Bon Jovi & Mark Hamill Signed Guitar, Rare Skywalker Figurine ... Celeb Auction Helps Vets

If you've ever wanted to play golf with Jason Bateman and Will Arnett, Zoom chat with Bryan Cranston or visit Ben Stiller on a Hollywood set, here's your chance ... these once-in-a-lifetime experiences are up for grabs, and they support our veterans, too.

Some of the biggest names in Hollywood are teaming up with Homes For Our Troops ... an annual online auction raising funds for injured vets, and once again this year's lineup is incredible.

Jason and Will are auctioning off 18 holes of golf with them at the Bel-Air Country Club ... and Ben's offering a chance to go with him to work on the set of "Severance."

You could also grab lunch in NYC with Lou Diamond Phillips, have Michael Connelly write your name in his next novel or get tickets to Adam Sandler's show and then meet him.

There's some super cool Hollywood memorabilia being auctioned off too ... including items signed by Jon Bon Jovi, Mark Hamill, and Chris Evans.

Jon's contributing an autographed guitar; Mark signed a super rare Luke Skywalker figurine and Chris is offering a personalized video message ... with an autographed 'Captain America' shield and movie poster thrown in for good measure.

Ryan Reynolds is getting in on the action too ... with a rare, autographed Deadpool figurine. Meanwhile, Jennifer Aniston's fundraising with a Fendi bag from her personal collection.

There's also the dress Mindy Kaling wore to Beyoncé's "Renaissance" tour show, and a Wynonna Judd autographed guitar.

Sports fans have something to bid on too ... a basketball signed by the whole "Inside the NBA" crew -- Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal. Plus, there's an NFL football signed by Peyton Manning and his Super Bowl champion teammates from the 2010 Indianapolis Colts.

All of the auction's proceeds go to Homes For Our Troops, which builds and donates custom homes for post-9/11 veterans with severe wounds.

This is the 7th year of the Veterans Day Celebrity Auction ... bidding on eBay opens Friday and runs through November 13.

'Night Court' Star Richard Moll Dead at 80

Richard Moll, famous for playing the gentle giant bailiff on "Night Court," is dead.

The actor died Thursday at his home in Big Bear Lake, CA ... according to a rep for the family. Richard starred as "Bull" Shannon on the original "Night Court" sitcom from 1984 to 1992 on NBC ... acting alongside Harry Anderson and John Larroquette.

Richard's bailiff character was known for his tagline ... "Ohh-kay" ... his shaved head and a towering 6'8" frame. He appears in all 193 episodes and his character is abducted by aliens in the "Night Court" finale.

Following his success on "Night Court," Richard started doing voice-over work ... including "Batman: The Animated Series"  and "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" as well as some horror movies and video games.

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Richard also had roles in several movies ... most notably "Jingle All The Way," "The Flintstones" and "Scary Movie 2."

He grew up in Pasadena and got into acting after moving to Hollywood in 1968 after going to college at UC Berkeley, where he majored in history and psychology.

Richard was 80.


Joe Jonas Es el turno de papá con las niñas Mientras Sophie vuelve al Reino Unido

Joe Jonas ha regresado a sus deberes de padres, ya que ahora le toca cuidar de sus dos hijas mientras el acuerdo de custodia con Sophie Turner sigue adelante.

El cantante de Jo Bros estuvo haciendo algunos trámites este viernes en Nueva York con sus hijas Delphine de 1 año y Willa de 3. En las fotos lo vemos llevando a una de ellas en brazos y colocándola en su asiento en el carro.

Joe tiene a las niñas hasta el 2 de noviembre en virtud de los términos del acuerdo temporal de custodia que negociaron con Sophie a principios de este mes.

TMZ dio la noticia, Joe y Sophie están cerca de firmar un acuerdo de divorcio y la custodia de las niñas era el mayor punto de fricción.

Mientras Joe tiene literalmente las manos ocupadas con las niñas, Sophie está de vuelta en Londres, filmando las escenas finales de su programa de televisión, "Joan".

Sophie le entregó las niñas a Joe el pasado fin de semana, luego de tenerlas desde el 9 de octubre hasta el 21 de octubre antes de pasar la posta a papá.

