David Lynch Su esposa solicita el divorcio

David Lynch, el hombre detrás de "Twin Peaks", "Mulholland Drive" y "Blue Velvet", acaba de recibir una petición de divorcio.

La esposa de David, Emily, ha presentado una demanda para poner fin a sus 14 años de matrimonio y no parece ser muy amistosa.

La esposa de la leyenda del cine, de 77 años, está pidiendo la custodia exclusiva, legal y física de su hija de 11 años. Emily quiere que David tenga derechos de visita, pero solo eso.

También está pidiendo la manutención del cónyuge y el pago de honorarios del abogado.

No hay evidencia sobre un acuerdo prenupcial, pero David ha sido una fuerza creativa importante en Hollywood durante décadas. También ha dirigido "El hombre elefante", "Corazón salvaje", "Carretera perdida" e "Inland Empire".

Este es su cuarto matrimonio.

David Lynch 'Twin Peaks' Wife Files for Divorce

David Lynch, the man behind "Twin Peaks," "Mulholland Drive" and "Blue Velvet," is on the receiving end of a divorce petition.

David's wife, Emily, has filed to end their 14-year marriage, and it doesn't seem all that amicable.

The 77-year-old directing legend's wife is asking for sole legal and physical custody of their 11-year-old daughter. Emily wants David to have visitation rights, but that's it.

Emily is also asking for spousal support and attorney's fees.

There's no evidence of a prenup, but David has been a major force in Hollywood for decades. He's also directed "The Elephant Man," "Wild at Heart," "Lost Highway," and "Inland Empire."

This is David's fourth marriage.

MACAULAY CULKIN Gets Star on Walk of Fame

Macaulay Culkin has gone from "Home Alone" to the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame ... reuniting with his former costar Catherine O'Hara 33 years after the festive classic.

Catherine gushed over his "perfect performance" during a heartfelt speech as he scooped a coveted Star during the ceremony in Hollywood Friday.

The event was also a big personal moment for Macaulay as he was supported by fiancée Brenda Song -- and their sons, 2-year-old Dakota and their 11-month-old baby boy Carson ... who made their public debut.

Macaulay later thanked Brenda in his speech ... gushing she was "absolutely everything" and "the best person I've ever known" -- adding, "And, after the birth of our two boys, you've become one of my three favorite people."

Macaulay also delighted onlookers with the movie's iconic quote: "Ya Filthy Animal!"

Unless you've been hiding under a rock ... Macaulay is best known for the role of Kevin McCallister in the OG "Home Alone", which he took on at age 10 ... later reprising his role in the 1992 sequel.

He's worked steadily in the biz since ... and his last acting credit was in 2021 in the 10th season of Ryan Murphy's American Horror Story.

Macaulay Culkin Recibe una estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood

Macaulay Culkin pasó de "Mi pobre angelito" al icónico Paseo de la Fama en Hollywood, reuniéndose con su ex coprotagonista Catherine O'Hara 33 años después del clásico filme.

Catherine se deshizo en elogios sobre su "perfecta actuación" en un sentido discurso, mientras el actor recogía su codiciada estrella durante la ceremonia del viernes.

El evento también fue un gran momento personal para Macaulay, quien estuvo acompañado de su novia Brenda Song y de sus hijos, Dakota, de 2 años, y su bebé Carson, de 11 meses, quien además hizo su debut público.

Más tarde, Macaulay le dio las gracias a Brenda en su discurso. Efusivamente, dijo que era "absolutamente todo" y "la mejor persona que ha conocido". Añadió: "Y después del nacimiento de nuestros dos hijos te has convertido en una de mis tres personas favoritas".

Macaulay también deleitó a los espectadores con la icónica cita de la película: "¡Ya Filthy Animal!"

A menos que hayas estado escondido debajo de una roca, Macaulay es conocido por su papel de Kevin McCallister en el clásico "Mi pobre angelito", el que interpretó con solo 10 años. Más tarde retomó el papel en la secuela de 1992.

Desde entonces, ha trabajado de forma constante en el negocio. Su última actuación fue en 2021 para la 10ª temporada de Ryan Murphy, American Horror Story.

Jussie Smollett Workin' the System Hard ... Jail May be a LONG Way Off

Jussie Smollett has lost his big appeal in his fake attack case, but that doesn't mean he's going straight to jail to serve his sentence ... not by a long shot.

As we reported, an Illinois appeals court ruled by a 2-1 vote to uphold his conviction for faking an "attack" on the streets of Chicago back in January 2019. He was sentenced to 150 days in jail, but only served 6 days before being freed pending appeal.

