Michael B. Jordan Set to Direct 'Creed IV' ... Despite Sly 'Rocky' Feud w/ Winkler

Michael B. Jordan is set to direct another 'Rocky' franchise installment with the next 'Creed' movie -- this despite the fact that Sylvester Stallone has major beef with a key producer.

The announcement was made by Irwin Winkler at an event in L.A. Saturday -- where he confirmed that not only is 'Creed IV' happening ... but saying Mike would be back in the director's chair, and obviously starring of course.

According to Deadline, Winkler said they'd start circling the project sometime in 2024 -- with him explaining, "We have a really good story [and] a really good plot. We got a little delayed because of the strikes, but about a year from now we’re going into pre-production."

Considering how much of a moneymaker "Creed III" was, this is great news for MBJ ... but probably hits a nerve with Sly -- who's slammed IW and his handling of the 'Rocky' rights.

As we reported ... Stallone has called on Winkler to give him an ownership stake in the IP -- of which he has no control over, apparently, after having sold the rights to the OG script years ago. Sly's POV is ... he's the creator of the character/story, so he should have a cut.

It goes without saying ... Rocky himself was not featured in the latest film -- and Sly said he just didn't like direction Mike and Irwin were taking things ... although he did wish 'em well.

Sly's love of his baby ('Rocky') actually just got a renewed focus thanks to a great Netflix doc on the man himself, "Sly" ... which touches heavily on how the Oscar-winning film came together. If you watch it, you'll see all things 'Rocky' are still very near and dear to SS.

Interestingly enough, Sylvester doesn't address Winkler in the doc (directly or indirectly) but he's made his feelings about the issue very clear. For now, it doesn't appear he's going to be involved with 'Creed IV' ... although MBJ left the door open in interviews earlier this year.

Sly hasn't addressed the news about 'Creed IV' getting the green light.

Marlon Wayans El apoyo a su hijo trans recibe un alto respaldo De los grupos LGBTQ

El apoyo público de Marlon Wayans a su hijo transgénero, así como su apertura para hablar de su propio proceso de aprendizaje como padre, le está significando elogios de parte de los líderes de la comunidad LGBTQ +.

El comediante está siendo aplaudido por las cabecillas del Centro Nacional para la Igualdad Transgénero, el Centro Nacional para los Derechos de las Lesbianas y los Centros LGBT en San Francisco y Los Ángeles, pues dicen que está dando un gran ejemplo para los padres.

Tiempo de transición
The Breakfast Club

Recuerden, Marlon recientemente reveló que su hijo mayor, de 23 años, es transgénero y ahora se identifica como un hombre, pasando de Amai a Kai.

Marlon está llamando a Kai su hijo, y dice que le tomó un poco de estudio pasar de la negación completa a amar y aceptar a su hijo.

Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, director ejecutivo del Centro Nacional para la Igualdad Transgénero, dice a TMZ: "Celebramos que Marlon Wayans apoye a su hijo trans y muestre a los padres de todo el mundo que la aceptación es posible, incluso cuando es difícil. Deja que tu hijo sepa que lo amas y que lo apoyas, pase lo que pase. Es increíble que Marlon sirva de modelo para otros padres que quizá aún no lo entienden".

Como saben, los derechos trans son un tema controvertido en este momento, por lo que la aceptación de Marlon es aún más importante a los ojos de los grupos LGBTQ+.

Dani Siragusa, director de Desarrollo y Comunicaciones en el Centro LGBT de San Francisco, le dice a TMZ: "El apoyo incondicional de Marlon a Kai es tan poderoso porque en la cara del odio anti-trans, la sociedad necesita seguir viendo ejemplos de hermosas familias diversas, y nuestras comunidades necesitan seguir elevando historias de amor entre padres e hijos trans y viceversa".

