'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' BIG BUCKS FOR TEEN STAR MICAH ABBEY ... $5K Per Day? Cowabunga!!!

Micah Abbey not only kicked butt in this year's animated reboot "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem" ... but the 16-year-old also made big bucks doing so.

According to his minors contract, obtained by TMZ, the teen star was bringing in the dough ... earning $5,000 a day for each recording session to voice the role of Donatello, with a guaranteed payday of $50K!!!

According to the contract, Micah could've scored much more from bonuses, including another $225K if the movie had hit $300M at the domestic box office.

It ended up grossing around $118M domestically, so, no bonus round for Micah.

Despite not hitting the huge box office target, the movie -- which also starred John Cena, Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne -- was largely received as a treat for most fans, who've given it a 90% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

And, as for talented teen Micah ... the checks will continue rolling in as he's reprising his role for the "Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" series .. hitting Paramount+ next year.

Glenn In 'The Wedding Singer' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Matthew Glave was 35 years old when he was cast to play Glenn -- Julia's cocky, wealthy and deceitful fiancé who gets handsy with other women and goes head-to-head with a wedding singer -- in the romance/comedy film "The Wedding Singer" back in 1998.

Matthew hit the big screen with Hollywood legends like Adam Sandler as the wedding singer who helps Julia and (an absent) Glenn plan their wedding, Robbie, Drew Barrymore as the New Jersey waitress who wants to find love, Julia and Christine Taylor as Julia's cousin and bestie, Holly.

Guess what he looks like now!

Glenn en 'The Wedding Singer' ¿Te acuerdas de él?

El actor estadounidense Matthew Glave tenía 35 años cuando fue elegido para interpretar a Glenn, el prometido engreído, rico y engañoso de Julia, que se pone demasiado cercano a otras mujeres y entra en conflicto con un cantante de bodas, en la película de comedia romántica "The Wedding Singer" de 1998.

Matthew debutó en la pantalla grande junto a leyendas de Hollywood como Adam Sandler, quien interpreta al cantante de bodas que ayuda a Julia y al ausente Glenn a planificar su boda, Robbie, Drew Barrymore como la camarera de Nueva Jersey que busca el amor, Julia y Christine Taylor como la prima y mejor amiga de Julia, Holly.

¡Adivina cómo se ve ahora!

Kim Kardashian Coming to Netflix w/ Comedy Film ... After Studio Bidding War

Kim Kardashian is jumping from Hulu to Netflix -- at least for movies, anyway -- 'cause she sold a forthcoming comedy she'll star in to the streaming giant ... this after a ton of interest.

Deadline broke the news Sunday ... a new flick called "The Fifth Wheel" just got sold to Netflix after an apparent bidding war to snap up the rights among 5 different studios. In the end, Netflix made the winning offer ... although it's unclear how much they shelled out.

This film isn't written or shot yet ... Kim K and the 2 co-writers who came up with the concept -- Paula Pell and Janine Brito -- simply sold the idea ... and now they'll actually make it. Kim's gonna play the lead ... a "fifth wheel" among an ensemble of female actors.

The rest of the plot deets are being kept under wraps ... but word is, Pell and Brito immediately thought of Kim for this and pitched her. After she came aboard, they started hitting the town as soon as the actors' strike ended and collectively shopped it around.

Deadline says Kim's been present at a lot of the meetings, and her involvement spurred a lot of studios to open their doors and take the movie under consideration. BTW, she's not only gonna act in this thing ... but she'll produce as well, alongside Pell and possibly others.

Pell is a well-known and established TV comedy writer ... as is Brito. Pell's got a lengthier resume, with tons of 'SNL' credits. She also wrote the Amy Poehler/Tina Fey movie "Sisters." Paula also notably EP'd Judd Apatow's 'This Is 40.'

Considering Pell's extensive history with 'SNL' stars ... you can probably expect that same type of mid-2010s humor for this new movie -- just with a little Kim K star power twist.

