Greta Gerwig On To Next Project ... But It's Super, Super Scary!!!

Greta Gerwig is already circling her next movie -- but it ain't gonna be a walk in the park the way "Barbie" has been ... if anything, she makes it sound like the exact opposite.

The writer-director made an appearance Sunday at the London Film Festival -- where she went onstage for a sitdown interview with "Succession" creator Jesse Armstrong ... who asked her a bunch of questions, including what she had coming down the pike.

Gerwig didn't get into specifics about what exactly she was working on ... but confirmed she's already in the writing process for another feature, over which she's feeling apprehensive.

She says, "It’s hard and I’m having recurring nightmares." There's no video that's surfaced of her making this comment -- only recaps from outlets that were present -- so there's no real context as to the exact emphasis she placed on this, or what she even really means.

Some have characterized her remarks as feeling dread over re-entering the writing process ... but the quote on its own is a little strange, considering "Barbie" was light-hearted and easy viewing -- not to mention a complete home run crowd pleaser.

What we can surmise is that "Barbie 2" isn't what she's talking about. There's been no word on a green-lit sequel yet -- despite the OG's success -- any inkling of that would've leaked out by now if it was already happening. Then again, the WGA strike did just end -- so ... 🤷🏽‍♂️

Worth noting ... "Barbie" is Greta's first big mainstream blockbuster, and is incredibly different in tone from everything else she's worked on. She's got an indie background, and if her nightmare quip is any indication -- she might be headed into heavier waters for now.

Will Ferrell DJs at USC Frat Party ... Before Big Arizona Win


Will Ferrell reprised his role as Frank the Tank for a rager this weekend at USC -- only, this time, he was spinning records for the party animals ... and luckily, no streaking after.

The actor was spotted handling music duties at the Sigma Alpha Mu frat house in L.A. Saturday -- and based on the lighting ... it would appear this thing was a pre-game blowout that went down during the day, before kickoff in the evening.

There isn't much context beyond what you see in the clip ... it's WF with his shades on, blasting music from his turntable on a balcony -- with a bunch of college kids around.

Sounds like he was going old school with 'Eye Of the Tiger,' no doubt trying to pump everyone up before the big game against the University of Arizona -- which ended up turning into a nail-biter, going into triple OT and ending with a stunning victory for the Trojans.

As for what the connection is here ... well, Will's a USC alum and a known diehard fan -- has been for years. But more specifically, his 19-year-old son Magnus actually goes to USC right now ... and something tells us he might also be in this fraternity.

Assuming that's the case, you can put two and two together on Will's appearance here.


The homie can do it all for his alma mater ... whether it's in a commencement speech or turning up the student body for a big matchup -- Will's got the Trojans covered on all fronts.

Fight on, indeed.


"eye of the tiger"

Will Ferrell retomó su papel de Hank the Tank para una fiesta este fin de semana en la USC, girando discos para los más fiesteros.

El actor fue visto encargándose de la música en la casa de la fraternidad Sigma Alpha Mu en Los Ángeles el sábado, y basándonos en la iluminación, parece que se trataba de una fiesta previa al partido.

No hay mucho contexto más allá de lo que se ve en el clip. Podemos ver al reconocido actor con lentes oscuros, música a todo volumen saliendo de su tocadiscos en un balcón y con un montón de chicos universitarios alrededor.

Sonó la clásica "Eye Of the Tiger" que dejó a todo el mundo supermotivado antes del gran partido contra la Universidad de Arizona. El juego terminó convirtiéndose en un espectáculo para comerse las uñas que finalizó con una sorprendente victoria de los Troyanos.

En cuanto la conexión... bueno, Will es un exalumno de USC y un fan acérrimo conocido. Pero más específicamente, su hijo Magnus de 19 años es alumno de la USC y algo nos dice que podría ser parte de la fraternidad.

justo lo que me recomendó el doc

El hombre lo hace todo por su hijo... ya sea un discurso de graduación o encendiendo el cuerpo estudiantil para un gran partido, Will tiene a los Trojans cubierto.

