Andre Braugher Dead at 61

Andre Braugher, famous for his work on "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" and "Homicide: Life On The Street," is dead.

The longtime TV actor died Monday due to a brief illness ... according to his rep.

Andre was best known recently for starring as Captain Raymond Holt in the police comedy series "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" ... appearing in all 153 episodes alongside Andy Samberg and Terry Crews.

Terry just posted a heartfelt tribute on social media, saying ... "This hurts. You left us too soon. You taught me so much. I will be forever grateful for the experience of knowing you. Thank you for your wisdom, your advice, your kindness and your friendship."

Andre first broke through in Hollywood back in 1993, when he landed the role of Detective Frank Pembleton in the NBC drama "Homicide: Life on the Street." Andre would appear in 100 episodes of the TV show.

Andre also famously played used car salesman Owen Thoreau Jr. in the TV comedy-drama "Men of a Certain Age."

Overall, Andre earned 2 Primetime Emmy Awards among 11 nominations for his decorated TV career.

Andre also appeared on the big screen ... with roles in movies including "Frequency," "The Mist," and "City of Angels."

Born and raised in Chicago, Andre went to college at Stanford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in theatre before continuing his studies at the Julliard School's Drama Division.

He is survived by his wife, actress Ami Brabson -- whom he married in 1991 -- and their 3 children.

Andre was 61.


Jonathan Majors Called 911 for Jabbari ... As Possible OD/Suicide, Cops Say

Jonathan Majors called 911 on behalf of his accuser, Grace Jabbari, the day he was arrested -- and now, we know what he officially reported it as ... a possible overdose, suicide.

Two NYPD officers who responded to the scene back in March took the stand Tuesday in Majors' assault trial, and their testimony was interesting ... mostly 'cause they gave the blow-by-blow (or as much as they could recall, anyway) from the moment they arrived.

One of the cops testified the initial call that came in -- made by Majors himself -- was to report someone who'd attempted to take their own life via overdose.

The cops also noted when they got there, Jabbari was on the floor in Majors' apartment ... and that when she finally awoke, the first thing she asked was how she'd gotten there. They also testified that Jabbari then asked if Majors was there or if he was outside, seemingly worried.

Last thing ... the officers said they noted a button on Majors' coat appeared to be missing, and they also said they noticed a small amount of blood on Majors' comforter on his bed when they arrived -- but didn't see any other signs of blood.


As for what Jabbari did say about injuries ... they testified she said Majors had hit her several times in the head, and that he'd grabbed her by the throat.

Another interesting tidbit ... the officers testified that Jabbari asked them why her ear had hurt -- remember, a cut ear is one of the reasons Majors is being prosecuted -- but, on the stand, the officers conceded they did not ask her if she'd fallen.

One of the officers also admitted on the stand he'd helped Jabbari fill out her DV report ... completing page 1 for her, and letting her do page 2 on her own. On cross, the officers said they didn't recall a lot of specific details that Majors' defense team asked ... including whether Jabbari had told them she'd taken 2 sleeping pills earlier in the night.

Court's in recess now, but testimony will resume this afternoon.

Jonathan Majors Llamó al 911 por Jabbari... Por posible sobredosis/suicidio

Jonathan Majors llamó al 911 en nombre de Grace Jabbari, el día que fue arrestado y ahora sabemos que lo informó oficialmente como un posible suicidio por sobredosis.

Dos oficiales de policía de Nueva York que respondieron a la escena en marzo subieron al estrado el martes en el caso de asalto de Majors, y su testimonio fue interesante, sobre todo porque dieron todos los detalles (o tantos como podían recordar) del incidente.

Uno de los policías testificó que la llamada inicial -que fue realizada por el propio Jonathan Majors- fue para informar que alguien había intentado quitarse la vida por sobredosis.

