Samuel Haskell Jr. Video of Workers Lifting Bags Allegedly Filled with Body Parts 1 Day Before Remains Found in Dumpster

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Chilling video shows alleged murderer Samuel Haskell Jr. enlisting several men to remove heavy bags from his home -- bags the laborers say contained body parts, and which police suspect are the remains of Haskell's missing wife and family.

TMZ obtained this surveillance video recorded Tuesday, Nov. 7 outside Haskell's home in Tarzana, CA. The ominous scene begins at 3:54 PM, as a man in a white shirt -- who witnesses have ID'd as Haskell -- waves down a blue moving truck to stop in front of his home.

Three minutes later, 2 men are seen lugging what appears to be a large, black garbage bag down the driveway and leaving it on the pavement. Then, at 3:58 PM, 2 other men are seen loading a 2nd garbage bag into the bed of a white truck -- then they do the same with the first bag.

Haskell walks away from the group, back up his driveway, and 2 of the men get in the blue truck ... as the white truck with the bags drives away.

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Haskell -- the son of former Hollywood super agent, Sam Haskell Sr. -- waits 7 minutes, and drives away in his white Tesla at 4:08 PM, heading in the opposite direction of the truck.

The laborers have told NBC4 in L.A. they only got a block away before they decided something was not right. They say Haskell hired them to move 3 bags he said were filled with rocks, but the men found them to be soft and soggy. So, they pulled over to look inside, and discovered human body parts in one bag ... including a belly button.

That's where the surveillance video picks up ... at 4:15 PM the white truck is back in front of Haskell's house, because the men say they returned the bags and Haskell's money.

You can see Haskell meet them in the driveway ... hands are extended, and it does seem like money is exchanged. The laborers say they left all 3 bags with Haskell, and at 4:17 PM, the truck pulls away again.

Finally, at 4:22 PM ... Haskell drives off again in his Tesla, but what he didn't know is that the laborers went straight to police to report what they'd seen.

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As we reported, Haskell was arrested in the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 8 ... after a homeless person discovered a dismembered body earlier that day, stuffed in a bag and left in a dumpster. The dumpster is a little more than 6 miles away from Haskell's home.

Additionally, TMZ has learned police -- after hearing what the laborers reported -- went to the neighborhood Tuesday night to interview some of Haskell's neighbors, and asked if they'd seen any garbage bags left in his driveway.

Haskell's wife, Mei Haskell, and her parents are both missing ... and, although police haven't identified the remains yet, the operating theory is they're the remains of Mei and/or her parents.

Police say they've found blood at the Haskell home, and evidence that leads them to believe there was a murder committed there.

Haskell Jr.'s father was once one of Hollywood's biggest power players -- repping celebs like George Clooney, Dolly Parton, Ray Romano, Kirstie Alley and Tony Danza. He's now president of Magnolia Hill Productions, which has produced several of Dolly's Christmas specials and TV movies.

It's unclear if police have seen the surveillance video yet -- but, obviously, it will be a major piece of evidence.

Haskell Jr.'s being held on $2 million bail.

Sam Haskell Jr. Video de trabajadores levantando bolsas supuestamente con restos de cuerpos

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Captado en cámara

Un escalofriante video muestra al presunto asesino Samuel Haskell Jr. alistando a varios hombres para eliminar unas bolsas pesadas de su casa, bolsas que los trabajadores dicen que contenían partes del cuerpo y que la policía sospecha corresponden a los restos de la desaparecida esposa de Haskell y su familia.

TMZ obtuvo este video de vigilancia grabado el martes 7 de noviembre fuera de la casa de Haskell en Tarzana, California. La ominosa escena comienza a las 3:54 PM, con un hombre de camisa blanca, que los testigos han identificado como Haskell, haciendo señas a un camión azul para que se detenga en frente de su casa.

Tres minutos más tarde, se ve a dos hombres arrastrando lo que parece ser una bolsa de basura grande y negra por el camino de entrada que dejan en el pavimento. Luego, a las 15:58, se avista a otros dos hombres cargando una segunda bolsa de basura en el maletero de un camión blanco, a continuación hacen lo mismo con la primera bolsa.

