Gypsy Rose Blanchard TikTok $$$ in Ryan's Account ... He Hasn't Reached Out

Gypsy Rose is missing a pretty big bag from her TikTok account -- several thousand dollars that ended up in her estranged husband's hands when she deleted her account.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Gypsy, who had over 9 million Tiktok followers, earned approximately $6,000 through the creator fund from all the videos on her TikTok page, an account she needed to connect to a PayPal a couple of months ago.

Since she didn't have a PayPal account, Gypsy hooked it up to her then-husband Ryan Anderson's account ... and she didn't really think about the money again.

Mark Wahlberg POSTEA UN VIDEO SIN CAMISETA Días después de la demanda de Beckham

Mark Wahlberg parece estar enviando un mensaje con su último post, ya que viene en los talones de la demanda de David Beckham contra su empresa de fitness.

El actor lanzó un video el miércoles en su página de IG, y si bien no fue la primera cosa que ha publicado desde que David presentó una demanda contra la marca de entrenamiento F45 de Mark, es la primera en la que está sin camisa y ladrando agresivamente, interesante teniendo en cuenta lo que está pasando.

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El video es bastante simple; Mark aparece de pie al aire libre en las primeras horas de la madrugada -4 AM al parecer- y parece ser el comienzo de una rutina de entrenamiento.

Mark Wahlberg Posts Shirtless Flex Video ... Days After Beckham Suit

Mark Wahlberg seems to be telegraphing a certain message with his latest thirst trap post -- which comes on the heels of David Beckham's lawsuit against his fitness company.

The actor threw up a video Wednesday on his IG page, and while it wasn't the first thing he's posted since David filed suit against Mark's F45 training brand ... it is the first one where he's shirtless and barking aggressively, interesting considering what's going on BTS.

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The video's pretty simple ... it's Mark standing outside in the wee hours of the morning -- 4 AM, apparently -- which seems to be the start of whatever workout routine he's getting into.

Dermot Mulroney No consiguió trabajo por 1 año tras la "La boda de mi mejor amigo"

Dermot Mulroney dice que tuvo un año duro tras "La boda de mi mejor amigo" y está culpando a la campaña de marketing de la película y su diminuta aparición en el póster.

El actor le dijo al New York Times que no consiguió ningún trabajo por aproximadamente un año luego de actuar en la icónica comedia romántica de los años 90 junto a Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz y Rupert Everett, y atribuye esto al hecho de que fue minimizado en el cartel de la película que circuló por ese entonces.

Dijo: "Yo estaba sentado allí listo para recibir los regalos que se suponía que vendrían junto con estar en una película popular y, en lugar de eso, probablemente no trabajé por un año".


Dermot Mulroney says he had a one-year acting dry spell post-"My Best Friend's Wedding" -- and he's blaming the movie's marketing campaign ... and his teeny-tiny placement.

The actor told the New York Times that he didn't get any work for about a year after acting in the iconic '90s rom-com opposite Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, and Rupert Everett -- and he attributes this to the fact he was downplayed in the actual movie poster that went around.

He says, "I was sitting there ready for the gift with purchase that was supposed to come along with being in a popular movie, and instead, I probably didn't work for a year."

TikTok Biden firma un proyecto de ley que prohíbe la app... El CEO promete pelear

El Presidente Biden acaba de firmar un proyecto de ley que prohíbe TikTok en Estados Unidos (a menos que se venda a una empresa con sede en EE.UU.), pero su actual CEO dice que van a luchar como el infierno y promete que van a ir a la corte.

El mandamás de TikTok Shou Zi Chew publicó un video el miércoles, luego de que Joe pusiera su firma a la legislación aprobada por la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado, y que básicamente hace que TikTok sea ilegal en Estados mientras esté bajo control chino.

Vamos a seguir peleando

El empresario dice que él y sus socios van a desafiar esta nueva ley y confía en que TikTok ganará, afirmando que la Constitución está del lado de la empresa. Chew y compañía dicen que van a citar los derechos de la Primera Enmienda para defender su posición.

TikTok Biden Signs Bill Banning App ... CEO Promises to Fight

President Biden just signed a bill banning TikTok in America (unless it's sold to a U.S.-based company) -- but the current CEO says they're gonna fight like hell ... vowing to go to court.

TikTok's head honcho Shou Zi Chew posted a video Wednesday in response to Joe putting his John Hancock on legislation that got passed in the House of Representatives and the Senate ... which basically makes TikTok illegal here in the States under Chinese control.


The businessman says he and his partners are going to challenge this new law -- and is confident TikTok will win before a judge, stating the Constitution is on the company's side. Chew and co. say they're going to cite First Amendment rights in defending their position.

Sofía Vergara finalmente vende su casa Luego de bajarle considerablemente el precio

Sofía Vergara finalmente puede cerrar el libro de su matrimonio con Joe Manganiello para siempre, porque acaba de deshacerse del último vestigio de su pasado... la casa de lujo que compartían.

La propiedad de la actriz en Beverly Hills -que había estado tratando de vender desde hace un par de años- encontró un nuevo propietario esta semana según los registros en línea, a un precio final de $13.7 millones.

