Bradley Cooper On-Set 'Chair Ban' Ain't Unusual ... All the Greats Have Rules!!!

Bradley Cooper's caught some flak for revealing that he doesn't allow chairs on his movie sets -- but as it turns out, he ain't alone ... whether it's rules for sitting or other bans.

You might've heard about this ... BC did a one-on-one interview with the great Spike Lee for Variety's "Directors on Directors" series -- and right out the gate, Brad said he's not a big chair guy when he's shooting a film. It also sounds like he doesn't allow others to be either.

As he says himself, he hates chairs on set ... and feels like they suck the energy out of an actor and out of the room in general. So, he kicks 'em to the curb -- and presumably makes just about everyone stand for the most part ... that, or they're relegated to apple boxes.

He also said he doesn't believe in the video village model -- where a director is watching the action from monitors at a distance -- and apparently likes to watch performances up close.

Spike seemed a little taken aback by his approach -- as was the rest of X/Twitter -- but come to find out, he's far from the only filmmaker who enforces stringent guidelines on set ... and even for the chair issue, he's in good company with Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder.

Anne Hathaway and RDJ have claimed Chris doesn't do chairs, and Snyder himself says there are no chairs allowed on his sets. So, it's not as crazy as it sounds ... just a choice.

Quentin Tarantino, meanwhile, is notorious for ixnaying cell phones while cameras are rolling -- and Martin Scorsese is said not to allow wristwatches as a way to "heighten immersion."

The point here is ... a lot of directors have weird little quirks and must-haves (or have-nots). In Brad's case, it sounds like he's just following the footsteps of greats before him when it comes to popping a squat.

Dude should remake "Stand and Deliver" ... 'cause that's how he apparently rolls!

Matthew Perry tenía niveles de ketamina que los médicos utilizan para la anestesia

Matthew Perry tenía suficiente ketamina en su organismo como para haber quedado incapacitado o inconsciente, lo que provocó que se ahogara, según los resultados de la autopsia.

Según el forense del condado de Los Ángeles, los niveles de ketamina de Perry eran de 3.540 ng/ml. Cuando los pacientes de cirugía se les da anestesia, los niveles de ketamina están en el rango de 1.000 - 6.000, por lo que Perry estaba en el rango más alto.

En otras palabras, la cantidad de ketamina en su sistema era equivalente a la anestesia que algunos pacientes reciben antes de la cirugía. Perry podría haberse desorientado lo suficiente como para ahogarse.

TMZ lo dijo primero, Perry fue encontrado muerto en su bañera de hidromasaje en octubre.

Según el forense, a Perry le habían recetado ketamina para la depresión y la ansiedad, aunque también se utiliza como droga recreativa. La tomaba cada dos días, pero hace 6 meses un nuevo médico intentó deshabituarle de ese régimen porque había mostrado signos de mejoría.

La última dosis prescrita fue una semana y media antes de su muerte, y los efectos generalmente solo duran unas 6 horas. Así que parece que el actor de 54 años pudo haber tomado la ketamina poco antes de meterse en el jacuzzi.

Si no hubiera estado en el jacuzzi, probablemente hoy estaría vivo.

Matthew Perry Actor Had Levels of Ketamine Doctors Use for Anesthesia

Matthew Perry had enough ketamine in his system that he could have been rendered incapacitated or unconscious, causing him to drown ... based on autopsy findings.

According to the L.A. County Medical Examiner, Perry's ketamine levels were 3,540 ng/ml. When surgery patients are given anesthesia, ketamine levels are in the 1,000 - 6,000 range, so Perry was in the higher range.

In other words, the amount of ketamine in his system was equivalent to the anesthesia some patients get before surgery. Perry could have just become disoriented enough that he drowned.

TMZ broke the story, Perry was found dead in his hot tub back in October.

According to the M.E., Perry had been prescribed ketamine for depression and anxiety, although it is also used as a recreational drug. He was taking it every other day, but 6 months ago a new doctor tried to ween him off that regiment because he had showed signs of improvement.