Cuando termine el tiempo de Joe, la próxima semana, Sophie se quedará con las niñas hasta el 22 de noviembre y el calendario parece alinearse para que Joe pase Acción de Gracias con sus hijas.

Tiene sentido, es una fecha importante en América y no en el Reino Unido, de donde es Sophie.

Recuerden, Joe y Sophie resolvieron los detalles de la custodia de sus hijas a principios de este mes durante una mediación, y parece que el plan está funcionando hasta ahora.

Joe va a tener a las niñas para Halloween y será interesante ver lo se le ocurre a papá para los disfraces.

Joe Jonas Daddy's Turn With Kiddos ... While Sophie's Back in U.K.

Joe Jonas is back on daddy duty ... it's his turn to look after his two kids as his child custody agreement with Sophie Turner moves forward.

The Jo Bros singer spent part of his Friday running errands in NYC with their daughters -- 1-year-old Delphine and 3-year-old Willa -- carrying one kiddo in his arms and getting her squared away in her car seat.

Joe's got the kids through November 2 under the terms of the temporary child custody agreement he and his estranged wife hammered out earlier this month.

TMZ broke the story ... Joe and Sophie are close to signing a settlement in their divorce, and child custody has been the biggest sticking point.

While Joe literally has his hands full with the girls, Sophie is back in London ... filming the final scenes for her TV show, "Joan."

Sophie handed the kids off to Joe last weekend -- she had them from Oct. 9 through Oct. 21  before passing the baton off to Dad.

Once Joe's time ends next week, Sophie gets the girls until Nov. 22 ... and the calendar seems to line up for Joe to spend Thanksgiving with his kids.

Makes sense, Turkey Day's big in America, and not in Sophie's native United Kingdom.

Remember ... Joe and Sophie hashed out child custody issues earlier this month during mediation, and it looks like the plan is working so far.

Joe's gonna have the girls for Halloween ... and it will be interesting to see what Dad comes up with for costumes.

*NSYNC Staying Supportive of Justin ... As He's Dragged in Britney Memoir

Justin Timberlake is feelin' the heat amid Britney Spears' new book release -- and all the spilled secrets about their relationship -- but we're told his *NSYNC bros still have his back.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, and JC Chasez have nothing but love for Justin, and they're supporting him through all the harsh criticism due to "The Woman in Me."

We're told they've all known him for 25 years, and would be more than happy to be back performing with him ... despite all the negative energy Britney and her loyal fans are aiming at JT.

Remember, in her book Brit blames him for talking her into an abortion, accuses him of cheating and claims a run-in with Justin triggered a panic attack that ruined her 2007 VMA performance.

While *NSYNC fans and RCA Records would love another Reunion, it isn't in the cards right now -- we're told Justin's focused on his new solo single, album and a tour next year.

BTW, our sources say the hate JT's been getting isn't impacting his career plans. The single and tour for next summer are a full go -- however, we're told he's quietly removed some club appearances that were set for early next year, tied to the release of his single and album.

As we reported, there are no current talks about *NSYNC doing more together -- Justin said recording "Better Place" would just be a special thing for his 'Trolls' sequel.


Still, our sources say the other 4 members are staying excited about the potential for Justin to change his mind, and get back in a studio -- or on a stage -- together.

Jonathan Majors Ex-GF Arrested for Assaulting Him ... But D.A. Won't Prosecute

The ex-girlfriend who's accusing Jonathan Majors of assaulting her is now herself in trouble with the law for allegedly striking him, and she's now surrendered to police in NYC.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Grace Jabbari was arrested Wednesday evening at Manhattan's 10th Precinct for allegedly attacking the "Creed III" actor after Majors filed a cross complaint against her back on June 22.

Our sources say Jabbari allegedly scratched Majors on his right hand and smacked him across the face with an open hand, causing a cut to his cheek and ear pain. She then allegedly tore buttons off his coat, and damaged the front pocket.

We're told she's being booked for misdemeanor assault and criminal mischief.


There's one big problem ... the Manhattan D.A.’s office filed court papers Tuesday, saying it informed the NYPD last month it has no intention of prosecuting Jabbari for "the belated allegations made by defendant [Majors] regarding the incident on March 25, 2023."

