Ken Hudson Campbell -- who played Santa in "Home Alone" -- is hoping for a Christmas miracle ... after kickstarting a GoFundMe for help after his recent cancer diagnosis.

Campbell -- who's also appeared in other beloved classics such as "Groundhog Day" and "Armageddon" during his 35-year career span -- was diagnosed in late Oct after a tumor "elusively grew on the bottom of his mouth and began encroaching on his teeth."

The statement on the GoFundMe says he's scheduled for a 10-hour surgery to remove the tumor Thursday ... which will also remove a large part of his jawbone.

Additionally, he'll undergo reconstructive surgery and rounds of radiation and chemo ... with a lengthy 6-month recovery period.

Unfortunately, Ken lost his SAG-AFTRA health insurance in Jan 2022 following the pandemic ... and even though he's found new insurance, substantial out-of-pocket costs are still anticipated -- hence the GFM.

At the time of writing, it has reached a little over $58K of its $100K goal.

The statement emphasizes the surgery could affect his future employability ... adding: "We're asking for your help so that Kenny can use the time ahead to return to health, and spend more time with family & friends."


Jonathan Majors' ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, says she decided to attend a stranger's birthday bash instead of returning home to the apartment she shared with him ... after he allegedly struck her in a cab in March.

During sworn testimony before a jury in an NYC courtroom Tuesday, Jabbari claimed she made her escape from an SUV taking them over the Manhattan Bridge ... seeking refuge at a bar with strangers who came to her aid after the alleged physical altercation with the actor.

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"I didn't want to be alone at that point," she told jurors ... elaborating, "I was just trying to suppress the sadness. I felt sad so deeply in my heart. But, I was also really grateful for these three people who had saved me."

She said she bought her 3 new friends a bottle of champagne as a thank you, and also danced.

She said she had "some shots of tequila" as well. She said she began icing her finger at the bar because she knew she'd wake up in considerable pain the next morning.

Video footage of the alleged cab incident was presented in the courtroom ... where Majors was observed getting out of the car and pushing Jabbari back in ... before she got out and chased him down the street.

According to Jabbari, the fight broke out after she saw a text from a woman named "Cleopatra" in the cab.

She claims that when she tried to take the phone, she experienced a "heavy thud" as he tried to take it back ... resulting in her finger and arm being twisted.

"He was trying to hurt me," she alleged. "Then I felt a hard blow across my head."

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However, Majors' attorney, Priya Chaudhry, contends the injuries were actually sustained by the "Creed" actor ... who was scared of Jabbari as he attempted to flee her as she chased him through the streets of Manhattan.


This comes after Jabbari detailed how she first met Majors, how they got involved, and at what point he allegedly began showing aggression around her.

So far, she's shared a recording of the actor allegedly blowing up at her during another incident when she came home tipsy -- and has also claimed he lost his cool after she brought up her ex's pooch.

Meanwhile, Majors' current GF, Meagan Good, has been throwing her full support behind him ... ensuring to be by his side while arriving at court.

Jonathan Majors Denunciante dice que huyó a una fiesta tras la pelea ... No quería estar sola

La exnovia de Jonathan Majors, Grace Jabbari, dice que decidió ir a la fiesta de cumpleaños de un extraño en lugar de volver al departamento que compartía con él. Todo esto, después de que supuestamente este la golpeara en un taxi en marzo.

Durante el testimonio bajo juramento ante un jurado en un tribunal de Nueva York el martes, Jabbari afirmó que se escapó de un SUV que los llevaba por el puente de Manhattan para buscar refugio en un bar con conocidos que fueron a ayudarla después del supuesto altercado físico con el actor.

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De fiesta toda la noche

"No quería estar sola en ese momento", le dijo a los miembros del jurado. "Yo solo estaba tratando de suprimir la tristeza. Me sentía muy triste en el fondo de mi corazón. Pero también estaba muy agradecida por estas tres personas que me salvaron".

Dijo que los invitó a una botella de champán en señal de agradecimiento y también bailó.

También se tomó "algunos chupitos de tequila". Dijo que empezó a ponerse hielo en el dedo en el bar porque sabía que se despertaría con un dolor considerable a la mañana siguiente.

Las imágenes de video del supuesto incidente del taxi se presentaron en la sala del tribunal. En ellas se ve a Majors saliendo del carro e instando a Jabbari a que entre de nuevo, luego ella sale y comienza a perseguirlo por la calle.

