Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sanchez cenan en un restaurante chino Del Strip Mall

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez pueden valer miles de millones... pero a veces ponen los pies en la tierra y quieren disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.

El fundador de Amazon y su prometida -quienes están muy acostumbrados a la vida de lujo- fueron vistos en un restaurante relativamente pequeño en Miami el domingo llamado Tropical chino, y se sentaron para compartir una comida con otra pareja.

Si crees que destacarían como un pulgar dolorido en un antro como este ... pues estás en lo cierto. Como se puede ver en estas fotos obtenidas por TMZ - Jeff y co. ciertamente parecían celebridades en una parte muy normie de la ciudad. Y, en un modesto establecimiento como este - tal vez el doble.

La razón por la que sabemos que es cierto ... algunos de los clientes del restaurante - y algunos empleados también, al parecer - se acercó a charlar con JB y su equipo ... al parecer en el temor de que estaba allí.

A Jeff no parecía importarle la atención, fue visto sonriendo y sacándose fotos con los trabajadores del lugar. Una vez que él y su amada fueron finalmente capaces de sentarse y comer, nos dicen que disfrutaron del pato Pekín, que cuesta alrededor de $78 en ese lugar.

Es un menú completo de dos platos y sin duda una de sus ofertas más caras. Todo lo demás es bastante asequible, una orden de arroz frito en este lugar cuesta entre $15 y $26.

Teniendo en cuenta que Jeff y Lauren están acostumbrados a un cierto nivel de vida, esto debe haber sido algo "pintoresco" para ellos. Oye, ¡los multimillonarios también necesitan fideos grasientos!

Jeff Bezos, Lauren Sanchez Chowing Down at Chinese Restaurant ... Like Strip Mall Normies!!!

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez might be worth billions -- but they're just like us ... 'cause sometimes, they just want some basic lo mein, and when they do -- they dine in.

The Amazon founder and his fiancée -- who are quite accustomed to the high life -- rolled into a relatively dinky restaurant in Miami Sunday called Tropical Chinese and they sat down for a meal with another couple for dinner.

If you think they'd stand out like a sore thumb in a joint like this ... well, you're right. As you can see in these photos obtained by TMZ -- Jeff and co. most certainly looked like celebs in a very normie part of town. And, in a modest establishment like this -- perhaps doubly so.

The reason we know that's true ... some of the restaurant patrons -- and some staff too, it seems -- came over to chat it up with JB and his crew ... apparently in awe he was there.

Jeff didn't seem to mind the attention ... he was seen smiling and yukking it up with the commoners -- and once he and his party were finally able to sit down and munch, we're told they appeared to be delving into the Peking duck ... which goes for about $78 there.

It's a whole two-course deal there and certainly one of their pricier offerings. Everything else is fairly affordable ... a fried rice order at this place costs between $15 and $26.

Considering Jeff and Lauren are used to a certain standard of living in their day-to-day -- this must've been a nice change of pace for them. Hey, billionaires need greasy noodles too!

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MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Autographed Book Up For Sale ... Inscribed To Nurse Who Saved His Life

There's a piece of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy on the market ... a book he inscribed to a nurse who helped save his life following an assassination attempt.

MLK signed a copy of his book, "Stride Toward Freedom," and wrote a personalized note to Gwen Brown, thanking her for caring for him at Harlem Hospital after his 1958 stabbing.

The autographed copy is going up for sale over at Moments In Time ... with a $35,000 price tag.

MLK was actually at a book signing for this very book at Blumstein's Department Store in Harlem when Izola Ware Curry approached him and stabbed him in the chest with a steel letter opener.

The stab wound was so close to MLK's aorta he would have died if he sneezed or coughed on his way to the hospital. With Gwen's help, MLK made a full recovery.

MLK's note to Gwen reads ... "With best wishes and genuine appreciation for the attention you gave me as one of my nurses while I recuperated at Harlem Hospital."

The inscription is written in cursive and features MLK's iconic autograph.

