Celebs Hit Halloween Horror Nights Scary Fun Photos!

Have no fear, Halloween Horror Nights is here! With Halloween quickly approaching, even the celebs are feening for some fright at night, and that's why they're hitting up Universal Studios with the expectation of getting spooked TF out!!!

As you may be aware, the L.A. theme park doors have creaked open at Halloween Horror Nights, and the stars have stepped right up ... ready for thrills, chills and freaky haunted mazes!

To kick off the A-list name-drops ... Demi Lovato and Travis Barker hit the mazes running -- but not without first snapping a spooky selfie with some scary-lookin' peeps!

JoJo Siwa also came through with a double thumbs-up, while the creepy characters took over the (dance) floor, upstaging her giddiness with their fake blood and violent props!

And, Siwa wasn't the "only fan" in attendance at the iconic attraction ... Bella Thorne stood by for a spirited snap and let the dressed-up folks commit to their bit (being as in-your-face as humanly possible ... without touching the attendees of course!)

Hollywood is getting lit up at Horror Nights, and there continues to be an influx of celeb visitors ... Amber Rose, Charli D'Amelio, Kenan Thompson and Alesso have all been unmasked and entertained with some friendly frights.

And, take a whack at our "Inside Halloween Horror Nights" gallery to see what goes down behind these terrifying scare zones ... 'tis the Spooky Season!

Hallowen Horror Nights Celebridades se lucen con divertidas fotos

No tengan miedo, ¡la noche más espeluznante del año casi está aquí! Con Halloween acercándose rápidamente, incluso los famosos están deseando pasar un susto, ¡¡¡y por eso están yendo a Universal Studios con la expectativa de salir espantados!!

Como ya sabrán, las puertas del parque temático de Los Ángeles está abierto para sus Halloween Horror Nights, y las estrellas se han acercado para vivir emociones, sentir algunos escalofríos y pasear por sus terroríficos laberintos embrujados.

Para empezar, tenemos a Demi Lovato y Travis Barker, quienes llegaron corriendo a los laberintos, ¡pero no sin antes tomarse una selfie con algunos personajes!

JoJo Siwa también se tomó una selfie con los dedos hacia arriba, mientras los espeluznantes personajes se apoderaban de la pista (de baile), eclipsando con sus accesorios.

Y Siwa no fue la única fan que asistió a la icónica atracción. Bella Thorne se quedó para una instantánea animada y dejó a los anfitriones del lugar hacer su parte.

Hollywood se está prendiendo con Horror Nights. Otros famosos que se han acercado al parque de atracciones son Amber Rose, Charli D'Amelio, Kenan Thompson y Alesso.

Y echa un vistazo a nuestra galería 'Dentro de Halloween Horror Nights' para ver lo que pasa detrás de estas zonas de terror. ¡La temporada de Halloween ha comenzado!

Corey Feldman Famous Jacket's Been Found ... After Claiming It Was Stolen

Corey Feldman can relax ... he's getting back his studded leather jacket from "Dream a Little Dream" -- just a couple days after he said it was stolen, which now seems like a slight overreaction.

The manager for the 'Goonies' star tells TMZ ... an employee at the New Jersey restaurant where Corey was performing live music apparently found the jacket in a bathroom, and locked it in an office.

Remember, Corey hopped on social media Wednesday and franticly posted a thread in ALL CAPS about his coveted jacket being stolen from backstage, and wondered who would have the audacity to take such a beloved item from his wardrobe.

Now it sounds like Corey was seriously jumping the gun with his assumption someone walked off with it, and his manager says they're hoping to pick up the jacket today.

Of course, one reason Corey might have assumed the worst is that his jacket was legitimately stolen once before in L.A., only for it to pop up years later at a Boston flea market and make its way back to Corey.

This time, Corey lost the jacket during his Sunday gig at Homestead Bar & Kitchen in Morristown, NJ. A rep from the bar confirmed the jacket was found in the very bathroom where Corey changed ... so, no big mystery on how it ended up there.

The jacket, which Corey wore in "The 'Burbs" and "Married With Children," holds sentimental value for him ... he says it's a reminder of his late friend, actor Corey Haim.

