Teresa Giudice Not Stressing Marriage Despite Explosive 'RHONJ' Trailer

Teresa Giudice's marriage to Luis Ruelas is doing just fine -- this despite the fact that a new trailer for an upcoming season of her show suggests otherwise ... TMZ has learned.

A source close to the couple tells TMZ that fans of 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' shouldn't be concerned for Tre and Louie -- as they've never been better as a couple. In fact ... we're told fans should be praying for the other ladies on the show -- hinting at serious drama to come (for them).

There's no shortage of intrigue in what Bravo teased in the trailer for Season 14 of 'RHONJ.' Like in previous seasons, Teresa's personal life is at the center of the new footage ... with costar Danielle Cabral alleging that the longtime reality star is "distraught" amid supposed trouble at home.

While the sneak peek does not get into many specifics -- they want you to watch, after all -- they do show a glimpse of Teresa and Louie bickering at one point. Another costar, Margaret Josephs, claims in a phone call that Louie has "pissed [Teresa's] money away."

Of course, we can't speak to the validity of this claim ... we reached out to Teresa’s attorney, James Leonard, but no word back just yet.

Still, this topic is likely a sensitive subject for Teresa. Remember, she served 11 months behind bars after pleading guilty to fraud charges back in 2014.

Her ex-husband, Joe Giudice, also pled guilty to the charges and served three years in prison before being released ... and subsequently deported. Since leaving Joe -- she's moved on and married Louie ... and on the surface, there's been no signs of trouble between 'em.

Time will tell what's true or not ... remember, these promos/trailers always wanna make something seem more dramatic than it is -- and they definitely succeeded in this case.


Adam Sandler y Margot Robbie fueron los actores mejor pagados de 2023, pero uno está definitivamente ganando más que el otro (al igual que los demás) y Netflix juega un papel importante.

Forbes publicó una lista de todos los grandes actores el año pasado y sus clasificaciónes basada en los números es interesante. Para empezar, Sandler es la máquina de hacer dinero de Hollywood, después de haber rastrillado $73 millones en 2023.

Si te estás preguntando de dónde viene todo ese dineral, puedes apostar a que es gracias al mayor streaming del mundo del espectáculo... Adam tenía 4 películas de Netflix en total el año pasado.

Adam protagonizó "Murder Mystery 2", "You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah", "Leo" y "Spaceman". Esta última se estrenó este año, aunque le pagaron el año pasado.

Netflix y Adam han estado en el negocio desde hace años. Tiene un acuerdo exclusivo con ellos para producir una tonelada de películas, y sin duda está cumpliendo su parte del trato. A cambio, el tipo está recibiendo un buen pago. Es una locura teniendo en cuenta que estas son las películas de streaming... esto demuestra, ¡que este es el camino del futuro!

Margot, por su parte, hizo $59 millones el año pasado. Obviamente, la mayor parte fue gracias a "Barbie" -que hizo 1.000 millones de dólares- y tuvo un pequeño cameo en "Asteroid City".

La diferencia entre Margot y Adam -aparte de los 14 millones de dólares- es que ella es una actriz a la antigua en el sentido de que sus películas se estrenan estrictamente en cines.

El resto de la lista no es tan sorprendente, ya que incluye a un montón de grandes nombres, tales como Tom Cruise ($45M), Ryan Gosling ($43M), Matt Damon ($43M), Jennifer Aniston ($42M), Leonardo DiCaprio ($41M), Jason Statham ($41M), Ben Affleck ($38M) y Denzel Washington ($24M).

Otra cosa que llama la atención en esta lista es que hay muchos más hombres que mujeres. Así que sí, parece que todavía hay un poco de brecha salarial en Hollyood y los chicos están bien en la parte superior.

"Oppenheimer" Supervivientes de las pruebas nucleares destrozan la película...

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Esto es lo que no les han contado

La prueba de la bomba nuclear que se muestra en "Oppenheimer" dejó un legado duradero de exposición a la radiación y diagnósticos de cáncer en las generaciones de personas que ayudaron a construir Los Álamos en Nuevo México, y estas mismas personas dicen que sus problemas siguen siendo ignorados por Hollywood y el Congreso.

