Sydney Sweeney's a hall of fame spin doctor, or she's got showbiz all figured out ... because she's explaining why the epic flop of "Madame Web" is actually good for her career.

The actress basically has a strategic business perspective on the film crashing and burning at the box office ... telling GQ UK she's seeing it as a smart move in the grand scheme of things 'cause her involvement in the film has strengthened her ties to the big wigs at Sony.

Sydney says starring in the flick opened doors she wouldn't have access to, otherwise.

Case in point, thanks to her connection with Sony, she managed to get her other movie "Anyone But You" made and even snagged the lead role in the new "Barbarella" movie -- all under the Sony umbrella.

As for directly addressing the "Madame Web" backlash ... Sydney's saying she was just hired as an actor, and was stoked to breathe life into the character.

But when it comes to the fallout from it flopping, she's cool with riding the wave wherever it takes her, especially since she's not in the producer's seat.

IYDK, back in 2020, Sydney actually launched her own production company, Fifty-Fifty Films, which helped the success of her other film, "Anyone But You," costarring Glen Powell.

"Madame Web" didn't quite hit the same mark -- barely scraping together $25.8 million domestically in its opening weekend.

But as far as Sydney's concerned, a movie's plot ain't a deal breaker when it comes to choosing scripts ... she's just focused on building professional relationships.

Translation: Syd's playing the long game!

Steve Wynn Stern Warning Over New Film Project ... Be Honest or Else!!!

Steve Wynn isn't hedging any bets when it comes to a just-announced film project about his life ... as he's hit producers with a stern message about their potential portrayal of him.

We've seen a copy of a letter issued to producers Scott Jay Kaplan, Emmet McDermott and author Christina Binkley after the industry vets optioned the rights to CB's book, 'Winner Takes All' -- which details Steve's rise and fall as a casino bigwig -- for a dramatic retelling.

The letter was sent from powerhouse attorney Patricia L. Glaser on behalf of Steve ... and it makes clear that the Sin City businessman won't tolerate creative liberties taken in any big or small dramatization of his life -- including what Kaplan and McDermott are working on.

The billionaire's legal team explicitly expressed their concern for the project ... citing what they allege is the author's "history of false statements and mischaracterizations regarding [Steve]" -- referencing the source material that'll serve as the inspiration for this project of theirs.

While Steve didn't threaten to put the kibosh on the movie here in this letter his attorney fired off -- not that he had any real right to stall the project -- he does demand, via Glaser, that Scott and Emmet verify every fact presented in the story and ensure that their sources are fully vetted. Translation ... no stone should be left unturned when it comes to research!

And it's pretty obvious that Steve means business here -- as the letter threatened legal action over any falsehoods that may be presented.

Even though it's clear that Steve has never been a fan of his depiction in 'Winner Takes All' ...  it doesn't appear he ever sued over the book in the 16 years since it's been published.

The book found itself on the NYT Best Seller List after chronicling the meteoric rise of Wynn -- who was forced to step down from Wynn Resorts amid sexual misconduct allegations ... claims he's denied, for which he's never been charged with a crime.

As for how Scott and Emmet feel about the stern letter ... sources tell us that they're already casting -- if that's any indication of how they're approaching the warning shot.

Jonathan Majors Demandado por su ex novia Grace Jabbari... Por agresión y difamación


12:21 PM PT -- El abogado de Jonathan Majors Priya Chaudhry le dice a TMZ: "Esto no es una sorpresa. El Sr. Majors está preparando contrademandas contra la Sra. Jabbari".

Jonathan Majors está siendo llevado nuevamente a los tribunales por su ex novia Grace Jabbari, quien lo está demandando por un caso de agresión en esta oportunidad y otras cuestiones que dice que ocurrieron en el pasado.

Jabbari acaba de presentar una demanda contra Majors y en los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, está entrando en muchos más detalles sobre estos otros casos, los que habrían ocurrido antes de marzo de 2023, cuando sucedió el incidente que lo llevó a la corte criminal y finalmente terminó con una condena en su contra.

