unas copas de más

La estrella de "Happy Gilmore" Christopher McDonald puede haber bebido más de lo recomendable en el juego de los Bills el domingo, porque parecía estar muy ebrio, tropezando y balanceándose en el estadio.

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ Sports; el actor -que interpretó a Shooter McGavin en la exitosa película de golf de Adam Sandler- parecía que apenas podía mantenerse en pie durante el concurso de Buffalo con los Gigantes de Nueva York en el Highmark Stadium.

En las imágenes, que fueron tomadas en el descanso del partido, McDonald se puede ver casi cayendo por unas escaleras, antes de que dos hombres le ayudaran a salvarlo de que todo terminara peor.

También se le ve en el clip necesitando ayuda de los chicos mientras se tambaleaba de vuelta a su asiento, todo mientras varias personas le gritaban "¡Tirador!".

Un testigo en el juego nos dice McDonald -un partidario acérrimo Bills- fue visto dentro de una suite de agua de los amigos.

Hemos llegado a un representante de McDonald para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

En cuanto al juego en el campo que Shooter ahora puede o no puede recordar, los Bills ganaron 14-9.

Clark In 'Good Will Hunting' 'Memba Him?!

New York native and actor Scott William Winters was 32 years old when he played the role of Clark -- the preppy and handsome Harvard Law school bully -- in the drama film "Good Will Hunting" back in 1997.

Winters shared the big screen with Hollywood household names, Robin Williams as the therapist who recently lost his wife to cancer, Sean Maguire, Matt Damon as the orphan and college janitor and genius, Will Hunting and Ben Affleck as the Will's best friend with a thick Boston accent, Chuckie Sullivan.

Scott also played Cyril (opposite his brother, Dean Winters) in HBO's "OZ."

Guess what he looks like now!


El actor neoyorquino Scott William Winters tenía 32 años cuando interpretó el papel de Clark, el pretencioso y guapo matón de la facultad de Derecho de Harvard en la película "Good Will Hunting" en 1997.

Winters compartió la gran pantalla con nombres muy conocidos de Hollywood: Robin Williams como el terapeuta que acaba de perder a su mujer de cáncer, Sean Maguire, Matt Damon como el huérfano, conserje, universitario y genio Will Hunting y Ben Affleck, como el mejor amigo de Will con un marcado acento bostoniano, Chuckie Sullivan.

Scott también interpretó a Cyril (frente a su hermano, Dean Winters) en "OZ" de HBO.

¡Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora!


Tyler Perry viene en ayuda de una mujer de 93 años de edad en riesgo de perder la casa de Carolina del Sur de la cual su familia ha sido propietaria desde la época de la Guerra Civil, mediante la compra de una nueva casa.

Fuentes directas nos informan que el actor/director de cine le está construyendo a Josephine Wright una casa de 5 dormitorios en Carolina del Sur para reemplazar la que está viviendo con sus nietos, que también está en el centro de una disputa de tierras.

Nos han dicho que el equipo de construcción de Tyler empezará a construir la casa en las próximas semanas, una vez que todos los permisos estén en regla.

Como hemos informado, Tyler prometió darle su apoyo a Josephine en julio, cuando se enteró de su guerra legal con el Bailey Point Investment Group. Bailey Point al parecer quiere comprar la tierra de Wright en Hilton Head, pero ella no quiere renunciar a ella porque ha sido en su familia durante generaciones. Fue entonces cuando la empresa presentó una demanda para tomar el control de su propiedad.

Wright le dijo al medio de noticias, WSAV-TV, cómo BP obtuvo la aprobación de la ciudad para desarrollar 29 acres de tierra detrás de su casa y dice que rechazó una oferta para comprar la propiedad. Una vez que Wright se negó, afirmó que BP comenzó a acosarla, lo que llevó a una demanda para arrebatarle la propiedad que, según ella, ha pertenecido a su familia desde la época de la Guerra Civil.

Uno de los nietos de Josephine organizó un GoFundMe para ayudar a pagar sus honorarios legales y una actualización de septiembre en la página dice que un árbol cayó sobre la casa y abrió 2 agujeros en el techo.

Ahora, Josephine está recibiendo un nuevo lugar por completo cortesía de Tyler.

Tyler Perry Building New Home For 93-Year-Old Pushed Out By Developers

Tyler Perry is coming to the aid of a 93-year-old woman at risk of losing the South Carolina home her family has owned since the Civil War era ... by buying her a new home.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … the actor/filmmaker is building Josephine Wright a 5-bedroom home in South Carolina to replace the one she's living in with her grandkids, which is also at the center of a bitter land dispute.

