Melissa Barrera está fuera de su papel protagónico en la franquicia "Scream", y la productora que la despidió dice que se debe a sus publicaciones en redes sociales que considera incitadoras al odio y antisemitas.

La actriz iba a asumir de nuevo el papel protagónico en "Scream VII" después de protagonizar "Scream" y "Scream VI", pero al parecer ha sido despedida debido a publicaciones sobre Israel y Palestina.

Las declaraciones más polémicas de Melissa incluyeron una historia de Instagram donde aparentemente alude a un comentario de larga data sobre personas judías que controlan los medios de comunicación.

Ella escribió:  "He estado buscando activamente videos e información sobre el lado palestino durante las últimas 2 semanas más o menos, siguiendo cuentas, etc. ¿Por qué? Porque los medios de comunicación occidentales solo muestran el otro lado. Por qué lo hacen, dejaré que lo deduzcas por ti mismo".

En otros posts, Melissa habría comparado Gaza con un campo de concentración, calificando la guerra en Oriente Medio de "genocidio" y "limpieza étnica" y refiriéndose a Israel como una tierra "colonizada".

Variety fue el primero en informar sobre el despido de Melissa y ella parecía estar abordando el martes con un post declarando que prefiere ser excluida por quien incluye que incluida por quien excluye.

Christopher Landon, que va a dirigir "Scream VII", reaccionó en las redes sociales, diciendo: "Todo apesta. Dejen de gritar. No fue mi decisión".

Spyglass Media Group, la productora que sí tomó la decisión, dice que lo hizo, porque: "Tenemos tolerancia cero con el antisemitismo o la incitación al odio en cualquiera de sus formas, incluidas las referencias falsas al genocidio, la limpieza étnica, la distorsión del Holocausto o cualquier cosa que cruce flagrantemente la línea de la incitación al odio".

Melissa interpreta a Sam Carpenter en "Scream" y "Scream VI", pero ahora algunos grandes cambios están en el horizonte para "Scream VII".

Otras actrices están recibiendo golpes por declaraciones sobre la guerra, como informamos, Susan Sarandon fue despedida de su agencia de talentos de Hollywood por un polémico discurso en una manifestación pro Palestina en Nueva York.

Sarandon dijo que los judíos de Estados Unidos, que viven con miedo al antisemitismo desde los atentados terroristas de Hamás del 7 de octubre, estaban descubriendo lo que se siente al ser musulmán en Estados Unidos.

Melissa Barrera Fired From 'Scream' Over Israel-Hamas War Posts

Melissa Barrera is out of her starring role in the 'Scream' franchise, and the production company that fired her says it's due to her social media posts it deems hate-inciting and antisemitic.

The actress was set to once again assume the leading role in "Scream VII" after starring in "Scream" and "Scream VI" ... but she's reportedly been let go because of posts about Israel and Palestine.

Melissa's more controversial statements included an Instagram story where she seemingly alludes to a longstanding trope about Jewish people controlling the media.

She wrote ...  "I have been actively looking for videos and information about the Palestinian side for the last 2 weeks or so, following accounts etc. Why? Because Western media only shows the other side. Why they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself."

In other posts, Melissa reportedly compared Gaza to a concentration camp, calling the war in the Middle East "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" ... and referring to Israel as a "colonized" land.

Variety was first to report on Melissa's firing ... and she seemed to be addressing it Tuesday with a post declaring she would rather be excluded for who she includes than included for who she excludes.

Christopher Landon, who is set to direct 'Scream VII,' reacted on social media, saying ... "Everything sucks. Stop yelling. This was not my decision to make."

Spyglass Media Group, the production company that did make the decision, says it did so, because ... "We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech."

Melissa plays Sam Carpenter in "Scream" and "Scream VI" ... but now some big changes are on the horizon for "Scream VII."

Other actresses are taking hits for statements on the war -- as we reported, Susan Sarandon was dropped from her Hollywood talent agency for a controversial speech at a pro-Palestine rally in NYC.