No word if Corey's going to dish out the $1,000 reward he offered for info on the jacket's whereabouts.


Corey Feldman dice que su chaqueta de cuero con tachuelas de "Dream a Little Dream" fue robada durante un concierto reciente (otra vez) y la ex estrella infantil está empeñada en recuperarla.

La estrella de "Los Goonies" (entre muchas otras), dice que estaba actuando el domingo en Nueva Jersey cuando alguien fue detrás del escenario y le robó la chaqueta delante de sus narices.

Corey dice que le enfurece mucho que alguien tenga la audacia de robar lo que él considera un "artefacto sagrado en su vida" y dice que se siente triste y herido, en parte porque le recuerda a su difunto amigo, el actor Corey Haim.

Es la segunda vez que este artículo desaparece, como informamos, fue robado en 2011 mientras Corey estaba pasando el rato en la Casa del Blues en Los Ángeles, solo para que resurgiera años más tarde en un mercado de las pulgas en Boston, y en última instancia, hacer su camino de regreso a Corey.

Esta vez, Corey dice que fue robado de Homestead Bar & Kitchen en Morristown, Nueva Jersey, y está ofreciendo una recompensa de $1,000 por cualquier información sobre el incidente o el paradero de la chaqueta.

Corey la ha usado en películas como "Dream a Little Dream" y "The 'Burbs", así como para una aparición como invitado en "Married With Children", y dice que la ha usado en el escenario en cada una de sus actuaciones desde entonces.

Corey Feldman My Famous Jacket's Been Jacked Again!!!

Corey Feldman says his studded leather jacket from "Dream a Little Dream" was stolen during a recent gig ... again ... and the former child star is hellbent on getting it back.

The "Goonies" star says he was performing Sunday in New Jersey when someone went backstage and swiped the jacket right from under his nose.

Corey says he's furious someone would have the audacity to steal what he considers a "sacred artifact from his life" ... and he says he's feeling sad and hurt, in part because it reminds him of his late friend, actor Corey Haim.

It's the second time this wardrobe item's gone missing ... as we reported, it was stolen in 2011 while Corey was hanging out at the House of Blues in L.A., only for it to resurface years later at a Boston flea market, and ultimately make its way back to Corey.

This time, Corey says it was stolen from Homestead Bar & Kitchen in Morristown, NJ ... and he's offering a $1,000 reward for any info about the incident or the jacket's whereabouts.

Corey's worn it in movies like "Dream a Little Dream" and "The 'Burbs" ... as well as for a guest appearance on "Married With Children," and he says he's worn it onstage at every one of his performances ever since.

Now, it sounds like Corey will be without the jacket at his next gig ... and he says it's "truly unfortunate" fans will no longer get to "experience seeing this piece of cinematic history."


La Semana de la Moda de París ha terminado, pero la fiesta sigue para las chinches que han tenido la suerte de viajar con las estrellas de Hollywood de regreso a EE.UU. Una organización especializada en estas plagas ha lanzado una severa advertencia.

El Dr. Jim Fredericks —un entomólogo certificado y Vicepresidente Senior de Asuntos Públicos de la Asociación Nacional de Control de Plagas— le dijo a TMZ que las chinches son autoestopistas muy capaces, por lo que la posibilidad de un viaje a los Estados desde París infestado sigue siendo alta. Sin embargo, hay medidas que los famosos pueden tomar para evitar esa pesadilla.

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Para empezar, el Dr. Fredericks dice que todos los famosos que asistieron a desfiles de moda o se alojaron en hoteles de lujo de París deben inspeccionar a fondo tanto su equipaje como su ropa de cama. Eso también incluye a los que se alojaron en los hoteles más lujosos; ya sea de cinco estrellas o de una, a las chinches les da igual y tienden a colarse en cualquier sitio.

Además de buscar chinches vivas, el doctor dice que cualquier signo de exoesqueletos o manchas fecales son buenos indicios de un problema de chinches. Como medida preventiva, explica que lo más sensato es guardar el equipaje fuera de las habitaciones durante las visitas.

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Además, es aconsejable inspeccionar a fondo las maletas, mochilas, etc. antes de coger un vuelo de vuelta a casa para evitar que los bichos salten de continente.