Tina Cordova, cofundadora del Consorcio Tularosa Basin Downwinders, se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles y nos dijo por qué la primera prueba de la bomba nuclear del mundo sigue afectando a las familias en Nuevo México, décadas después de que se hiciera la detonación nuclear de Robert Oppenheimer en el desierto.

"Oppenheimer" parece estar a punto de ganar un montón de estatuillas en los premios Oscar de la Academia de este fin de semana, pero Tina dice que los cineastas excluyeron descaradamente a todas las personas que hicieron posible Los Álamos y la Prueba Trinity.

Recuerden, la prueba de la bomba nuclear en julio de 1945 se llevó a cabo en medio de tormentas eléctricas, lo que resultó en escombros tóxicos que cayeron de nuevo a la tierra producto de la lluvia posterior, contaminando el paisaje, los suministros de agua y la cadena alimentaria así como exponiendo a los residentes de Nuevo México a la radiación nociva.

Tina, que colaboró en la realización de un documental sobre la lluvia radiactiva, nos cuenta que el cáncer ha diezmado a su familia desde que estalló la bomba (vivían a solo 24 kilómetros de la explosión), y que cinco generaciones han sido diagnosticadas con todo tipo de cánceres, incluidos los de pulmón, boca, piel, cerebro y tiroides.

Dice que los cineastas dejaron este desastre fuera de la película a propósito, del mismo modo que los residentes de Nuevo México fueron dejados fuera de la Ley de Compensación por Exposición a la Radiación (RECA) en su momento, que proporcionó una compensación económica a los estadounidenses que viven cerca de los lugares de pruebas nucleares.

Cuando la gente que vivía cerca de la zona de pruebas de Trinity fue finalmente incluida en RECA y se abrieron potencialmente las puertas para recibir pagos, Tina dice que el liderazgo republicano en el Congreso cortó su financiamiento debido a preocupaciones presupuestarias.

Ahora, con "Oppenheimer" preparándose para una gran noche en los Oscar y una próxima votación del Senado sobre la reautorización y ampliación de RECA, Tina está haciendo ruido por el pueblo de Nuevo México.

Era un problema entonces y sigue siéndolo hoy.

Adam Sandler & Margot Robbie Highest Paid Actors of 2023, But ... Huge Wage Gap in Btwn!!!

Adam Sandler and Margot Robbie were 2023's highest-paid actors -- but one is definitely making more than the other (and all the rest, too) with the difference being ... Netflix.

Forbes put out a list of all the big-shot actors who cleaned up last year -- and their ranking based on the numbers is interesting ... for a few different reasons, we suppose. For starters, the Sandman is king of the Hollywood money machine, having raked in $73 mil in '23.

If you're wondering where all that dough came from -- you can thank the biggest streamer in showbiz for lining his pockets ... Adam had 4 Netflix movies total that released last year.

Adam starred in "Murder Mystery 2," "You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah," "Leo" and "Spaceman" ... with that last one being released this year, although he already got paid for it.

Netflix and Adam have been in business for years now -- he's got an exclusive deal with them to produce a crap ton of flicks ... and he's certainly fulfilling his end of the bargain. In return, the guy's getting paid handsomely ... which is nuts considering these are streaming movies we're talking about here. Just goes to show ... this is the way of the future!

Margot, meanwhile, made $59 million last year ... obviously, most of that is "Barbie" money -- it made over $1 billion at the box office -- and she had a small cameo in "Asteroid City."

The difference between Margot and Adam -- aside from the $14 mil -- is that MR's an old-fashioned actress in the sense that her movies are strictly in theaters. Hmm ... interesting.

The rest of the list isn't all that surprising, as it includes a lot of big names -- including Tom Cruise ($45M), Ryan Gosling ($43M), Matt Damon ($43M), Jennifer Aniston ($42M), Leonardo DiCaprio ($41M), Jason Statham ($41M), Ben Affleck ($38M) and Denzel Washington ($24M).

