Nia Long Man Claiming to Be Her Son Arrested Assault with Tent Pole

Being Nia Long's son is NOT a get-out-of-jail-free card, especially when you're NOT really her son at all -- as a guy found out after he allegedly smacked a stranger with a tent pole.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... Tamir Rasool Morris was arrested last weekend in Santa Monica where cops say he assaulted a random person in a park. When officers questioned him, Morris told them his name was Massai Dorsey II ... which is the name of Nia's actual 23-year-old son.

What's creepy for Nia and her fam is this guy's clearly done some research ... because he also gave officers Massai's correct birth day and month, but finally slipped up with the year. We're told he was off by 2 years.

Of course, his web of lies fell apart when he was booked and fingerprinted ... which revealed his real name.

According to our sources, cops suspect Morris pulled Massai's info from social media, but Santa Monica PD wants to make it clear ... the real Massai was not at all involved in the incident, and his name was given without his knowledge.

As for Morris, he's currently sitting in jail in lieu of $30,000 bail, and was booked for assault with a deadly weapon and false impersonation.

Emma Stone ¡¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?!

Los looks de Emma Stone a lo largo de los años tienen una A fácilmente.

Aquí tenemos una versión de la actriz de 21 años, para el estreno de "Easy A" allá por el 2010 (izquierda). Este fue su papel revelación que la lanzó al estrellato en Hollywood.

Y, 13 años después, Emma no ha dejado piedra sobre piedra y sigue haciendo girar cabezas, posando recientemente para el estreno de su nueva película "Poor Things" en el DGA Theater de Nueva York (derecha).

Un icono de Hollywood, sabemos que ella es uno de esos iconos a tener en cuenta como en "La La Land", pero la pregunta es ...

Emma Stone...

Emma Stone Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Emma Stone's looks over the years have scored an "Easy A!"

Here is a 21-year-old version of the actress showcasing her early days as a redhead beauty at the premiere of "Easy A" back in 2010 (left). This was her breakout role that launched her into Hollywood stardom.

And, 13 years later, Emma has left no stone unturned but is still turning heads ... recently posing at the premiere of her newest movie "Poor Things" at the DGA Theater in New York City (right).

A Hollywood icon ... we know she's one to reckon with in "La La Land," but the question is ...

Emma Stone ...

Kid Capri Taylor Swift Deserves Kim K Apology ... But Privately, Not for Social


Kid Capri thinks it's time for Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian to end their feud, but not in a grand face-off for public consumption -- instead, he says settling scores behind closed doors is the way to go.

We caught the "World Famous" DJ out in NYC this week shortly after we broke the news Kim still hasn't made nice with TS after the 2016 phone convo between Kanye and Taylor -- the one Kim recorded to make it seem like Taylor was cool with the infamous "Famous" lyrics about her.

Kanye West 2016

Kid Capri looks fondly back at his times hanging with the Kardashians -- he deejayed Khloé Kardashian and Lamar Odom's wedding back in '09 -- but says right and wrong aren't equals and KK should do the right thing like a Spike Lee joint.


Despite the tensions, KC says it would behoove Kim and Taylor to cut out all media -- social included -- from their talks, so a genuine breakthrough can be had.

BTW, he's not excusing Kanye from his role in all this, especially if he never actually got Taylor's green light to include the racy line where calls her a "bitch."

Taylor said the fallout from the secretly recorded phone call made her move to a "foreign country" and mistrust almost everyone around her.

Interestingly, Kanye's now the one living overseas, but it's still near impossible to trust his lyrics.

Elon Musk Addresses Tesla Pileup in Netflix 🎥 They Can Be ☀️-Powered!!!

Elon Musk is attempting to tamp down any fears about Tesla cars that a new Netflix movie has stoked -- but he isn't really addressing the heart of the problem ... ultra smart cars.

Here's the deal ... Netflix released this new film called 'Leave the World Behind' and there's a scene in there where Model 3 Teslas drive themselves into a massive pileup on a road leading back to NYC ... this amid a mass power outage/possible cyber attack on Earth.

Like we said, it's freaky because the cars literally crash themselves into a never-ending accident with nobody in the vehicles -- which the main characters have to escape -- and the scene highlights Tesla's high-tech self-driving capability ... but in a nightmare scenario.

What makes this moment in the movie extra eerie is the fact that it's all white Model 3s that are doing this ... seemingly at the whim of hackers who are sending the cars to their doom.

Elon responded to a spliced version of this scene on Netflix's Twitter/X account, and he seemingly tried reassuring people that his Teslas would fare well in a doomsday situation like the one depicted on camera. He wrote, "Teslas can charge from solar panels even if the world goes fully Mad Max and there is no more gasoline!"

