Tech N9ne Makin' It Rain at Strip Club SB Party ... $25k in 15 Minutes!!!

Tech N9ne's not worried about his bank account ... 'cause he just tossed up a small fortune to show appreciation to a few exotic dancers for their moves.

All eyes were on the rapper at the pre-Super Bowl party he hosted in Las Vegas Thursday night at Crazy Horse 3 -- a very popular strip club just across the street from Allegiant Stadium.


Sources tell us ... T9 made a fashionably late entrance, pulling up to the club at around 2 AM early Friday morning -- and he quickly made up for lost time, walking onstage with an absolute bag and chucking bills up in the air as the ladies danced to his song "Hood Go Crazy."

It didn't take long for the entertainers to realize where the money was at ... and soon we're told 11 dancers were all shakin' their asses near Tech.

Apparently, N9ne was loving the attention so much, we're told he had a member of his entourage running to bring him more ones -- which Tech threw in the air for the next 15 minutes.

All told, our sources say Tech unloaded $25,000 ... a pretty nice payday for the ladies working the club last night who we're told took nearly half an hour to count and divide all the catapulted cash.

We broke the story ... Tech coordinated with the club to turn the venue into a money snowglobe -- a deal that included about $20,000 in singles to throw as well as 10 magnum bottles of 10 tequila with 5 bottles of Clase Azul and 5 bottles of Don Julio 1942.

BTW while this was a particularly big day for the entertainers ... our sources say they've been absolutely raking in the dough recently with so many tourists in town for the big game.

Tech's a Chiefs fan -- with a popular KC anthem to boot -- and he seems to have bucks to burn, so we'll see if he shows up to the Super Bowl at Allegiant on Sunday. Lord knows, those tickets are pricey.

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If he doesn't wanna blow his cash on the game ... we know of at least one poppin' strip club that would probably love to have him back!!!

Ben Affleck $10 millones por el anuncio de Dunkin en el Super Bowl...

Ben Affleck está recibiendo su última alegría de parte de su querida Dunkin' Donuts, esto, después de los cientos de memes que se ríen de él por promocionar tanto la marca.

Resulta que el ganador del Oscar se embolsó 10 millones de dólares por el anuncio que hizo para el Super Bowl del año pasado, según CNN. Recuerden que Ben apareció como un trabajador de Dunkin en un clip de 30 segundos que benefició mucho a la marca.

Al parecer, la empresa vendió más donuts al día siguiente del Super Bowl que en cualquier otro día de su historia. Aprovechando ese gran éxito, Ben firmó como portavoz oficial y aparecerá en otro comercial para ellos durante el Super Bowl de este año.

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Pero Ben no es el único que ha hecho mucho dinero en el Super Domingo. Larry David también se enganchó $10M por su ahora controvertido anuncio para FTX y CNN dice que al menos otras dos celebridades de la lista A están ganando $5M este año por aparecer en cámara durante menos de 20 segundos en los anuncios.

Hay que tener en cuenta que las empresas también desembolsan 7 millones de dólares por emitir un anuncio de 30 segundos.

En cuanto al nuevo anuncio de Ben, los publicistas de Dunkin han hecho que este se ría de sí mismo por sus "miserables" expresiones en los Grammy del año pasado.

¿Varios millones de dólares por unos segundos de autodesprecio? Buen trabajo si puedes conseguirlo.

BEN AFFLECK $10 Mil FOR DUNKIN' Super BOWL AD ... Glazed Greenbacks, Baby!!!

Ben Affleck's definitely getting the last laugh over his undying love of Dunkin' ... after thousands of memes mocked him for reppin' the coffee and donut shop so hard.

Turns out the Oscar winner raked in a staggering $10 MILLION for his Super Bowl commercial last year, according to CNN. Remember, Ben appeared as a Dunkin' drive-thru worker in the 30-second clip, and his star power was a major treat for Dunkin'.

The company reportedly sold more donuts the day after the Super Bowl than any other day in its history. Capitalizing on that smash hit, Ben then signed on as an official spokesperson -- and will appear in another commercial for them during this year's SB.