We're told Tyler's construction crew will break ground on the home in the coming weeks, once all the permits are squared away.

As we reported ... Tyler pledged his support to Josephine back in July, when he caught wind of her legal war with the Bailey Point Investment Group. Bailey Point reportedly wants to buy Wright's land in Hilton Head, but she doesn't want to give it up because it's been in her family for generations ... BP then filed suit to seize control of her property.

Wright told news outlet, WSAV-TV, how BP got approval from the town to develop 29 acres of land behind her home ... and says she turned down an offer to buy her home. Once Wright declined, she claimed BP started harassing her, leading to a lawsuit to rip away the property she says has been in her family since the Civil War era.

One of Josephine's grandkids organized a GoFundMe to help pay for her legal fees ... and a September update on the page says a tree fell on the home and opened 2 holes in the roof.

Now, Josephine's getting a new place altogether ... courtesy of Tyler.

Jada Pinkett Smith All Her Will Smith Revelations ... From Press Run For Book

Jada Pinkett Smith has been an open book on Will Smith while promoting her new memoir ... spilling her guts about their complicated relationship.

One of the biggest revelations Jada made was also the first ... she and Will have been separated and living completely separate lives since 2016 ... carrying on a charade as a committed couple for 7 years, until finally coming clean.

Jada made the separation revelation in a couple different interviews ... one with 'Today' and another with People Mag ... and says they will NOT be divorcing.

Along those same lines, Jada says she was "shocked" when Will called her "wife" during his infamous Chris Rock slap at the Oscars ... a label she says he hadn't used for years during their separation.

In fact, Jada said she initially thought the Oscars slap was a skit ... telling NBC's Hoda Kotb the incident ended up being a turning point in her relationship with Will.

Jada also revealed what happened during the commercial break after the slap ... claiming Chris came over to her and apologized for the joke that set off Will.

Speaking of Chris, Jada told PEOPLE he once asked her out on a date when rumors were swirling about a potential divorce with Will ... but when she told him the rumors were BS, he was appalled and apologized.

Jada opened up about her history of suicidal thoughts ... she says they first started when she was 21 and her Hollywood career was starting to blow up. Jada said she was afraid she would slit her wrist and begged her mom to fly out to L.A. and help her.


From there, Jada said her mom suggested therapy ... and she credits therapy, and her mom, for saving her life back in the day.

Problem is ... Jada says when she turned 40 the suicidal thoughts returned ... and she would drive around the famous Mulholland Drive in the Santa Monica Mountains, pulling over on the winding, cliffside road, where she would consider staging a fatal accident that didn't look intentional.

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Jada says she was ultimately diagnosed with complex trauma with PTSD and dissociation.

Aaron Rodgers would like this tidbit ... Jada says ayahuasca helped save her life too. She says she first took the psychedelic in her living room, with her son Jaden and his teenage friends.

Jada revealed she was a drug dealer back in the day in Baltimore ... selling crack cocaine to support herself when she lived with her mother.

Baltimore's also where Jada met Tupac Shakur. She says she felt an immediate connection with Tupac when they first met in the 1980s at the Baltimore School for the Arts. Jada says Pac was her soulmate and he proposed to her, but they didn't have any chemistry.

There was another relationship Jada mentioned ... and it got ugly.

Jada recalled a former romantic partner who ran in the same Hollywood circles, and they were set up by their publicists and managers in the fall of 1994 ... but Jada says one night he was driving drunk in NYC with her in the car and he flew off the handle.

She says he had an "explosive reaction" ... slamming his fist on the dashboard. Jada says she worried what he might do to her next and she opened the car door and literally jumped out. She says she ran -- in sandals and a skirt -- back to his place, where she armed herself with a kitchen knife.

One last juicy nugget about Will ... Jada says they were vacationing in Los Cabos in 1997 before they were married and that's where Jaden was conceived.

Jada said she knew she was pregnant within seconds of having sex with Will ... even telling him so while they were still in bed together. She says pregnancy tests soon confirmed her intuition.


Bottom line ... Jada's got a lot to say in her new book.

Jada Pinkett Smith Bro Struggling With Marriage Too ... His Wife Files For Divorce

Jada Pinkett Smith isn't the only one in her family having a difficult time with their marriage ... her brother's apparently been separated for years too, and now his wife's filed for divorce.