Los policías también señalaron que cuando llegaron allí, Jabbari estaba en el suelo del apartamento de Majors y que cuando finalmente volvió en sí, lo primero que preguntó fue cómo había llegado allí. También declararon que Jabbari entonces les preguntó si Majors estaba en el lugar o si estaba fuera, aparentemente preocupada.

Otro dato interesante, los oficiales testificaron que Jabbari les preguntó por qué le dolía su oído. Recuerden, el corte en la oreja es una de las razones por las que Majors está siendo procesado y los oficiales admitieron que no le preguntaron si se había caído.

En cuanto a lo que dijo de sus lesiones, Jabbari aseguró que al parecer Majors la había golpeado varias veces en la cabeza y que le había agarrado el cuello.

Uno de los oficiales también admitió en el estrado que había ayudado a Jabbari a llenar su informe DV. Completó la primera página por ella y dejó que hiciera la segunda por su cuenta. En el interrogatorio, los agentes dijeron que no recordaban muchos de los detalles específicos que el equipo de defensa de Majors les preguntó. Por ejemplo, si Jabbari les contó o no, que había tomado dos pastillas para dormir esa misma noche.

Por último, los oficiales dijeron que vieron que faltaba un botón en el abrigo de Majors y que también notaron una pequeña cantidad de sangre en el edredón de su cama cuando llegaron. Sin embargo, no vieron ningún otro rastro de sangre en otros lugares.

Ahora están en un descanso y se espera que se reanude otra sesión esta tarde.

Amanda Bynes I Had Plastic Surgery On My Eyelids

TikTok / @amandaamandaamanda1986

Amanda Bynes is opening up about her new look ... telling fans it's the result of plastic surgery on her face.

The former Nickelodeon star hopped on Instagram to explain why she's looking a little different these days ... explaining why she had plastic surgery on her eyelids.

Amanda says the procedure, known as a Blepharoplasty, removed the skinfolds around the corners of her eyes.

For Amanda, she says the plastic surgery is boosting her self-confidence and making her feel better about herself ... and she says it's one the greatest things she's ever done for herself.

Instagram / @amandaamandaamanda1986

Amanda debuted the new look earlier this month when she released her new podcast, and there were some headlines about a "new look" and she says that's why she's revealing how she went under the knife.

Also part of Amanda's new look is some platinum blonde hair ... but her focus is the eyelid surgery.

Jonathan Majors Assault Trial Driver Claims Grace Hit Actor In SUV

Big update from the Jonathan Majors assault trial ... the driver of the SUV in which Majors and Grace Jabbari were fighting, took the stand and testified he thought she hit the movie star.

Jonathan is accused of roughing up Grace in the back of their ride while trying to get his phone back after she believed she'd caught him texting another woman -- but the driver's testimony paints Grace as the aggressor, not the other way around.

Taking the stand Monday and speaking through an interpreter, the driver testified he kept his eyes on the road as Jonathan and Grace fought in the back of his Escalade back in March, telling the jury he "had a feeling the girl had hit the boy ... because of the way that she was fighting, and the sounds produced."

The driver also testified Grace demanded to see Jonathan's phone, saying ... "The girl became very angry." The driver also said, "He was not doing anything, she was doing it," and that Jonathan was "trying to get rid" of Grace.

It's an interesting twist in the trial ... last week, text messages between Jonathan and Grace were read aloud in court, including a September 2022 exchange where they seemingly referred to some sort of altercation in London.

In the text messages, Jonathan wrote ...  "They will ask you questions, and as I don't think you actually protect us, it could lead to investigation even if you do lie, and they suspect something."

Jabbari then replied, "I will tell the doctor I bumped my head if I go. I'm going to give it one more day, but I can't sleep and I need some stronger pain killers. That's all: why would I tell them what really happened when it's clear I want to be with you."

The car service driver also testified Jonathan and Grace both left his car at one point, arguing outside on a street corner in Manhattan ... and said Majors was "pushing her back into the car to get rid of her."


