Nick Jonas y Priyanka Chopra implicados en una demanda Por infestación de moho

Nick Jonas y Priyanka Chopra dicen que no pueden vivir en su lujosa mansión debido a un montón de defectos de construcción y moho. Esto según un litigio que se arrastra desde mayo pasado.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, el cantautor y la actriz y modelo compraron la casa de Encino a través de un fideicomiso en 2019, pero ahora afirman que el lugar está plagado de problemas que los han obligado a salir de ahí.

Afirman que los mayores problemas son en su mayoría con la impermeabilización alrededor de la cubierta y zona de spa, por no hablar de presuntos problemas de moho que dicen que han hecho que la casa sea "prácticamente inhabitable en ciertas partes".

La demanda -que fue presentada por un administrador del fideicomiso de Nick y Priyanka- dice que la casa no solo es "peligrosa desde el punto de vista de la salud" sino que también le costará a la pareja un montón de tiempo y dinero. Estamos hablando de millones de dólares.

La cantidad exacta de los presuntos daños se desconoce, pero rondarían los $2.5 millones y la demanda incluye algunas fotos para respaldar sus afirmaciones. Tenemos algunas de esas fotos aquí, pero es difícil decir qué es exactamente lo que se representa.

Las fotos son en blanco y negro y parecen haber sido escaneadas, por lo que no se puede apreciar en detalle.

De todos modos, en cuanto a por qué la demanda se está prolongando durante tanto tiempo, el abogado del fideicomisario Fred Fenster dijo a Page Six: "Es como si todo el mundo que contribuyó a la construcción de la propiedad fuera a estar involucrado, y va a ser el constructor quien demuestre y decida quién es el responsable de los defectos." Debemos tener en cuenta que otras demandas se han presentado sobre esta situación, con un montón de diferentes partes involucradas demandándose entre ellas, pero nadie está demandando a Nick o Priyanka. En otras palabras, hay una gran confusión sobre quién tiene la culpa.

Una fuente directa nos dice que Nick y Priyanka están muy decepcionados con los problemas de construcción, y están con la casa todavía en reparación, por lo que nadie está viviendo ahí en este momento.

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También nos hemos puesto en contacto con el contratista CW General Construction, Inc. sobre la demanda, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Taylor Swift Wants to Use 'Taylor-Con' ... And Brand It on Er'thing!!!


8:57 AM PT -- Mystery solved ... Taylor-Con is just a regular Swiftie fan convention that's going down in Dallas in March -- one that's being organized by fans, and which Taylor Swift and co. seem to want to jump on by trademarking this phrase, which will undoubtedly be circulating.

Taylor and her team don't appear to have any official affiliation with this -- she'll be touring around this time, so she definitely won't be there -- but Taylor-Con is going down, and it's already sold out.

Taylor Swift is moving into a new business era, it seems -- 'cause she's interested in locking down a certain phrase for what sounds like an event centered all around her.

The pop star just filed for a new trademark through her company, and it looks like she wants to the sole rights to the term "TAYLOR-CON." No word on what exactly that may be at this point -- but we do know what TS and co. have in mind in terms of advertising it.

According to the application, obtained by TMZ, T-Swift appears to wanna brand a wide variety of items with "TAYLOR-CON" ... which means, yes, she wants to sell you crap.

Just a taste of what she's aiming to slap this phrase on ... everything from guitar picks and jewelry to clothing/accessories and coffee cups/journals -- not to mention digital items, like sound recordings and computer media. In other words, the whole nine yards of "stuff."

Again, it's hard to say exactly what this is ... but based on the name alone, it certainly sounds big -- and you can almost guarantee it'll revolve around her almost exclusively.

Also worth noting -- this new trademark application from Taylor basically mirrors her "Midnights" application that her same company filed in 2022, which was also seeking to brand a ton of things with that label at the time. Take a look, they almost match up to a T.

On its face, you could argue this may well be a new album ... but it's too early to say.


In any case, it seems Taylor's not done taking over the world just yet ... her reign continues, and it's looking like she's getting set to make the next move in her career ... nonstop Ws.

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Swifties, rejoice!

Originally Published -- 7:59 AM PT

Taylor Swift quiere poner la marca "Taylor-Con" En un montón de productos


8:57 AM PT -- Misterio resuelto... Taylor-Con no es más que una convención de fans de Swiftie que se celebrará en Dallas en marzo, organizada por fans, y a la que Taylor y compañía parecen querer unirse registrando esta frase.