Caleb Pinkett's wife, Patricia Pinkett, beelined it to court Monday and filed to divorce Jada's brother after more than 17 years of marriage ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.

In the docs, Patricia notes she and Caleb have been separated since Feb. 28, 2020 ... and she's going with the boilerplate irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split.

Remember ... Jada recently revealed she and Will Smith have been living separate lives for 7 years and basically carrying on a public charade as a married couple.

Jada's brother, an actor and producer, tied the knot with her sister-in-law back in September 2006 ... and they have one minor child together, an 11-year-old daughter. Patricia is seeking joint legal and physical custody of Jada's niece.

Patricia also wants Caleb to cough up money for spousal support ... and she wants to terminate the court's ability to award him any spousal support.


While Jada and Will have been separated for years too, Jada says they will NOT get divorced.


Millie Bobby Brown no tiene pelos en la lengua sobre cómo se siente acerca de la serie que la hizo famosa, diciendo que está lista para pasar la página, además de asegurar que es una carga en su carrera.

La actriz, conocida por interpretar a Eleven en la exitosa serie de Netflix desde hace años, compartió sus últimos pensamientos sobre en una nueva entrevista con Glamour, donde prácticamente se cagó en programa que le dio su gran oportunidad.

El artículo señala que ella compara su última temporada —que está por venir el próximo año— a un último año en la escuela secundaria, cuando uno está deseando que todo termine. Cuando estás lista dices: 'Muy bien, hagámoslo'. Afrontemos este último año y vámonos de aquí'".

Millie añade: "'Stranger Things' lleva mucho tiempo de rodaje y me está impidiendo crear historias que me apasionan. Así que estoy lista para decir: 'Gracias y adiós'".

Dicho esto, ella parece ofrecer un sentido de gratitud por lo que ha aprendido en el programa, pasando a decir que la serie le dio "las herramientas y los recursos para ser una mejor actriz." Y luego, en el mismo aliento, otra bofetada en la cara, Glamour dice que Millie se niega "a que la lleven a llorar por la serie".

Millie termina diciendo: "Cuando termine, voy a ser capaz de seguir viendo a estas personas", señalando que nadie está realmente muriendo con este tema.

Claramente ya lo superó, y entendemos que úeda tener sus razónes. De todos los niños, ella es sin duda la más famosa fuera de "Stranger Things" y pareciera que está lista para liberarse de la serie por completo. Ya han pasado 7 años después de todo... así que lo entendemos.

Ha sido un largo viaje  😬

Millie Bobby Brown Craps on 'Stranger Things' ... Let's Get It Over With!!!

Millie Bobby Brown isn't mincing words on how she feels about the show that made her famous -- saying she's ready to turn the page ... and calling it a burden on her career.

The actress -- known for playing Eleven on the hit Netflix series dating back years now -- dished her latest thoughts about 'ST' in a new interview with Glamour ... where she pretty much crapped on the gig that gave her her big break.

The article notes she likens her final season -- which is forthcoming next year -- to a senior year in high school, where one's itching to be done with it already. She says, "When you’re ready, you’re like, 'All right, let’s do this. Let’s tackle this last senior year. Let’s get out of here.'"

Millie adds, "'Stranger Things' takes up a lot of time to film and it’s preventing me from creating stories that I’m passionate about. So I’m ready to say, 'Thank you, and goodbye.'"

With that said, she does seem to offer a sense of gratitude for what she's learned on the show, going on to say the series gave her "the tools and the resources to be a better actor." And then, in the same breath ... another slap in the face, of sorts. Glamour says MBB refuses "to be goaded into mourning the show."

Millie finishes by saying .... "When it ends, I’m going to be able to still see these people," pointing out that nobody is actually dying with the fan-fave binger coming to a close.

Obviously, she's over it -- and perhaps for good reason. Out of all the kids, she's arguably far and away the most famous outside of 'Stranger Things' ... and it sounds like she's ready to break free from it completely. It has been 7 years already, after all ... so we kinda get it.

Still, though, this is harsh ... sheesh. 😬


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profunda sanación

Jada Pinkett Smith dice que las revelaciones en sus memorias han hecho que ella y Will Smith se acerquen más que nunca. Ha vuelto a hablar sobre el extraño amor que siente el uno por el otro.