Según Jabbari, la pelea estalló después de que vio un mensaje de texto de una mujer llamada "Cleopatra" en el taxi.

Ella dice que cuando trató de tomar el teléfono, experimentó un "fuerte golpe" mientras él intentaba recuperarlo, lo que provocó una torcedura en su brazo y en su dedo.

"Él estaba tratando de hacerme daño", alegó. "Entonces sentí un fuerte golpe en la cabeza"

Sin embargo, la abogada de Majors, Priya Chaudhry, sostiene que el actor de "Creed" fue quien sufrió las lesiones. Asegura que el actor se asustó y por eso intentó huir mientras ella lo perseguía por las calles de Manhattan.

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Todo esto ocurre después de que Jabbari detallara cómo conoció a Majors y en qué momento él supuestamente comenzó a mostrarse agresivo.

Hasta ahora, Jabbari ha compartido una grabación del actor donde aparentemente se lo ve explotando de rabia una vez que ella llegó borracha a casa. También ha afirmado que Majors perdió la calma cuando le mencionó algo sobre el perro de su ex.

Mientras tanto, la actual novia de Majors, Meagan Good, ha estado expresando todo su apoyo al actor, asegurándose de estar a su lado cuando llegan a la corte.

Lupita Nyong'o se deja ver con Joshua Jackson tras anunciar su ruptura

Joshua Jackson y Lupita Nyong'o claramente no quieren que nadie sepa que están pasando mucho tiempo juntos y haciendo todo lo posible para evitar ser fotografiados durante una salida por comestibles.

La ganadora del Oscar hizo un valiente intento (aunque sin éxito) para eludir la vista al llegar con la estrella de "Dawson's Creek" a Erewhon en Los Ángeles el lunes. Lupita se agachó en el asiento del pasajero, pero aun así no se pudo ocultar.

A pesar de su plan frustrado, Joshua siguió manteniendo la ilusión de una salida en solitario cuando se dirigió a la tienda con Lupita siguiendo su ejemplo minutos más tarde.

¡feliz navidad!

Mientras que la pareja aún no ha confirmado su relación, sus travesuras sugieren que su relación va más allá de la amistad.

Joshua y Lupita se conocen desde hace años, con su conexión aparentemente fortaleciéndose en octubre en el concierto de Janelle Monáe.

Aunque no hubo demostraciones de afecto en el show, la salida levantó sospechas, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que Lupita terminó con su novio, Selema Masekela, el mismo día y rápidamente borró todo rastro de él de su Insta.

En cuanto a Joshua, TMZ ya había dado la noticia una semana antes de la noche con Lupita que la actriz y modelo Jodie Turner-Smith había puesto fin a su matrimonio después de 4 años.

LUPITA NYONG'O Grocery Run with Joshua Jackson Weeks After Split with BF

Joshua Jackson and Lupita Nyong'o clearly don't want anyone to know they're spending a whole lotta time together -- going to great lengths to avoid being snapped together during a joint grocery run.

The Oscar winner made a valiant attempt -- albeit unsuccessfully -- to duck out of view when arriving with the "Dawson's Creek" star to Erewhon in L.A. Monday. Lupita ducked in the passenger's seat, but was still spotted.

Despite their foiled plan, Joshua continued to maintain the illusion of a solo outing as he headed into the store first ... with Lupita following suit minutes later.


While the pair have yet to confirm their relationship, their shenanigans suggest their relationship is beyond friendship.

Joshua and Lupita have known each other for years ... with their connection seemingly heating up in October at Janelle Monáe's concert.

While there was no PDA at the show, the outing raised eyebrows ... especially considering Lupita called it quits with her BF, Sal Masekela, the same day ... and swiftly deleted all traces of him from her IG.

As for Joshua, TMZ had already broke the news a week prior to the night out with Lupita that actress/model Jodie Turner-Smith pulled the plug on their marriage after 4 years.

Susan Sarandon Dropped from Short Film ... After Anti-Jewish Remarks

Susan Sarandon's antisemitic rant has now cost her a role in a project -- just the latest hit to her career after she bashed Jews.

The actress has been dropped from a short film she was set to star in called "Slipping Away" -- this according to the co-founder of the production company that was putting it together.