Sarandon said Jewish people in America living in fear of antisemitism since the Hamas terror attacks on Oct 7, were finding out what it feels like to be Muslim in America.


El guionista de cine y televisión estadounidense Jonathan Kasdan solo tenía cuatro años cuando hizo su gran debut como actor interpretando al adorable hijo —que cantaba "Joy To The World" mientras estaba en la bañera— en la clásica comedia familiar de 1983 "The Big Chill".

La película cuenta con un reparto repleto de estrellas protagonizado por Kevin Kline como el exitoso empresario Harold, Glenn Close como la esposa de Harold, Sarah, William Hurt como el fiestero Nick y Jeff Goldblum como el periodista y soltero Michael Gold.

Kevin Costner y Meg Tilly también coprotagonizan la película.

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora 40 años después.

Harold And Sarah's Son In 'The Big Chill' 'Memba Him?!

American film and television screenwriter Jonathan Kasdan was only 4 years old when he made his big acting debut playing the adorable son -- singing "Joy To The World" while in the tub -- in the 1983 classic comedy/family film "The Big Chill."

The movie has a packed and star-studded cast starring Kevin Kline as the successful business owner, Harold, Glenn Close as Harold's wife, Sarah, William Hurt as the partier, Nick and Jeff Goldblum as the journalist and bachelor, Michael Gold.

Kevin Costner and Meg Tilly also costar in the film.

Guess what he looks like now 40 years later!

Ex-Lions QB Scott Mitchell Furious Over Barry Sanders Doc ... 'F*** You All'

Not everyone is a fan of Barry Sanders' new documentary -- his former quarterback, Scott Mitchell, just shared his negative review in a lengthy rant on social media ... revealing he's super pissed at how he was depicted in the project.

Sanders' "Bye, Bye, Barry" just hit Prime Video this week ... and Mitchell's big takeaway was that many guests featured in the doc blamed him for the running back never winning a Super Bowl.

Mitchell went to Facebook to vent about it all ... initially praising Sanders' abilities on the field, before ripping into his critics -- name-dropping Detroit superfans Eminem and Jeff Daniels in the process.

"However, I am so tired of hearing how I was the reason that Barry Sanders never won a Super Bowl," Mitchell said, according to the Detroit News. "I'm so tired of hearing how I was not a good QB. My only response is F*** YOU ALL!!!!! That includes Eminem (and) Jeff Daniels."

Mitchell -- who played for the Lions from 1994-98 -- added he was disappointed to hear his former coach, Wayne Fontes, openly talk about wishing he had Joe Montana or Warren Moon under center instead ... and how a proper QB was what kept Barry from being a champion.

"A little support from the coach might have gone a long way," Mitchell added. "Wayne never had my back!"

Mitchell then turned his focus to Sanders ... saying he, too, deserved blame for their empty trophy cases.

"Bottom line, Barry Sanders had everything in Detroit," Mitchell continued. "Everyone loved him. Everything was built for Barry to succeed. In his 10 year career, he won one playoff game and the only reason he didn't win more was everyone else was the problem?"

"How many yards did Barry have in the playoffs in '94, '95, '97? I'll give you a hint not very many. We all are to blame for not winning a (Super Bowl) in Detroit even Barry Sanders."

Mitchell ended his rant by saying he truly feels the Lions could have gone the distance if the team had just been a bit more patient ... but that's not how it played out.

We take it Mitchell won't be invited to the next Lions reunion.

Tyrese Gibson My Divorce Judge Has Gotta Go ... He's Got It Out For Me!!!

Tyrese Gibson is once again taking issue with the judge in his divorce case in Georgia ... he wants a new robe to step in, claiming the current judge is biased against him.

The actor filed new legal docs this week, obtained by TMZ, complaining about the way Judge Kevin Farmer is handling the case and saying he deserves a new judge.

Tyrese says Judge Farmer abruptly canceled a court hearing and ordered him to come up with a massive $450,000 bond within 10 days in connection with his appeal of an order in the case ... without giving him his day in court to explain how it would be impossible to come up with the cash that quickly.