La actriz tuvo otra entrevista con Hoda Kotb en "Today" y reflexionó sobre todas las secuelas de revelar tantas cosas sobre su vida personal, incluyendo el hecho de que ella y Will no han estado involucrados como pareja desde 2016.

Hoda pregunta cómo todas las revelaciones han afectado las cosas entre ella y Will y, sorprendentemente, Jada dice que abrirse de la manera en que lo hizo los ha ayudado a unirse aún más.

Hay otra sorpresa de los comentarios de Jada aquí, ella dice que no habrá otros "amores" para ella o para Will, diciendo que su relación es el fin de todo... en términos de sus vidas románticas. Eso es lo que podemos deducir, ya que Jada no aclaró lo que quería decir.

En cualquier caso, lo que Jada deja claro es que ella y Will no se están divorciando, pasando a señalar que todavía se aman, a su propia y extraña manera.

Una cosa que Jada sí aclara es por qué ella y Will llevaron a cabo la farsa durante tanto tiempo y ella explica que necesitaban tiempo para averiguar exactamente lo que eran y lo que querían, y simplemente no estaban listos para hacer pública su situación. La gran conclusión aquí es que Jada es feliz llamando a Will su "compañero de vida", al parecer para siempre.

Ahora, en términos de cómo Will ha respondido a todo esto, obviamente, sus primeros comentarios fueron reportados este fin de semana en una entrevista en NYT donde parecía brindarle apoyo a Jada.

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Él continuó abordando la saga en un post de Instagram el domingo, mostrando un video de sí mismo en un barco aparentemente navegando en alta mar. Will finge estar durmiendo una siesta mientras suenan un montón de notificaciones del teléfono, señalando que puede dormir a pesar de cualquier cosa.

Su leyenda dice: "Notificaciones off" y Jada respondió a eso con emojis riendo.

Parece que ambos están mejor de lo que creíamos... eso es lo que importa ¿no? 🤷🏽‍♂️

Jada Pinkett Smith Memoir Brought Will & I Closer ... No More 'Loves' for Us

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Jada Pinkett Smith says her memoir revelations have actually made her and Will Smith closer than ever -- and she's also vowing their bizarre love for each other is the last stop.

The actress sat down for another interview with Hoda Kotb of 'Today' ... and she reflected on all the aftermath of her spilling a ton of tea about her personal life -- including the fact that she and Will haven't been involved as a couple since 2016 ... living separate lives.

Hoda asks how all the revelations have affected things between her and Will ... and, surprisingly, Jada says opening up the way she did has helped them bond even more.

There's another surprise from Jada's remarks here ... she says there'll be no other "loves" for either herself or for Will, saying their relationship is the end-all, be-all in terms of their romantic lives. That's what we can gather anyway ... Jada didn't clarify what she meant.

In any case, what JPS makes clear is that she and Will are NOT getting divorced ... going on to note that they actually still really love each other, in their own weird kind of way.

One thing Jada clarifies is the lingering question of why she and Will carried on the charade for as long as they did -- and she explains they needed time to figure out exactly what they were and what they wanted, and simply weren't ready to go public with their situation. The big takeaway here is that Jada is content calling Will her "life partner" ... seemingly for good.

Now, in terms of how Will has responded to all this ... obviously, his first comments were reported this weekend in a NYT interview -- where he sounded supportive of Jada.

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He continued to address the saga in a tongue-in-cheek Instagram post Sunday ... showing off a video of himself on a boat, apparently sailing the open seas. Will pretends to be napping and waking up to a bunch of phone alerts, noting he can sleep through anything.

His caption reads, "Notifications off" ... and Jada actually replied to that with laughing emojis.


Sounds like they're both comfortable with everything as it is -- which we suppose is all that matters. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Robin Williams Genie Voice in 'OUAS' ... Real Deal, No AI

Disney fans got to hear Robin Williams' voice from "Aladdin" with completely new lines not featured in the original movie -- but rest assured, no robots were involved in the revival.

This was a big moment from Sunday night's airing of "Once Upon a Studio" ... a short film the Mouse House released on ABC to celebrate their 100-year anniversary, to touch on all the iconic characters and milestones they've hit over the years -- RW's Genie, included.

The Genie's cameo is brief but memorable ... he's shown popping off a page that Olaf -- from "Frozen" -- is working on, which causes the snowman to go crashing to the ground.

In response, Genie says ... "I haven't seen a fall like that since Rome." Once Olaf pops up and recomposes himself, Robin can be heard saying ... "Much better." It's just a couple lines, but some fans worried Disney recreated the late actor's voice by using artificial intelligence.