Por su parte, Shannon Minter, del NCLR, nos dice: "En el clima político actual, con tantos proyectos de ley antitransgénero impulsados por legisladores hostiles, ser padre de un niño transgénero puede ser solitario, difícil e incluso aterrador. Al abrazar públicamente a su hijo transgénero, Wayans ha proporcionado un faro de esperanza y luz muy necesario para estas familias. Él es un poderoso recordatorio de que todos los jóvenes necesitan adultos que los apoyen y protejan".

Más cerca de casa, Marlon también ha recibido elogios del Centro LGBT de Los Ángeles, no solo por ser abierto sobre su hijo, sino también por abordar el tema en su nuevo especial de comedia "Rainbow Child".

Mariana Marroquin, directora asociada de Bienestar Trans en el L.A. LGBT Center nos dice: "Aplaudimos la afirmación de la familia Wayans, de la alegría y la identidad queer, utilizando la comedia para mantener la comunidad interesada en torno a la experiencia".

Marlon Wayans Trans Son Support Getting High Marks ... From LGBTQ Groups

Marlon Wayans publicly supporting his transgender son and being open about his own learning process as a parent is earning him praise from leaders in the LGBTQ+ community.

The comedian is being applauded by honchos at the National Center for Transgender Equality, the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the LGBT Centers in San Francisco and Los Angeles ... they say he's setting a great example for parents of transgender people.

The Breakfast Club

Remember, Marlon recently revealed his eldest child is transgender and now identifies as a male with the 23-year-old transitioning from Amai to Kai.

Marlon's calling Kai his son ... and says it took quite a bit of education to go from complete denial to loving and accepting his kid.

Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, the Executive Director for the National Center for Transgender Equality, tells TMZ ... "We celebrate Marlon Wayans supporting his trans son and showing parents everywhere that acceptance is possible, even when it's hard ... let your child know that you love and support them, no matter what. It's amazing for Marlon to model that for other parents out there who may not understand it yet."

As you know, trans rights are a lightning rod right now ... making Marlon's acceptance even more important in the eyes of LGBTQ+ groups.

Dani Siragusa, Director of Development and Communications at the SF LGBT Center, tells TMZ ..."Marlon's unconditional support of Kai is so powerful because in the face of anti-trans hate, society needs to continue seeing examples of beautifully diverse families, and our communities need to continue uplifting stories of trans-affirming love between parents and trans children and vice versa."

Meanwhile, Shannon Minter from the NCLR tells us ... "In the current political climate -- with so many anti-transgender bills being pushed by hostile legislators -- being the parent of a transgender child can be lonely, difficult, and even frightening. By publicly embracing his transgender son, Wayans has provided a much-needed beacon of hope and light for these families. He is a powerful reminder that all young people need adults to support and protect them."

Closer to home, Marlon's being praised by the L.A. LGBT Center for not only being open about his transgender son, but also tackling the topic on his new comedy special, "Rainbow Child."

Mariana Marroquin, Associate Director of Trans Wellness at the L.A. LGBT Center tells us ... "We applaud the Wayans family's affirmation of queer joy and identity while using comedy to hold community around the experience."

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Try not to get "Lost" in THIS "Kingdom" of "Aquaman" hunk Jason Momoa ... who always brings his own flare to the fashion table. Decked out in holes, boots and scarves, it seems the only item he left at home were his stripes!

The actor has been in New York City, gearing up to host this weekend's "Saturday Night Live" and was snapped signaling to the paparazzi in front of a Benz earlier this week in NYC.

Can you capture the changes made to the images? This is your kingdom now!

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Jason Momoa photos!**

Chuck E. Cheese Discontinuing Animatronics Not Influenced by 'FNAF' Movie

Chuck E. Cheese is getting rid of its kiddie robot characters in the near future -- except for one location -- and people think it's because of this new horror movie ... but it ain't so.

Alejandra Brady -- the head of communications for Chuck E. Cheese -- tells TMZ ... all the speculation about the discontinuation of its animatronic creatures -- affectionately known as "Munch's Make Believe Band" -- being a direct result of "Five Nights at Freddy's" is total bunk.

