KYLIE JENNER Y TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET De negro y con un toque incógnito En su paso por la Semana de la Moda de París

Kylie Jenner y Timothée Chalamet son como dos tortolitos caminando por la ciudad del amor, luciendo atuendos muy similares en su paso por la Semana de la Moda de París.

La pareja de la lista A, que acaba de hacer pública su relación, estuvo en Europa el lunes por la noche para asistir a la Semana de la Moda de París. La pareja fue a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Rosalía, estuvieron tomados de la mano mientras entraban y salían, y muy combinados en sus atuendos.

Como se puede ver, el tema elegido es básicamente todo negro y tal vez un toque de incógnito. Al más puro estilo de Leo DiCaprio, Tim está luciendo una gorra de béisbol que le cubre el rostro, y Kylie, al parecer, le sigue el ejemplo.

Su look es bastante diferente de cómo ella se presenta en público normalmente. De hecho, Kylie siempre tiende a arreglarse y a llevar algo llamativo y elaborado. En este caso, sin embargo, es todo lo contrario.

Hay que preguntarse si su novio, Timmy, está influyendo en este estilo, por lo menos en el día a día, tan discreto y casual para ser una megaestrella.

Hemos visto esto de algunas de sus otras hermanas. Kourtney Kardashian, por ejemplo, realmente comenzó a reflejar el estilo de Travis Barker cuando llegó por primera vez con él.

El tiempo dirá si esta tendencia entre Kylie y Timothée continúa. Pero lo que hemos visto hasta ahora, en un pequeño puñado de veces, es que en cada ocasión han optado por un vestuario más oscuro.

Kylie Jenner & Timothée Chalamet Dark n' Gloomy Threads For Paris Fashion Week

Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet are two peas in a gothic pod out in the City of Love -- rocking very similar outfits as they hit Paris Fashion Week.

The A-list couple -- who just recently went public as an item -- were out in Europe Monday night for Paris Fashion Week. The pair went to Rosalía's birthday bash, walking in and out of the hosting venue hand-in-hand ... and definitely color-coordinated too.

As you can see ... the theme here is basically all-black everything, and maybe even a hint of incognito. Tim's doing his best Leo with the whole lowered baseball cap thing -- and KJ's following his lead, it seems.

The more dressed-down look is quite different than how Kylie might normally present herself in public. Fact is -- she tends to get dolled up and wear something somewhat flashy and elaborate. In this instance, though ... it's the opposite.

Ya gotta wonder if her BF Timmy is spurring that ... the dude's style -- at least on a day-to-day basis -- is as low-key and casual as it gets for megastars.

We've seen this from some of her other sisters -- namely, Kourtney Kardashian ... who really began to reflect Travis Barker's fashion sensibilities when she first got with him.

Time will tell if this trend continues with these two -- so far, we've seen them out in public a small handful of times ... and on each occasion, they've opted for darker wardrobe.

Taylor Swift Estrenará "Eras" en todo el mundo En medio de romance con Travis Kelce

Taylor Swift está en todas partes de Estados Unidos por estos días, y ahora estará también en todas partes del mundo con el estreno de su nueva película en el extranjero.

La cantante hizo un importante anuncio el martes sobre su próximo documental de la gira "Eras", que ya se va a estrenar en Norteamérica en un par de semanas. Ahora, dice que se estrenará también en todo el mundo exactamente el mismo día, en MUCHOS países.

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Tay Tay escribe: "La gira no es lo único que estamos llevando a todo el mundo........ 🌎 ¡Estoy tan emocionada de contarles que la película del concierto The Eras Tour llegará oficialmente a los cines de TODO EL MUNDO el 13 de octubre!".

Los detalles de la mayor cobertura son asombrosos. La nueva película "Eras" de TS se proyectará en más de 100 países, incluidos todos los cines Odeon de Europa.

AMC Theaters, con quien se ha asociado Taylor para estrenar su película, espera que más de 7.500 cines de todo el mundo proyecten la película al mismo tiempo. En cuanto al número de entradas que se venderán, todavía se está calculando, pero probablemente serán muchas.

Hace un mes, cuando Taylor dijo por primera vez que el documental "Eras" se estrenaría en Norteamérica, sus fans se lanzaron en masa por las entradas y se vendió una cantidad récord en un solo día, de unos 26 millones de dólares. Las estimaciones esperan que 'Eras' recaude $100M en el norte en su fin de semana de apertura.

