Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Pro-Palestine Protest Chaos ... Demonstrators Disrupt It

A famous Thanksgiving parade in New York City turned into a pro-Palestine demonstration ... with protestors disrupting the route and causing chaos before getting booted.

Groups of demonstrators glued their hands to 6th Avenue as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was coming through ... forcing NYPD to redirect floats and balloons.


The protestors, dressing in white jumpsuits drenched in fake blood, protested against "capitalism" and "genocide" in the Middle East ... chanting "Free Palestine."

Crowds tried drowning out the demonstrations with boos ... and cops ended up removing protestors from the parade route ... but not without delays.

Other demonstrators busted out a huge banner reading "Genocide Then. Genocide Now" as they protested in front of a McDonald's float.

NYPD tells TMZ ... several protestors were taken into custody.

As you know, tensions are high in the Big Apple in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war ... with Susan Sarandon attending a pro-Palestine protest and getting dropped from her Hollywood talent agency for her controversial speech.

Sarandon said Jewish people in America living in fear of antisemitism since the Hamas terror attacks last month are finding out what it feels like to be Muslim in America.

Ultimately, the demonstrations didn't stop the Thanksgiving parade from chugging along ... but not without some drama.

L.A. Mission Celebs Dish out Thanksgiving Dinner to L.A.'s Homeless

A gaggle of celebs joined forces Wednesday to dish out turkey dinners at the L.A. Mission.

Check out the list ... Nick Cannon, Danny Trejo, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Denise Richards, Maxine Waters, L.A. Mayor Karen Bass, Kyle Massey, Bobby Berk, Crystal Kung Minkoff and more.

It's an annual event to help the homeless and others struggling with some comfort on Thanksgiving.

The Mission serves more than 3,000 lbs of turkey, 700 lbs of mashed potatoes, 800 lbs of green beans and 600 pies.

The Mission also gives out 650 Bibles, 1,400 blankets and 1,200 tarps.

A good deed, indeed.

L.A. Mission Famosos reparten cena de Acción de Gracias a personas sin techo en L.A.

Un grupo de celebridades se unieron el miércoles para repartir cenas de Acción de Gracias en el marco de L.A. Mission.

Echa un vistazo a la lista de celebridades que participaron, Nick Cannon, Danny Trejo, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Denise Richards, Maxine Waters, la alcaldesa de L.A Karen Bass, Kyle Massey, Bobby Berk, Crystal Kung Minkoff y más.

Este es un evento anual para ayudar a las personas sin hogar y otras que estén luchando a que tengan un poco de comodidad en Acción de Gracias.

La Misión sirve más de 3.000 libras de pavo, 700 libras de puré de patatas, 800 libras de judías verdes y 600 pasteles.

La Misión también da 650 Biblias, 1.400 mantas y 1.200 lonas.

Una buena acción, sin duda.


Jamie Foxx está siendo acusado de una agresión sexual en una azotea que supuestamente ocurrió hace 8 años en NYC.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, Foxx estaba en Catch NYC & Roof en agosto de 2015, alrededor de las 11 PM, cuando la demandante llegó para sentarse en el salón y bar de la azotea. Ella dice que se dio cuenta de que Jamie estaba una mesa de distancia.

Alrededor de la 1 AM, la amiga de la demandante le preguntó a Foxx si se tomaría una foto con ella y la demandante. Ella afirma que él dijo: "Claro nena, cualquier cosa por ti", y parecía intoxicado en ese momento. Ella afirma que él le tomó más fotos y comentó: "Vaya, tienes ese cuerpo de supermodelo", "hueles tan bien" y le dijo que se parecía a Gabrielle Union.

La desconocida afirma que Foxx tiró de ella por el brazo hasta la zona trasera de la azotea, donde supuestamente le puso ambas manos en la cintura, las pasó por debajo de la camiseta y empezó a frotarle los pechos. Ella afirma que trató de alejarse y se dio cuenta de un guardia de seguridad y otras personas que vieron lo que había sucedido, pero optaron por alejarse.

En los documentos, la demandante afirma que Foxx entonces supuestamente deslizó su mano en sus pantalones y puso sus dedos sobre su vagina y el ano. Ella dice que su amigo se acercó y vio lo que estaba pasando y fue cuando Jamie dejó de tocarla.

