Alec Baldwin Safety Role on 'Rust' Set Under Microscope ... New Charges Possible

Alec Baldwin might not be out of the woods in the 'Rust' criminal case, because the possibility of prosecutors refiling charges is still looming ... depending on what they learn about docs related to the movie's preproduction planning.

A judge recently made a major ruling after prosecutors in New Mexico asked for documents to be turned over tied to any contracts between Baldwin and the production companies working on the movie. Those docs could shed light on how the production dealt with weapons training and safety on the set, and whether any corners were cut to save money.


Hizzoner weighed in on the matter and decided the records needed to be forked over to the D.A.'s office.

The movie's armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- who's still facing an involuntary manslaughter charge -- has been arguing the production companies basically hamstrung her and prevented her from doing her job properly. She's claimed she was denied additional firearm training ... saying producers cited a tight budget as the reason.

Depending on what's found in the handed over docs, it could possibly spell new trouble for Baldwin.

Remember, he was initially charged with involuntary manslaughter, but in April that was dropped. Now, it's possible he could be charged again.

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The victim, Halyna Hutchins, was shot and killed during a rehearsal ... with Baldwin's gun going off and striking her. Baldwin has insisted he never pulled the trigger.

Amber Heard Claimed Momoa Dressed Like Depp To Mess with Her On 'Aquaman 2' Set

Amber Heard told her therapist Jason Momoa was purposely dressing like her ex Johnny Depp while filming the 'Aquaman' sequel ... one of many claims just now coming to light.

The news comes courtesy of new legal docs from Amber's defamation trial last year, which were recently made public ... and detail some startling allegations she made in therapy sessions back in 2021, when she and Jason were working on 'A2.'

During one particular session in December of that year, she said she felt Jason was seemingly trying to play mind games with her by intentionally copying JD's fashion sense, right down to his multi-fingered rings ... according to Variety.

There are more allegations she made about Jason to her therapist at the time -- including a claim he was intoxicated on set, and that he was working to get her fired.

A rep for DC denied these characterizations, saying ... "Jason Momoa conducted himself in a professional manner at all times on the set of ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom." A separate source told Variety, Jason's fashion sensibility naturally reflects a bohemian style ... pushing back on Amber feeling he was trying to torment her.

There are a lot more juicy nuggets in the docs ... including the allegation Warner/DC tried canning Amber ahead of filming of 'Aquaman 2' -- but not because of her Johnny drama, but more so over a perceived lack of chemistry with Jason.

Amber's then-boyfriend, Elon Musk, fired off a letter to the studio on the heels of that ... threatening to "burn the house down" at WB, according to Variety.

If true, you'd have to say it worked ... they did keep Amber, although a handful of her scenes were cut down in the final edit of 'Aquaman 2; -- including a love scene with JM.

It's a peek behind the curtain amid a lot of speculation at the time over how much the Amber-Johnny saga had affected their respective work prospects -- especially for Amber, who came under intense criticism in the wake of Johnny's victory. Remember, fans wanted her character, Mera, completely recast, and a viral petition got started over it ... to no avail.

Now, 'A2' is set to hit theaters in December ... and time will tell what the box office will be. The first one was a massive success, but insiders say this new one hasn't landed so well with audiences in test screenings, which has spurred a number of reshoots/new cuts.

In any case, we've reached out to both Amber and Jason's teams ... so far, no word back.


Amber Heard le dijo a su terapeuta que Jason Momoa se vestía a propósito como su ex, Johnny Depp, durante el rodaje de la secuela de "Aquaman". Una de las muchas afirmaciones que acaban de salir a la luz.

La noticia viene por cortesía de los nuevos documentos legales del juicio por difamación de Amber del año pasado, que recientemente se hicieron públicos y detallan algunas alegaciones sorprendentes que hizo en las sesiones de terapia en 2021, cuando ella y Jason estaban trabajando en "Aquaman 2".

Durante una sesión en particular en diciembre de ese año, dijo que sentía que Jason estaba tratando de jugar con su mente, copiando intencionalmente el sentido de la moda de Depp, hasta sus múltiples anillos... según Variety.

