Vegas has rolled out the red carpet for Super Bowl LVIII weekend ... capitalizing on the sporting event of the year with some exclusive swag.

Check it out ... the NFL Super Bowl Experience at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center is selling some funky gold sequined SB branded tops -- a must-have if you wanna stand out at those watch parties.

For those hoping to keep things low-key, there's also some casual clothing merch on sale ... and you can make a touchdown of your own by grabbing one of the footballs lining the walls.

Oh, and there are loads of toys on sale to keep those kiddos preoccupied while you enjoy the match.

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Of course, excitement is high ahead of the game, with Vegas gearing up how they know best -- tons of Elvis Presley impersonators, bright lights, and massive SB billboards everywhere down the strip.

Preparation is also underway at Allegiant Stadium, where either the San Francisco 49ers or the Kansas City Chiefs will reign supreme come Sunday.

Usher's also gonna be performing during the Halftime Show ... so they're obviously gonna have to pull out all the stops.

Donna Kelce Plays Coy on Super Bowl Seating ... IDK If I'll Be in the Box!!! 🙄


Donna Kelce has apparently forgotten that her son is dating a known billionaire -- 'cause she's out here acting like she might not be in the luxury suite come game time.

Travis Kelce's mom did an interview on the 'Today' show Wednesday, and they were asking her where exactly she'd be sitting in the private luxury suite that Taylor and Co. will be in during the Super Bowl at Allegiant Stadium in Vegas.

Hoda suggested DK oughta sit next to Taylor for good luck -- amounting to a pretty standard and easy softball question ... but instead of knocking it out the park, Donna muddied things up a bit.

Check it out ... she says that the suites referenced are actually quite expensive (indeed, they are) and that as far as he knows, she'll be in the bleachers cheering Travis on around a bunch of normies. You can tell the 'Today' crew wasn't buying it ... and nobody else is either.

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Fact is ... Donna will almost certainly be among the select few in the private box -- just like she has been for several weeks this season -- and it goes without saying ... Taylor and Travis's camps can absolutely afford it, even if it is in the price range of millions.

Even though most everyone assumes this ... Donna is almost making it seem like she's not sure where she'll be sitting -- and on its face, it sorta makes Taylor and Travis look bad, which is bizarre. You'd think this issue would've been cleared up by now ... apparently not!

Your Mom

Remember, Christian McCaffrey's mom also recently suggested she wouldn't be in a private suite because of the astronomical price ... but her son's GF, Olivia Culpo, quickly clarified that her potential future mother-in-law was, in fact, gonna be sitting pretty in a box at the game.


Ya gotta imagine Taylor and Travis will do the same as well at some point. Yes, Mama Bear ... you're gonna have a great freakin' view, and you're 100% getting the VIP treatment.

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No need to pretend it's gonna be anything but that!

Taylor y Travis Vengan a casarse a nuestra capilla Este fin de semana...

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce estarán en Las Vegas este fin de semana, y con el amor en el aire y su romance viento en popa, un lugar está ofreciendo hacerlos marido y mujer, ¡gratis!

Con los visitantes acudiendo en masa a la Ciudad del Pecado para el Super Bowl este fin de semana, se podrán imaginar que no hay mejor momento para dar el "sí, quiero", y eso es exactamente lo que la capilla Little White Wedding Chapel tiene en mente y por eso ha decidido extenderle una invitación a Tay Tay y Travis Kelce.

El lugar de la boda le dice a TMZ que le están ofreciendo a Taylor y Travis un servicio matrimonial si tienen ganas de atar el nudo en algún momento este fin de semana, y sus puertas están abiertas para los negocios, a pesar de que cubrirán completamente el costo.

La capilla dice: "Taylor y Travis, ¡ya tienen suficiente, así que déjennos hacernos cargo! Taylor solo tiene que traer su afortunado y fabuloso vestido de los Grammy y nosotros nos encargamos del resto. Tenemos a nuestro florista a la espera para el ramo de tus sueños y nuestros ministros y Elvis están listos también. Lo que quieras, ¡¡nuestra capilla está preparada para atenderte!!".

Por cierto, su oferta no solo se extiende a T-Swift y Travis, en realidad se aplica a todos los jugadores de fútbol y parejas que se puedan encontrar en la ciudad en los próximos días.