Se vende libro de Martin Luther King Jr. Dedicado la enfermera que le salvó la vida

Hay un pedazo del legado de Martin Luther King Jr. en el mercado. Hablamos de un libro dedicado a una enfermera que lo ayudó a salvar su vida después de un intento de asesinato.

MLK firmó una copia de su libro, "Stride Toward Freedom", y le escribió una nota personalizada a Gwen Brown, dándole las gracias por cuidar de él en el Hospital de Harlem después de su apuñalamiento 1958.

La copia autografiada está a la venta en Moments In Time, con una etiqueta de precio de $35.000.

MLK estaba en una firma de libros para este mismo libro en los grandes almacenes de Blumstein en Harlem, cuando Izola Ware Curry se acercó a él y lo apuñaló en el pecho con un abridor de cartas de acero.

La puñalada estaba tan cerca de la aorta que MLK habría muerto si hubiera estornudado o tosido de camino al hospital. Con la ayuda de Gwen, MLK se recuperó completamente.

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La nota de MLK a Gwen dice: "Con mis mejores deseos y genuino agradecimiento por la atención que me diste como una de mis enfermeras mientras me recuperaba en el Hospital de Harlem".

La inscripción está escrita en cursiva y cuenta con el icónico autógrafo de MLK.

Usher I Beat Timberlake in a Bidding War ... Won Justin Bieber!!!

Usher and Justin Timberlake draw a lot of comparisons ... but Usher says he's got a leg up on his counterpart -- 'cause he beat him in a Justin Bieber bidding war.

The singer-songwriter revealed in an interview with People that, way back in 2008, he met Bieber and Scooter Braun and offered to bring JB onto his record label ... but first, he said he had to pull out a thicker wad of cash than Timberlake.

Usher said he also used Timberlake's name against him, telling Justin that -- if he went with Usher -- he'd be the only Justin around.

Seems like the war didn't get too contentious ... Usher doesn't say anything negative about Timberlake in the interview -- and actually compliments the guy tons.

Usher said he and Justin are both unique artists, and he loves the producers Timberlake chooses to work with ... adding he even wants to collaborate on an album with the former *NSYNC star.

He finished off by saying he's motivated by people like Timberlake who "should be recognized for who he is and what his contribution has been."

Of course, Usher was recognized for his contribution to music by headlining the Super Bowl Halftime show ... one which his protege decided to skip out on.

We broke the story ... Usher reached out to Bieber directly to get him to join him for his big performance -- but, while Alicia Keys, Ludacris and Lil Jon all hopped onstage with him, Justin decided to sit in his suite and spectate.

No bad blood between the two though ... 'cause Usher said in an interview earlier this week that "he's just wanting to tell a different story right now, and I understand that."

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Bottom line ... Usher won the biggest auction of his life -- and ya gotta wonder how Justin Timberlake feels about it.

Offset Droppin' Big Money at Casino ... No Cardi B in Sight

Migo-ing for Broke

Offset might've spent Valentine's Day with estranged wife Cardi B ... but it seems he's enjoying some alone time on the weekend -- gambling away down in Florida.

We got video of the rapper at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida playing cards on his own Saturday night.

Eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... Offset played for about two or three hours, tossing down an average of between $1,500 and $2,000 a hand.

We're told he wasn't playing a high-limit table ... but, we're told that didn't stop him from dropping a few grand -- pretty obvious from the frustrated expression on his face.


Offset lettin' it ride comes at the end of a pretty noteworthy week in his love life ... we broke the story, the estranged couple grabbed dinner at Carbone in Miami Beach on the day of love -- trying to stagger their entrances to avoid drawing attention.

Didn't exactly work out ... the dinner caused a flurry of speculation about the estranged couple -- who've admitted to getting it on recently -- but, as far as we know, the pair aren't back together.

The couple announced they were splitting up at the beginning of December, but they've seemingly kept things amicable -- spending major holidays with the kids. So dinner on V-Day sans children raised some eyebrows.

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Seems they're not spending every waking minute together though ... 'cause Offset scheduled a date with Lady Luck instead!!!

Dakota Johnson "Madame Web" fracasa en taquilla... ¡¿Por la rueda de prensa?!