Hay más acusaciones para Jason, incluyendo una afirmación de que estaba intoxicado en el set y que parecía estar buscando su despido.

Un representante de DC negó estas declaraciones diciendo: "Jason Momoa se comportó de manera profesional en todo momento en el set de "Aquaman y el Reino Perdido". Otra fuente le dijo a Variety que la moda de Jason refleja naturalmente un estilo bohemio y que esto no tenía que ver con la actriz.

Hay muchas más pepitas jugosas en los documentos, incluyendo la alegación de Warner/DC al intentar despedir a Amber antes del rodaje de "Aquaman 2", pero no a causa de su drama de Johnny, sino más bien por la falta de química con Jason.

El entonces novio de Amber, Elon Musk, le envió una carta al estudio antes de amenazar con "quemar la casa" en WB, según Variety.

De ser cierto, habría que decir que funcionó, ya que mantuvieron a Amber, aunque un puñado de sus escenas fueron recortadas en la edición final de "Aquaman 2", incluyendo una escena de amor con Jason.

Se trata de una mirada tras el telón en medio de muchas especulaciones sobre hasta qué punto la saga Amber/Johnny había afectado a sus respectivas perspectivas laborales, especialmente en el caso de Amber, que fue objeto de intensas críticas tras la victoria de Johnny. Recordemos que los fans querían a su personaje, Mera, completamente replanteado, y una petición viral se inició al respecto... aunque todo fue vano.

Ahora, "A2" está lista para llegar a los cines en diciembre y el tiempo mostrará los resultados. La primera fue un éxito masivo, pero los conocedores dicen que la nueva entrega no ha funcionado bien en las proyecciones de prueba, lo que ha estimulado una serie de reshoots y nuevos cortes.

En cualquier caso, nos hemos puesto en contacto con los equipos de Amber y Jason... de momento, sin noticias.

Jamie Foxx Se suma a las Halloween Horror Nights de Universal Al igual que otras celebridades!!!

Jamie Foxx estaba de humor para un poco de susto este fin de semana, ya que lo vimos recorriendo el parque temático de Universal Studios, en donde se encontró con sus fans y también con algunos monstruos.

El actor pasó por Halloween Horror Nights el domingo. En la foto lo vemos posando de pie alrededor de un grupo de actores disfrazados, que parecían más impresionados que asustados. Eso podría tener que ver con la postura de Jamie aquí, ¡en modo malote!

En efecto, Jamie marcó la pauta y el equipo de Halloween Horror Nights le siguió el juego, al parecer, algo muy diferente al modo en que la mayoría de los huéspedes son tratados cuando entran en estos espeluznantes terrenos. Por lo general, los visitantes son quienes son aterrorizados por los empleados, y las celebridades no están exentas de aquello.

Por cierto, Jamie no fue la única cara famosa que disfrutó de la velada. Otras estrellas como Ariana Madix de "Vanderpump" asistieron con algunos amigos, al igual que la ex estrella de "Euphoria", Barbie Ferreriera, y la gran Nicole Richie. Todos recibieron un tratamiento VIP.

Es probable que veamos muchas más celebridades en las próximas semanas. Halloween Horror Nights es una tradición de otoño en el sur de California y eso va para la élite de Hollywood también.

Ahora, está por verse si todos pueden conseguir una foto tan impresionante foto como esta...

Esperemos, además, que las estrellas se asusten de verdad en los laberintos, porque Dios sabe que no son un paseo por el parque ni mucho menos, y desde luego tampoco son aptos para quienes tienen un corazón débil. 😱

Jamie Foxx Hits Up Halloween Horror Nights ... And So Do Other Stars!!!

Jamie Foxx was in the mood for some late-night scares this weekend -- hitting up Universal Studios' creepy theme park after hours ... finding both fans and monsters.

The actor swung by Halloween Horror Nights Sunday, posing for a cool pic while standing around a bunch of the costumed actors, who seemed more star-struck than they did frightful. That might have to do with Jamie's stance here ... full-on bad ass mode!

