldwin se dirige a los manifestantes y les dice: "Realmente están ayudando a vuestra causa".

Como ustedes saben, Israel ha estado en guerra con Hamás desde octubre y miles de personas han muerto en ambos lados.

Los militantes de Hamás, que gobiernan a los palestinos en la Franja de Gaza, desencadenaron el conflicto tras invadir Israel, matando a 1.400 ciudadanos.

La batalla ha suscitado llamamientos apasionados de personas de todo el mundo para poner fin a la violencia.

Matthew Perry Death Ketamine M.D. Says Don't Blame the Ketamine ... Still an Effective Treatment

Matthew Perry's death being pinned on ketamine by the Coroner is misleading, and puts the drug in a bad light -- so says an M.D. who's prescribed it to his own patients.

Dr. Zaid Fadul -- the Medical Director at BetterU and an expert in addiction medicine -- tells TMZ ... the L.A. County Coroner Office's finding last week that Perry died from the acute effects of ketamine doesn't really explain how he died ... at least in his professional opinion.


Yes, ketamine happened to be in Matt's system at the time of his death -- and might have been the reason he dozed off in his hot tub ... but obviously, the "Friends" actor drowned.

Dr. Fadul's point here is ... any kind of drug that spurs sedation would've likely had the same effect, and he feels like blaming MP's tragic passing on ketamine alone -- without this context -- isn't fair, and that might deter people from seeking it out as a viable option.

Now, on the issue of whether Perry had used ketamine the day he died or not -- Dr. Fadul has a theory on that as well. According to him, Matt was likely experienced with ketamine and was taking ever-increasing doses, which might've left some residual.

He adds, that residual amount could've been super high, if Matt had a high tolerance to the drug and was taking high doses. He also believes Perry wasn't only taking ketamine through an IV.

Remember, the coroner's report on Perry's cause of death noted he'd been involved in ketamine infusion therapy in the months leading up to this -- but pointed out he'd been weaning off of it thanks to a new doctor who found he didn't need as much these days.

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Ketamine is often used as a treatment for depression and anxiety, which is why Matt had been taking it ... but because his ketamine levels were so elevated when he died, it's unclear Matt was taking it therapeutically or recreationally.

The implication from the report seems to be pointing to the latter. Dr. Fadul, though, isn't so sure that's accurate.

In any case, the bigger picture the good doctor is trying to communicate is ketamine can be effective, and has been in his experience. He believes there is no one solution that works for everyone and you want to give people options. Ketamine just needs to be taken safely and in the right environment -- and he feels Matt's situation can serve as a cautionary tale.

Terapeuta dice que no culpemos a la ketamina por la muerte de Matthew Perry

La muerte de Matthew Perry se le atribuye a la ketamina, y esto le otorga a la droga una mala reputación injustamente adquirida. Esto según un terapeuta que le ha prescrito ketamina a sus propios pacientes.

El Dr. Zaid Fadul —Director Médico de BetterU y experto en medicina de la adicción— le dice a TMZ que el forense del Condado de Los Ángeles que dijo que Perry murió por los efectos agudos de la ketamina no explica realmente cómo murió, al menos en su opinión profesional.

no hay que culpar a la ketamina

Sí, la ketamina pasó a estar en el sistema de Matt en el momento de su muerte y puede haber sido la razón por la que se quedó dormido en su bañera de hidromasaje, pero obviamente el actor de "Friends" se ahogó.

El punto del Dr. Fadul es que cualquier tipo de droga que estimula la sedación probablemente habría tenido el mismo efecto, y siente que culpar solamente a la ketamina por la trágica muerte es injusto y es algo que podría hacer que la gente no considere el tratamiento como una opción viable.

Ahora bien, sobre la cuestión de si Perry había consumido ketamina el día de su muerte o no, el Dr. Fadul también tiene una teoría al respecto en esta entrevista. Según él, Matt probablemente tenía experiencia con la ketamina y tomaba dosis cada vez mayores, lo que podría haber dejado algún residuo.

Recordemos que el informe del forense sobre la causa de la muerte de Perry señaló que había estado involucrado en una terapia de infusión de ketamina durante los meses previos a su muerte, pero señaló que había estado disminuyendo gracias a un nuevo médico que encontró que no necesitaba tanto en estos días.

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investigación en curso

La ketamina se utiliza a menudo como un tratamiento eficaz para la depresión y la ansiedad, y es la razón por la que Matt la había tomado, pero a los ojos del forense, el jurado no sabe si la ketamina en el sistema de Matt era para ese propósito o si era recreativa. La implicación del informe parece apuntar a lo segundo.

En cualquier caso, lo que el buen doctor trata de transmitir es que la ketamina puede ser eficaz, y así ha sido en su experiencia. Solo tiene que tomarse de forma segura y en el entorno adecuado y cree que la situación de Matt puede servir de ejemplo.

CELINE DION Sister Says Singer's Lost Control of Muscles

A devastating update on Celine Dion's debilitating battle with Stiff-Person Syndrome ... as her sister says she's lost control of her muscles.

The star's sister, Claudette Dion, revealed the shocking turn in her disease which causes painful muscle spasms, saying it would be a while before Celine returns to the stage.

She told 7 Jours it broke her heart 'cause her sister had always been disciplined and hard-working ... recalling their late mother telling Celine her habits would make her successful -- but that very success now appears threatened.

Despite the grim outlook, Claudette says it's still Celine's goal to return to the stage -- but in what capacity, she doesn't know.

Research into the neurological disorder is still ongoing ... but because it's so rare, it means progress is slow -- which Claudette can't wrap her head around ... adding that many people in the same boat have "lost hope" of a cure ever being found.