Something else folks are noticing about this list ... a lot more dudes than chicks. So yeah, there seems to be a bit of a wage gap in H'wood still -- and the fellas are well on top.

'Oppenheimer' Nuclear Test Survivors Rip Movie, Congress ... We're Still Being Ignored!!!

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The nuclear bomb test shown in "Oppenheimer" left a lasting legacy of radiation exposure and cancer diagnosis on generations of folks who helped build Los Alamos in New Mexico ... but people there say their problems are still being ignored by Hollywood and Congress.

Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and told us why the world's first nuclear bomb test is still affecting families in New Mexico, decades after Robert Oppenheimer's nuke detonated in the desert.

"Oppenheimer" looks poised to win a bunch of Oscar statues at this weekend's Academy Awards, but Tina says filmmakers blatantly excluded all the people who made Los Alamos and the Trinity Test possible in the first place.

Remember ... the nuclear bomb test in July 1945 took place amid thunderstorms, resulting in toxic debris falling back to earth in the ensuing rain ... contaminating the landscape, water supplies and the food chain ... and exposing New Mexico residents to harmful radiation.

Tina, who helped make a doc about the fallout, tells us cancer has decimated her family ever since the bomb went off -- they lived only 15 miles from the blast -- with 5 generations being diagnosed with all sorts of cancers ... including lung, oral, skin, brain and thyroid.

She says filmmakers left this nuclear mess out of the film on purpose ... similar to how New Mexico residents were left out of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act back in the day, which provided financial compensation to Americans living near nuclear testing sites.

When folks living near the Trinity Test site were finally set to be included in RECA, potentially opening the door for payments, Tina says Republican leadership in Congress cut their funding because of budget concerns.

Now, with "Oppenheimer" gearing up for a big Oscars night and an upcoming Senate vote on reauthorizing and expanding RECA, Tina is banging the drum for the people of New Mexico.

It was an issue then ... and it remains an issue today.

Estrella de "Euphoria" Nika King No he pagado la renta en 6 meses... Tampoco he trabajado!!!

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Necesito alquilar Zendaya!!!

Nika King dice que no ha sido capaz de pagar su alquiler en medio de los cambios de calendario de "Euphoria", y lo que es aún más loco, dice que tampoco ha estado actuando.

La estrella de "Euphoria", que interpreta a Leslie en la pantalla, la madre de Zendaya, publicó un clip esta semana donde se le ve haciendo un poco de standup comedy. Y, la broma que lanza frente a la audiencia tiene que ver con los muchos problemas con los que está lidiando en este momento en la vida real.

Hay un poco de humor y verdad en este clip y es bastante sorprendente de escuchar.

Nika dice que la gente le sigue preguntando cuándo se emitirá la tercera temporada de la exitosa serie de HBO, pero ella se encoge de hombros, básicamente admitiendo que simplemente no lo sabe. Luego, continúa diciendo que sin grabaciones no puede permitirse el lujo de pagar el alquiler y no lo ha hecho durante 6 meses.

Peor aún, dice que no ha agendado ninguna actuación desde "Euphoria", lo que ella misma admite que es sorprendente. Sin embargo, bromea diciendo que Taraji P. Henson le dijo que se acostumbrara y también le suplicó en broma a Zendaya que volviera a Estados Unidos para que pudieran volver a trabajar.

La nueva temporada de "Euphoria" aún no tiene fecha de estreno y el rodaje ha sido intermitente en los últimos meses, en medio de las huelgas y el fallecimiento de Angus Cloud.

Esperemos que las cosas mejoren. Nika es una actriz con mucho talento, por lo que es sorprendente escuchar esto.

'Euphoria' Star Nika King I Haven't Paid Rent in Six Months ... Haven't Worked Either!!!

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tough times

Nika King says she hasn't been able to pay her rent amid the stop-and-go production schedule for "Euphoria" ... and even crazier, she says she hasn't been acting either.