Of course, the bigger takeaway here is the fact that Kim's diving further into the acting pool. She already had a run on 'AHS' this year ... plus all the other smaller roles she's done in the past. This would be an even greater flex, though ... her straight-up leading a comedy.

We'll see how it turns out ... Deadline says this got picked up by Netflix's "mid-budget" team -- and according to reports, Netflix is aiming to spend between $30-$80 million on those.


The empire grows, still.

KIM KARDASHIAN LLEGA A NETFLIX CON UNA NUEVA COMEDIA ... Después de la guerra de ofertas de estudio

Kim Kardashian está dando el salto de Hulu a Netflix -- al menos para las películas, de todos modos -- porque vendió la próxima comedia que protagonizará en el gigante del "streaming"... esto después de un montón de interés.

Deadline dio la noticia el domingo... una nueva película llamada 'La quinta rueda' acaba de venderse a Netflix después de una aparente guerra de ofertas para hacerse con los derechos entre 5 estudios distintos. Al final, Netflix presentó la oferta ganadora... aunque no está claro cuánto desembolsaron.

Esta película no está escrita ni rodada... Kim K y los 2 coguionistas que idearon el concepto -- Paula Pell y Janine Brito -- simplemente vendió la idea... y ahora lo harán de verdad. Kim va a ser la protagonista... una "quinta rueda" entre un conjunto de actrices femeninas.

El resto de los detalles de la trama se mantienen en secreto... pero el rumor es, que Pell y Brito inmediatamente pensaron en Kim para este proyecto y se lo propusieron. Después de que ella se subiera a bordo, empezaron a recorrer la ciudad tan pronto que como terminó la huelga de actores y a hacer compras de forma colectiva.

Deadline reporta que Kim ha estado presente en muchas de las reuniones, y su participación ha provocado que muchos estudios abran sus puertas y consideren la película. Por cierto, no solo va a actuar en esto... pero también será productora, junto con Pell y posiblemente otros.

Pell, al igual que Brito, es una guionista de comedia televisiva muy conocida y consolidada. Pell tiene un currículo más extenso, con muchos créditos de 'SNL'. También escribió la película de Amy Poehler y Tina Fey, "Sisters".

Considerando el extenso historial de Pell con las estrellas de 'SNL'... probablemente podemos esperar el mismo tipo de humor de mediados de 2010 para esta nueva película -- solo que con un pequeño toque estelar de Kim K.

Por supuesto, lo más importante aquí es el hecho de que Kim está adentrándose más en el mundo de la actuación. Ella ya había tenido un papel en 'AHS' este año... además de todos los otros papeles más pequeños que ha hecho en el pasado.

Ya veremos cómo resulta... Deadline reporta que ha sido seleccionada por el equipo de "presupuesto medio" de Netflix -- y, de acuerdo con los reportes, Netflix pretende gastar de entre 30 a 80 millones de dólares en ellas.

El imperio continúa creciendo.

Jen & Ben Smooching On Display Couch ... While Furniture Shopping

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck bought a palace of a home earlier this year, but even all these months later ... they still appear to be trying to furnish the place, or so it seems.

The couple went shopping Saturday, hitting up a furniture/interior design store in L.A. ... and plopping down on one of the display couches on the floor to test it out a bit. They were photographed from outside, and it looks like they did a bit more than just sit and chill.

Take a look for yourself ... Jen and Ben were feeling a little romantic, smooching one another as they cozied up on the model sofa -- and chitchatting a bit here and there too.

Unclear if they ended up making a purchase or not -- whether it was the couch or otherwise -- but it looks like they're the type of people who like to see and feel what's gonna be in their house ... as opposed to just blind online catalog shopping, which they could easily do.

Again, J Lo and BA purchased their new estate way back in May -- throwing down $60 million for a huge property in Bev Hills ... which they started moving into right away. Based on pics of that whole process at the time, it seemed they each had a fair amount of stuff.

