With his divorce from Sofia Vergara finally settled, Joe Manganiello is moving things along with Caitlin O'Connor -- they've officially taken the next step in their relationship.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... Caitlin is now living under the same roof as the "Magic Mike" hunk, and so far, they're relishing every moment of cohabitating.

We're told they're very much in love, especially after forging quite a strong bond over their Pittsburgh roots -- even traveling there together, and further solidifying their relationship with trips to NYC and Italy.

Most importantly, our sources say the actor's beloved pet dog Bubbles has given Caitlin his seal of approval ... which means a lot to Joe.

News of Joe's romance with COC emerged in September last year ... just 2 months after he filed for divorce from Sofia after 7 years of marriage. The main reason they called it quits was his desire to have kids and Sofia's reluctance to have them.

TMZ broke the story last week their divorce was settled amicably -- each kept the assets they accumulated individually, and both mutually waived any right to spousal support.

While Joe quickly found new love after their split, Sofia moved on too ... now dating a respected orthopedic surgeon named Justin Saliman -- they've been seen out on several date nights over the past few months.

But back to Caitlin ... Joe hit it off with the rising actress after meeting at a 'Winning Time" after-party -- she played Dyan Cannon in that series -- and later going public as a couple at NYC's Children of Armenia Fund Gala in December.

TMZ Studios

Things seem to be moving along quickly for them -- first comes love, then comes moving in, then comes??? Stay tuned!

Jackie Robinson 45-Year-Old Arrested For Stealing Statue ... Hit W/ 4 Criminal Charges

A 45-year-old man is now in police custody after cops claim he stole and destroyed a beloved Jackie Robinson statue in Kansas ... but authorities say they believe his actions were NOT motivated by hate.

According to the Wichita Police Department, Ricky Alderete has been hit with four criminal charges -- including felony theft and aggravated criminal damage to property -- after authorities say he nabbed the famed JR monument from outside a youth baseball facility late last month and then burnt it down to a pile of rubble.

Suspect In Custody
Wichita Police Department

Cops say their investigation revealed Alderete committed the act in order to cash in on the figurine's metal scraps.

Officials added they believe there might be more individuals involved in the crime.


"Our detectives remain committed to gathering information to identify and charge all individuals involved in the theft and destruction of the Jackie Robinson statue," cops said in a statement Tuesday. "The WPD extends its gratitude to the community for their support, patience, and information related to this case."

City officials, meanwhile, have already said they plan to replace the Robinson sculpture with another one in the near future.

A GoFundMe put in place to raise money for the eventual replacement statue has garnered more than $194,000.

Super Bowl LVIII Streaker Breaks Silence ... Here's Why I Ran On The Field Half Naked!


The Super Bowl streaker is breaking his silence, explaining why he dropped $42k on front-row tix, only to be tackled on the field half-naked and thrown in the pokey ... revealing it all started with a bet!

TMZ Sports talked to SB streaker Alex Gonzalez on Monday ... just hours after he was released from the local jail.

The question ... why?!

Alex says the plan was to originally place a prop bet at a Vegas sportsbook ... plunking down cash on a fan running on the field during the Chiefs vs. Niners game.


Gonzalez says he was at a UFC event the day before Super Sunday, and he told everyone who would listen, including Dr. Phil and the Nelk Boys, that he was going on the field. So, place your bets.

The only issue? When Gonzalez tried to place the wager, it no longer existed. But, at that point, he says he was already committed ... so despite spending over 40 grand on tickets, Alex decided to go forward with the plan knowing he'd never get to finish watching the game.

"I'm like, 'Damn. I am in too deep at this point where I can't back out anymore.'"

Gonzalez and some buddies headed to a local sporting goods store to buy cleats (we know those Super Bowl fields) and other supplies, and they headed for Allegiant Stadium.

Premeditated Streaking
Instagram / @fxalexg

Then, when the third quarter rolled around (gotta watch at least some of the game), Alex and his friend made their move.

