The Eagles In Talks for Sphere Residency in Vegas ... Would Be for Fall/Winter

The Eagles might be stepping in to replace U2 as the Sphere's next big legacy act -- that is, if they can hammer out these negotiations they're currently involved in ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the iconic rock band are in active discussions right now to potentially serve as forthcoming talent to fill in at Sin City's newest music venue ... which would be a big deal, seeing how there's only been one so far in its big debut.

We're told that while The Eagles are in in talks at the moment, a deal isn't in place yet -- and it's unclear when exactly things might get finalized.

One thing we do know is the timeframe organizers have in mind for a would-be residency for Don Henley and co. assuming everything works out ... we're told they're thinking Fall/Winter.

That jibes with the Eagles' farewell tour they announced last year -- dubbed 'The Long Goodbye' -- which is supposed to kick off in September out in NYC. They have a number of shows scheduled all over the country, and those are supposed to run through mid-November.

Assuming this timeline ends up falling into place the way our sources say they might -- it would appear they'd be slated to start performing at the Sphere sometime around late November, and would probably keep on jamming out there for a few months.

Bono and the boys have been occupying the Sphere space since September, and their final shows are going down later this weekend ... marking about 4 months worth of music.

Of course, the reviews for the Sphere have been spectacular ... and people say it's truly one of those things you have to see to believe. Lots of cool visuals going on inside (and out).

One last thing ... the Eagles have been touring with a live orchestra lately -- and while it remains to be seen if something like that would manifest at the Sphere ... it's possible.

In terms of money, no word on how much the 'Hotel California' musicians would snag for something like this ... but U2 is said to have been raking in about $4 million a concert.

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If the Eagles get anything in that ballpark ... they're in for a very nice payday.

Adele I'm Too Sick, Gotta Pause Vegas Gigs!!! Next 5 Weekends on Hold

Adele's putting her iconic voice on ice due to illness, and that means ticketholders for any of her next 5 weekends -- the last for this leg of her Las Vegas run -- will have to change their travel plans.

The singer announced Tuesday afternoon she's officially pausing her Vegas residency at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace at the behest of her doctors. She says, "I was sick at the end of the last leg and all the way through my break. I hadn't quite gotten the chance to get back to full health before shows resumed and now I'm sick again, and unfortunately it's all taken a toll on my voice."

It's clear she's been battling health issues ... last Thursday she was out in rainy Beverly Hills wearing a facemask -- and while she still managed to perform this past weekend in Vegas, she told the audience she was struggling to hit her "head notes properly" because her "chest is on fire."

Adele's full run at Caesars was scheduled to end the weekend of June 14 -- but it's unclear what the postponement will mean for fans. She's supposed to start a series of shows in Germany after Vegas.

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As of now the postponed Vegas dates are all 5 weekends in March, and she says ticketholders will be sent info on rescheduling ASAP.

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As they say, the show must go on -- but for Adele, that won't happen until April, at the earliest.


Kourtney Kardashian y su marca de suplementos de salud Lemme, experimentaron un robo muy extraño la semana pasada. Alguien lo robó, ¡y dejó una nota de rescate!

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que un camión que Kourtney usa para enviar productos de su marca Lemme, fue robado de las instalaciones este fin de semana pasado en el Valle de San Fernando.

Nos dicen que esto sucedió en las instalaciones logísticas que Kourtney y su equipo utilizan para los productos Lemme, y este camión contenía más de $4 millones de dólares en Lemme Burn, uno de sus productos más vendidos en la línea Lemme.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que un individuo (o individuos) parecen haber hackeado el sistema de la instalación y se abrió camino en la propiedad con documentación e identificación falsa y nos dicen que, literalmente, condujo fuera del lote impune.

Aquí está la parte más loca, nuestras fuentes dicen que una nota de rescate fue enviada digitalmente por este grupo y exigió un pago a cambio de la mercancía de Kourtney.

Nos dicen que un gran informe de robo con la aplicación de la ley se presentó sobre esto y la policía está investigando.