Nos han dicho que Little White correrá con los gastos de cualquiera de los miembros de los equipos San Francisco 49ers y Kansas City Chiefs, incluidos los entrenadores: cualquiera de los afiliados tiene la oportunidad de casarse allí, ¡gratis!

Un cañón de confeti de cortesía se incorporará a la celebración para los miembros del equipo ganador. Hablando de anotar a lo grande dentro y fuera del campo. Ambos equipos del Super Bowl recibirían ramos de flores especialmente creados para la ocasión, lo que hará que sea un campo de juego parejo para todos.

La capilla también señala que aunque las bodas son tradicionalmente más protagónicas para la novia, quieren mostrar un poco de amor por los hombres del Super Bowl, porque el evento deportivo es una de las cosas más emocionantes e importantes que suceden en Las Vegas por estos días. Así que sí, ¡quieren mostrarles su amor!

También nos dicen que esperan que la oferta sirva como promoción añadida para el local y que los aficionados al fútbol también acudan a la capilla para casarse después del partido. Ahora, no esperen que les cubran la boda, eso es solo para las cabezas del Super Bowl.

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No es que la capilla realmente lo necesite, con los gustos de Ben Affleck y Jennifer López, Britney Spears y Jason Alexander y más celebridades intercambiando votos allí. ¡Incluso tienen a un imitador de Elvis como testigo, por supuesto!

Gina Carano demanda a Disney por el despido de "Mandalorian" Y Elon Musk la apopya

Gina Carano ha demandado a Disney por su despido de "The Mandalorian", alegando que fue castigada por no seguir la línea de un partido político... y Elon Musk la apoya.

La actriz -que fue despedida por la Casa del Ratón en 2021- justo en la crisis del COVID- acaba de presentar una demanda contra su ex empleador, alegando que fue despedida injustamente por publicar sus opiniones políticas en redes sociales, algo que ella afirma que no le pasó a sus compañeros de trabajo masculinos que hicieron publicaciones similares.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Carano afirma que fue despedida por no ajustarse a la "ortodoxia progresista" de la empresa y en el público en general, especialmente en lo que respecta a las políticas del COVID en ese momento.

En concreto, Gina dice que lo que enfadó a Disney fue un mensaje que publicó y que hacía referencia a la persecución de los judíos durante el Holocausto, comparando ese escenario con lo que estaba ocurriendo con la gente que hablaba de COVID y otras posturas de tendencia conservadora.

Mientras que la compañía salió en su momento a criticarla por lo que dijeron era "denigrar a las personas en función de sus identidades culturales y religiosas", Carano dice que su publicación en las redes sociales no tenía esa intención en lo absoluto y que se perdió el contexto de lo que quería decir.

Y lo que es más importante, Gina afirma que Disney no la despidió por su rendimiento, sino simplemente por expresar opiniones políticas que se consideraban impopulares y contrarias a las de Disney... y Gina dice que eso era ilegal.

Lo que es más, Gina dice que otros coprotagonistas masculinos suyos también hicieron comentarios políticamente incendiarios en línea en ese momento -como cuando Mark Hamill fue acusado de publicar un tuit transfóbico- pero Disney aceptó sus explicaciones y siguió adelante.

En resumen, Carano afirma que su carrera se vio afectada negativamente y que perdió un montón de dinero, teniendo en cuenta que su trabajo iba viento en popa antes de que las cosas dieran un giro político. Ella está demandando por daños y perjuicios no especificados.

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Por cierto, Elon y X están financiando esta demanda. Un representante de X dice: "Como muestra del compromiso de X Corp con la libertad de expresión, estamos orgullosos de proporcionarle apoyo financiero a la demanda de Gina Carano, permitiéndole buscar la reivindicación de sus derechos de libertad de expresión en X y la capacidad de trabajar sin intimidación, acoso o discriminación".

Taylor & Travis Come Get Hitched at Our Chapel ... On the House This Weekend

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will be in Vegas this weekend -- and with love in the air and their romance at an all-time high ... one venue's offering to make them man and wife for free!

With visitors flocking to Sin City for the Super Bowl this weekend, you'd figure there's no better time than Saturday/Sunday to say "I do" ... which is exactly what the Little White Wedding Chapel is thinking, and why they're extending an invite to Tay Tay and TK.