The "Euphoria" star -- who plays Zendaya's on-screen mom, Leslie -- posted a clip this week showing her doing some standup comedy ... and the joke she dropped in front of a live audience had to do with how much she's struggling right now in real life.

There's some humor and truth mixed into this one ... and it's pretty astonishing to hear.

Nika says people keep asking her when Season 3 of the hit HBO show is airing, but she shrugs her shoulder ... basically admitting that she simply doesn't know. NK goes on to say that with cameras not rolling, she can't afford to pay her rent ... and hasn't for 6 months.

Worse yet, Nika says she hasn't booked anything since "Euphoria" ... which she says is surprising. However, she jokes that Taraji P. Henson told her to get used to it ... and she also jokingly pleaded with Zendaya to get back to the States so they can get back to work.

The new season of "Euphoria" doesn't have a release date yet -- and filming has been on and off over the past several months, amid the strikes and the passing of Angus Cloud.

Here's hoping things pick up ... Nika's a super-talented actress, so this is surprising to hear.

'Princess Bride' Star Cary Elwes Someone's Stealing From Me ... Missing Stuff Worth $100k

Cary Elwes has some trouble in his own castle ... 'cause he told police a lot of valuables are missing from his home, and officers think it might be an inside job.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the 'Princess Bride' star is the latest celebrity to fall victim to a recurring crime wave in Los Angeles -- this after the actor discovered a boatload of cash, art and jewelry missing from his Malibu estate.

We're told Cary's lost goods are valued in the 6 figures -- about $100k, more or less, according to sources with direct knowledge. We're also told the current working theory is this isn't a smash-and-grab job ... like we've seen recently with a rash of celeb home burglaries.

Instead, cops say they believe someone on Cary's home staff might have swiped the items from his place, possibly over several years, and it allegedly went undetected ... until now. Our sources say it's unclear what finally made Cary realize a bunch of stuff was missing ... but once he was wise to it, he reported it to the police.

The violation of his home has gotta feel like a streak of bad luck for Cary -- remember, we broke the story about him suffering a rattlesnake bite in April 2022, when he had to be airlifted for immediate treatment.

As for the alleged theft, we're told the L.A. County Sheriff's Department is investigating. We've reached out to Cary ... no word back yet.

CARY ELWES VÍCTIMA DE ROBO Al rededor de $100k en pertenencias

Cary Elwes tiene algunos problemas en su propio castillo, porque le dijo a la policía una gran cantidad de objetos de valor que le faltan en su casa y los oficiales piensan que podría ser un trabajo interno.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que la estrella de "La Princesa Prometida" es la última celebridad en ser víctima de una ola de delincuencia recurrente en Los Ángeles, esto después de que el actor descubrió una gran cantidad de dinero en efectivo, arte y joyas que faltaban en su casa de Malibú.

Nos dicen que los bienes perdidos de Cary están valorados en 6 cifras, alrededor de $100k más o menos, según fuentes con conocimiento directo. También nos dicen que la teoría es que no se trata de un trabajo de romper y agarrar, como hemos visto recientemente con una racha de robos en casas de celebridades.

En cambio, los policías dicen que creen que alguien en la casa de Cary podría haber robado los artículos de su lugar, posiblemente durante varios años sin ser detectado. Nuestras fuentes dicen que no está claro lo que finalmente hizo que Cary se diera cuenta, pero una vez que lo hizo, lo denunció a la policía.

La violación de su casa tiene que sentirse como una racha de mala suerte para Cary, recordemos que hace poco publicamos la noticias de que sufrió una mordedura de serpiente de cascabel en abril de 2022, cuando tuvo que ser trasladado por vía aérea para recibir tratamiento inmediato.

En cuanto al presunto robo, nos dicen que el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Los Ángeles está investigando. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Cary, pero no hay respuesta todavía.

'The Sopranos' Tony's Booth From Finale Sells To Highest Bidder

The parlor booth where Tony Soprano sat down with his family in the final scene from "The Sopranos" just sold at auction ... and someone shelled out five figures.

