Taylor Swift Girl Squad in Full Effect in NYC Dinner with Sophie, Blake & Brittany Mahomes

Taylor Swift's gearing up to root on Travis Kelce for the second week in a row, but not before grabbing dinner with some famous gal pals ... stepping out with Sophie Turner, Brittany Mahomes, and Blake Lively.

Taylor and crew hit Italian hotspot Emilio's Ballato in NYC Saturday night -- arriving with Blake and later joined by Sophie and Mahomes ... who she recently got acquainted with last weekend following Kansas City's win at home.

Of course, Taylor's been spending a lot of time with Sophie as of late, noticeably taking her side in a battle with Joe Jonas as they fight for custody and issues surrounding their divorce.

Blake's a longtime friend of Taylor, but Mahomes is certainly a new addition to the girl squad.

TMZ broke the story ... Taylor and Brittany hit it off at Travis Kelce's afterparty in KC last weekend, chatting a bunch and at one time taking a shot together. We were also first to obtain a photo of Taylor and Travis looking rather comfortable at the bash ... as she wrapped her arms around the NFL superstar.

Travis and his Kansas City Chiefs are set to take on The New York Jets Sunday night, and sources tell us Taylor will be in attendance.

Nothing like a good meal -- and good gossip -- before the big game.

BRITNEY SPEARS Famosos cuchillos salvan a tienda de utilería de la ruina

La tienda de accesorios donde Britney Spears asegura que arrendó los famosos cuchillos de su baile está viendo un gran aumento en las ventas después de sus comentarios, y la ha ayudado a salir del agujero en que se encontraba.

El gerente de Hand Prop Room en Los Ángeles le dice a TMZ que el tráfico online y las llamadas a la tienda se han duplicado desde que Brit nombró su lugar el jueves en Instagram. Los arriendos de utilería, especialmente sus cuchillos, han subido un 50%.

Nos dicen que todo el mundo en el departamento de ventas ha estado recibiendo llamadas de la gente preguntando por la cantante y sus cuchillos, hasta el propio gerente ha estado al teléfono atendiendo el asunto.

El gerente dice que Britney es en parte la responsable de salvar el flujo de ingresos de la tienda, el que ha estado luchando durante la huelga de escritores y actores de este año.

Nos cuenta que la industria del entretenimiento suele ser el "pan de cada día" de la tienda, pero la falta de trabajo significa menos alquileres, lo que los ha llevado a una crisis financiera, de la cual Britney los ayudó a salir.

Él dice que el negocio ha estado escuchando solo canciones de Britney desde que ella se fue, ¡así que la promoción va en ambas direcciones!

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Por favor, son falsos!!!

Como informamos, Britney compartió un video bailando el lunes, en donde se balanceaba y hacía sonar dos cuchillos alrededor con una leyenda que decía: "No se preocupen NO son cuchillos reales !!!! Halloween es pronto".

¿Un baile adecuado?

Ella redobló sus afirmaciones el jueves, cuando dijo que su equipo alquiló los accesorios en Hand Prop Room y también confirmó que sus movimientos estuvieron inspirados en la actuación de Shakira en los VMA.

Britney Spears Fake Knife Shout-Out Saves Prop Store from Financial Ruin

The prop shop where Britney Spears claims she rented her famous dancin' knives is seeing a big boost in sales after the shout-out ... and it's helped pull the store out of a financial hole.

The manager of Hand Prop Room in L.A. tells TMZ ... online traffic and calls to the shop have doubled since Brit name-dropped their spot Thursday on Instagram. Rental sales for their props, especially knives, have gone up 50%.

We're told everyone in the sales department has been getting calls from people asking about the singer and her knives -- the manager has been fielding tons of calls about Britney.

The manager says Britney is partially to thank for saving the store ... the place has been struggling during the writers' and actors' strikes this year.

The entertainment industry is the shop's bread and butter, but no work meant fewer rentals ... leading to a big financial struggle.

He says the store's been bumping her songs nonstop ever since her post -- so the promotion goes both ways!