The wedding venue tells TMZ they're offering Taylor and Travis a comped marital service if they're feeling like tying the knot at some point this weekend ... and their doors are open for business, even though they'll completely cover the cost.

LWWC says, "Taylor and Travis – you two have enough on your plate so let us take care of you! Taylor just bring your lucky, and Fabulous Grammys gown and we can handle the rest! We have our florist on standby for the bouquet of your dreams, our ministers and Elvis are ready too. Whatever you want, our chapel is ready to take care of you!!

BTW, their offer here doesn't just extend to T-Swift and Travis -- it actually applies to all the football players and their significant others who might be in town in the next few days.

We're told Little White will cover the costs for any of the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs team members, including coaches -- anyone affiliated has the chance to get married there ... for free. From the aisle to the pitch ... that'll be one tight turnaround!

A complimentary confetti canon will be incorporated into the celebration for members of the winning team. Talk about scoring big on and off the field. Both SB teams will get specially created bouquets for the occasion, which will make it an even playing field for everyone.

LWWC also notes that while wedding days are traditionally all about the bride ... they wanna show some love to the SB men, 'cause the sporting event is one of the most exciting and important things happening in Vegas now. So yeah, they wanna show the dudes love!

They also tell us they hope the offer can serve as an added promo for the venue ... with football fans coming to the chapel to get married in a spur of the moment kinda deal after the game. Don't expect them to cover those weddings though -- just SB heads, y'all.

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Not that the chapel really needs it ... with the likes of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears and Jason Alexander, and more celebs exchanging vows there -- with an Elvis impersonator as a witness, of course.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms starting today!

Gina Carano Sues Disney for 'Mandalorian' Firing ... Elon Musk Funding Suit

Gina Carano is suing Disney over her firing from "The Mandalorian" -- claiming she was punished for not toeing the political party line ... and Elon Musk's backing her.

The actress -- who got canned by the Mouse House in 2021, right in the thick of COVID -- just filed suit against her former employer ... alleging she was wrongfully terminated from her job over posting her political views on social media ... something she claims didn't happen to her male co-workers who made similar posts.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Carano claims she was fired for not conforming to "progressive orthodoxy" that was being espoused at the company and in the general public, especially as pertained to COVID policies at the time.

Specifically, Gina says a message she reposted that referenced persecution of Jews during the Holocaust -- comparing that scenario to what was going on with folks who spoke out about COVID and other conservative-leaning positions -- was what pissed Disney off.

While the company came out at the time to slam her for what they said was "denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities" ... GC says her social media post wasn't meant that way whatsoever, and that the context of what she was getting at got lost.

More importantly, Gina claims Disney didn't fire her over performance -- but simply for expressing political views that were considered unpopular and antithetical to Disney's ... and Gina says that was a legal no-no.

What's more, Gina says other male costars of hers also made politically inflammatory comments online at the time -- including when Mark Hamill was accused of liking a transphobic tweet -- but Disney accepted their explanations and moved on.

Bottom line ... Carano says her career was negatively impacted, and that she lost out on boatloads of cash considering her work was going swimmingly before things took a political turn. She's suing for unspecified damages ... but we're guessing it'll be a lot.

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BTW, Elon and X are funding this lawsuit of hers -- something EM vowed to do a while back. A rep for X says, "As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech, we’re proud to provide financial support for Gina Carano’s lawsuit, empowering her to seek vindication of her free speech rights on X and the ability to work without bullying, harassment, or discrimination."

Jim Irsay 'On The Mend' After Health Issues ... Thankful For Support

Jim Irsay says he's getting over his recent health issues ... revealing Tuesday he's officially "on the mend."

The Indianapolis Colts owner suffered multiple medical scares in the last few months -- including a suspected overdose at his Indiana home followed by a respiratory ailment -- but, thankfully, he said on his X page he's now doing better.

He told his fans he appreciated all of their support as he went through his recovery process ... writing, "Grateful for all the messages of love."

The Colts first announced 64-year-old Irsay was struggling with his health back on Jan. 9 ... when they said he was battling "a severe respiratory illness." The issue was so dire, it actually forced Irsay to back out of a concert with his band.

To make matters worse for the NFL owner, TMZ Sports learned that just weeks prior -- on Dec. 8 -- cops were called to his Carmel home after they said he had been found unconscious with a blue skin tone.