Haskell se aleja del grupo, de vuelta a la entrada, y dos de los hombres se meten en el vehículo azul mientras el camión blanco con las bolsas se aleja.

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Transportando dos bolsas

Haskell, hijo del ex superagente de Hollywood, Sam Haskell Sr., espera siete minutos y luego se aparta en su Tesla blanco a las 4:08 PM, en dirección opuesta al camión.

Los trabajadores contaron a NBC4 en Los Ángeles que solo se alejaron una manzana antes de darse cuenta de que algo no andaba bien. Dicen que Haskell los contrató para mover tres bolsas que, dijo, estaban llenas de rocas, pero los hombres las encontraron blandas y empapadas. Así que pararon para mirar que había dentro y descubrieron partes de un cuerpo humano en una bolsa, incluido un ombligo.

Ahí es donde el video de vigilancia vuelve a registrar, a las 4:15 PM. que el camión blanco regresa en frente de la casa de Haskell, con los hombres devolviendo las bolsas y el dinero a Haskell.

Se puede ver que Haskell se reúne con ellos en la entrada. Tiene las manos extendidas y parece que el dinero es intercambiado. Los trabajadores dicen que le dejaron las tres bolsas y a las 4:17 PM, el camión se fue de nuevo.

A las 16:22, Haskell se fue en su Tesla, pero no se percató que los trabajadores decidieron ir directamente a la policía para informar lo que habían visto.

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Escena macabra

Como informamos, Haskell fue detenido la noche del miércoles 8 de noviembre luego que una persona que vive en la calle descubriera un cuerpo desmembrado en una bolsa, que se fue en un contenedor de basura. El contenedor de basura está a un poco más de 6 millas de distancia de la casa de Haskell.

TMZ ha indagado que después de escuchar a los trabajadores, la policía fue al barrio el martes por la noche para entrevistar a algunos vecinos, a quienes les preguntó si habían visto alguna bolsa de basura en su entrada.

La esposa de Haskell, Mei Haskell, y sus padres están desaparecidos y aunque la policía aún no ha identificado los restos, la teoría operativa es que estos corresponden a Mei y/o sus padres.

La policía dice que encontraron sangre en la casa Haskell y evidencia que les lleva a creer que se cometió un asesinato allí.

El padre de Haskell Jr. fue una vez un importante jugador de Hollywood, representando a celebridades como George Clooney, Dolly Parton, Ray Romano, Kirstie Alley y Tony Danza. Ahora es presidente de Magnolia Hill Productions, que ha producido varios especiales de Navidad de Dolly y películas para televisión.

No está claro si la policía ha visto el video de vigilancia todavía, pero obviamente será una prueba importante.

Haskell Jr. está detenido bajo fianza de 2 millones de dólares.


An enormous collection of Irene Cara's personal items from her Largo, FL, estate has gone up for auction ... nearly a year after the "Flashdance" singer passed away at 63.

Jewelry, artwork, tapes, personal memorabilia, and costumes Irene wore are among 280 pieces up for grabs online ... after being personally removed by Richard Stedman Estate Services from her residence, where she semi-retired and continued developing music privately.

Items from the late icon's stash also include vinyl, shoes, handbags, autographs, and her electric piano ... while additional belongings come from her touring trunk.

Each item holds a Certificate of Authenticity authorized by her Estate Personal Representatives.

As we reported, the singer passed away in November 2022 inside her Florida home.

Earlier this year, medical docs obtained by TMZ ruled Irene's official cause of death as Arteriosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. It was also noted Irene had diabetes.

Irene enjoyed a storied career, scooping an Oscar gong for "Best Original Song" for her iconic "Flashdance" song "What a Feeling" in the '80s, and receiving a "Best Actress" Golden Globe nom for the movie "Fame".

She also starred in other flicks such as "City Heat" and "Certain Fury" ... and was later honored for her talents with the Prestige Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2004.

Irene Cara de 'Flashdance' Se subastan joyas, disfraces y más ... A un año de su muerte

Una enorme colección de objetos personales de Irene Cara de su finca en Floridad ha salido a subasta, casi un año después de que la cantante de "Flashdance" falleciera a los 63 años.

Joyas, obras de arte, cintas, recuerdos personales y sus trajes están entre las 280 piezas disponibles en línea, después de que Richard Stedman Estate Services las removiera personalmente de la residencia donde se retiró y continuó desarrollando música en privado.