Like we said, he's *trying* to downplay the terror in the scene -- but EM either didn't watch the scene in full, or he hasn't seen the whole film yet ... 'cause the car not being able to start is NOT the problem here. Rather, it's the fact they can freaking drive on their own!

There've been reports of Teslas that have gotten into some bad wrecks (allegedly in autopilot mode) -- but it's unclear if the self-driving feature had anything to do with the cause.

Still, it looks like Netflix capitalized on those fears of "too-smart cars" and turned it into a horror movie, of sorts ... at least for this 1 scene, anyway. The flick, in general, doesn't focus entirely on this issue ... but it is certainly a highlight. Shout-out Julia Roberts' driving!

Anyway, here's Elon's guarantee that Teslas would serve you well in the apocalypse ... so get 'em while you can, we suppose? 😅

Jonathan Majors Just Me, Myself & I After Trial Text Revelation

Jonathan Majors is gathering his thoughts after what you could argue was a rough week for him in court -- ending with some startling texts he once sent being read in front of the jury.

The embattled actor was spotted on a solo stroll through Manhattan Saturday, where he seemed to be on a coffee run -- as he ended up grabbing two and balanced them on his way back to wherever he was going.

Considering the eventful week, these pics are telling for many reasons -- for one, he's all by his lonesome ... this after his GF, Meagan Good, has come to every single court date of his -- including showing up the past several days during the trial -- and been right by his side.

No sign of her here though ... although, he could've been grabbing Joe for the two of them.

In any case, JM kept his little outing here stylish ... uniquely his style, that is. The dude was wearing a khaki peacoat -- which he eventually draped off his shoulders -- a white tee, black pants, shades and a matching golf cap. Like all his public appearances, he's dressed up.

Now, as for what might be on his mind ... well, a lot of things, we're sure -- including what's gonna happen to his career, regardless of what the jury ultimately decides in their verdict.

Fact is ... there's been some ugly revelations about him throughout the trial -- much of which came from Grace Jabbari's testimony about their relationship ... including claims he'd been verbally abusive to her in the past. Remember the whole Coretta Scott King thing?

Even more damning than just that, though, is what came to light Friday ... when text messages Majors had sent Jabbari back in September 2022 were read aloud in court.

They included exchanges between Majors and Jabbari, where the two of the appeared to refer to some sort of altercation in London ... with Majors writing at the time, "They will ask you questions, and as I don't think you actually protect us, it could lead to investigation even if you do lie, and they suspect something."

Jabbari replied, "I will tell the doctor I bumped my head if I go. I'm going to give it one more day, but I can't sleep and I need some stronger pain killers. That's all: why would I tell them what really happened when it's clear I want to be with you."

That coupled with the testimony she gave about other times he'd allegedly shown aggression around her have not landed well with the public (just check Twitter/X). Because so much of all these old alleged incidents have been allowed to be aired out in court, it feels like it almost doesn't matter if he's found guilty or not -- from our POV, anyway.

Of course, we'll see what the jury has to say about it all in the end -- and more importantly, what Disney wants to do in the aftermath. They're far and away his biggest employer right now, and there's a lot of money and work on the line depending on how things shake out.

Majors' trial continues next week, and we're expecting to hear from other key witnesses -- including the car service driver, who could presumably speak on the alleged incident in his vehicle and answer once and for all ... did the guy brutalize her back there or not???

In the meantime ... it's just Majors out here in these streets, patiently waiting.

Jonathan Majors Paseando solo... Después de las revelaciones de sus mensajes en el juicio

Jonathan Majors está dedicando tiempo a la reflexión después de lo que podría llamarse una semana difícil en la corte y que terminó con algunos textos sorprendentes que alguna vez envió a su exnovia y se leyeron ante el jurado.

El asediado actor fue visto paseando solo por Manhattan este sábado, donde se lo vio comprando dos cafés y se los llevó en su camino de regreso.

Teniendo en cuenta la acontecida semana que tuvo, estas fotos son reveladoras por muchas razones. Por un lado, está solo. Esto, después de que su novia Meagan Good, llegara a cada una de sus citas en la corte, incluyendo la aparición de los últimos días durante el juicio, para acompañarlo.

Pese a ello, no hay rastro de ella aquí. Aunque podría haber estado agarrando los cafés para los dos.

En cualquier caso, Jonathan Majors mantuvo su salida con estilo. El tipo llevaba un chaquetón de color caqui, una camiseta blanca, pantalones negros, gafas de sol y una gorra de golf a juego. Como en todas sus apariciones públicas, iba elegante.