Indeed, JF set the tone ... and the HHN crew followed, it seems. That's pretty different than how most guests get treated when they enter the spooky grounds -- usually, folks get followed around and terrorized by the employees ... and celebs aren't exempt.

BTW, Jamie wasn't the only famous face who was enjoying the evening ... other stars like Ariana Madix of 'Vanderpump' fame were in attendance with some pals, as was former "Euphoria" star Barbie Ferreriera and the great Nicole Richie. They all seemed to get the VIP treatment.

We'll probably see a lot more A-listers drop in over the next few weeks -- Halloween Horror Nights is a fall time tradition here in SoCal ... and that goes for Hollywood's elite too.

Now, whether they all get an awesome photo-op like this, though, remains to be seen.

Here's hoping they got some real screams in during the mazes -- lord knows those aren't a walk in the park by any stretch, and they're certainly not for the faint of heart either. 😱

Arnold Schwarzenegger My New Book Paves Path To a Successful Life!!!


Arnold Schwarzenegger has accomplished a lot in his life -- and now, he wants to spread the wealth of knowledge he's gained over the years with anyone willing to listen ... and read.

We talked to the 'Terminator' Monday on "TMZ Live" about the release of his new book, "Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life," which hits bookshelves on Oct. 10. Arnold was kind enough to break down his thought process in this latest endeavor.

Check it out ... AS tells us this book was written to help people of all kinds, but especially for those who feel aimless and without purpose. For those folks, Arnold's got big-time tips.

For starters, he preaches a mantra that he's been living for years now -- namely, ya gotta have a vision for yourself and where you see your life headed. Of course, that includes setting goals, taking steps to achieve those and most importantly, putting in the work.

He tells us there'll always be haters and naysayers along the way who might try to deter you in whatever it is you're attempting to conquer -- and to them, Arnie says tune 'em out.

As he explains here, there were A LOT of people who told him he wouldn't succeed in showbiz ... but, as we all know, Arnold went on to become one of the biggest movie stars ever. The body builder-turned-actor-turned-politician says you gotta use what others consider a flaw to your advantage -- and to do that, it'll take a bit of creative thinking and ingenuity, plus major willpower.

Point is, anything's possible, and Arnold's here to guide people to that realization with his new book. Feel free to grab it now -- or listen to the audio book, which he recorded -- the guy's full of wisdom and inspiration!


domina tus herramientas

Arnold Schwarzenegger ha logrado mucho en su vida, y ahora quiere difundir la riqueza de los conocimientos que ha adquirido a lo largo de los años con cualquier persona dispuesta a escuchar y leer.

Hablamos con "Terminator" el lunes en "TMZ Live" sobre el lanzamiento de su nuevo libro, "Sé útil: Siete herramientas para la vida", que saldrá a la venta el 10 de octubre. Arnold tuvo la amabilidad de explicar su proceso de pensamiento en este último trabajo.

Échale un vistazo, Arnold nos cuenta que este libro fue escrito para ayudar a las personas de todo tipo, pero especialmente para aquellos que se sienten sin rumbo y sin propósito. Para ellos, Arnold tiene grandes consejos.

Para empezar, predica un mantra que lleva viviendo desde hace años: tienes que tener una visión de ti mismo y de hacia dónde quieres dirigir tu vida. Por supuesto, eso incluye fijarse objetivos, tomar medidas para alcanzarlos y, lo más importante, trabajar.

Nos dice que siempre habrá enemigos y detractores en el camino que intentarán disuadirte de lo que sea que estés intentando conquistar, y a ellos, Arnie les dice que no les presten atención.

Como explica aquí, hubo MUCHA gente que le dijo que no triunfaría en el mundo del espectáculo pero, como todos sabemos, Arnold se convirtió en una de las mayores estrellas de cine de la historia. El culturista convertido en actor convertido en político dice que tienes que utilizar lo que otros consideran un defecto como tu ventaja, y para hacer eso, se necesita un poco de pensamiento creativo y el ingenio, además de una fuerza de voluntad importante.