Entre los artículos de la artista hay vinilos, zapatos, bolsos, autógrafos y su piano eléctrico, mientras que otras pertenencias provienen de las cosas de su gira.

Cada artículo tiene un certificado de autenticidad autorizado por sus representantes personales.

Como informamos, la cantante falleció en noviembre de 2022 en su casa de Florida.

A principios de este año, los documentos médicos obtenidos por TMZ dictaminaron que la causa oficial de muerte fue una enfermedad cardiovascular arteriosclerótica e hipertensiva. También se señaló que Irene tenía diabetes.

La cantante disfrutó de una carrera ilustre, ganando un Oscar a la "Mejor Canción Original" por su icónico tema en "Flashdance" en los años 80, "What a Feeling". Además, recibió una nominación a "Mejor Actriz" en los Globos de Oro por la película "Fama".

También protagonizó otras películas como "City Heat" y "Certain Fury" y más tarde fue honrada por su talento con el Premio Prestige a la Trayectoria en 2004. & Van Jones Tech 4 The People!!! ✊🏾✊🏽 Host Summit, Ashton Kutcher, Tiffany Haddish, More Support

(A)I DON'T THINK SO, WILL and Van Jones want minorities to be at the forefront of tech space -- so they hosted a full-blown summit in L.A. to raise awareness for its future leaders.

The shindig was billed "Make Wakanda Real" -- like bringing the gadgets found in "Black Panther" to life -- and was held inside Will's FYI Campus Thursday night.

Tiffany Haddish, Ashton Kutcher, Jason Lee, and Quincy Jones III were just some of the supporting guests, as were dozens of innovators, tech experts and entrepreneurs.

Ashton helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars through his VC firm earlier in the year and stressed to the summit how he believes AI could help bridge the gap for underserved communities in the medical and legal realms.

LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, actor Boris Kodjoe, InfectionAI co-founder Mustafa Suleyman, Waye Talks founder Sinead Bovell, Black Ambition Opportunity Fund CEO Felecia Hatcher also tuned in virtually to lend their various expertise to the panels.

Naturally, the biggest topic of the evening was the boom of AI ... and the Black Eyed Peas frontman got a crash course during his panel with Van and 1500 Or Nothin' producer Larrance “Rance” Dopson debating with an AI bot!!!


Will was arguing the case that AI could end up sentient and conquering humans and exchanged in back-and-forth banter with the CPU.

Experts are confident they debunked the theory, a point the bot made as well, but the chat still felt real enough!!!

KEKE PALMER FILES FOR FULL CUSTODY OF SON ... After Split From Outfit-Shaming Ex Darius


6:48 PM PT -- To add another complicated layer to this custody filing, Keke has also reportedly filed for a temporary restraining order against Darius, according to Us Weekly.

In the docs, Keke alleges there have been "many instances of physical violence" with Jackson, including one on November 5 Keke says she has on video.

Keke Palmer is gunning for full legal and physical custody of her 8-month-old child … another development in the apparent relationship breakdown with Darius Jackson.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, the actress is asking a judge to give her full custody of her baby son Leodis Andrellton Jackson. Keke does not get into details as to why she's decided to file.

The petition states that Keke is willing to pay the reasonable expenses of pregnancy and birth -- but she's also asking the court order Darius to assist with attorney fees and expert fees.

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As we reported, the fallout between the couple seemingly started when Darius publicly insinuated Keke's choice of attire at an Usher concert in Vegas was inappropriate for a mom.

Keke doubled down on her sexy wardrobe selection with a recap on IG ... and Usher also seemed to have her back ... so Darius stood little chance of having people see things from his POV.


Originally Published -- 4:34 PM PT


Los agentes del sheriff de Los Ángeles respondieron a una llamada de la casa de Chet Hanks en el área de Los Ángeles las primeras horas del lunes después de que un hombre intentó entrar en su propiedad, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que antes de que llegaran las autoridades, el hijo de Tom Hanks golpeó al hombre de 42 años de edad, después de encontrarlo tratando de entrar en su casa alrededor de las 3:00 AM. Cuando los oficiales llegaron trataron de ponerle las esposas al hombre y se resistió y continuó luchando.