Aunque estés seguro de que tu equipaje está libre de chinches, El Dr. Fredericks dice que cualquiera que visite París debería lavar a fondo toda su ropa y secarla a alta temperatura. Una vez de vuelta en los EE.UU., dice que es mejor prevenir que curar, por lo que una limpieza en seco no estaría de más tampoco.

Mientras que los chinches chupadores de sangre no suponen un riesgo de propagación de enfermedades, pueden ser una gran molestia una vez que se han establecido. Sin embargo, todo se puede evitar siendo preventivo.

¡Cuanto más sepas mejor!

Paris Fashion Week Pest Org Warns Celebs ... Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home!!!

Paris Fashion Week is over, but the party's still going for the bed bugs lucky enough to hitch a ride with Hollywood A-listers flying back to the U.S. ... and now an org specializing in the creepy crawly pests is offering a stern warning.

Dr. Jim Fredericks -- a board-certified entomologist and senior public affairs VP at the National Pest Management Association -- tells TMZ ... bed bugs are highly capable hitchhikers, so the possibility of them catching a ride to the States from infested Paris remains high. However, there are measures celebs can take to avoid that nightmare.

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For starters, Dr. Fredericks says any celebs who attended fashion shows or bunked up at bougie Paris hotels need to do a hardcore inspection of their luggage and bedding alike -- and that includes those who stayed at the ritziest of hotels. 5-stars or one, bed bugs don't care, and tend to worm their way into any setting.

On top of looking for live bed bugs, the doc says any signs of exoskeletons or fecal spots are good indications of a bed bug problem. Preventatively, he explains the wise move is storing luggage outside of bedrooms during visits.

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Additionally, a thorough inspection of suitcases/backpacks, etc. is smart before catching a flight back home ... to prevent the critters from hopping continents.

Even if you're sure your gear is bed bug-free ... Dr. Fredericks says anyone visiting Paris oughta do a thorough wash of all their clothes, and dry them on a high heat setting. Once back in the U.S., he says it's better to be safe than sorry ... so, a dry clean wouldn't hurt either.

While blood-sucking bed bugs don't pose a risk of spreading disease, per se, they can be a major nuisance once they've set up shop ... all of which can be averted with preemptive action.

The more you know!

Drew Barrymore Head Writers Won't Return for Show ... The Damage Is Done!!!

Drew Barrymore's actions during the writers' strike appear to have royally pissed off the top writers on her talk show, because they're quitting ... refusing to work when the show returns, post-strike.

A trio of co-head writers who worked on "The Drew Barrymore Show" pre-strike have reportedly turned down offers to come back and work for her syndicated daytime program -- which leaves the production in hurry-up mode to hire some new scribes ... per THR.

These writers turning their backs on Drew are Chelsea White, Cristina Kinon and Liz Koe -- and they've been working on DB's show since season 1.

While the WGA strike was ongoing, however, they could be seen picketing outside of CBS's NYC office on multiple occasions. And, when Drew announced she was prematurely bringing her show back (before the strike was over) a couple of them openly expressed disappointment in their boss ... echoing the backlash Drew received at large.

Of course, Drew ended up reversing course and ultimately held off on having her talk show return to the air -- as did several other hosts -- but clearly the relationship between Drew and her head writers was damaged.

Not too long after that ... the AMPTP and WGA ended up striking a deal, and the picketing writers were given the green light to go back to work.

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Instagram / @drewbarrymore

Now that Drew's without her key writers, it's unclear if this will affect her official return date -- which was just announced as Oct. 16. Their departure certainly throws a wrench in the works.

Stay tuned ...

Drew Barrymore Sus guionistas no volverán al show El daño está hecho...

Las acciones de Drew Barrymore durante la huelga de guionistas parecen haber cabreado a los escritores principales de su programa de entrevistas, pues estas han decidido renunciar... al negarse a trabajar cuando el programa regrese ahora que la paralización terminó.

Un trío de coguionistas que trabajaron en "The Drew Barrymore Show" antes de la huelga rechazaron la oferta para volver y trabajar en su programa diurno, lo que deja a la producción en apuros para contratar a nuevas plumas, según Hollywood Reporter.