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But, it ain't just Ben who made major bucks on Super Sunday -- Larry David also snagged $10M for his now-controversial FTX ad ... and CNN says at least 2 other A-list celebs are making $5M this year for appearing on-camera for less than 20 seconds in ads.

Keep in mind, companies are also dropping $7M just to air a 30-second spot!

As for Ben's new SB spot ... Dunkin's ad men have him trollin' himself for his "miserable" expression at last year’s Grammys.

Several million bucks for a few seconds of self-deprecation? Sweet gig if you can get it!!!

Too Short I'm MVP of the Stripper Bowl ... Money On the Floor!!!

Droppin' It Low

Too Short is living up to his lyrical billing by throwing dollar bills at Vegas exotic dancers, and covering the floor with greenbacks ... all while his strip club anthems are blaring.

The "Money On The Floor" rapper hit up Crazy Horse 3 in Las Vegas Wednesday night into Thursday morning, rolling up with a crew of 20 people, including fellow rappers Tech N9ne and X-Raided ... and if ya thought it was raining hard in L.A., ya gotta see what went down on The Strip.

Our strip club sources -- yep, we got those too -- tell us Short requested a table in the VIP section right next to the main stage and, naturally, he was immediately swarmed by more than 30 strippers. As they say, game recognize game!

His crew ordered 2 magnum bottles of Don Julio 1942 Tequila, nothing but top shelf, and they threw $15,000 in singles ... and as you can see, the club brought him the first $5k in singles in a lighted-briefcase as Short had 2 strippers on his lap.

Naturally, Too Short took the greenbacks up to the main stage and started throwing money everywhere ... spreading it over a dancer's back as she twerked in front of him. Textbook move.

The most baller part ... Too Short's "Money On The Floor" is playing while he drops fat stacks on, and above, the stage where a dancer's flashing her pole skills to his jam.

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Crazy Horse 3 seems like the place to be leading up to Super Bowl LVIII, which will be played just across the street at Allegiant Stadium.

Tech N9ne was back Thursday night to host and rain $20K on the performers. While several NFL players were expected, too -- it's a safe bet they were NOT the centers of attention.

Viva Las Vegas!!!

Según una demanda un robot quirúrgico le causó un agujero mortal A una mujer de Florida

Un robot quirúrgico hizo un agujero en el intestino delgado de una mujer de Florida durante la cirugía, hiriéndola, y finalmente causándole la muerte. Esto según una nueva demanda presentada por su marido.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Sandra Sultzer, nativa de Boca Ratón, falleció a la edad de 78 años en 2022 después de un procedimiento para tratar su cáncer de colon, el cual se realizó utilizando un robot "da Vinci", una máquina de 4 brazos activada por un médico que opera una cámara y un cirujano que dirige los brazos del robot utilizando un joystick y pedales.

El marido de Sultzer afirma que el robot está diseñado para cortar incisiones tan pequeñas como el tamaño de una moneda de diez centavos. Se supone que estos movimientos precisos minimizan la pérdida de sangre y el trauma del cuerpo en comparación a los cortes más grandes realizados durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos tradicionales.

La demanda alega algunas de las mangas de goma alrededor de los brazos tenían grietas que generaban corrientes eléctricas y la energía perdida esencialmente quemó tejidos del cuerpo de Sandra durante su procedimiento de septiembre de 2021.

Su esposo afirma que la quema de sus órganos internos ocurrió sin que el equipo quirúrgico siquiera supiera completamente lo que estaba sucediendo en ese momento.

La demanda alega que Intuitive Surgical Inc -la compañía que fabrica el robot da Vinci- no advirtió adecuadamente de estos riesgos, alegando que debería haber sabido de los riesgos de "miles de informes de lesiones y defectos" sobre el dispositivo".

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También afirma que el producto no fue diseñado de una manera segura, ni tampoco se sometió a las pruebas necesarias para evitar los riesgos de quemaduras.

El marido de Sultzer reclama daños y perjuicios no especificados.


A surgical robot burned a hole in a Florida woman's small intestine during surgery, injuring her and eventually causing her death -- this according new lawsuit filed by her husband.

According to the legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Boca Raton native Sandra Sultzer passed away at the age of 78 in 2022 following a procedure to treat her colon cancer ... which was performed using a 'da Vinci' robot -- a 4-armed machine activated by a doctor operating a camera and a surgeon steering the robot's arms using a joystick and foot pedals.