Después de someter al sospechoso, los policías lo estaban llevando al carro cuando el sospechoso cayó hacia atrás sobre la pierna de un oficial, causándole una fractura en la pierna.

El sospechoso y el ayudante del sheriff fueron trasladados a un hospital local para ser examinados y el sospechoso fue fichado más tarde por robo.

El caso será remitido a la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Los Ángeles para su archivo.

CHET HANKS Toe-to-Toe Punches with Home Intruder ... Thwarts Alleged Burglary

Chet Hanks must defend his house, and he'll do it with his bare fists, as a man who was allegedly trying to get into Chet's place found out the hard way ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... before authorities arrived early Monday morning, Tom Hanks' son punched the 42-year-old suspect after finding him attempting to break in around 3:00 AM. When L.A. County Sheriff's deputies got on scene they tried to slap cuffs on the man, but he kept fighting.

Eventually, they subdued him enough to get cuffs on him ... but while leading him to the car, the guy fell backward onto one of the deputies, who ended up with a broken leg!!!

Both men had to be taken to a hospital for treatment. Once he was medically cleared, the suspect was booked for burglary. As for Chet ... at least physically, he was unscathed.

The case will be forwarded to the L.A. County District Attorney's Office for filing considerations.

Robert De Niro Jury Ordered Actor's Company to Pay $1.2M to Ex-Assistant

Robert De Niro just lost big in a New York courtroom, after a jury socked his production company with a $1.2 million judgment.

A jury shut down De Niro's claim that his ex-personal assistant, Graham Chase Robinson, embezzled from him. He had sought $6 million in damages but after 5 hours of deliberation, the jury tossed his claim.

The jury was way more sympathetic to Robinson's $12 million countersuit, awarding her $1.2 mil against De Niro's company, Canal Productions.

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De Niro testified during the 2-week trial, and the jury heard about the tensions between him. The actor admitted he had called her a "f**king spoiled brat" when she failed to wake him for an important appointment. He also admitted that he asked her to scratch his back several times, but scoffed at the notion it was sexual. Robinson called it "creepy" and "disgusting."

Robinson claimed she was bullied by De Niro's girlfriend, Tiffany Chen, whom Robinson called a sociopath.


The trial, which lasted 8 days, was explosive, from start to finish.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Robert De Niro Un jurado ordena a la empresa del actor a pagarle $1.2M a ex asistente

Robert De Niro acaba de perder a lo grande en un tribunal de Nueva York, después de que un jurado condenara a su productora a pagar 1,2 millones de dólares.

Un jurado desestimó la demanda de De Niro en la que alegaba que su ex asistente personal, Graham Chase Robinson, lo había desfalcado. Había pedido 6 millones de dólares por daños y perjuicios, pero después de cinco horas de deliberación, el jurado desestimó su demanda.

El jurado fue mucho más comprensivo con la contrademanda de 12 millones de dólares de Robinson, concediéndole 1,2 millones de dólares contra la compañía de De Niro, Canal Productions.

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Un enfurecido De Niro

De Niro testificó durante las dos semanas que duró el juicio y el jurado se enteró de las tensiones que existían en el asunto. El actor admitió que la había llamado "maldita mocosa malcriada" cuando no lo despertó para una cita importante. También admitió que le pidió varias veces que le rascara la espalda, pero se burló de la idea de que fuera algo sexual. Robinson lo calificó de "espeluznante" y "repugnante".

Robinson afirmó que fue intimidada por la novia de De Niro, Tiffany Chen, a quien Robinson calificó de sociópata.

El juicio, que duró 8 días, fue explosivo de principio a fin.

ASESINATO DE JFK LA CONSPIRACIÓN ES REAL Rob Reiner y Soledad O'Brien darán el nombre del asesino

escondiendo la verdad

El asesinato de JFK hace casi 60 años no fue tan sencillo ni exacto como dice el gobierno, esto según Rob Reiner y Soledad O'Brien, y están dispuestos a desenterrar el supuesto misterio.

Rob y Soledad se unieron a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el jueves para hablar de su nuevo podcast, "¿Quién mató a JFK?", que debutó el miércoles. Nos comentaron que no tienen ninguna duda de que la muerte de JFK no fue a manos de Lee Harvey Oswald con una sola bala.