While it makes sense some might think one directly led to the other -- seeing how the videogame-inspired flick came out 2 weeks ago, and it's all about killer animatronic robots at a defunct Chuck E. Cheese-like play place -- Brady says nothing could be further from the truth ... this decision to phase out the machines has been in the works for a while.

Brady tells us the CEC brass have been wanting to pivot into the 21st century for a while here -- believing that having live performers do their Chuck E. Live! Show will be a better experience for guests ... and it'll be completely state-of-the-art and interactive.

Whereas the old bots would just stand there and jerk around with levers and pullies -- this new show is going to be completely rebranded ... and more importantly, it's been the game plan for years now, dating back to 2017 when Chuck E. Cheese first announced this move.

The latest news folks heard the other day about ditching all the animatronics was actually just to let 'em know that the old school robot show is gonna happen at only one location going forward ... and that would be Northridge, CA -- which they call the "residency" show.

Of course, people conflated that announcement with the release of 'FNAF' ... and figured Chuck and co. were running scared based on the flick -- again, it shows murderous bots.

That's not the case, though ... Brady assures us they've been looking for a change for years now -- and it just so happens to going down during this 'FNAF' craze -- call it coincidence!

And if you're wondering what they'll do with all those deactivated robots, we have an answer ... Brady says they'll reuse the good parts for the sole Northridge spot, recycling what works to keep their classic characters up and running at full speed.

David Corenswet Poniéndose en forma para "Superman: Legacy"

El chico que ha sido elegido para interpretar a Superman en una nueva entrega ha parecido un poco desgarbado y torpe para algunos desde que se anunció su casting ... Pero ya no.

David Corenswet, quien va a interpretar al Hombre de Acero en la próxima película de James Gunn "Superman: Legacy" fue fotografiado en un gimnasio por el entrenador Paolo Mascitti, quien ha estado trabajando con David para que se vea más guapo y más guapo en el papel.

Si nos basamos en lo que vemos aquí, su régimen parece estar funcionando porque Dave se ve espectacular.

En estas fotos no se ve su cara, pero definitivamente nos podemos hacer una idea de cómo se está formando su cuerpo, y ciertamente se ve un poco más como Superman que antes.

Por cierto, no había nada malo con cómo estaba antes, especialmente debajo del ombligo, pero digamos que no estaba ni de lejos lo musculoso que está ahora.

Ahora que Dave parece tener el físico de Clark Kent... parece que está marcando todas las casillas que los fans de la franquicia quieren ver en su Superman. Definitivamente tiene la cara y el pelo en su sitio, por no hablar de la altura, y ahora también está musculoso.

El tiempo dirá qué aspecto tendrá finalmente con el traje azul y rojo, pero esta es una señal de que las cosas van por buen camino. Está previsto que el rodaje de "Superman: Legacy" comience en la primavera de 2024 y la película se estrenará en el verano de 2025.

Henry Cavill, ¡come tu corazón!

David Corenswet Getting Jacked for 'Superman: Legacy' Gym'n It Up for the Tights!!!

The guy who's been tapped to play Superman in the new installment has looked a bit gangly and awkward to some since his casting was announced ... but not anymore.

David Corenswet -- who's playing the Man of Steel in James Gunn's forthcoming 'Superman: Legacy' -- got snapped in a gym pic by fitness trainer Paolo Mascitti ... who's apparently working with DC to get him nice and hunky for the titular role.

Based on what we can see here ... their regimen is working, 'cause Dave's looking swoll!

You don't see the guy's face here -- but you can definitely get a sense of how his body's shaping up ... and he certainly looks a bit more Superman-ly now. It's a bit of a 180 from what we saw earlier this summer, when Dave hit the beach and bared his hot dad bod.

There was certainly nothing wrong with what he was working with then -- especially below the equator -- but let's just say ... he wasn't nearly as muscled out as he is right now.