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David Barroso of PTO Films tells Page Six ... "As a company, PTO Films would like to make it clear that Susan Sarandon’s views do not reflect the opinions of our organization. We were considering her for a short film, but due to her recent statements, we have decided to pursue other options."

"Slipping Away" had been listed as an upcoming title on Sarandon's IMDb page, but it's gone now. There are 4 other future productions she's attached to -- three of them are in post-production and one is still in pre-production. Unclear if her roles in those are affected yet.

Remember ... Sarandon caught heat for speaking up at a pro-Palestine rally in NYC recently, but what she said specifically ended up costing her. The antisemitic comment in question was ... "There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country."


Sarandon was dropped from her talent agency, UTA, shortly thereafter ... and now this. She has since apologized and said the phrasing was a terrible mistake.

Susan Sarandon Es bajada de un cortometraje Tras sus comentarios antijudíos

El discurso antisemita de Susan Sarandon le ha costado un papel en un proyecto y es solo el último golpe a su carrera después de que atacara a los judíos.

La actriz ha sido retirada de un cortometraje que iba a protagonizar llamado "Slipping Away", según el cofundador de la productora que lo estaba organizando.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

David Barroso de PTO Films le dijo a Page Six: "Como empresa, a PTO Films le gustaría dejar claro que las opiniones de Susan Sarandon no reflejan las opiniones de nuestra organización. Estábamos considerándola para un cortometraje, pero debido a sus recientes declaraciones, hemos decidido buscar otras opciones".

"Slipping Away" figuraba como próximo título en la página IMDb de Sarandon, pero ya no está. Hay otras cuatro próximas producciones con las que está vinculada, tres de ellas en fase de postproducción y una aún en fase de preproducción. No está claro si sus papeles en esos proyectos se verán afectados todavía.

Recuerden, Sarandon recibió críticas en las redes tras hablar en una manifestación pro-Palestina en Nueva York recientemente. Lo que dijo específicamente terminó costándole caro. El comentario antisemita en cuestión fue: "Hay mucha gente que tiene miedo de ser judía en este momento y están saboreando lo que se siente ser musulmán en este país".

Merry Elfin' Christmas

Sarandon fue despedida de su agencia de talentos UTA poco después y ahora esto. Desde entonces se ha disculpado y ha dicho que la frase fue un terrible error.


George Santos is saying a big "f*** you" to everyone at HBO ... vowing to go after the channel/streaming platform for developing a new movie about his controversial political career.

The recently-booted congressman sounded off to TMZ after HBO optioned the rights to Mark Chiusano's new book "The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos" ... blasting it as defamatory and misappropriating his name and likeness.

Santos says he has zero involvement in the "fictitious story" the movie plans to sell to the American people ... and is vexed about the filmmakers and book's author not speaking to him or getting authorization to write about him.

However, he says he's not concerned about how he'll be represented in the doc ... because he's working on a project that best fits his narrative. As for HBO, Santos vented, "F*** them and their chicken s*** deal with no inside information or reality of facts."


We're not sure how he'll navigate any potential comeback trail following his expulsion from Congress last week ... but ya gotta applaud the hustle.

The decision came following a controversial time in office, which included multiple felony charges.


For now, he's been busy advising his fans to "let the haters hate" on Cameo for $200 a vid.

BTW, we talked to the guy whose book this HBO film is based on ... and he tells us he tried his best to get GS to get involved in the story, to no avail though.


Author Mark Chiusano -- who published 'The Fabulist' this year -- joined us on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to discuss Santos' threats of action against the movie ... and he says he's heard it all before. The guy also stands by his work, and thinks he did a good job of representing things as they are.

George Santos Va a tomar acciones legales contra la película de HBO ¡¡Que se jodan p*** de mier**!!

George Santos le está diciendo un gran "váyanse a la m***" a todos en HBO, prometiendo que irá tras el canal y la plataforma de streaming luego de que anunciaran el desarrollo de una nueva película sobre su controvertida carrera política.

El recientemente destituido congresista habló con TMZ después de que HBO adquiriera los derechos del nuevo libro de Mark Chiusano "The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos", tachándolo de difamatorio y de apropiación indebida de su nombre y de su imagen.

Santos dice que no tiene ninguna participación en la "ficticia historia" que la película planea venderle al pueblo estadounidense y está molesto con los cineastas y el autor del libro por no haber hablado con él ni haberle pedido autorización para escribir sobre su vida.