La estrella y superproductor de "All in the Family" ha estado obsesionado con el asesinato desde que tenía 16 años, cuando Kennedy fue tiroteado, y ha estado investigando a fondo desde entonces. Rob nos adelantó sus teorías, sugiriendo claramente que hubo funcionarios del gobierno deshonestos que conspiraron para acabar con JFK.

Soledad y Rob estuvieron de acuerdo, gran parte de la desconfianza que los estadounidenses sienten hacia su gobierno emanó del asesinato de Kennedy.

La CIA está supuestamente involucrada con el complot para matar a Kennedy e incluso el presidente Lyndon Johnson —que sucedió a Kennedy— tuvo un papel importante en el encubrimiento.

La fascinación por el asesinato apenas ha disminuido, incluso se está celebrando una subasta para vender una parte de la infame valla detrás del montículo de hierba.

Los nuevos episodios de su podcast de 10 partes, "¿Quién mató a JFK?", aparecerán todos los miércoles.

JFK Assassination Big Conspiracy Was The Real Deal ... Rob Reiner, Soledad O'Brien To Name Killers


JFK's assassination 60 years ago this month was not the work of a lone gunman, and Rob Reiner & Soledad O'Brien are naming names.

Rob and Soledad joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to talk about their new podcast, "Who Killed JFK?," which debuted Wednesday. They present a compelling case -- Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone back on November 22, 1963.

The "All in the Family" star and mega-producer has been obsessed with the assassination since he was 16, when Kennedy was shot, and he's been doing deep research ever since. Rob previewed his theories with us, clearly suggesting there were rogue government officials who plotted to get JFK.

Soledad and Rob agreed ... much of the distrust Americans feel toward their government emanated from the Kennedy assassination.

There are CIA connections to the plot to kill Kennedy, and even President Lyndon B. Johnson -- who succeeded Kennedy -- had a significant role in the coverup, according to Rob.

The fascination with the assassination has hardly subsided ... there's even an auction going on to sell a portion of the infamous picket fence behind the grassy knoll.

New episodes of their 10-part iHeartPodcast, "Who Killed JFK?," will drop every Wednesday.

Tuohy Family Michael Oher Was Paid $138K In 'Blind Side' Profits ... We've Got The Receipts!!!

The Tuohy family says it's doled out $138K to Michael Oher from profits it received from "The Blind Side" ... and it's now claiming it's got the receipts to prove it.

Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy shared images of the alleged payments inside new court documents filed in Tennessee this week ... insisting they show Oher received money from them in 10 separate installments.

The Tuohys said in the docs the payments began in June 2007 -- roughly two years before the blockbuster movie about Oher's life was released in the U.S. -- and most recently ended in April.

The payments to Oher, according to the docs, ranged from $117 all the way to $31,500 ... and represented an agreed upon split of the cash the Tuohys got from the "Blind Side" movie and the book that came out just before the hit flick.

"By agreement between the family members including Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, their children SJ and Collins as well as Michael Oher, the book and movie proceeds were to be split five ways," the Tuohys' attorneys wrote in court documents.

"These funds represent funds paid to Mr. Tuohy and the portion paid over to Mr. Oher."

As we previously reported, Oher had accused the Tuohys of essentially tricking him into a conservatorship ... before screwing him out of a ton of cash in the "Blind Side" deal that they negotiated -- which precipitated this week's court filings from the Tuohys.

Meanwhile, the Tuohys have consistently maintained they did nothing wrong ... accusing Oher of actually trying to shake them down for $15 million, before willingly ending the conservatorship in September.

"The Tuohy's have never received any money as conservators on behalf of Michael Oher," the Tuohys' attorneys wrote in this week's court documents, "and further never had control over any funds or any dealings on behalf of Mr. Oher during the entire term of the conservatorship."

"In fact," they continued, "the Tuohy's spent tens of thousands of dollars of their own money to support Mr. Oher during his high school and college years."

Human Remains Found Ex-H'wood Agent's Son Arrested for Murder ... Dismembered Body Found in Bag

There's a Hollywood connection to a deeply disturbing crime ... the son of a powerful former Hollywood agent has been booked for murder after a woman's dismembered torso was found in a bag.