In police documents, cops said first responders administered live-saving measures before taking him to the hospital ... classifying the incident as both an "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

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Fortunately, it seems Irsay's now on the road to putting it all behind him ... adding a heart emoji to his Tuesday message.

Super Bowl LVIII Eat Like Kings For $2.5 Million!!! Wagyu Glizzy, Surf-&-Turf Buffet In Luxury Suite

X / @lukesawhook

Rich people are gonna feast like it at the Super Bowl this weekend ... 'cause the luxury suite that comes with a $2.5 MILLION price tag will be fully stocked with the finest grub!!

Some lucky media members got an inside look at the expensive box that'll house 20 wealthy football fans when the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs face off at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas on Super Sunday ... and they certainly won't have empty stomachs by the end of the night.

The spread consists of some bomb-lookin' items ... from a surf-and-turf buffet with wagyu beef and lobster to carne asada fries, seafood stuffed potatoes, bacon-wrapped hot dogs, cheesecakes and your classic souvenir popcorn, according to reporter Luke Sawhook.

There will be plenty to drink, too ... with a full-service bar complete with bartenders.

For those less financially blessed, StubHub says the get-in price is currently $5,300 -- a bargain from last week -- and the average ticket is going for $8,800.

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Unclear who'll be posted up in this suite when kickoff comes around ... but we take it the TV cameras will be sure to be on the lookout for Taylor Swift, who'll most likely be in one of the many boxes at the stadium to check out her boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

Super Bowl LVIII Chiefs Fans Seem More Interested ... Dominate Airbnb Searches

Kansas City Chiefs fans seem way more amped up for Super Bowl LVIII than their San Francisco 49ers counterparts ... at least in terms of interest in short-term rentals in Las Vegas.

The good folks over at Airbnb tell TMZ ... searches for rental listings in the Las Vegas region are up by more than 65% for the week of the Super Bowl, and most of the potential renters are flocking in from K.C.

Airbnb says Chiefs fans were in a frenzy looking up places to stay in Vegas after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce beat the Baltimore Ravens to secure a spot on SB LVIII ... the day after the AFC and NFC Championship Games, total Airbnb searches were 3x higher from K.C. than SF.

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The numbers make ya wonder if there's a Taylor Swift effect at play here ... the Chiefs are playing in the Super Bowl for the 4th time in the last 5 years, so it's nothing new to them and their fans, and Taylor's bringing in new fans and tons of extra interest.

No matter which team's fans are booking short-term rentals, Las Vegas looks like the big winner here ... Airbnb says the rental interest is bringing big economic potential to the region.

We'll have to wait and see who wins on the field Sunday ... but Chiefs fans are winning the Airbnb battle.

Super Bowl LVIII Los fans de los Chiefs parecen más interesados Más búsquedas en Airbnb

Los fans de los Kansas City Chiefs parecen estar más emocionados por el Super Bowl LVIII que sus pares de los San Francisco 49ers, al menos si comparamos su interés en arrendar algo en Las Vegas en el corto plazo.

La buena gente de Airbnb le dice a TMZ que las búsquedas de arriendos en Las Vegas se han incrementado en más de un 65% para la semana del Super Bowl, y la mayoría de los inquilinos potenciales provienen mayoritariamente de Kansas City.

Airbnb dice que los fans de los Chiefs estaban vueltos locos buscando lugares para alojarse en Las Vegas después de que Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce le ganaron a los Ravens de Baltimore para asegurar su lugar en el Super Bowl LVIII. El día después de la AFC y NFC Championship Games, el total de búsquedas en Airbnb fue 3 veces mayor de Kansas City que de San Francisco.

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Los números nos hacen preguntarnos si no hay un efecto Taylor Swift aquí. Los Chiefs están jugando en el Super Bowl por cuarta vez en los últimos 5 años, por lo que no es nada nuevo para ellos y sus fans, pero Taylor está trayendo nuevos fans y muchísimo interés adicional.

No importa que los fans del equipo estén reservando alquileres a corto plazo, Las Vegas parece el gran ganador aquí. Airbnb dice que el interés por los arriendos está trayendo gran potencial económico para la región.

Tendremos que esperar a ver quién gana en el campo el domingo, pero los fans de los Chiefs están ganando la batalla Airbnb.