Now that Dave seems to have the Clark Kent physique down ... it would appear he's checking all the boxes fans of the franchise want to see in their Superman. He definitely has the face and hair department on lock -- not to mention height -- and now ... he's ripped too.

Time will tell what he ultimately looks like in the blue and red suit ... but this is a sign things are headed in the right direction. Filming for 'Superman: Legacy' is set to get underway in Spring 2024 ... and the flick's being released in Summer 2025.

Henry Cavill ... eat your heart out!

Keke Palmer I Need a Break From Ex-BF Drama ... Gimme Paris, Rain or Shine

Keke Palmer is getting far away from the drama back home with her allegedly abusive baby daddy ... taking their young son with her on a trip to France, and glowing in some drizzle.

The actress popped up in Paris with her nearly 9-month-old, Leo, Thursday ... taking in the sights and doing the whole tourist thing -- and we gotta say, she looks super happy holding her little one ... especially considering everything she's going through back in the States.

Keke and her kiddo didn't let a rainy day ruin their trip whatsoever ... venturing out to the Eiffel Tower and the Quai Branly Museum ... with an assistant holding an umbrella for her as she held her child in her arms.

The helpers certainly came in handy -- they seemed to be able to keep Keke and young Leo nice and dry ... and Mama Bear definitely appreciated it, if her smile is any indication.

Like we said ... the European getaway comes in the middle of some big drama between Keke, her ex-boyfriend Darius Jackson and their families.

As we've reported ... Keke recently accused Darius of abusing her on and off for well over a year, including an alleged incident she says happened earlier this month, and she's shared images appearing to show the alleged abuse.

One image appears to show Darius with his hands on Keke while she's on a couch -- and another still seems to show them getting physical on the stairs.

For his part, Darius is denying the claims ... and he's accusing Keke's mom of threatening to put a bullet in his head. We've heard from sources that Keke's mother only said that because she was in fear for her daughter's safety.

In other words, there's a lot waiting for Keke back home ... including an upcoming court hearing on her temporary restraining order ... but it all seems out of sight and out of mind while she's in Paris.

One thing's for sure ... she's enjoying her sole custody of Leo, at least for now.


Keke Palmer se está alejando del drama de su ex supuestamente abusivo, llevando a su hijo pequeño con ella en un viaje a Francia y brillando en un poco de llovizna.

La actriz apareció en París con su hijo Leo, de casi nueve meses el jueves. Visitó los lugares de interés y realizó todas las actividades turísticas y tenemos que decir que se ve muy feliz con su pequeño en brazos, especialmente teniendo en cuenta todo lo que está pasando de vuelta en los Estados Unidos.

Keke y su pequeño no dejan que un día lluvioso arruine su viaje en absoluto. Se aventuraron a la Torre Eiffel y el Museo Quai Branly con un asistente de la celebración de un paraguas para ella mientras sostenía a su hijo en brazos.

Los ayudantes sin duda fueron muy útiles al momento de mantener a Keke y Leo protegidos y secos.

Como hemos dicho, la escapada europea se produce en medio de un gran drama entre Keke, su ex novio Darius Jackson y sus familias.

Como hemos informado, Keke recientemente acusó a Darius de abusar de ella durante más de un año, incluyendo un supuesto incidente que supuestamente ocurrió a principios de este mes. Ella ha compartido imágenes que parecen mostrar el supuesto abuso.

Una imagen parece mostrar a Darius con las manos sobre Keke mientras ella está en un sofá y otra parece mostrarlos una agresión en las escaleras.

Por su parte, Darius está negando las afirmaciones y está acusando a la madre de Keke de amenazarlo con poner una bala en su cabeza. Hemos oído de fuentes directas que la madre de Keke solo dijo que porque tenía miedo por la seguridad de su hija.