Un representante Lemme nos dice: "Nuestro equipo está trabajando en estrecha colaboración con las fuerzas del orden para investigar el robo. Mientras tanto, estamos implementando planes de contingencia para minimizar cualquier impacto a nuestros clientes y socios minoristas".

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Si suena como algo sacado de una película, bienvenido a Los Ángeles.

Kourtney Kardashian Lemme Truck Stolen at Facility ... Ransom Note Left Behind!!!

Kourtney Kardashian and her partners at her buzzy health supplement brand Lemme experienced a crazy heist last week -- 'cause someone jacked their s*** ... and left a ransom note!

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... a truck stationed at a facility that Kourtney and co. are using to ship out product for her Lemme brand was stolen from the premises of the warehouse it was at this past weekend, out in the San Fernando Valley here in SoCal.

We're told this happened at the logistics facility Kourtney and her team use for Lemme products -- and this truck that was taken contained upwards of $4 million worth of Lemme Burn ... one of her top-selling products in the Lemme lineup.

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In terms of how exactly this happened ... our sources tell us an individual (or individuals) appear to have hacked the facility's system and made their way onto the property with false paperwork and identification ... and we're told they literally drove off the lot scot-free.

Here's the craziest part ... our sources say a ransom note was digitally sent by this group, and it demanded payment to get all these pricey capsules back in Kourtney's possession.

We're told a grand theft report with law enforcement was filed over this ... and cops are now investigating.

A Lemme rep tells us ... "Our team is working closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate the theft. In the meantime, we are implementing contingency plans to minimize any impact to our customers and retail partners."

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If it sounds like something straight out of a movie ... welp, welcome to Los Angeles.

Billy Porter Pone a la venta su casa en Nueva York Tras los problemas económicos de la huelga

Billy Porter se está despidiendo de su casa de Nueva York después de expresar los problemas financieros que tuvo durante la huelga de SAG-AFTRA este verano, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la venta le dicen a TMZ que la estrella de "Pose" puso en venta su casa de 4 dormitorios y 4,5 baños el martes, por una suma de $2.5 millones. La propiedad se encuentra a 70 millas de Nueva York, en la ciudad costera de Bellport Village en Long Island y tiene más de un acre de extensión.

Si bien puede parecer una suma elevada, cada centavo lo vale. La casa viene con un patio exterior precioso, una piscina climatizada, un gimnasio en casa y su propia casa del árbol. La propiedad también ofrece más de 4.500 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable en terrenos bien cuidados.

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Esto no es un juego

Ahora bien, si se están preguntando por qué Billy se desharía de una inversión así, en agosto compartió que estaba teniendo dificultades financieras debido a la huelga de SAG, y dio a entender que este tipo de movimiento podría suceder.

En ese momento, dijo que una película y un programa de televisión en los que estaba trabajando se habían descartado debido a las protestas, las que duraron 118 días.

También está esto: Billy Porter y su exmarido Adam Smith anunciaron su separación el año pasado, y no sería la primera pareja de celebridades que vende su casa en medio de una división de activos.

Parece que Billy tendrá un nuevo comienzo cuando se concrete la venta.

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Loretta Drew de Old Purchase Properties tiene el listado.

Billy Porter Lists NY Home ... After Strike's Financial Woes

Billy Porter is parting ways with his New York home after expressing financial woes during the SAG-AFTRA strike this summer ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the sale tell TMZ ... the "Pose" star listed his 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath house -- which is located 70 miles outside NYC in the beach town of Bellport Village in Long Island -- on Tuesday ... asking for a cool $2.5 million for the over one-acre property.

While it may sound like a pretty penny to some ... it's worth every cent. The house comes with a gorgeous outside patio, a heated lap pool, a home gym, and its very own tree house. The property also offers over 4,500 square feet of living space on well-kept grounds.

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Now if you're wondering why Billy would part ways with such an ideal investment ... he actually shared back in August he was hurting financially, as a result of the SAG strike, and telegraphed this sort of move might happen down the line.

At the time, he said both a movie and a TV show he was working on got scrapped due to the protests ... which lasted a whopping 118 days.