The update comes after she told HELLO! Canada in Sept that Celine was "doing everything" in her power to recover ... but her spasms were impossible to control.

celine dion sad DECEMBER 2022
Instagram / @celinedion

The "All By Myself' singer announced she was stricken with the disease in a December 2022 video message ... forcing her to cancel a bunch of her 2023 concert dates.

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Montreal Canadiens

3 ½ years after last being seen in public, Celine was spotted last month at a hockey game between the Vegas Golden Knights and her hometown Montreal Canadiens -- looking in good spirits despite her health woes.


Here's hoping for Celine's health, happiness and return to the stage for the New Year.

Celine Dion Su hermana dice que la cantante ha perdido el control de sus músculos

Una devastadora actualización reveló la hermana de Celine Dion sobre su batalla contra el síndrome de Stiff-Person diciendo que la cantante ha perdido el control de sus músculos.

La hermana de la estrella Claudette Dion reveló el impactante giro en su enfermedad, la que causa dolorosos espasmos musculares, diciendo que pasará un tiempo antes de que Celine vuelva al escenario.

Claudette le dijo a 7 Jours que esto le partió el corazón porque su hermana siempre había sido disciplinada y trabajadora y citó a su difunta madre, quien alguna vez dijo que sus hábitos la harían exitosa. Aunque ahora ese mismo éxito parece amenazado.

A pesar del sombrío panorama, Claudette dice que para Celine sigue siendo un objetivo volver a los escenarios, pero en qué capacidad, no lo sabe.

La investigación sobre el trastorno neurológico todavía está en curso, pero debido a que es tan raro su progreso es también lento. Claudette dice que muchas personas en el mismo barco han "perdido la esperanza" de que se encuentre alguna vez una cura.

La noticia llega después de que en septiembre dijera a ¡HOLA! Canadá que Celine estaba "haciendo todo" lo que estaba en su poder para recuperarse. Pero sus espasmos son imposibles de controlar.

celine dion sad DECEMBER 2022
Ha sido una batalla
Instagram / @celinedion

La cantante de "All By Myself" anunció que estaba afectada por la enfermedad en un mensaje de video de diciembre de 2022. Esto la obligó a cancelar un montón de fechas de sus conciertos de 2023.

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Notable recuperación
Montreal Canadiens

3 años y medio después de haber sido vista en público por última vez, Celine apareció en un partido de hockey el mes pasado, entre los Vegas Golden Knights y su ciudad natal, Montreal Canadiens. Se veía de buen humor a pesar de sus problemas de salud.

Esperemos que Celine recupere la salud, la felicidad y vuelva a los escenarios el próximo año.

Amanda Bynes I'm Keeping My Podcast Alive ... Resumes After Brief Pause

Instagram / @amandaamandaamanda1986

Amanda Bynes is bringing her podcast back from the dead ... switching course and soldiering on despite saying she was going to pull the plug after just one episode.

The day after saying her new podcast was going the way of the dinosaur because of a lack of big-name guests, Amanda says she's going to continue the podcast.

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Amanda says her friends convinced her to reconsider giving up so soon ... and she says she's excited to record a new episode.

Remember ... Amanda said she was going to kill the podcast after the inaugural episode because A-list musicians like Drake, Jack Harlow and Post Malone weren't lining up to join her as guests on the podcast, as she hoped.

Now, Amanda says she realizes podcasts need time to grow a following ... and those big-name guests she has on her radar might join down the road.

Of course, no matter who the guests are they won't be talking about her mental health struggles or her Hollywood career.

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Amanda Bynes & Paul Sieminski: The Podcast / Spotify

Still, Amanda says she has some guests lined up ... and her "Amanda Bynes and Paul Sieminski: Podcast" is doing well on Spotify early on.

Bottom line for Amanda here ... if you build it, they will come.

Jonathan Majors Dropped by Marvel ... After Guilty Verdict

Jonathan Majors is out of a job at Disney, 'cause Marvel is dropping him from all projects in the MCU, and cutting ties in the wake of his guilty verdict ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the comic book movie studio -- one of the Mouse House's largest imprints -- will not be moving forward with the embattled actor, period. What that means ... he's losing out on his key role as Marvel's big villain, Kang the Conqueror.

That's a huge blow, seeing how he's already portrayed the character in one big Marvel movie -- 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' -- as well as 2 seasons of the Disney+ show 'Loki.' The 2nd 'Loki' season heavily featured Kang and his variants -- other versions of the big bad, also played by JM -- as did the aforementioned film.

By all accounts, Jonathan was going to play Kang for at least two more Marvel films ... and the studio was said to be treating him/Kang as the next Thanos, of sorts, in their franchise.

Now, though, that's all out the window ... and the two new 'Avengers' flicks that are currently in development and pre-production -- both of which he was attached to as Kang -- will go in a totally new direction without him. There'd been rumblings Marvel was already exploring their options even before the trial ... and it sounds like they're ready to pivot.

No word on whether Kang will be recast, or if they'll just tap a new bad guy -- but either way ... Majors was just fired by his biggest employer, and is losing out on millions of dollars.

Of course, the decision was swift ... coming down no more than a couple hours after he was found guilty on two of four counts in his criminal trial -- where he was facing assault and harassment charges after being accused of roughing up his ex-girlfriend in March.

He was convicted of reckless assault and harassment, and acquitted of intentional assault and aggravated harassment. In layman's terms -- the jury appears to have dinged him for what may have happened outside the car, and not necessarily what went on inside.

Majors' attorney seemed to signal he might file an appeal ... vowing to clear his name. Either way, it's evident Marvel/Disney won't wait to see how that shakes out -- they're out.