In the docs, Tyrese says he was going to use the hearing to explain why he couldn't pay the $450K due to the Hollywood strikes impacting his ability to work and make money this year.

But, Tyrese says Judge Farmer scrapped the hearing only a few days before it was scheduled to go down ... which TG feels is another example of hizzoner having it out for him.

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Dennis Byron/Hip Hop Enquirer

Tyrese has tried to get Judge Farmer taken off the case before ... as we first reported back in September 2022, Tyrese claimed the judge told him he thought the child support ordered in the case was appropriate and that he didn't care if Tyrese's ex, Samantha Lee Gibson, was a "greedy, gold-digging bitch."

Tyrese also claimed the judge belittled him with admonishments during his testimony.

It will be interesting to see if Tyrese's claims this time around are enough to warrant a new judge on the case ... especially seeing as how he struck out the first time.

Susan Sarandon Anti-Jewish Rant Fallout ... Talent Agency Drops Her

Susan Sarandon is facing swift backlash over her pro-Palestinian and anti-Jewish rant ... because a famous Hollywood talent agency just showed her the door.

The Oscar-winning actress is no longer being represented by United Talent Agency, where scores of staffers were upset by her strong views on the Israel-Hamas war ... according to Page Six.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Susan railed against Israel during a pro-Palestine protest Friday in New York City, and said this about Jewish people in America, specifically ... "There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country."

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Grabbing a microphone at the rally, Susan also told the crowd being anti-Palestinian is the end result of American brainwashing that starts at a young age.

The controversial comments are making the rounds online, and drawing tons of criticism over social media ... and now Susan's facing consequences in real life.

Susan reportedly signed with UTA back in 2014 ... and this year she's had roles in two movies, "Blue Beetle" and "Maybe I Do," plus gigs on a few TV shows.

It will be interesting to see which talent agency brings in Susan as a client ... if any at all.

Susan Sarandon Discurso anti judío le cuesta caro... Agencia de talentos decide abandonarla

Susan Sarandon está enfrentando fuertes reacciones por su discurso pro-palestino y anti-judío: una famosa agencia de talentos de Hollywood decidió abandonarla.

La actriz ganadora del Oscar ya no está representada por United Talent Agency, donde decenas de empleados se molestaron por sus fuertes opiniones sobre la guerra entre Israel y Hamás, según cuenta Page Six.

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Susan arremetió contra Israel durante una protesta pro-Palestina el viernes en la ciudad de Nueva York, donde dijo esto particularmente sobre los judíos en Estados Unidos: "Hay un montón de gente con miedo de ser judío en este momento, y están recibiendo una muestra de lo que se siente ser musulmán en este país".

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Agarrando un micrófono, Susan también le dijo a la multitud que ser anti-palestino es el resultado del lavado de cerebro de Estados Unidos que comienza a temprana edad.

Los polémicos comentarios se están viralizando en línea y atrayendo toneladas de críticas en redes sociales, y ahora Susan se enfrenta a las consecuencias en la vida real.

Según los informes, Susan firmó con United Talent Agency en 2014 y este año ha tenido papeles en dos películas, "Blue Beetle" y "Maybe I Do", además de actuaciones en algunos programas de televisión.

Será interesante ver qué agencia decide traerla como cliente si es que alguna lo hace.

Locura en Frontier Airlines Crisis de una pasajera desata sermón en medio del vuelo El diablo tiene su alma!!!

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El poder de Cristo

Cuando tu vuelo se convierte en una secuela de "El Exorcista". Así es como se puede describir esta extraña escena de una mujer que tiene una crisis épica en medio de un vuelo, dejando a sus compañeros de viaje preguntándose, ¿¡QUÉ PASÓ!?

Todo ocurrió en un avión de Frontier Airlines que viajaba de Houston a Denver, pero que tuvo que parar en Dallas después de que la pasajera con problemas comenzara a gemir como si le hubieran cortado una pierna, provocando un gran disturbio.