Gonzalez ultimately ran around for several seconds before giving himself up to security officers who were closing in, before leading him to a holding cell in the back of the new stadium.

Alex says he was then taken to jail where he spent Sunday night behind bars.

But, if you think he's regretting it all now ... watch the clip -- he certainly doesn't seem to be sweatin' the situation -- even if he is facing at least one misdemeanor charge.

Helluva story!!!!

Jackie Robinson Detienen a un hombre de 45 por robar su estatua Golpeado con cuatro cargos

Un hombre de 45 años está bajo custodia policial después de que los policías afirmaran que robó y destruyó una estatua del querido Jackie Robinson en Kansas, aunque las autoridades piensan que sus acciones no fueron motivadas por el odio.

De acuerdo con el Departamento Policial de Wichita (WPD), Ricky Alderete ha sido golpeado con cuatro cargos criminales, incluyendo un delito grave de robo y otro de daños a la propiedad criminal agravado, después de que las autoridades dijeran que agarró el famoso monumento de Jackie Robinson desde fuera de una instalación juvenil de béisbol a finales del mes pasado y luego lo quemara entre un montón de escombros.

Sospechoso en custodia
Wichita Police Department

La policía dice que su investigación reveló que Alderete cometió el acto con el fin de sacar provecho de los restos de metal de la estatuilla.

Añadieron que creen que podría haber más individuos involucrados en el crimen.

Robo a un miembo del salón de la fama

"Nuestros detectives siguen comprometidos con la recopilación de información para identificar y acusar a todos los individuos involucrados en el robo y destrucción de la estatua de Jackie Robinson", dijo la policía en un comunicado el martes. "El WPD extiende su gratitud a la comunidad por su apoyo, paciencia e información relacionada con el caso".

Los funcionarios de la ciudad, mientras tanto, ya han dicho que planean reemplazar la escultura de Robinson con otra en un futuro próximo.

Además, se puso en marcha un GoFundMe para recaudar dinero para la eventual estatua de reemplazo, que ya ha recaudado más de $194,000.

Meghan Markle No se rinde con los podcasts Firma un nuevo acuerdo tras el fracaso con Spotify

Menos de un año después de que Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry pusieran fin a su acuerdo de 20 millones de dólares con Spotify, la misma Meghan le está dando otra oportunidad a la industria de los podcast.

La duquesa de Sussex ha firmado un acuerdo con Lemonada Media, la compañía detrás de "Wiser Than Me con Julia Louis-Dreyfus", para una nueva serie de podcast, sin título aún.

Eso no es todo. "Archetypes", el antiguo podcast de Meghan Markle también viene con ella a su nueva casa, quienes distribuirán sus antiguos capítulos a través de todas sus redes para que puedan tener acceso a un público más amplio, además de su próximo show.

Meghan está entusiasmada con la asociación y dice que está orgullosa de continuar su amor por el podcasting. Añade: "Ser capaz de apoyar a una empresa fundada por mujeres con podcasts entretenidos y que inviten a la reflexión es una manera fantástica de dar inicio al 2024."

Y continuó: "Nuestro plan es reeditar Archetypes para que más gente pueda tener acceso a él, así como lanzar un nuevo y dinámico podcast, ambos muy avanzados. Estoy ansiosa por poder compartirlo pronto y encantada de unirme a la familia Lemonada".

Por su parte, la directora ejecutiva de Lemonada, Jessica Cordova Kramer, dice que es un honor que Meghan haya confiado en ellos para ayudar a democratizar el acceso a "Archetypes". También dice que están impresionados por su espíritu de colaboración, su visión y un profundo deseo de construir compasión y comunidad a través de este trabajo.

Se acordarán que en junio de 2023, el duque y la duquesa de Sussex (citando a su compañía de producción, Archewell Audio) y Spotify dijeron que "acordaban separarse mutuamente y estaban orgullosos de la serie que hicieron juntos."