Well now the appeals court has spoken, but it's not the only appeals court. Jussie can, and has vowed, to file a petition with the Illinois Supreme Court to review his case. The High Court is not required to hear it -- it's discretionary -- but while he pushes for the Court to hear his case, he won't go back to jail.

We did some digging, and here's the way it works. Jussie has 35 days to file his appeal with the Illinois Supreme Court. It usually takes around 2 months for the court to decide whether it wants to hear a case. If they reject Jussie's, his appeals are pretty much over, and that would mean he'd be back in the pokey by late February or March.

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Now if the appeal is granted, it would take around a year for the court to hear the case and make a decision. During that time, Jussie would be free. So if the Supreme Court hears the case and upholds the verdict, Jussie would go to jail, but that wouldn't happen until mid-2025!

In other words, Jussie could dodge jail for three and a half years after his conviction under that scenario.

The wheels of justice ... they grind slowly.

Timothée Chalamet Channels KarJenner Style for 'Wonka' ... On Paris Premiere Carpet

Timothée Chalamet is spending a lot of time with girlfriend Kylie Jenner lately ...  maybe so much so, there's evidence the "Wonka" star could be taking style tips from KJ and her famous family.

Timothée hit the red carpet in Paris Friday for the premiere of "Wonka" at Cinema UCG Normandie. The actor looked sharp in black pants and a metallic chain-like top. Funny enough, the top is kinda-sorta similar to a popular look the KarJenner sisters have worn over the years -- with flashy metallic designs featuring a flowy style.

Of course, Timothee is no stranger to being fashion forward and pushing the envelope ... especially at his premieres.

Speaking of the "Wonka" movie ... TC's girlfriend Kylie attended the premiere in London earlier this week -- jetting overseas to watch the flick and attend the after-party.

The two have certainly gotten more comfortable going out in public over the last few months ... hitting tennis tournaments and various parties.

One big thing we've yet to see though, is the two together on a red carpet ... there are still plenty of "Wonka" premieres coming up, so maybe it'll happen.

In the meantime, we just gotta appreciate TC channeling Kylie with his wardrobe.

Taylor Swift Todos aclamen a la reina... Beyoncé!!!

Taylor Swift está reconociendo a una nueva Reina en Inglaterra ... ¡¡¡Beyoncé!!!

La estrella del pop acaba de publicar un enorme agradecimiento a Beyoncé por invitarla al estreno de su película "Renaissance" en Londres, rindiendo homenaje a la Queen B.

En una serie de fotos en sus redes, Taylor aparece posando con Beyoncé en el estreno y con su íntima amiga, Blake Lively, aparentemente en un evento posterior a la fiesta.

Taylor también le está pidiendo a sus fans que apoyen a B con la taquilla con el mensaje: "Renaissance: Una película de Beyoncé", que está llegando a los cines de todo el mundo.

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Brillando en el estreno

Como informamos, Taylor voló para el estreno de la película en Londres esta semana, devolviéndole el favor después de acoger a Beyoncé en octubre para el lanzamiento de su película "Eras" en Los Ángeles.

Por supuesto, ambas superestrellas han realizado giras mundiales de gran éxito este año, presentando sus nuevos álbumes y sus éxitos en diferentes lugares con las entradas agotadas, y ambas han convertido sus conciertos en películas.

Se espera que la película de Bey recaude 40 millones de dólares en todo el mundo. La película "Eras" de Taylor ha recaudado 250 millones de dólares desde su estreno en octubre.

Quién dirige el mundo ... Taylor y Beyoncé.

Taylor Swift All Hail The Queen -- Beyoncé!!!

Taylor Swift's recognizing a new Queen in England ... Beyoncé!!!

Taylor just posted a huge thank you to Beyoncé for inviting her to the London premiere of the 'Renaissance' movie ... paying homage to the Queen B.

In a series of photos shared on her social media, Taylor is posing with Beyoncé at the premiere, and hanging out with her close friend, Blake Lively, seemingly at an after-party event.

Taylor's also calling on fans to go support Beyoncé at the box office ... telling them to see her concert film, "Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé," which is hitting theaters worldwide.

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As we reported ... Taylor flew out to this week's movie premiere in London, returning the favor after hosting Beyoncé back in October at the Los Angeles release of her 'Eras' tour movie.

Of course, both superstars had wildly successful world tours this year -- performing new albums and classic hits to sold-out venues -- and they both turned the concerts into movies.

Bey's flick is expected to rake in as much as $40 million globally. Taylor's "Eras" movie has grossed $250 mil since its release in October.