There's also this ... BP and his ex-husband Adam Smith announced their split last year -- and they wouldn't be the first celebrity couple to sell their home amid a division of assets.

It looks like Billy will have a fresh start when the ink dries on his house sale.

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Loretta Drew of Old Purchase Properties holds the listing.

Diddy Accuser Started Lawsuit GFM Weeks Ago ... No Mention Of SA Claims 🤔

Instagram / @lilrodmadeit

Diddy's former producer -- and latest accuser -- filed a lawsuit with damning sexual misconduct allegations ... but just a few weeks ago, he fundraised for this same suit, and made no mention of the alleged sexual assault he detailed in his complaint.

Back on February 7 ... Rodney Jones -- aka, Lil Rodmadeit -- posted an IG confessional that flew under the radar before his very public lawsuit hit the press Monday, and the video is an attempt to raise money from his followers to pay for a suit against Diddy.

In the video, Jones lamented over not being able to revel in Diddy's 'LOVE' album's Grammy nominations -- because he claimed he'd been screwed in royalties and publishing ... and alleged that Diddy had refused to pay him what he says was owed.

He goes on to indicate that he plans to launch a legal battle against Puff, and notes that he'll need funds to fight him in court -- and that's where his GoFundMe comes into play.

Two days before this video went up, Rodney had started a GFM campaign -- the title of which reads ... "Help Me Sue Sean 'Diddy' Combs" and it had a $50k goal. In both the description of his GoFundMe and in his clip, he makes no mention of the alleged sexual assault he claims he endured at the hands of Diddy/his associates while working for him.

It's all interesting in hindsight ... ya gotta wonder why he might not have addressed these claims of his a few weeks ago ... when he was literally trying to raise cash for this lawsuit.

As we reported ... Rodney claims Diddy forced him to sleep with sex workers and watch gay porn -- and even floats the possibility that he was drugged at one point ... but the bulk of the complaints online earlier this month were geared towards his business dealings with Diddy.

At the time of this writing, his GFM has only raised $1,500 of his $50,000 goal.

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Unclear how Jones was able to pay for his legal counsel but obviously -- the suit was filed.

Diddy has denied all of Rodney's allegations ... as have some others who were named.

Wendy Williams Doc Producers We Didn't Know About Dementia ... We Wouldn't Have Filmed!!!

The producers behind the new Wendy Williams documentary are making it clear they would not have filmed the controversial project if they had known the full extent of her health crisis.

As you know, Wendy's dementia diagnosis was made public mere days before her Lifetime doc premiered on Saturday ... highlighting the 59-year-old's intimate struggles with alcohol abuse and a myriad of other health issues.


In the doc, the full extent of Wendy's struggles were revealed ... specifically, that she's dealing with frontotemporal dementia -- which may sound familiar as A-list actor Bruce Willis is also currently suffering from the same disease.

In the wake of the doc airing, there's been backlash against Lifetime/the production company that proceeded with the project -- but now the creative team is defending themselves.

Producer Mark Ford told The Hollywood Reporter ... the original plan was to follow Wendy between August 2022 and April 2023 while she sobered up and launched a new podcast.

Once it became clear, however, that this wasn't the story that was going to be told -- he says they just went with it and saw what they could capture ... but he insists they were never privy to an official medical diagnosis like the one that came down from her team last week.

MF adds, [I]f we had known that Wendy had dementia going into it, no one would’ve rolled a camera."

The original narrative, he says, was scrapped as Wendy's health deteriorated ... prompting concern from the filmmakers. Wendy's son Kevin Hunter Jr. later claimed to the cameras that his mother had "alcohol-induced" dementia -- different than what had been announced ... and well after they were in the thick of production.

And, while Mark is defending that they never would've picked up the cameras if they had known about the TV personality's diagnosis ... he's ultimately pleased that Wendy's temporary guardian Sabrina Morrissey was unsuccessful in blocking the doc's premiere.

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Obviously, they're happy with the end result ... and while some think they might've crossed a line, the producers seem to be saying they only proceeded with what they knew at the time.