A "Madame Web", de Dakota Johnson, le cortaron los hilos durante su semana de estreno... se hundió en la taquilla y las entrevistas recientes podrían tener algo de culpa.

La recaudación total del fin de semana festivo de seis días -que comienza el Día de San Valentín y termina mañana- es de solo 25,8 millones de dólares a nivel nacional y aproximadamente la misma cantidad a nivel mundial... una apertura pésima para una gran película de superhéroes.

De hecho, The Hollywood Reporter afirma que es la peor apertura para una película de Sony con personajes relacionados con Spider-Man y continúa la tendencia de películas de superhéroes de bajo rendimiento tanto de Marvel como de DC.

No es solo un caso de personas que no aparecen en el cine, ya sea... porque la mayoría de las personas que ven "Madame Web" están destrozando la película en línea.

La película tiene un 13% de puntuación de los críticos en Rotten Tomatoes y solo tiene un 55% de puntuación de la audiencia, algo bastante malo para una película de superhéroes.

Hay un montón de razones por las que esta película está fracasando, siendo las malas críticas sin duda la razón principal, aunque parece Dakota no le hizo ningún favor a la película con su reciente gira promocional.

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Magic Radio

Como informamos anteriormente... Durante una entrevista en el Reino Unido, Dakota dijo que no ha visto la película y que no tiene planes de verla en el corto plazo.

Cuando le preguntaron acerca de las películas de Tom Holland de "Spider-Man", Dakota hizo una broma sobre sus títulos, incluyendo uno que enmarcó como un título de "Harry Potter", y parecía obvio que no había visto o investigado en lo absoluto.


Básicamente, a algunas personas le dio la impresión de que realmente no le importaba mucho la película, un pecado capital entre los fanáticos de los cómics.

Concedido, Madame Web no es un gran personaje de Marvel, y esa es una buena razón para fracasar, pero las entrevistas de Dakota tampoco ayudaron mucho a la promoción

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En pocas palabras, Dakota y "Madame Web" fue solo una cosa de negocios.

Dakota Johnson 'Madame Web' Bombs at Box Office ... Press Run to Blame???

Dakota Johnson's "Madame Web" had its strands snipped during its opening week ... tanking at the box office -- and recent interviews might deserve some blame.

The running total for the six-day holiday weekend -- beginning Valentine's Day and ending tomorrow on President's Day -- is just $25.8 million domestically and about the same amount globally ... an abysmal opening for a major superhero flick.

In fact, The Hollywood Reporter claims it's the worst opening for a Sony movie featuring Spider-Man-related characters ... and continues the trend of underperforming superhero movies from both Marvel and DC.

It's not just a case of people not showing up to the theater either ... 'cause most people who see "Madame Web" are trashing the film online.

'MW' now holds a 13% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes and only has a 55% audience score on the review aggregator .. neither living up to the usual superhero hype.

There are a whole lotta reasons why this movie's bombing ... bad reviews certainly chief among them -- though it seems Dakota didn't do the film any favors with her recent promotional tour.

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existential crisis averted
Magic Radio

As we previously reported ... Dakota said she hasn't seen the movie during an interview in the UK -- while also essentially saying she's got no plans to watch it any time soon.

When asked about Tom Holland's 'Spider-Man' movies, Dakota made a joke about their titles, including one she framed like a 'Harry Potter' title -- though it seems obvious she hadn't seen or researched them at all.


Basically, she gave some people the impression she really didn't care about the movie much -- a cardinal sin among committed comic book fanatics.

Granted, Madame Web isn't a big Marvel character, so the built-in audience for this movie doesn't seem to have been there ... but DJ's somewhat cringey interviews probably didn't help the movie either.

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... Dakota and "Madame Web" were put under a magnifying glass -- and it seems their spider is all burned up.

Trump lanza una línea de zapatillas Con el lema "Never Surrender" (nunca te rindas)

Donald Trump está haciendo un movimiento a lo Michael Jordan, porque ahora está vendiendo zapatillas, presumiblemente para pagar lo que hasta ahora asciende a un total de 500 millones de dólares en juicios.