Este es solo el último titular de Taylor ... obviamente, ella ha estado en la mente y boca de todos por estos días, por su incipiente relación con la estrella de los Chiefs, Travis Kelce, y ahora esta otra bendición.

Por cierto, hay más cosas buenas para Taylor en el horizonte. Va a reeditar su álbum '1989' a finales de octubre, y también va a continuar de gira en el extranjero en 2024.

Taylor Swift 'Eras' Movie Gets Global Release ... Amid Kelce Romance

Taylor Swift is everywhere in America these days -- and now, she's gonna be everywhere around the world on big screens ... 'cause she's taking her new movie overseas.

The singer made a major announcement Tuesday about her forthcoming 'Eras' tour documentary -- which was already getting a North American release in a couple weeks. Now, she's saying it's going to open globally on the exact same day ... in LOTS of countries.

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Tay Tay writes, "The tour isn’t the only thing we’re taking worldwide…….. 🌎 Been so excited to tell you all that The Eras Tour concert film is now officially coming to theaters WORLDWIDE on Oct 13!"

The details of the expanded rollout are staggering ... TS's new 'Eras' movie is going to be playing in over 100 countries -- including every single Odeon theater across Europe.

AMC Theaters -- which Taylor is partnering with to put out her film -- says it's expecting more than 7,500 theaters worldwide to be showing this thing at once. In terms of how many tickets this will sell ... it's still being tallied right now, but probably a ton.

A month ago -- when Taylor first said the 'Era's doc would release in North America -- her fans swooped in to snap up tickets ... and they sold a record amount in just one day, about $26 million worth. Estimates had 'Eras' raking in north of $100M in its opening weekend too.

It's just the latest splashy headline for Taylor ... obviously, she's top of mind right now due to her budding relationship with Chiefs star Travis Kelce -- and now, here's another boon.

BTW, there's more good stuff for Taylor on the horizon ... she's re-releasing her '1989' album later in October as well -- and she's also continuing to tour internationally in 2024.


Los grandes fans de "Shrek" tendrán la oportunidad de vivir como un ogro durante un par de noches porque su icónica casa del pantano ha sido recreada y está disponible en Airbnb.

La casa cubierta de musgo se encuentra en las colinas de las Tierras Altas de Escocia y es una réplica perfecta de la de las películas de animación. El anuncio lo "publicó" Burro y algunos afortunados fans podrán pasar 2 noches en la villa pantanosa a finales de octubre.

La gente va a ser capaz de recostarse en "la cama del ogro", relajarse en el ambiente de "luz de las velas de cera de oídos" y por la mañana van a comer waffles, tal como burro hubiera querido.

Incluso tiene el retrete de Shrek directamente al lado del edificio principal, así que si usted siente las ganas, podría recrear la escena icónica del comienzo de la película de 2001.

Las personas que deseen revivir su infancia pueden solicitar la reserva del Pantano de Shrek a partir del 13 de octubre de forma GRATUITA. En honor a esta oportunidad única, Airbnb también está haciendo una donación a HopScotch Children's Charity que ayuda a algunos de los niños desfavorecidos de Escocia.

Un montón de buenas razones para quitarse las capas e intentar vivir como Shrek... ¡sólo hay que tener cuidado con la turba enfurecida!

ARIANA GRANDE Y ETHAN SLATER CITA noctuna EN DISNEYLANDia En medio de sus divorcios

Ariana Grande y Ethan Slater finalmente están saliendo juntos y eligieron el lugar más feliz del mundo para tener una cita.

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cita en disney

En las fotos y vídeos que acaban de salir a la luz, los tortolitos fueron vistos paseando del brazo el viernes por la noche por el parque temático de Anaheim, California. Ambos trataron de ir de incógnito —con sombreros y sudaderas con capucha— pero eso no impidió que los fans notaran a la pareja.

Una fuente cercana a Ariana nos dice que ella y Ethan fueron al parque con un grupo de amigos, incluyendo a su madre y su hermano. Nos dicen que Ariana y Ethan son muy felices juntos y muy buenos el uno con el otro.

Por cierto, el grupo tuvo pases VIP durante su día en Disney, con un guía turístico privado para llevarlos de atracción en atracción y evitar las molestas filas.

TMZ publicó la historia; Ariana solicitó el divorcio a principios de este mes de su marido —Dalton Gómez— después de 2 años de matrimonio citando "diferencias irreconciliables." Los dos tienen un acuerdo prenupcial.

