Travis Kelce Dona $100K a los niños heridos en el tiroteo

Travis Kelce siguió el ejemplo de su novia y acaba de donar exactamente la misma cantidad de dinero que Taylor Swift a las víctimas del tiroteo de Kansas City.

El jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs donó 100.000 dólares a dos niños que recibieron disparos durante el incidente del miércoles, específicamente, a dos chicas de la familia Reyes que habían comenzado un GoFundMe en los últimos días para ayudar a cubrir los costos de sus graves lesiones.

Travis hizo las donaciones de manera muy similar a Taylor, con dos cuotas de $50k.

Las dos chicas, cuya identidad no se ha revelado públicamente, recibieron disparos en las piernas y siguen recuperándose en el hospital. Su familia fijó un objetivo de 100.000 dólares, que, según dijeron, se destinarán para costear sus gastos médicos y sus futuras matrículas universitarias, y Travis los ayudó a alcanzarlo y a superarlo. Con su donación de $100k, la familia ahora cuenta con más de $175k.

La donación de Travis coincide con la propia contribución de Taylor a la familia de la mujer que murió en el tiroteo y, por supuesto, a la de Patrick Mahomes más temprano en el día.

Patrick y Brittany incluso visitaron uno de los hospitales infantiles de la ciudad para reunirse con algunas de las víctimas que aún se están recuperando.

No hace falta decir que los movimientos caritativos de Travis y Patrick viene en medio de algunos contragolpes esta semana, luego de que se revelara que salieron a celebrar después del tiroteo. Ambos decidieron ir a un restaurante para pasar un buen rato.

Algunos dicen que están siendo criticados injustamente, pero otros piensan que el cuadro en general no era de los mejores.

En cualquier caso, las donaciones son obviamente una gran cosa, algo que estamos seguros que las víctimas apreciarán.

Travis Kelce Gives $100K To Kids Injured In Shooting

Travis Kelce followed his girlfriend's lead in the donation department -- he just donated the exact same amount Taylor Swift gave to victims of the Kansas City shooting.

The Chiefs tight end shelled out $100,000 to two children who were shot during Wednesday's incident -- specifically, two young daughters of the Reyes family ... who'd started a GoFundMe of their own in recent days to help cover costs for their severe injuries.

He made the donations very similarly to how Taylor did it ... two different installments of $50k, which came from his charity, 87 and Running.

The two girls -- whose identities haven't been publicly revealed -- were shot in the legs ... and they're still recovering in the hospital. Their family set a goal of $100,000 -- which they said would go toward their medical costs, plus future college tuition -- and TK helped them reach that and beyond. With his $100k donation ... the family is now at more than $175k.

Travis' donation -- which was first reported by Page Six -- matches Taylor's own $100k contribution to the family of the lone woman who died after Wednesday's shooting ... and, of course, it comes on the heels of Patrick Mahomes donating earlier in the day as well.

Patrick and Brittany even visited one of the hospitals to meet with some of the young victims who are still recuperating.

It goes without saying ... the charitable moves by Travis and Patrick also follow some backlash they faced this week after it was revealed they went out to continue celebrating after the shooting ... hitting up a restaurant and keeping the good time going.

Some have said they're being unfairly criticized -- but others say ... the optics weren't great.

In any case ... the donations are obviously a great thing -- something we're sure the victims appreciate.

Patrick And Brittany Mahomes Make $50k Donation To Chiefs' Fund ... For Shooting Victims

The Mahomes family is doing whatever it can to help following the Kansas City shooting ... with Patrick, Brittany and their foundation donating $50,000 to the Chiefs' fundraiser for victims and others impacted by the tragedy.

The Super Bowl champions launched the campaign with United Way on Friday ... kicking things off with a $200,000 contribution.

The three-time S.B. MVP and his wife were quick to join in, too ... with their names and the 15 and the Mahomies Foundation popping up under the top donors list.

Patrick called on his followers to also chip in if they're able ... saying, "Just like #ChiefsKingdom has always been there for me and my family, we want to be there for them.❤️"

"The @Chiefs have launched #KCStrong, an emergency response fund supporting victims and their families, violence prevention and mental health services, and first responders."