Como diría Sly "¡Keep punching!"

GRETA GERWIG "Es duro y tengo pesadillas recurrentes" pistas de su próximo proyecto

Greta Gerwig ya está pensando en su próxima película y al parecer no va a ser un paseo por el parque como "Barbie".

La guionista y directora hizo una aparición el domingo en el Festival de Cine de Londres, donde subió al escenario para una entrevista con el creador de "Succession" Jesse Armstrong quien le hizo un montón de preguntas, incluyendo lo que tenía por venir.

Gerwig no entró en detalles sobre lo que estaba trabajando exactamente, pero confirmó que ya está en el proceso de escritura de otro largometraje sobre el que se siente aprensiva.

Dice: "Es duro y tengo pesadillas recurrentes". No hay ningún video de ella haciendo este comentario, solo nos podemos guiar por la información proporcionada por algunos presentes, por lo que no hay contexto real en cuanto al énfasis exacto o lo que realmente quiso decir.

Algunos han relacionado sus comentarios a un sentimiento de temor por volver a entrar en el proceso de escritura, pero la cita por sí sola es un poco extraña, teniendo en cuenta que "Barbie" era alegre y fácil de ver, además de un completo éxito de taquilla.

Lo que podemos suponer es que no se refiere a "Barbie 2". Aún no se sabe nada de una secuela, y a pesar del éxito de la original, cualquier indicio ya se habría filtrado si estuviera en marcha. Por otro lado, la huelga de la WGA acaba de terminar, así que... 🤷🏽‍♂️

Vale la pena señalar que "Barbie" es la primera gran superproducción de Greta, y es increíblemente diferente en el tono a todo lo demás en lo que ha trabajado. Sus orígenes están en el indie, así que sus comentarios podrían referirse a una historia bastante más densa.

TOM HIDDLESTON ¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

Los looks de Tom Hiddleston a lo largo de los años son de lo más 'Loki' ¡bajo perfil!

Aquí tenemos una versión del actor a los 30 años, cuando se veía increíblemente guapo todo afeitado para el estreno de "Thor" en el Teatro El Capitán en Hollywood, allá por 2011 (izquierda). Este fue su papel revelación como Loki.

Y 12 años después, la estrella de Marvel sigue acaparando la atención de las cámaras con su llamativa sonrisa y sus brillantes ojos azules. Recientemente, asistió al lanzamiento de una fragancia en su ciudad natal de Londres, Inglaterra (derecha).

La segunda temporada de "Loki" se estrenó a principios de esta semana y claramente el Sr. Hiddleston todavía tiene lo suyo, pero la pregunta es...

Tom Hiddleston ...

Tom Hiddleston Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Tom Hiddleston's looks over the years are 'Loki' low-key hot!

Here is a 30-year-old version of the devilishly handsome actor, clean-shavin' for the premiere of "Thor" at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood back in 2011 (left). This was his breakout role as the broad-shouldered Loki.

And, 12 years later the Marvel star is still out here grabbing the camera's attention with his flashy smile and sparkly blue eyes -- recently attending a fragrance launch event in his hometown of London, England (right).

Season 2 of "Loki" premiered earlier this week, and clearly, Mr. Hiddleston can still get it, but the question is ...

Tom Hiddleston ...

Juego de celebridades ¡Adivina quién es!

Detrás de esta foto, hay una nativa de Georgia con un nombre muy conocido. Lleva arrasando desde finales de los 80, pero ¿tienes la habilidad de adivinar quién es esta "Pretty Woman"? ¡Lo tienes!

Además de su sonrisa y su risa contagiosa, tiene una capacidad para emocionarse mucho, como cuando estaba viendo una representación de ópera con Richard Gere. Y si necesitas una cita para la boda de tu mejor amigo, ¡seguro que querrás llevarla como acompañante!