Afirma que resultó herida y tuvo que someterse a tratamiento médico, y que sufrió dolor, sufrimiento y angustia emocional como consecuencia de la "agresión sexual, abuso, asalto y agresión".

Demanda a Foxx, Catch y sus empleados por daños compensatorios y punitivos.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de Jamie, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Jamie Foxx Sued for Sexual Assault

Jamie Foxx is being accused of a rooftop sexual assault that allegedly happened 8 years ago in NYC.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Foxx was at Catch NYC & Roof in August 2015, around 11 PM, when the plaintiff arrived to be seated in the rooftop lounge and bar. She says she noticed Jamie one table away.

Around 1 AM, the plaintiff's friend asked Foxx if he'd take a photo with her and the plaintiff. She claims he said, "Sure, baby anything for you" ... and seemed intoxicated at the time. She claims he took more photos and commented, "Wow, you have that supermodel body," "You smell so good" and told her she looked like Gabrielle Union.

Jane Doe claims Foxx pulled her by the arm to the back area of the rooftop, where he allegedly placed both hands on her waist, moved them under her top and started rubbing her breasts. She claims she attempted to step away and noticed a security guard and others who saw what had happened ... but they chose to walk away.

In the docs, the plaintiff claims Foxx then allegedly slid his hand into her pants and put his fingers on and in her vagina and anus. She says her friend came over and saw what was happening, and then Jamie stopped touching her.

She claims she was injured and had to undergo medical treatment, and suffered pain, suffering and emotional distress as a result of the "sexual assault, abuse, assault and battery."

She's suing Foxx, Catch and its employees for compensatory and punitive damages.

We reached out to reps for Jamie ... so far, no word back.

Chrisleys, Lanez, Joe Exotic, R. Kelly Thanksgiving Prison Meals ... No Pardons For These Turkeys!!!

America's most famous prisoners are chowing down on turkey and gravy this Thanksgiving ... but Tory Lanez, Todd and Julie Chrisley are about to find out what R. Kelly already knows ... the bird is better at home.

TMZ obtained prison menus from across the country, where celebrity convicts are being treated to your typical Thanksgiving staples ... turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce.

Here's a breakdown of their Turkey Day feasts:

Todd at Florida's FPC Pensacola:

-- Roast turkey, glazed ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, assorted pies

Julie at Kentucky's FMC Lexington:

-- Roast turkey or baked turkey ham, baked candied yams, cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pie

Tory at California Correctional Institution Tehachapi:

-- Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cornbread dressing, diced carrots, dinner roll, green salad, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie

Suge Knight at San Diego's Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility:

-- Same menu as Tory

Harvey Weinstein at New York's Mohawk Correctional Facility

-- Roast turkey, gravy, dressing, whipped potatoes, sliced steamed carrots, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, ice cream sundae

R. Kelly at North Carolina's FCI Butner Medium I

-- Roast turkey, baked candied sweet potatoes, cornbread dressing, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie

Josh Duggar at Texas' FCI Seagoville:

-- Roast turkey, glazed ham, cornbread dressing with turkey gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, assorted pies

Joe Exotic at Texas' FMC Forth Worth:

-- Smoked turkey legs, cornbread stuffing, macaroni and cheese, sweet potato casserole, green beans, turkey gravy, dinner roll, pecan or sweet potato pie

In addition to all the traditional food, prisons are offering several activities on Thanksgiving Day.

We're not saying the above inmates deserve special holiday festivities, but card games, relay races, bingo, checkers, chess and team sports will be available to some of 'em.

Jacob Tremblay Voice Work Worth $2,500 Per Session ... For New Animated Movie

Jacob Tremblay is rolling in the DreamWorks dough ... earning a sweet paycheck for lending his voice to an upcoming animated movie.

According to Jacob's minor's contract -- filed in court and obtained by TMZ -- the 17-year-old actor was paid $25,000 for 10 original recording sessions for his starring role in "Orion and the Dark."

Jacob's playing the title character, Orion, in the DreamWorks production ... which is coming out in February only on Netflix.

His contract also calls for him to be paid $2,500 for any additional dialogue sessions ... which include pickups, looping, post-synching and rehearsals.

The flick appears to be going straight to Netflix, but there are additional $25K bonuses built in for each week the movie appears on various Netflix top 10 lists.

