Chad Johnson I've Spoken W/ Tee Higgins He And Bengals 'Will Work It Out!!!'


Breathe easy, Bengals fans ... Chad Johnson tells TMZ Sports he's been in touch with Tee Higgins recently, and he's confident the wide receiver's gripe with Cincinnati will get smoothed over sooner rather than later.

If you've missed it, the Bengals star wideout has been upset with his contract situation in Cincy for a while now ... after he and the team have repeatedly disagreed on the figures of his annual salary.

Reportedly, Higgins wants a deal near $25 mil a year, but the Bengals haven't been willing to pay him that. In fact, they've been so far apart, the Cincinnati franchise tagged him earlier this year -- meaning if the two sides don't reach an agreement soon, the wideout will have to play on a one-year pact worth roughly $21 million.

HELEN KELLER se venden cartas por $75K

La extraordinaria colección de cartas de Helen Keller, que abarca desde su infancia hasta la edad adulta, se vende por 75.000 dólares. tiene en sus manos un pedazo de historia que por primera vez revelan nuevos detalles sobre la relación desconocida entre Helen y su madre, Kate.

Hay una carta manuscrita e ilustrada de 7 páginas realmente extraordinaria, escrita por Helen cuando solo tenía 8 años, que proporciona una visión temprana de cómo más tarde rompería las barreras para las personas con discapacidades auditivas y visuales.

Bill Maher Feds Dragging on Trump ... AG Garland's Slower Than L.A.'s 405!!!

Attorney Genial

Bill Maher's taking aim at America's top cop, Attorney General Merrick Garland ... questioning why Democrats even gave him the job, and calling him out for screwing up federal prosecution of Donald Trump.

Maher's dismantling of the AG went down on Friday night's episode of his show, 'Real Time' ... and while he had plenty of disdain for Trump and his hush money trial in NYC, the comedian unloaded most of his ire on Garland for moving at a glacial pace to even indict Trump.

Remember, Trump's current trial is in NY state court for allegedly falsifying business records related to hush money paid to Stormy Daniels -- and Maher makes it clear, in pretty hilarious fashion, why Trump should be found guilty. Gotta tip our hat on the El Chapo drug mule joke. 😂

Ryan Reynolds encuentra un nuevo negocio en la ropa deportiva

Ryan Reynolds está doblando su inversión en el mundo del deporte, y es en gran parte debido a los fans de sus 2 mayores franquicias... TMZ ha indagado.

La firma del actor -Maximum Effort- anunció el jueves que está gastando a lo grande para convertirse en uno de los principales inversores en Homage, una empresa de ropa deportiva con una especialidad en atuendos de estilo vintage.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el actor está encantado con la nueva adición a su cartera debido a sus experiencias con el club de fútbol Inglés y las películas de "Deadpool".

President Biden Fundraising Visit Costs L.A. Millions ... LAPD Costs Skyrocket!!!

President Biden's got a nice chunk o' change for his campaign war chest after visiting Los Angeles, but it did the opposite for the city ... draining millions from the budget.

According to documents, obtained by TMZ, additional LAPD staffing costs to keep POTUS secure during his December trip, cost L.A. just north of $2.6 million ... with much of it going toward the boots on the ground.

The biggest cost, by far, is the $1,833,818.07 paid out to regular police officers -- the cops who blocked off roads and provided security for events. The next biggest expense was salaries for sergeants and detective supervisors ... which totaled $540,720.22.

Ryan Reynolds Fans Inspired New Biz Opportunity!!!

Ryan Reynolds is doubling down on his investment in the sports world, and it's in large part due to fans of his 2 biggest franchises ... TMZ has learned.

The actor's investment firm, Maximum Effort, announced Thursday it's spending big to become one of the leading investors in Homage, a sports apparel company with a specialty in vintage-style getups.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... RR is thrilled about the new addition to his portfolio because of his experiences with his English soccer club and the 'Deadpool' movies.

Kirby Smart Inks $130 Million Deal W/ Georgia ... Richest In College Football

Kirby Smart is college football's first-ever $13 million man -- the Georgia Bulldogs coach just inked a massive, 10-year, $130 million deal ... making him the highest-paid staffer in college football.

The University of Georgia's board of directors approved the huge chunk of change during a meeting on Thursday ... improving Smart's already impressive salary from the $10.75 million he was slated to get under his old contract.

The deal is guaranteed through five years ... and will run through the 2033 season.

Halle Berry "Grita ¡Tengo la menopausia!"

"¡solo dilo!"

Halle Berry es una apasionada de la menopausia, y habla de ello en público nada menos que en las escaleras del Capitolio de EE.UU., donde aboga por una mayor concientización al respecto.

La actriz subió a un podio el jueves en Washington, donde estuvo rodeada de varios senadores de EE.UU. que acababan de presentar un proyecto de ley que busca sustancialmente más fondos y recursos para la menopausia... algo por lo que todas las mujeres tienen pasar.

Ahí es donde Halle entra en acción. Ella se levantó y habló de su propia experiencia con la menopausia y gritó desde la cima de la montaña, dejando que todos sepan que está pasando por ese momento en su vida.