En otras palabras, hay mucho esperando a Keke de vuelta a casa, incluyendo una audiencia en la corte sobre su orden de restricción temporal, pero todo parece estar fuera de la vista y fuera de la mente mientras está en París.

Una cosa es segura, ella está disfrutando de su custodia exclusiva de Leo, al menos por ahora.

Jada Pinkett Smith Dice que nunca vio a Will con un hombre ... "Nunca, nunca, nunca"

Completamente falso

Jada Pinkett Smith volvió a negar las acusaciones de que Will Smith se enganchó con Duane Martin, pero esta vez fue un poco más lejos. Dijo que no ha habido ningún tipo de enredo similar a este con ningún hombre.

La actriz se puso firme una vez más sobre el chisme en Nueva York el miércoles. Esto, no mucho después de que nos dijera que ella y su marido planean tomar acciones legales. En respuesta a la pregunta de si los rumores entre Will y Duane son una tontería, ella simplemente dijo: "Por supuesto".

Vamos a demandarlos

Sin embargo, cuando el fotógrafo le pregunta si ella ha visto a Will con cualquier otro hombre (obviamente, en el ámbito sexual), Jada también lo rechazó rotundamente.

Echa un vistazo a lo que dijo, suena como que nunca ha visto nada de eso con sus propios ojos y podemos decir que lo dice en serio por la insistencia.

Riéndose de todo
The Breakfast Club

Por supuesto, su firmeza se hace eco de lo que nos dijo el miércoles, a saber, que los Smith tomarían acciones legales contra Brother Bilaal, y posiblemente otros, quienes iniciaron esta historia sin fundamento que alude explícitamente al sexo gay.

Por cierto, Jada abordó todas estas cuestiones en "The Breakfast Club" el miércoles, apuntando a la posibilidad de que su próximo paso sea el aterrizaje en la corte.

Como recordarán, Brother Bilaal, un hombre que dice que es ex asistente y amigo de Will dijo a principios de esta semana que una vez vio a Will en el camerino de Duane, inclinado sobre un sofá y teniendo sexo anal con Duane.

Un representante de Will nos dijo: "Esta historia es completamente inventada y la afirmación es inequívocamente falsa", y otras fuentes nos dijeron que Duane no tenía planes de responder públicamente a la reclamación de Bilaal, "porque las acusaciones son demasiado ridículas".

Jada Pinkett Smith Says She Never Saw Will with 'No Man' ... 'Never, Never, Never!'


Jada Pinkett Smith is doubling down on denying Will Smith hooked up with Duane Martin -- but going a bit further now ... saying there hasn't been a whiff of this with any dude.

The actress put her foot down yet again on the gossip in NYC on Wednesday -- not long after she told us she and her hubby planned on suing. In response to being asked if the Will and Duane chatter was baloney ... she simply said, "Absolutely" ... reiterating her initial denial.


However, when the photog here asks a follow-up -- namely, whether she's seen Will with any man (obviously meaning in a sexual nature) ... JPS emphatically shoots that down as well.

Check out what she has to say ... sounds like she's never seen anything like that with her own two eyes -- and you can tell she means it by the repetition here.

The Breakfast Club

Of course, her being firm echoes what she told us Wednesday as well ... namely, that the Smiths would be taking legal action against Brother Bilaal -- and possibly others -- for floating the unsubstantiated story that explicitly mentioned gay sex.


BTW, Jada elaborated on all this on "The Breakfast Club" Wednesday -- further pointing to the possibility of this landing in court as her family's next step.

You'll recall, Brother Bilaal -- a man who says he's Will's former assistant/friend -- said earlier this week he once walked in on Will bent over a couch in Duane's dressing room, with the 2 having anal sex.

A rep for Will told us, "This story is completely fabricated and the claim is unequivocally false" ... and sources told us Duane had no plans to publicly respond to Bilaal's claim -- 'cause the allegations are so ridiculous.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Sydney Sweeney More Swoonin' Over Shirtless Glen ... Won't Stop Flirting!!!