Hubo diversos informes en cuanto a la razón exacta detrás de la separación. Algunos dijeron que M&H no pudieron generar suficiente contenido para pagar los $20M a Spotify.

Mientras tanto, la agencia de talentos de MM, WME, dijo que la razón fue porque ella estaba ocupada produciendo más podcasts para sus fans de "Archetypes" en una plataforma diferente. Esta última explicación ahora parece estar tomando forma.

Meg lanzó "Archetypes" en 2020 después de que, según los informes, firmara un acuerdo de varios años con Spotify para producir el programa en forma de audio.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

El podcast no se estrenó hasta 2022, con Meghan como presentadora, en donde entrevistó a celebridades como Serena Williams, Mariah Carey y Paris Hilton sobre temas en torno a los estereotipos que se imponen a las mujeres.


Less than a year after Meghan Markle and Prince Harry called it quits on their $20M Spotify deal ... she herself is giving it another go in the podcast game.

The Duchess of Sussex has inked a deal with Lemonada Media -- the company behind "Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus" -- for a new, untitled podcast series.

That's not all ... MM's "Archetypes" is actually coming with her to her new podcast home -- Lemonada will be distributing her old pod to all other networks for access to a broader audience, in addition to her forthcoming show.

Meghan gushes about the partnership ... saying she's proud to continue her love for podcasting and adding, "Being able to support a female-founded company with a roster of thought-provoking and highly entertaining podcasts is a fantastic way to kick off 2024."

She continued, "Our plan to re-release Archetypes so that more people can now have access to it, as well as launching a dynamic new podcast are well in the works. I'm so eager to be able to share it soon, and am overjoyed to be joining the Lemonada family."

On their end, Lemonada's CEO Jessica Cordova Kramer says their beyond honored Meghan has trusted them to help democratize access to "Archetypes." They also mention they're blown away by her collaborative spirit, clear vision, and a deep desire to build compassion and community through this work.

You'll recall ... in June 2023, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (citing their production company, Archewell Audio) and Spotify said in a joint statement they "mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series we made together."

There were varying reports as to the exact reason behind the partnership's end -- some said M&H failed to generate enough content for Spotify to payout their $20M payday.

Meanwhile, MM's talent agency WME said the reason was 'cause she was busy cranking out more podcasts for her "Archetypes" fans on a different platform -- the latter explanation now seems to be taking shape.

Meg launched "Archetypes" in 2020 after reportedly signing a multi-year deal with Spotify to produce the show in audio form.

TMZ Studios

The podcast didn't premiere until 2022, with Meghan as the host, interviewing celebs such as Serena Williams, Mariah Carey and Paris Hilton on topics around stereotypes levied at women.

ICONIC MOVIE PROPS STAR WARS ITEMS & MORE Up for Grabs In Potential $8M Auction!!!

Calling all movie buffs ... this one's for you! Props worn by the likes of Audrey Hepburn, Michael J. Fox and Olivia Newton-John are expected to fetch more than $8 million during the largest film and TV memorabilia auction ever.

Propstore, one of the nation's leading prop auction sites, will be auctioning off 1,700 rare and iconic lots this March, and if you've got seriously deep pockets, you can get your hands on some super cool vintage film mementos.

For instance, every Star Wars fan would leap at Anthony Daniels' light-up C-3PO head from 1983's "Return of the Jedi" -- but, it could go for a whopping $1 million. Like we said, deep pockets, baby!

Captain Picard's 'Stark Trek' command chair is estimated to go for $100,000, while Sandy's "Grease" drive-in costume is expected to rake in up to $50K.

The screen-matched stunt leather jacket from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" -- which was worn by Vic Armstrong AKA, the world's greatest stuntman -- could go for between $200,000 and $400,000.