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As we reported, Britney shared her alarming dance video Monday, swinging and clanking the blades around with a caption that read, "Don’t worry they are NOT real knives !!! Halloween is soon."


She doubled down on the prop knife claim Thursday, claiming her team rented the props from Hand Prop Room -- also confirming her dangerous moves were inspired by Shakira's VMA performance.

'Saw X' Director Says Cops Were Called ... Over Gory Editing Sesh

The new 'Saw' movie is apparently a bloody nightmare -- so much so, that someone called the cops while they were putting the film together in post-production ... so says the director.

Kevin Greutert told the harrowing tale to NME ... saying the key editor for 'Saw X,' Steve Forn, got paid a visit by the 5-0 while he was splicing up the film -- particularly, during sound design for a really gruesome scene ... where a character gets their eyes sucked out.

Here's how KG put it ... "There was a knock at the door. We have the doorbell [camera] video of the police walking up, [Forn answering the door] and the police saying, 'The neighbours [have been] calling and saying someone’s being tortured to death in here.'"

Forn apparently replied, "'Actually, I’m just working on a movie… You can come in and see it if you want?'" The police declined ... just wanting to make sure everything was kosher.

Greutert adds, "It’s a pretty funny story ... Plus Steve is such a mild mannered guy. I can only imagine the look on his face when he realised what was happening!"

Hopefully that's enough to make people realize ... this latest 'Saw' installment is supposed to be one of the most brutal ones yet, not to mention the best overall to come along in years.

The reviews for 'Saw X' have been glowing ... and some say it's a true return to form.

Plus, with Tobin Bell back in the driver's seat as the titular Jigsaw -- fans are sure to get their horror fix and then some. 'Saw X' is in theaters now ... just in time for spooky season.

Beyoncé Next to Get AMC Concert Movie Announcement Soon!!!

Taylor Swift's concert movie isn't even out yet, but it sounds like movie theater honchos are already gearing up for another one with a big name ... and that would be Beyoncé.

Deadline reports that Queen Bey is next in line for a documentary film that captures her "Renaissance" world tour -- and that a joint announcement is likely to occur as early as Sunday alongside AMC ... which is the movie theater house that'll partner with her for this.

As for a release date ... word is Dec. 1, and Deadline says they're choosing that to capitalize on the post-Thanksgiving weekend dead week and to have 2023 go out with a bang. At this point, it's unclear if this would only be a domestic release or an international one.

The outlet also says that the show(s) of hers that are going to be featured in the flick are likely to be her two Houston concerts last week ... which were supposedly filmed.

We haven't seen evidence of cameras set up at those shows, but there've been rumblings dating back to April that Bey would be doing something like this in her hometown.

Of course, this news comes on the heels of Taylor's "Eras" movie expanding to a worldwide release after a massive amount of demand from ticket-buyers here in North America. AMC has said it's already on pace to rake in at least $100 million during its opening weekend.

Considering how big of a fan base Beyoncé has ... it'll be interesting to see if they snap up as many tickets as the Swifties have so far. And in terms of AMC -- truly a smart move.

People aren't flocking to theaters for movies anymore like they used to ... but they might come running for filmed concerts of their favorite artists. So far, that's a winning formula.

Beyhive, get ready!

Beyoncé Sería la siguiente película de AMC ¡¡¡Pronto el anuncio!!!

La película sobre la gira de Taylor Swift ni siquiera se ha estrenado, pero parece que los responsables de los cines ya están preparando una próxima película con un gran nombre, y ese sería Beyoncé.

Deadline informa que Queen Bey es la siguiente en la lista para hacer una película documental que capture su gira mundial "Renacimiento", y que es muy probable que ocurra un anuncio conjunto tan pronto como el domingo junto a AMC, que es la cadena de cines que se asociaría con ella para esto.

En cuanto a la fecha de lanzamiento, se dice que sería para el 1 de diciembre. En Deadline explican que elegirían esa fecha para capitalizar el fin de semana muerto después de Acción de Gracias, y para terminar 2023 con una explosión. Por el momento, no está claro si se trata de un estreno nacional o internacional.