Sydney Sweeney is at it again ... she just can't seem to help but flirt with Glen Powell online -- with his ass-baring magazine photo shoot very much still top of mind.

After flirtatiously claiming her costar's near-nude images were contributing to rising heat levels this winter, Syd showed off yet another personal glimpse of her hunky costar as he worked out onboard a yacht during their film shoot together ... which she threw up on IG.

Check it out ... the clip shows SS recording Glen while they're out on the water during a scene, and it looks like GP was getting a quick workout in between shots -- something Syd was filming at the time, and which we're just now seeing.

She writes, "How @glenpowell actually trained for his men's health cover shoot" ... this while giggling like a school girl and adding a tongue-out emoji for good measure. Mind you, this follows a cheeky comment she left on Glen's naked Men's Health pic earlier this week.

Luckily for Syd, this isn't the first time she's got up close with Glen's buff bod ... as seen in the brand-spankin' new trailer for their rom-com, "Anyone But You," there's a VERY steamy, naked shower scene they acted in together. Just more evidence of chemistry between 'em.

Of course, the pair has been dismissing romance rumors for a while now ... with Glen lamenting to fitness bible MH that the speculation has been "disorienting and unfair."

Meanwhile, Sydney gushed to Women's Health that she wouldn't forget working with Glen and hoped viewers would "feel the love and fun we all shared making this film," ... which is already as clear as day.

Sydney Sweeney Sigue coqueteando con Glen Powell sin camiseta ... No puede parar!!!

Trabajando duro o trabajando a duras penas

Sydney Sweeney lo está haciendo de nuevo, parece que la actriz simplemente no puede dejar de coquetear con Glen Powell, luego de su atrevida sesión de fotos en la que mostró su trasero y prácticamente todo su cuerpo.

Después de sugerir coquetamente que las imágenes de su compañero estaban contribuyendo a subir la temperatura este invierno, Syd compartió un video de su compañero de reparto, mientras se ejercitaba a bordo de un yate durante su rodaje. Y lo subió a Instagram.

Echa un vistazo, el clip muestra a Sydney grabando a Glen mientras están en el agua durante una escena. Parece que Glen está recibiendo un entrenamiento rápido entre las tomas, algo que Syd filmó en el momento y que vemos ahora en el video.

La actriz escribe: "Así es cómo @glenpowell realmente entrenó para su portada de Men's Health", mientras se ríe como una colegiala y añade un emoji con la lengua afuera.

Eso sí, esto sigue a un comentario descarado que dejó en la foto desnuda de Glen en  a principios de esta semana.

Por suerte para Syd, esta no es la primera vez que se ha acercado al cuerpo de Glen. Como se ve en el nuevo trailer de su comedia romántica, "Anyone But You", hay una escena en la ducha en la que actuaron juntos. Una prueba más de la química que existe entre ellos.

Por supuesto, la pareja ha estado desestimando los rumores de romance desde hace un tiempo, con Glen lamentándose a Men's Health de que las especulaciones han sido "desconcertantes e injustas".

Mientras tanto, Sydney dijo a Women's Health que no olvidará su trabajo con Glen y que espera que los espectadores "sientan el amor y la diversión que todos compartieron haciendo esta película", lo que ya está tan claro como el día.

ALEC BALDWIN Nuevas tomas muestran al actor advirtiendo a Halyna Hutchins

"No quiero disparar contra ti"
NBC News

Alec Baldwin llevaba la voz cantante en el set de "Rust" y le había advertido a la mujer que accidentalmente disparó y mató que se saliera del camino mientras disparaba una pistola de utilería, como se ve en este nuevo video.

El actor está claramente tomando las riendas del set mientras ensaya una escena, que requiere que dispare su pistola falsa. En un momento dado, muestra preocupación por la directora de fotografía Halyna Hutchins, diciéndole que se aparte de su objetivo: "No quiero disparar hacia ti. Quiero disparar cerca de ti".