En la demanda de Grace Jabbari, ella afirma que el supuesto abuso que sufrió a manos de Majors ocurrió poco tiempo después de que empezaran a salir en 2021, particularmente a fines de ese año, cuando tuvo miedo por primera vez de su temperamento, luego que mencionara una relación anterior que lo hizo enojarse y atacarla verbalmente.

Ella cita otros supuestos casos de abuso, incluyendo una acusación de que Majors la arrojó contra una pared en la ducha después de que se molestara con ella, y supuestamente le lanzara objetos como velas y otros artículos diversos.

Ella continúa afirmando que Majors la agredió en Londres en varias ocasiones mientras estaba filmando "Loki". Jabbari también afirma que cosas tan simples como tener compañía o reírse por teléfono con su madre le enfadaban y le hacían perder los estribos y alega que le rompía los auriculares o a veces incluso su cabeza.

Jabbari cita un supuesto caso en que Majors se enfadó tanto con ella que le golpeó la cabeza contra un suelo de mármol e incluso la habría estrangulado.

Afirma que fue por esas fechas que dio su diatriba sobre Coretta Scott King en Londres.

¡¡¡Sigue su ejemplo!!!

Finalmente, Jabbari menciona el incidente de marzo de 2023, en donde repite las acusaciones de que este la habría golpeado en el carro luego que ella intentara mirar un mensaje de texto en su teléfono que le habría enviado otra mujer.

Continúa afirmando que le torció los dedos en el carro y que cuando salió y ella lo siguió, él la empujó "como una pelota de fútbol".

Todo esto se discutió largamente durante el juicio, y al final el jurado condenó a Majors por las pruebas que vio el jurado fuera del vehículo. Aquí, sin embargo, ella está insistiendo con que hubo una agresión dentro del coche y que fue el punto de ebullición de lo que ella describe como una larga relación llena de abusos.

Como hemos informado, Majors fue declarado culpable de delito menor de agresión y acoso en diciembre, y actualmente está a la espera de su sentencia, a pesar de que su equipo ha presentado una solicitud para revocar la condena.

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Soy responsable por haber estado ahí
ABC News

Jabbari también está demandando a Majors por difamación, pues ella alega que el actor ha empañado su reputación al afirmar que mintió sobre el abuso físico durante las entrevistas que hizo antes y después del juicio.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Majors para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 11:58 AM PT

Jonathan Majors Sued by Ex-GF Grace Jabbari ... Claims Assault, Defamation


12:21 PM PT -- Jonathan Majors' lawyer Priya Chaudhry tells TMZ ... "This is no surprise. Mr. Majors is preparing counterclaims against Ms. Jabbari."

Jonathan Majors is being taken back to court by his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari -- who's now suing him over the assault case ... and some other stuff she claims went down beforehand.

Jabbari just filed suit against Majors ... and in the docs, obtained by TMZ, she's getting into a lot more detail about other alleged instances that she claims occurred before the March 2023 incident that landed him in criminal court, and which ultimately ended with a conviction.

In GJ's lawsuit, she claims the alleged abuse she endured at the hands of Majors started as early as 2021 after they'd started dating -- specifically pointing out a time at the end of that year which she says became the first she started to fear him and his temper ... this after she mentioned a previous relationship, which she says pissed him off and led to a verbal attack.

There are other alleged instances of abuse that she cites -- including a claim that Majors threw her into a shower wall after he got angry with her, while allegedly proceeding to throw objects, like candles and other miscellaneous items.

She goes on to claim Majors assaulted her in London on a number of occasions while he was in town filming "Loki." Jabbari also claims simple things like having company over or laughing on the phone with her mother would anger him and cause him to fly off the handle ... with her alleging he'd smash her headphones, or at times even her head.

Jabbari cites one alleged instance in which she claims that Majors got so angry with her that he slammed her head against a marble floor and even allegedly strangled her.

She claims it was during this time in London that he gave his Coretta Scott King diatribe.