Documental de Wendy Williams No sabíamos sobre el diagnóstico de demencia... Dicen los productores

Los productores detrás del nuevo documental de Wendy Williams están dejando claro que no habrían filmado el proyecto si hubieran sabido el alcance de sus problemas de salud.

Como bien saben, pocos días antes de que se estrenara el documental de Lifetime el sábado se dio a conocer que Wendy había sido diagnosticada con demencia. En el documental, justamente se destacan las luchas personales de la celebridad de 59 años, así como sus problemas de abuso con el alcohol y una veintena de otros asuntos de salud.

Atrapada tomando vodka

En el documental, se revelan todas las luchas de Wendy, en concreto, que está lidiando con una demencia frontotemporal, al igual que Bruce Willis, quien tiene la misma enfermedad.

Luego de su emisión este sábado, ha habido reacciones en contra de Lifetime y la productora que procedió con el proyecto, pero ahora el equipo creativo se defiende.

El productor Mark Ford le dijo a The Hollywood Reporter que el plan original era seguir a Wendy entre agosto de 2022 y abril de 2023, mientras ella estaba sobria y había lanzado un nuevo podcast.

Una vez que quedó claro que esta no sería la historia que iban a contar, dice que vieron lo que podían capturar, pero insiste en que ningún momento supieron de un diagnóstico médico oficial como el que dio a conocer su equipo la semana pasada.

Mark Ford añade: [S]i hubiéramos sabido que Wendy tenía demencia, nadie habría filmado".

Dice que la narrativa inicial fue desechada cuando la salud de Wendy empezó a deteriorarse, lo que causó preocupación entre los cineastas. El hijo de Wendy, Kevin Hunter Jr. más tarde dijo frente a las cámaras que su madre tenía demencia "inducida por el alcohol", algo distinto de lo que se ha anunciado y mucho después del momento grueso de la producción.

Aunque Mark se está defendiendo diciendo que nunca habría filmado si hubiera sabido sobre el diagnóstico de Wendy, dice que está satisfecho con que la tutora temporal de Wendy, Sabrina Morrissey, no tuviera éxito intentando bloquear el estreno del documental.

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Obviamente, están contentos con el resultado final y aunque algunos piensan que podrían haberse pasado de la raya, los productores parecen estar diciendo que solo procedieron con lo que sabían en ese momento.


Mathew Perry's X account was hacked by scammers trying to pull off a sneaky crypto donation scheme through a fraudulent website ... this according to his foundation.

A link that was recently advertised as directing would-be donors to make contributions to the late actor's foundation actually led them to a copycat site -- but The Matthew Perry Foundation has wasted no time calling out the scam as totally bogus, while gaining control of his socials again.

They wrote on IG Monday ... "We have received reports that Matthew's official X page has been hacked and is directing users to a fraudulent site soliciting donations via cryptocurrency" ... going on to urge people not to fall for the trap by sharing the fake social media post.

They also clarified that was the only legitimate site associated with the foundation -- and that any others should NOT be trusted or donated to.

As for the scammers behind the fraudulent post, their identity remains a mystery for now ... and it's also not known at this point how many people might've donated through the bunk link and how much they might've lost. The post in question has been taken down from X.

The Matthew Perry Foundation was set up in MP's name to provide support to those battling addiction, a cause that was close to the late actor's heart.

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He bravely shared his own struggles with alcohol and opioid addiction, even candidly documenting his own sobriety journey in his 2022 memoir, "Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing."

TMZ broke the story ... "Friends" star Perry died last October after his assistant found his body floating in a hot tub at his L.A. area home.

The coroner performed an autopsy, concluding Perry died from the "acute effects of ketamine," an anesthetic used to treat depression. Drowning was listed on the autopsy report as a secondary cause of death.

Floyd Mayweather Pulls Up To Bday Party On Yacht ... Gifted Alligator Skin + Diamond Nikes

The Best Ever

Whether on land or sea, Floyd Mayweather's birthday celebration doesn't stop ... the boxing legend pulled up, or should we say anchored, outside a Miami hotspot, where he partied with a bunch of his closest friends!