Who run the world ... Taylor and Beyoncé.

Jussie Smollett Pierde la apelación ... De vuelta a la cárcel?!?


10:05 AM PT -- Jussie Smollett y su equipo no van a caer sin antes luchar, un representante nos dice: "Queremos destacar que la decisión fue dividida, con el juez Lyle ofreciendo un análisis detallado a favor de Smollett. Nos estamos preparando para elevar este asunto al Tribunal Supremo, armados con un conjunto sustancial de pruebas".

Jussie Smollett acaba de recibir un gran portazo en los tribunales, pues su condena por haber falseado un ataque acaba de ser confirmada.

Un tribunal de apelaciones de Illinois emitió el fallo el viernes. El panel de tres jueces votó 2-1 para mantener la condena de Jussie, de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

La clave de la apelación de Jussie era el argumento de que él no puede ser procesado porque, después de la acusación inicial, la Fiscal del Estado del Condado de Cook, Kim Foxx, decidió no procesar el caso. Ello suscitó enormes críticas y se nombró a un fiscal especial que, en última instancia, acudió al gran jurado que lo volvió a acusar.

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Liberado y listo
Fox 32 Chicago

Los dos jueces que confirmaron la condena dijeron que no era relevante que se hubiese retirado la acusación inicial. El juez que discrepó, en tanto, dijo que la decisión de Foxx de no procesar el caso era en realidad una promesa a Jussie de que este había terminado.

Con el fallo, es probable que Jussie regrese a una cárcel de Chicago para completar su condena de 150 días.

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Apegado a su versión

Recordemos, el actor fue condenado inicialmente en 2022 y pasó 6 días en la cárcel del condado de Cook antes de ser puesto en libertad mientras intentaba conseguir que anularan su sentencia.

Ahora, Jussie se ha quedado con las manos vacías, pero su equipo legal tiene la opción de apelar la decisión a la Corte Suprema de Illinois, que luego decidiría si escuchar el caso.

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Si lo hubiera hecho...

Durante su apelación, Jussie lanzó nueva música, dirigió una película con Vivica A. Fox, hizo ejercicio con Taraji P. Henson, fue a rehabilitación y se afeitó la cabeza.

Será interesante ver si Jussie apela nuevamente, o bien, si se dirige de otra vez a la cárcel ... Permanezcan atentos.

Publicado originalmente -- 9:02 AM PT

Jussie Smollett Loses Appeal ... Heading Back To Jail?!?


11:51 AM PT -- Special prosecutor, Dan Webb, tells TMZ ... "The appellate court ruled on every issue Mr. Smollett raised in our favor and against him. This was a resounding and profound victory for us today. Having a dissenting voice in the ruling is not uncommon. The decision by the appeals court is final."

He concluded, "What happens next is Mr. Smollett can file a petition for a higher appeal to The Illinois Supreme Court. This is purely discretionary meaning the court does not have to hear this appeal. He lost all legal rights to an appeal with today’s decision. If the Supreme Court decides to hear his appeal, there will be briefs filed and a hearing date set. If not, then the case goes back to the trial court, which will execute his sentence."

10:05 AM PT -- Jussie Smollett and his team aren't going to go down without a fight, a rep tells us, "We wish to highlight that the decision was divided, with Justice Lyle offering a detailed analysis in favor of Smollett. We are preparing to escalate this matter to the Supreme Court, armed with a substantial body of evidence."

Jussie Smollett just took a big L in court ... because his conviction for his hoax attack was just upheld.

An Illinois appeals court handed down the ruling Friday, with the three-judge panel voting 2-1 to uphold Jussie's conviction ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.

The key to Jussie's appeal is the argument he could not be prosecuted because after the initial indictment, Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx decided not to prosecute the case. That drew enormous criticism, and a special prosecutor was appointed who ultimately went to the grand jury that indicted him again.

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Fox 32 Chicago

The 2 justices who upheld the conviction said the decision not to move forward with the case was not equivalent to an agreement never to charge him. The 1 dissenting justice said Foxx's decision to not prosecute was in effect a promise to Jussie the case was over.

With the ruling, Jussie appears likely to return to a Chicago jail to complete his 150-day sentence.

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Remember ... Jussie was initially convicted in 2022, spending 6 days in Cook County Jail before being released while trying to get his sentence overturned.

Now, Jussie's come up empty ... but his legal team has the option of appealing this decision to the Illinois Supreme Court, which would then decide on whether to hear the case.

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During his appeal, Jussie dropped new music, directed a film with Vivica A. Fox, worked out with Taraji P. Henson, went to rehab and shaved his head.