Sultzer's husband claims the robot is designed to cut incisions as small as the size of a dime ... and the precise movements are supposed to minimize blood loss and trauma to the body from larger cuts made during traditional surgical procedures.

The suit alleges some of the rubber sleeves around the arms had cracks which allowed electrical currents to escape ... and the stray energy essentially burned Sandra's body tissues during her September 2021 procedure.

Her husband claims the burning of her internal organs happened without the surgical team even fully knowing what was happening at the time.

The lawsuit alleges that Intuitive Surgical Inc. -- the company that makes the da Vinci robot -- failed to adequately warn of these risks ... claiming it should have known of the risks from "thousands of injury and defect reports" about the device.

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He also claims the product was not designed in a safe way or tested enough to avoid the burn risks.

Sultzer's husband is seeking unspecified damages, including punitives.

Taylor Swift Sells Private Jet .... New Owner Linked to CarShield?!?

Taylor Swift recently unloaded one of her private jets -- and at least one of the new owners is linked to a well-known company ... specializing in cars.

Here's the deal ... FAA records show that Taylor sold a Dassault Falcon 900 jet that's been in her possession for years -- since 2009, in fact -- and the transaction was completed at the end of last month ... with a new owner listed as some mysterious, soulless LLC.

As it turns out, however, this LLC that now owns Taylor's jet isn't so random after all ... it appears to be linked to CarShield -- specifically, a bigwig of the auto protection company.

The LLC in question is called Triangle Real Estate, and it's incorporated in Missouri -- dating back to 2006 -- with a man named Nicholas Hamilton named as a former officer of the company.

On its own, that info might not reveal too much about the new owner -- however, the FAA has the new owner's address listed as a CarShield call center out in St. Peters, MO.


And, as it turns out ... Nick Hamilton is the CEO of CarShield.

So, just to recap ... the new listed owner of Taylor's jet is an LLC linked to CarShield's CEO -- and the new listed address of the current jet owner goes right to a CarShield office. Coincidence??? Something tells us it ain't. One thing, though, Nick has a partner in the LLC ... so, she'll likely be enjoying some PJ flights, too.

The actual sale price isn't disclosed publicly, but a new one of these jets goes for around $40 million on the open market.

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And yes, we've reached out to Nick, CarShield, other associates of Triangle Real Estate and Taylor's camp for comment ... so far, nobody's talking. Go figure!

Elon Musk & Mark Cuban Not Betting on Super Bowl LVIII ... Don't Sports Bet, Period!!!

Elon Musk and Mark Cuban are far from friends, but they are united on one front, that's NOT betting on Super Bowl Sunday ... because, as you might've figured, they're not big on burning money.

TMZ reached out to both mega billionaires days leading up to the big game, and we got shockingly similar responses from each guy -- no, they won't bet on the Super Bowl ... and, in fact, they say they don't bet on sports at all.

Elon tells TMZ there are "plenty of other risky things going on" ... so it sounds like he might be taking other risks with his cash -- he did gamble $44 billion on X (née Twitter) after all.

As for Mark ... he told us he's not allowed to bet on NBA games because of his ownership stake in the Dallas Mavericks. While he doesn't know if that betting extends to the NFL, he'd rather skip any "potential hassle" altogether. Smart move.

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Cubes noted that betting money, IF you can afford to lose it, can be fun and the uber-competitive billionaire does love to win ... it's just not something he'll be doing on Sunday.

MC also tells us he's not attending the Super Bowl, but he'll be watching and rooting for the Chiefs ... unsurprising, given how complimentary he was of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship when news of it first broke.

BTW ... Elon and Mark being aligned on anything is pretty wild news in and of itself -- they've been in a very public feud, with Elon calling Mark a "racist" last month for supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion hiring practices and challenging him to a MMA fight.

Cuban defended his stance on DEI, and called X Elon's "little echo chamber" ... a savage blow, considering Musk touts the platform as a paragon of free speech.

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Bottom line, Musk and Cuban are saving their money this Super Bowl Sunday -- bad news for bookies, no doubt.