El punto es; todo es posible, y Arnold está aquí para guiar a la gente a esa realización con su nuevo libro. No dudes en adquirirlo, ¡está lleno de sabiduría e inspiración!

Gigi Hadid & Bradley Cooper Back in the New York City Groove ... After Weekend Getaway

Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper aren't shying away from their romance anymore -- photographed in the same car, arriving back in NYC after a weekend away.

The new couple -- who made headlines last week after being spotted out to dinner -- got back in NYC Sunday ... after an apparent weekend getaway.

Gigi and Brad are in the Mercedes G-Wagon, BC in the driver's seat, and Gigi riding passenger. He parks the car, and she gets a bunch of stuff out of his trunk -- including a few overnight bags and other gear. Bradley does the same shortly thereafter.

They seem to try and stagger their exits from the vehicle here ... but the secret's out now -- they're definitely rolling as a duo, and it most certainly looks like they're a thing now.

Mind you, when they were snapped last week ... they definitely were trying to be more low-key than this. Gigi was following Brad in the street, with her trailing him far behind.

As far as any previous connection between them ... we haven't found much. However, they're both A-listers in NYC -- so it's not outside the realm of possibility they might've known each other/mutual friends over the years. They're certainly acquainted at this point.

It's a very interesting pairing ... especially when you consider GH was recently linked to one Leonardo DiCaprio -- with whom she'd been spotted out all over town earlier this year.

Now, she appears to have moved on with another Hollywood stud ... who's much older than her. Bradley's 48, and Gigi's 28 -- but at least they share parenthood in common! Brad's got 6-year-old Lea with Irina Shayk ... and Gigi's got a 3-year-old with her ex, Zayn Malik.

Perhaps step-parenting is in Gigi and Brad's future ... have fun, you two!


Gigi Hadid y Bradley Cooper ya no niegan su romance. Fueron fotografiados en el mismo carro llegando a Nueva York después de un fin de semana afuera.

La nueva pareja  —que fue noticia la semana pasada luego de ser vistos cenando— regresó a Nueva York el domingo después de una escapada de fin de semana.

Gigi y Brad están en el Mercedes G-Wagon, Cooper en el asiento del conductor y Gigi como pasajera. Él aparca el coche y ella saca un montón de cosas del maletero, incluidas unas cuantas maletas de viaje. Bradley hace lo mismo poco después.

No sabemos exactamente la seriedad del asunto, pero ya no queda ninguna duda de que ambos son pareja.

Eso sí, cuando fueron fotografiados la semana pasada (sin duda tratando de ser más discretos). Se podía ver a Gigi siguiendo a Brad en la calle, muy cerca pero no juntos.

En cuanto a cualquier conexión previa entre ellos, no hemos encontrado mucho. Sin embargo, ambos son de la crema y nata en Nueva York, por lo que hay muchas maneras en las que pudieron haberse conocido.

Es un emparejamiento muy interesante, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que Gigi fue recientemente vinculada a un tal Leonardo DiCaprio, con quien había sido vista por toda la ciudad a principios de este año.

Ahora, ella parece seguir adelante con otro galán de Hollywood (mucho mayor que ella). Bradley tiene 48 años y Gigi 28, pero al menos comparten la paternidad. Brad tiene una de seis años de edad —Lea— con Irina Shayk y Gigi tiene una de tres años de edad, con su ex, Zayn Malik.

Tal vez el futuro de Gigi y Brad sea ser padrastros ¡Que se diviertan!

Middle East Conflict Stars Show Support for Israel Little to None for Palestine

Hollywood's biggest stars have come out in support of Israel amid their ongoing conflict in the Middle East -- but there are hardly any backing Palestine ... at least not publicly.

The A-list crowd has been pouring out with social media tributes all weekend -- speaking on the violent clash ... and denouncing the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas. Some of those celebs who've voiced their solidarity with Israel include Gal Gadot, Madonna, Ashley Tisdale, Scooter Braun, Mark Hamill, Amy Schumer, Natalie Portman, Kris Jenner, Jamie Lee Curtis and more.