Nadie parece saber exactamente cuál era su problema, pero en el video se la ve llorando y discutiendo con la tripulación de vuelo y otros pasajeros mientras intenta volver a su asiento.

En un momento dado, incluso trepa por los asientos, arrastrándose por la cabina, mientras solloza y grita. Mientras todo esto ocurre, otra señora que estaba entre los pasajeros se vuelve hacia los demás y proclama que están presenciando una posesión demoníaca.

Al describir a la pasajera que está perdiendo el control, la mujer grita: "¡Esa no es ella, está poseída! Necesita ayuda". A continuación, se pone en modo predicadora y les dice a todos que deben tener una relación con Jesús para evitar este tipo de "apoderamiento" del alma.

No podemos hablar de nada de lo que hizo el Espíritu Santo, pero sabemos que la policía subió inmediatamente al avión cuando aterrizó en Dallas para sacar a la mujer perturbada. Nadie resultó herido, pero seguro que asustó a la cabina.

Vamos a decir esto, ella arrastrándose por los asientos definitivamente nos recuerda al horrible papel de Linda Blair, con excepción del vómito y la cabeza girando, por supuesto.

Viajes de vacaciones, ¡¡¡nunca hay un momento aburrido!!!

Frontier Airlines Freak-Out Passenger Meltdown Spurs Mid-Air Sermon ... The Devil Has Her Soul!!!

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the power of christ ...

When your quick flight turns into an 'Exorcist' sequel -- that's how you can describe this bizarre scene of a woman having an epic meltdown, leaving her fellow passengers to wonder ... WWJD?!?

This all went down on a Frontier Airlines jet traveling from Houston to Denver, but the flight had to stop off in Dallas after the troubled passenger started wailing like her leg was cut off ... stirring a huge disturbance.

Nobody seems to know what exactly was wrong with her -- but this video shows her crying and arguing with the in-flight crew and other passengers as she tries getting back to her seat.

At one point ... she even climbs over seats, crawling her way through the cabin, all while sobbing and hyperventilating. As this is all unfolding, some other lady who was in the mix turns to the others and proclaims they're all witnessing a demonic possession.

Describing the passenger losing it, the woman yells, "That's not her, she's possessed! She needs help!" She then goes into preacher mode, telling everyone onboard they need a relationship with Jesus to stave off this sort of "takeover" of the soul.


We can't speak to anything the Holy Ghost did, but we know police immediately boarded the plane when it landed in Dallas to remove the disturbed woman. No one was injured, but it sure freaked out the cabin.

We'll say this, her crawling over the seats definitely brings Linda Blair's horrifying role to mind -- minus the vomit and head-spinning, of course.

Holiday travel ... never a boring moment!!!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift Comparada con "Barbie" Por mantenerse en punta de pie tras percance con sus tacones

Taylor Swift es una muñeca Barbie en la vida real, sacada directamente de la gran pantalla, pues imitó algo que la misma Margot Robbie hizo en la película y, por un momento, tuvo todos los ojos puestos en sus tacones y sus pies.

La cantante estaba actuando el lunes por la noche en Río de Janeiro -compensando el concierto que pospuso después de la muerte de un fan- y durante el show, Taylor Swift tuvo algunos problemas con sus tacos que la obligaron a caminar cojeando.

Barbie en la vida real

Después de un rato, se le rompió directamente el tacón del zapato y lo tiró al público. Luego continuó con el concierto como si nada hubiera pasado.

Lo decimos literalmente, porque TayTay siguió caminando con el pie derecho arqueado, como si el tacón siguiera ahí por arte de magia y es bastante impresionante.

Por supuesto, esto le recordó a mucha gente la película de "Barbie", específicamente cuando el personaje de Margot Robbie comienza a perder su magia y comienza a convertirse en una humana, lo que la hace perder su capacidad de estar en punta de pie todo el tiempo.

Aunque "Barbie" terminó yendo con los pies planos (como el resto de nosotros lo hace), Taylor mantuvo su magia y estuvo erguida durante el resto del espectáculo.