Taylor y su equipo no parecen tener ninguna afiliación oficial con esto, ella estará de gira por estas fechas, así que definitivamente no estará allí, sin embargo, Taylor-Con se va a celebrar y ya se han agotado las entradas.

Taylor Swift tiene en mente un gran paso en el mundo de los negocios y pretende usar una frase muy personal para vender una variedad de productos.

La estrella del pop acaba de solicitar una nueva marca a través de su empresa y parece que quiere tener los derechos exclusivos del término "TAYLOR-CON". No se sabe exactamente de qué tipo de productos estamos hablando, pero de seguro será algo interesante .

De acuerdo con la solicitud obtenida por TMZ, Swift parece querer una amplia variedad de artículos con "TAYLOR-CON".

Nos referimos a TODO tipo de cosas, tales como púas de guitarra, joyas, ropa, accesorios, tazas de café y revistas, por no hablar de los elementos digitales, como grabaciones de sonido y soportes informáticos. En otras palabras, prepárense para ver a Taylor en una increíble variedad de productos.

No podemos dejar de pensar en qué es este "Taylor-Con", pero basándonos en el nombre, sin duda suena grande.

También vale la pena señalar que esta nueva solicitud de marca de Taylor básicamente refleja su solicitud que su misma empresa presentada en 2022, que también estaba tratando de poner la marca en un montón de cosas.

A primera vista, se podría argumentar que esto podría ser un nuevo álbum, pero es demasiado pronto para decirlo.

En cualquier caso, parece que Taylor no ha terminado de tomarse el mundo, su reinado continúa y parece que se está preparando para hacer el siguiente movimiento.

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¡Disfruten Swifties!

Ne-Yo MJB Earned Lovers & Friends Boost!!! And Here's a Coachella Tip

I'll Get On Any Stage

Ne-Yo's one of the many music giants gracing the Lovers & Friends stage this year, and says the lineup deserves all the headlines it's making ... just as Mary J. Blige deserves her place on the marquee.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with the R&B magnate in L.A., and he was surprised to hear Mary staged a short-lived holdout for better Lovers & Friends' billing -- but also has zero issue with her strategy.

After all, as Ne-Yo reminded us, she is the Queen of Hip Hop Soul. Bow down, bishes.

Ne-Yo predicts this year's show has massive potential to be the best one yet ... featuring MJB, Usher, Gwen Stefani, Lil Wayne, Timbaland, Backstreet Boys, Janet Jackson and himself! How can they possibly lose?!?

That's a question folks operating Coachella have been asking with ticket sale woes -- so, we asked Ne-Yo why he thought the once-premier festival had fallen off.

Although he doesn't have much experience performing at the event, he told us he's heard through the grapevine Coachella's lost its grassroots feel, and gone more corporate.

By contrast ... the L&F fest is collecting names to potentially launch a 2nd show.

Ne-Yo suggests Coachella can turn things around if it turns around its next lineup.


He and MJB might be happy campers going into this year's L&F, but the powers that be should check on Juvenile -- fast!!!

He's claiming he still hasn't been paid, and doesn't care if he performs at this point.

Shaquille O'Neal Attacking Student Loan Debt Crisis ... Invests In Online College

You Shouldn't Have To Go Into Debt

Shaquille O'Neal values education, and now the legendary big man is making college substantially more affordable ... as American students continue to fall deeper into debt.

O'Neal, along with 29-year-old business partner Tade Oyerinde, talked to TMZ Sports this week about their company, Campus, and its goal to revolutionize 2-year degrees.

Think of Campus, which Oyerinde, now the Chancellor, founded in 2022 ... as an affordable, online community college where students have an opportunity to earn an associate's degree.

Unlike the typical community college experience, Campus' professors come from some of the most prestigious universities, such as Princeton.

O'Neal, who attended LSU, is investing in Campus, joining other high-profile investors like OpenAI founder Sam Altman and billionaire Michael Bloomberg ... as the men throw their money and time behind the concept.

We asked Shaq why he decided to get involved.

"I like to invest in things that are gonna change people's lives, and this will definitely change a person's life. Everyone to be able to have access to world-class education is very important. When I first met Tade he told me 'DFD. I was like, 'What does that mean? Debt-free degrees,'" O'Neal told Babcock.

