Young Batman In 'Batman Begins' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Gus Lewis was just 12 years old when he played the kid version of Batman -- who had a fear of bats after falling into a cave and encountering the animal -- in "Batman Begins" back in 2005.

Lewis shared the big screen with Hollywood legends like Christian Bale -- playing the adult version of Batman, Cillian Murphy as the vicious psychopath who is afraid of Batman, Scarecrow and Katie Holmes as the town of Gotham's district attorney and Batman's love interest, Rachel Dawes.

From a young age, Lewis found interest behind the camera and in more recent years, he has stepped into writing and directing roles.

Guess what he looks like now!

El joven Batman en 'Batman Begins' ¿Se acuerdan de él?

El actor estadounidense Gus Lewis tenía solo 12 años cuando interpretó la versión infantil de Batman -ese que tenía miedo a los murciélagos luego de haber caído en una cueva y tropezarse con ellos- en "Batman Begins", allá por 2005.

Lewis compartió la gran pantalla con leyendas de Hollywood como Christian Bale -en el papel de la versión adulta de Batman-, Cillian Murphy como el Espantapájaros, el despiadado psicópata que teme a Batman, Katie Holmes como la fiscal del distrito de la ciudad de Gotham y Rachel Dawes, a quien pretende Batman.

Desde muy joven, Lewis se interesó por la cámara y en los últimos años se ha dedicado a escribir y dirigir.

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

Cam'ron Reprises 'Paid In Full' Role... In Dame D.O.L.L.A.'s Vid!!!

Cam'ron is rewinding it back to 2002 when he starred in the Roc-A-Fella-produced film "Paid In Full" ... a cult classic still getting its props today thanks to Damian Lillard.

The (probably) soon-to-be ex-Blazer released his "Paid In Full" video Thursday from his new album "Don D.O.L.L.A." album featuring Cam reprising his old role.

Cam'ron played "Rico" in the popular gangsta flick ... which was a loose exposé on the life and times of Harlem drug dealers Rich Porter, Alpo Martinez and Azie "AZ" Faison.

Song costar Tobe Nwigwe also pops up in the clip, which he helped direct with Keoni Mars.


Dame's been part of an intense offseason free agency as he tries to get involved with the Miami Heat -- which he feels is also packed on his album, so he's been relentless with the promotion as of late.

Joe Jonas Dinner With Nick ... Night Before Sophie Sues

Joe Jonas seemingly found some comfort in his brother, Nick Jonas ... grabbing dinner in the night before his estranged wife, Sophie Turner, slammed him with a lawsuit over the custody of their kids.

Two-thirds of the Jo Bros were at The Waverly Inn in NYC Wednesday night -- and Joe seemed to be deep in conversation with Nick as they dined.

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BTW, this spot is a couple blocks away from where Sophie was hanging out with Joe's other ex, Taylor Swift, the night before.

She was also spotted at The St. Regis Hotel in New York on Thursday, hours after suing her estranged husband ... so they're still not that far from each other.

As we reported, Sophie claims Joe is illegally keeping their 2 kids in New York and wants them brought back to England, as laid out in an explosive lawsuit she filed Thursday morning.

Sophie says she agreed -- "with some hesitation" -- to let the kids stay with him while he was touring in the U.S. because she was working on her time-consuming series overseas, but that agreement was supposed to last until September ... when she would "collect the children and return home to England."

She even cited an international treaty that deals with child abduction across country lines ... so she's keeping pretty serious about getting her kids back to her.

In response, Joe's rep issued a lengthy statement ... saying Sophie's wishes would violate an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children," also reiterating that he's open to sharing custody with her if she moves to England full-time.

Do you think the Sophie Turner/Joe Jonas divorce war will get uglier? Vote below.

Joe Jonas Estuvo cenando con Nick ... La noche antes de la demanda de Sophie

Joe Jonas parece haber encontrado consuelo en su hermano, Nick Jonas, con quien lo vimos cenando la noche antes de que su esposa, Sophie Turner, lo demandara por la custodia de sus hijos.

Dos tercios de los Jo Bros estaban en The Waverly Inn en Nueva York el miércoles por la noche, y Joe parecía estar muy concentrado en la conversación con Nick mientras cenaban.