Although, something tells us they'll recover, courtesy of the record-setting 68 million Americans planning to wager on the game!!!

Elon Musk y Mark Cuban no apostarán En el Super Bowl LVIII

Elon Musk y Mark Cuban están lejos de ser amigos, pero están unidos en un frente, que es no apostar en el Super Bowl el domingo. Como usted podría haber imaginado, no son grandes entusiastas cuando se trata de desperdiciar dinero.

TMZ se puso en contacto con los dos mega multimillonarios días previos al gran juego, y nos dieron respuestas sorprendentemente similares... no, no van a apostar en el Super Bowl, y, de hecho, dicen que no apuestan en los deportes en absoluto.

Elon le dice a TMZ hay "un montón de otras cosas pasando" por lo que suena a que podría estar tomando otros riesgos con su dinero en efectivo. Recordemos que apostó $44 billones en X después de todo.

En cuanto a Mark, nos dijo que no puede apostar en partidos de la NBA debido a su participación en los Dallas Mavericks. Aunque no sabe si las apuestas se extienden a la NFL, prefiere evitar cualquier "molestia potencial". Una decisión inteligente.

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Cuban señaló que apostar dinero, si usted puede permitirse el lujo de perderlo, puede ser divertido y al multimillonario le encanta ganar, no es algo que vaya a hacer el domingo.

Mark también nos dice que no va a asistir al Super Bowl, pero que va a estar viendo y apoyando a los Chiefs, nada sorprendente teniendo en cuenta lo elogioso que fue de Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce cuando las primeras noticias comenzaron a aparecer.

A propósito, que Elon y Mark estén alineados en cualquier cosa es una noticia bastante impresionante, ya que han estado en una pelea muy pública, con Elon llamando a Mark un "racista" el mes pasado por apoyar la diversidad, la equidad y las prácticas de contratación de inclusión y desafiándolo a una pelea de MMA.

Cuban defendió su postura y llamó a X la "pequeña cámara de eco" de Elon, un duro golpe teniendo en cuenta que Musk promociona su plataforma como un ejemplo de la libertad de expresión.

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En resumidas cuentas, Musk y Cuban están ahorrando su dinero este domingo de Super Bowl, malas noticias para los corredores de apuestas.

Sin embargo, hay un récord de 68 millones de estadounidenses que planean apostar en el juego.

La tienda "Pawn Stars" vende los anillos del Super Bowl por Decenas de miles

Rick Harrison y su equipo de "Pawn Stars" están buscando sacar provecho del Super Bowl que viene a la ciudad, su tienda está pregonando algunos anillos de campeonato de los últimos Super Bowls.

La buena gente de Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, que aparece en el reality show, le dice a TMZ que están vendiendo un anillo del Super Bowl de los Giants de Nueva York 2007 por $77.500.

Los Giants vencieron a Tom Brady y los New England Patriots en el Super Bowl XLII, arruinando la temporada invicta de los Patriots. Este anillo era propiedad de un empleado del equipo y está hecho por Tiffany & Co.

La casa de empeños Gold & Silver también tiene en su poder un anillo de los Rams de Los Ángeles de 2021, y va por unos mucho más asequibles de 20.000 dólares. Los Rams vencieron a los Bengalíes de Cincinnati en LVI gracias a un touchdown de Matthew Stafford a Cooper Kupp en los minutos finales.

El anillo de campeonato de los Rams es también el de un miembro del equipo y nos dicen que está a la venta por menos que el anillo de los Giants, porque hay muchos más fans de NYG que de los Rams, y los anillos de los Giants históricamente se venden a precios más altos que los anillos de los Rams.

Rick le dice a TMZ que reciben una gran cantidad de consultas acerca de sus anillos de campeonatos deportivos, pero el interés en los anillos del Super Bowl es siempre mayor cuando se avecina el Gran Juego.

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Con el Super Bowl LVIII en Las Vegas, Rick espera que los fans de los Giants y los Rams ganen mucho dinero apostando este fin de semana. Él dice: "Supongo que podríamos encontrarlos en nuestra puerta una vez que se despierten de celebrar la noche del domingo en busca de poseer un anillo de su equipo favorito".