También se oye a una mujer pidiéndole a la gente que se aleje. No está claro si la voz es la de Hutchins o de la mujer encargada de las armas, Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed.

Las tomas, obtenidas por NBC News, fueron filmadas apenas unos días antes de que Baldwin disparara sin saber una bala real que alcanzó y mató a Hutchins e hirió al director.

042522-alec-baldwin-BODYCAM-kal 10/21/21
Minutos después...

Baldwin fue acusado de homicidio involuntario, pero los cargos fueron retirados más tarde. El fiscal de Santa Fe está considerando volver a presentar uno o más cargos contra Baldwin.

Baldwin fue productor ejecutivo de la película, aunque la percepción general era que este título era una cuestión más de vanidad que de alguien que está a cargo de la producción día a día. Sin embargo, en las tomas falsas, Baldwin parece estar a cargo de la acción. Un momento después de que el director dice "corten", él dispara otro tiro.

Los fiscales han indicado que presentarán el caso, junto con nueva información, a un gran jurado que podría volver a acusar al actor.

Baldwin llegó a un acuerdo civil con la familia de Hutchins. Parte del acuerdo incluía la incorporación de su viudo, Matthew Hutchins, como productor ejecutivo.

Alec Baldwin New 'Rust' Outtakes Show Actor Warning Halyna Hutchins ... 'I Don't Want to Shoot Toward You'

NBC News

Alec Baldwin was calling the shots on the "Rust" set -- telling the woman he accidentally shot and killed to get out of the way while he fired a prop gun ... as seen in new video.

The actor is clearly taking charge of the set as he rehearses a scene, which requires him to fire his prop gun. At one point, he shows concern for director of photography Halyna Hutchins, telling her to go stand clear of his aim, saying, "I don't want to shoot toward you. I want to shoot close to you."

You hear a woman asking people to move away ... it's unclear if the voice is that of Hutchins or the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed.

The outtakes -- obtained by NBC News -- were shot just days before Baldwin unknowingly fired a live round that hit and killed Hutchins and wounded the director.

042522-alec-baldwin-BODYCAM-kal 10/21/21

Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter but the charges were later dropped. The Santa Fe D.A. is considering re-filing one or more charges against Baldwin.

Baldwin was an executive producer on the film -- although, the thought was it was more of a vanity title than someone who was in charge of day-to-day production. However, in the outtakes, Baldwin seems in charge of the action, at at one point after the director calls "cut," he fires another shot.

Prosecutors have indicated they will present the case, along with new information, to a grand jury ... which could reindict the actor.

Baldwin settled a civil suit with Hutchins' family. Part of the settlement included bringing her widower, Matthew Hutchins, on as executive producer.


'Euphoria' Producer Kevin Turen Died After Medical Emergency While Driving His Tesla

Kevin Turen, famous for producing HBO shows like "Euphoria" and "The Idol," died after suffering a medical emergency while driving down a California freeway ... TMZ has learned.

The late producer's father, Edward Turen, and close friend, Michael Heller, tell TMZ ... Kevin was driving his 10-year-old son home from a tennis tournament Sunday when the tragedy happened.

We're told Kevin's Tesla was on autopilot when he suffered a medical emergency, and his son was able to navigate the car over to the side of the freeway before calling 911.

Although he was rushed to a hospital, Kevin was eventually pronounced dead there.

While Kevin's father and friend say investigators have concluded drugs and alcohol were NOT involved, we're told authorities are still trying to determine an official cause of death.

Jay Penske, a close friend of Kevin's and CEO of Penske Media Corporation, remembers Kevin as a family man.

Jay released a statement saying ... "Despite his many achievements in Hollywood, Kevin's greatest passion was his family and friends. He was so proud of his children. He and his wife, Evelina, were resolved that their children grow up with great values and ensured they make a difference in the broader world."

Kevin was 44.