¡No huyas de esta celebridad antes de adivinar quién es!

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Behind this mashed-up pic is a Georgia peach native with a household name. She's been killin' the game since the late 80s, but do you have the skills to guess this "Pretty Woman?" You've got this!

Aside from her infectious smile and contagious laugh ... she knows how to put on the waterworks when it counts ... like when she's watching an opera performance with Richard Gere. And, If you need a date to your best friend's wedding, you'll surely want to bring her as your plus one!

Don't runaway from this Tinker Bell before guessing who it is!

British Filmmaker Terence Davies Dead at 77

Terence Davies -- a staple director in modern British cinema -- has died.

His own social media account made the sad announcement Saturday, posting a photo of Davies and writing ... "It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Terence Davies, who died peacefully at home after a short illness, today on 7th October 2023."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

There are a couple of axioms/poems attached as well touching on the fleeting nature of life. In his IG Story, there's a touching obit attached, noting him as a filmmaker of poignant films.

Davies is perhaps best known for his slice-of-life aesthetic -- which was always infused in his films depicting Brits throughout different time periods ... especially the working class. The one film he'll for sure be remembered for is 'Distant Voices, Still Lives' -- a famed 2-parter.

He's got several other standout films ... like 'Benediction,' 'A Quiet Passion,' 'The Deep Blue Sea,' 'The Long Day Closes,' 'Sunset Song' and 'House of Mirth,' among others.

Davies' movies were often nominated for international awards, including BAFTAs, and he tended to do well at film festivals overseas as well. He'd worked alongside some big time actors over the years -- Cynthia Nixon, Dan Aykroyd, Laura Linney, Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Bonnar, Gillian Anderson, Emma Bell, Pete Postlethwaite and more.

He was 77.


Olivia Wilde Backlash Over Taylor Climate Post Ya Globetrotted w/ Harry!!!

Olivia Wilde thinks Taylor Swift should spotlight real issues, like environmentalism, instead of football -- but some are noting ... she left a big carbon footprint with Harry Styles.

The director/actress is catching flak from Swifties far and wide over a tweet she reposted on her Instagram Stories Friday -- which reads, "I wish Taylor Swift was in love with a climate scientist." Olivia didn't add any extra commentary -- but the sentiment is clear enough.

Of course, many are taking OW's cosigned remarks as straight-up shade toward Taylor and Travis Kelce's relationship ... and it's not going over well among TS's fan base.

One of the biggest criticisms, it seems, lies in the fact that Olivia herself was also recently dating a major pop star -- with whom she traversed the globe over the past few years ... whether it was to promote their film, support his concerts or simply to vacation.

Indeed, Olivia and HS have gone all over together ... jet-setting from L.A. to NYC and to Vegas and Raleigh, NC -- not to mention hitting up Santa Barbara. Overseas, they were photographed in Italy, France and the UK In other words, quite a bit of traveling.

Naturally, in order to have gone to most, if not all, these locations -- they've had to take planes ... and that undoubtedly hurts the environment, something that's being pointed out in the all the backlash aimed at Olivia. While she's been an outspoken advocate for climate change -- even launching an eco-friendly clothing brand -- some say ... this is a bad look.

It's certainly possible that Olivia pays for carbon offsets, etc. -- but in any case ... her opinion seems to have backfired, even if her heart was in the right place. Swing and a miss.

El Exorcista: Creyente Flojo comienzo de taquilla... Tras una inversión de 400 millones de dólares

La nueva película de "El exorcista" no está recaudando tanto dinero como le gustaría a su estudio, lo que no es una gran noticia teniendo en cuenta que se gastaron casi 500 millones de dólares para ponerla en marcha.

Las cifras de taquilla del primer día de "El exorcista: Believer', de David Gordon Green, son, cuando menos, decepcionantes, con solo 11,9 millones de dólares recaudados el viernes, lo que incluye unos 2,8 millones de dólares en los preestrenos del jueves.