While a lot of these famous folks are posting simple "We Stand With Israel" messages -- others are offering a bit more of a nuanced take ... saying it's reasonable to both disagree with Israel's treatment of Palestinians AND disavow the unhinged violence on Israeli citizens.

That's a sentiment that's been widely embraced by people of late ... and we've been seeing that reflected in streets all over the U.S. -- with many Americans waving Palestinian flags and screaming "Free Palestine." As far as Hollywood's concerned though ... not very many are taking that firm of a stance on the issue -- save for a select few like Mia Khalifa, etc.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

There's 2 people, specifically, a lot of celebs are waiting to hear from ... and that would be Gigi and Bella Hadid, both of whom have remained silent -- this despite the fact they've been very vocal supporters of Palestine over the years, and sympathetic to their cause.

It's interesting ... the fact they haven't spoken up seems to have ruffled feathers in H'wood, with actress Sara Foster apparently calling them out -- but without naming names.

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Twitter/@theswtd, Instagram/@bellahadid

She writes, "Watching Palestinian influencers on here refuse to denounce hamas, refuse to speak out against the barbaric treatment of children, refuse to hope for peace, all while living in the comfort of the US with zero intention of ever being in Palestine because they could never be openly gay or openly post their bikini pics is sadly not shocking. It's easy to be outspoken from the comfort of your warm democratic bed." Sure sounds Hadid-related.

Interestingly enough, some have speculated the Hadid connection may be why Kylie Jenner posted but then deleted her "Support Israel" Instagram this weekend. She's pals with them.

In any case, it's clearly a divisive issue ... but just about every public figure is sending their thoughts and prayers to the innocent people being thrust into the middle of this nightmare.


The debate is sure to continue.

Halloween Costumes Barbie, Little Mermaid Hot Sellers

If there's a competition for the most popular Halloween costumes, Barbie and Ariel, the "Little Mermaid" are queens of the hill this year -- and everything related to those characters is flying off shelves.

A rep for tells TMZ ... those 2 themes have been knocking it out of the park for 2023, as expected with the popularity of their movies -- especially "Barbie" -- this year.

For Barbie, the company's officially licensed costumes have been selling 9x as much as they did last year ... and the site's "Barbie-Inspired" looks have also boosted 40%.

As for Ariel, her styles are up nearly 70% in 2023, too -- and the company is just hoping its inventory will be enough to get 'em through the spooky season!

Believe it or not, the movies aren't the only hot topics in the world of Halloween costumes ... we're told there's been a major spike in interest for Beyoncé and Taylor Swift looks -- obviously because of their extremely popular concert tours. has responded to the concert craze by making costume guides for each option -- a combination of some of the site's items that, when put together, make for a pretty great look-alike.

So if you wanna spend this Halloween with a life on tour, under the sea, or in plastic ... ya better act fast!

Disfraces de Halloween Barbie y La Sirenita son los más cotizados

Si hubiera una competencia por los disfraces de Halloween más populares, Barbie y La Sirenita serían las ganadoras, ¡porque ambas están agotando las estanterías este año!

Un representante de le informó a TMZ que estos disfraces han estado arrasando, sin duda gracias a los estrenos de este año.

En cuanto a Barbie, los disfraces con licencia oficial de la empresa se han vendido 9 veces más que el año pasado y los looks "inspirados en Barbie" también han aumentado un 40%.

¡En cuanto a Ariel, sus atuendos también han aumentado casi un 70% en 2023 y la compañía solo espera contar con el inventario suficiente para hacerle frente a la temporada!

Lo crean o no, las películas no son los únicos temas candentes en el mundo de los disfraces de Halloween. Nos dicen que también ha habido un aumento importante en el interés por Beyoncé y Taylor Swift, obviamente, debido a sus populares giras. ha respondido a la moda de los conciertos elaborando guías de disfraces para cada opción. Si combinas de algunos de los artículos del sitio, te darás cuenta de que al juntarlos dan lugar a un look bastante impresionante.

Así que si quieres pasar este Halloween como si estuvieras de gira, bajo el mar o como una muñeca Barbie, ¡más vale que te muevas rápido!