Jacob's scored some big movie paydays over the years ... as we first told you, he also earned $100,000 for a gig in the 'Shining' sequel and $900,000 for a starring role in "Good Boys."


Jacob Tremblay hizo un gran trato con DreamWorks, ganando un cheque por prestar su voz a la próxima película de animación del famoso estudio.

De acuerdo con el contrato de menor de edad de Jacob —presentado en los tribunales y obtenido por TMZ— el actor de 17 años de edad ganó $25.000 por 10 sesiones de grabación para su papel protagonista en "Orion y la oscuridad".

Jacob interpreta al personaje del título —Orion— en la producción de DreamWorks que se estrenará en febrero solo en Netflix.

Su contrato también exige que se le pague $2.500 para cualquier sesión de diálogo adicional, que incluye pick-ups, looping, postsynching y ensayos.

La película parece que va directamente a Netflix, y habrá bonos adicionales de $25K por cada semana que la película aparezca en las listas de Netflix top 10.

Jacob ha hecho algunos grandes tratos en películas a lo largo de los años, como dijimos la  primera vez, también ganó $100.000 por una aparición en la secuela de "The Shining" y $900.000 por un papel protagonico en "Good Boys".

Doobie In 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Larry Hankin was 49 years old when he was cast to play Doobie -- the creepy rock and roll Taxi driver who had a fully decked out cab in Wichita, Kansas -- in the comedy classic film "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" back in 1987.

Hankin was part of a dynamic cast aiding to get the principal characters home in time for Thanksgiving including ... Steve Martin as the unfriendly and wealthy businessman, Neal Page and John Candy as the kind and sly salesman, Del Griffith.

Kevin Bacon, Matthew Lawrence and Ben Stein were also in the film!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Guess what he looks like now at 85 years old!

MELISSA BARRERA responde al despido de "Scream" "el silencio no es una opción"

Melissa Barrera dice que su despido de la franquicia 'Scream' no la silenciará y dice que no es antisemita.

La actriz respondió a su expulsión de "Scream 7" con una declaración en su historia de Instagram, explicando por qué ha dado demasiadas opiniones sobre la guerra en el Oriente Medio.

Por supuesto, fueron las historias de Instagram de Melissa las que la echaron de la película en primer lugar, después de que la productora detrás de "Scream 7" considerara sus comentarios incitadores al odio y antisemitas.

En respuesta, Melissa dice ... "El silencio no es una opción para mí".

Ella comienza condenando el antisemitismo y la islamofobia y habla en contra del odio y los prejuicios contra todas las personas.

Melissa dice que su herencia mexicana le hace sentir la responsabilidad de utilizar su plataforma para "concienciar sobre temas que me preocupan y prestar mi voz a los necesitados".

Y añade: "Creo que un grupo de personas NO son su liderazgo, y que ningún órgano de gobierno debe estar por encima de la crítica".

Recordemos que Melissa fue despedida de "Scream 7" por sus posts sobre Israel y Palestina, incluyendo uno en el que aparentemente aludía a un viejo texto sobre la gente judía que controla los medios de comunicación. En otro post, Melissa comparó Gaza con un campo de concentración.

Spyglass Media Group, la productora detrás de su despido, dice que le mostró la puerta porque: "Tenemos tolerancia cero con el antisemitismo o la incitación al odio en cualquiera de sus formas, incluidas las referencias falsas al genocidio, la limpieza étnica, la distorsión del Holocausto o cualquier cosa que cruce flagrantemente la línea de la incitación al odio".

Melissa dice que no estaba siendo antisemita y parece que no va a sentarse y callarse ahora que ha perdido un lucrativo papel en una película por sus opiniones.

Melissa Barrera 'Scream' Firing Response ... I Won't Be Silent On Israel-Hamas War!!!

Melissa Barrera says her firing from the 'Scream' franchise won't silence her ... and she says she's not antisemitic.

The actress responded to her "Scream 7" ouster with a statement on her Instagram story, explaining why she's been so vocal about the war in the Middle East.

Of course, it was Melissa's IG stories that got her booted from the movie in the first place ... after the production company behind "Scream 7" deemed her comments hate-inciting and antisemitic.

In response, Melissa says ... "Silence is not an option for me."