Kim Zolciak Kroy's Leaking to Press ... Put Our Case Behind The Curtain!!!

Kim Zolciak is apparently sick of reading about herself in the press -- something she believes Kroy Biermann may be behind ... and now she wants a judge to step in and rectify.

The reality TV star just filed new court docs, obtained by TMZ, in which she's asking the court to issue a protective order in their ongoing divorce case ... so she can redact sensitive info like certain names and financial records in the docs she's handing over as she and Kroy continue to hash out their issues.

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Long story short ... Kim says there's a lot of interest in this case -- and sure, there is -- and notes that there's been press coverage at every juncture as their divorce continues to play out.

Along the way, however, Kim says some embarrassing info about herself and Kroy has surfaced amid these proceedings ... stuff that she claims she most definitely doesn't want out for the masses to read, but which she says is getting out anyway.

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Thing is ... Kim here in her new docs claims she's attempted try and get on the same page with Kroy over a confidentiality order that she says she's attempted to get Kroy to agree to.

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According to her ... KB flatly rejected her proposed confidentiality order ... and she says that led her to believe Kroy is actually the one leaking things to the media.

As a result, she's now begging a judge to step in with some court-ordered discretion that would help ensure sensitive info doesn't make its way into the public record.


A judge has yet to rule.

Secuestro de un perro Sospechoso es detenido por presunto robo El perro sigue desaparecido

La policía dice que ha detenido a un sospechoso de secuestrar a un perrito, y cuyo caso se ha vuelto viral, pero por desgracia aún no encuentran al perro.

El Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles anunció el sábado que detuvieron a Sadie Slater, de 21 años y residente de Los Ángeles, por un cargo de robo por su presunta implicación en el crimen. Su fianza está fijada en $70.000, de acuerdo con la policía de la ciudad.

Confirmamos la detención con fuentes policiales, quienes añadieron que han estado tratando de averiguar la ubicación del perro con la sospechosa.

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No se rinden tan fácilmente

Recuerden, Ali Zacharias estaba comiendo en el centro de Los Ángeles el mes pasado cuando una mujer se acercó, agarró la correa de su perro Onyx, y se fue con él. Ali la persiguió, pero el presunto ladrón alcanzó a subirse en un carro.

Ali se subió a su propio vehículo para perseguir a los ladrones por varias cuadras, temiendo por su vida hasta que el carro hizo un giro brusco y se perdió de vista.

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Aterrador incidente

Hablamos con Ali a principios de esta semana, quien nos dijo que la policía estaba empezando a tomarse en serio su caso, dada toda la atención que ha recibido de los medios de comunicación.

Bueno, la policía se lo está tomando en serio, con un primer sospechoso en custodia.

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Con suerte, los oficiales podrán encontrar a Onyx y llevarlo a casa, sano y salvo.

Dognapping Case Suspect Arrested For Alleged Robbery ... Dog Still Missing

Police say they've arrested a suspect in the viral dognapping case ... but, unfortunately, they haven't found the dog yet.

The Los Angeles Police Department announced Saturday they've arrested Sadie Slater ... a 21-year-old L.A. resident on a robbery charge for her alleged involvement in the crime. Her bail is set at $70,000, according to the LAPD.

We've confirmed the arrest with law enforcement sources ... who added they've been trying to find out the dog's location from the suspect.

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Remember ... the victim Ali Zacharias was eating lunch in DTLA last month when a woman came up, grabbed her dog Onyx's leash, and started to walk away with him. Ali gave chase before the alleged thief jumped into a car.

AZ leaped onto the hood of the thieves' getaway car and was driven around for several blocks, fearing for her life before the vehicle made a sharp turn and loosed her from the front.

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We spoke with Ali earlier this week ... who told us police were starting to take her case seriously when all of the media attention spotlighted it.

Well, cops are certainly taking it seriously ... with their first suspect in custody.

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Hopefully, officers can find Onyx ... and bring him home, safe and sound.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Strip Club Offers $1 Million Couple's Package ... Party Here If You Win SB!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are being courted by a Las Vegas strip club ... not to work the poles, but to party their faces off if his team wins the Super Bowl across the street.

Larry Flynt's Hustler Club in Las Vegas is offering Taylor and Travis what the strip joint's calling a Topless Touchdown Celebratory Package ... and it's valued at $1 million.