Tony's booth was a tourist attraction for years at Holsten's ice cream parlor in Broomfield, NJ ... but the shop needs a renovation and the parlor booth had to go ... to the highest bidder.

Holsten's put the famous furniture -- booth, table, divider and a custom plaque reserving seats for the Sopranos family -- on eBay last week with a $3,000 opening bid ... and an all-out bidding war ensued.

When the dust settled Monday, the auction closed and the booth had sold for $82,600 ... more than enough to cover costs for Holsten's upcoming renovations for new floors and booths.

Not included for the $82K ... the jukebox Tony drops a quarter in to play Journey's classic tune "Don't Stop Believin'" as he orders onion rings and waits for his wife, son and daughter to join him in the booth.

The jukebox was added by the film crew ... and after the show, Holsten included a plaque reading, "THIS BOOTH RESERVED FOR THE SOPRANO FAMILY."

Since the finale and it's open-ended cut to black, Holsten's has been a destination for 'Sopranos' fans making the pilgrimage to Tony's last known location ... but wear and tear over the years forced the ice cream parlor to sell off the piece of TV history.

As Holsten's explained ... "Please understand that we don't want to do this. But the integrity of the booths are now compromised. They have been repaired many times and this furniture is over 60 years old. Obviously, we do not want to do this, however it has come to a point where they are structurally not safe anymore as a whole and we need to think about the safety of our patrons first."

The ice cream parlor says it's getting a much-needed facelift, but things will look the same as they did when the Sopranos came through.

No word who bought the booth ... but we seriously doubt they paid with an envelope stuffed with cash.

CA Senate Race A-Listers Donate Big Buck$

Hollywood once again is emptying its collective pockets this election season -- donating generously to the campaigns of several Democrats vying for a highly coveted U.S. Senate seat.

TMZ combed through the Federal Election Commission filings and found that most of Tinseltown's elite kicked their financial support toward the campaigns of Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee and Katie Porter ... who are facing off for the chance to fill the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein's seat.

Former MLB star Steve Garvey, who's running as a Republican, seemingly got no donations from people identifying with the FEC as an actor, musician or athlete. With that said, polls have him doing pretty damn well.

This cannot be said for Dems in the primary race. We should note ... this might not be a complete snapshot of donations, and some of the celebs may have donated more than the number listed.

For Schiff:
- Robin Dearden ($6600)
- Herb Alpert (at least $3,300)
- Barbra Streisand ($1500)
- Holland Taylor ($1,000)
- George Takei ($750)
- Lily Tomlin ($350)
- Jackson Browne ($400)
- Joan Jett ($275)
- Diane Lane ($235)

As for Barbara Lee ... Ben Affleck seems pretty passionate about her candidacy, as he dropped thousands on her run -- and even his daughter, Violet, shelled out a pretty penny too.

For Lee:
- Ben Affleck (at least $6,600)
- Violet Affleck ($3,050)
- Jackson Browne (at least $3,300)
- Graham Nash ($2,500)
- Kal Penn ($500)

For Porter:
- Graham Nash ($3,300)
- Bonnie Raitt ($2,000)
- Susan Sarandon ($500)
- George Takei ($500)

Several celebrities double-dipped ... with George Takei donating for both Porter and Schiff. Similarly, Graham Nash dropped some dough for Porter and Lee. Jackson Browne made sure to contribute to both Schiff and Lee's campaigns.

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Some celebs are doing more than donating money ... some are lending support on social media -- like John Legend, who publicly endorsed Lee,

In fact, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is even narrating an ad that's running for Schiff.

Yes, it's Super Tuesday, but there's a long election season to go ... and it's clear entertainers will definitely continue throwing around their weight -- financially and otherwise.

Donovan McNabb Invests In Virtual Autograph Co. ... New Way To Interact W/ Fans!!!


NFL legend Donovan McNabb is expanding his business portfolio and getting closer to his fans at the same time ... telling TMZ Sports he's invested in a virtual autograph company.