She starts out by condemning antisemitism and Islamaphobia ... and speaks out against hate and prejudice against all people.

Melissa says her Mexican heritage makes her feel a responsibility to use her platform to "raise awareness about issues I care about and to lend my voice to those in need."

She adds ... "I believe a group of people are NOT their leadership, and that no governing body should be above criticism."

Remember ... Melissa got fired from "Scream 7" for her posts about Israel and Palestine, including one where she seemingly alluded to a long-standing trope about Jewish people controlling the media. In another post, Melissa compared Gaza to a concentration camp.

Spyglass Media Group, the production company behind her firing, says it showed her the door because ... "We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech."

Melissa says she wasn't being antisemitic ... and it sounds like she won't sit back and shut up now that she's lost a lucrative movie role over her views.


The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is only hours away ... and we have some behind-the-scenes pics of several floats and balloons inflating our expectations for the main event.

Dragon Ball hero "Goku" clearly looks to be a showstopper when he takes to the streets of the Big Apple Thursday, and the dynamic "Dino" duo will undoubtedly work to roar its way into everyone's hearts.

There's also some Hollywood making its way into the parade, with the "Good Burger" mobile serving as the perfect appetizer to honor the movie sequel hitting Paramount streaming.

From the "Deliciously Detectable World of Wonka" to the "Igniting Memories" and the enchanting "Palace of Sweets" ... these floats are also set to turn NYC into a festive treat.

Of course, there's also the return of classic crowd favorites with "Mutant Mayhem" and the beloved "Sesame Street" ... proving that some traditions just don't let go.

BEN AFFLECK DUNKIN Y MARLBORO las Claves para ser un padre sano y esbelto.

La dieta de Ben Affleck parece consistir en Dunkin Donuts y cigarrillos y (sin embargo), está en plena forma, con un cuerpo de padre que la mayoría de nosotros mataría por tener.

El actor fue a recoger a sus hijos en Los Ángeles el lunes. En concreto a su hija de 14 años de edad, Seraphina y a su hijo de 11 años de edad, Samuel.

Échale un vistazo... mientras esperaba con Seraphina en el estacionamiento, comenzó a hurgar en una mochila y sacó un cartón gigante de cigarros Marlboro, que ya estaba abierto.

Una vez que Sam apareció y los 3 comenzaron a salir, Ben tenía una taza de café Dunkin con él que parecía estar vacía. Sabemos que Ben es un fan de la marca de café y donuts, por lo que no es tan loco verlo con uno de estos.

Lo interesante es el hecho de que Ben tiende a picar la comida rápida con bastante frecuencia. La semana pasada pudimos verlo en McDonalds, sosteniendo una bolsa de comida y una sabrosa bebida.

Súmale el hecho de que es un fumador habitual y es un poco sorprendente que Ben sea capaz de mantenerse en tan buena forma como lo hace. Sabemos que el chico está hecho polvo gracias a una foto que su mujer, J Lo, compartió el Día del Padre, así que debe ir al gimnasio con regularidad para mantener el equilibrio.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Ojalá todos tuviéramos tanta suerte.

Ben Affleck Dunkin' & Marlboro ... Keys to Healthy, Ripped Dad Bod???

Ben Affleck's diet appears to consist of Dunkin' Donuts and cigarettes -- and yet ... he's in tip-top shape, with a dad bod most of us would kill to have.

The actor was picking up his kids in L.A. Monday -- specifically, his 14-year-old daughter Seraphina and 11-year-old son Samuel -- and he was in complete Papa Bear mode ... of the big-rig variety, though, it seems.

Check it out ... while waiting with Seraphina in the parking lot, he started rummaging through a backpack and pulled out a giant carton of Marlboro cigs, which was already torn open.

Once Sam showed up and the 3 of them started heading out ... Ben had a Dunkin' coffee cup with him, and it looked pretty empty. We know Ben's a fan of the coffee/donut brand ... so it's not all that crazy to see him with one of these.

What is interesting ... the fact Ben tends to snag fast food pretty often -- including a McDonald's run he made last week, where he had a bag of grub and a tasty drink to boot.

Lop on the fact he's a regular smoker ... and it's a little surprising Ben's able to stay in as good of shape as he does. We know the guy's shredded thanks to a snap his wife, J Lo, shared on Father's Day -- so he must hit the gym regularly to keep things balanced.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

If only we were all so lucky.