Many of the guests didn't come empty-handed, either ... including pal and celeb jeweler Johnny Dang, who gifted TBE a one-of-a-kind pair of Nike kicks.

And, we're not talking NikeID, either ... Dang presented Mayweather with crocodile skin Air Force 1s, complete with a diamond-crusted Swoosh, handmade by Johnny!

JD counts some of the biggest celebrities in the world as clients ... everyone from actors, athletes and musicians.

It's been nonstop for Mayweather since Wednesday ... when TBE kicked off his nearly week-long celebration by partying with Rick Ross. On Thursday night, Mayweather hit up Miami hotspot, Lush, where he was gifted a $150K, 18k gold and 30 c. diamond Avi & Co. watch. Friday was reserved for a little fun and exercise as Floyd and friends hooped at the Watsco Center in Coral Gables.

Floyd wasn't ready to rest quite yet on Saturday ... splitting time Saturday between Kiki On The River and his big yacht, as the party, thrown by James McNair, Jona Rechnitz, and Wright Productions, and hosted by Falcons Auction, raged.

Happy birthday (again), Floyd!

North West Takes Private Jet Home Back to L.A. After Paris 'Vultures' Gig

North West is living the good life ... jetting back home in a private jet after performing her chart-topping collab with Kanye West in Paris.

Kanye and Kim Kardashian's oldest daughter touched down Monday in Los Angeles aboard a PJ, hustling back home after doing her thing Sunday at a "Vultures" listening event halfway across the world.

North's traveling party included her nanny and at least one bodyguard ... and it looks like she did some shopping in Paris, because they walked off the plane with bags from Chanel and Celine, two French luxury fashion houses.

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The private flight home caps off a big week for North and her pops ... all 16 tracks from Kanye and Ty Dolla Sign's "Vultures 1" album cracked the Billboard Hot 100, including North's feature on the song "Talking."

North's little brother is doing big things too -- the same day North was performing in Paris, Saint West escorted soccer star Lionel Messi to the field at the Inter Miami vs. L.A. Galaxy match.

Inter Miami CF

Time to reboot that ol' TV show ... (rich) kids do the darndest things!!!

Cam Newton Running Mouth Before Fight ... Coach Claims

The altercation that broke out between Cam Newton and opposing coaches at a youth football tournament was the result of trash-talking gone too far ... so says two men involved in the scrap, who claim things only got physical after the ex-NFL quarterback initiated contact.

TJ and Steph Brown -- coaches for Top Shelf Performance, where Cam used to help out -- shared their side of the scrap on Monday ... and they insist the former Panthers superstar is to blame for the ugly scene.

"It just should never have gotten to that," TJ told Fox News Digital ... adding Cam had been jawing at him throughout the weekend and demanded they place a wager on their game.

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"Cam jumps out of his car and yells, 'Hey, all that sorry s*** ain't gonna work today. What we betting today? What we betting?'" TJ continued. "I'm like, 'I ain't betting you, bro. I already beat you three, four times. You got to beat me first.' He like, ‘What we betting? I got plenty of money. I ain't ever running out of money.' That’s when I told him, 'That's your problem. All you care about is money. You think money is everything. You can't buy me.' And I walk off."

TJ claims just three minutes into their matchup, Cam continued to taunt his old colleagues ... saying, "'Hey, I know that play. That's my stuff. I taught y'all everything y'all know. I'm y'all daddy. I made y'all. I’m the reason for everything y'all got going on.'"

When the coaches confronted the former NFL MVP, TJ said Cam grabbed Steph ... which led him to react by throwing a punch.

"He's just got to understand we're people," he added. "Nobody's just going to let you go around disrespecting and talking crazy to them. I know how to brush it off, but not everybody's like that."

Worth noting -- Cam's C1N Red team was still able to end up with the victory on Sunday ... with Newton congratulating his squad on the 15U championship.

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Despite the incident, the two coaches hope to bury the hatchet with Cam and move on ... as they consider him a brother.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

TRISTAN THOMPSON Granted Guardianship Over Little Brother

Tristan Thompson is officially taking over as caregiver for his younger brother... because a court signed off on him becoming Amari Thompson's guardian.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the ruling came in Monday, about 5 months after Tristan first filed a petition to become his little bro's guardian.