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amigas a pesar de nuestro ex

Por cierto, este lugar se encuentra a solo un par de cuadras de donde vimos a Sophie pasando el rato con la otra ex de Joe, Taylor Swift, la noche anterior.

También fue vista en el Hotel St. Regis de Nueva York el jueves, horas después de demandar a su marido separado ... por lo que aún están bien cerquita el uno del otro.

Como informamos, Sophie asegura que Joe está manteniendo ilegalmente a sus dos hijas en Nueva York y quiere que ambas sean traídas de vuelta a Inglaterra, como se establece en una explosiva demanda presentada este jueves por la mañana.

Sophie dice que accedió "con algunas dudas" a que los niños se quedaran con él mientras estaba de gira en EE.UU., porque estaba trabajando en su serie en el extranjero. Pero se suponía que ese acuerdo solo duraría hasta septiembre, cuando ella "recogería a los niños y volvería a casa a Inglaterra."

Ella incluso citó un tratado internacional que se ocupa de la sustracción de menores entre países, por lo que se está tomando muy en serio que sus hijas vuelvan con ella.

En respuesta, el representante de Joe emitió un extenso comunicado en donde dice que los deseos de Sophie violarían una orden que restringe a ambos padres la reubicación de los niños ", reiterando también que está abierto a compartir la custodia con ella si ella se muda a Inglaterra a tiempo completo.

John Cusack Blasts Democratic Elites ... They're All 'Full of S***'

John Cusack -- someone who's been transparent about his liberal views for years -- is coming after Democrats ... 'cause in his eyes, they have a total lack of morals.

The often-left-wing actor didn't hold back on social media earlier this week, saying those towards the top of the Democratic Party are "full of s***." He goes on to blame them for people switching to Donald Trump as a consideration for the presidency.

It's a long rant that John goes on -- he even takes shots at former Prez Barack Obama's iconic "Hope and Change" slogan ... something John's calling, "another branded hustle."

John's heated talk came in response to an article that claimed Dems are considering doing away with federal wealth taxes ... writing, "This kind of staggering amoral bulls*** is one of the main reason[s] (yes there are others) Trump's demagoguery works on people."

He sarcastically adds, "Don’t worry fellas - the democrats will save the .000000001 % from paying tax" ... saying, "To even attempt this … Unbelievable."

For those unaware, John's often spoken out about things like politics, activism, and wealth distribution ... but he usually sees things from a Democratic perspective.

Sounds like John's fed up with the left, too ... at least, for the time being.

Hollywood Celebs History of Helping Homeless

Jennifer Garner moved hearts this week after trying to give a homeless man the shoes off her feet -- unquestionably a sweet move, and one we've actually seen several celebs make during L.A.'s unprecedented crisis.

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Lending a hand to people in need has actually been an ongoing tradition in Hollywood for years ... as we've seen some very famous faces recently demonstrate their generosity.

Take, for example, Denzel Washington ... who, just a few years ago, went out of his way to help an unsheltered man on the streets of L.A., this at the height of the pandemic in May 2020.

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Providing comfort
MoPho/London Entertainment

This gentleman was apparently having an episode in West Hollywood, and Denzel came over to comfort him as police eventually arrived and got a handle on things. Even while officers were talking to the man, DW stuck around and provided him comfort. It was quite something.

A year prior, Lil Pump was doing his own food giveaway just in time for the holidays ... handing out tons of corndogs to folks who were on the street and hungry.

BTW ... Pump was doing this on Skid Row in DTLA -- one of the most heavily populated areas for unhoused folks in the city.

Jeremy Renner, too, has proven to have a charitable spirit ... he once took his daughter with him to hand out jackets, blankets and food to homeless people in Reno, NV.

Jeremy Renner seems to be trying to show he should get sole custody of his daughter as he battles his ex-wife in court ... taking Ava to pass out jackets and food to the homeless. 11/28/19

At the time, JR did this right around Thanksgiving -- setting a good example for his kid.

Speaking of Turkey Day ... it's become a little bit of a give-back pastime over the years for celebs to team up with the L.A. Mission to dish out hot meals to the needy. There've been several stars who've partaken in this ... Danny Trejo, Emmy Rossum, Kevin Hart and Lisa Rinna, just to name a few.