Clearly, the D.A. and police are not seeing eye to eye on this case -- NYPD believes it has probable cause to arrest Jabbari, and even though the D.A. didn't ... cops are still booking her.

As for Majors, he was charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment in March after Jabbari accused him of assaulting her inside a Manhattan apartment. Jabbari was later treated for head and neck injuries at a local hospital and released.

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Majors believes his side has a smoking gun proving his innocence -- security footage of Jabbari partying all night after the alleged attack. In court docs, Major's attorney Priya Chaudhry noted Jabbari was seen walking normally into the establishment, ordering drinks, dancing and pushing her hair back with the hand she claimed Majors injured.

At a Wednesday hearing, the judge set Major's trial date for November 29.


Justin Timberlake está en el ojo del huracán debido al nuevo libro de Britney Spears. La cantante ha revelado muchos secretos y los compañeros de *NSYNC apoyan a Justin a pesar de todo.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación le dicen a TMZ que Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, y JC Chasez no tienen nada más que amor por Justin y lo están apoyando debido a todo el ruido que están haciendo las memorias de Britney, "The Woman in Me".

Nos dicen que la energía negativa que está recibiendo Justin no interfiere en nada con las ganas trabajar con él de nuevo, añadiendo que todos lo conocen desde hace 25 años y estarían más que felices de estar de vuelta en el escenario juntos.

A los fans y RCA Records les encantaría otra reunión *NSYNC, pero no está en los planes de Justin en este momento. Nos informan que está centrado en su nuevo single, álbum y una gira el próximo año.

Por cierto, nuestras fuentes dicen que el hate que Justin ha estado recibiendo no va a interferir en el lanzamiento del próximo single y gira programada para el próximo verano. Sin embargo, nos dicen que ha retirado discretamente algunas apariciones en discotecas para principios del próximo año relacionadas con el lanzamiento del single y el álbum.

Como informamos, no hay conversaciones actuales sobre hacer algo más en el futuro. Nos informan que Justin dijo que "Better Place" (para la película 'Trolls') es un caso especial.

Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que los otros 4 miembros están entusiasmados con la posibilidad de que Justin cambie de opinión y vuelvan al estudio todos juntos.

Jonathan Majors Ex novia es detenida por agredirlo Fiscalía no la procesará

La ex novia de Jonathan Majors, que lo acusa de agredirlo, se encuentra ella misma en problemas por supuestamente golpearlo y ahora se entregó a la policía de Nueva York.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que Grace Jabbari fue detenida el miércoles por la noche en la comisaría 10 de Manhattan por supuestamente atacar al actor de "Creed III", después de que Majors presentara una denuncia cruzada contra ella el 22 de junio.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jabbari supuestamente arañó Majors en su mano derecha y lo golpeó en la cara con la mano abierta, causando un corte en su mejilla y dolor de oído. A continuación, le habría arrancado los botones del abrigo y dañado su bolsillo delantero.

Nos dicen que ella está siendo fichada por el delito menor de asalto y daño criminal.

Pero hay un gran problema, la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan presentó documentos judiciales el martes, diciendo que informó a la policía de Nueva York el mes pasado que no tiene intención de procesar a Jabbari por "las alegaciones tardías hechas por el acusado [Majors] en relación con el incidente del 25 de marzo de 2023".

Claramente, el fiscal y la policía no están de acuerdo en este caso. Los oficiales de Nueva York creen que tienen una causa probable para arrestar a Jabbari y aunque el fiscal considera que no es el caso, los policías aun así la están fichando.

En cuanto a Majors, el actor fue acusado del delito menor de asalto y acoso en marzo después de que Jabbari lo acusara de agredirla dentro de un apartamento de Manhattan. Jabbari fue tratada posteriormente por lesiones en la cabeza y el cuello en un hospital local y dada de alta.

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De fiesta toda la noche

Majors cree que tiene evidencias que demuestran su inocencia, esto es, imágenes de seguridad de Jabbari de fiesta toda la noche después del presunto ataque. En los documentos judiciales, el abogado de Major Priya Chaudhry señaló que Jabbari fue vista caminando normalmente en el establecimiento, pidiendo bebidas, bailando y peinando su pelo hacia atrás con la misma mano que afirmó que Majors le hirió.