También se dice que los espectáculos que se presentarían en la película serían los dos conciertos de Houston que hizo la semana pasada y que supuestamente fueron filmados.

No hemos visto pruebas de cámaras instaladas en esos espectáculos, pero hay rumores que se remontan a abril de que Bey estaría haciendo algo así en su ciudad natal.

Por supuesto, esta noticia llega justo después de que se supiera que la película "Eras" de Taylor será estrenada en todo el mundo tras la enorme demanda de las personas en Norteamérica. AMC ha dicho que ya está en camino a recaudar al menos $100 millones durante su fin de semana de apertura.

Teniendo en cuenta el gran número de fans que tiene Beyoncé, será interesante ver si estos compran tantas entradas como lo han hecho hasta ahora los Swifties. Y para AMC, realmente es un movimiento inteligente.

La gente ya no va en masa a los cines como antes, pero puede que vengan corriendo a ver conciertos filmados de sus artistas favoritos. Hasta ahora, es una fórmula ganadora.

Beyhive, ¡prepárate!

JADA PINKETT SMITH Reacciona al arresto por el asesinato de Tupac

Jada Pinkett Smith es una de las muchas personas que se alegra de tener a alguien rindiendo cuentas por el asesinato de Tupac Shakur, y así se lo ha hecho saber a sus millones de seguidores.

La actriz utilizó su Instagram el viernes por la noche para subir una reacción corta, pero concisa de las noticias sobre Pac, a saber, el hecho de que Duane 'Keefe D' Davis fue detenido y acusado de asesinato en relación con el caso que sigue abierto en Las Vegas y que se había ido enfriando con los años.

Jada escribe: "Ahora espero que podamos obtener algunas respuestas y tener algún cierre. Que en paz descanses, Pac".

Como hemos dicho, es un mensaje bastante simple de su parte, pero muy significativo, teniendo en cuenta lo mucho que Tupac significaba para Jada y cuán seguido se refiere a él, incluso hasta el día de hoy.

Muchos están familiarizados con la historia de Jada con Pac. Ambos eran muy amigos en los años 80 y 90, época en la que crecieron juntos y se enredaron en la edad adulta.

Jada ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que nunca fue una relación romántica, pero algunos especulan que podría no ser así. De nuevo, ella ha hablado largo y tendido sobre él y recordado su relación públicamente, a tal punto que algunos han levantado una ceja, especialmente después de la bofetada.

El punto es que Tupac, obviamente, significa mucho para Jada y que ella parece aliviada de que este capítulo podría estar llegando a su fin después de años de misterio e intriga.

Como informamos, Keefe D fue acusado de un cargo de asesinato abierto esta semana, solo un par de meses después de la aplicación de la ley que allanó su casa de Las Vegas, como ejecución de una orden de registro.

Su participación en el asesinato ha estado presente desde hace años, sobre la base de sus propias palabras. Él ha hecho un sinnúmero de entrevistas e incluso publicó un libro, todo lo cual parece verlo detallando el golpe a golpe de los disparos. Ahora, tendrá que responder por ello ante un tribunal.

Jada Pinkett Smith Reacts to Tupac Murder Arrest ... Finally, Some Answers

Jada Pinkett Smith is one of many who are happy to have somebody being held to account over the murder of Tupac Shakur -- and she made it known to her millions of followers.

The actress took to Instagram Friday night with a short but concise reaction to the Pac news -- namely, the fact that Duane 'Keefe D' Davis was arrested and charged with murder in connection to the open case out of Las Vegas ... which had seemingly gone cold for years.

JPS writes, "Now I hope we can get some answers and have some closure. R.I.P. Pac."

Like we said ... a fairly simple message on her part, but it's quite meaningful considering how much Tupac meant to Jada -- and how often she references him, even today.

Many are familiar with Jada's history with Pac ... they go way back, and were very close friends back in the '80s and '90s when they grew up together and mingled into adulthood.

Jada has long insisted they were never romantic, but some speculate that might not be the case ... again, she's spoken at length about him and has reminisced about their relationship publicly, to the point some have raised an eyebrow in retrospect -- especially post-slap.