La actriz australiana Emily Browning tenía 15 años cuando interpretó a Violet Baudelaire, la huérfana inteligente que asume el papel de mamá y cuida de sus dos hermanos pequeños en la película "Una serie de eventos desafortunados", allá por 2004.

Emily compartió la gran pantalla con Jim Carrey interpretando al maloliente tío y villano que atormenta a los huérfanos jóvenes y ricos, el Conde Olaf. Liam Aiken como el inteligente hermano pequeño que se enfrenta a la muerte de sus padres, Klaus, y Meryl Streep como la fanática de la gramática, la tía Josephine.

Jude Law y Catherine O'Hara también participan en esta película de aventuras y fantasía.

¡Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora!

Violet Baudelaire In 'A Series Of Unfortunate Events' 'Memba Her?!

Australian actress Emily Browning was 15 years old when she played Violet Baudelaire -- the highly intelligent orphan who takes over as mom, looking after her two younger siblings -- in the movie "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" back in 2004.

Emily shared the big screen with Jim Carrey as the smelly uncle and villain who prays on young and wealthy orphans, Count Olaf, Liam Aiken as the smart younger brother navigating through the death of his parents, Klaus and Meryl Streep as the grammar-fanatic, Aunt Josephine.

Jude Law and Catherine O'Hara are also a part of the adventure/fantasy film.

Guess what she looks like now!

Greta Gerwig On To Next Project ... But It's Super, Super Scary!!!

Greta Gerwig is already circling her next movie -- but it ain't gonna be a walk in the park the way "Barbie" has been ... if anything, she makes it sound like the exact opposite.

The writer-director made an appearance Sunday at the London Film Festival -- where she went onstage for a sitdown interview with "Succession" creator Jesse Armstrong ... who asked her a bunch of questions, including what she had coming down the pike.

Gerwig didn't get into specifics about what exactly she was working on ... but confirmed she's already in the writing process for another feature, over which she's feeling apprehensive.

She says, "It’s hard and I’m having recurring nightmares." There's no video that's surfaced of her making this comment -- only recaps from outlets that were present -- so there's no real context as to the exact emphasis she placed on this, or what she even really means.

Some have characterized her remarks as feeling dread over re-entering the writing process ... but the quote on its own is a little strange, considering "Barbie" was light-hearted and easy viewing -- not to mention a complete home run crowd pleaser.

What we can surmise is that "Barbie 2" isn't what she's talking about. There's been no word on a green-lit sequel yet -- despite the OG's success -- any inkling of that would've leaked out by now if it was already happening. Then again, the WGA strike did just end -- so ... 🤷🏽‍♂️

Worth noting ... "Barbie" is Greta's first big mainstream blockbuster, and is incredibly different in tone from everything else she's worked on. She's got an indie background, and if her nightmare quip is any indication -- she might be headed into heavier waters for now.

Will Ferrell DJs at USC Frat Party ... Before Big Arizona Win


Will Ferrell reprised his role as Frank the Tank for a rager this weekend at USC -- only, this time, he was spinning records for the party animals ... and luckily, no streaking after.

The actor was spotted handling music duties at the Sigma Alpha Mu frat house in L.A. Saturday -- and based on the lighting ... it would appear this thing was a pre-game blowout that went down during the day, before kickoff in the evening.

There isn't much context beyond what you see in the clip ... it's WF with his shades on, blasting music from his turntable on a balcony -- with a bunch of college kids around.

Sounds like he was going old school with 'Eye Of the Tiger,' no doubt trying to pump everyone up before the big game against the University of Arizona -- which ended up turning into a nail-biter, going into triple OT and ending with a stunning victory for the Trojans.

As for what the connection is here ... well, Will's a USC alum and a known diehard fan -- has been for years. But more specifically, his 19-year-old son Magnus actually goes to USC right now ... and something tells us he might also be in this fraternity.

Assuming that's the case, you can put two and two together on Will's appearance here.


The homie can do it all for his alma mater ... whether it's in a commencement speech or turning up the student body for a big matchup -- Will's got the Trojans covered on all fronts.

Fight on, indeed.