En julio, Ethan también solicitó el divorcio de su amor de la secundaria y esposa de 5 años, Lilly Jay, pero no ha revelado lo que causó la separación.


Margot Robbie, Mattel y la gente detrás de "Barbie" están acumulando una tonelada de dinero en los cines gracias a los adultos que se sienten nostálgicos y necesitados.

En TikTok circula una tendencia que muestra a hombres y mujeres adultos que se graban a sí mismos yendo a sus jugueterías locales y eligiendo nuevas muñecas Barbie para sí mismos, todo con el fin de satisfacer a su niño interior y conseguir apoyo emocional.

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Esto se a convertido en todo un fenómeno desde que se estrenó la película este verano, algunas personas se están comprando las muñecas que nunca tuvieron o regalándoselas a seres queridos (como los padres) que quizá no tuvieron esos juguetes cuando eran niños.

Una profesora de psicología, Kristin Flora, explica a CNN que esto es algo bueno... ya que la gente adulta ahora se siente cómoda no sólo reconectando con su infancia, sino también compartiéndola, y parece ser bien recibido en las redes sociales. Obviamente, esto se presta a la salud mental, etc.

Es una prueba más de que la película de "Barbie" ha tenido un verdadero impacto en la cultura este año y, sea cual sea el motivo, también sigue afectando positivamente a las cuentas bancarias.

Ya sabemos que ha hecho ganar a Warner Bros. más de mil millones de dólares y con este aparente auge en la compra de muñecas, Mattel también debe estar sonriendo. Además, esto parece estar haciendo realmente feliz a la gente en general.

¡Todos ganan!

Shrek's Swamp Perfect Re-Creation On Airbnb ... Sleep Like An Ogre!

Any huge fans of "Shrek" will have the opportunity to live like an ogre for a couple of nights ... because his iconic swamp home has been recreated IRL, and it's going live on Airbnb.

The moss-covered home is located in the hills of the Scottish Highlands and is a picture-perfect replica of the one from the animated flicks -- the listing is "hosted" by Donkey and some lucky fans will be able to spend 2 nights at the swampy villa at the end of October.

Visitors will be able to kick up their hooves in the secluded pad, relax in the ambiance of "earwax candlelight," and in the morning, they'll be eating waffles -- just like Donkey would've wanted.

It even has Shrek's outhouse directly next to the main building ... so if you're inclined, you could recreate the iconic scene from the beginning of the 2001 film.

People wanting to relive their childhood can request to book Shrek's Swamp beginning October 13 for FREE. In honor of this rare opportunity, Airbnb is also making a donation to HopScotch Children's Charity, which gives back to some of Scotland's disadvantaged children.

A lot of great reasons to peel back your layers and try to live like Shrek ... just mind the angry mob!

Ariana Grande & Ethan Slater Date Night at Disney World Amid Ongoing Divorces

Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater are finally stepping out together, and chose the happiest place on Earth to show face, having an intimate date night at Walt Disney World.

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In newly surfaced pics and videos, the lovebirds were spotted strolling arm and arm Friday night through the theme park in Orlando, Florida. Both tried to go incognito, with hats and hoodies, but that didn't stop fans from noticing the couple.

A source close to Ariana tells us she and Ethan hit the park with a group of friends -- including her mom and brother. We're told Ariana and Ethan are really happy together and really good for each other and all of her friends love him.

BTW ... the group got the VIP treatment for their day at Disney, with a private tour guide to take them from ride to ride and avoid some of those pesky lines.

TMZ broke the story, Ariana filed for divorce earlier this month from her husband, Dalton Gomez, after 2 years of marriage, citing "irreconcilable differences." The two have a prenup.

In July, Ethan also filed for divorce from his high school sweetheart and wife of 5 years, Lilly Jay, but hasn't revealed what caused the split.

Do you think Ethan Slater and Ariana Grande's relationship will last until the end of the year? Vote below.

'Barbie' Has Adults Buying New Dolls ... For Emotional Support

Margot Robbie and the folks behind "Barbie" didn't just rack up a ton of dough in theaters -- they're making Mattel money too ... thanks to adults who are feeling nostalgic and needy.

There's been this trend going around on TikTok that sees grown men and women filming themselves hitting up their local toy aisles and picking out new Barbie dolls for themselves ... all for the sake of fulfilling their inner child and achieving emotional support.