Fortunately for everybody, that's not the case ... as clarified by the producers/directors -- who told Variety they got official permission to use the real thing ... namely, Robin's actual vocals.

They say they reached out to Robin's estate, explaining ... "We tried to take them on the journey with us to say, 'We’ve got this very special short that we’re doing. Robin as the genie means so much to so many people and we would really love to involve him.'"

The creative team behind 'OUAS' adds ... "So Dan listened to the outtakes from the original recording and he found those little bites that we could use. We went back to the estate and said, 'This is what we hope to do. Eric, who originally animated the genie is on the show, and he’s going to be part of it.' And, it was wonderful to see that happen."

In other words, they opened up the Disney vault ... and did right by Robin and fans.


Los fans de Disney pudieron escuchar la voz de Robin Williams en "Aladdin" con líneas completamente nuevas que no aparecían en la película original. El estudio asegura que no hubo robots involucrados en el proyecto.

Este fue un gran momento de la emisión del domingo por la noche de "Once Upon a Studio" un cortometraje que la Casa del Ratón lanzó en ABC para celebrar su 100 aniversario. La idea es repasar todos los personajes icónicos y los hitos que han alcanzado a lo largo de los años, incluyendo al genio de Robin Williams.

El cameo del Genio es breve pero memorable. Se le muestra haciendo saltar una página en la que Olaf (de "Frozen") está trabajando, lo que provoca que el muñeco de nieve se caiga al suelo.

En respuesta, Genie dice: "No he visto una caída así desde Roma". Una vez que Olaf aparece y se recompone, se oye a Robin decir: "Mucho mejor." Son solo un par de líneas, pero algunos fans estaban preocupados de que Disney recreara la voz del actor fallecido mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial.

Afortunadamente para todos, ese no es el caso. Según lo aclarado por los productores y directores en Variery, consiguieron el permiso oficial para utilizar la voz real de Robin.

Dicen que se pusieron en contacto con el patrimonio de Robin, explicando: "Tratamos de involucrarlos en el viaje con nosotros, 'Tenemos este corto muy especial que estamos haciendo. Robin como el genio significa mucho para tanta gente y realmente nos encantaría incluirlo'".

El equipo creativo detrás añade: "Así que Dan escuchó las tomas descartadas de la grabación original y encontró esos pequeños fragmentos que podíamos utilizar. Volvimos a la finca y dijimos: 'Esto es lo que queremos hacer'". Eric, que originalmente animó al genio, está en la serie y va a formar parte de ella'. Fue maravilloso ver que eso sucedía".

En otras palabras, abrieron la cámara secreta de Disney e hicieron lo correcto por Robin y los fans.

Martin Scorsese Easy Talkin' to De Niro ... DiCaprio Says His Talks are 'Long'

you talkin' to me?
CBS Sunday Morning

Martin Scorsese's two golden boys are finally coming together on the big screen -- but it sounds like he can communicate a little easier with one versus the other ... guess who.

Leonardo DiCaprio revealed the on-set dynamic between the iconic director and his longtime collaborator in Robert De Niro -- who's stars opposite Leo in their new flick, 'Killers of the Flower Moon,' the first time they'll have acted in a Scorsese flick together.

It's a big deal seeing how Marty has used both dudes in a number of his films -- back in the 20th century ... Bob was MS's leading man. Post-2000, LDC took up that mantle.

But in terms of who Scorsese appears to connect with more ... Leo says there's no question, it's De Niro. Watch how he described their chats during a sit-down with CBS Sunday Morning ... he says they almost have their own secret language, with nods and gestures.

He says it's almost like a short-hand they have with each other -- whereas Leo says him and Marty have very long, drawn-out talks ... so yeah, Bob and Marty's connection is unmatched.

The master himself confirmed Leo's account ... saying he does, in fact, have "long-hand" with the younger actor. It makes sense when you think about -- fact is, Marty and Bob have known each other dating back to childhood ... so they're thick as thieves and then some.

It'll be fascinating to see them act alongside each other when the film drops next week. De Niro's obviously a lot older now -- and Leo's no spring chicken either. Still, they look to be in peak form when it comes to their chops ... and the reviews for this one are stellar.