Trump anunció la línea de zapatillas el sábado, bajo el apodo, "Trump Sneakers". Él los está llamando el "NEVER SURRENDER HIGH-TOP SNEAKER" con un precio de $399.

Trump afirma que ha tenido la idea durante más de 10 años, pero es una gran coincidencia que se diera a conocer un día después de que se le ordenó pagar $355M por la manipulación de los libros de su empresa.

Solo se venderán 1.000 pares, así que no le servirá realmente para salir de sus problemas financieros.

Trump hizo el anuncio el sábado en Sneaker Con. Las zapatillas llevan una "T" y un "45" estampados. Y está vendiendo una colonia y un perfume a 99 dólares cada uno.

La empresa que está vendiendo los artículos es CIC Ventures LLC. No parece ser parte del imperio de Trump, ya que el juez dijo que Trump no puede hacer negocios en su empresa con sede en Nueva York durante tres años.

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A propósito, si Trump está pensando en elegir a RFK Jr. como su compañero, debería pensarlo mejor. RFK y su esposa -Cheryl Hines- dejaron claro en "TMZ Live" que eso no va a suceder.

Una cosa más, Trump le respondió enfurecido a la gente en redes sociales respecto a unas imágenes que están dando vueltas en las que aparece mostrando una barriga prominente, alegando que la foto era una falsificación generada por A.I.

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Así es amigos... van a ser 8 largos meses.

Donald Trump I Get My Kicks from Selling Kicks

Donald Trump is hoping for a Michael Jordan moment because he's now selling sneakers ... presumably to pay off what is now amounting to a total of half a billion in judgments.

Trump announced the sneaker line Saturday ... under the moniker, "Trump Sneakers." He's calling them the "NEVER SURRENDER HIGH-TOP SNEAKER" with a price tag of $399.

Trump claims he's had the idea for more than 10 years, but it's pretty coincidental the kicks were unveiled a day after he was ordered to pay $355M for cooking the books of his company.

There are only 1,000 pairs being sold, so it won't come close to digging him out of the financial hole.

Trump made the announcement Saturday at Sneaker Con. The sneakers have a "T" and a "45" emblazoned on them.  And he's selling cologne and perfume at $99 a pop.

BTW ... the company that's selling the items is CIC Ventures LLC. It doesn't appear to be part of the Trump org, which would be problematic since the judge in the case said Trump can't do business in his New York-based company for 3 years.

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BTW ... if he's thinking of picking RFK Jr. as his running mate, he should think again. RFK and his wife, Cheryl Hines made it clear on "TMZ Live" Friday that's not gonna happen.

And one more thing ... Trump launched on folks on social media for images of him they were using with belly in full display ... claiming the pic was a fake -- generated by A.I.

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It's gonna be a long 8 months.

Kevin Costner ¡¿El acuerdo prenupcial realmente lo protegió?! ... TMZ Investiga

Prenup 101
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Las cosas no terminaron muy bien entre Kevin Costner y su ex esposa Christine Baumgartner, quienes pusieron fin a su divorcio a principios de esta semana luego de seis amargos meses, cuando Christine impugnó el acuerdo prenupcial que firmó antes de su boda en 2004.

Pero las materias relativas a los acuerdos prenupciales pueden complicarse muy rápidamente, algo que nuestro propio Harvey Levin profundiza en "TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner's Divorce War", que se emite en FOX el lunes a las 9/8c y al día siguiente en Hulu.

Como se puede ver en el clip, Harvey y el abogado de famosos Chris Melcher se sumergen en el mundo de los acuerdos prenupciales haciendo un juego de roles como si estuvieran comprometidos. Chris explica todo lo que debe tener un acuerdo prenupcial para que ambos entiendan sus expectativas financieras y sepan que su matrimonio estará protegido.

Harvey Levin contraataca diciendo que la pareja tiene derecho a la mitad de lo que gana simplemente porque son socios, añadiendo que las diferencias de opinión significan que simplemente que "Chris", en este caso, no lo quiere de verdad.