Eventually, Jabbari brings up the incident from March 2023 ... again repeating her claims that he hit her in the car when she tried to look at his phone over a text from another woman.

She goes on to claim that he twisted her fingers in the car, and that when he got out and she followed ... he threw her back in "like a football."

All of this was discussed at length during the trial, and in the end ... the jury convicted Majors over what the jury saw from the evidence outside of the vehicle. Here, however, she's doubling down again in a lawsuit -- insisting he assaulted her in the car and claiming it was the boiling point of what she alleges was a lengthy relationship littered with abuse.

As we reported ... Majors was convicted of misdemeanor assault and harassment in December, and he's currently awaiting sentencing -- even though his team has filed to have the conviction tossed.

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Another thing Jabbari is suing Majors for is defamation -- alleging he tarnished her reputation by claiming she lied about the physical abuse during interviews he did pre- and post-trial.

We've reached out to Majors' camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 11:58 AM PT


Looks like Barbra Streisand's complaints are ringing loud and clear -- Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch will not be adding the RBG Award to their trophy shelves after all.

In fact, the uproar over the pair snagging the prestigious leadership award named for late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so intense, the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation decided to pull the plug on the entire ceremony.

ICYMI ... Barbra, herself a former RBG Award recipient, didn't hold back when she slammed the organization's decision to honor the polarizing billionaire and the FOX Corp. founder.

Barbra took to IG to join forces with the Ginsburg family in denouncing this year's honorees ... saying she had the honor of rubbing elbows with RBG herself on multiple occasions, and she seriously doubts the late justice would give a nod to these particular awardees.

For those who don't know, the Org rolled out the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award back in 2019, originally aimed at honoring accomplished women. But, in a move toward gender equality, they switched gears in 2020 and started including men in the mix.

The pendulum swung pretty far the other way this year with 4 out of the 5 honorees being men -- billionaire philanthropist Michael Milken, actor Sylvester Stallone and Martha Stewart were to be honored along with Murdoch and Musk.

Barbra's denouncement came hot on the heels of RBG's daughter Jane speaking out, saying ... "The justice's family wish to make clear that they do not support using their mother's name to celebrate this year's slate of awardees and that the justice's family has no affiliation with and does not endorse these awards."

The backlash hit its peak when the foundation Chair, Julie Opperman, finally stepped up and announced the April ceremony was canceled... adding that offending RBG's family and friends was the last thing they wanted to do.

Opperman also mentioned the foundation will take a step back to reconsider its mission and figure out how it wants to move forward in the future.


El actor británico Aaron Taylor-Johnson se meterá en la piel de James Bond, o al menos es lo que le han ofrecido.

Según informa The Sun, la productora de Bond -Barbara Broccoli- ha puesto sus ojos en el actor de 33 años para la próxima aventura de 007, lo que le pondría fin a la larga espera para encontrar al séptimo actor que asumirá el papel icónico que data de 1962.

La publicación informa que nada está escrito en piedra todavía, pero los rumores en la calle es que Bond es un concierto de Aaron si él lo quiere. La oferta formal está sobre la mesa, y los productores están esperando su respuesta.

Pero Eon, la productora detrás de Bond, está bastante segura de que Aaron va a garabatear su nombre en ese contrato en cualquier momento.

La semana pasada, cuando la gente empezó a rumorear que interpretaría a Bond, Aaron se mostró discreto y le dijo a Numero: "Me parece encantador y maravilloso que la gente me vea en ese papel. Me lo tomo como un gran cumplido".

Un movimiento con clase. Mantener la calma hasta que todo sea oficial... muy Bond.

La última película de Aaron fue "Bullet Train" junto a Brad Pitt, y aparecerá en 3 películas este año, "The Fall Guy", "Nosferatu" y "Kraven the Hunter" -la quinta película del Universo Spider-Man de Sony- por lo que se ha mantenido ocupado.

No hace falta decir que la búsqueda para encontrar al próximo 007 ha sido un infierno, con algunos pesos pesados circulando en el aire como Idris Elba, Tom Hardy y Henry Cavill, solo por nombrar algunos. Pero parece que Aaron tiene las de ganar.