Jonathan's legal team asked the driver if he found any blood in the car, and he testified he didn't.

La estrella de "RHOSLC" Jen Shah quiere que Kim Kardashian la interprete en un posible biopic

De estrella de reality a la cárcel, Jen Shah tiene toda una historia que contar, y TMZ ha descubierto que ella espera que Kim Kardashian pueda contarla en una película biográfica.

Las conversaciones de la aventura en pantalla surgió cuando Emma Stone, en broma, puso en marcha una campaña para que se realizara el biopic de la estrella de "RHOSLC", luego de que un fan de toda la vida de "Real Housewives" le preguntara a la actriz en el estreno de Nueva York de "Poor Things": "¿que Housewife encajaría en una película dirigida por Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos es conocido por sus personajes inesperadamente extraños y excéntricos, y las pruebas y tribulaciones de Jen son más que suficientes para que Yorgos lleve su viaje a la gran pantalla, según la ganadora del Oscar Emma.

Jen rápidamente se enteró del apoyo de la estrella, cuando su manager Chris Giovanni le dijo a TMZ que estaba "alucinando por teléfono" de la emoción cuando la llamó a la cárcel para decirle el viernes por la mañana.

Chris nos dice Jen reconoció el respaldo de Emma para el proyecto como un honor, pero cuando se trata de quién le gustaría que la interpretara, menciona a Kim.

Chris dice que Jen no entró en muchos detalles acerca de por qué ella quiere a la Kardashian, pero no es ningún secreto que ella es una gran fan de la multimillonaria, recuerde que antes de su condena por fraude electrónico y lavado de dinero, dijo que quería abogado experto en Kim a unirse a su equipo legal.

La participación de Kim puede no ser demasiado descabellada, ella ha estado haciendo progresos serios en el negocio de la actuación. Ganando críticas muy favorables por "American Horror Story", impresionando tanto a su productor Ryan Murphy que la ha enganchado para su nueva serie basada en la famosa abogada de divorcios de celebridades, la reina de la disolución Laura Wasser.

Kim está reservada y ocupada, así que quién sabe si va a tener tiempo para un biopic. Sin embargo, Jen dice que no puede esperar para decirle a todas sus compañeras de prisión sobre Emma.

Aunque por ahora no se habla de una película biográfica, Chris nos dice que si las cámaras ruedan, Jen estaría lista para interrogar a cualquier actriz que se haga con el papel. Ha estado documentando su experiencia en la cárcel y ya ha escrito entre 100 y 150 páginas de notas.

JEN SHAH 'I WANT KIM K TO PLAY ME IN BIOPIC!' ... After Emma Stone Endorsement

From reality star to behind bars, Jen Shah has quite the life story to tell ... and TMZ has learned she's hoping Kim Kardashian can tell it in a biopic.

Talks of the on-screen venture emerged when Emma Stone facetiously kick-started a campaign for the 'RHOSLC' star's biopic ... after the longtime 'Real Housewives' fan was asked at the NYC premiere of "Poor Things" ... which Housewife was worthy of the film treatment by the flick's director Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos is known for taking on unexpectedly bizarre, eccentric characters -- and Jen's eyebrow-raising trials and tribulations are more than enough for Yorgos to bring her journey to the silver screen, according to Oscar-winner Emma.

Jen quickly caught wind of the A-list backing ... with her manager Chris Giovanni telling TMZ she was "freaking out over the phone" with excitement when he called her in prison to tell her Friday AM.

Chris tells us Jen acknowledged Emma's endorsement for the project as an honor ... but when it comes to who she'd actually like to play her ... that would be Kim K.

Chris says Jen didn't go into much detail about why she wants Kim ... but it's no secret she's a massive fan of the billionaire -- remember, before her sentencing for wire fraud and money laundering she said she wanted lawyer-in-training Kim to join her legal team.