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Pero Chris no se mueve y dice que si las cosas fueran mal, le gustaría que las cosas no se complicaran. De hecho, está tan seguro del asunto que le dice a Harvey que un acuerdo abierto lo llevaría a cancelar su boda por completo.

Pero como todos sabemos, a pesar de que Christine firmó un acuerdo prenupcial con Kevin, las cosas rápidamente se volvieron amargas entre ellos cuando le pidió la tremenda suma de 248.000 dólares al mes después de solicitar el divorcio, incluyendo unos 100.000 dólares para cirugía estética dentro de los gastos. Ella terminó recibiendo 63.000 dólares al mes por la manutención de los hijos.

"TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" se estrena el lunes a las 9/8c en FOX y al día siguiente en Hulu.


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There's no love lost between Kevin Costner and his ex-wife Christine Baumgartner ... who finalized their divorce earlier this week after six bitter months when Christine challenged the prenup she signed ahead of their 2004 wedding.

But matters regarding prenuptial agreements can get tricky really fast -- something our own Harvey Levin digs deep into on "TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner's Divorce War", airing on FOX Monday at 9/8c on Fox and the next day Hulu.

As you can see from the clip, HL and celeb divorce attorney Chris Melcher dive into the prenup world by role-playing as an engaged couple. Chris lays it all out ... explaining he must have a prenup in place so they both understand their financial expectations and know their marriage will be protected.

HL fires back ... saying he's entitled to half of what he earns simply 'cause they're partners -- adding their contrasting views on the matter means he doesn't truly love him.

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But Chris ain't budging ... saying if things were to go south, he'd want peace of mind that things wouldn't get messy. In fact, he feels so strongly about the matter he tells HL an open-ended deal means he'd call off their wedding entirely.

But as we all know, even though Christine signed a prenup with Kevin, things quickly turned acrimonious between the pair as she asked for an eye-popping $248,000 a month after filing for divorce -- listing $100,000 for cosmetic surgery as an expense declaration. She ended up getting $63,000 a month in child support.

"TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" premieres Monday, 9/8c on FOX and next day on Hulu.

Kobe Bryant Rare Keepsakes Hit Auction Block ... Draft Day Ticket, Gold Handprints

Some amazing Kobe Bryant items are looking for a new owner -- including a Draft Day ticket and gold-painted handprints -- and they're all going to go to the highest bidder at auction!!

The two rare pieces are a part of Goldin's "Iconic Collection Honoring Life & Career of Kobe Bryant" ... and the stub stands out, as it sparked the very beginning of Mamba's Hall of Fame career.

The Continental Airlines Arena ticket has the event date (6/26/96) etched on it ... as well as the customized NBA Draft in New Jersey logo.

Of course, the 1996 draft is considered one of the most talented in NBA history ... featuring Bryant (the 13th overall pick), Allen Iverson, Stephon Marbury, Ray Allen, Steve Nash, Jermaine O'Neal, Derek Fisher and more -- so the original owner certainly saw a fair share of future greats.

Another cool item is the 33x25-inch framed clay handprints Kobe made during a tour of Paris in 2017 ... which were covered in gold paint as part of a project for French artist Sacha Schwarz.

There's also a photo to match the moment Bean put his paws in the molding to provide authentication.

We're told both items are estimated to sell in the thousands ... in fact, the gold-plated hands are expected to go for $20k!!

There are other great pieces as well -- things like game-used jerseys and unique trading cards.

The auction is live until March 2.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Cameo Gypsy Isn't Me ... Imposter Account Appears Deactivated


2/17 11:22 AM PT -- It seems this account's a fake ... Gypsy Rose Blanchard tells TMZ this isn't actually her, and she's saddened someone would do this in her name.

We've also checked Cameo ... it appears the account's been deactivated.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's post-prison media tour may be winding down ... but she's undeterred, turning to Cameo to continue cashing in on her life story.

The recently-released ex-con joined the personalized video message platform site this week to engage with fans further and shed new light on her experiences -- but it comes at a high cost ... $20 for a message and $100 a pop for a video.