LAPD arrested 35-year-old Samuel Haskell Wednesday following the grisly discovery -- the bag containing the female victim's body was in a dumpster in Encino, CA. Haskell's wife, Mei Haskell, and her parents are currently missing. The coroner hasn't identified the victim yet ... but in the meantime, Haskell's being held on $2 million bail.

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Haskell's father, Sam Haskell Sr., is currently the President of Magnolia Hill Productions -- the company behind several Dolly Parton specials -- including "Dolly Parton's Magic Mountain Christmas" and "Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors."

Haskell Sr. was once a powerful agent at William Morris Agency ... he retired as an agent in 2005, but during his 27-year-career represented the likes of Dolly, Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Romano, George Clooney, Martin Short, Kirstie Alley, Tony Danza, Debbie Allen, Kathie Lee Gifford ... and even King Charles' younger brother, Prince Edward.

As for the criminal investigation into Haskell's son, investigators are currently searching through Junior's Tarzana home where he lived with his wife and her parents Yanxiang Wang and Gaoshen Li.

So far, police say they've found evidence of a crime with blood in the home.

The dismembered torso was reportedly found Wednesday by a homeless person who was sifting through a strip mall dumpster. Haskell Jr. and Mei have 3 kids who are safe in the custody of L.A.'s DCFS.

We've reached out to Haskell Sr. at Magnolia Hill Productions ... so far, no word back.

PRISCILLA PRESLEY WAS NEARLY A KARDASHIAN!!! Romance with Rob Cut Short By 'Controlling' Elvis

Priscilla Presley was very nearly a Kardashian ... had her unwavering loyalty to her ex, Elvis Presley -- and lack of cooking skills -- not been an issue for Robert Kardashian.

In light of the new movie based on her romance with the King of Rock & Roll, Priscilla has been doing lots of promo lately ... revealing in a Q&A that she had "never wanted to marry again" after Elvis because no one would match up to him.

And no one had better first-hand knowledge of her devotion to the icon post-split than Robert ... who was head over heels for her when they first met and thought they would marry and have babies together.

However, in the 2017 unauthorized biography, "The Kardashians: An American Drama," the author says Rob frequently felt like a third wheel, because Elvis repeatedly interrupted their romance in bizarre and controlling ways.

In the book, a close pal recalled Robert complaining Elvis called while he was making love to Priscilla ... who then propped the bedside receiver on the pillow between them, forcing Rob to listen to their convo. Awwwkward.

According to the biography, Elvis just didn't want his ex to see other men ... for the sake of their daughter Lisa Marie.

Another blow for Robert was that romancing Priscilla came at the expense of family affairs as his older brother Tom was also interested in her ... and when she chose Rob, his bro grew envious.

But, Rob's bud Joni Migdal said the final straw for their relationship was when Priscilla cooked a meal for Robert, which he hated so much ... he suggested she never make dinner for him again!

His desire to forge a life with Priscilla dissipated soon after, and as we all know, Rob went on to marry Kris Jenner and have their 4 kids ... Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Rob. Rob and Kris were married from 1978 to 1991.

Priscilla never forgot Robert, calling him one last time during his final days -- as he battled cancer in 2003 -- to "gently tell him she loved him."

Kel Mitchell I'm On 'Road To Recovery' ... After Hospitalized In L.A.

"Good Burger" and "Kenan & Kel" star Kel Mitchell is now at home and on the road to recovery after his mysterious hospitalization ... something he's calling "genuinely frightening."

Kel broke his silence about the ordeal Wednesday night, saying on Instagram, "Grateful for the flood of prayers and positive vibes" -- adding, "The scare was real, but so was the support."

The 45-year-old goes on to say, "With the grace of God and the skill of the medical team, I'm now on the road to recovery at home, embraced by the love of my family" ... and he's shouting out all the folks who wished him well while spending time at the hospital.

Fans have been sounding off in the comments ... wishing him well, and asking what happened to land him in the ER -- but he's staying silent for the time being.

TMZ broke the story, Kel was admitted into a Los Angeles-area hospital Tuesday night, coming in through the facility's emergency room. We're told he appeared alert when he arrived.

Glad to hear you're doing well, Kel!