British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson is stepping into the suave shoes of James Bond ... or at least they've reportedly been offered to him, and the ball's in his court!

Bond producer Barbara Broccoli has apparently got her eyes set on the 33-year-old for the next 007 adventure, The Sun reports -- which would bring an end to the super long wait to find the seventh actor to take on the iconic role since 1962.

So, here's the deal ...the publication reports nothing's set in stone yet, but word on the street is that Bond is Aaron's gig if he wants it. The formal offer is sitting right there on the table, with producers waiting to hear back from him.

But, Eon, the production company behind JB, is pretty darn sure that Aaron's gonna scribble his name on that contract any day now.

Just last week, Aaron was keeping it low-key when folks started buzzing about him playing Bond, telling Numero, "I find it charming and wonderful that people see me in that role. I take it as a great compliment."

Classy move. Keeping things cool until everything's official ... very Bond.

IYDK, Aaron's last film was "Bullet Train" alongside Brad Pitt, and he'll be appearing in 3 films this year, "The Fall Guy," "Nosferatu" and "Kraven the Hunter" ... the fifth film in Sony's Spider-Man Universe -- so he's been keeping busy, but looks like he'll soon be adding a whole lot more to his plate.

Goes without saying, the quest to find the next 007 has been one heck of a ride, with some seriously heavy hitters in the mix, such as Idris Elba, Tom Hardy, and Henry Cavill ... just to name a few. But, as for now, it looks like it's ATJ's role to lose.

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Paul Pierce L.A. Home Burglarized $100K Cash, Watches Stolen

Paul Pierce is just the latest celebrity to fall prey to Los Angeles' burglary epidemic ... the former NBA superstar's home was broken into Friday night, and the perpetrators got away with luxury watches and over $100k in cash.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports the 46-year-old 10x NBA All-Star's pad was hit when Pierce wasn't home, and a mind-boggling amount of personal treasure was stolen.

Amongst the burglarized items were expensive watches, 6 figures in cash, and a safe ... which police are currently trying to track down.

As for the criminal investigation, we're told cops have been combing through video from the scene, hoping to find a critical piece of evidence that'll crack the case.

No arrests have been made.

While he's the latest, he's not the first big-named star to have their personal spaces violated, and their belongings stolen ... it's been an issue in the City of Angels for years.

Post Malone, Bella Thorne, Yasiel Puig, Rihanna, Quentin Tarantino, Drake and so many other stars have fallen victim.

In fact, the LAPD recently talked about "burglary tourists" from South America who travel to Los Angeles solely to target luxurious mansions.

Police say the rings sometimes use high-tech equipment like jammers to bypass security systems.

It's unclear if one of these rings is behind the Pierce burglary.

The Truth, a Basketball Hall of Famer, played 19 seasons in the NBA, averaging nearly 20 points, 6 rebounds, and 4 rebounds. Pierce won a title with the Celtics in 2008.

Bruno Mars no tiene deudas millonarias por el juego MGM desmiente los rumores

Bruno Mars no le debe millones al casino del MGM, a pesar de los recientes informes... TMZ ha indagado.

Un representante de MGM Resorts International le dice a TMZ que el cantante no tiene la supuesta deuda de juego de $50 millones -a pesar de que algunos recientemente afirmaron lo contrario- en cambio, MGM salió en defensa de Bruno diciendo que todo es falso.

De hecho, están muy emocionados de colaborar con el ganador del Grammy de nuevo en el futuro.

Y añaden: "Estamos orgullosos de nuestra relación con Bruno Mars, uno de los artistas más emocionantes y dinámicos del mundo. Desde sus espectáculos en Dolby Live en Park MGM hasta el nuevo salón Pinky Ring en Bellagio, la marca de entretenimiento de Bruno atrae a visitantes de todo el mundo. La asociación entre MGM y Bruno es duradera y se basa en el respeto mutuo. Cualquier especulación de lo contrario es completamente falsa; él no tiene ninguna deuda con MGM. Juntos, estamos entusiasmados por seguir creando experiencias inolvidables para nuestros huéspedes".