There's even been some community service from controversial A-listers, like Kanye West.

Before he was persona non grata in Hollywood -- as a result of antisemitic remarks he spewed last year -- the dude was prominently kind to people less fortunate.

Kanye West Gives Homeless Man $100, Promises to Send Him Free Yeezys 10/5/19

There's that memorable time he was handing out cash and Yeezys to one homeless man, in particular, in his own home city of Chicago -- back before he and Adidas split up -- and you could tell it meant a lot to this fella that he was gifting them for free.

Point is ... Hollywood often gives back, publicly -- and, that doesn't even account for noble deeds that go down off-camera and behind closed doors. Keep up the good work, folks.

Celebridades de Hollywood Y su historial ayudando a las personas en la calle

Jennifer Garner conmovió algunos corazones esta semana después de intentar quitarle los zapatos a un hombre sin hogar, y aunque fue un acto muy dulce de su parte, está lejos de ser la única estrella dispuesta a ayudar a los demás.

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Dándole una mano

Darle una mano a las personas que más lo necesitan es en realidad una tradición en Hollywood desde hace algunos años. Solo recientemente, hemos visto algunas de las caras más famosas del negocio haciendo demostraciones notables de generosidad.

Tomemos, por ejemplo, a Denzel Washington que hace apenas unos años se desvió de su camino para ayudar a un hombre que estaba en las calles de Los Ángeles. Esto, en medio del apogeo de la pandemia en mayo de 2020.

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Denzel washington
MoPho/London Entertainment

Al parecer, este señor estaba teniendo un episodio en West Hollywood y Denzel se acercó a consolarlo mientras la policía llegaba a controlar la situación. Incluso, mientras los agentes hablaban con el hombre, el actor se quedó cerca a su lado y le proporcionó consuelo. Fue todo un acontecimiento.

Un año antes, Lil Pump hizo su propia donación de alimentos, justo a tiempo para las fiestas, compartiendo una tonelada de corndogs a la gente que estaba en la calle.

Por cierto, Bomba estaba haciendo esto en Skid Row en Downtown Los Angeles, una de las zonas con mayor población de personas sin hogar en la ciudad.

Jeremy Renner, también ha demostrado tener un espíritu caritativo. Una vez llevó a su hija con él para repartir chaquetas, mantas y alimentos a las personas en Reno, NV.

Jeremy Renner seems to be trying to show he should get sole custody of his daughter as he battles his ex-wife in court ... taking Ava to pass out jackets and food to the homeless. 11/28/19
Dando a quienes necesitan

En esa oportunidad, era cerca de Acción de Gracias y quiso dar un buen ejemplo a su hijo.

Hablando del Día de Acción de Gracias, esta fecha se ha convertido un poco en pasatiempo de retribución para las celebridades en los últimos años, quienes se han unido para repartir comidas calientes a los necesitados. Han sido varias las estrellas que han participado en estas iniciativas: desde Danny Trejo, Emmy Rossum, Kevin Hart a Lisa Rinna, sólo para nombrar unos pocos.

Incluso ha habido polémicas entre los A-listers, como es el caso de Kanye West.

Antes de que fuera persona non grata en Hollywood, como resultado de los comentarios antisemitas que vomitó el año pasado, el tipo era en realidad bastante amable con las personas que eran menos afortunadas.

Kanye West Gives Homeless Man $100, Promises to Send Him Free Yeezys 10/5/19
yeezys y efectivo

Es memorable la vez en que estuvo entregando dinero en efectivo y Yeezys a un hombre en su propia ciudad natal, en Chicago. Esto, antes de que él y Adidas se separaran, y se podría decir que significaba mucho para este hombre que estuviera regalando todo.

El punto es ... Hollywood devuelve, y siempre lo ha hecho. Y eso sin contar las nobles acciones que se hacen a puerta cerrada y fuera de las cámaras. Sigan asi, todos.

Timothée Chalamet Hush Hush On Romance With Kylie ... But Flashes A Smile 😏


Timothée Chalamet is hinting things are going well with Kylie Jenner ... but he's not ready to talk about it, only flashing a smile when asked about his new boo.