It will be interesting to see if Jussie appeals again, or heads back to jail ... stay tuned.

Originally Published -- 9:02 AM PT

Beyoncé Fans cantan y bailan durante el estreno

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Celebrando a la Queen B

Los fans de Beyoncé convirtieron el estreno de su película "'Renaissance" en un concierto, cantando y bailando en los pasillos del cine y creando una escena muy divertida.

Tienen que ver los videos del interior del cine londinense donde los fans vieron por primera vez "Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé" porque parece ser una de las paradas de su gira.

Todos callados!!!

El 'Mute Challenge' también fue un elemento clave del reciente tour mundial de Beyoncé, así que naturalmente sus fans lo trajeron de vuelta mientras veían la película.

Beyoncé estaba presente también. Aunque no estaba vestida de plata, como ha sido el tema y fuente de cierta controversia, sino que usó un vestido negro con su pelo platinado.

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Brillando en el estreno

Como informamos, Taylor Swift voló hasta Londres para darle su pleno apoyo a Beyoncé, y devolverle el favor después de que Beyoncé fuera al estreno de la película de Taylor, "Eras".

Beyoncé también lanzó una nueva canción durante el estreno de la película, "My House", la que sus fans pudieron notar mientras sonaba en los créditos.

La película "Renaissance" es en parte un documental y en parte un concierto, y narra la historia de su popular gira mundial "Renaissance", en la que también aparecen su marido Jay-Z, su hija Blue Ivy y su madre, Tina Knowles.

Beyoncé Fans Sing, Dance During Premiere ... Mute Challenge Too!!!

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Beyoncé fans turned her 'Renaissance' movie premiere into a concert ... singing and dancing in the theater aisles, making for one crazy fun scene.

Ya gotta see the videos from inside the London theater where fans got the first look at "Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé" ... it looks like one of her tour stops.


The 'Mute Challenge' was also a staple of Beyoncé's recent "Renaissance" world tour ... so naturally, her fans brought it back while watching a movie about the tour.

Beyonce was in the house too ... though she wasn't wearing silver, as has been a theme and the source of some controversy ... pairing a black dress with her platinum blonde hair.

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As we reported ... Taylor Swift flew across the pond to give Beyoncé her full support ... seemingly returning the favor after Beyoncé went to Taylor's "Eras" movie premiere.

Beyoncé also dropped a new song, "My House," coinciding with the movie release ... with fans noticing the track playing during the credits.

The 'Renaissance' movie is part documentary, part concert film ... telling the story of her wildly popular "Renaissance" world tour ... and it also features her husband Jay-Z, daughter Blue Ivy and her mom, Tina Knowles.

Felicity Huffman Speaks on College Admissions Scandal I Had to Break the Law for My Daughter

Felicity Huffman is finally speaking out about the college admissions scandal that landed her in prison, and she kinda sorta is still justifying what she did, in the name of her daughter's future.

Felicity sat with KABC's Marc Brown and explained she had hired a highly recommended college counselor coach Rick Singer for a year, trying to secure a spot at the college of her choice.

The actress says after a year, he gave her bad news ... she wasn't up to speed and would not get into any of the colleges. Felicity says Singer "slowly" rolled out a criminal scheme which she ultimately bought.

Felicity ended up paying Singer $15k to bribe a proctor into changing her daughter's wrong SAT answers. As for why, she says it felt like the only option to give her daughter a future.

At one point she says, "It was sort of like my daughter's future, which meant I had to break the law."

Huffman spoke of the FBI raid on her home ... "They came into my home, they woke my daughters up at gunpoint - again, nothing new to the Black and brown community - then they put my hands behind my back and handcuffed me."

She continued, "I asked if I could get dressed. I thought it was a hoax. I literally turned to one of the FBI people in a flak jacket and a gun and I go "is this a joke?"

Huffman served 11 days for the crime.

Her daughter, Sophia, was not aware of her mom's shenanigans. Sophia is now studying drama at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh.

As for Felicity, she's now working with A New Way of Life, an org helping incarcerated women to re-enter society.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift Publicist Slams Marriage To Joe Alwyn Rumors ... It's All "Fabricated Lies"!!!

Taylor Swift's publicist came out swinging against a celebrity gossip site, blasting rumors the pop superstar had secretly married her ex Joe Alwyn years ago.

Tree Paine, Taylor's longtime rep, posted a message on X Thursday night, slamming the shadowy Deuxmoi Instagram page, which often publishes unconfirmed reports about Hollywood's elite.