Kim's involvement may not be too far-fetched ... she's been making serious headway in the acting biz -- earning rave reviews for "American Horror Story," impressing its producer Ryan Murphy so much he's snagged her for his new series, based on famous celebrity divorce lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser.

Kim's booked and busy ... so who knows if she'll have time on her hands for a Jen biopic ... but Jen says, nonetheless, she can't wait to tell all the ladies, AKA, her fellow prisoners, about Emma's fangirling.

While there's no real talk about a biopic for now, Chris tells us that if and when cameras do roll, Jen's ready to debrief whichever actress bags the role ... she's been documenting her prison experience and has already written 100-150 pages of notes.

¡Adivina en quién se ha convertido este niño con su camión de juguete!

Antes de que este chico tan guapo se convirtiera en una gran estrella de cine, no era más que un niño de Nueva York que no quería hacer otra cosa que jugar con su camión de juguete e ir al prestigioso instituto LaGuardia High y luego a la Universidad de Nueva York.

Algunos dirán que es el Leonardo DiCaprio de su generación, pero dado su pelo rizado... definitivamente no se parece tanto. Tiene varios galardones en su haber, pero quizá el más importante sea... ¡el Billete de Oro!

¿Necesitas una pista más? "Call Me by Your Name".

¿Puedes adivinar quién es?

Guess Who This Boy With His Toy Truck Turned Into!

Before this cute boy with fresh kicks turned into a big-time movie star, he was just a New York City kid wanting to do nothing but play with his toy truck, go to the sought-after high school, LaGuardia High and then it was off to New York University!

Some may say he's the Leonardo DiCaprio of his generation, but given his curly hair ... he definitely doesn't resemble Leo. He's got several notable accolades under his belt, but perhaps his biggest win is ... the Golden Ticket!

Need one more hint? "Call Me by Your Name."

Can you guess who he is?

Sean Penn Major PDA with Nathalie Kelley ... Seems to Be Over Olga

Sean Penn sure looks like a man about town lately -- he was making out with one actress earlier this summer, and now ... he's on to the next, and that'd be Nathalie Kelley.

The actor was in Miami this weekend for Art Basel, and on Saturday ... he and the 'Dynasty' star hit up South Beach together hand-in-hand and in lockstep, where they certainly looked like a full-blown couple.

They were both smiling ear to ear and at one point ... NK even rubbed Sean's muscle-y arms. They'd been seen grabbing lunch before this, but it was unclear if it was romantic.

Now, there's no doubt ... they're definitely an item, and Sean appears to have moved on.

Of course, we're referring to Ukrainian actress Olga Korotyayeva -- with whom he'd been in a relationship with earlier this year. They went to Saint Tropez together, and there too they were showing major PDA ... smooching in the street, and him putting his arm around her.

No word on what happened between then and now, but Sean's got his eye on Nathalie here. Remember, these latest dating moments for Sean come on the heels of his 3rd divorce.

He'd married Australian actress Leila George back in 2020 during the pandemic -- this after dating for about 4 years -- but called it quits very soon after that ... with Leila running to court  about a year later to signal she wanted an end to their marriage.

That was divorce #3 for him ... now he's just riding the bachelor wave in H'wood, it seems.

Will Smith Hangs Out w/ Curvy Jada Look-Alike ... During Art Basel in Miami

Jada Pinkett Smith might think the Oscars slap saved her marriage to Will Smith -- but hubby seems to be singing a different tune in FL ... where he's rolling with her look-alike.

The actor's been spotted out in Miami these past few days for Art Basel ... and between Thursday and Friday, this mystery woman has been tagging along with him and his crew -- and yes, she's a dead ringer for Jada ... with kinda the same shaved-head look/'do.

She's a bit thicker/curvier than Jada ... but frankly, we're still not sure who exactly she is. What we do know, though, is that she's been at Will's side lately and acting pretty chummy.