We got the 27-year-old actor outside Cartier in Beverly Hills on Tuesday, and asked him a few Kylie-related Qs. TC stayed silent, but shot us a sign -- unsuccessfully hiding a smirk as he was walking the streets.

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As we reported, Timothée and Kylie went public with their relationship earlier this month, smooching at Beyoncé's birthday concert in Los Angeles. The two had been linked for months after Kylie's car was parked at his place back in April, and they were also spotted on a taco date around that time, too.

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U.S. Open

They certainly haven't been trying to hide it since the concert -- sitting together courtside at the US Open last week with a bunch of other celebs in the building.

BTW, they were locking lips quite a bit at that event, too ... hey, maybe Timothée's smile in Bev Hills was from the PDA-filled flashbacks.

We covered it all on a previous episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


sonrisa picarona

Timothée Chalamet insinúa que las cosas van bien con Kylie Jenner, pero no está listo para hablar de ello. Sin embargo, mostró una sonrisa cuando se le preguntó acerca de su nueva aventura.

Encontramos al actor de 27 años fuera de Cartier en Beverly Hills el martes y le preguntamos algunas cosas relacionadas con Kylie. Timothée se mantuvo en silencio pero se le escapó una señal (no pudo ocultar una sonrisa mientras caminaba por las calles).

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besos en público

Como informamos, Timothée y Kylie hicieron pública su relación a principios de este mes, besándose en el concierto de cumpleaños de Beyoncé en Los Ángeles. Los dos habían sido vinculados durante meses después de que el carro de Kylie fue estacionado en su casa en abril. Además fueron vistos en una cita de tacos en ese momento.

Ciertamente no han estado tratado de ocultarlo desde el día del concierto, sentados juntos en la cancha en el US Open la semana pasada con un montón de otras celebridades en el edificio.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Groping Theater Date's Bar Slammed ... Comments Disabled After 1-Star Reviews

Rep. Lauren Boebert's handsy night at the theater has a Colorado bar getting flooded with a bunch of negative reviews ... all because the guy she was foolin' around with owns it.

Lauren's date that night, Quinn Gallagher, owns Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar in Aspen, and folks online have been taking to Yelp to express their distaste -- but they're more enraged about his night out as opposed to the actual biz.

One Yelper said Quinn is "disruptive & disrespectful in public places," an obvious reference to last week's caught-on-camera moment while he and Boebert were enjoying "Beetlejuice" the musical ... and each other.

Another wrote, "This place sucks unless you admire an owner that dates Boobert [sic] and causes a ruckus at a theater play" -- while someone else added, "The owner is doinking 36 year old Grandma Boebert, who supported an insurrection against America!"

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The chatter on Yelp has gotten so bad, the platform had to temporarily disable reviews -- something the site often does when it sees a rapid uptick in folks review-bombing a business.

It didn't stop there, though -- Hooch's Facebook page was met with the same negative energy ... and its Instagram account has also turned off comments.

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As we reported, we got Lauren in D.C., and she told us Quinn is a great guy, but a second date isn't in their future ... something she openly attributes to their political differences.

Don't forget, Hooch hosted a drag performance in January as part of the city's annual Pride Week, and Lauren's railed on drag performers in the past. Yet another sign they won't be getting wild at "Wicked" anytime soon.

Lauren Boebert El bar de su cita en el teatro es humillado en redes Hasta desactivaron los comentarios...

El toqueteo de Lauren Boebert y su cita en el teatro han inundado de críticas negativas a un bar de Colorado, y todo, porque el hombre con el que estaba jugando es el dueño.

La cita de Lauren esa noche, Quinn Gallagher, es dueño del Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar en Aspen, y la gente han estado acudiendo a Yelp para expresar su disgusto con el lugar, aunque las personas están más enfurecidos por su actuación esa noche que con bar.

Un Yelper comentó que Quinn es "disruptivo e irrespetuoso en lugares públicos", una referencia obvia al momento capturado la semana pasada en un video, en donde se los ve a él y a la diputada Boebert disfrutando del musical de "Beetlejuice"... y de algo más.

Otro escribió: "Este lugar apesta a menos que admires a un propietario que salga con Boobert [sic] y cause un alboroto en una obra de teatro". Mientras que alguien más añadió: "¡El propietario se está tirando a Boebert, la abuela de 36 años que apoyó una insurrección contra América!"