Now the question ... who's the better actor historically??? Kidding, we ain't going there. 😅

Halle Berry Allegedly Duped Into 'X-Men' Movie ... Director Spills Beans

Halle Berry was allegedly tricked into acting in one of the "X-Men" movies with a bait-and-switch tactic -- so claims a film director who was briefly attached to the project.

Matthew Vaughn -- famous for helming "Kick-Ass" and the "Kingsman" movies, and who actually ended up going on to direct "X-Men: First Class" years after this alleged incident -- told the tale to THR ... detailing what he says led to him exiting "X-Men: The Last Stand" way back in the mid-2000s.

Long story short ... Vaughn was hired to direct the second sequel, but for a while -- Halle hadn't actually signed on just yet ... despite Hugh Jackman and other key actors coming back. During pre-production, MV claims he discovered duplicity at play from a studio head.

Here's how Vaughn explains it ... he says he went into one of the execs' offices and saw a new 'X3' script, which he says he realized was notably fatter. When he asked what it was, he claims the exec told him not to worry about -- but Vaughn insisted and rifled through it ... noticing that an entire scene about Halle's character, Storm, had been added -- where she helps starving kids in Africa by using her superpowers.

Naturally, Vaughn asked what the heck this was ... pointing out this wasn't the version of the script that'd been ran by him. The response he claims he got back forced him to bail.

Vaughn says, "'[I went,] ‘What is this?' [They said,] 'Oh, it’s Halle Berry’s script. I went, 'OK, because she hasn’t signed up yet.' 'But this is what she wants it to be, and once she signs up, we’ll throw it in the bin.'" In other words, they were gonna pretend to include the scene that Halle wanted but then scrap it entirely once they got her to sign on the dotted line.


Vaughn says he was disgusted by this, saying ... "I was like, 'Wow, you’re gonna do that to an Oscar-winning actress who plays Storm? I’m outta here.' So I quit at that point."

He doesn't name any names here, but the story is troubling -- especially when you consider Halle did, in fact, act in this film ... and the Storm scene described is nowhere to be found.

We've reached out to Halle's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Suzanne Somers Dead at 76 ... After Cancer Battle


2:06 PM PT -- Suzanne's rep tells us ... "Her family was gathered to celebrate her 77th birthday on October 16th. Instead, they will celebrate her extraordinary life, and want to thank her millions of fans and followers who loved her dearly. A private family burial will take place this week, with a memorial to follow next month."

Sources close to the late actress also tell us that Suzanne had recently been seeking treatment for her breast cancer out of state in the Midwest -- but we're told it proved to be unsuccessful and she was ultimately brought home.

Suzanne Somers has died after a long battle with cancer ... this according to her team.

The legendary actress -- famous from "Three's Company" and a score of other TV shows/movies -- passed away Sunday morning at her home ... so says her publicist, R. Couri Hay, who broke the tragic news to Page Six.

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He says, "Suzanne Somers passed away peacefully at home in the early morning hours of October 15th. She survived an aggressive form of breast cancer for over 23 years. Suzanne was surrounded by her loving husband Alan, her son Bruce, and her immediate family."

It's a heartbreaking development for the showbiz icon ... who's been dealing with cancer, in one form or another, since the early 2000s. She was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2000 ... and developed breast cancer shortly thereafter. SS battled breast cancer on and off for years ... but it fully returned just earlier this year in the summer, when she told the world.

At the time, she wrote ... "As you know, I had breast cancer two decades ago, and every now and then it pops up again, and I continue to bat it down. I have used the best alternative and conventional treatments to combat it. This is not new territory for me. I know how to put on my battle gear and I’m a fighter."

Obviously, she'll best be remembered for her work on the famed ABC sitcom opposite John Ritter and Joyce DeWitt -- where she played the hilarious and ditzy Chrissy Snow for five seasons -- but her work spanned decades ... and was notable well beyond that.

Suzanne is also well-known for roles in "Starsky and Hutch," "Hollywood Wives," "She's the Sheriff," "Step by Step," and countless one-time appearances on several other hit series.

Movie-wise, her work on "American Graffiti" is her biggest claim to fame on the big screen -- but Suzanne starred in a number of films ... including "Ants!" "Yesterday's Hero," "Nothing Personal," "Serial Mom," "The Nutty Professor," "Say It Isn't So" and more. She hasn't acted since 2001, right around the time her health troubles surfaced.

Suzanne's death comes just one day before her 77th birthday. She's survived by her son, Bruce Jr.

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She was 76.


Originally Published -- 12:59 PM PT