Of course, student loan debt is a huge problem ... with U.S. students/graduates owing lenders to the tune of $1.7 TRILLION. Campus says they want to stem the bleeding by providing affordable schooling.

Tuition at Campus clocks in at just over $7k for the year ... which pales in comparison to the average cost for a college education.

Check out the full conversation with Shaq and Tade ... as they look to revolutionize higher education.

Patrick Mahomes Game-Worn Jersey Sells For $213K ... Most Expensive Ever!!!

Patrick Mahomes is continuing to put up big numbers -- but he didn't even have to lift a finger this time around ... 'cause the Kansas City Chiefs superstar's game-worn jersey just sold at an auction for a record-breaking amount!!

Mahomes' No. 15 home threads worn during Week 5 of the 2022 season -- when the Chiefs hosted the Las Vegas Raiders at Arrowhead Stadium -- hit the auction block with Goldin recently ... and after 32 bids, it found a new owner for $213,500.

The final price tag is significant -- as it marks the most expensive Mahomes jersey ever sold at auction.

The two-time NFL MVP wore the red jersey as he led his Chiefs squad to victory with 292 yards and four touchdowns ... and it's still in its original shape -- including stains and contact marks.

Speaking of records, Mahomes can move up an important list in a few weeks in Las Vegas -- if he throws two TD passes in the Super Bowl, he will pass Peyton Manning for the 5th-most in NFL postseason history.

If that happens, the 28-year-old will only trail Brett Favre, Aaron Rodgers, Joe Montana, and, of course, Tom Brady ... and all his memorabilia will continue to rise in value.

So ... good investment, lucky bidder!!

Paige VanZant un suscriptor de OnlyFans le ofreció 50 dólares por cortarse el pelo y enviarle los mechones por correo

es demasiado
A Kickass Love Story

Paige VanZant acaba de revelar que podría ganar MUCHO dinero cortándose el pelo... pero hay un detalle clave en la propuesta que la tiene indecisa.

La estrella de MMA y modelo de OnlyFans discutió la llamativa petición en el último episodio de su podcast "A Kickass Love Story" con su marido, el luchador de Bellator Austin Vanderford, diciendo que un fan en la plataforma le preguntó si ella cambiaría a un peinado a cambio de $50k.

Mientras Paige reconoció que es un gran día de pago por un poco de trabajo, explicó que la única cosa que la dejó indecisa fue que el seguidor quería que sus restos de cabello le fueran enviados una vez que la acción estuviera hecha.

Paige explicó sus reservas, diciendo que después de ver un documental de Gypsy Rose Blanchard, ella comenzó a preocuparse por lo que podrían hacer con sus trenzas.

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Austin apoyó a su esposa, señalando que si se tratara de un corte de pelo normal, no hay realmente ningún debate, pero enviarle a alguien los mechones de cabello hace que sea una situación bastante turbia.

Paige se ha abierto previamente hacerca de su exitosa carrera fuera de la jaula ... por lo que si bien puede perder a cabo en 50 pilas, ella va a estar bien.

Paige VanZant I Was Offered $50k To Cut My Hair ... But Fan Wanted My Scraps

A Kickass Love Story

Talk about a great conundrum -- Paige VanZant just revealed she could make a TON of money by chopping off her locks ... but there's one key detail to the proposal that has her sitting on the fence.

The MMA star and OnlyFans model discussed the eye-popping request on the latest episode of her "A Kickass Love Story" podcast with her hubby, Bellator fighter Austin Vanderford ... saying one fan on the subscription-based platform slid into her DMs and asked if she would switch to a bob hairstyle in exchange for $50k.

While PVZ acknowledged it's a big payday for a little work, she explained the one thing that left her hesitant was that the follower wanted her hair scraps shipped to him once the deed was done.

Paige explained her reservations ... saying after watching a Gypsy Rose Blanchard doc, she started to worry about what the supporter could do with her tresses -- and she isn't trying to get some evil spell put on her.

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Austin backed his wife ... pointing out if it were just a normal haircut, there's really no debate -- but mailing someone the locks makes it a pretty hairy situation.

Paige has previously opened up on her successful career out of the cage ... so while she may miss out on 50 stacks, she will be just fine.

TikTok a Universal Son unos codiciosos... ¡¡Por eso están retirando nuestra música!!