Por cierto, algún afortunado fan entre el público pudo quedarse con el tacón de Taylor y publicó una foto en Internet donde aparece guardándolo en su bolso.

Un bonito recuerdo, sin duda y solo otro momento surrealista de la gira "Eras".

Ahora que Taylor terminó con su gira en Río, tiene otros tres shows por hacer a fines de esta semana en la vecina ciudad de Sao Paulo, así que el tiempo dirá si termina volviendo a Estados Unidos para pasar Acción de Gracias con su familia y su novio, Travis Kelce.

Taylor Swift Compared to 'Barbie' ... Keeps Foot Arch Post-Heel Mishap

Taylor Swift is a real-life Barbie doll, straight from the big screen, 'cause she mimicked something Margot Robbie did in the film ... and, for a moment, she had all eyes on her heels and feet.

The singer was performing Monday night in Rio de Janeiro -- making up for the concert she postponed after a fan's death -- and during the show, T-Swift had some footwear problems that forced her to walk with a limp.


After a little while, she straight up broke off the bedazzled heel to her boot and chucked it into the audience ... and then proceeded with the concert as if nothing had happened.

We mean that literally, 'cause TayTay was walking around with her right foot still arched -- as if the heel was still magically there, and it's pretty damn impressive.

Of course, this reminded a lot of people of the 'Barbie' movie ... specifically, when Margot's character starts to lose her doll magic and starts to become human -- which causes her to lose the ability to remain standing in a high-heeled pose ... something TS did here.

Whereas 'Barbie' ended up going flat-footed (like the rest of us would), Taylor seems to have maintained the shoe magic and apparently stayed upright throughout the rest of the show.

BTW, some lucky fan in the crowd was able to snatch up Taylor's thrown heel -- posting a photo online, which appears to show them with it tucked away in their bag.

Nice little memento, for sure ... and just another surreal moment from the "Eras" tour.

Now that Taylor's done with her Rio stint, she's got another 3 shows to do in neighboring Sao Paulo later this week ... so time will tell if she ends up coming back to the States for Thanksgiving with her family and boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

AJ MCLEAN COLABORA CON CHAINSMOKERS en una fiesta llena de famosos

¡dándolo todo!
Courtesy of Wynn Las Vegas

La parada de AJ McLean en el Strip de Las Vegas —durante las festividades del Gran Premio de Fórmula 1— tuvo a las estrellas dando vueltas alrededor del glamoroso evento y AJ subió al escenario con The Chainsmokers.

La estrella de los Backstreet Boys apareció en el XS Nightclub en el Wynn Las Vegas la noche del jueves, cuando el trío realizó una interpretación especial del mega-hit "Everybody", pero no antes de que la superestrella de la F1 Lewis Hamilton y arrancaron las cosas en la exclusiva ceremonia de apertura solo para invitados la noche anterior.

El viernes, la TikToker Alix Earle, se hizo cargo de la cabina del DJ con Swedish House Madia, mientras que Leo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, French Montana y Saweetie estaban de fiesta en VIP.

vibrando toda la noche

Todo el fin de semana estuvo lleno de celebridades en la ciudad para la carrera del sábado por la noche, donde RiRi y su hombre A$AP Rocky se sumergieron en la acción. Sin duda fue un buen descanso de la realidad para el rapero, antes de su comparecencia ante el tribunal el lunes en su caso de tiroteo.

La carrera fue la primera de Fórmula 1 en Las Vegas desde el Gran Premio Caesars Palace de 1982 y Justin Bieber estaba viviendo en el carril rápido, ya que fue seleccionado para agitar la bandera a cuadros como Max Verstappen del equipo Red Bull cruzó la línea de meta en primer lugar.


Courtesy of Wynn Las Vegas

AJ McLean's pit stop on the Vegas Strip -- during the Formula 1 Grand Prix festivities --  had A-listers doing laps around the glitzy event, and got AJ onstage with The Chainsmokers.