Melissa Barrera está fuera de su papel protagónico en la franquicia "Scream", y la productora que la despidió dice que se debe a sus publicaciones en redes sociales que considera incitadoras al odio y antisemitas.

La actriz iba a asumir de nuevo el papel protagónico en "Scream VII" después de protagonizar "Scream" y "Scream VI", pero al parecer ha sido despedida debido a publicaciones sobre Israel y Palestina.

Las declaraciones más polémicas de Melissa incluyeron una historia de Instagram donde aparentemente alude a un comentario de larga data sobre personas judías que controlan los medios de comunicación.

Ella escribió:  "He estado buscando activamente videos e información sobre el lado palestino durante las últimas 2 semanas más o menos, siguiendo cuentas, etc. ¿Por qué? Porque los medios de comunicación occidentales solo muestran el otro lado. Por qué lo hacen, dejaré que lo deduzcas por ti mismo".

En otros posts, Melissa habría comparado Gaza con un campo de concentración, calificando la guerra en Oriente Medio de "genocidio" y "limpieza étnica" y refiriéndose a Israel como una tierra "colonizada".

Variety fue el primero en informar sobre el despido de Melissa y ella parecía estar abordando el martes con un post declarando que prefiere ser excluida por quien incluye que incluida por quien excluye.

Christopher Landon, que va a dirigir "Scream VII", reaccionó en las redes sociales, diciendo: "Todo apesta. Dejen de gritar. No fue mi decisión".

Spyglass Media Group, la productora que sí tomó la decisión, dice que lo hizo, porque: "Tenemos tolerancia cero con el antisemitismo o la incitación al odio en cualquiera de sus formas, incluidas las referencias falsas al genocidio, la limpieza étnica, la distorsión del Holocausto o cualquier cosa que cruce flagrantemente la línea de la incitación al odio".

Melissa interpreta a Sam Carpenter en "Scream" y "Scream VI", pero ahora algunos grandes cambios están en el horizonte para "Scream VII".

Otras actrices están recibiendo golpes por declaraciones sobre la guerra, como informamos, Susan Sarandon fue despedida de su agencia de talentos de Hollywood por un polémico discurso en una manifestación pro Palestina en Nueva York.

Sarandon dijo que los judíos de Estados Unidos, que viven con miedo al antisemitismo desde los atentados terroristas de Hamás del 7 de octubre, estaban descubriendo lo que se siente al ser musulmán en Estados Unidos.

Melissa Barrera Fired From 'Scream' Over Israel-Hamas War Posts

Melissa Barrera is out of her starring role in the 'Scream' franchise, and the production company that fired her says it's due to her social media posts it deems hate-inciting and antisemitic.

The actress was set to once again assume the leading role in "Scream VII" after starring in "Scream" and "Scream VI" ... but she's reportedly been let go because of posts about Israel and Palestine.

Melissa's more controversial statements included an Instagram story where she seemingly alludes to a longstanding trope about Jewish people controlling the media.

She wrote ...  "I have been actively looking for videos and information about the Palestinian side for the last 2 weeks or so, following accounts etc. Why? Because Western media only shows the other side. Why they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself."

In other posts, Melissa reportedly compared Gaza to a concentration camp, calling the war in the Middle East "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" ... and referring to Israel as a "colonized" land.

Variety was first to report on Melissa's firing ... and she seemed to be addressing it Tuesday with a post declaring she would rather be excluded for who she includes than included for who she excludes.

Christopher Landon, who is set to direct 'Scream VII,' reacted on social media, saying ... "Everything sucks. Stop yelling. This was not my decision to make."

Spyglass Media Group, the production company that did make the decision, says it did so, because ... "We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech."

Melissa plays Sam Carpenter in "Scream" and "Scream VI" ... but now some big changes are on the horizon for "Scream VII."

Other actresses are taking hits for statements on the war -- as we reported, Susan Sarandon was dropped from her Hollywood talent agency for a controversial speech at a pro-Palestine rally in NYC.

Sarandon said Jewish people in America living in fear of antisemitism since the Hamas terror attacks on Oct 7, were finding out what it feels like to be Muslim in America.