That's neither here nor there ... point is, Tupac obviously means a lot to Jada -- and she seems relieved this chapter might be coming to a close after years of mystery/intrigue.

As we reported ... Keefe D was indicted on an open murder charge this week, just a couple months after law enforcement raided his Vegas-area home upon executing a search warrant.

His involvement in the murder has been out there for years now, based on his own words -- dude's done countless interviews and even published a book ... all of which seem to see him detailing the blow-by-blow of the shooting. Now, he'll have to answer for it in court.

Hollywood Bigwigs Touch Down In Paris For Fashion Week ... Kardashian, Tatum, Rock, Etc.

Some of Hollywood's biggest stars flew into Paris for Fashion Week ... and they all ended up having a fancy dinner together with Kim Kardashian, Chris Rock and Channing Tatum at the center of it.

The celebrity-studded meal took place inside a gourmet restaurant/bar at the five-star Costes Hotel in the French capital.

Other bold-faced names in attendance included Emily Ratajkowski, Natasha Poly, Joel Edgerton, Zoe Kravitz, Jared Leto, Kris Jenner, Jordyn Woods, Shay Mitchell, Olivia Wilde, Venus Williams, Shanina Shaik, Irina Shayk, and Naomi Campbell.

We're told Kravitz and Tatum were seen hanging out with Shayk, and then leaving arm and arm from the hotel in the early morning hours.

Before their succulent supper, most of the VIP crew watched Victoria Beckham's fashion show featuring her spring/summer 2024 womenswear collection.

Seated in the front row were Beckham's family, best friend Eva Longoria and "Vogue" editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.

Estrellas de Hollywood Aterrizan en París para la Semana de la Moda Kardashian, Tatum, Rock...

Algunas de las estrellas más grandes de Hollywood volaron a París para la Semana de la Moda, y todos terminaron teniendo una cena de lujo juntos con Kim Kardashian, Chris Rock y Channing Tatum al centro de la reunión.

La comida tuvo lugar en un restaurante gourmet en el hotel cinco estrellas Costes en la capital francesa.

También asistieron Emily Ratajkowski, Natasha Poly, Joel Edgerton, Zoe Kravitz, Jared Leto, Kris Jenner, Jordyn Woods, Shay Mitchell, Olivia Wilde, Venus Williams, Shanina Shaik, Irina Shayk y Naomi Campbell.

Nos dicen que Kravitz y Tatum fueron vistos pasando el rato con Shayk, y luego yéndose tomados del brazo a primera hora de la mañana.

Antes de su suculenta cena, la mayoría de la tripulación VIP asistió al desfile de moda de Victoria Beckham, con su colección de ropa de mujer primavera/verano 2024.

Sentados en primera fila estaban la familia de Beckham, su mejor amiga Eva Longoria y la editora jefe de "Vogue" Anna Wintour.

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Why YELLOW there, Kerry Washington ... formerly Miss Pope -- who was quite the pro at solving "Scandals," but this crisis is on you! Can you find the discrepancies in these two pics? Don't lift too many fingers!

Rain or shine, Washington took on NYC like a champ earlier this week ... dazzling in head-to-toe yellow to promote her memoir, "Thicker Than Water." As you walk around these images and scout out out the differences ... watch out for the sideways cracks and oncoming pedestrians.

Make it rain on 'em, Kerry!

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Kerry Washington photos!**

TYRESE GIBSON Sues Teddy Pendergrass' Widow ... BIOPIC RIGHTS ARE MINE!!!

Tyrese Gibson is embroiled in another legal saga ... this one doesn't involve Home Depot, but rather the late singer Teddy Pendergrass.

The 'Fast & Furious' star has a production company, Voltron Entertainment, which is suing Teddy's widow, Joan Pendergrass, over the rights to Teddy's biopic.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Tyrese claims his company locked up the exclusive rights to Teddy's life story way back in 2011 ... with Joan's blessing.

Tyrese says Joan would give Tyrese the rights to a book and movie about Teddy in exchange for Tyrese's company agreeing to invest in the projects and use his celeb status to promote them and Teddy's legacy.