T-Mobile threw in $20,000, too ... bringing the total to $345,500 just one hour after Patrick posted on X about the fundraiser.

The gesture comes on the heels of Patrick and Brittany's visit with shooting victims in the hospital ... and Taylor Swift's $100,000 contribution to support the family of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who was killed in the tragedy.

The team spoke about the campaign ... saying, "We've all been affected by this moment -- and if you’re compelled to act, we encourage you to turn your outrage into action and contribute to this fund and share it with others."

"We can assure you that 100% of funds raised will go directly to these causes and organizations, with no administrative fees whatsoever. The true strength of champions is revealed in how they respond in the face of adversity. The only question that remains is -- how will we respond, Kansas City?"

Donald Trump Condenado a pagar $355 millones Y fuera del negocio en NYC

Enorme pérdida para Donald Trump en los tribunales: el juez a cargo del juicio civil del expresidente por fraude empresarial en Nueva York acaba de ordenar que este debe pagar alrededor de $355 millones en multas.

El juez Arthur Engoron encontró responsable a Trump de conspirar para manipular su patrimonio neto en un fallo del viernes.

Además de la dura sanción económica, el juez también prohibió a Trump ocupar altos cargos en cualquier empresa de Nueva York durante 3 años y eso incluye la Organización Trump.

Los fiscales estaban buscando una multa de $370 millones para Trump y lo acusaban a él y a sus hijos Donald Trump Jr. y Eric Trump, de falsificar sus estados financieros y registros de negocios como parte de un fraude repetido y persistente.

Trump sin duda apelará la multa, la que aparentemente podría ascender a 400 millones de dólares con los intereses.

Como informamos, el mes pasado un jurado de Nueva York decidió que debía pagarle 83,3 millones de dólares a E. Jean Carroll por difamarla, mientras al mismo tiempo este negaba la acusación que ella hizo de agresión sexual.

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Es de esperar que Trump critique el fallo en las redes sociales.

Donald Trump Ordered to Pay $355 Million ... Barred From NY Biz

Huge loss in court for Donald Trump ... the judge in Trump's civil business fraud trial in New York just ordered the former president to pay about $355 million in fines.

Judge Arthur Engoron found Trump liable for conspiring to manipulate his net worth in a Friday ruling.

In addition to the stiff financial penalty, the judge also barred Trump from serving in top roles at any New York company for 3 years, and that includes the Trump Organization.

Prosecutors were seeking a $370 million fine for Trump ... accusing him and his sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, of falsifying financial statements and business records as part of repeated and persistent fraud.

Trump will no doubt appeal the fine, which reportedly could balloon to $400 million with interest.

As we reported, just last month a New York jury decided he should pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million for defaming her while denying her sexual assault allegation.

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Standby for Trump to blast the ruling on social media.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Cobrando en cameo, baby... ¡¡¡$100 por un video!!!

La gira de Gypsy Rose Blanchard por los medios de comunicación tras su salida de la cárcel puede estar terminando, pero ella es imparable y ha recurrido a Cameo para seguir cobrando por la historia de su vida.

La recientemente liberada convicta se unió a la plataforma de mensajes de video personalizados esta semana para comprometerse con los fans y arrojar nueva luz sobre sus experiencias. Pero tiene un alto costo, $20 por un mensaje y $100 por un video.

Por cierto, también está usando su nombre de casada en Cameo, Gypsy Rose Anderson, y está definiendo su ocupación como "influencer". Su biografía dice: "Superviviente y defensora, superando retos, encontrando mi propio camino, defensora de la concienciación sobre la salud mental, #SupervivienteFuerte".

Gypsy ha acumulado un gran número de seguidores después de su salida de la cárcel, así que sí, ese título es técnicamente aplicable.

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Los fans de Gypsy estarán encantados de saber que hay varios tipos de video para elegir. Ya sea un mensaje de cumpleaños personalizado, una charla de ánimo, un consejo o simplemente una respuesta a una pregunta general. Hay algo para todos los gustos.