Vintage items from other movies such as 1969's "Easy Rider," 1985's "Back to the Future" and 1967's James Bond flick "You Only Live Once" will also be up on the auction block.

The most recent movie prop featured will be Harry Potter's wand from "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

TMZ Studios

The entire catalog of props is available to the public, so you can browse ahead of time to see what you'd like to splash some $$$ on when 3 days of bidding begins on March 12 at L.A.'s Petersen Automotive Museum.

Kanye West No se retracta de dichos antisemitas... "Vultures" prueba que no puedo ser cancelado

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Aclarando las cosas

Kanye West dice que aún no ha sido cancelado por un par de diferentes razones, y también explica por qué no se retracta de algunos de sus dichos antisemitas.

Nos encontramos con Ye en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles, después de que regresara de las fiestas del Super Bowl en Las Vegas y el tipo habló con nosotros sobre un montón de temas. Luego de que su esperado álbum "Vultures" fuera finalmente lanzado y alcanzara el #1 en iTunes, el artista se puso a indagar sobre cómo sobrevivió a su "cancelación".

Echa un vistazo, Kanye le dice a nuestro fotógrafo que capeó una tormenta el año pasado y salió del otro lado tal vez incluso más exitoso, al menos desde su perspectiva.

Eso es discutible, por supuesto, porque perdió un montón de negocios, por no hablar de cientos de millones de dólares y, sin embargo, piensa que logró sortearlo bastante bien y aquí explica por qué.

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De la boca de Kanye

Kanye dice que tiene diferentes fuentes de negocios que le han ayudado a seguir siendo popular, incluso a un nivel masivo, y dice que mucho de eso tiene que ver con el hecho de que es increíblemente talentoso, con ideas únicas e interesantes.

Por supuesto, sus devotos fans también adoran su franqueza, algo de lo que Kanye también es consciente. Por eso dice que ha sido capaz de sobrevivir a este intento de derribarlo.

Cita luego su disputa con Adidas y explica por qué estuvo tanto tiempo en Europa el año pasado. Después de todo, era una cuestión más de negocios que de placer.

De todos modos, Kanye dice que el negocio está en auge de nuevo a pesar de los mejores esfuerzos de la industria. Así es como lo ve él.

En esta entrevista se puede ver que está en modo "nosotros contra ellos". Ataca a la industria musical y a los sellos discográficos, afirma que la estructura de streaming no es justa para los artistas y promete hablar de estos temas en nombre de todos los artistas.

Curiosamente, incluso se pone en el mismo barco que su archienemiga, Taylor Swift. Sí, dice su nombre y no de una manera despectiva.

Sobre el tema del antisemitismo ofrece una disculpa no disculpa por algunos de sus discursos de odio, pero cree que otros comentarios estuvieron bien.

También cita una defensa a menudo utilizada en cuanto a por qué no puede ser antisemita.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Míralo tú mismo, pero realmente la única disculpa que ofrece es a los niños judíos que tuvieron que escuchar una "conversación de adultos".

Una última cosa, Ye esquiva cualquier posición sobre el conflicto en Israel y Gaza, lo que es sorprendente tal vez, teniendo en cuenta todos sus ataques a los judíos. Pero dice que hay problemas más urgentes en su ciudad natal.

Kanye West I Don't Take Back the Antisemitism ... 'Vultures' Proves I Can't Be Canceled

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Kanye West says he hasn't been canceled yet for a couple different reasons -- and he also explains why he's not backing down from some of his antisemitic statements.

We got Ye Monday at LAX -- after he'd returned from Super Bowl festivities in Vegas -- and the guy talked to us about a bunch of topics. As his finally released new album "Vultures" hit #1 on iTunes, he marked that success by digging into why he survived his "cancelation."

Check it out ... Kanye tells our photog he weathered the storm last year, and came out the other side perhaps even more successful than ever ... at least in his eyes.

That's debatable, of course, because he lost out on a lot of business deals, not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars. And yet, Kanye thinks he's landed on his feet pretty well ... and he explains why.