Los guionistas que le están dando la espalda a Drew son Chelsea White, Cristina Kinon y Liz Koe, y han estado trabajando en el show de la actriz desde la temporada 1.

Durante la huelga de guionistas se pudo ver a las tres protestando frente a las oficinas de CBS en Nueva York en múltiples ocasiones. Y cuando Drew anunció que iba a traer prematuramente de vuelta su show (antes de que la huelga terminara) algunas expresaron abiertamente su decepción, haciendo eco de la violenta reacción que recibió Drew.

Por supuesto, la actriz terminó revirtiendo su decisión y en última instancia se contuvo de volver al aire, al igual que otros varios anfitriones, pero es evidente que la relación entre Drew y sus escritores de cabecilla se dañó.

Poco después del incidente, la AMPTP y la WGA lograron llegar a un acuerdo y los escritores en huelga fueron autorizados a volver al trabajo.

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Instagram / @drewbarrymore

Ahora que Drew no cuenta con sus guionistas clave, no está claro si esto afectará la fecha oficial de regreso, que acaba de ser anunciada para el 16 de octubre. Su salida sin duda comienza con algunos tropiezos.

Manténganse en sintonía ...

KEVIN SPACEY directo AL HOSPITAL Miedo a un ataque al corazón

Kevin Spacey corrió al hospital luego de sentir los mismos síntomas de un ataque cardíaco.

Spacey habló sobre el susto que pasó en Uzbekistán durante el Festival Internacional de Cine de Tashkent durante la ceremonia de clausura la noche del lunes, diciendo que todo su brazo se entumeció durante unos 8 segundos mientras tomaba un tour por el Museo Afrasiyab en la ciudad de Samarcanda temprano durante el día.

la revelación de spacey

Ante el temor de sufrir un ataque al corazón, Kevin corrió al hospital.

Por suerte para Kevin y los organizadores del festival, todo terminó bien y fue capaz de asistir al festival y dar un discurso más tarde esa misma noche.

Spacey dijo que la terrible experiencia le hizo apreciar mucho más la vida y felicitó a los cineastas del festival por todo el trabajo que hacen para contar sus historias. También aplaudió al festival por ofrecer oportunidades a los futuros narradores para crecer.

Como se sabe, Spacey ha estado fuera de los focos de Hollywood desde que fue acusado y finalmente absuelto de agredir sexualmente a múltiples hombres. El ex protagonista de "House of Cards" dijo a principios de esta semana que sus mejores papeles están aún por llegar, anunciando su regreso en la capital de Tashkent durante el fin de semana.

Kevin Spacey Rushed To Hospital ... Fear Of Heart Attack

Kevin Spacey feared he could be suffering a very serious medical emergency overseas ... rushing to the hospital after having symptoms of a heart attack.

Spacey spoke about the health scare in Uzbekistan at the Tashkent International Film Festival during its closing ceremony Monday night ... saying his entire arm went numb for about 8 seconds while taking a tour of the Afrasiyab Museum in the city of Samarkand earlier in the day.


Fearing he was having a heart attack, Kevin says he raced to the hospital.

Lucky for Kevin, and festival organizers, he ended up being fine -- and was able to attend the festival and give a speech later that night.

Spacey said that frightening ordeal made him appreciate life a lot more ... and congratulated the filmmakers at the festival for all the hard work they do to tell their stories. He also applauded the festival for providing opportunities for upcoming storytellers to grow.

As you know, Spacey has been out of the Hollywood limelight since being accused and eventually cleared of sexually assaulting multiple men. The former "House of Cards" star said earlier this week his best roles were still to come, announcing his comeback in the capital of Tashkent over the weekend.

Michael Myers Actor Tyler Mane Careful With Prop Knives, Britney ... They Can Still Hurt You!!!


Tyler Mane, famous for playing Michael Myers on the big screen, is an expert on prop knives ... and despite their dull edges, he says they can still hurt someone like Britney Spears.

We got the "Halloween" star at LAX and our photog asked him to weigh in on Britney's knife dancing controversy ... playing him a clip of her clanking knives together, which she insists are just props.

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Tyler says Britney could be wielding prop knives, based on the sounds they're making, and he tells us how they're different from real knives ... basically, prop knives have dull edges and a dulled tip.