Es seguro decir que Gypsy Rose Blanchard espera fomentar una comunidad positiva en línea, especialmente desde que TMZ reveló que estaba recibiendo mucho odio por su ex-novio Nick Godejohn, quien todavía está tras las rejas. Esto, a pesar de que él fue el cerebro detrás del asesinato de su madre Dee Dee.

Con eso en mente, aunque Gypsy ha dicho que se siente muy culpable por la situación hasta el día de hoy, también encuentra extraño que Nick esté recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que lo quiere en libertad.

Recuerden, Nick fue condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional por asesinato en primer grado. Gypsy obtuvo una sentencia de 10 años, pero fue puesta en libertad condicional en diciembre, después de más de 8 años de encarcelamiento.

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Ahora que está libre nuevamente está buscando nuevas formas de obtener ingresos, y por ahora, Cameo es la opción.

Brian Wilson Family Asking For Conservatorship ... They Say He Has Dementia

Brian Wilson's family has filed for a conservatorship after the death of his wife, Melinda -- and they say it's because his cognitive ability has seriously regressed ... TMZ has confirmed.

According to legal docs ... the legendary Beach Boys frontman is suffering from a "major neurocognitive disorder" and taking medication for dementia -- so says his family. The docs say Wilson can't properly care for his basic personal needs such as food, clothing or shelter.

The Wilson family confirmed the news of the court filing to People, telling the outlet the family came together after Melinda's death and -- in consultation with Wilson's kids, longtime staff members and doctors -- decided to appoint two family representatives as his conservators.

The family went on to add that the decision was made to try and minimize changes to Brian's life and the lives of his children who still live at home.

Despite the conservatorship filing, the family says Wilson can still spend time with loved ones and even work on projects if he so chooses.

As we reported ... Melinda Kae Ledbetter Wilson passed away at the end of last month at the couple's home surrounded by her family.

Brian wrote on Instagram, "Melinda was more than my wife. She was my savior. She gave me the emotional security I needed to have a career."

A court hearing is scheduled for the end of April ... though it's not clear whether Wilson will attend in person.

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In the docs, his doctor says he "has very short attention span and while unintentionally disruptive, is frequently unable to maintain decorum appropriate to the situation."

Taylor Swift Dona $100K a la familia de la mujer que falleció... En el tiroteo de Kansas City

Taylor Swift abrió su billetera para ayudar a la familia de la mujer que fue asesinada durante el tiroteo en Kansas City, desembolsando seis cifras para ella justo antes de comenzar sus shows en Australia.

El jueves se había creado un GoFundMe para Elizabeth "Lisa" López-Galván, en concreto, para ayudar a sus seres queridos a crear un monumento para ella, así como asistencia financiera en general. Ella dejó a su marido y dos hijos y el objetivo fue fijado en $75.000.

Taylor aportó un total de $100.000 solo de su bolsillo, que llegó en forma de dos contribuciones diferentes de $50k cada una, que ella puso a su nombre.

También dejó una dulce nota junto a sus donaciones que decía: "Mi más sentido pésame por su devastadora pérdida. Con amor, Taylor Swift".

Las ofrendas en efectivo se realizaron en la noche, justo antes del primer concierto de Taylor en Melbourne. Ella ha pasado un par de días allá para prepararse para una serie de conciertos como parte de su gira "Eras". Taylor no se refirió al tiroteo durante su actuación.

Pero esta donación dice mucho y deja claro que está muy consciente de lo que pasó.

Taylor ha demostrado ser muy sensible a las tragedias, incluidas las que han ocurrido en sus propios espectáculos. Recuerden, una fan murió en una de sus actuaciones en Brasil en noviembre y Taylor terminó cancelando el siguiente concierto para reconocer su pérdida.

Taylor Swift $100k to Family of Woman Killed ... In Kansas City Shooting

Taylor Swift opened up her wallet to help the family of the woman who was killed during the Kansas City parade shooting -- forking out six figures as she started her Australia shows.

A GoFundMe had been set up Thursday for Elizabeth "Lisa" Lopez-Galvan -- specifically, to assist her loved ones in setting up a proper memorial for her, as well as general financial assistance. She left behind a husband and two kids ... and the goal set was $75,000.

Taylor gave an assist and then some -- chipping in a total of $100,000 just from herself alone -- which came in the form of two different $50k contributions, which she put in her name.