TikTok y Universal Music Group (UMG) están en las últimas horas de un enfrentamiento épico, que implicará que toda la música del sello será eliminada de la aplicación más grande del mundo, y ninguna de las partes está cediendo.

UMG emitió un largo comunicado el martes defendiendo su postura en el contrato, el que está a punto de expirar esta medianoche, en donde acusa a TikTok de relajarse y hacerse "asquerosamente" rico sin pagar lo que consideran "justo".

Es por eso que están tomando la posición de sacar la música de sus artistas de la plataforma, pues sienten que TikTok debe pagar más para licenciar sus canciones.

Universal también argumentó que han aplicado todas las contramedidas que hay para asegurar que sus artistas estén protegidos de suplantación de identidad por IA y ciberseguridad, algo que TikTok no ha hecho por la industria de la música ni por sus fans.

El sello Big 3 tiene una enorme lista de artistas, incluyendo Taylor Swift, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Bad Bunny, Ice Spice, Rosalía y docenas de otros nombres que pronto se verán afectados, pero UMG dice que tienen una mayor responsabilidad que atender.

TikTok contraatacó señalando que el problema es la clásica codicia de las corporaciones y acusaron a Universal de fomentar una "narrativa falsa". Además, señalaron que tienen acuerdos saludables con los artistas con cada sello y editor.

UMG ha estado revisando sus cuentas de cerca. A principios de enero, Variety informó de que el sello se estaba preparando para despedir a cientos de empleados, principalmente en la división de música grabada. Así que, a primera vista, parece que se están apretando el cinturón en todos los frentes.

Russ, el rapero, ha estado hablando sobre la política de la industria desde que se hizo totalmente independiente hace un par de años y también está haciendo sus críticas diciendo que ambas partes tienen demasiado en juego para dejar caer la pelota a medianoche. Él piensa que la cruzada de Universal para proteger a los artistas es simplemente el lenguaje que están usando para apaciguar sus propios asuntos.

Ambas partes deben actuar con rapidez, si no quieren correr el riesgo de que los Swifties y los Munchkins pronto utilicen TikTok por una razón diferente, para publicar sus rabietas por falta de música de Tay Tay.

TikTok UMG Is Greedy AF ... That's Why They're Pulling Our Music!!!

TikTok and Universal Music Group are in the final hours of an epic standoff that will see all the label’s music removed from the world’s biggest app … and neither side is budging.

UMG let off a lengthy statement on Tuesday defending their stance on their waning contract -- which is set to expire at midnight -- accusing TikTok of sitting back and getting filthy rich off their product without "paying its fair share."

That's why they're now taking the position of yanking their artists' music off the platform ... basically, they feel TikTok needs to pay more cash to license their tunes.

Universal also argued they’ve applied every potential countermeasure available to ensure their artists are protected from AI impersonation and online security … something they say TikTok has failed to do for the music industry and its fans overall.

The Big 3 label has a huge roster ... Taylor Swift, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Bad Bunny, Ice Spice, Rosalía -- and dozens of other superstar names will soon be affected, but UMG says they have a greater responsibility to uphold.

TikTok snapped back at UMG, pinpointing the issue on classic corporate GREED … they accused UMG of spinning a “false narrative” and noted they have healthy 'artist-first' agreements with every other label and publisher.

UMG has been monitoring its books closely ... earlier in January, Variety reported that UMG was preparing to fire hundreds of employees -- primarily targeting the recorded music division. So, on its face, it appears they're tightening their belt on all fronts.

Russ, the rapper, has been speaking out on industry politics since going fully independent a couple of years ago and he's weighing in here as well ... saying both parties have too much stake in the game to drop the ball at midnight. He thinks UMG's crusade to protect the artists is simply code language to appease their own bottom line.

Both sides should act fast, or risk Swifties and Munchkins soon using TikTok for a different reason ... to post their meltdowns and tantrums for lack of Tay Tay's music.

Riley Keough no quiere pagar la deuda de Lisa Marie Presley Por su casa en Reino Unido

Riley Keough está tratando de luchar contra un cobrador de deudas del otro lado del charco que quiere que suelte un montón de dinero por una casa que su difunta madre poseía.

La hija mayor de Lisa Marie Presley -que ahora está a cargo tras la muerte de su madre el año pasado- acaba de presentar nuevos documentos legales que le pidien a un juez que declare que ella no está de acuerdo con pagar ningún tipo de deuda.