Ahora, en cuanto a lo que podría estar en su mente. Bueno, pueden ser un montón de cosas, incluyendo lo que va a pasar con su carrera, independientemente de lo que el jurado decida finalmente en su veredicto.

La verdad es que han habido algunas revelaciones feas sobre el actor durante el juicio, gran parte de las cuales vinieron del testimonio de Grace Jabbari sobre su relación, entre ellas, que había sido verbalmente abusivo con ella en el pasado. ¿Recuerdan todo el asunto de Coretta Scott King?

Aún más condenatorio que eso, sin embargo, es lo que salió a la luz el viernes. Esto es los mensajes de texto que Majors le envió a Jabbari en septiembre de 2022 y que fueron leídos en voz alta en el tribunal.

Estos incluían intercambios entre Majors y Jabbari, donde los dos parecían referirse a algún tipo de altercado en Londres. Majors escribió en ese momento: "Te harán preguntas, y como no creo que nos protejas, podría dar lugar a una investigación, incluso si mientes y sospechan algo".

Jabbari respondió: "Le diré al médico que me golpeé la cabeza si voy. Voy a darle un día más, pero no puedo dormir y necesito analgésicos más fuertes. Eso es todo: para qué les voy a contar lo que pasó de verdad si está claro que quiero estar contigo".

Eso unido al testimonio que dio sobre otras ocasiones en las que supuestamente él fue agresivo con ella, no han sentado nada bien al público (no hay más que ver Twitter/X). Debido a que se ha permitido que todos estos supuestos incidentes se aireen en el tribunal, parece que casi no importa si se lo declara culpable o no, desde nuestro punto de vista.

Por supuesto, veremos lo que el jurado tiene que decir al final y, lo que es más importante, lo que Disney quiere hacer después. Ellos son de lejos su mayor empleador en este momento y hay un montón de dinero y trabajo en juego dependiendo de cómo resulten las cosas.

El juicio de Majors seguirá la semana que viene y estamos esperando escuchar a otros testigos clave, incluyendo al conductor del carro que estuvo con ellos esa noche, el que presumiblemente podría hablar sobre el presunto incidente en su vehículo y responder de una vez por todas, ¿el tipo fue agresivo con ella o no?

Mientras tanto, Majors está solo por las calles esperando pacientemente.

Leo DiCaprio en Art Basel Trabaja duro y lo pasa bien Se relaja tras su discurso ecológico

Leonardo DiCaprio puede ser el abotonado Sr. Medio Ambiente en un momento y al minuto siguiente, el chico fiestero favorito de Hollywood, una hazaña que demostró una vez más este fin de semana en Art Basel en Miami.

El actor anduvo de fiesta una vez más el viernes en la Ciudad Mágica, donde Wayne y Cynthia Boich acogieron a un grupo de estrellas en su mansión privada, incluyendo a Leo y su novia, Vittoria Ceretti, quien disfrutó de un cigarrillo junto a su hombre.

Devolverle a la tierra

Leo estaba en modo de fiesta, luciendo su característica gorra de béisbol negra y echando humo de su cigarrillo, con Vittoria probando una bocanada también. Todo un cambio respecto del look que tenía el jueves por la noche, cuando se sentó en la primera fila para dar un discurso en un evento sobre el medioambiente.

La reunión Re:Wild en donde Leo estuvo en su modo ecológico, tan pulido como se puede estar y con un aspecto realmente elegante. 24 horas más tarde, ¡lo deja todo al descubierto!

De todos modos, la fiesta en la mansión del viernes fue un quién es quién de las estrellas. Tom Brady estuvo allí, pero también Sean Penn, quien se abrazó con Leo en un momento, como se ve en una foto obtenida por TMZ.


Sean estuvo compartiendo con las personas adentro también, listo para una actuación de Snoop Dogg. Hablando de Snoop Dogg... el rapero también estuvo charlando con el público después de tocar el micrófono, lo cual fue increíble.

Snoop tocó algunas de sus canciones, las que hicieron bailar a todo el mundo.

Tocando los clásicos

Esta es solo la última parada de Leo en Art Basel. El actor ha estado en la ciudad desde principios de esta semana y algo nos dice que veremos más de él hasta el domingo.

Y sí, probablemente en su atuendo de ciudad ... Nadie lleva los 49 como Leo DiCaprio. 🫡

Leo DiCaprio at Art Basel Work Hard, Play Hard ... Cuts Loose After Suited Eco Speech

Leonardo DiCaprio can be buttoned-up Mr. Environment one minute, and Hollywood's favorite party boy the next -- a feat he proved yet again this weekend at Art Basel in Miami.