Esta actualización se produce poco después de que un informe comenzó a circular la semana pasada, el que afirmó que MGM básicamente tenía una supuesta factura de juego de Bruno valorada en decenas de millones. Mientras que Bruno aún no ha abordado el rumor, MGM dejó claro que no hay nada turbio en su relación de negocios. Por cierto, Bruno tiene una residencia próximamente allí.

Bruno se abrió previamente con James Corden en 2016 sobre ser un tahúr antes de alcanzar la fama mundial. En una aparición de "Carpool Karaoke" en "The Late Late Show", explicó que solía jugar al póquer para ayudar a pagar su alquiler en Los Ángeles, así que al tipo sí le gusta apostar.

Dicho esto, puedes apostar a que el MGM y Bruno tienen un futuro brillante.

Bruno Mars Doesn't Have $50M in Gambling Debt ... MGM Bats Down Story

Bruno Mars doesn't owe millions in gambling debt to MGM Resorts -- despite what a recent report claimed ... TMZ has learned.

A rep for MGM Resorts International tells TMZ ... the singer doesn't have a $50 million gambling tab on the books with them -- even though some recently alleged the opposite. Instead, MGM came to Bruno's defense ... calling the allegation he owes a massive sum completely false.

In fact, the Las Vegas hot spot is super excited to collaborate with the Grammy winner again in the future -- not exactly the tone someone would take with a dude who's got a fat bill.

They add ... "We’re proud of our relationship with Bruno Mars, one of the world’s most thrilling and dynamic performers. From his shows at Dolby Live at Park MGM to the new Pinky Ring lounge at Bellagio, Bruno’s brand of entertainment attracts visitors from around the globe. MGM and Bruno's partnership is longstanding and rooted in mutual respect. Any speculation otherwise is completely false; he has no debt with MGM. Together, we are excited to continue creating unforgettable experiences for our guests."

This update comes shortly after a report began circulating this past week that claimed MGM basically owned Bruno over an alleged gambling bill that was worth tens of millions. While Bruno has yet to address the gossip, MGM made it clear that there is nothing shady about their business relationship. BTW, Bruno's got an upcoming residency there at the resort.

Bruno previously opened up to James Corden in 2016 about being a card shark before hitting worldwide fame. In a "Carpool Karaoke" appearance on 'The Late Late Show,' he explained that he used to play poker to help pay his rent in L.A. ... so the dude does like to gamble.

Still, with that said ... MGM ain't about to send out the loan sharks -- he's good in their book.


Donald Trump's legal saga is hitting another hurdle ... this time the ex-Prez says he's having a hard time securing help to pay a massive multi-million-dollar bond in his NY civil case.

DT needs to post a $464 million bond to satisfy the judgment against him -- he needs to do it soon ... by the end of the month, in fact. However, his attorneys say he's struggling to come up with the cash.

In a legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Trump's lawyers signaled Monday that they're hitting a roadblock in their efforts to find an insurance company willing to secure the substantial financial penalty ... describing the task as a "practical impossibility."

Trump's team explains they've unsuccessfully approached 30 underwriters to back the bond ... writing, "The amount of the judgment, with interest, exceeds $464 million, and very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude."

The filing says their efforts include "countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world" ... which they insist shows how obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount isn't feasible.

Trump's lawyers add that potential underwriters typically look for the bond to be backed by cash or cash equivalents ... which makes it practically impossible to use real estate assets to back the bond. His team says Trump would need cash reserves nearing $1 billion for an insurance company to come aboard -- and it sounds like they're saying DT ain't got it.

As a result, Trump's lawyers have petitioned the appeals court to stay the imposition of the massive monetary judgment without requiring the posting of the bond during the appeal ... which would essentially block New York Attorney General Letitia James from trying to enforce collection while the appeal is underway. A decision on his filing has yet to be made.