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Kanye says he's got a few different things in his utility belt that have helped him remain popular, even in a mainstream capacity ... and he says a lot of it has to do with the fact he's incredibly talented with unique, interesting ideas.

Of course, his devoted fans also love that he's outspoken ... something KW's well aware of too. All that is why he says he's been able to survive a modern-day teardown.

He cites his feud with Adidas in making this point, and also lays out why he was in Europe for so long last year. It was actually more business than pleasure after all.

Anyway, Kanye says business is booming for him yet again ... despite the industry's best efforts. That's how he sees it anyway.

You can tell from this interview, he's in full us-versus-them mode right now. He attacks the music industry and record labels, saying the streaming structure isn't fair to artists -- and vows to speak up on these issues on behalf of all artists.

Interestingly, he even puts himself in the same boat as his archenemy, Taylor Swift! Yes, he speaks her name, and not in a disparaging way.

On the subject of antisemitism ... he offers a non-apology apology for some of his hate speech but believes other comments were spot-on.

He also cites an oft-used defense of his as to why he can't be antisemitic.

TMZ Studios

Watch it for yourself, but really the only apology he offers is to the Jewish kids who had to hear a "grown-up conversation."


One last thing ... Ye dodges any real position on the Israel-Gaza conflict -- surprising, perhaps, considering all his attacks on Jewish people -- but, says there are more pressing issues in his hometown.

Taylor Swift I'm Cashing Out ... Private Jet Outta Sin City

Taylor Swift is joining the max exodus in Las Vegas ... flying out of the desert after her boyfriend Travis Kelce's big Super Bowl win.

The singer hopped on her private jet Monday for a short flight to Los Angeles ... and she was joined by good friend Blake Lively. We're hearing there might've been other stars in the mix as well -- but hard to make anyone out specifically ... including TayTay.

Taylor's team was definitely trying to shield her from the cameras behind a wall of black umbrellas as she climbed the stairs onto the plane ... we gotta say, blocking like this would make Jason Kelce proud!

Blake herself boarded the plane in a red outfit without too much fuss ... and one passenger had on a Kansas City Chiefs jacket. Just like how she arrived from Tokyo -- it was a straight cover-up attempt ... and considering everything that's been going on with her lately, we get it.

Anyhoo ... it's been a whirlwind 24 hours for her. Taylor, Travis and co. partied deep into the night after the Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers in double overtime in Super Bowl LVIII for Travis' second straight championship ... and it looks like she's had her fill of Sin City.

After a short flight, Taylor and co. touched down at LAX ... where they hopped into a fleet of waiting SUVs and took off yet again. She's been getting dragged here and there a lot these past few days ... and Monday proved no different.


Taylor's travel ain't stopping here, BTW ... she's gotta be in Australia later this week for another string of 'Eras' tour shows -- so she'll be back on a plane in no time.

TMZ Studios

The life of an A-list pop star, y'all ... busy, busy, busy!

Jermaine Dupri Super Bowl Socks Were LV Swaggy!!! Pharrell Can Vouch For Me

Jermaine Dupri's defending his right to dress up his ankles anyway he sees fit ... after his Super Bowl wardrobe turned into a trending topic coming out of Usher's Halftime show blowout.

Social media relentlessly ribbed JD for his schoolboy uniform getup, complete with the type of ruffled socks that resembled the kind kids wore back in the outhouse days. Some critics suggested all he was missing was an apple for the teacher!!!

On Monday, Jermaine posted proof his footies were certified haute couture ... revealing them to be Louis Vuitton pocket socks worth hundreds of bucks!

The "Money Ain't A Thang" rapper said he was too drunk to combat the jokes in the moment, but has time today ... and also called in for backup from Pharrell, LV's current men's creative director.

TMZ Studios

The rich flex didn't help JD's case much -- fans are saying this designer drip should have stayed in the closet.