The last prescribed dose was a week and a half before his death, and the effects generally only last around 6 hours. So it appears the 54-year-old actor may have taken the ketamine shortly before getting in the hot tub.

The tragedy here ... had he not been in the hot tub, he could well be alive today.

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Jonathan Majors Trial Strengthens Bond With Meagan

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good are becoming closer than ever as a result of his assault trial ... and she's a big reason why he's able to push forward through a tough time.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... the trial hasn't only been a tough time for Jonathan, it's also been incredibly challenging for Meagan.

She was sitting in court for testimony from accuser Grace Jabbari and arguments from the prosecution ... listening to all the negative things they had to say about Jonathan.

We're told Meagan feels Jabbari and the prosecution are peddling BS because it all flies in the face of what she knows about JM.

Our sources say Meagan is particularly upset about the text exchanges between Jonathan and Jabbari prosecutors keep bringing up in court. In one message, Jonathan tells Jabbari, "It's just fake," and goes on to tell her she's got a rep for exaggerating, lying and seeking attention.

We're told Meagan now feels Jabbari was manipulative and controlling during her relationship with Jonathan.

By contrast, we're told Meagan is the one keeping Jonathan grounded and centered during the trial.

Our sources say all the challenges brought on by the trial are only serving to strengthen the bond between Jonathan and Meagan, making their love even more resilient.

Another factor ... we're told Jonathan and Meagan's deep faith in God is playing a huge role in helping them navigate the trial.

No matter the verdict, our sources say it's hard to imagine how Jonathan would have coped with it all without Meagan's unwavering support and understanding.

Jonathan Majors El juicio fortalece su vínculo con Meagan

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good se han vuelto más cercanos que nunca en medio del juicio del actor por agresión y ella es una razón importante de por qué el actor ha sido capaz de seguir adelante en un momento difícil.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que el juicio no solo ha sido difícil para Jonathan, sino que también ha sido increíblemente difícil para Meagan.

Ella estuvo en la corte mientras la denunciante Grace Jabbari testificó y le dio sus argumentos a la fiscalía, escuchando todas las cosas negativas que tenían que decir acerca de Jonathan.

Nos dicen que Meagan siente que Jabbari y la fiscalía están vendiendo puras mentiras, pues nada hace sentido con lo que ella sabe de Jonathan Majors.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Meagan está particularmente molesta por los intercambios de texto entre Jonathan y Jabbari que los fiscales siguen trayendo a colación en los tribunales. En un mensaje, Jonathan le dijo a Jabbari: "Es falso", y continúa diciéndole que ella tiene fama de exagerar, mentir y buscar atención.

Nos dicen que Meagan ahora siente que Jabbari era manipuladora y controladora durante su relación con Jonathan.

Por el contrario, nos comentan que Meagan es la que mantiene a Jonathan con los pies en la tierra y centrado durante el juicio.

Nuestras fuentes aseguran que todos los desafíos que ha traído el juicio solo han servido para fortalecer el vínculo entre ellos, haciendo su amor aún más resiliente.

Otro factor, nos comentan, es la profunda fe de Jonathan y Meagan en Dios, la que está jugando un papel muy importante en ayudarlos a navegar el juicio.

No importa el veredicto, nuestras fuentes dicen que es difícil imaginar cómo Jonathan habría hecho frente a todo esto sin el apoyo inquebrantable y la comprensión de Meagan.

Timothée Chalamet ¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

¡Los looks de Timothée Chalamet a lo largo de los años son tan dulces como las creaciones de Wonka!

Aquí está una versión de 18 años de la estrella con una tremenda sonrisa durante la proyección de "Nymphomaniac: Volume 1" en el Museo de Arte Moderno en 2014 (izquierda). Esto fue 3 años antes de su papel revelación en "Call Be By Your Name".

Y casi una década después, ¡el ahora chocolatero de 27 años se ha lucido en su nuevo rol protagonista interpretando a Wonka (derecha)!