You'll recall ... Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron's ruling ordered Trump and his co-defendants to pay a substantial $464 million in damages after finding him liable for conspiring to manipulate his net worth. Trump was ordered to pay $454M of that total.

Alicia Keys & Roc Nation Donate Big ... Help 12-Yr-Old Save Arts Program

Alicia Keys and Roc Nation came to the rescue of a 7th grader who's raising money for an NYC school's performing arts program ... and she's a lot closer to doing that now.

12-year-old Tennyson Artigliere got a huge boost from Alicia and co. to help out a GoFundMe she started in an attempt to keep the Professional Performing Arts School main program alive and kicking ... this amid budget cuts that threaten to close it for good.

The kid had a high goal of $102,000 -- which would help keep the Performing Arts Program open -- even if only for a little bit longer. Alicia -- who attended the school -- caught wind of the fundraiser, along with the rapper's entertainment company, and decided to intervene ... chipping in a whopping $60,000 toward her goal.

Alicia and Roc Nation's contribution adds to money they'd already raised ... around $50k.

Alicia and Roc Nation aren't stopping there -- as they have also vowed to help raise money for the program every year until the city is able to fund it themselves. Jeremy Allen White -- another alumni -- has also donated to the cause, pushing out the GFM link on his IG.

Tennyson couldn't be more grateful for the celebrity assistance, especially from such a notable alum like Alicia. Apparently, Tennyson's classmates couldn't believe it when she revealed that Alicia would be stepping in to save their performing arts program.

She added ... "We still talk about her legacy every single day."

So far, the GoFundMe has received over 600 donations ... and counting.

FRÉDÉRIC PRINZ VON ANHALT Lookin' To Knock Up A Woman ... To Carry On Zsa Zsa's Legacy


Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt wants to have a child, but he says he's a bit too old to adopt ... so he's looking for a Gen-Z'er to carry his baby.

We spoke with Zsa Zsa Gabor's widow in Bev Hills, and he told us he's gotten lots of marriage proposals since Gabor died back in 2016 ... but he's not looking to shack up with some older woman. Instead, he wants someone young and ready to pop out his child.

Frédéric -- who just turned 80 -- says he's been scouring Europe, and now the United States, for the right person to carry his child and carry on his legacy, and Zsa Zsa's too.

As for the baby-makin' part ... Frédéric assures us everything is in working order down there -- adding Viagra's been an absolute miracle for him.

FPVA points out tons of older dudes are gettin' their younger women pregnant ... just take Robert De Niro and Al Pacino for example, who were both around the same age as von Anhalt when they had their kids last year.

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Hold your horses, potential suitors ... 'cause this playboy's not just looking for any woman -- he's got a few must-haves on his list. Take a listen for yourself ... sounds like von Anhalt's got a particular kinda girl in mind.

Frédéric's not wasting any time either ... he says he's already been on a few dates and wants the bun in the oven within the next year!

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You may remember, von Anhalt adopted a 27-year-old back in 2022 to carry on his legacy ... but -- after the A&E "Adults Adopting Adults" reality show was canceled -- von Anhalt told us he didn't want to be an adoptive father anymore. Kinda strange because Thursday he said that actually wasn't the truth, and insisted his adopted son Kevin actually ran off on him.

In any case, Frédéric clearly wants to go a different route to fatherhood this time ... and he's confident he's going to find the perfect woman.


Timothée Chalamet se mueve por la película biográfica de Bob Dylan como una "piedra rodante", encarnando al famoso cantautor en las primeras fotos del set.

El actor llegó a las calles de Nueva York para rodar escenas de la nueva película "A Complete Unknown" el domingo, y ya podmeos verlo interpretando al diez veces ganador del Grammy, con bufanda, gorra, mochila y guitarra incluida.

Timothée se ve un poco angustiado en estas fotos... tal vez es un momento emocional en la vida del legendario cantante, y sin duda, uno que Timmy está llevando a cabo de manera impecable.

También filmó una escena a principios del fin de semana, en la que aparece al lado de una calle con un café en la mano... una gran defensa contra cualquier noche fría en Nueva York.