Halle Berry Screams Out 'I Have Menopause'!!! On Steps of the U.S. Capitol


Halle Berry is passionate about her menopause -- and she's talking about it in public ... on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, no less, where she's advocating for more awareness on this.

The actress stepped up to a podium Thursday in D.C., where she was surrounded by multiple U.S. senators who'd just unveiled a bill seeking substantially more funding and resources to be thrown at menopause ... something all women go through in life.

That's where Halle enters the chat. She got up there and talked about her own experience with menopause, and shouted from the mountaintop -- letting everyone know she has it.

Jimmy Kimmel Llama a Travis el novio "quebrado" de Taylor... Tras contrato con la NFL

Felicitaciones, pero...

Travis Kelce puede ser el tight end mejor pagado de la NFL, pero es un poco simplón en comparación a lo que gana su novia Taylor Swift, algo que Jimmy Kimmel advirtió.

Jimmy Kimmel se burló de la extensión del contrato de 2 años del jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs durante el monólogo de apertura de su show esta semana. Aunque Travis va a recibir $34 millones con su nuevo acuerdo, Jimmy señala, y con razón, que es "dinero de goma" para Taylor y su patrimonio neto de mil millones de dólares.

Jimmy bromeó: "¿Te imaginas estar en una relación en la que ganas 34 millones de dólares y sigues siendo el novio arruinado?".

Kaley Cuoco Se despide de su casa de Los Ángeles ¡Se vende por millones!

Kaley Cuoco se ha separado oficialmente de su casa en Los Ángeles, vendiendo el lugar por millones de dólares.

La propiedad de 9 acres de la actriz acaba de ser vendida a un nuevo propietario, esto después de que ella la comprara por $5.25 millones a Taylor Lautner en 2022. Ahora tiene nuevos propietarios, a menos de un año de haber sido listada.

La casa se vendió por casi $5.5 millones, así que fue un buen negocio después de todo, y Kaley anotó una victoria en el mercado de la vivienda. Francamente, es un mercado difícil estos días.

Jimmy Kimmel Calls Travis Kelce Taylor's 'Broke BF' ... After New NFL Contract


Travis Kelce may be the highest paid NFL tight end, but it's chump change compared to what his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, makes ... something Jimmy Kimmel pointed out.

JK poked fun at the Kansas City Chiefs player's 2-year contract extension during the opening monologue for his show this week. While Travis is raking in $34 mil with his new deal, Jimmy rightly notes ... it's "gum money" to Taylor and her billion-dollar net worth.

Jimmy quipped ... "Can you imagine being in a relationship where you make $34 million and you’re still the broke boyfriend?"

Kaley Cuoco Says Goodbye to L.A. Home ... Sells for Millions!!!

Kaley Cuoco has officially parted ways with her crib in L.A. -- selling the place for millions of dollars ... and raking in a nice little bundle that puts her in the black.

The actress's 9-acre estate just recently sold to a new owner -- this after she snapped it up for $5.25 million from Taylor Lautner in 2022 -- now has new owners ... less than a year after being listed.

The house sold for nearly $5.5 mil -- so, a good deal all around ... as Kaley walks away with a profit, which is a win in the housing market. Frankly, it's rough out there these days.

Jamie Lynn Spears Britney puede hablar todo lo que quiera... Me alegro de que esté viva

Jamie Lynn Spears no está preocupada por los desagradables comentarios de su hermana contra ella. Personas cercanas a Jamie revelan que ella ha desarrollado una manera positiva de ver las molestas cosas que dice Britney.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Jamie Lynn solo está preocupada por el bienestar de Britney, por lo que en realidad no le importan los insultos que dispare en las redes sociales, porque cada comentario es una señal de que Brit sigue viva.

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Alocado video

Esta revelación sobre la perspectiva de Jamie Lynn viene después de que Britney la llamara repetidamente "pequeña zorra" y "pequeña p***" en un incoherente video que publicó en sus redes y que luego borró de Instagram.

Jamie Lynn Spears Britney Can Talk S*** All She Likes ... Just Happy She's Breathing

Jamie Lynn Spears isn't sweating her sister's nasty comments about her ... with people close to her revealing she's developed a positive way to look at Britney's trash talk.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Jamie Lynn's only worried about Britney's well-being, so she's actually fine with all the smack Britney fires off on social media -- because every comment is a sign Brit's still alive.

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This revelation about Jamie Lynn's outlook comes on the heels of Britney repeatedly calling her a "little bitch" and a "little s***" in a rambling, barely coherent video she posted, then deleted from Instagram.

O.J. Simpson Executor Invites Goldmans, Browns to Meeting ... No Payment Guarantees

O.J. Simpson's executor is ready to talk money with the people to whom Simpson died owing tens of millions of dollars -- but he's not making any promises about what the estate will pay them ... TMZ has learned.

Malcolm LaVergne -- O.J.'s longtime lawyer and now executor of his estate -- sent a letter, dated April 25, to lawyers for the Brown and Goldman families regarding their civil judgments against O.J. ... and inviting them to a meeting this month to discuss their probate claims against the estate.

Among the topics LaVergne says he wants to share with Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman's families -- O.J.'s living revocable trust, his last 2 years of federal tax returns, federal tax liens, cash and jewelry LaVergne took from O.J.'s house after he died and videos he shot of Simpson's residence.