En una audiencia celebrada el miércoles, el juez fijó la fecha del juicio de Major para el 29 de noviembre.


¡Las estrellas han estado mostrando sus calabazas festivas y disfrutando de sus semillas! ¿Qué mejor manera de rendir homenaje a estas fotos de calabaza en el Día Nacional de la Calabaza?

Dylan Sprouse posó junto a dos calabazas casi idénticas, mostrando lo imponente que puede ser una calabaza grande.

Kourtney Kardashian hizo alarde de su hermosa panza de bebé junto a un paquete de calabazas decorativas.

De todas las formas y tamaños, las calabazas están por toda la ciudad y merecen ser celebradas ¡Échale un vistazo a nuestra galería de fotos de calabazas de famosos!

Pumpkin Party In Hollywood ... Go Big Or Gourd Home!

Orange you pumped pumpkins are at the forefront of your feeds? Stars have been showing off their festive finds and enjoying their seeds! What better way to honor these gourd-geous pics on National Pumpkin Day?!

Dylan Sprouse posed next to two nearly identical pumpkins, showing how 'suite life' can be with some big ole squash!

And harvesting any day now ... Kourtney Kardashian flaunted her beautiful baby bump next to a pack of decorative pumpkins.

All shapes and sizes ... pumpkins are all a-round town, and they deserve to be celebrated ... Check out our gallery of Celebrity Pumpkin Pics!

Max Doyle In 'Mostly Ghostly' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Sterling Beaumon was just 13 years old when he was cast as Max Doyle -- the aspiring magician who is half-psychic and afraid of ghosts -- in the fantasy film "Mostly Ghostly" back in 2008.

Beaumon shared the big screen with Brian Stepanek as the evil ghost, who tortures Max in hopes of finding the ghost siblings, Phears, Luke Benward as Max's friend who becomes frightened when realizing he's a ghost, Nicky, and Madison Pettis as Nicky's brave sister and ghost, Tara.

Sterling also played the young version of Benjamin Linus on ABC's "Lost."

Guess what he looks like now!

MAX DOYLE EN en "Mostly Ghostly" ¿lo recuerdas?

El actor estadounidense Sterling Beaumon solo tenía 13 años cuando fue elegido para interpretar a Max Doyle, el aspirante a mago medio psíquico y con miedo a los fantasmas en la película de fantasía "Mostly Ghostly" en 2008.

Beaumon compartió la gran pantalla con Brian Stepanek como el fantasma malvado que tortura a Max con la esperanza de encontrar a los hermanos fantasmas (Phears), Luke Benward como el amigo de Max que se asusta al darse cuenta de que es un fantasma ?(Nicky) y Madison Pettis como la valiente hermana y fantasma de Nicky (Tara).

Sterling también interpretó a la versión joven de Benjamin Linus en "Perdidos" de ABC.

¡Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora!

Alexa Bliss, LA Knight, Wrestlers Promote John Cena's New Movie While He Can't Over Strike!

John Cena's new movie, "Freelance," comes out this week, but actors are still on strike, and that means the WWE legend cannot do press to promote the film.

Enter the 16x WWE champion's friends -- including Alexa Bliss, LA Knight, and TMZ Sports' own Mojo Muhtadi, in addition to a bunch more -- who in place of Cena, attended a premiere of the movie at Regal Waterfod Lakes in Orlando.

Of course, SAG-AFTRA, the union representing actors, is still at odds with the Hollywood studios. As part of the strike, actors cannot do media to promote a project ... and if you did, that'd be crossing the picket line.

Obviously a big no-no (ask Drew Barrymore).

So, Cena's buds did the next best thing.

As for the movie, it's got an impressive cast ... with Alison Brie and Christian Slater also starring in the movie, which the studio described like this:

An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, and they are forced to escape into the jungle where they must survive.

While he undoubtedly was bummed he couldn't be at Orlando showing, we're told Cena was seriously touched by his friend's show of support!