The pad itself has a lot of space to fill -- so snapping up extra furniture, even now, isn't all that crazy. Their mansion has 12 bedrooms, plus a ton of other rooms for lounging and whatnot. Safe to say, it takes time to deck it out ... especially if they're in-person shoppers.

What's funny ... Jen and Ben are just like the rest of us in this regard. The only difference is that most folks are hitting Ashley -- and they're swinging by an upscale decor showroom, with prices that quickly run up into the 5 figures and beyond.

Happy hunting, you two!

JEN Y BEN BESUQUEO EN EL SOFÁ DE EXHIBICIÓN ... Mientras compran muebles

Jennifer Lopez y Ben Affleck compraron un palacio para hacerlo su hogar a principios de este año, pero incluso todos estos meses después... aún parecen estar intentando amueblar el lugar, o así parece.

La pareja fue de compras el sábado a una tienda de muebles y diseño de interiores en L.A., y se dejó caer en uno de los sofás en el piso de exhibición para probarlo un poco. Fueron fotografiados desde el exterior, y parece que hicieron un poco más que sentarse y relajarse.

Véalo por usted misma... Jen y Ben se sentían un poco románticos, besándose mientras se acurrucaban en el sofá modelo-- y charlando un poco aquí y allá también.

No está claro si terminaron haciendo una compra o no -- si fue el sofá o algo más -- pero parecen ser del tipo de personas que les gusta ver y sentir como sería en su hogar... a diferencia de realizar las compras a ciegas sobre un catálogo de compras en línea, lo que bien pudieron haber hecho fácilmente

Una vez más, J Lo y BA compraron esta nueva residencia el pasado mes de mayo -- dejando 60 millones de dólares para una enorme propiedad en Bev Hills... a la que comenzaron a mudarse inmediatamente. Basado en fotos de todo ese proceso en el momento, parecía que cada uno tenía una gran cantidad de cosas.

La casa en sí tiene mucho espacio para llenar -- por lo que la compra de muebles extra, incluso ahora, no es del todo una locura. Su mansión cuenta con 12 habitaciones, además de un montón de otros cuartos para descansar y otras cosas. Es seguro decir que llevará tiempo decorarla... especialmente si son compradores presenciales.

Lo que es gracioso... Jen y Ben son como nosotros en este sentido. La única diferencia es que la mayoría de las personas están yendo a Ashley -- y ellos están visitando una sala de exhibición de decoración de lujo, con precios que rápidamente llegarán a los 5 dígitos y más allá.

¡Feliz cacería a los dos!

Beyoncé's 'Renaissance' Tour Daughter Blue Ivy Upped Dance Moves Due to Folks Hatin' Early On


Beyoncé's daughter, Blue Ivy, has been a fixture at just about all of her "Renaissance" tour concerts this year -- and she's upped her onstage game ... all thanks to the haters.

In the wake of her concert film's premiere this weekend, the NYT reviewed the film and quoted Queen Bey as saying ... BI's involvement with the tour was meant to just be a temporary, one-off deal ... but became a regular thing after her kid pushed back.

They add, "Though she finally relented, Beyoncé was dismayed when Blue Ivy read comments on social media that criticized her lackluster moves. But it thrilled her mother that instead of quitting, she decided to put in the work and train even harder for future stops."

This news has caused quite a stir on social media ... half of Twitter is outraged that so many people were brutally criticizing the 11-year-old early on in the tour, but others are using this as proof that Blue Ivy's resilient/talented -- 'cause she's a way better dancer now.

Footage from her May outings in Europe has been making the rounds online ... and yes, you can see a major difference in how she performed then compared to recent shows.

The debate now is whether the harsh assessments of her skills at the time were warranted or not -- some think BI 100% deserved the flak she got, arguing that if she steps into the spotlight (next to her mom, no less) it's fair game. Others think the girl deserved a break.

In any case, Blue Ivy's proven herself more than worthy to share centerstage with her very famous parent. And as she gets older, more scrutiny will come ... them's the breaks, kid.