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It's a whole thing now, apparently ... in the wake of the movie coming out this summer, some people are buying themselves the dolls they never had -- that or gifting them to loved ones (like parents) who might've not had such toys growing up as kids.

A psychology professor, Kristin Flora, tells CNN this is a good thing ... as grown folks now feel comfortable not only reconnecting to their childhood -- but also sharing that, and it seems to be well-received on social media. Obviously, this lends itself to mental health, etc.

It's just further proof that the "Barbie" flick has truly impacted American culture this year ... and, regardless of the reason, it continues to positively affect bottom lines as well.

We already know it's made Warner Bros. a billion-plus dollars and with this apparent boom in doll purchases to boot ... Mattel's also probably smiling all the way to the bank. Plus, this seems to really make people happy in general.

So ... win-win-win.

Zak Bagans Invites Adele to Haunted Museum ... Free Scare & Séance!!!

Adele expressed curiosity this weekend about Zak Bagans' haunted museum in the desert -- and the guy heard her loud and clear, 'cause he wants her to swing by for a scream or two ... on the house!

The "Ghost Adventures" star, who's famously obsessed with all things paranormal, caught wind of Adele talking to audience members about his Vegas-area Haunted Museum during one of her recent residency shows ... and he's thrilled about her curiosity.

ICYMI ... Adele was chatting up a guest at her concert, asking what they like to do in Sin City, and sounded awfully interested when they mentioned ZB's spooky tourist attraction.

Zak's museum features a crazy big collection of artifacts that are purported to be haunted. There's also a lot of grim history with the building itself, and the museum's been the subject of one of his shows.

Anyway, Zak tells TMZ he's personally inviting Adele to come to his establishment for a free VIP tour -- and, not just that, she can take him up on a personal séance too if she's so inclined.

He says he'd be willing to get well-known psychic/medium Patti Negri to lead it -- as PN is well-versed in this field.

Now, as kooky as that sounds ... Adele has actually dealt with personal tragedy in recent years -- including the death of her estranged father in 2021 and the recent passing of her BFF's mother. Presumably, she could try to contact these individuals ... if not others.

Whether she wants that or not, Zak's offer is out there now. And, she's practically right next door -- so why not take him up on it?

Spooky season is upon us ... and as Adele once sang, it's time to love in the dark.

'NCIS' Actor David McCallum Dead at 90

Veteran actor David McCallum, most famous for playing medical examiner Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard on the hit TV show "NCIS," is dead.

David died Monday at New York Presbyterian Hospital, the result of natural causes ... according to a statement from CBS.

The network is remembering David as "a gifted actor and author, and beloved by many around the world."

CBS also says of David ... "He led an incredible life, and his legacy will forever live on through his family and the countless hours on film and television that will never go away."

David appeared in more than 400 episodes of "NCIS" on CBS ... and he was also known for his work on the 1960s TV show "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." ... earning nominations for Emmys and Golden Globes.

In addition to his work in TV, David also landed roles in movies ... including "The Great Escape," "A Night to Remember," "Mosquito Squadron," "Freud," and "The Greatest Story Ever Told."

David is survived by his wife of 56 years, his three sons, his daughter, and his eight grandkids.

CBS says an upcoming 20th anniversary "NCIS" marathon will add an "In Memoriam" for David.

He was 90.


Pauly Shore I Still Want Richard Simmons' Blessing ... Appeals to His Heart for Biopic

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Pauly Shore is determined to get Richard Simmons on board with his plans to produce and star in a biopic ... and he has a new plan to appeal to the reclusive fitness guru.

Pauly joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," and he told us he wants to get the director from the Elton John biopic, "Rocketman" involved ... so they can bring something real to Richard and appeal to his heart.

The way Paul envisions things shaking out ... Dexter Fletcher directs a 10-minute presentation they can take to Richard, so they can show him the biopic is not some joke, but an important story that needs to be told for Richard's legion of fans.


Problem is ... Richard's so far been unreceptive. As we first reported, RS doesn't want to get involved in Pauly's project and prefers to continue living his life in private, remaining out of the spotlight.

Pauly's not giving up so easily though, and sounds confident he can change Richard's mind.

richard simmons new promo video art

Richard's been out of the public eye for years ... and last summer TMZ released "TMZ Investigates: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons" on FOX and Hulu, which drew a huge response and led to Richard posting a rare message to his fans.