Sabemos que Kylie Jenner ha conseguido su dosis de deliciosas golosinas de Timmy, pero la pregunta es ...

Timothée Chalamet...

Timothée Chalamet Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Timothée Chalamet's looks over the years are as sweet as Wonka's creations!

Here is an 18-year-old version of the animated star with an ecstatic grin on his face during the "Nymphomaniac: Volume 1" screening at The Museum of Modern Art back in 2014 (left). This was 3 years before his breakout role in "Call Be By Your Name."

And, nearly a decade later ... the now 27-year-old chocolate-maker has been lookin' like a snack in his newest starring role, playing Wonka (right)!

We know Kylie Jenner has gotten her fix of Timmy's tasty treats ... but the question is ...

Timothée Chalamet ...

'General Hospital' Star Jack Axelrod Dead at 93

Jack Axelrod -- a longtime TV actor most famous from 'General Hospital' -- has died.

His rep confirmed his death to Entertainment Weekly, saying he passed on Nov. 28 in L.A. from natural causes. She adds, "I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with him in his last years, as he had no immediate family. We spent much time outdoors, where Jack loved to sketch, read news articles, and recite Shakespearean sonnets."

Like we said, Axelrod will likely best be remembered for playing Victor Jerome on 'GH' for 40 episodes back in the '80s ... but he had a long and illustrious career outside of that too.

In addition to lending his services to the famed soap, Axelrod also famously guest starred on 'Grey's Anatomy' in the 2000s for a few episodes, during which he played Charlie Yost opposite Katherine Heigl and Ellen Pompeo.

Other famous shows he'd been in ... 'My Name is Earl,' 'Scrubs,' 'Malcolm in the Middle,' 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,' 'The Help,' 'Dallas,' 'Hill Street Blues,' 'Kojak,' 'Dynasty,' 'Night Court,' 'Knots Landing,' 'Murphy Brown,' 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' 'Boy Meets World,' 'Jack & Jill,' 'Dharma and Greg,' 'Star Trek: Voyager,' 'Alias,' 'Frasier,' 'Hawthorne,' 'Criminal Minds,' 'NCIS,' 'Hawaii Five-0,' 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine,' 'Ray Donovan,' 'Modern Family' ... and more.

He was very much so a veteran thespian, and he worked a lot. Axelrod was 93.


Timothée Chalamet 'Wonka' tiene un sólido comienzo de taquilla Aunque por detrás de Depp

Timothée Chalamet va camino a convertirse en el número 1 de taquilla este fin de semana con su nueva película "Wonka", y aunque las cifras hasta ahora son impresionantes Johnny Depp sigue reinando.

Los números del primer día se inclinan para la última película de Timmy y como hemos dicho son bastante sólidos y prometen ver al actor y a Warner Bros. recaudar entre $35 y $40 millones a nivel nacional cuando llegue el domingo.

Entre los preestrenos del jueves y el día completo de proyecciones del viernes, "Wonka" ha ganado unos $14,4 millones hasta el momento, lo que sitúa a la película muy por delante de la competencia. Francamente, no hay mucho en su camino, solo un montón de películas independientes y filmes de semanas anteriores, por lo que Tim tiene el camino relativamente asegurado para dominar la venta de entradas.

Por supuesto, algunos querían saber cómo le iba a ir en comparación con las otras películas de "Wonka", concretamente con la versión de Johnny Depp, que es la más reciente.

Como era de esperar, las cifras de TC (reales/proyectadas) no logran acercarse a las de Johnny y Tim Burton. "Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate", de 2005, hizo bastante más dinero en su momento, tanto en su primer día oficial como en su fin de semana de estreno a nivel nacional.

Las cifras del primer día de la película de Johnny Depp fueron de unos 20 millones de dólares, y durante el fin de semana, de unos 56 millones. Durante toda su proyección en cines, el filme arrastró más de $206 millones.