The movie hits theatres on Friday.

Paris Hilton Trolling My Son 'Unacceptable!!!' And It 'Hurts My Heart'

Paris Hilton is continuing to protect her son, Phoenix, after social media trolls posted a bunch of rude comments about the infant's head size ... and she says the remarks hurt more "than words can describe."

She reacted to the wave of hate Tuesday on X, admitting that living in the spotlight comes with folks commenting left and right, before adding ... "but targeting my child, or anyone else’s for that matter, is unacceptable."

She says the things she's seen about her baby boy hurt her heart, saying she's "worked hard to cultivate an environment that is all about love, respect, and acceptance, and I expect the same in return."

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Paris even points out the corner she's backed into ... "If I don't post my baby, people assume I'm not a great mother and if I do post him, there are some people who are cruel and hateful 😢."


Regardless of the haters, Paris says she's a "proud working mom" and has always dreamt of being a mother -- calling Phoenix 'the biggest blessing of my life."

As we reported, Paris first clapped back in the comments section of a TikTok about the nasty comments she got on a cute photo of her and Phoenix ... writing, "🥺😢There are some sick people in this world.☹️My angel is perfectly healthy."

Paris Hilton Burlarse de mi hijo es inaceptable Y me duele en el alma

Paris Hilton sigue protegiendo a su hijo Phoenix después de que los trolls de las redes sociales publicaran un montón de comentarios groseros sobre el tamaño de su cabeza, y dice que los comentarios le duelen más "de lo que las palabras pueden describir".

Paris reaccionó a la ola de odio el martes en X, admitiendo que sabe que vivir en el centro de atención implica que las personas comenten a diestra y siniestra, "pero apuntar a mi hijo, o al de cualquier otra persona, es inaceptable", añadió a continuación.

Dice que las cosas que ha visto sobre su bebé le duelen en el alma, asegurando que ha "trabajado duro para cultivar un ambiente que solo está rodeado de amor, respeto y aceptación" y espera lo mismo a cambio.

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Dejen a Phoenix tranquilo

Paris incluso señala la incómoda situación en la que está arrinconada. "Si no publico a mi bebé, la gente asume que no soy una buena madre y si lo publico, hay algunas personas que son crueles y odiosas 😢".

Paris responde

Independientemente de los odiosos, Paris dice que es una "madre trabajadora orgullosa" y siempre ha soñado con ser madre, llamando a Phoenix "la mayor bendición de su vida".

Como informamos, Paris reaccionó primero en la sección de comentarios de un TikTok sobre los desagradables comentarios de su foto junto a Phoenix. Allí escribió: "🥺😢 Hay algunas personas enfermas en este mundo.☹️ My ángel está perfectamente sano".

Chris Pratt Sparks Debate Over Keeping Kid's Trophies

Chris Pratt says his mother-in-law, Maria Shriver, has held onto a treasure trove of Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt's childhood achievements ... and that revelation has folks debating trophy hoarding.

The actor shared some pics Tuesday of Katherine with her plastic gold, and said, "Maria has been storing special items from Katherine’s childhood for years. Which is so very thoughtful."

He jokingly added, "I cannot say how proud I am of my wife for being a fourth-grade problem-solving superstar. There’s also a trophy for 'most improved two-year-old' in swim class. Wow!!"

Chris then dropped the punch line, pointing out Katherine was the only 2-year-old in that swim class. Hey, still counts for something!

He said the huge smile on Katherine's face must be Maria's "payoff for the work it took to store this stuff."

Chris put it all in perspective, saying ... "To pray one day that your children will look back on their childhood with glee is a blessing. It is the hope of parenthood."

But, here's where the debate started -- Chris asked, "real talk… once your kid goes through the stuff, is it okay to toss? I mean… do we need the 'I was on a sports team trophy?'"

He's probably thinking about it, because he's got 3 kids -- 10-year-old Jack with Anna Faris, and 3-year-old Lyla and 1-year-old Eloise with Katherine -- so it's a question he's for sure gonna need an answer sooner than later.

Folks have been chiming in the comments, sharing their thoughts on the trophy topic ... so let's settle this debate.

Keeping Childhood Trophies ...