Sin embargo, dice que no le preocupa cómo será representado en el documental porque está trabajando en un proyecto que se ajusta mejor a su narrativa. En cuanto a HBO, Santos se desahogó: "Que se jod*** por no contar con la realidad de los hechos".

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

No estamos seguros cómo Santos navegará cualquier camino de regreso posible después de su expulsión del Congreso la semana pasada, pero hay que aplaudir el ajetreo.

La decisión se produjo después de un controvertido tiempo en el cargo, que incluyó múltiples cargos por delitos graves.

Directo con la gente

Por ahora, ha estado ocupado aconsejándole a sus fans que "dejen a los haters odiar" en un video de Cameo por $200.

La mujer que acusa a Jonathan Majors dice que enloqueció por el perro de su ex

Jonathan Majors perdió la calma cuando su acusadora Grace Jabbari mencionó el perro de su ex novio, al menos según su testimonio en el juicio por agresión de Majors.

Jabbari  —que voló desde Londres para subir al estrado en un tribunal de Nueva York— habló ante el jurado bajo juramento el martes y describió cómo lo conoció, cómo se involucraron, y en qué momento supuestamente comenzó a mostrar agresividad a su alrededor.

Recuerdemos que los fiscales le dijeron a los miembros del jurado el lunes durante las declaraciones de apertura, que lo que supuestamente sucedió entre ellos en marzo fue en realidad solo el punto de ebullición de lo que afirman se había convertido en una relación controladora y abusiva, algo que Jabbari testificó en el estrado.

Jabbari dijo que conoció a Majors en el set de "Ant-Man y la Avispa: Quantumania", donde fue contratada como entrenadora de movimiento y explicó que su relación se volvió seria rápidamente. Sin embargo, en un momento dado en diciembre de 2021, ella testificó que vio los primeros destellos de ira de él cuando ella afirma que él perdió el control luego de que ella mencionó al perro de su ex.

Jabbari dice que en realidad estaba conociendo a los perros de Majors en ese momento, y él le estaba dando instrucciones sobre cómo comportarse con ellos a lo que ella respondió que ya estaba familiarizada con los perros a causa de su ex novio, que tenía uno. Fue entonces cuando, según ella, Jonathan perdió la calma y empezó a levantar la voz, aparentemente enfadado porque ella había sacado el tema.

En el tribunal, ella es citada diciendo: "¿Cómo me atrevo a mencionarlo?" y "Es vergonzoso que haya salido con él. Su perro es patético. Ese tipo de cosas". Ella también dijo que esta fue la primera vez que tuvo miedo de él y testificó que las cosas solo empeoraron a partir de ahí.

Jabbari pasó a describir otros supuestos casos en los que Majors perdió los estribos, testificando que una vez lanzó una vela en su dirección y abolló su pared y que supuestamente una vez golpeó sus auriculares, entre otros supuestos momentos violentos.

¡feliz navidad!

Ella también se detuvo y lloró mucho durante su testimonio. En este punto, no suena como que ella estuviera describiendo el presunto asalto, aunque los fiscales ya hablaron por ella el lunes, cuando alegaron que la tiró alrededor como una muñeca de trapo en el carro después de que ella vio un texto que ella pensaba provenía de una mujer, algo que él ha negado.

Meagan Good estaba de vuelta en la corte mirando como Majors se sentó en la mesa del acusado durante el testimonio de Jabbari. Según los informes, no miró a Jabbari mientras ella estaba en el estrado.

Jonathan Majors Accuser Grace Jabbari Testifies He Flipped Out Over Ex's Dog


1:35 PM PT -- Grace Jabbari also shared a recording allegedly of Jonathan Majors blowing up at her during another incident when she came home tipsy after going out with friends.

In the recording, jurors heard Majors yelling at Jabbari, telling her she needed to be more like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama -- and that she had moved away from "the plan." In the recording, Majors exclaimed, "I'm a great man. A great man! There needs to be a great woman who makes sacrifices."

Jonathan Majors once lost his cool when his accuser Grace Jabbari mentioned her ex-boyfriend's dog -- at least according to her testimony in Majors' assault trial.

Jabbari -- who flew in from London to take the stand in an NYC courtroom -- spoke to the jury under oath Tuesday, and described how she first met him, how they got involved, and at what point he allegedly started to show aggression around her.