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Gold & Silver Pawn también está vendiendo anillos del Campeonato de la AFC, anteriormente propiedad de jugadores de la NFL, incluyendo uno de los Patriots de 2011 por $32.500, y otro de los Broncos de Denver de 1989 por $40.000.

Vale la pena señalar que los anillos de los jugadores son un poco diferentes que los anillos del personal, y los anillos de los jugadores son más valiosos, y por lo tanto, vienen con etiquetas de precios más altos.

Nos dicen que la casa de empeño de Rick no da nombres de los jugadores a menos que los compradores potenciales muestren que son serios.

'Pawn Stars' We Got Your Super Bowl Rings!!! Serious Giants, Rams Swag

Rick Harrison and his "Pawn Stars" crew are looking to capitalize on the Super Bowl coming to town -- their shop's hawking some championship rings from recent Super Bowls.

The good folks at Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, featured on the reality show, tell TMZ ... they're selling a Super Bowl ring from the 2007 New York Giants for $77,500.

The '07 Giants beat Tom Brady and the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLII ... ruining the Patriots' undefeated season. This SB ring was owned by a team staffer, and it's made by Tiffany & Co.

Gold & Silver Pawn shop also has a ring from the 2021 Los Angeles Rams in its possession ... and it's going for a much more affordable $20,000. The Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals in LVI on the strength of a touchdown pass from Matthew Stafford to Cooper Kupp in the final minutes.

The Rams championship ring is also from a team staffer, and we're told it's on sale for less than the Giants ring because there are way more NYG fans than Rams fans ... and Giants SB rings historically sell for higher prices than Rams rings.

Rick tells TMZ ... they get a lot of inquiries about their sports championship rings, but interest in Super Bowl rings is always higher around the Big Game.

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With Super Bowl LVIII going down in Vegas, Rick is hoping Giants and Rams fans win big money gambling this weekend. He says, "I'm guessing we might find them at our door once they wake up from celebrating Sunday night looking to own a ring from their favorite team."

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Gold & Silver Pawn is also selling AFC Championship rings previously owned by NFL players ... including one from the 2011 Patriots for $32,500, and another from the 1989 Denver Broncos for $40,000.

It's worth noting ... player rings are a little different than staff rings, and player rings are more valuable, and thus, come with higher price tags.

We're told Rick's pawn shop does not give out player names unless potential buyers show they're serious.

Chuck Lorre le pagará 5 millones de dólares a su ex Por el divorcio

El divorcio de Chuck Lorre finalmente ha llegado a su fin, y para alguien con un acuerdo prenupcial, seguro que se siente como que está pagando demasiado por un matrimonio que solo duró tres años y medio, pero todavía se queda con su mejor amigo de 4 patas.

El creador de "Two And a Half Men" recientemente finalizó su divorcio de Arielle Lorre después de la presentación para poner fin al matrimonio en 2022. De acuerdo con nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, sabemos que Chuck va a terminar desembolsando una pequeña fortuna.

Chuck accedió a pagar hasta $5 millones en el acuerdo. Tuvo que pagar 1.000 dólares tan pronto la sentencia fue presentada (la semana pasada) y acordó pagar un extra de $4 mil en 30 días después de Arielle se mueve fuera de la cuna ... que ella dice que tenía la intención de hacer el 1 de febrero.

El lado positivo es que Chuck se aferra a su perro, Harvey, así que al menos tiene eso. Sin embargo, Arielle tiene "visitas" con el perro por lo que tiene que compartir.

Lo que es interesante es el hecho de que Chuck está teniendo que pagarle tanto a su ahora ex-esposa -la tercera en su vida hasta ahora- a pesar de que habían firmado un acuerdo prenupcial. De hecho, sabemos que tuvo que desembolsar dinero extra: fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que los 5 millones de dólares que Chuck está pagando son en realidad más de lo que exigía el acuerdo prenupcial original.

Última nota interesante... hay una cláusula de no-disparagement en este acuerdo que se aplica a ambas partes.

Una vez más, estos dos estuvieron casados solo unos pocos años y, sin embargo, Chuck está desembolsando una gran cantidad. Ahora bien, aunque lo que ha aceptado pagar puede parecer mucho para el común de los mortales, el tipo está considerado el rey de las comedias de situación, con un montón de créditos en su haber.