Remember ... this guy knows his stuff, he's used tons of real and prop knives on the set of 2 movies as notorious serial killer Michael Myers.

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But, Tyler's not saying prop knives are inherently safe ... warning they still pose a danger if the person wielding them isn't careful.

Britney's fans aren't buying her prop knife explanation ... because she's also on video with a bandage on her arm and a cut on her leg ... and cops went to her house to do a welfare check, which didn't go over so well with Britney.

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Bottom line from Tyler ... Britney's gotta know what she's doing if she's going to play with knives, prop or not.

ACTOR DE MICHAEL MYERS Cuidado con los cuchillos falsos, Britney... ¡¡También pueden dañarte!!

Háganme caso

Tyler Mane, famoso por interpretar a Michael Myers en la gran pantalla, es un experto en cuchillos de utilería, y a pesar de que sus bordes no causan dolor, también pueden herir a alguien como Britney Spears.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "Halloween" en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles y nuestro fotógrafo le pidió que opinara sobre Britney y su polémico video, en donde aparece chocando dos cuchillos, los que ella insiste que no son reales.

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Por favor, son falsos!!!

Tyler dice que Britney podría estar usando cuchillos de utilería, por los sonidos que está haciendo, y nos explica las diferencias que tienen con los reales. Básicamente, los cuchillos de utilería no tienen bordes ni una punta afilada.

Recuerden, este tipo sabe de lo que habla, ha utilizado toneladas de cuchillos reales y falsos en el set en las dos películas como el notorio asesino en serie Michael Myers.

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Tyler está diciendo que los cuchillos de utilería no son intrínsecamente seguros, advirtiendo que todavía representan un peligro si la persona que los empuña no tiene cuidado.

Los fans de Britney no están creyendo su explicación de que son de utilería porque en otro video aparece con un vendaje en el brazo y un corte en la pierna. Los policías fueron a su casa para chequear que todo esté bien, lo que no le cayó muy bien a Britney.

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En palabras simples, Britney tiene que saber lo que hace si va a jugar con cuchillos, ya sean falsos o no...


Antes de que esta chica de rosa le pusiera voz a Beaver Girl en la película "Ice Age: El amanecer de los dinosaurios", ya patinaba sobre hielo y crecía como actriz infantil en Los Ángeles California con sus dos hermanas mayores.

Protagonizó la película "The Kissing Booth" junto a Jacob Elordi, y cuando no está leyendo sus guiones puedes encontrarla en el "gram" compartiendo algunas fotos chulas con sus 19 millones de seguidores. Actualmente, se está preparando para su papel en "Un asunto de familia" de Netflix que se estrenará en 2024.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Little Ice Princess Turned Into!

Before this girl in pink voiced Beaver Girl in the film "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs," she was hitting the ice skating rink and growing up as a child actress in Los Angeles, California with her two older sisters.

She starred in "The Kissing Booth" films alongside Jacob Elordi, and when she's not reading over her scripts ... you can find her on the 'gram sharing some cool shots with her 19 million followers. She's currently gearing up for her role in Netflix's "A Family Affair" which is set to drop in 2024.

Can you guess who she is?

Ed Sheeran Bucket List Backfire ... Snoop Got Me So High I Could Barely See!!!

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Ed Sheeran's lightweight lungs were no match for Snoop Dogg when they smoked together ... in fact, the singer says he got so high the sesh made him temporarily go blind!!!

Ed says it was earlier this month when he found himself backstage with Snoop, his wife and Russell Crowe in Melbourne, Australia.

Instagram / @snoopdogg

Ed admitted to Conan O'Brien on his "Needs a Friend" podcast that he isn't much of a smoker, but still lit up at the chance to say he "smoked with Snoop" when The Doggfather hit him with the puff, puff, pass.

The conversation got so good Ed says he continued to take pulls of the blunt until he looked up at Snoop and realized his vision had become blurred.


Of course, it's a well-known fact Snoop can smoke like a chimney at any given time ... so you can't really blame Ed for trying to keep up.

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Shockingly though, Ed says Burna Boy is actually the biggest smoker he's encountered to date.