En otras palabras, el Wonka de Johnny sigue siendo el rey en términos de dinero en efectivo e incluso críticamente se mantiene bien. Lo mismo ocurre con Timothee, por cierto, su última película "Wonka" tiene un respetable 84% en Rotten Tomatoes, similar al 83% de Johnny Depp en 2005.

Ahora, hay un contexto de por qué los números de taquilla de Tim podrían no ser tan fuertes como en 2023 y es el hecho de que la gente simplemente no va al cine de la misma manera que antes. Así que considerando todo, la nueva "Wonka" está bastante bien para esta era moderna, especialmente en esta economía.

Ah, y si se están preguntando dónde queda el Gene Wilder original en toda esta historia, a su versión de 1971 no le fue muy bien en taquilla en ese momento. Solo recaudó unos $4 millones en todo el país ($22 millones ajustados a la inflación).

Por supuesto, se podría decir que es el "Wonka" más querido que existe... aunque el de Tim podría ser el segundo.

Timothée Chalamet 'Wonka' Has Strong Box Office Start ... Still Trailing Depp Though

Timothée Chalamet is on his way to #1 at the box office this weekend with his new "Wonka" movie -- and while the figures so far are impressive ... Johnny Depp still reigns supreme.

The first-day numbers are in for Timmy's latest flick, and like we said ... they're quite solid heading into the weekend and promise to see him and WB raking in somewhere between $35-$40 million domestically by the time Sunday rolls around.

Between Thursday previews and Friday's full day of showings, "Wonka" has earned about $14.4 million thus far -- which, again, puts the family-friendly film well ahead of the competition. Frankly, there isn't much standing in its way -- just a bunch of indie films and leftovers from weeks prior ... so Tim has a relatively clear path to dominate ticket sales.

Of course, some wanted to see how he'd fare compared to the old 'Wonka' movies -- specifically, against JD's version from back in the 2000s, the most recent iteration.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, TC's numbers (real/projected) don't hold a candle to Johnny and Tim Burton -- '05's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" made quite a bit more money at the time ... both in its first official day as well as what it earned in its opening weekend domestically.

First-day numbers for JD's movie were about $20 mil at the time, and through the weekend ... about $56 mil. Through its entire theatrical run, 'CATCF' hauled in more than $206 mil.

In other words, Johnny's Wonka is still king in terms of cold hard cash -- and even critically ... it held its own in the reviews. Same goes for Timothee BTW ... his latest "Wonka" flick has a respectable 84% on Rotten Tomatoes, similar to JD's 83% for his 2005 offering.

Now, there is context for why Tim's box office numbers might not be as strong in 2023 -- fact is, people just aren't going to the movies the way they used to ... so all things considered, the "Wonka" haul is actually pretty damn good in the modern era, especially in this economy.

Oh, and if you're wondering where the OG Gene Wilder fits into this whole box office juxtaposition -- his 1971 version didn't do all that great at the box office at the time. It only made about $4 million domestically through its whole run ($22 mil adjusted for inflation).

Of course, it's arguably the most beloved 'Wonka' there is ... although, Tim's might be 2nd.

Stars With Santa Claus ... You Better Watch Out!

Santa Claus has kicked off his annual tour and is hitting Hollywood with style and clout! And apparently, Mr. Claus is quite the star himself, because the celebs were first in line and wanted in on the festive photo-op!

Looks like Sam Asghari made the "Nice" list, because Santa sat on HIS lap, while Hilary Duff showed what her Christmas "Dreams Are Made Of" ... with her whole fam cozying up to St. Nick.

Mr. Claus made his merry way to a spiffy Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt who brought their two adorable kiddos to meet and greet the man in the red suit ... Ho Ho Ho!

And what would Christmas be without Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney shmoozin' with Santa?! Now that's a slay!

Check out our gallery of Santa ridin' in HOT to Hollywood and chilling with the stars!

Famosos con Santa Claus Mira esto...