A este ritmo, la proyección para el fin de semana de 3 días es de unos 28 millones de dólares en el país, que es inferior a las estimaciones iniciales para esta película de terror, que estaban en torno a los $30 y $35 millones.

Por supuesto, cuando la película de Taylor Swift se estrene la semana que viene, es casi seguro que borrará del mapa a "El exorcista: Believer', por lo que en general, esta última entrega, o eboot no parece estar en camino a hacer grandes ganancias. Y eso es preocupante para Universal.

¿La razón? El estudio gastó una fortuna para obtener los derechos de la franquicia 'El Exorcista', más de 400 millones de dólares, y están planeando producir otras dos secuelas después de esta. A pesar de las malas críticas y de la decepcionante taquilla, puedes apostar a que seguirán adelante con el plan: han gastado demasiado dinero para no hacerlo.

Para colmo, el nuevo filme está siendo vapuleado por la crítica, con una puntuación del 23% en Rotten Tomatoes.

'Exorcist: Believer' Sluggish Box Office Start ... After $400M Investment

The new 'Exorcist' movie isn't raking in as much dough as its parent studio would like -- which isn't great news considering almost half a billion dollars was spent to get it going.

Here's the deal ... the first-day box office numbers for David Gordon Green's 'Exorcist: Believer' are in -- and they're underwhelming to say the least ... just $11.9 million from Friday's haul, which includes about $2.8 million in Thursday previews.

At this pace, the projection for the 3-day weekend is about $28 million domestically ... which is lower than what the initial estimates had this horror flick making, about $30-$35 million.

Of course, when the Taylor Swift movie comes out next week ... it's almost sure to wipe 'Exorcist: Believer' completely off the map -- so, big picture, this latest installment/reboot doesn't appear to be on track for major gains ... and that's troubling for Universal.

The reason ... the studio spent a fortune to attain the rights to the 'Exorcist' franchise -- upwards of $400 million -- and they're planning on cranking out 2 more sequels after this. Despite poor reviews and an underwhelming box office, you can bet they're gonna chug right along and crap those out in the next few years -- they spent way too much $$$ not to.

Adding insult to injury, this new requel is getting panned by critics. It's got a 23% RT score.

LINDSAY LOHAN Filma anuncio de 'Mean Girls' Con las co-protagonistas de la película

Lindsay Lohan aparentemente repitió su famoso papel de la película "Mean Girls", pero esta vez fue para un próximo anuncio de Pepsi.

Al parecer, la actriz y nueva madre, rodó el anuncio con Amanda Seyfried y Lacey Chabert, ambas compañeras de Lindsay en la exitosa película de 2004.

Fotos obtenidas por TMZ muestran a las mujeres juntas en el set de Los Ángeles el viernes, y todas estaban relajadas y sonrientes.

Lindsay llevaba una cartera con la etiqueta "Plastic Clubs Member, Est. 2004", que era el nombre del grupo "Mean Girls" en la película. En el bolso también aparecía su notable eslogan: "Los miércoles vestimos de rosa".

Seyfried y Chabert posaron para las fotos en un carro descapotable y en un campo de fútbol.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Para quienes no sepan, "Mean Girls" fue un éxito masivo de taquilla y estuvo protagonizada por Lindsay como Cady Heron, Amanda como Karen Smith y Lacey como Gretchen Wieners. La película sigue las experiencias de las tres chicas en la escuela.

Hace apenas unos meses Lindsay tuvo a su primer bebé con su marido, Bader Shammas, en julio. La pareja llamó al niño Luai.

Lindsay Lohan Shoots Apparent 'Mean Girls' Ad With Movie's Costars

Lindsay Lohan apparently reprised her famous role from the film, "Mean Girls," but this time it was for an upcoming Pepsi ad.

The actress -- and new mom -- seemingly shot the ad with Amanda Seyfried and Lacey Chabert, both of whom were Lindsay's costars in the 2004 hit movie.