The former Philadelphia Eagles quarterback explained his decision to partner with FanFair Signatures -- a request-based digital keepsake outlet -- and he said it's a unique way for athletes to interact with their supporters, which could be a real game-changer.

Think Cameo ... but for digitally handwritten personalized prints.

McNabb said he loves to sign items and write personal notes for football fans ... but his packed schedule can make it hard to fulfill everyone's wishes when he's out and about.

He said FanFair simplifies that process by sending fans' requests directly to him so he can write out personal notes and his Hancock using a stylus on an app -- which then get thrown on a print and delivered to the recipients.

McNabb believes he's spearheading a movement ... and sees other athletes following his lead by joining the company in the future as well.

"I think this is a new, innovative way of reaching out to your fans and being a little bit more involved," McNabb said.

Juvenile Flattered Ye Sampled 'Back Dat Azz Up' ... He Deserves 2nd Chance!!!

Keep Things Positive

Kanye West had a bit of opposition in clearing samples for the "Vultures 1" album -- but none of the pushback came from Juvenile's end ... in fact, he was happy to sign off.

The Cash Money Records legend tells TMZ Hip Hop that he was honored to be a part of the same project Ozzy Osbourne openly boycotted ... if you didn't know, Ye sampled his classic tune "Back Dat Azz Up" for the song "Do It" -- and the rest is Billboard history!!!

Of course, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne both ripped Ye to smithereens over him trying to use Black Sabbath music ... but Juve tells us unlike Ozzy -- who blocked Kanye from using his group's "War Pigs" track -- he feels Kanye is a good dude and fondly remembers Ye supporting his indie efforts with his "Nolia Clap" guys Wacko and Skip.

As a result ... giving the green light on "BDAU" was a no-brainer, from his POV.

The booty-shakin' anthem was the marquee single on Juve's breakout album, "400 Degreez" -- and it's still a fan favorite 25 years later, with Juve celebrating the anniversary with a digital deluxe rollout featuring 2 new tracks he and producer Mannie Fresh collaborated on and colored double LP vinyl set.

The surprises don't stop there either ... Juve says he'll be shooting a music video for the "400 Degreez" title track, which he says is his absolute fave song on the album!!!

We're Straight

The music has aged nicely -- and fans can NOW expect to see Juve on the super-star-studded Lovers & Friends Festival stage after the NOLA rapper did a bit of ripping of his own in the promoter's direction.

Juve tells us he caught them denying that his name was on the flyer in an alleged effort to prevent them from paying him ... but all the contract wrinkles have since been ironed out.

Bag secured ... get ready to drop it like it's hot in Vegas!!!


Dakota Johnson's putting her foot down and swearing off any movie projects similar to "Madame Web" -- this after the flick sensationally crashed and burned at the box office.

The actress kept it real about the Marvel flick not being her cup of tea ... explaining to Bustle, "It was definitely an experience for me to make that movie. I had never done anything like it before. I probably will never do anything like it again because I don’t make sense in that world."

Dakota adds, "It's not nice to be a part of something that’s ripped to shreds, but I can’t say that I don’t understand."

She goes on to reveal why the movie saw the fate it did ... explaining actors frequently get hyped for a project, but then when they're knee-deep in filming -- it turns into something totally unexpected. That's exactly what went down with "Madame Web," according to her.

DJ's also pinning the movie's failure on how the industry works ... explaining the whole movie-making process ain't all glitz and glam, but rather a complicated web of decisions made by committees, who don't know much about the art of filmmaking itself. Yeah, it's a mouthful.

She says execs at the top severely underestimate just how savvy viewers really are ... which leads them to miss the mark with their latest Hollywood projects, including this one.


FWIW ... the 'MW' numbers didn't lie ... the running total for its six-day opening holiday weekend -- beginning Valentine's Day and ending on President's Day -- barely scraped together $25.8 million domestically and fared pretty much the same globally.

It was so panned by fans and critics alike ... even Sydney Sweeney made fun of it during her opening 'SNL' stint ... joking that nobody saw it. Tough break, for sure.