No sólo tiene "TAAHM" en su haber... sino que ha creado otras series enormes como "The Big Bang Theory", "Dharma & Greg", "Young Sheldon" y muchas otras. En total, él vale cientos de millones de dólares ... así que para él esto es probablemente calderilla.

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De todas formas, sabemos que el hombre tiene sus recursos y sus cartas bajo la manga, ¿no es así?

'Two And a Half Men' Creator Chuck Lorre Finalizes Divorce Paying Ex $5 Mil, Keeps Dog

Chuck Lorre's divorce has finally come to an end -- and for someone with a prenup, it sure feels like he's paying out the nose for a marriage that only lasted three and a half years ... but he still gets to keep his best 4-legged friend.

The "Two And a Half Men" creator recently finalized his divorce from Arielle Lorre after filing to end the marriage in 2022. According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, we know know Chuck will end up shelling out a small fortune ... to the tune of 7 digits.

Per the paperwork, CL agreed to cough up $5 million in the settlement -- $1 mil was paid as soon as the judgment was entered (last week) and he agreed to pay an extra $4 mil 30 days after Arielle moves out of the crib ... which she says she intended to do on Feb. 1.

The upside ... Chuck gets to hold onto to pooch, Harvey, so at least he's got that. Arielle does get "liberal visitation" with the dog though -- so he's gotta share.

What's interesting is the fact that Chuck is having to shell out so much to his now-ex-wife -- the third in his life thus far -- even though things were all spelled out in an ironclad prenup. In fact, we know he coughed up extra dough -- sources with direct knowledge tell us the $5 mil Chuck's paying is actually more than the OG prenup required.

Last interesting note ... there's a non-disparagement clause in this settlement that applies to both parties -- so no trashing the other in books or other media once the dust settles.

Again, these 2 were only married a few years -- and yet, Chuck's biting the bullet, or so it seems. Now, while what he's agreed to pay might sound like a lot to your average Joe -- the dude's considered the King of Sitcoms, with a crap ton of show credits to his name.

Not only does he have 'TAAHM' under his belt ... but other huge shows he's created include "The Big Bang Theory," "Dharma & Greg" "Young Sheldon" and lots of others. All told he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars ... so to him, this is probably chump change.

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Just hum that familiar jingle, and he probably collects a royalty check. Dude's doing just fine!

Mo'Nique arremete contra Oprah, Tyler Perry y Tiffany Haddish En el pódcast de Shannon Sharpe

Mo'Nique está imitando a Katt Williams al momento de hablar, porque básicamente acaba de hacer exactamente lo mismo en el mismo pódcast, pero su lista de nombres difiere ligeramente.

La comediante estuvo en un nuevo episodio del pódcast de Shannon Sharpe -"Club Shay Shay"- y despotricó contra a un montón de grandes estrellas de la industria. Aireando quejas y reclamaciones contra Oprah, Tyler Perry, Tiffany Haddish y Kevin Hart, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

Mo'Nique ha sido vocal los últimos años acerca de la sensación de blackballed en Hollywood, y ella no se guardó nada en esta charla con Shannon, arrastrando una vez más a O y Tyler a la conversación, con las acusaciones de ellos tratando de boicotear su carrera, algo que ella ha alegado en el pasado.

Ella le dice a Shannon que tiene audios en los que supuestamente admite algo y Shannon parece reconocer que podría haber oído algo fuera de cámara.

Debemos señalar que Tyler ha negado empañar la reputación de Mo'Nique detrás de escenas. Tampoco reprodujo el supuesto audio en el programa de Shannon, sin embargo,  ¡Mo'Nique no había terminado!

Mo'Nique continuó con los insultos y acusaciones, increpando a Oprah por "sobrepasarse" con ella en muchos casos e incluso atacó a Tiffany por algo que dijo sobre Mo'Nique en una entrevista de GQ. Mo'Nique mencionó los arrestos por conducir en estado de ebriedad, así como su controversia relacionada con la demanda repugnante en la que estaba envuelta.