En la presentación -obtenida por TMZ- Riley señala que todo esto tiene que ver con una finca en Rotherfield llamada Coes Hall, una propiedad de 11 dormitorios que Lisa Marie aseguró con un préstamo del Banco Barclays el 2010.

Barclays está reclamando que Lisa debía un saldo pendiente de alrededor de $1.6 millones a Coes Hall y el banco afirma que Lisa garantizó el pago personalmente cuando tomó el préstamo. A raíz de su muerte, Barclays espera que paguen la cuenta de la garantía personal.

Riley dice que esto es falso. en su papeleo, dice que hay al menos dos razones por las que debería tener que pagar la deuda, para empezar, dice que ha prescrito un plazo clave.

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Riley afirma que Barclays tenía un plazo para presentar cualquier tipo de reclamación hasta el 12 de enero 2024, el primer aniversario de la muerte de Lisa, que ha llegado y se ha ido sin ninguna novedad para el banco. Ella también afirma que Lisa solo garantiza el pago de intereses sobre el préstamo entre 2010 y 2015, por lo que la confianza no debería tener que pagar el capital pendiente.

Riley está intentando explicarle al juez sus razones por las que ella no cree que np hay nada que pagar... El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Riley Keough Bank Wants Her to Pay Lisa Marie Debt She Says She's Off the Hook

Riley Keough is trying to fight off a debt collector from across the pond, which she claims wants her to cough up a lot of money for a house her late mother owned ... but Riley's pushing back.

Lisa Marie Presley's eldest child -- who's now in charge of the trust left behind after her mom's death last year -- just filed new legal docs asking for a judge to declare she's not on the hook for a fat tab that a bank is attempting to collect from the trust.

In the filing, obtained by TMZ, Riley notes this all has to do with an estate in Rotherfield called Coes Hall -- an 11-bedroom property that LMP brought back in 2010 ... and which she secured with a loan from Barclays Bank.

To make it simple ... Barclays is claiming Lisa owed an outstanding balance of about $1.6 million on Coes Hall -- and the bank claims Lisa personally guaranteed payment when she took out the loan. In the wake of her death, though, Barclays is trying to have the trust pick up the tab for the personal guarantee.

But RK is calling BS ... in her paperwork, she says there are at least 2 reasons why she shouldn't have to pay the debt -- for starters, she says a key statute of limitations has run.

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Riley claims Barclays had a deadline to file any kind of claim on this -- namely, Jan. 12, 2024 ... the 1-year anniversary of Lisa's death ... which has come and gone without the bank filing legal papers. She also claims Lisa only guaranteed interest payments on the loan between 2010 and 2015, so the trust shouldn't have to pay down the outstanding principal.

It's a bit technical, but Riley's telling the judge her reasons why she doesn't think the trust should be on the hook for this dough. A judge has yet to rule.

E. JEAN CARROLL I'LL SHOP TILL I DROP W/ TRUMP'S $83 Mil ... Lawyer Stresses, 'That's A Joke!!!'


E. Jean Carroll's daydreaming about a shopping spree funded with $83.3 million of Donald Trump's money ... or, at least, that's the joking thought that came to mind after her heavily publicized trial.

Carroll bantered Tuesday on MSNBC about furthering women's rights ... by splurging on a whole new wardrobe and new shoes while chatting with Rachel Maddow -- and even asked the host if she'd like a brand new penthouse!

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Maddow awkwardly shook her head, rebuffing any lavish gifts from Trump's money ... even if it was in the name of female empowerment, as Carroll put it.

The light-hearted exchange raised eyebrows ... especially with Carroll's lawyer, who uncomfortably clarified her client's spending spree was entirely a joke.

Too late ... as some unamused viewers are criticizing Carroll for her "toxic feminism" and making light of the justice system

Others online branded her "disgusting" for making a mockery out of the American justice system -- some even said it was a slap in the face to other victims.

As we reported, a jury of Trump's peers ruled last week he must cough up the enormous figure to Carroll for defaming her while denying her sexual assault allegation -- a verdict he blasted as "absolutely ridiculous!"

Jake Paul Fighting Ex-Golden Gloves Champ ... Donating Purse To Charity

Jake Paul will face off against another legit boxer in his next fight -- this time, he's going to duke it out with former Golden Gloves champion Ryan Bourland, his team announced Tuesday.

Jake (8-1) has been teasing his next opponent ever since he handled Andre August with a first-round knockout in December ... and has made it clear his goal is to become a world champion.