Remember ... Tristan and Amari lost their mother, Andrea, about a year ago when she died suddenly in Toronto. Tristan's been looking after Amari ever since ... and now he's officially been appointed his brother's legal guardian.

As we reported ... in his original petition, Tristan claimed their father, Trevor, has been absent from Amari's life ... leaving Tristan as the closest family member available to step up and provide the care Amari needs.

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Tristan's got a lot of responsibility here ... Amari is unable to care for himself because he's been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Amari's also getting $103,475 in inheritance from his mother's estate ... and Tristan said in his earlier petition that he would protect the money from loss and provide for Amari's care.

Good on Tristan.


Brandi Glanville is laying into Andy Cohen for his apology over her sexual harassment claims -- saying he hasn't really made it right with the one person who matters ... her!

The ex-'Real Housewives' star hopped on X Monday to slam the Bravo honcho -- who oversees all things 'Housewives -- over his tweet last week that addressed her allegations of once sending her an inappropriate video ... which he characterized as just a joke.

She wrote ... "I have not received a personal apology from anyone. I saw an apology that Andy posted TO HIS FANS for his mistreatment of me and inappropriateness."

You'll recall ... last week we revealed Brandi's lawyers had sent a demand letter to NBC Universal threatening a lawsuit on her behalf after claiming they mistreated her. In the doc, Brandi made some serious claims against Andy ... saying he was straight-up boasting about plans to hook up with another Bravo star in 2022 while inviting her to watch the whole thing via FaceTime.

Andy promptly responded to Brandi's claims ... writing on X it was a joke that she'd blown out of proportion. He even stated Brandi's initial response seemed like she was in on the joke, but he still went on to say sorry for the whole thing being inappropriate.

Meanwhile, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Brandi's attacks against Andy seem to be coming out of the blue -- as she hadn't said anything for 2 whole years. We're told that it was only when she found herself caught up in harassment accusations from Caroline Manzo that she seems to have flipped the script on Andy ... almost out of nowhere.

We're told there are many in the Bravo world who feel like Brandi's whole case against Andy is a personal vendetta ... especially since not too long ago she was singing his praises in public interviews. That's the feeling by some, anyway.

Of course, the drama all goes back to the infamous "Girls Trip: Morocco" debacle ... which was the primary basis of Brandi's demand letter written up by Mark Geragos and Bryan Freedman -- some of Hollywood's biggest hotshot lawyers.

Brandi's lawyers didn't hold back ... spelling out exactly why she was considering taking legal action -- saying she's been nothing but loyal to NBCU, but in return, claiming all she's received in return is mistreatment.

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Basically, Brandi's ready to fight tooth and nail to set the record straight ... and the escalating tensions between herself and her former network might turn into a very messy legal battle.


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Instagram / @kanyewest

El drama de Kanye West con Adidas está lejos de terminar, a pesar de que recientemente publicó una foto con su CEO Bjorn Gulden haciendo parecer que la "guerra fría" se había acabado, pero no es así, y ahora acusa a la compañía de "violación creativa".

El lunes, en lugar de celebrar que su álbum "Vultures 1" se mantuvo en el número 1 por segunda semana consecutiva, Ye criticó a Adidas por vender colores de sus populares zapatillas Yeezy que él nunca aprobó, y afirmó que estaba usando cláusulas contractuales por haber "violado a un artista... a uno de los artistas favoritos de todos ustedes", refiriéndose claramente a sí mismo.

Adidas está promocionando agresivamente las Yeezy Boosts en un nuevo tono "gris acero" y Ye dice que es tan falso como un billete de 3 dólares.

Ye dice que Adidas está utilizando lagunas legales y un lenguaje confuso para hacer una jugarreta sin su consentimiento, además de demandarle por 250 millones de dólares.

Y Ye le pide a sus verdaderos fans que le den la espalda a la marca.

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El 12 de febrero, Ye y Gulden posaron juntos, y todas las señales apuntaban a una reconciliación... claramente ya no es el caso.