Disney Latest Animation Flick 'Wish' Flops Box Office Woes Continue

Another miss from Disney at the box office -- the studio's latest original animated movie bombed with moviegoers over the holiday break ... marking just the latest flop for 'em.

Of course, we're talking about "Wish" ... with Ariana DeBose as the main character and Chris Pine as the big bad and a bunch of other cute side characters. Unfortunately, none of them were enough ... 'cause "Wish" only made $31.7 million through the 5-day "weekend."

Ticket sales were getting counted as early as Wednesday, but come Sunday ... "Wish" had underperformed by a lot. Projections had it pegged at $45-$50 mil over the same 5 days.

It didn't do great internationally either, pulling in just $17.3M overseas ... bringing its total worldwide haul to about $49 million. In layman's terms, the film flopped -- and it ended up coming in third place behind 'Napoleon' (#2) and the 'Hunger Games' prequel (#1, again).

This is not good news for the Mouse House ... which usually dominates the Thanksgiving window. Up until last year -- when their other original animated feature "Strange World" performed abysmally -- Disney had put out hits around this time of the year ... including "Encanto," "Coco" and others, all of which made a crap ton of money right out the gate.

What's strange is that "Wish" actually got good reviews and great audience reception ... so it's unclear what exactly the problem was. It's possible the SAG strike hindered promotion of this movie ... but it also ended well before its release date, so it's a bit of a mystery.

Mind you, this is just the latest fizzle for Disney this year -- others include the last 'Indiana Jones' movie, "The Haunted Mansion," "The Marvels" and others. Rough year, indeed.


Beyoncé trajo lo viejo y lo nuevo el sábado por la noche… presentando su nueva película 'Renaissance' y reuniendo al grupo que lanzó su carrera.

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Bey fue la anfitriona del estreno de su película en el Teatro Samuel Goldwyn en Beverly Hills, y Destiny's Child estuvo en primera fila. Kelly Rowland y Michelle Williams se presentaron, junto con las miembros fundadoras del grupo, LaToya Luckett y LaTavia Robertson.

Apareció una gran cantidad de celebridades para ver la película… como Janelle Monáe, Lori Harvey, Lizzo, Gabrielle Union, Halle Bailey, Marsai Martin, Laverne Cox, Niecy Nash-Betts, Tina Knowles, Tyler Perry, Tia Mowry, Kris Jenner, Corey Gamble, Issa Rae, Andra Day, ¡y esta es solo una parte lista!.

Una gran estrella estuvo ausente del evento… Taylor Swift. Como sabes, Beyoncé se presentó para la película "Eras" de Taylor e incluso cenó sushi con Taylor antes del evento. Sin embargo, Taylor tiene una buena excusa-- está en Brasil para sus conciertos.

Beyoncé Destiny's Child Shows Up for 'Renaissance' Film Premiere

Beyoncé brought out the old and the new Saturday night ... unveiling her new 'Renaissance' flick, and bringing together the group that launched her career.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Bey hosted the debut of her film at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Bev Hills, and Destiny's Child was front and center. Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams showed up, along with founding members of the group, LaToya Luckett and LaTavia Robertson.

There was a slew of celebs to watch the film ... Janelle Monáe, Lori Harvey, Lizzo, Gabrielle Union, Halle Bailey, Marsai Martin, Laverne Cox, Niecy Nash-Betts, Tina Knowles, Tyler Perry, Tia Mowry, Kris Jenner, Corey Gamble, Issa Rae, Andra Day and that's just a partial list.

There was a big star MIA from the event ... Taylor Swift. As you know, Bey showed up for Taylor's 'Eras' flick and even had a sushi dinner with Taylor beforehand. Taylor, however, has a good excuse -- she's in Brazil for her concerts.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Cameron Diaz Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Cameron Diaz's looks over the years are so Holi-bae!

Here is a stunning 34-year-old version of the blonde bombshell actress looking camera-ready in Surrey, England, playing the hot L.A. movie trailer producer -- who is incapable of crying in the classic holiday film -- "The Holiday" back in 2006 (left).