The Problem Child said in a statement the decision to go up against the 35-year-old Bourland (17-2) keeps him on the right path toward legitimacy -- and he's been training non-stop for his next opportunity.

"I've always said my goal is to become a world champion," Paul said of the fight. "I beat a pro boxer in December in the first round, someone who's been boxing their entire life, and what did I do next? I went straight back to camp to get ready to face my next opponent, a professional boxer who has twice as many professional fights under his belt than I do."

"It's a new year, it's an even better me, and I'm facing an even more experienced, seasoned boxer on Saturday, March 2 as co-main to the Puerto Rican GOAT, Amanda Serrano."

Bourland is on a three-fight winning streak ... but has not seen any action since 2022.

Jake added he's doing all this for the love of the sport -- NOT the fat paycheck that would come with it -- as he's going to donate his purse to his Boxing Bullies charity, which will help renovate gyms in Puerto Rico.

It may not be a big name like Tommy Fury, Anderson Silva or Nate Diaz ... but it's clear Jake's only focus is being a better boxer.

Tom Brady 'TB12,' 'Brady Brand' Merge With NoBull ... To Create 'Complete Wellness Company'

Tom Brady has a new team -- the seven-time Super Bowl champ's "TB12" and "Brady Brand" businesses are merging with sportswear company NoBull.

46-year-old Brady announced the big move on Tuesday ... which makes him the second-largest NoBull shareholder behind friend and BodyArmor founder Mike Repole, who joined the company in 2023.

The plan is to make NoBull -- a popular brand in the CrossFit community -- a one-stop shop for all things fitness ... from shoes to clothes and nutrition.

According to reports, the company will keep the NoBull branding, but Brady's name and image will be used in some capacity.

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Brady spoke about the news on Instagram ... saying, "I’m proud to announce that today, @tb12sports and @bradybrand are merging with @nobull, forming one complete wellness company that at its core, will help people become the best version of themselves."

"We’re going to push harder than ever to help EVERYONE find the path to success on their own journey," he added. "The goal for us is massive growth that will change the game in training and nutrition for the world. There’s no limit on how many people we can impact and that’s what I’m most excited about."

Brady also gave a shoutout to his staff at TB12 and 'Brady' ... saying their hard-working mentality will roll over into the new venture.

If the business move is anything like Brady's Hall of Fame career ... it's gonna result in some big bucks for NoBull.

Los fans de "Stranger Things" podrán tener una experiencia En la casa de los Byers

Las puertas de "Stranger Things" permanecerán ligeramente entreabiertas después de su última temporada, pero no por un molesto Demogorgon, sino para que los fans tengan la oportunidad estar en la casa de los Byers.

Así es, ahora puedes invertir en un pedazo de la historia de Netflix, si estás dispuesto a gastar algo de dinero, ya que es bastante impresionante, permítanos explicarle...

Una inversión tan pequeña como 100 dólares en la plataforma inmobiliaria, Arrived, te dará acceso a la casa de Fayetteville, Georgia, la cual aparece en las tomas exteriores de la casa de los Byers, en la que algunas escenas clave tuvieron lugar en la primera temporada. En particular el alfabeto hecho con luces de Navidad en la pared de Winona Ryder.

Las acciones estarán disponibles para cualquier persona hasta agotar stock, y los accionistas ganarán ingresos por alquiler generados por la propiedad sobre una base trimestral.

¡Es una gran oportunidad para los propietarios de sacarle provecho al mercado inmobiliario!

Los propietarios esperan que los fans puedan contribuir en el proceso de renovación para rendirle homenaje a la serie, con algunos nostálgicos huevos de Pascua inspirados en los años 80 por doquier.

Una vez terminado, los fans pueden reservar una estancia en la propiedad ... donde pueden pasar el rato y escuchar discos de vinilo en la habitación de Jonathan, jugar D & D en el estudio y explorar la propiedad de seis acres en la vieja escuela de bicicletas BMX.

Publicamos la historia, la casa se vendió en 2022 cuando un inversor hizo una oferta en efectivo por encima del precio de venta de $300k. Ahora, ese inversor está aparentemente tratando de sacarle provecho a su inversión.

Esta es una gran oportunidad de entrar en la historia de Hawkins.

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Esta podría una buena manera de permitirse un dinero extra, ¡toma lo que puedas!