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In the suit, Tyrese claims he and Voltron have since invested around $450,000 into the project ... which he says he's been pushing forward for nearly a decade.

Problem is ... Tyrese claims Joan switched up in 2022 and refused to extend the option on the rights to Teddy's life story.

Tyrese claims Joan's about-face caused Voltron to suffer financial harm ... so now he’s suing Joan in her individual capacity and as executor of Teddy's estate for at least $1 million in damages.

We reached out to Joan ... so far no word back.

TYRESE GIBSON Demanda a viuda de Teddy Pendergrass Los derechos de la película sobre su vida son míos!!!

Tyrese Gibson está envuelto en otra saga legal, y esta no implica a Home Depot, sino más bien al fallecido cantante Teddy Pendergrass.

La estrella de "Fast & Furious" tiene una productora, Voltron Entertainment, que está demandando a la viuda de Teddy, Joan Pendergrass, por los derechos de la película biográfica de Teddy.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Tyrese afirma que su compañía bloqueó los derechos exclusivos de la historia sobre la vida de Teddy en 2011, con la bendición de Joan.

Tyrese dice que Joan le daría a Tyrese los derechos de un libro y una película sobre Teddy a cambio de que su compañía aceptara invertir en los proyectos y él usara su estatus de celebridad para promover el legado del cantante.

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En la demanda, Tyrese afirma que él y Voltron han invertido desde entonces alrededor de $450.000 en el proyecto, que él, dice, ha estado impulsando por casi una década.

El problema es que en 2022 Joan cambió de opinión y se negó a ampliar la opción sobre los derechos de la historia sobre la vida de Teddy.

Tyrese afirma que su cambio de rumbo provocó agravios financieros en Voltron, por lo que ahora la está demandando por al menos $1 millón en daños y prejuicios, en su capacidad individual y como albacea de la herencia de Teddy.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Joan, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Tyrese Gibson Fires Back at Home Depot ... You Can't Bully Me!!

Tyrese Gibson isn't about to let Home Depot call him a liar over his claims of racism ... saying he refuses to be bullied by the retail giant, and is gonna do all he can to correct the alleged discrimination he says he faced inside one of HD's stores.

Tyrese tells us he's 100% committed to "taking a stand against The Home Depot in defense of our own civil rights and the civil rights of all who have been subjected to discriminatory practices and consumer racial profiling."

He continues, "The Home Depot and its team of attorneys seek to deny our claims and silence our voices as reflected in their most recent court filing. But we will not back down. We will not be bullied. We will use all of our energy to  correct the conduct of the company, in service of the broader goal of a shared future free from discrimination."

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TMZ broke the story, HD responded to Tyrese's lawsuit Thursday claiming they've reviewed surveillance footage that pokes a lot of holes in Tyrese's initial lawsuit.

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The store says Tyrese came in, grabbed a bunch of items and had a cashier ring everything up ... then left the register to do more shopping for 25 minutes, forcing the cashier to clear Tyrese's transaction.

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In his original lawsuit, Tyrese said the cash register delay happened because of a computer glitch and he had to go to the parking lot to hide out because people started to recognize who he was rather than stick around to watch the rest of the transaction.

Tyrese says the cashier allowed him to leave his credit card with a couple buddies who would complete the transaction ... but HD is calling BS, saying their footage shows Tyrese never even spoke face-to-face to the cashier.

Eventually, Tyrese got on FaceTime with the cashier from the parking lot, but the cashier and store manager let him know he needed to come inside and present his ID to complete the purchase.

Home Depot says their surveillance footage shows Tyrese come back inside, get in a heated argument with store employees ... but he eventually showed his ID and completed the purchase.

Tyrese's lawsuit is for $1 million.

Kevin Spacey Demandado por un masajista A quien supuestamente pidió favores sexuales

Kevin Spacey reservó a un masajista y luego se ofreció a pagarle dinero extra a cambio de favores sexuales durante el masaje, de acuerdo con una nueva demanda.