Usher can't relate to such problems, because his custom metallic Air Jordans won the internet!!!

BEN AFFLECK Dunkin' Tracksuit Sold Out In Minutes ... SB Ad Sweetens Deal!!!

Dunkin' Donuts has clearly found a sweet spot with their Ben Affleck partnership ... 'cause their clothing merch has flown off the shelves following his SB commercial.

As everyone saw Sunday, Ben repped his beloved donut company in their latest Super Bowl ad wearing their outrageously orange signature tracksuits alongside Matt Damon and Tom Brady as they hilariously debuted their band, The DunKings.

As it turns out, the SB spot worked -- because we're told Dunkin' sold out of their new tracksuits in just 19 minutes after going up on sale on their site Monday.

In addition to the DunKings track jacket and track pants, the DunKings bucket hat was also in high demand ... and is currently sold out on their site -- with the sales marking a record-breaking milestone as the fastest collection to sell out in Dunkin' history.

DD says they're currently working on a restock of the sold-out merch ... but for fans of the new boyband, hurry to stores cause The DunKings Iced Coffee, Munchkins Skewers, and more items are available for a limited time.

Evidently, Ben and Dunkin' is a match made in donut heaven ... and no doubt, the Hollywood star is having the last laugh after thousands of memes mocking his unwavering love for the baked good store.

Ben raked in a whopping $10M for last year's commercial with DD, so his paycheck for his 1 minute SB commercial this year would've obviously been one heck of a sweet deal.

Gettin' Busy

BTW, the sold-out effect was happening on the ground as well here in L.A. -- we sent a photog to various Dunkin' Donuts locations ... and the staff told us, they're busy as hell!

Whether it's on their online shop or in the stores themselves -- people seem to be flipping out for Dunkin' all over again.

TMZ Studios

Just goes to show ... a funny ad in the right spot (and with the right celebs) can go a long way.

Bellator Champ Johnny Eblen Dropping Stacks For OnlyFans Model ... $85k Shopping Spree!!!


Bellator champion Johnny Eblen's bank account took a big hit this weekend ... 'cause he treated an OnlyFans model to a day full of luxury shopping -- and the final price tag is wild!!

TMZ Sports has obtained video of the undefeated middleweight fighter's spending spree with Jessenia Rebecca -- who boasts nearly two million followers on Instagram -- and the two were clearly able to find what they wanted ... as they were both holding several bags.

We're told Eblen dropped $30,000 at Alex The Jeweler's shop, $25,000 at Dior and another $30,000 at Louis Vuitton ... totaling a staggering $85,000!!!

No word what inspired it all -- JR isn't even JE's girlfriend, but we're told he's currently in an open relationship with another lady.

Regardless, it's safe to say Jessenia was thrilled ... smiling from ear to ear as she gushed over the gesture.

If ya wanna feel even worse about yourself, Johnny and Jessenia then hop in an expensive-ass whip before driving off.

As for Johnny's upcoming fight, he's expecting it to be a BAD night for Impa Kasanganay in Saudi Arabia later this month.

Kanye West dice que ganó 19 millones de dólares en ventas de Yeezy Tras el anuncio del Super Bowl

Kanye West desembolsó una pequeña fortuna para tener algunos espacios publicitarios durante el Super Bowl y parece haber dado sus frutos... al menos según él.

Ye anunció su botín del domingo en las redes sociales para dar inicio a la nueva semana y las cifras de un solo día que está citando son bastante buenas, alrededor de $19 millones es lo que uno de los representantes de dijo que facturaron después de su anuncio.

Publicó una captura de pantalla de un texto que aparentemente recibió, que desglosa qué artículos se vendieron y la cantidad de dólares. Hay 4 productos en particular que Kanye y compañía estaban tratando de vender. Productos tales como pantalones, tops, una camiseta y los pods YZY.