She also left a sweet note along with her donations, writing ... "Sending my deepest sympathies and condolences in the wake of your devastating loss. With love, Taylor Swift."

The cash offerings generated overnight, just ahead of Taylor's first concert in Melbourne -- where she's been the past couple days to prepare for a string of shows there as her "Eras" tour ramps up again. Taylor did not address the shooting during her performance.

Still, this donation speaks volumes ... and makes clear, she's well aware of what happened.

Taylor has proven to be incredibly sensitive to tragedies -- including ones that have happened at her own shows. Remember, a young fan died at one of her performances in Brazil back in November -- and TS ended up canceling the very next concert, recognizing the loss.

P.J. Tucker Fined $75,000 ... For Public Trade Demand

P.J. Tucker's straight-up not having a good time in L.A. ... and somehow, it's gotten worse -- the Clippers forward was just fined a whopping $75,000 for publicly saying he wanted to be traded earlier this month.

Tucker -- who was part of the James Harden deal with the 76ers back in October -- has grown more and more upset with his current team in recent months ... having only played in 12 matchups for the Clips.

It got to the point where Tucker told the media he was ready to pack up his shoe collection and leave town for a new squad ... saying he had his "fingers crossed" he'd get either traded or bought out.

"I want to be somewhere where I’m needed, wanted and can do it all," Tucker told Andscape last week.

The league got wind of Tucker's comments ... sharing a statement on the hefty punishment just minutes ago.

"The NBA announced today that LA Clippers forward P.J. Tucker has been fined $75,000 by the NBA for public comments reported during the week of February 5 expressing a desire to be traded to another team," the Association said.

Ty Lue has opened up about Tucker in the past ... saying he understands the athlete wants to compete, but hopes he can still have a positive impact on the team.

Tucker wasn't traded prior to the trade deadline ... and he will be away from the Clippers until after the All-Star break.

As for the $75k, it's not the end of the world -- the 38-year-old has reportedly made more than $78 million on the court in his career.

Kevin Costner, Christine Baumgartner Divorce Final

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner have settled their super bitter divorce and finalized the judgment ... TMZ has learned.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kevin and Christine signed a Marital Settlement Agreement, which they filed with the court. Since more than 6 months have passed since Christine filed for divorce -- the required waiting time in California -- the case is over.

Details of the settlement are not yet available, but we're told the judge validated the prenup that became a big bone of contention during the divorce.

Both parties asked for joint custody of their 3 kids, and, as you know, Christine got $63,000 a month in child support. She was asking for an eye-popping $248,000 a month, but her justification was shaky, to say the least. One of the items she put in her expense declaration -- $100,000 for cosmetic surgery. BTW, before the child support ruling, Kevin offered her $75k a month.

Kevin and Christine personally signed the document signaling the settlement, along with their respective lawyers, disso queen Laura Wasser and Marisa Beuoy.

The document also says the parties waive the typical requirement of co-parenting classes.

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Both Kevin and Christine have moved on. He's dating Jewel, and Christine is dating a friend of hers and Kevin's, Josh Connor.

Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner Finalizan su divorcio

Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner han resuelto su amargo divorcio, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kevin y Christine firmaron un acuerdo marital, que fue presentado ante el tribunal. Dado que han pasado más de 6 meses desde que Christine pidió el divorcio, el tiempo de espera que se requiere en California, el caso ha terminado.

Los detalles del acuerdo aún no están disponibles, pero nos dicen que el juez validó el acuerdo prenupcial que se convirtió en un gran objeto de discordia durante el divorcio.

Ambas partes pedían la custodia compartida de sus tres hijos y, como ya saben, Christine recibía 63.000 dólares al mes en concepto de manutención. Ella pedía 248.000 dólares al mes, pero su justificación era, como mínimo, poco convincente. Una de las cosas que puso en su declaración de gastos fue que necesitaba $100.000 para cirugías estéticas. Por cierto, antes de la sentencia final, Kevin le había ofrecido $75k al mes.

Kevin y Christine firmaron personalmente el acuerdo estipulado en el documento, junto con sus respectivos abogados, la famosa abogada Laura Wasser y Marisa Beuoy.