The actor was on hand yet again Friday for a huge bash in the Magic City, where Wayne and Cynthia Boich hosted a gaggle of stars at their private mansion ... including Leo and his girlfriend, Vittoria Ceretti, who enjoyed a smoke next to her man at one point in the evening.


Leo was in party mode, rocking his signature black ball cap and blowing out whatever he was puffin' on -- with Vittoria hitting her vape. Quite the change from how he looked Thursday night, when he was front and center for a speech at an environmental event.

The Re:Wild get-together where Leo talked featured him in eco mode ... where he was as polished as can be and looking real sharp. 24 hours later, he's letting it all hang out!

Anyway, the mansion party on Friday was a who's-who of stars ... Tom Brady was there, but so was Sean Penn -- who actually hugged it out with Leo at one point -- as seen here in a photo obtained by TMZ.


Sean was mingling with folks inside as well ... fresh on the heels of a performance by Snoop Dogg, who'd performed for the rich and famous crowd not long before. Speaking of SD ... he was also chitchatting in the crowd after doing his thing on the mic, which was awesome.

Snoop performed a few of his songs ... and he definitely had everybody dancing along.


It's just the latest Art Basel stop for Leo, who's been in town since earlier this week. Something tells us we're gonna be seeing a lot more of him through Sunday too.

And yes, likely in his out-on-the-town getup ... no one does 49 quite like the LDC. 🫡

Ken Hudson Campbell 'Home Alone' Actor Has Cancerous Tumor Removed

Ken Hudson Campbell, famous for playing Santa in "Home Alone," is the one getting a great gift this time ... TMZ has learned doctors successfully removed the cancer that had been spreading in his mouth.

Ken's daughter Michaela tells TMZ ... her dad went into surgery Thursday morning, and the whole procedure went off without a hitch. She says the family was able to visit him later that night once he was out of the OR.

He's not home-free just yet ... we're told Ken will remain in ICU for another 2-3 days, before he's transferred to regular inpatient hospital care for about another week. But, he is awake and doing really well -- and it will take about 6 weeks of recovery before he can get back to normal, everyday activity.

As we reported, Ken was diagnosed with cancer in October after a tumor grew on the bottom of his mouth and "began encroaching on his teeth" ... according to Michaela, who laid it all out on a GoFundMe she set up for her pops.

She started the GFM because Ken, unfortunately, lost his SAG-AFTRA health insurance at the beginning of last year after the pandemic -- but the support's been overwhelming, they're over $96,000 of the $100k goal.

There have been some heavy hitters offering donations -- including $1k from Jeff Garlin and Tim Meadows, $5k from "The Big Bang Theory" creator Bill Prady and $10,000 from Steve Carell.

Michaela tells us Steve and Ken are old friends from their time in Second City Chicago improv, and the family is extremely grateful for all the support.

Ken will still have to undergo reconstructive surgery, as well as radiation and possibly chemo, which comes with a lengthy 6-month recovery period ... but he's crossed a huge hurdle.

Actor de "Mi pobre angelito" Ken Hudson Campbell Tiene exitosa cirugía para remover su cáncer

Ken Hudson Campbell, famoso por interpretar a Santa Claus en "Mi pobre angelito", está recibiendo un gran regalo esta vez. TMZ ha indagado que los médicos eliminaron con éxito el cáncer que se había estado extendiendo en su boca.

La hija de Ken Michaela le dice a TMZ que su padre se sometió a la cirugía el jueves por la mañana, y todo el procedimiento salió sin problemas. Ella dice que la familia pudo visitarlo más tarde esa misma noche, cuando ya estaba fuera de la sala de operaciones.

Aún no está en casa...  Nos han dicho que Ken permanecerá en la UCI otros dos o tres días y que luego sería trasladado a una sala normal del hospital para permanecer allí una semana más. Pero está despierto y se encuentra muy bien, y tardará unas seis semanas en recuperarse y poder volver a su actividad cotidiana normal.

Como informamos, Ken fue diagnosticado con cáncer en octubre después de que un tumor creciera en la parte inferior de la boca y "comenzara a invadir sus dientes". Esto, de acuerdo a lo que cuenta Michaela, quien expuso todo en un GoFundMe que creó para sus papás.

Ella comenzó la recaudación porque Ken lamentablemente perdió su seguro de salud SAG-AFTRA a principios del año pasado después de la pandemia. Pero el GoFundMe ya ha pasado los $90.000 de una meta de $100k.

Ha habido algunos pesos pesados corriendo al GoFundMe para ayudarlo, incluyendo $1k de Jeff Garlin y Tim Meadows, $5k del creador de "The Big Bang Theory" Bill Prady, y la suculenta suma de $10.000 de Steve Carell.