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Cariñositos en el teatro

Los comentarios en Yelp han llegado a tal punto que la plataforma ha tenido que desactivar temporalmente sus reseñas, algo que el sitio a menudo hace cuando ve un rápido aumento de personas bomberando un negocio de críticas.

Pero la avalancha no se detuvo ahí. La página de Facebook de Hooch recibió la misma energía negativa y su cuenta de Instagram también desactivó los comentarios.

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Me siento bien...

Como informamos, Lauren está en DC, y nos dijo que Quinn es un gran tipo, pero no está en el horizonte una segunda cita, algo que atribuye abiertamente a sus diferencias políticas.

No se olviden de que Hooch organizó un espectáculo de drag en enero como parte de la Semana del Orgullo de la ciudad, y Lauren ha criticado a los artistas drag en el pasado. Otra señal de que no se van a poner cachondos en un futuro próximo.

Kevin Costner Divorce Was a Roller Coaster ... With Very Abrupt Ending!!!

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner seemed destined to fight out their divorce for months to come in court -- but now that anger-fueled ride's come to a screeching halt with their settlement ... which makes this look-back at how they got here all the more eye-popping.

Going all the way back to early May -- when CB first filed to end their marriage -- this uncoupling had all the markings of being ugly, starting with the fact her decision to divorce Kevin completely blindsided him.

What proceeded over the next 5 months amounted to one of the nastiest celeb divorces in recent memory ... despite the fact they had a prenup in place.

Pretty much from the jump, Christine indicated she had plans to challenge the validity of the prenup -- starting with the fact she put up a fight about moving out of their house ... even though the prenup required her to get out if she were to divorce him.

After A LOT of back and forth in court and a judge's ruling ... Christine did move out by the court-ordered deadline in late July. Keep in mind, Kevin said he'd already given her over a million bucks to get her own pad.

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In addition to the housing drama ... there was the acrimonious issue of child support, which had been challenged by Christine since the beginning. At first, she'd asked a judge to make Kevin pay a whopping $248,000/month to support their 3 teenage kids.

Kevin, of course, scoffed at that ... insisting the realistic number was probably closer to $63k/mo. -- and while he had to cough up $129k/mo as an interim amount, the judge ultimately sided with him on this matter, ruling the $63k was enough to sustain the children.

Amid all this mudslinging and money talk, the Costners went on vacation -- 2 different ones, actually ... and their kiddos got to enjoy respective trips with Mom and Dad. Christine took them to Hawaii for a week, and then KC flew them out to Aspen for some QT.

Come August, it was back to the lawyers' table ... with both Kevin and Christine sitting for a deposition to settle the issue of whether Christine "understood" the prenup she signed way back before their 2004 wedding ... something she and her lawyers argued might not have been totally clear to her.

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Kevin and Christine showed up dressed to the nines for that depo ... and then testified all over again in court to hash out more points, including money, rumored partners and more.

In the end, a judge sided with Kevin on this as well -- saying the prenup was clear, and ordered Christine to pay a little more than $14k to cover Kevin's attorney fees for litigating this minute detail.

Christine then signaled she wasn't done nitpicking ... asking for more cash from Kevin to cover her attorney fees, which she estimated at $885k.

That was the latest barb just a few days ago ... and there appeared to be no end in sight. Then, just this week, Christine and Kevin buried the hatchet in a surprise move.

As we reported ... they settled, the terms of which are being kept private for now. While Christine seemed to be taking L after L in court, it sounds like she might've clocked a small win in the end -- as our sources tell us she walked away with more dough than what she was due under the original terms of their prenup.

And so, that's that. This was one for the ages, and certainly worth diving into to see all the highs and lows. Talk about a roller coaster, huh?

RUSSELL BRAND NO PUEDE COBRAR EN YOUTUBE En medio de acusaciones de violación

YouTube le está cortando las alas a Russell Brand en respuesta a las acusaciones de violación y agresión sexual en su contra. La plataforma le ha impedido monetizar sus videos.

Un portavoz de YouTube dijo el martes que se suspende la cuenta del comediante convertido en influencer que tiene más de 6,6 millones de suscriptores, lo que significa que no será capaz de sacar provecho de los anuncios que se reproducen antes y durante su biblioteca de videos.