El documento también dice que las partes renuncian al requisito de clases de co-paternidad.

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Tanto Kevin como Christine han seguido adelante. Él está saliendo con Jewel y Christine está saliendo con un amigo de ambos, Josh Connor.

Johnny Depp 'Bromance' with Saudi Prince MBS Reportedly Fuels New Films

Johnny Depp has a new powerful, and allegedly dangerous, friend in Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman -- and their relationship's being described as a "bromance like no other."

The seemingly odd pairing is detailed in a new profile in Vanity Fair ... which claims Johnny is getting the royal treatment over in Saudi Arabia.

MBS hosted JD in the Saudi Kingdom for nearly 2 months last year, putting Johnny up in royal palaces and transporting him in helicopters, yachts and a private plane ... according to Vanity Fair.

Unsurprisingly, it sounds like money is a huge factor in this "bromance" ... Johnny's shooting movies in Saudi Arabia as he waits on a potential 7-figure deal to make him one of the nation's global cultural ambassadors.

MBS and the Saudis have been trying to buy their way into all sorts of global industries as part of MBS' grand plan to make people overlook his country's reported human rights abuses ... and the Crown Prince has been investing big in movies.

Johnny and MBS are said to have begun their friendship in July 2022 when Depp was shooting "Jeanne du Barry," a film bankrolled by the Saudis.

They've grown closer ever since, to the point where Johnny says he felt comfortable enough to ask MBS about the killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The VF profile says MBS told Depp he didn't order Khashoggi's dismemberment, but took responsibility ... claiming he just wanted the reporter arrested because Khashoggi had become a rogue operative working to undermine the country.

Johnny definitely seems to be buying what MBS is selling in terms of a cultural revolution in Saudia Arabia.

Depp tells VF ... "Though I admit I was somewhat naïve at first to what was transpiring in the region, I’ve since experienced firsthand the cultural revolution that is happening there."

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JD added, "I've had the opportunity to meet people from various parts of the region who have been most welcoming in sharing with me their culture, their traditions, and their stories."

Saudia Arabia is also financing Depp's next crack at directing a movie ... a biopic about Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani starring Al Pacino.

There are some ties that bind here -- both men are remaking their public images ... but it seems doubtful they'd be pals if MBS weren't throwing around insane amounts of oil money.

Priscilla Presley acusada de estar "arruinada" En una reciente demanda

Priscilla Presley está siendo llevada a los tribunales por una mujer que dice que se asoció con ella para ayudarla a salir de dificultades financieras, las que ella afirma dejaron a la ex esposa de Elvis en bancarrota.

Según documentos legales presentados en septiembre de 2023 obtenidos por TMZ, Priscilla está siendo demandada por una mujer llamada Brigitte Kruse, quien afirma que se asoció con Priscilla en 2022 para formar una compañía llamada Priscilla Presley Partners.

La idea -dice Kruse- era administrar sus negocios y asuntos personales y "evitar la ruina financiera y la vergüenza pública de Priscilla", esto según la demanda.

Kruse afirma que en ese momento, Priscilla estaba al borde de la insolvencia frente a casi $700K en deudas tributarias no pagadas sin garantía de ingresos futuros. Alega que Priscilla estaba a unos 60 días del colapso financiero.

Kruse dice que ha gastado una cantidad significativa de dinero y tiempo en el desarrollo de proyectos para lanzar en conjunto con la película "Priscilla" de Sofia Coppola que se estrenó recientemente, pero afirma que Priscilla cortó abruptamente toda comunicación alrededor de agosto de 2023 y la dejó fuera en el frío de todo el dinero que podría haber llegado desde entonces.

Kruse está demandando por incumplimiento de contrato y la búsqueda de daños y perjuicios no especificados.

Priscilla ha presentado una moción para desestimar la demanda, alegando que trató de salir del acuerdo después de que se enteró de que "Kruse y su socio estaban tratando de apropiarse indebidamente de los activos de la Sra. Presley y estaban participando en otros actos de mala conducta".

Marty Singer, el abogado de Priscilla también le dice a TMZ que las afirmaciones hechas contra ella en la demanda carecen completamente de mérito.