Eso es mucho menos de lo que costaba hace unos meses, cuando ella la puso de nuevo al mercado por $13.9 millones, y ya había sido rebajada en gran medida desde 2022.

Sofia Vergara Finally Unloads Bev Hills Estate ... After Massive Price Drop

Sofia Vergara can finally close the book on her marriage to Joe Manganiello for good -- because she just got rid of the last remnant of their past ... the fancy house they shared.

The actress's Beverly Hills estate -- which has been on the market for a couple years now -- found a new owner this week according to online records... with a sale of her former property officially closing on Tuesday, at a final price of $13.7 million.

That's down from what she'd relisted it for at the beginning of the year, when she put it back on the market for $13.9 mil -- which had already been slashed by quite a lot since 2022.


Anne Heche's estate is having difficulty paying off its outstanding debts -- this according to court docs filed by the late actress' son.

Homer Laffoon is the administrator of his late mom's estate, and he filed docs with the court saying the probate case isn't ready to close yet because it is still dealing with claims from several creditors.

He says her estate has a "modest bank account, royalty payments, and other residual income from pre-death projects" -- such as money from her posthumous memoir "Call Me Anne" -- but, apparently, it's not enough to cover all the claims.

Kyle Richards' Daughter Home Burglarized in Broad Daylight ... Jewelry, Handbags Swiped


Kyle Richards raced to her daughter's side this week after hearing about an emergency at her kid's home -- as the place got broken into by thieves, who busted in in broad daylight.

Sources familiar tell TMZ … Farrah Aldjufrie's L.A.-area home got burglarized Tuesday afternoon, with the crime happening around 1 PM PT. Thankfully, we're told Farrah wasn't home when this happened ... but unfortunately, these crooks made off with quite a lot.

Our sources say the burglars forced open a door on the property and made entry into the home -- and at some point during their stealing spree, we're told they actually cut Farrah's WiFi off completely ... likely in hopes of trying to cut the connection to surveillance cameras.

Larry Nassar U.S. Gov Agrees To Pay Victims $138M ... Over Botched FBI Investigation

Victims of disgraced former Team USA doctor Larry Nassar will receive a massive $138.7 million payout from the U.S. Department of Justice.

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Tuesday they'd be shelling out the huge payment to 139 victims ... all because the DOJ concluded the FBI failed to conduct a thorough investigation of Nassar once the bureau received critical information that could've put a stop to the doctor's horrific acts.

“For decades, Lawrence Nassar abused his position, betraying the trust of those under his care and medical supervision while skirting accountability,” Acting Associate Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer said in a news release.

Anne Heche House Destroyed in Fiery Wreck Restored ... And Back on the Market

The Southern California home Anne Heche destroyed in the car accident that claimed her life has been fully restored -- and it's on the market too ... going for a bundle.

The 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom Los Angeles residence looks strikingly different from the last time we saw it -- as it was previously a scorched wreck from the fiery collision that led to Anne's untimely passing in 2022.

These days, the house boasts a fresh coat of white paint with a black trim along the side. A small, but sunny front porch juts out into a modest front yard. The front of the structure is completely rebuilt too ... and looks nothing like it did a couple years ago.

Colts Owner Jim Irsay Disputes Cops' 'Overdose' Report ... Says Leg Injury Caused Medical Emergency

Jim Irsay says his medical emergency back in December was NOT due to an overdose ... insisting this week a leg injury was actually the cause of the scare.

Cops, of course, have stated otherwise. Carmel Police Department officers said in an incident report they responded to the Indianapolis Colts owner's Carmel residence on Dec. 8 at around 4:30 AM after he had been struggling to breathe with a weak pulse. They said following an administration of a dose of Narcan -- a drug commonly used to revive people in opiate overdose situations -- "he responded slightly."

Irsay was ultimately strapped to a stretcher and taken to the hospital ... and cops ended up classifying the whole ordeal as a suspected "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

CHRIS PRATT & KAT SCHWARZENEGGER Home Tear Down Angers Architect's Stans ... But His Daughter Says Chill

Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger have architecture super fans (yeah, they're a thing) up in arms after they demolished an historic L.A. pad to build their dream home, but the architect's daughter says it's not that big of a loss.

Erin Ellwood, daughter of the legendary architect Craig Ellwood -- who designed and built the Brentwood, CA home in 1950 -- tells TMZ there's no need for the uproar over the Pratts' teardown of the iconic residence known as the Zimmerman home.

In her eyes, it's not nearly the tragedy her father's fans are making it out to be, especially because it's not the most spectacular example of his elegant work.

Coachella Weekend 2 Nailed with $28K Fine ... Due to Lana Del LATE!!!

Coachella weekend 2 wrapped up on a low note, financially speaking, as the music festival is facing a $28,000 fine over Lana Del Rey's set.

A rep for the City of Indio, where Coachella takes place, tells TMZ ... the singer's show went over 13 minutes on Friday night. Might not sound like THAT bad of an infraction, but it's enough to trigger the hefty fine.

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Lana's weekend 2 set featured 19 songs in total ... including a surprise performance from Camila Cabello, who performed her new single, "I LUV IT."