Photos obtained by TMZ show the women together on set in Los Angeles Friday -- and they all were relaxed and smiling.

Lindsay was holding a pocketbook labeled, "Plastic Clubs Member, Est. 2004," which was the name of the "Mean Girls" group in the flick. The bag also featured their notable tagline, “On Wednesdays, we wear pink.”

Seyfried and Chabert were posing for snapshots in a convertible car and on a football field.

For anyone who doesn't know, "Mean Girls" was a massive success at the box office and starred Lindsay as Cady Heron, Amanda as Karen Smith and Lacey as Gretchen Wieners. The plot follows Cady as she moves to suburban Illinois and enrolls in a public high school, where she joins a "Mean Girls" clique.

Meanwhile, Lindsay had her first baby with husband Bader Shammas in July. The couple named the boy, Luai.

Ariana Grande, Dalton Gomez Divorce Settled Prenup and Payout

Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez have made quick work out of their divorce, settling up just weeks after they filed to end their marriage.

There weren't a whole lot of contentious issues ... there was a prenup, and, as we reported when we broke the story, Ariana cut Dalton a check ... and according to the settlement Dalton will receive $1,250,000, tax-free. Dalton is getting the money upfront, so there will be no spousal support.

Dalton will also receive 1/2 of the net proceeds from the sale of their L.A. home. And, Ariana will pay up to $25,000 of Dalton's attorney's fees.

A source close to the situation tells us, "There is still a strong mutual love and respect between Ariana and Dalton and they wanted to make sure everything was done right in lockstep with one another."

The settlement is standard operating procedure for Ariana's lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser, who tries -- usually successfully -- to quickly settle even the most contentious divorces. You'll recall, she recently settled the bitter divorce between Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner.

The settlement has been filed with the court, and all that's left is for the judge to sign and they will be single again.

Ariana is in deep with her newest boo, "Wicked" co-star Ethan Slater, and we're told Dalton is dating as well.

The date of separation on the divorce docs is February 20, but they didn't file for divorce until last month.

We're told the 2 are parting company with no hard feelings, so it's as clean as it can be.

Ariana Grande, Dalton Gomez Divorcio resuelto Acuerdo prenupcial y pago

Ariana Grande y Dalton Gomez han resuelto rápidamente su divorcio, llegando a un acuerdo apenas unas semanas después de que presentaran la demanda para poner fin a su matrimonio.

En este caso, no había un montón de cuestiones polémicas, sino un acuerdo prenupcial, tal como informamos cuando dimos la noticia. Ariana firmará un cheque, que según el acuerdo, correspondería a $1,250,000, libres de impuestos. Dalton está recibiendo el dinero por adelantado, por lo que no habría manutención conyugal.

También recibirá la mitad de los ingresos netos de la venta de su casa de Los Ángeles. Y Ariana pagará hasta $25.000 de los honorarios del abogado de Dalton.

Una fuente cercana a la situación nos dice: "Todavía hay un fuerte amor mutuo y respeto entre Ariana y Dalton y querían asegurarse de que todo se hiciera bien".

El acuerdo es el procedimiento operativo estándar para la abogada de Ariana, la experta Laura Wasser, que utiliza para resolver rápidamente incluso los divorcios más polémicos, por lo general con éxito. Como recordarán, recientemente resolvió el amargo divorcio de Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner.

El acuerdo ha sido presentado en el juzgado y solo falta que el juez lo firme para que vuelvan a estar solteros.

Ariana está muy enganchada con su nuevo amante, el coprotagonista de "Wicked", Ethan Slater, y nos dicen que Dalton también está saliendo con alguien.

La fecha de separación en los documentos es el 20 de febrero, pero no solicitaron el divorcio hasta el mes pasado.

Nos dicen que los dos se separan sin resentimientos, por lo que esta disolución es tan limpia como un divorcio puede ser.