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Y añade: "Mi cliente hizo reclamaciones significativas contra PPP y sus directores Brigitte Kruse y Kevin Fialko por apropiación indebida de cientos de miles de dólares mucho antes de que se presentara esta demanda engañosa. Anticipamos plenamente que mi cliente será reivindicado y obtendrá una sentencia contra ellos".

El caso sigue pendiente en este momento.

PRISCILLA PRESLEY Accused of Being 'Broke' in '22 ... Sued by Ex-Biz Partner

Priscilla Presley is being taken to court by a woman who says she partnered with her to help her get out of some financial difficulties ... ones she claims left Elvis's ex-wife broke.

According to legal docs filed back in September 2023, obtained by TMZ, Priscilla is being sued by a woman named Brigitte Kruse, who claims she partnered with Priscilla in 2022 to form a company called Priscilla Presley Partners.

The idea, Kruse says, was to manage her business and personal affairs and "prevent Priscilla's financial ruin and public embarrassment" -- this according to the lawsuit.

Kruse claims that, at the time, Priscilla was on the brink of insolvency ... facing nearly $700K in unpaid tax debt with no assurance of future income. She alleges Priscilla was about 60 days away from financial collapse.

Kruse says she's spent a significant amount of money and time developing projects to launch in conjunction with Sofia Coppola's "Priscilla" movie that came out recently ... but claims Priscilla abruptly cut off all communication around August 2023 and left her out in the cold on all the money that may have come in since then.

Kruse is suing for breach of contract and seeking unspecified damages.

Priscilla has filed a motion to dismiss the suit, claiming she tried to get out of the arrangement after she learned "Kruse and her associate were attempting to misappropriate Ms. Presley's assets and were engaging in other acts of wrongdoing."

Marty Singer, Priscilla's attorney also tells TMZ the claims made against her in the lawsuit are completely without merit.

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He adds: "My client made significant claims against PPP and its principals Brigitte Kruse and Kevin Fialko for misappropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars long before this specious lawsuit was filed. We fully anticipate that my client will be vindicated and obtain a judgment against them."

The case remains pending at this time.

Joe Manganiello Viviendo juntos con Caitlin O'Connor Tras el divorcio de Sofía Vergara

Con el divorcio de Sofía Vergara resuelto, Joe Manganiello está moviendo sus cosas junto a Caitlin O'Connor, pues han dado oficialmente el siguiente paso en su relación.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que Caitlin está viviendo bajo el mismo techo que el galán de "Magic Mike" y por ahora están disfrutando cada momento de la convivencia.

Nos dicen que ambos están muy enamorados, sobre todo después de forjar un vínculo muy fuerte sobre sus raíces en Pittsburgh, incluso viajaron hasta allá juntos y consolidaron aún más su relación con otros viajes a Nueva York e Italia.

Y lo que es más importante, nuestras fuentes dicen que el querido perro del actor, Bubbles, le dio su sello de aprobación a Caitlin, lo que significa mucho para Joe.

La noticia del romance surgió en septiembre del año pasado, solo 2 meses después de que Joe le pidiera el divorcio a Sofía después de 7 años de matrimonio. La principal razón por la que terminaron fue su deseo de tener hijos y la reticencia de Sofía a tenerlos.

TMZ publicó la semana pasada que su divorcio fue resuelto de manera amistosa: cada uno mantuvo los activos que acumularon individualmente y ambos renunciaron mutuamente a cualquier derecho a la manutención del cónyuge.

Mientras Joe encontró rápidamente un nuevo amor tras su separación, Sofía también ha seguido adelante. Ahora está saliendo con un respetado cirujano ortopédico llamado Justin Saliman. Ambos han sido vistos varias veces juntos en los últimos meses.

Pero volviendo a Caitlin, Joe hizo buenas migas con la actriz después de reunirse en una after party de la serie "Winning Time", donde ella interpretó a Dyan Cannon. Más tarde hicieron pública su relación en la gala de Children of Armenia Fund en Nueva York.

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Parece que las cosas van muy deprisa para ellos, primero viene el amor, luego la mudanza, y, ¿a continuación? Sigan en sintonía.