So long as Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas -- which is being played across the street from the Hustler Club -- the package is theirs for the taking ... and it's on the house.

Here's what $1 million gets ya inside the strip joint ... unlimited access to the $10K per hour Mohney Suite, an Ace of Spades champagne bottle parade, and $50K for Taylor and Travis to make it rain.

Oh, and that's not all ... roundtrip limo transportation is included, plus Taylor and Travis get a VIP Platinum Lifetime Membership to HC ... which gets them free lap dances for life.

Frankly, this is a Hail Mary from the Hustler Club ... it's hard to envision Taylor and Travis taking them up on the offer ... but then again, Travis wore a Vegas strip club shirt after a regular season win over the Las Vegas Raiders.

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Brittany Rose, the GM of the club, tells TMZ ... “We are used to catering to a-list celebrities and athletes alike so we can ensure their discretion will be met while partying inside our venue.”

Shooters shoot, right?!?

Even if Taylor and Travis turn 'em down, there's a good chance the Hustler Club is going to have a few Swifties in the house.

The gentlemen's club is currently auditioning Swifties for positions.

Viva Las Vegas!!!

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce Club de striptease les ofrece un paquete de $1M Si ganan el Super Bowl!!!

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce están siendo cortejados por un club de striptease de Las Vegas, no para trabajar en las mesas, sino que para la celebración sea en este espacio si su equipo gana el Super Bowl.

Hustler Club de Larry Flynt en Las Vegas le está ofreciendo a Taylor y Travis un paquete de celebración Topless Touchdown, que está valorado en $1 millón.

Siempre y cuando Travis y los Kansas City Chiefs venzan a los San Francisco 49ers en el Super Bowl LVIII en el Allegiant Stadium de Las Vegas, que se jugará al otro lado de la calle del Hustler Club, el paquete va por cuenta de la casa.

Esto es lo que te da un millón de dólares en el club de striptease: acceso ilimitado a la Mohney Suite, que cuesta 10.000 dólares por hora, un desfile de botellas de champán Ace of Spades y 50.000 dólares para que Taylor y Travis gasten.

Ah, y eso no es todo, el transporte ida y vuelta en limusina está incluido, además de que Taylor y Travis podrán obtener una membresía VIP Platinum de por vida a Hustler Club, que les consigue bailes gratis de por vida.

Francamente, esto es un Hail Mary por parte de Hustler Club, pero es difícil imaginar a Taylor y Travis tomando la oferta, pero de nuevo, Travis llevaba una camiseta de un club de striptease de Las Vegas después de una victoria en la temporada regular contra los Raiders.

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Brittany Rose, General Manager del club, le dice a TMZ: "Estamos acostumbrados a atender a una lista de celebridades y atletas por lo que podemos garantizar que su discreción se cumplirá mientras la fiesta esté dentro de nuestro lugar."

Los tiradores disparan, ¿verdad?

Incluso si Taylor y Travis rechazan la oferta, hay una buena probabilidad de que el Club Hustler reciba a algunos Swifties en la casa.

El club de caballeros está actualmente audicionando Swifties para algunos puestos.

¡¡¡Viva Las Vegas!!!

Bill Maher Note to Music Lovers ... $$$ Isn't Everything!!!

Music Materialism

Bill Maher has not changed his tune about the problems with young people ... he says one of the root problems is the musical messages pumped into their brains.

The 'Real Time' host made his case that the music industry has been singularly obsessed with the almighty dollar and the things it can buy. BM says back in the day ... there were only a handful of songs about the pursuit of cash.

These days, Bill says, the charts are flooded with the pursuit of all the goodies money can buy. Even in a country where "Rolex on a Redneck" is a big hit!

He says there's a sociological element when it comes to rap. The Black community was denied access to wealth and opportunity for so long, when it finally started seeing some inclusion, rappers flaunted their success.

But, as Bill says, the money obsession in music is everywhere ... and growing. E.g., Bruno Mars' "I Wanna Be a Billionaire So F***ing Bad."

And Bill says these musical messages get burned into the brains of teens ... like the first time you saw your father coming out of the shower!

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BTW ... you should watch 'Real Time.' Bill's one-on-one guest was Killer Mike, and he was amazing!