Remember, prosecutors told jurors Monday during opening statements that what allegedly happened between them in March was actually just the boiling point of what they claim had become a controlling and abusive relationship ... something Jabbari testified to on the stand.

Jabbari said she met Majors on the set of 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' -- where she was hired as a movement coach -- and explained that their relationship got serious quickly. However, at one point in December 2021 ... she testified she saw the first flashes of anger from him when she claims he flipped his lid after she brought up her ex's pooch.

Jabbari says she was actually meeting Majors' own dogs at the time, and he was giving her instructions on how to behave around them -- to which she replied that she was already familiar with dogs on account of her ex-boyfriend, who had one. That's when she alleges JM lost his cool and started to raise his voice at her ... apparently angry she'd brought it up.

In court, she's quoted as saying ... "How dare I mention him" and "It's embarrassing to him that I dated him. His dog is pathetic. That kind of stuff." She also said this was the first time she ever became afraid of him ... and she testified things only got worse from there.

Jabbari went on to describe other alleged instances where Majors lost his temper -- testifying he once threw a candle in her direction and dented her wall ... and that he allegedly once knocked her headphones off her head, among other alleged moments of berating.


She also stopped and cried a lot during her testimony. At this point, it doesn't sound like she's gotten around to describing the alleged assault in question -- although prosecutors already alluded to it Monday, when they alleged he threw her around like a rag doll in the car after she saw a text from what she thought was a woman ... something he's denied.

Meagan Good was back in court looking on as Majors sat at the defendant's table during Jabbari's testimony. He reportedly did not look at Jabbari while she was on the stand.

Originally Published -- 10:04 AM PT

Jamie Foxx I Almost Died

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Jamie Foxx took home some hardware at the Critics Choice Association Awards Monday night, and he got emotional as he opened up about his mystery illness that he says almost killed him.

Jamie accepted the Vanguard Award for his performance in "The Burial" and spoke to the audience for 12 minutes -- it's the first public appearance since he was rushed to the hospital back in April.

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Jamie didn't say what triggered the emergency, but he painted a bleak picture, saying he couldn't walk and wouldn't wish what he went through on his worst enemy.

The crowd was eating out of his hand, giving him a standing ovation and cheering him on as he talked about a journey that was almost life-ending.


He said, "I cherish every single minute now ... I saw the tunnel. I didn't see the light."


From all appearances, Jamie is back to his old self ... at least that's what it looks like from the outside.

Jamie Foxx Casi me muero...

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Emotivo discurso

Jamie Foxx se llevó a casa un premio de la Asociación de Críticos Choice Awards el lunes y se emocionó cuando se abrió sobre su misteriosa enfermedad que casi lo mata.

Jamie aceptó el Vanguard Award por su actuación en "The Burial" y habló 12 minutos con el público en su primera aparición pública desde que fue llevado al hospital en abril.

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Pasé por un infierno...

Jamie no dijo lo que desencadenó la emergencia, pero pintó un cuadro sombrío, diciendo que no podía caminar y que no le desearía ni a su peor enemigo lo que tuvo que vivir.

El público estaba comiendo de su mano y lo animó y ovacionó de pie mientras este hablaba del viaje que casi le cuesta la vida.

Dijo: "Yo aprecio cada minuto ahora ... Vi el túnel. No vi la luz".

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Por lo que parece, Jamie ha vuelto a ser el de antes, al menos eso parece desde fuera.

Kelsey Grammer Interview Allegedly Cut Short ... After Trump Talk Began

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did someone say ... trump?
Today/BBC Radio 4

Kelsey Grammer's recent BBC interview was short-lived as soon as he started talking about Donald Trump -- and it wasn't the outlet's decision ... so says one of their radio hosts.

Justin Webb was talking to KG on the air Monday for BBC Radio 4's 'Today' show ... and they were talking all about this new 'Frasier' reboot that's coming to Paramount+ -- and at one point, the host brought up Grammer's famous support of ex-President Trump.

Webb said he knows Grammer once *was* a Trumper, and asked if he still was even all these years later -- to which Grammer replied, yes indeed!

Grammer didn't really elaborate, saying he'd just let it lie there -- but in the next breath, Webb picks up the chat -- which was clearly pre-recorded -- to claim Kelsey actually had a lot more to say on the subject ... suggesting the Paramount honchos shut it all down.

Apparently, KG was excited that Webb brought Trump up ... although, it doesn't sound like Paramount's PR people were thrilled about it at all, and wanted to get back on message.