BTW, she's also going by her married name now -- Gypsy Rose Anderson -- on Cameo, listing her occupation as "influencer." Her bio reads: "Survivor & Advocate, Overcoming Challenges, Finding My Own Path, Advocate for Mental Health Awareness, #SurvivorStrong."

She has amassed a huge following post-prison -- so yeah, that title technically applies.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Gypsy fans will be thrilled to know there are various video types to choose from. Whether it's a personalized birthday message, a pep talk or advice session, or simply a response to a general question, there's something available for everyone on her menu here.

Safe to say, GRB's hoping to foster a positive online community ... especially since TMZ revealed last month she was getting a lot of hate for her ex-BF, Nick Godejohn, still being behind bars -- despite him being the mastermind behind her mother Dee Dee's slaying.

With that in mind, while Gypsy has said she feels a lot of guilt over the situation to this very day ... she also finds it strange that Nick's receiving sympathy from folks who want him freed.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without the possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence but was released on parole in Dec, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

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Now that she's on the outside again ... she's looking for new modes of revenue -- and for now, Cameo is just the ticket.

Originally Published -- 2:50 PM PT

Kevin Costner Here's Why Ex Lost Big in Divorce ... Tried Milking 'Expenses'!!!

TMZ Studios

Kevin Costner's ex-wife may have screwed herself in their epic divorce, all because she listed everything under the sun as an expense she'd need covered in almost a quarter of a million dollars in monthly child support ... even though her final amount ended up being far, far less.

TMZ has a new documentary about this uncoupling -- one of the most acrimonious we've seen in a long time here in Hollywood -- and a particular element about the proceeding that was fascinating is the fact that Christine shot for the moon in what she was seeking at first.

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Of course, we're referring to the $248k in monthly child support she wanted from Kevin -- an astronomical amount that she justified with an absurd list of expenses she said she needed.

Among those costs she said she needed covered ... cosmetic surgeries, and other luxuries -- like boutique shopping, massive ATM withdrawals, and sky-high attorney's fees.

In the end ... a judge gave her a fraction of what she wanted -- even though Kevin offered her more than she ended up getting.

We talked to lots of folks in the know about celebrity divorces to see why they thought Christine swung for the fences ... and we got some interesting insights. Turns out there's really no such thing as an iron-clad prenup.

The doc gets into all of this and more -- "TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" is a deep dive into the nasty split, examining how it devolved into a war over money, cheating allegations, and entitlement.

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It airs Monday night at 9/8c on FOX.

Kevin Costner Por qué su ex perdió a lo grande en el divorcio Esta es la razón...

Jugando con el sistema
TMZ Studios

La ex esposa de Kevin Costner puede haberse jodido a sí misma épicamente en su proceso de divorcio, y todo por haber enumerado prácticamente todo lo que existe sobre la tierra como un gasto necesario en su manutención, fijada en casi un cuarto de millón de dólares mensuales. Al final, terminó recibiendo mucho, mucho menos.

TMZ tiene un nuevo documental sobre este polémico divorcio, uno de los más enconados que hemos visto en mucho tiempo en Hollywood y algo particularmente fascinante es que Christine estaba disparando a la luna con lo que estaba pidiendo en un primer momento.

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Otro día en el tribunal

Por supuesto, nos estamos refiriendo a los $248k en manutención mensual que ella quería de Kevin, una cantidad astronómica que ella justificó con una lista absurda de gastos que dijo necesitar.

Entre ellos había cirugías estéticas y otros lujos, como compras en tiendas boutique, grandes retiros de cajeros automáticos y los exorbitantes honorarios de su abogado.

Al final un juez le dio una fracción de lo que quería, a pesar de que Kevin le había ofrecido más de lo que terminó recibiendo.

Hablamos con un montón de gente experta en divorcios de celebridades para entender por qué Christine habría actuado de esa manera, y nos dieron algunas ideas interesantes, como que no hay tal cosa como un acuerdo prenupcial blindado.

Nuestro nuevo documental "TMZ Investiga: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" se sumerge profundamente en la desagradable separación de las celebridades, examinando cómo se convirtió en una guerra por el dinero y acusaciones de engaño.

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Este se emite el lunes por la noche a las 9/8c en FOX.