No PDA or anything between 'em from what we can see ... but whoever she is, she's in his orbit. Of course, it's interesting because she looks exactly like Jada -- but more importantly, Jada just said she'd never leave Will after he stood up for her at the Academy Awards.

From Jada's POV ... "so many positive things came after it." If you ask everybody else, though they might say otherwise -- and it's still a bit unclear how WS really feels about it.

Anyway, Jada was not with Will late last week in Miami ... so while she might be saying they're closer and more unified than ever post-slap -- Will appears to be telegraphing something else. He went to Saudi Arabia last week without her ... and now this.

Granted, he did spend Thanksgiving with her and the rest of the family -- so it's hard to say what's really going on. Per usual with them, we're sure it's complicated ... and then some.

121123_tmz_live_jada_kal DECEMBER 2023

Time will tell if this foxy doppelganger's identity is revealed in the near future, and what exactly her connection to Will is. 👀

Beyoncé 'Renaissance' Film Drops Off Big ... In 2nd Box Office Week

Beyoncé's reign as queen of the box office quickly came to an end this weekend, 'cause she fell from the top spot ... and slipped all the way down to #5, marking a massive drop-off.

The singer's 'Renaissance' concert film endured a 77% collapse domestically, coming in fifth place behind a handful of movies that have been in theaters for a while ... and losing out to a surprising newcomer claiming #1 -- an anime film from the great Hayao Miyazaki.

Of course, we're referring to "The Boy and the Heron," which snagged $12.8 million through Sunday. Obviously, that's not a huge number, which makes Bey's haul even more shocking.

'Renaissance' made only $5 million domestically this weekend ... quite different from last weekend's high mark of $21 million in North American markets. While that initial figure was solid, for sure, it didn't compare to Taylor Swift's opening weekend for the 'Eras' flick.

Remember, Taylor's concert movie made $92 mil in its opening weekend ... and then experienced about a 65% drop-off the next week, with $33 mil -- but it remained the top-grossing movie at the time, beating out Scorsese's "Killers of the Flower Moon." Of course, the film went on to maintain a stronghold at the box office for several weeks thereafter.

The other films that came ahead of Bey's flick this week ... "Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" (#2), "Godzilla Minus One" (#3) and "Trolls Band Together" (#4).

Of course, regardless of the actual numbers ... ya gotta imagine Bey (and certainly AMC) see the ticket sales as a win -- and as a new way to distribute these kinds of films where the artist themselves can reap a higher percentage of the profits. More to come, we're sure.

La película "Renaissance" de Beyoncé cae en taquilla en su segunda semana

El reinado de Beyoncé como reina de la taquilla llegó rápidamente a su fin este fin de semana, porque cayó desde el primer puesto, y se deslizó todo el camino hasta el # 5, marcando una caída estrepitosa.

La película del concierto de la cantante "Renaissance", sufrió un desplome del 77% a nivel nacional, quedando en quinto lugar por detrás de un puñado de películas que han estado en los cines durante un tiempo y perdiendo ante un sorprendente recién llegado que reclamaba el # 1, una película de anime del gran Hayao Miyazaki.

Por supuesto, nos referimos a "El niño y la garza", que obtuvo 12.8 millones de dólares hasta el domingo. Obviamente, no es una cifra enorme, lo que hace que el botín de Bey sea aún más impactante.

Este fin de semana, "Renaissance" solo ha recaudado 5 millones de dólares en el mercado nacional, muy lejos de los 21 millones del fin de semana pasado en los mercados norteamericanos. Si bien esa cifra inicial fue sólida, sin duda, no se compara con el fin de semana de apertura de Taylor Swift para la película "Eras".

Recuerde, la película del concierto de Taylor hizo 92 millones de dólares en su fin de semana de apertura y luego experimentó una caída de alrededor del 65% a la semana siguiente, con 33 millones de dólares, pero se mantuvo como la película más taquillera del momento superando a "Killers Of The Flower Moon" de Scorsese. Por supuesto, la película se mantuvo en la taquilla durante varias semanas.