Webb says Grammer offered up some rationale on why he still backs Trump, even heading into the 2024 election -- but since he's now involved with Paramount and co. on this new show, it doesn't seem we'll get to hear the why of it all.


Remember, Kelsey was a vocal DT supporter during his first term ... and he didn't shy away from that. Now that he's a TV poster child again, though, things are lil' different, it seems.

Vanessa Hudgens, Cole Tucker We Got Married! ... Hit The Beach After Tying The Knot In Mexico

Vanessa Hudgens and Major League Baseball player Cole Tucker are officially Mr. and Mrs. after marrying in Mexico ... and the newlyweds hit the beach with family and friends to celebrate.

TMZ confirmed the news ... the former Colorado Rockies shortstop and the actress said their I Do's in Tulum, Mexico over the weekend, months after we broke the news Tucker and Hudgens got engaged.

The couple hasn't released any photos from the actual wedding ... but there is a photo floating around social media of Hudgens in a white gown.

Beach Bride

Hudgens continued with the all-white after the nuptials as the "High School Musical" actress wore a white one-piece bathing suit on the beach with her hubby, family, and friends.

You can also see Tucker -- a longtime MLB player -- wearing a wedding ring.

Hudgens said she knew Tucker was "the one" after their first weekend together ... but was still surprised when Tucker popped the question.


"We had definitely talked about it, but I did not expect it to happen the way that it happened and the moment that it happened," Hudgens said. "It definitely caught me off guard and I was bawling my eyes out."

People was the first to break the story on the marriage.

Jonathan Majors Arrives to Court w/ Meagan Good Again Opening Statements Wrap


2:30 PM PT -- Opening statements have wrapped, and the defense went after Grace Jabbari as someone who was simply out for revenge in an attempt to save her relationship with Jonathan Majors. His attorney, Priya Chaudhry, said JM had broken up with her via text after their altercation ... which she says then spurred Jabbari to exact an alleged plot to falsely frame him.

The jury's heard both sides, and starting Tuesday ... some witnesses are expected to hit the stand.

9:41 AM PT -- Opening statements began in Jonathan Major's domestic violence case ... with prosecutors saying they'll provide evidence of other instances of alleged abuse against Grace Jabbari -- who was later seen publicly for the first time since making the accusations exiting court for a short recess.

Prosecutors say the alleged incidents include Majors allegedly throwing household items at a wall, yanking her headphones out while running, and berating her.

7:32 AM PT -- Turns out, Jonathan did in fact grab Meagan Good's hand once they were inside ... but she wasn't the only woman he was clinging to.

There was an older lady he was grabbing as well as they walked the halls of the courtroom, but they ignored questions from the media ... including whether he felt like Job (from the Bible).

Majors is back before a judge today, where his assault trial will begin in earnest with opening statements -- and he's got his lady, Meagan Good, by his side yet again.

The actor arrived to a Manhattan courthouse early Monday morning for the first real day of his trial -- this after jury selection finished up late last week. As you can see, the guy was dressed to the nines again ... wearing a warm coat and a matching beret with shades.

Of course, right behind him was his girlfriend, Meagan ... who was also with him during last week's appearances -- proving she's gonna be by him through this whole ordeal, it seems.

It doesn't look like they were holding hands as they went in ... but they're clearly putting on a united front, just as they have been throughout the year as the trial's been delayed over and over. Now, we're finally gonna see what prosecutors believe they have against Majors.

Remember, he's facing misdemeanor and assault chargers for allegedly battering his ex, Grace Jabbari, who's also expected to testify in this case -- although it's unclear when she'll be called upon to take the stand.

As far as what the jury will or won't hear in terms of evidence -- well, the judge made a crucial decision last week ... namely, choosing to seal what he called "inflammatory" material that prosecutors wanted to enter in the record, which many suspect revolves around the London police report they alluded to a few months ago.

Nobody knew for sure what that report pertained to, but many suspected it had something to do with a past potential incident. In any case, the jury's not gonna hear about it all ... and ditto for the public. The judge did, however, sign off on letting the jury know about Jabbari's arrest ... even though she was never prosecuted the way JM is being now.


Majors has insisted he's innocent since the beginning, and has said he's the real victim here. He's pled not guilty -- and if convicted, he faces up to a year behind bars.

Originally Published -- 6:43 AM PT