Los pods son básicamente calcetines futuristas plegables que se pueden usar como calzado real.

Curiosamente, Kanye parece haber tenido una gran venta en su sitio web. Estos artículos están todos a la venta por un mísero $20. Sí, incluso ahora, usted puede conseguirlos a ese precio.

Si estos números son exactos, entonces sí, parece que su "comercial" (si se puede llamar así) funcionó de maravilla.


Aporopósito, el tipo tuvo uno de los anuncios más básicos de todos los tiempos y que solo se emitió en algunos mercados durante la emisión de la Super Bowl y contó con Ye literalmente filmándose a sí mismo en la parte trasera de un carro y dando una explicación rápida de lo que estaba vendiendo.

Como hemos dicho, era realmente básico y, sin embargo, ¡funcionó!

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Algunos están llamando a Ye un genio del marketing y otros dicen que el tipo todavía tiene una base de clientes que va a comprar sus cosas incluso después de todo lo que ha dicho y hecho.

El mercado habla por sí mismo. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Kanye West I Cleaned Up After Crappy SB AD .. $19 Million in Yeezy $ales!!!

Kanye West shelled out a small fortune for some ad space during the Super Bowl -- in a limited capacity, anyway -- and it seems to have paid off ... at least according to him.

Ye announced his haul from Sunday on social media to kick off the new week -- and single-day figures that he's citing are pretty good ... around $19 million is what one of his reps says made after his stripped-down SB spot.

He posted a screenshot of a text he apparently received, which breaks down what items were sold and the dollar amount for each. There's 4 different products that KW and co. were really pushing, it seems, and those include a top, pants, a T-shirt and YZY pods.

The pods are basically foldable futuristic socks that you can wear as actual footwear.

Funny enough, Kanye seems to have had a great sale on his website ... these items he's hawking are all on sale for a measly $20. Yep ... even now, you can get 'em at that price.

If these numbers are accurate -- then yeah ... Kanye low-key cleaned up on his inventory ... and it would appear his "commercial" (if you can call it that) actually worked wonders.


ICYMI ... the dude had one of the most bare-bones ads of all time -- which only aired in certain markets during the Super Bowl broadcast -- and it featured Ye literally filming himself in the back of a car, selfie-style, and giving a quick explainer of what he was selling.

Like we said, it was as basic as it could be -- and yet, it seems to have done the job!

TMZ Studios

Some are calling Ye a marketing genius over this ... and others are grumbling that the dude still has a customer base that'll buy his stuff -- even after everything he's said/done by now.

Hey, it's capitalism ... and the market is speaking for itself. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Los polémicos autógrafos de los Beatles a la venta por 100.000 dólares

En lo que respecta a los recuerdos de los Beatles, no hay nada mejor que sus autógrafos, y ahora puedes conseguirlos si tienes los bolsillos bien llenos. -uno de los principales distribuidores de autógrafos del país- ha puesto a la venta un pedazo de papel firmado por los 4 miembros, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison y Ringo Starr y puede ser tuyo por 100.000 dólares.

Lennon firmó el papel con la marca American Airlines como San Juan Leproso, en alusión al polémico comentario de Lennon "somos más grandes que Jesús". Esta es una pieza importante en la historia de los Beatles, aunque no es algo por lo que hubieran querido ser recordados, haciéndolo aún más lucrativo.

Tal vez recuerdes que el incendiario comentario provocó una considerable reacción de las comunidades cristianas, algunas emisoras de radio incluso se negaron a reproducir su música y sus discos fueron prohibidos. Las críticas fueron tan duras que provocaron el fin de las giras de los Beatles.

La firma de McCartney también es extremadamente rara y hace referencia al Padre McKenzie del tema "Eleanor Rigby". Ambas firmas únicas hacen que valga aún más dinero.

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TMZ Studios

Los autógrafos fueron obtenidos por Bess Coleman mientras trabajaba como publicista en EMI Records.