El actor está siendo demandado por un masajista de Nueva York, quien asegura que Spacey reservó tres masajes de 90 minutos en agosto y septiembre de 2016 en una habitación del New York Edition Hotel.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, el terapeuta afirma que Spacey hizo peticiones sexuales no deseadas e inapropiadas y lo presionó repetidamente para obtener favores sexuales, incluido que comenzara el masaje con un enfoque en las nalgas.

El terapeuta dice que Spacey también insistió en hacer poses de yoga durante el masaje, exponiendo su trasero y sus genitales en el proceso y haciendo que se sintiera incómodo.

En la demanda, el terapeuta afirma que Spacey se excitó sexualmente en repetidas ocasiones durante las sesiones e incluso ofreció dinero extra a cambio de favores sexuales. También dice que hizo repetidamente comentarios sobre su aspecto y su físico.

Es más, afirma que Spacey agarró su mano e intentó ponérsela en los genitales, a pesar de que el terapeuta rechazó repetidamente las supuestas insinuaciones del actor.

El masajista dice que Spacey reservó las citas a través de una aplicación, utilizando un nombre diferente, por eso nunca supo que iba a ver a Spacey hasta que entró en la habitación. También dice que "insistió en usar una máscara de esquí" durante las citas.

Después del tercer supuesto incidente, el masajista afirma que dejó de aceptar citas por completo en el hotel que Spacey supuestamente frecuentaba.

El masajista afirma que las sesiones con él le provocaron angustia mental y emocional, y dice que todavía sufre de ansiedad, depresión, trastorno de estrés postraumático y teme por su subsistencia como masajista, esposo y padre.

El masajista va tras Spacey por daños y perjuicios.

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Un buen resultado
Sky News

La demanda se produce un par de meses después de que el actor fuera declarado inocente de los cargos de agresión sexual en el Reino Unido.

Como informamos anteriormente, Spacey fue acusado de obligar a otro masajista masculino a tocar sus genitales durante un masaje en el hogar en 2016, una acusación que él negó y el caso fue abandonado cuando la presunta víctima murió durante la investigación.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Spacey sobre esta demanda más reciente, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Kevin Spacey Massage Therapist Sues ... Allegedly Pushed For Sexual Favors

Kevin Spacey booked a massage therapist and then made sexual advances and offered to pay extra money in exchange for sexual favors during the massage ... according to a new lawsuit.

The actor is being sued by a male massage therapist in New York who claims Spacey booked three 90-minute massages in August and September 2016 in a room at the New York Edition Hotel.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, the message therapist claims Spacey made unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances and repeatedly pressed him for sexual favors, including him insisting on starting the massage with a focus on the buttocks.

The therapist says Spacey also insisted on doing yoga poses during the massage, exposing Spacey's butt and genitals in the process and making the therapist feel uncomfortable.

In the suit, the therapist claims Spacey repeatedly became sexually aroused during the sessions and even offered extra money in exchange for sexual favors. He also says Spacey repeatedly made sexual comments on his looks and physique.

What's more, the masseuse claims Spacey grabbed the therapist's hand and tried to place it on his genitals, despite the therapist repeatedly rejecting Spacey's alleged advances.

The massage therapist says Spacey booked the appointments through an app, using a different name ... meaning he never knew he was going to see Spacey until he got into the room. He also says Spacey "insisted upon wearing a ski mask" during the appointments.

After the third alleged incident, the masseuse claims he stopped taking appointments altogether at the hotel Spacey allegedly frequented.

The massage therapist claims the Spacey sessions resulted in mental and emotional distress ... saying he still suffers from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and fears for his livelihood as a massage therapist, husband and father.

The masseuse is going after Spacey for damages.

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Sky News

The lawsuit comes a couple months after Spacey was found not guilty on sexual assault charges in the United Kingdom.

As we previously reported ... Spacey was accused of forcing a different male massage therapist to touch his genitals during an in-home massage in 2016, an accusation Spacey denied, and the case was dropped when the alleged victim died during the investigation.

We reached out to Spacey's camp about the most recent lawsuit ... so far no word back.