The Backstreet Boys star put the pedal to the medal inside XS Nightclub at the Wynn Las Vegas Thursday night, as the trio performed a special rendition of his band's mega-hit "Everybody" -- but not before F1 superstar Lewis Hamilton and kicked things off at the exclusive invite-only opening ceremony the night before.

On Friday, TikToker Alix Earle jumped into the DJ booth with Swedish House Madia at XS ... while Leo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Michael B. Jordan, French Montana, and Saweetie partied in VIP.


The whole weekend was packed with celebs in town for the main event ... Saturday night's race, where RiRi and her man A$AP Rocky immersed themselves in the action. No doubt, it was a nice break from reality for the rapper, ahead of his courtroom appearance Monday in his shooting case.

The race was Formula 1's first in Las Vegas since 1982's Caesars Palace Grand Prix ... and Justin Bieber was living in the fast lane as he was selected to wave the checkered flag as Team Red Bull's Max Verstappen crossed the finish line first.

JARED LETO Twinning with SCOTT DISICK ... 'We Might Be Related!!!'

Jared Leto is so here for people comparing him to Scott Disick ... he's practically crossing his fingers and hoping they're long-lost relatives, because who wouldn't want a dose of Kardashian drama in their life?

The Oscar winner finally responded to the long-standing familial rumors while he was on  Sirius XM’s TikTok Radio, and host Davis Burleson held up side-by-side images of Scott and Jared ... prompting the actor to gush, "Wow, Really? Lucky me. Thank you."

Sirius XM TikTok Radio

Davis asked Jared if he, too, saw his uncanny resemblance to the 'KUWTK' star ... but Jared wasn't entirely convinced -- "It’s hard when you look at yourself. But they do say that people who look alike actually share a lot of DNA, sometimes."

Getting deep, the spiritual guru continued: "You know, if there’s someone like, 'Oh my god, you look exactly like this guy,' you actually might be related somehow."

Perhaps overestimating Lord Disick's net worth compared to his, Jared said it "would be nice" to have a rich relative!


Jared has actually crossed paths with members of the Kardashian-Jenner family before, even Scott's ex, Kourtney Kardashian -- but he's never met the man himself.

Hopefully, they'll link up soon -- and then we can move on to another look-alike mystery: the late, great Gene Wilder and "The Bear" star Jeremy Allen White! Seriously. What's the deal?

JARED LETO responde a las afirmaciones de que Scott Disick es su gemelo

Jared Leto está aquí para que la gente lo compare con Scott Disick y prácticamente está cruzando los dedos y esperando que sean parientes perdidos hace mucho tiempo, porque ¿quién no quiere una dosis de drama Kardashian en su vida?

El ganador del Oscar finalmente respondió a los rumores familiares de larga data mientras estaba en TikTok Radio de Sirius XM, y el anfitrión Davis Burleson mostró imágenes de Scott y Jared, lo que provocó que el actor dijera: "Wow, ¿En serio? Qué suerte tengo. Gracias".

Sirius XM TikTok Radio

Davis le preguntó a Jared si él también veía su asombroso parecido con la estrella de "KUWTK" (Keeping Up with the Kardashians), pero Jared no estaba del todo convencido, "Es difícil cuando te miras a ti mismo. Pero dicen que las personas que se parecen, en realidad comparten mucho ADN".

Profundizando, el gurú espiritual continuó: "Ya sabes, si hay alguien como, "Oh Dios mío, te ves exactamente como este tipo", en realidad podría estar relacionado de alguna manera".

Tal vez sobreestimando el valor neto de Lord Disick en comparación con el suyo, Jared dijo que "estaría bien" ¡tener un pariente rico!

Jared ha cruzado caminos con los miembros de la familia Kardashian/Jenner antes, incluso la ex de Scott, Kourtney Kardashian, pero nunca se reuniron.

Esperemos que se relacionen pronto y entonces podremos pasar a otro misterio de parecido: ¡el fallecido, gran Gene Wilder y la estrella de "El Oso", Jeremy Allen White! Ahora en serio. ¿No creen que son iguales?