Paine wrote, "Enough is enough with these fabricated lies about Taylor from Deuxmoi. There was NEVER a marriage or ceremony of ANY kind."

She continued, "This is an insane thing to post. It’s time for you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma you cause with posts like these."

In a lengthy IG post, Deuxmoi claimed Taylor and Joe tied the knot in the UK in 2020 or 2021, but the marriage "was never made legal," citing multiple anonymous sources.

Deuxmoi rambled on, trying to convince readers the story was true while insisting, "I have no reason to lie."

As you know, Taylor called it quits with Joe in April after six years of dating. During their relationship, Joe was repeatedly asked if he was engaged to Taylor -- and the actor always sidestepped the question.

He once told WSJ magazine, "If I had a pound for every time I think I've been told I've been engaged, then I'd have a lot of pound coins."

Getting engaged could be on the horizon for Taylor. As anyone with a pulse knows, Taylor has been romantically linked to Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce -- and the two seem to be in love.

Will Travis put a ring on Taylor's finger? Stay tuned.

Taylor Swift Publicista desmiente rumores de matrimonio con Joe Alwyn... Son todas mentiras fabricadas!!!

El publicista de Taylor Swift salió al paso de un sitio de chismes de celebridades, desmintiendo los rumores de que la superestrella del pop se habría casado en secreto con su ex Joe Alwyn hace años.

Tree Paine, representante de Taylor por largo tiempo, publicó un mensaje en X el jueves por la noche, en donde critica a la enigmática página de Instagram Deuxmoi, que a menudo publica artículos no confirmados sobre la élite de Hollywood.

Paine escribió: "Ya es suficiente con estas mentiras inventadas sobre Taylor de Deuxmoi. NUNCA hubo un matrimonio o ceremonia de NINGÚN tipo".

Ella continuó: "Es una locura publicar esto. Es hora de que sean responsable por el dolor y el trauma que causan con posts como estos".

En un largo post de Instagram, Deuxmoi afirmó que Taylor y Joe ataron el nudo en el Reino Unido en 2020 o 2021, aunque el matrimonio "nunca se hizo legal". Citan múltiples fuentes anónimas en su reporte.

Deuxmoi divagó, tratando de convencer a los lectores de que la historia era cierta mientras insistía: "No tengo ninguna razón para mentir".

Como saben, Taylor puso fin a su relación con Joe en abril después de seis años de noviazgo. Durante su relación, Joe fue consultado en repetidas ocasiones si estaba comprometido con Taylor y el actor siempre eludió la pregunta.

Una vez dijo a la revista WSJ: "Si tuviera una libra por cada vez que creo que me han dicho que he estado comprometido, entonces tendría un montón de monedas".

Comprometerse podría estar en el horizonte de Taylor. Como cualquier persona a estas alturas sabe, Taylor ha sido vinculada románticamente con el jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce, y los dos parecen estar enamorados.

¿Pondrá Travis un anillo en el dedo de Taylor? Estén atentos.


Bam Margera está celebrando un hito en su sobriedad, y le está dando las gracias a su novia, el gimnasio y el skate por ayudarlo a mantenerse sano... además recibe el apoyo de Mark Wahlberg.

La ex estrella de "Jackass" le dice a TMZ que lleva 120 días sobrio y contando.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Bam nos dice que está en San Antonio, Texas, donde está trabajando en una película y algunas nuevas obras de arte para una empresa de ropa. Él todavía está trabajando a diario con su novia Dannii y ha vuelto con todo al patinaje, tres cosas que atribuye a su sobriedad.

Esta semana estuvo haciendo ejercicio dentro de un gimnasio propiedad de Jarred Taylor, que es uno de los fundadores de la compañía de café Rifle Negro, y una vez trabajó con Mark en la película de guerra 2013 "Lone Survivor".

Como se puede ver, Bam está haciendo ejercicio en un gimnasio cubierto de imágenes de las películas de Mark, lo que lleva al actor a darle a Bam un saludo realmente genial.

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TMZ obtuvo el video de un mensaje que Bam le envió a Mark, diciéndole que lleva 120 días sobrio y también obtuvimos la respuesta en video de Mark.

Mark felicita a Bam por su hito y espera juntarse con él pronto en Las Vegas.

Bam nos dice que se reunió con Mark un par de veces el día de la entrega de premios.

Bam dice que recientemente obtuvo la autorización para poder ver a su hijo, Phoenix, por lo que está planeando conducir a California para ver a su hijo. Probablemente haga una parada en Las Vegas para relajarse con Mark.

Buenas noticias.