La compañía dice que Brand violó su política de responsabilidad del creador, la cual dice que el comportamiento de un creador fuera de la plataforma que se considera potencialmente perjudicial para los demás puede dar lugar a que YouTube tome medidas.

Esto no sólo afecta al canal principal de Brand, también perjudica a sus otras cuentas tales como: Como despertar con Russell, El fútbol es agradable, y Permanecer libre con Russell Brand.

Como informamos, Brand se enfrenta ahora a las reclamaciones de múltiples mujeres que afirman haber sido violadas, agredidas sexualmente o abusadas por él desde 2006 hasta 2013, con una presunta víctima diciendo que dijo que tenía interacciones tóxicas con él cuando tenía sólo 16 años de edad.

El periodista fue puesto en la picota en dos reportajes publicados el sábado por The Times (Reino Unido) y Channel 4. Brand intentó salir al paso del informe publicando un vídeo el viernes en las redes sociales (incluido su canal de YouTube) en el que decía que todos sus encuentros sexuales habían sido consentidos.

Para tu información, la BBC también ha retirado algunos de los programas de Brand de sus plataformas Sounds y iPlayer después de que las acusaciones salieran a la luz, diciendo que algunos de sus contenidos pasados "ahora caen por debajo de las expectativas del público".

Russell Brand Can't Cash In On YouTube ... Amid Rape Claims

YouTube is cutting off Russell Brand's cash flow in response to rape and sexual assault allegations against him -- the platform's suspended him from making money off his videos.

A YouTube spokesperson said on Tuesday it's suspending the comedian-turned-influencer's account -- which has over 6.6 million subscribers -- which means he won't be able to cash in on the ads that play before and during his library of vids.

The company says Brand violated its creator responsibility policy -- which, in part, says a creator's off-platform behavior that's deemed potentially harmful to others can result in YouTube taking action.

This doesn't just affect Brand's main channel, BTW ... it also puts the kibosh on his other accounts raking in the dough, like Awakening with Russell, Football Is Nice, and Stay Free with Russell Brand.

As we reported, Brand is now facing claims from multiple women who claim to have been raped, sexually assaulted or abused by him from 2006 to 2013 ... with one alleged victim saying said she had toxic interactions with him when she was just 16 years old.

He was put on blast in 2 pieces, published on Saturday through The Times (UK) and Channel 4. Brand tried getting in front of the report by posting a video Friday on social media -- including his YT channel -- saying all of his sexual encounters have been consensual.

FYI, the BBC has also pulled some of Brand's shows from its Sounds and iPlayer platforms after the allegations came to light -- saying some of his past content "now falls below public expectations."


¡Este puede ser el giro más impactante de este año! la guerra de divorcio entre Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner es ahora historia... porque han ¡¡¡VUELTO!!!

A pesar de lo improbable que parecía un acuerdo, había indicios de que podría suceder. Como ya habíamos informado el equipo legal de Kevin (encabezado por Laura Wasser) ganó una serie de escaramuzas legales, en particular en el departamento de manutención de los hijos. Wasser presentó documentos al tribunal diciendo que la obligación mensual de Kevin debería ser de $63.000 al mes. Christine quería $248k al mes, y luego de una audiencia probatoria de 2 días en Santa Bárbara a principios de este mes, el juez Thomas Anderle estuvo de lado de Kevin.

El juez también dejó muy claro que el acuerdo prenupcial se aplicaría, y si Christine impugnara tendría que devolver Kevin más de un millón y pagar los honorarios de su abogado para la lucha prenupcial. Al parecer, Christine vio la escritura en la pared y aceptó el fin de semana los términos de una carta de acuerdo de 3 páginas.

Los dos estuvieron casados durante 18 años y tuvieron 3 hijos juntos. Christine solicitó el divorcio en mayo y pidió la custodia compartida. Kevin también pidió la custodia compartida. No conocemos los detalles del acuerdo pero parece que la petición de honorarios de $850.000 de Christine está fuera de la mesa.

Aunque el acuerdo prenupcial es exigible, nuestras fuentes dicen que Christine consiguió más de lo que estaba prescrito en el documento en aras de la solución.