And, 17 years later the hot momma and blue-eyed beauty recently sat down with Jimmy Fallon and graced America by flashing her pearly whites and a festive lip on 'The Tonight Show' (right).

Her million-dollar smile continues to shine bright, and she will forever be a holiday fave!

The question is ...

Cameron Diaz ...

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Wrapped inside this holiday gift is a festive woman about town, and she's here to get you lit up for Christmas! She may not be wearing her Sexy Santa outfit, but she's still one hot "Mamma Mia!" Gently tear open this scrambled star and see her slay at 71 years old!

Aside from being hot and bothered by a green and grouchy humanoid, she tends to be quite the stickler during "Christmastime," especially when Eloise is involved. And, it's pretty much lights out when she busts out her Christmas light-fueled cannon!

(Martha) may your holiday season be merry and bright, starting with this present!

Margot Robbie Seems to Squash Hopes of 'Barbie 2' We Kinda Did Everything🤷🏽‍♂️

Margot Robbie says there probably ain't gonna be a 'Barbie' sequel -- 'cause she and the creative team put all their eggs into the OG basket ... and there isn't much else to say.

The actress was recently interviewed and got asked about the possibility of seeing her dressed in all pink again ... but from the sound of her response, she doesn't seem to have much hope that a 'Barbie 2' will be hitting theaters anytime in the near future.

MR says, "I think we put everything we had into this one. We didn't build it to be a trilogy or something. Greta put everything into this movie, so I can't imagine what would be next."

It's interesting that Margot isn't trying to feed speculation of a sequel -- which just about everyone assumed would get greenlit after how successful the first one did this year ... aka, hitting a billion-dollar box office. We're sure WB themselves thought it would happen too.

While she seems to be pouring cold water on the idea of another 'Barbie' flick -- at least with her in the starring role -- Margot did praise the idea of original IP films getting some love ... in a world where superhero movies are usually the big moneymakers for studios.

Some might be bummed to hear this would-be news ... but others are happy Margot and co. aren't falling into the usual Hollywood playbook of cranking out sequels for the hell of it.

We'll say this ... 'Barbie' was certainly a cultural "moment" this year, and we're not sure anything like that is gonna happen anytime soon -- for better or worse.

Next up for Margot ... this new 'Ocean's Eleven' spinoff that's now in production. Her 'Barbie' costar, Ryan Gosling, is attached to that as well -- so they'll reunite sooner than later.

Jenna Ortega 'Likes' Barrera Palestine Post ... Amid Sudden 'Scream' Exit

Jenna Ortega apparently liked a post reporting on Melissa Barrera doubling down on her pro-Palestine stance amid her recent firing -- that is, if these screenshots are to be believed.

Here's the deal ... in the days since news broke that Jenna was also exiting the 'Scream' franchise -- this amid Melissa's tumultuous firing over her Palestine rhetoric -- there's been a lot of speculation that JO actually sides with her costar, but distanced herself publicly.

That hunch was only further fueled when fans noticed that Jenna recently seemed to like an IG post from an account documenting celeb activity on Palestine ... which recapped MB defending her position post-firing ... news to which Jenna supposedly hit the like button.

Of course, if you go to this same IG page now ... Jenna's alleged "like" is nowhere to be found, and her own Insta page is also *mostly* free of any Palestine content -- as is her Twitter account, which has been deactivated. Old alleged tweets of hers, though, have been circulating ... and people are claiming she used to post pro-Palestine sentiments as well.

In other words, if Jenna did in fact like this IG post ... it would appear she's quietly cosigning Melissa's stance ... something just about everyone assumed was the case seeing how quickly she bowed out of "Scream VII" upon Melissa's ousting -- despite reports suggesting JO leaving had nothing to do with MB, and was more so due to scheduling conflicts.

Frankly, nobody buys that ... and depending on where you land on this issue, you're either celebrating Jenna or slamming her. In any case, the 'Scream' franchise is kinda screwed now.