Las otras películas que llegaron por delante de la película de Bey esta semana fueron "Los Juegos del Hambre: La balada de los pájaros cantores y serpientes" (# 2) "Godzilla menos uno" (# 3) y "Trolls Band Together" (# 4).

Por supuesto, independiente de las cifras reales, hay que imaginar Bey (y ciertamente AMC) ver las ventas de entradas como una victoria - y como una nueva forma de distribuir este tipo de películas en las que el propio artista puede cosechar un mayor porcentaje de los beneficios. Seguro que habrá más.

Nia Long Hombre que dice ser su hijo Es detenido por agredir a una persona con un palo

Ser el hijo de Nia Long NO es una tarjeta que te libere de la cárcel, mucho menos cuando NO eres realmente su hijo, como descubrió un chico después de que supuestamente golpeara a un extraño con el poste de una carpa.

Las fuerzas policiales le dicen a TMZ que Tamir Rasool Morris fue detenido el pasado fin de semana en Santa Mónica después de haber sido acusado de golpear a una persona en el parque. Cuando los policías lo interrogaron, Morris dijo que su nombre era Massai Dorsey II, que es el nombre del verdadero hijo de Nia Long, de 23 años.

Lo que es espeluznante para Nia y su familia es que el tipo claramente ha investigado porque también le dio a los oficiales el día y el mes de nacimiento correctos de Massai, aunque se terminó equivocando con el año. Nos dicen que falló por 2 años.

Por supuesto, su red de mentiras se vinieron abajo cuando fue fichado y le tomaron las huellas dactilares, lo que reveló su verdadero nombre.

Según nuestras fuentes, la policía sospecha que Morris sacó la información de Massai de las redes sociales, pero esta quiere dejar claro que el verdadero Massai no estuvo involucrado en lo absoluto en el incidente, y parece que su nombre fue dado sin su conocimiento.

En cuanto a Morris, se encuentra actualmente en la cárcel bajo fianza de 30.000 dólares y fue fichado por asalto con arma mortal y suplantación falsa.

Nia Long Man Claiming to Be Her Son Arrested Assault with Tent Pole

Being Nia Long's son is NOT a get-out-of-jail-free card, especially when you're NOT really her son at all -- as a guy found out after he allegedly smacked a stranger with a tent pole.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... Tamir Rasool Morris was arrested last weekend in Santa Monica where cops say he assaulted a random person in a park. When officers questioned him, Morris told them his name was Massai Dorsey II ... which is the name of Nia's actual 23-year-old son.

What's creepy for Nia and her fam is this guy's clearly done some research ... because he also gave officers Massai's correct birth day and month, but finally slipped up with the year. We're told he was off by 2 years.

Of course, his web of lies fell apart when he was booked and fingerprinted ... which revealed his real name.

According to our sources, cops suspect Morris pulled Massai's info from social media, but Santa Monica PD wants to make it clear ... the real Massai was not at all involved in the incident, and his name was given without his knowledge.

As for Morris, he's currently sitting in jail in lieu of $30,000 bail, and was booked for assault with a deadly weapon and false impersonation.

Emma Stone ¡¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?!

Los looks de Emma Stone a lo largo de los años tienen una A fácilmente.

Aquí tenemos una versión de la actriz de 21 años, para el estreno de "Easy A" allá por el 2010 (izquierda). Este fue su papel revelación que la lanzó al estrellato en Hollywood.

Y, 13 años después, Emma no ha dejado piedra sobre piedra y sigue haciendo girar cabezas, posando recientemente para el estreno de su nueva película "Poor Things" en el DGA Theater de Nueva York (derecha).

Un icono de Hollywood, sabemos que ella es uno de esos iconos a tener en cuenta como en "La La Land", pero la pregunta es ...

Emma Stone...