Hay que reconocer que el actor tiene el físico para interpretar de manera convincente al mítico trovador.

Pero, Timothée no es el tipo de actor que se basa solo en la apariencia. Nos informan que ha estado tomando clases de guitarra durante un tiempo en preparación para el papel, mientras que también está listo para cantar como Dylan en la próxima película.

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"Ellos saben lo que hacen"

Sabemos que tiene talento para interpretar a Bob -basta con ver "Wonka" para comprobarlo- y la leyenda de la composición, Hans Zimmer, elogió las habilidades musicales de Chalamet. En nuestra opinión, todo un elogio.

Por cierto, hay que reconocer que Chalamet no se ha dormido en los laureles: "Dune: Parte Dos" ya está llegando al medio billón de dólares en la taquilla mundial y los críticos parecen amar la película también.

Sí, los "tiempos pueden estar cambiando", pero Timothée se mantiene en la cima de su juego.

Timothée Chalamet Releasing Inner Troubadour ... In Character as Bob Dylan

Timothée Chalamet's rockin' around the Bob Dylan biopic like a rolling stone ... embodying the famous singer-songwriter in the first pics from set.

The actor hit the streets of NYC to shoot scenes for the new flick "A Complete Unknown" Sunday, and he's already got the 10-time Grammy winner's style down -- scarf, cap and rucksack at the ready with a guitar tucked safely in his hand.

TC's lookin' a little distraught in these pics ... perhaps an emotional moment in the legendary crooner's life -- and, no doubt one Timmy's pulling off flawlessly.

He also filmed a scene earlier in the weekend -- appearing on the side of a street with a coffee in hand ... a great defense against any chilly night in New York.

One big takeaway from the new photos ... Chalamet's got the Dylan look down -- not totally a surprise given the similar features of the two megastars.

But, Timothée's not the kind of actor to bank on looks alone ... the dude's reportedly been taking guitar lessons for a while now in preparation for the role while he's also all set to sing as Dylan in the upcoming flick.

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We know he's got the pipes to pull off a performance as BD -- just watch "Wonka" to see for yourself -- and composing legend Hans Zimmer even praised Chalamet's musical chops. Some damn high praise if you ask us.

BTW ... gotta give it up to Chalamet for not resting on his laurels -- "Dune: Part Two" is already coming up on a half-a-billion dollars at the global box office ... and critics seem to love the flick too.

Yes, the time may be a-changin' ... but it seems Timothée's staying right on top of his game.

Rudy Gobert Speaks On $100K Fine My Emotions Got Best Of Me!!!

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$100K is A Lot!!!

Rudy Gobert is addressing his whopping $100k fine for making a money gesture toward officials last week ... telling TMZ Sports he simply reached his boiling point and reacted with his emotions.

Gobert made the Johnny Manziel-esque hand sign at official Scott Foster during the Minnesota Timberwolves vs Cleveland Cavs game on March 8 ... insinuating refs are influenced by sports betting.

The 3-time All-Star also called out the refs during the post-game press conference ... saying he felt gambling has really hurt the sport.

We caught up with the Minnesota Timberwolves center on Rodeo Drive just a few days after the league handed down the 6-figure penalty for his actions and postgame comments ... and although the dude has made more than $217 MILLION over the course of his career, even he had to admit that's a huge hit financially.

"How I feel about the fine? I mean it's a fine. It's a lot of money," Gobert said ... before explaining his actions.

"We human beings at the end of the day. We not always right but everyone's allowed to speak their mind. Also, it's a game with a lot of emotions so sometimes we react off of frustration."

Gobert -- who is averaging 13.7 points and 12.9 rebounds per game this season -- got the maximum fine that a player can get for conduct or statements detrimental to the team or league ... but Charles Barkley believes he should've been suspended for it.

"It will ruin a sport if people thought it was fixed," the ex-NBA star said on "NBA on TNT."

Despite the fine and criticism, Gobert has amazing things to look forward to -- namely, his new baby ... and he revealed the child's gender to us!!