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existential crisis averted
Magic Radio

One thing's for sure, the movie had no superhero of its own to swoop in and save the day at the box office -- not even Dakota AKA Cassandra Webb ... who BTW hasn't seen the movie herself!

Just like she was on her press run ... Dakota remains unbothered.

Dakota Johnson Le dice adiós a películas como "Madame Web" Nunca más tras el fracaso

Dakota Johnson acaba de decidir que no realizará ningún proyecto cinematográfico similar a "Madame Web", después de que la película fuera un fracaso absoluto en la taquilla.

La actriz fue muy realista al decir que la película de Marvel no era lo suyo, explicando a Bustle: "Definitivamente fue una experiencia para mí. Nunca había hecho nada parecido. Probablemente, nunca vuelva a hacer nada parecido porque no encajo en ese mundo".

Dakota añade: "No es agradable formar parte de algo que se hace pedazos, pero no puedo decir que no lo entienda".

Dakota continúa revelando por qué la película tuvo el destino que tuvo, explicando que los actores a menudo se entusiasman con un proyecto, pero luego cuando están inmersos en el rodaje se convierte en algo totalmente inesperado. Eso es exactamente lo que pasó con "Madame Web", según ella.

Dakota Johnson también achaca el fracaso de la película a la forma en que funciona la industria, diciendo que todo el proceso de creación de películas no es puro glamour, sino más bien una complicada red de decisiones tomadas por los comités, que no saben mucho sobre el arte de la cinematografía en sí. Sí, es un gran comentario.

Dice que los altos ejecutivos subestiman gravemente cuánto saben los espectadores, lo que los lleva a errar el tiro con sus últimos proyectos de Hollywood, incluido este.

Lo que es importante decir, es que los números de "Madame Web" no mienten, en sus seis días de apertura, que coincidieron con un fin de semana festivo, comenzando en San Valentín y terminando el Día de los Presidentes, apenas rozó los 25,8 millones de dólares a nivel nacional y le fue más o menos igual a nivel mundial.

Fue tan criticada por los fans y la crítica que incluso Sydney Sweeney se burló de ella durante su actuación en "Saturday Night Live", bromeando con que nadie la había visto. Mala suerte, sin duda.

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Crisis existencial superada
Magic Radio

¡Una cosa es segura, la película no tenía un superhéroe propio que pudiera salvar la taquilla, ni siquiera Dakota, alias Cassandra Webb, que por cierto no ha visto su propia película!

Tal como estaba durante su rueda de prensa, Dakota sigue sin complicarse.


Vince McMahon se embolsó más de 400 millones de dólares en un instante el lunes, vendiendo una parte de sus acciones de TKO tras su salida de la compañía por las acusaciones de agresión sexual. Esto según una reciente presentación ante la SEC.

McMahon se deshizo de 5.350.000 acciones -alrededor del 25% de sus acciones- mientras que todavía se aferra a su participación restante en la WWE y la empresa matriz de UFC, que es de alrededor de 15 millones de acciones.

La presentación ante la SEC señala el valor de las acciones en $411.95 millones, aunque podrían llegar cerca de los $436 millones. El precio de las acciones de ayer TKO cerró a $81.67 (veces 5.35 millones de acciones).

La noticia llega un mes después de que el antiguo mandamás dimitiera de su cargo como presidente ejecutivo de TKO como consecuencia de la presentación de una demanda por parte de una antigua empleada, quien lo acusaba de atroces actos sexuales y mala conducta.

McMahon ha mantenido su inocencia, pero sintió que era necesario renunciar "por respeto al Universo WWE".

Esta es la segunda vez que McMahon vende acciones. En noviembre vendió 8.400.000 acciones neto en al alrededor de $700 millones.

McMahon -que ha estado fuera del ojo público después de las acusaciones- se ha comprometido a luchar contra las demandas de Janel Grant y limpiar su nombre, así que tal vez parte de su gran día de pago se destinará a los honorarios legales.