Vamos a tener en cuenta que Mo'Nique ha estado en esta campaña durante años, alegando que muchas personas de la industria le han jugado sucio, y aunque ha solucionado algunos de sus problemas con ciertas personas, parece que todavía hay mala sangre con la gran mayoría.

Es bastante loco pensar que todas las quejas de Mo'Nique provienen de una película que hizo en el 2009, una película de la que probablemente se arrepiente teniendo en cuenta todo el drama que ha provocado.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el campamento de Tyler sobre la última reclamación de Mo'Nique sobre este supuesto audio.

Mo'Nique On 'Club Shay Shay' Pulls a Katt Williams ... Trashes Oprah, Tyler, Tiffany, Etc

Mo'Nique is riding Katt Williams' coattails in talking major trash -- 'cause she basically just did the exact same thing on the same pod ... but her list of names slightly differs.

The comedian sat down for a new episode of Shannon Sharpe's "Club Shay Shay" podcast -- and she took aim at A LOT of big stars in the industry -- airing out grievances and claims against Oprah, Tyler Perry, Tiffany Haddish and Kevin Hart ... just to name a few.

Mo'Nique has been vocal over the past few years about feeling blackballed in Hollywood and she continued to double down on all that here in this chat with Shannon ... once again dragging O and Tyler into the conversation with allegations of them attempting to torpedo her career, something she's alleged in the past -- but there's a new twist to this now.

She tells Shannon that she has TP on audio allegedly admitting something to this effect ... and SS himself appears to acknowledge that he might have heard it off-camera.

We should note ... Tyler has denied tarnishing Mo'Nique's rep behind the scenes -- despite her repeated insistence over the years that he has. She also didn't play the alleged audio on Shannon's show. Mo'Nique wasn't done there, though!

She kept the parade of insults and accusations going -- calling out Oprah for "overstepping" with her in many instances ... and even took a shot at Tiffany for something she said about Mo'Nique in a GQ interview. Mo'Nique went below the belt and mentioned TH's DUI arrests, as well as her controversy in regard to the icky lawsuit she was embroiled in.

We will note ... Mo'Nique has been on this campaign for years and years now -- alleging she's been done dirty by so many different people in the industry ... and while she's squashed some of her beef with a few individuals, it sounds like there's still bad blood with a vast majority.

It's pretty crazy to think Mo'Nique's gripes all stem from a movie she did way back in '09 -- a film we're sure she probably regrets now considering how much acrimony it's spurred.

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We've reached out to Tyler's camp about Mo'Nique's latest claim over this supposed audio.

Kansas City Chiefs 9-Year-Old Fan's Fam Sues Deadspin Over Face Paint Controversy

The parents of a 9-year-old Chiefs fan claim a Deadspin article accusing the young boy of wearing blackface to a Kansas City game earlier this year has made their lives a living hell ... and now they're dragging the media outlet to court over it.

The folks of Holden Armenta -- Raul and Shannon Armenta -- filed the suit against the sports media company on Tuesday in Delaware ... alleging Carron Phillips' story about Holden back in November was flat-out defamatory.


You'll recall, Holden painted one side of his face black, and the other side red in support of his favorite Chiefs team as they took on the Raiders in Las Vegas on Nov. 26. According to the suit, when cameras showed only the black side of Holden's noggin during the game's broadcast, Phillips took to his keyboard to demand the NFL take action against the child.

The Armentas claim the article posted to Deadspin remarked on how face paint made it look like Holden had "found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time." The Armentas also said Phillips wrongfully implied that Holden may have been "taught" the alleged "racism and hate" at home.

The Armentas said none of it was true -- writing in the suit that Holden wore his gameday outfit for no other reason than to show his love for Kansas City. They added that Holden is Native American himself.

In the suit, the Armentas said they asked Deadspin repeatedly to retract the story and issue a mea culpa -- but they claim the outlet refused to back down.

They say it's all caused "enormous damage" -- alleging they received death threats and numerous messages containing hateful language. They also said Raul's been forced to consider moving his family out of state -- while Holden's grades have dropped in school. The Armentas claim Holden "has shown emotional damage from the onslaught of negative attention" as well.

They're now suing Deadspin for unspecified damages.

The outlet, meanwhile, has not yet publicly commented on the lawsuit.