¡Santa Claus ha comenzado su gira anual y está golpeando Hollywood con estilo! Y al parecer, el Sr. Claus es toda una estrella, porque las celebridades fueron los primeros en la fila para participar de una foto festiva.

Parece que Sam Asghari entró en la lista de los "simpáticos", porque Papá Noel se sentó en su regazo, mientras que Hilary Duff mostró de qué están hechos sus "sueños navideños", con toda su familia acurrucada junto a San Nicolás.

El Sr. Claus hizo muy felices a Heidi Montag y Spencer Pratt quienes trajeron a sus dos adorables hijos para conocer y saludar al Viejito Pascuero.

¿Y qué sería de la Navidad sin Glen Powell y Sydney Sweeney abrazando a Santa? ¡Vaya que se ven bien!

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de imágenes de Papá Noel disfrutando a lo grande en Hollywood.


Michael B. Jordan's violent car crash played out on camera, and now that LAPD has that video ... TMZ has learned it's at the center of an investigation.

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Law enforcement tells us cops will look to prove Michael was behind the wheel of the racing Ferrari ... and once that's established, they'll likely reach out to the actor to get his POV on how things unfolded.

That would be the second attempt to ask the "Creed" star what caused his blue Ferrari to lurch into a parked Kia a couple weeks ago ... as he didn't elaborate for LAPD officers who responded to the scene.

We're also told if cops find criminal culpability upon wrapping their investigation, they'll forward the case to prosecutors for possible charges.


It'll be no joyride if things escalate for Michael ... who appeared to be racing a red Ferrari down busy Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood when his vehicle smashed into the Kia, leaving both cars mangled.

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LAPD found no signs Michael was impaired by drugs or alcohol, but he might not be in the clear just yet.

Matthew Perry Died From 'Acute Effects of Ketamine'

Matthew Perry died from "the acute effects of ketamine," a drug that is used to treat depression and is also used as a recreational drug.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office just released the toxicology report, concluding Perry had taken ketamine infusion therapy for depression and anxiety a week-and-a-half before his death. The ketamine in his system at the time of his death, however, "could not be from that infusion therapy, since ketamine's half-life is 3 to 4 hours, or less."

According to the Medical Examiner, the ketamine in Perry's system caused both cardiovascular overstimulation and respiratory depression.

The M.E. found no evidence of alcohol, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, PCP or fentanyl.

The contributory factors in Perry's death included drowning, coronary artery disease, and buprenorphine effects. Buprenorphine is used to ween addicts off opioids.

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What's interesting ... according to the M.E., Perry had been undergoing ketamine infusion therapy every other day for some time, but 6 months before he passed, a new doctor decided Perry was doing well enough that he didn't need the treatment that often. The report does not say how frequently Perry was getting ketamine infusion therapy in the months before he died.

Although smoking was not listed as a contributing factor in Perry's death, the report notes he smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day, had COPD/emphysema and diabetes.

And the M.E. says based on their interviews, Perry was clean and sober for 19 months.

TMZ broke the story ... on Oct. 28, Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi after playing 2 hours of pickleball at Riviera Country Club near his home in Pacific Palisades. First responders rushed to the property on a cardiac arrest call, and he was declared deceased on the scene after an apparent drowning.

While Matthew was open about his history of substance abuse, no illicit narcotics were found at his home.


Like we told you ... Matthew had played pickleball in the morning for a couple hours before returning home and sending his assistant on an errand. Sometime later, the assistant returned, discovered MP in the hot tub and then called 911.

Matthew's death sent shockwaves through Hollywood ... with tributes pouring in and tons of celebs honoring him and paying tribute.

As we first reported ... sources in daily contact with the late "Friends" star told us he had never been happier in the time leading up to his passing, committing to a new movie and loving the new home he had moved into just 3 weeks before he died there.

Matthew Perry Murió a causa de los "agudos efectos de la ketamina"

Matthew Perry murió a causa de "los efectos agudos de la ketamina", un fármaco que se utiliza para tratar la depresión y que también se usa como droga recreativa.

La Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Los Ángeles acaba de publicar el informe toxicológico, concluyendo que Perry había tomado una terapia de infusión de ketamina para la depresión y la ansiedad una semana y media antes de su muerte. Sin embargo, la ketamina presente en su organismo en el momento de su muerte "no podía proceder de esa terapia de infusión, ya que la vida media de la ketamina es de 3 a 4 horas, o menos".

Según el forense, la ketamina en el organismo de Perry causó sobreestimulación cardiovascular y depresión respiratoria.

El forense no encontró indicios de alcohol, metanfetamina, cocaína, heroína, PCP o fentanilo.

Los factores que contribuyeron a la muerte de Perry incluyen ahogamiento, enfermedad arterial coronaria y efectos de la buprenorfina. La buprenorfina se utiliza para tratar a los adictos a los opioides.

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Amigos hasta el final

Lo que es interesante, según el forense, es que Perry había estado recibiendo terapia de infusión de ketamina durante algún tiempo, pero 6 meses antes de morir un nuevo médico había decidido que estaba lo suficientemente bien como para no necesitar el tratamiento con tanta frecuencia. El informe no indica la frecuencia con la que Perry estaba recibiendo la infusión de ketamina en los meses anteriores a su muerte.

Aunque el tabaquismo no figura como factor contribuyente a la muerte de Perry, el informe señala que fumaba dos paquetes de cigarrillos al día, padecía EPOC/enfisema y diabetes.

Y el forense dice que basándose en sus entrevistas, Perry estuvo limpio y sobrio durante 19 meses.

TMZ fue el primero en dar la noticia, el 28 de octubre, Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su jacuzzi después de jugar 2 horas de pickleball en Riviera Country Club, cerca de su casa en Pacific Palisades. Los paramédicos se apresuraron en llegar a una llamada de paro cardíaco, pero el actor fue declarado muerto en la escena después de un aparente ahogamiento.

Matthew había sido muy abierto acerca de su historia con el abuso de sustancias y no se encontraron narcóticos ilícitos en su casa.

Como les contamos, Matthew había jugado pickleball por la mañana durante un par de horas antes de volver a casa y enviar a su ayudante a hacer un recado. Algún tiempo después, este regresó, descubrió al actor en la bañera de hidromasaje y llamó al 911.

La muerte de Matthew causó conmoción en Hollywood, con cientos de tributos y homenajes de diferentes celebridades para honrarlo y rendirle homenaje.

Como informamos por primera vez, fuentes que tenían contacto diario con la difunta estrella de "Friends" nos dijeron que nunca había sido tan feliz como en el tiempo previo a su fallecimiento, comprometiéndose con una nueva película y amando la nueva casa en la que se había mudado solo 3 semanas antes de morir allí.

E.T. ANIMATRONIC HEAD AUCTIONED FOR $635K ... Out of This World Sale!!!

The original mechanical animatronic head from Steven Spielberg's "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" has sold, and as you'd expect ... it went for an astronomical final bid.

A whopping $635,000 was shelled out for the iconic piece created by legendary special effects artist Carlo Rambaldi. It's composed of a metal frame and a foam latex outer skin, which could activate the pulsation of veins in some close-up scenes.

The 1982 movie centered around a young boy befriending an alien stranded on Earth ... catapulting the likes of Drew Barrymore and Henry Thomas to mega-stardom.

The sale was made through Julien's Auction, which joined forces with TCM Presents during a 4-day star-studded auction event entitled "Hollywood Legends" -- and it all kicked off Thursday with a "Robots, Wizards, Heroes & Aliens" themed evening in Beverly Hills.

Other pop culture memorabilia auctioned off included a "Lost in Space" Robot Model B-9 selling for $455,000 ... and a "Conan The Destroyer" sword netting $45,500 -- 4 times more than it was estimated to bag.

'Harry Potter' prop wands also exceeded expectations, with Ron Weasley's selling for $76,200, Hermione Granger's for $28,575, and Lord Voldemort's for $57,150.