Michaela nos cuenta que Steve y Ken son viejos amigos desde su época en Second City en Chicago y la familia está muy agradecida por todo el apoyo.

Ken todavía tendrá que someterse a cirugía reconstructiva, así como a radiación y posiblemente quimioterapia, lo que conlleva un largo período de recuperación de 6 meses... pero a pesar de todo ha superado un gran obstáculo.

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Welcome! There's no "Good Burger" being served here ... just some juicy differences of Kenan Thompson to heat up your weekend! Lace up your sneaks, and see if you can kick these minor changes to the curb wall!

Earlier this week ... the longtime comedian dropped his book, "When I Was Your Age: Life Lessons, Funny Stories & Questionable Parenting Advice from a Professional Clown” ... and he made the press rounds in NYC to talk all about it!

Can you locate the changes? You may want to put your thinking cap on!

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Kenan Thompson photos!**

Dennis Quaid Canta con Robby Krieger de los Doors

Morrison sigue vivo

Dennis Quaid está viviendo una fantasía de rock 'n roll tras subirse al escenario con uno de los últimos miembros vivos de The Doors, Robby Krieger, para un concierto sorpresa en el legendario Whisky a Go Go.

TMZ consiguió este clip del actor, y evidente fan de los Doors, donde se lo ve sumergido en la piel de Jim Morrison para cantar el clásico "Riders on the Storm".

DQ hizo gala de su talento frente a la audiencia del local de WeHo.

La noche estuvo dedicada a Mikeal Maglieri, el propietario del Whisky and Rainbow Bar & Grill, que falleció el mes pasado.

Dennis siempre tuvo pasión por la música. Tocó en conciertos con su banda, The Sharks, y también escribió e interpretó la canción "Closer to You" en la película de 1987, "The Big Easy".

A principios de este año, Dennis, que es un cristiano devoto, publicó "Fallen: A Gospel Record for Sinners", inspirado en su educación baptista en Texas.

Los fans claramente adoraron esta aventura musical, que debutó en el número 1 de la lista de los mejores álbumes cristianos/de gospel. ¿Qué tal eso para encender tu fuego? 🔥

DENNIS QUAID Rocks with Doors' Robby Krieger


Dennis Quaid's living out a rock 'n roll fantasy ... taking the stage with one of The Doors' last surviving members, Robby Krieger, for a surprise gig at the legendary Whisky a Go Go.

TMZ got this clip of the actor, and obvious Doors fan, stepping into Jim Morrison's shoes to front the band for their classic, "Riders on the Storm."

DQ showed off his pipes to the delight of the crowd inside the WeHo venue -- the event was presented by Sammy's Beach Bar Rum.

The night was dedicated to Mikeal Maglieri, the owner of the Whisky and Rainbow Bar & Grill, who passed away last month.

Dennis has always had a passion for music... playing gigs with his band, The Sharks -- also writing and performing the song "Closer to You" in 1987's flick, "The Big Easy."

Dennis, who's a devout Christian, drew on his faith earlier this year to release, "Fallen: A Gospel Record for Sinners"... saying it was inspired by his Baptist upbringing in Texas.

Fans clearly worshipped the music venture ... with it debuting at No. 1 on the Top Christian/Gospel Albums chart. How's that for lighting your fire? 🔥

Stars Getting Into The Holiday Spirit ... Hollywood's Gettin' Lit!

Holiday vibes and fun times are here, and the celebs just can't contain their holiday cheer! Gather 'round and join these famous faces as they light up Hollywood during the most magical time of year!

Hit the lights with spirited stars like Blake Shelton, Carson Daly and Nikki Garcia who donned Claus attire. And, riding in on her sleigh ... Tracee Eliss Ross slayed in a red onesie, and Glen Powell covered his booty and stole the heck out of Christmas!

Greet the season and feel the holiday joy with our gallery of Stars Getting Into The Holiday Spirit!

Las estrellas Se contagian del espíritu navideño... ¡Hollywood se ilumina!

Las vibraciones navideñas y la diversión ya están aquí, y las celebridades no pueden contener su alegría navideña. Echa un vistazo y únete a estos famosos mientras iluminan Hollywood durante la época más mágica del año.

Enciende las luces con estrellas como Blake Shelton, Carson Daly y Nikki Garcia, que se vistieron de Santa Claus. Y, montada en su trineo, Tracee Eliss Ross deslumbró vestida con un body rojo, mientras que Glen Powell se cubrió las espaldas y se robó la Navidad.

Dale la bienvenida a la estación y siente la alegría de las fiestas con nuestra galería de estrellas que se contagian del espíritu navideño.