Pauly's known Richard for decades -- so did his late mother, Comedy Store owner Mitzi Shore -- and he has an interesting theory about what's behind Richard's reclusiveness.

Russell Brand Sex Abuse Claims Spur Probe ... UK Cops Investigating

Russell Brand is under criminal investigation in the UK -- this after cops say a handful of women came forward to publicly claim he sexually abused them years ago.

The comedian-actor was not named by London's Metropolitan Police in their statement Monday -- but there was no ambiguity that he was at the center of this new probe. They wrote, "Following an investigation by Channel 4's Dispatches and The Sunday Times, the Met has received a number of allegations of sexual offences in London."

The cops add ... "We have also received a number of allegations of sexual offences committed elsewhere in the country and will investigate these."

Unclear what exactly the police are digging into, but, presumably, it might relate to the allegations mentioned in the joint report published a couple weeks ago -- which included claims from 4 different women ... a few of whom alleged RB had raped them.

Prior to Monday's announcement ... Metropolitan Police had said they received a report of a sexual assault that allegedly took place in Soho, London back in '03 -- and many believed that, too, was linked to Brand. Worth noting, Brand has yet to be arrested for anything at this point.

For his part, Brand has repeatedly and vehemently denied of all the claims against him thus far -- and it's too early to tell whether any of these investigations will result in charges.

His online videos and personal web pages have taken hits in the past several days ... with some sponsors pulling their ads from his channels.


Russell Brand está siendo investigado en el Reino Unido luego de que varias mujeres afirmaran públicamente que había abusado sexualmente de ellas hace años.

La Policía Metropolitana de Londres no mencionó el nombre del actor cómico en su declaración del lunes, pero no había ninguna ambigüedad en cuanto a que se encontraba en el centro de esta nueva investigación. Escribieron: "Tras una investigación de Dispatches de Channel 4 y The Sunday Times, la Met ha recibido una serie de acusaciones de delitos sexuales en Londres."

Los policías añaden: "También hemos recibido una serie de denuncias de delitos sexuales cometidos en otros lugares del país y los investigaremos".

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que la policía está investigando, pero suponemos que podría estar relacionado con las acusaciones mencionadas en el informe publicado hace un par de semanas. El informe incluía reclamaciones de 4 mujeres diferentes, algunas de las cuales alegaron que Russell las había violado.

Antes del anuncio del lunes, La Policía Metropolitana había dicho que recibieron un informe de asalto sexual que supuestamente tuvo lugar en el Soho de Londres en 2003 y muchos creían que también estaba vinculado a Brand. Vale la pena señalar que Brand aún no ha sido arrestado por nada en este momento.

Por su parte, Brand ha negado repetida y vehementemente todas las acusaciones en su contra hasta el momento y es demasiado pronto para saber si alguna de estas investigaciones dará lugar a cargos.

Sus vídeos en línea y páginas web personales han recibido duros golpes con algunos patrocinadores retirando sus anuncios de sus canales.

Bruce Willis's Wife Opens Up on His Dementia 'Hard to Know' How Aware He Is of This

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Bruce Willis's wife, Emma Heming, just revealed how severe her husband's condition is as it pertains to his dementia ... and it sounds worse than what people might've realized.

Emma went on 'Today' Monday morning to discuss Bruce's diagnosis at length -- and she was accompanied by a professional in the field who was there to provide more context on what exactly BW is battling with frontotemporal dementia ... his specific condition.


This is a tough watch, because the situation clearly weighs on Emma and their 2 young daughters together ... something she describes in detail in this heart-wrenching interview.

One standout from her remarks comes when Hoda Kotb asks her, point blank, if Bruce is aware of what's going on with him ... and the answer is telling. Emma says it's "hard to know."

Emma also explains Bruce has lost the ability to make decisions for himself, as opposed to outright memory loss -- although, it sounds like that too might be affected.

In any case, it's evident Emma is now overseeing his well-being. She says she doesn't consider herself his caretaker now, but a "care partner."

When it comes to their kids ... Emma says she's been honest with them on the science of what's happening to their dad.

As we reported ... Bruce's family announced last year that he'd be stepping away from acting, as it had become apparent his health was deteriorating and he needed help.

Of course, he has a huge family that's stepped up big time during this whole thing -- including his ex, Demi Moore, and all of his adult children too. And, while Bruce has stepped out of the spotlight, he continues to surface in public ... seemingly always in good spirits.