Fact is ... Jenna and Melissa (but mostly Jenna) were far and away the biggest stars of the rebooted movies, and the whole story arc revolves around them. With both of them gone, there's only Mason Gooding and Jasmin Savoy Brown left from the new OG cast.

They're cool and all, but they're mostly afterthoughts ... and their characters carrying on the saga doesn't really make sense without MB and JO. So, on paper, it would seem the "Scream 7" writers might have to go in a completely different direction with completely new actors, etc. Plus, fans are promising to boycott this latest sequel if/when it comes out ... so there's likely to be an uphill battle in drumming up interest/making the studio big bucks.

The last two installments have been absolutely successful in turning a profit (and then some) -- but without the 2 fan fave stars in the driver's seat, the question remains ... is Ghostface, alone, enough to get asses in seats? Time will tell, we suppose. 😱

Jenna Ortega Parece gustarle un post de Melissa Barrera sobre Palestina

A Jenna Ortega aparentemente le gustó un post sobre Melissa Barrera en el que redobla su postura pro-Palestina en medio de su reciente despido. Esto es así, si le creemos a estas capturas de pantalla que están circulando.

La historia es así, días después de que se supiera la noticia de que Jenna también iba a salir de la franquicia "Scream", en medio del tumultuoso despido de Melissa por su retórica Palestina, ha habido mucha especulación de que Jenna Ortega en realidad está del lado de su coprotagonista, pero se distanció públicamente.

Esa corazonada fue alimentada aún más cuando los fans notaron que a Jenna pareció gustarle un post de una cuenta de Instagram que documenta la actividad de celebridades en Palestina y que recapitulaba el episodio de Melissa Barrera defendiendo su posición después del despido ... Noticia a la que Jenna supuestamente le puso "me gusta".

Por supuesto, si usted va a esta misma página de Instagram ahora, el supuesto "me gusta" de Jenna no se encuentra en ninguna parte, y su propia página de Instagram también está *casi* libre de cualquier contenido de Palestina, al igual que su cuenta de Twitter, que ha sido desactivada. Sin embargo, han estado circulando antiguos tuits suyos y la gente afirma que también solía publicar sentimientos pro-Palestina.

En otras palabras, si a Jenna de hecho le gusta este post de Instagram, parecería que está apoyando en silencio la postura de Melissa, algo que casi todo el mundo asumió que era el caso viendo lo rápido que se retiró de "Scream VII" tras el despido de Melissa. Esto, a pesar de los informes que sugieren que lo de Jenna no tuvo nada que ver y se debió más bien a conflictos de programación.

Francamente, nadie se lo cree y dependiendo de dónde te sitúes en este asunto, estarás celebrando a Jenna o criticándola. En cualquier caso, la franquicia "Scream" está un poco jodida en este momento.

El hecho es que Jenna y Melissa (pero sobre todo Jenna) eran por lejos las mayores estrellas de esta nueva edición de las películas, y todo el arco argumental gira en torno a ellas. Sin las actrices, solo quedan Mason Gooding y Jasmin Savoy Brown del reparto original.

Son buenísimos y todo eso, pero más que nada son una ocurrencia tardía y no tiene mucho sentido que sus personajes continúen en la saga sin Jenna y Melissa. Así que, sobre el papel, parece que los guionistas de "Scream 7" tendrán que tomar una dirección completamente distinta, con actores completamente nuevos, etc.

Además, los fans están prometiendo que van a boicotear esta última secuela si se estrena, así que probablemente será una batalla cuesta arriba para despertar el interés de las personas y hacer que el estudio gane dinero.

Las dos últimas entregas han sido todo un éxito en cuanto a ingresos (y algo más), pero sin las dos estrellas favoritas de los fans, la pregunta sigue siendo, ¿es Ghostface, por sí solo, suficiente para poner los culos en los asientos? El tiempo lo dirá, suponemos. 😱