The doors to "Stranger Things" will remain slightly ajar after its final season, but not for a pesky Demogorgon ... just for normies to get a chance to own a piece of the Byers' home.

Yes, it's true, you can now invest in a piece of Netflix history -- that is, if you're willing to drop a little dough. Allow us to explain, 'cause it's actually pretty neat, especially if you're a big fan.

An investment as small as $100 on the real estate platform, Arrived, will snag you a share in the Fayetteville, GA, home featured in external-facing shots of the Byers' home, where some key scenes were set in the first season ... in particular the alphabet/holiday lights on the wall featuring Winona Ryder.

Shares will be available to anyone while supplies last, and shareowners will earn rental income generated by the property on a quarterly basis.

That's an Eleven out of ten effort by the owners to cash in on the real estate market!!

The vacation rental will be decorated using funds from the shares, and the owners are hoping fans can chip into the renovation process to pay tribute to the original show setup ... with some nostalgic 80s-inspired Easter eggs dotted throughout.

Upon completion, fans will be able to book a stay at the property ... where they can hang out and listen to vinyl records in Jonathan's room, play D&D in the den and explore the 6-acre property on old-school BMX bikes.

We broke the story ... the home sold in 2022 when an investor made a cash offer above the $300k asking price. Now, that investor is seemingly trying to capitalize on what they paid by getting others to chip in for a co-op-type deal.

From the "Upside-Down" to "up-for-sale," ... here's your chance to get in with some Hawkins history.

TMZ Studios

This also might be the only way to afford a pad these days ... take what you can get!

La víctima del secuestro de un perro dice que la atención mediática Hizo que la policía investigara

La mujer que saltó sobre un carro en movimiento para tratar de detener a unos ladrones que robaron a su bulldog francés, dice que la policía finalmente está tomando en serio su caso, todo gracias a los medios de comunicación.

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un viaje aterrador

Ali Zacharias es la pobre mujer que tenía a su perro, Onyx, de paseo a plena luz del día en el centro de Los Ángeles a principios de este mes, cuando fue secuestrado por ladrones. Ella se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el lunes para explicar exactamente cómo fue el asunto y lo que la policía está haciendo ahora para encontrar a los culpables.

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Curiosamente, ella dice que la policía ha sido mucho más sensible ahora que el video apareció en las noticias, y por una buena razón, ya que es bastante dramático.

Como informamos, Ali estaba comiendo fuera de un Whole Foods cuando una mujer pasó y agarró la correa de Onyx y se alejó.

Ali dice que persiguió al secuestrador de perros y que se metió en un carro lleno de gente. Dice que se puso delante del carro, entonces se encontró aferrándose al capó para salvar su vida mientras los ladrones aceleraron a través de la ciudad temiendo por su vida.

El secuestro de perros descarado es similar a cuando el paseador de perros de Lady Gaga recibió un disparo para robarle sus bulldogs franceses. con el caso de Gaga que conduce a una enorme respuesta de la policía y la investigación.

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TMZ Studios

El perro de Ali fue secuestrado el 18 de enero y el video solo salió a la luz el pasado fin de semana, y ahora que su historia está en los medios de comunicación, ella dice que la policía está siendo mucho más útil y sensible.

Los perros de Gaga fueron finalmente devueltos a ella sanos y salvos y Ali espera un final feliz también, además ofrece una recompensa por cualquier información sobre Onyx.

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Esperemos que la presión añadida haga que las cosas se muevan... ¡amantes de las mascotas unidos!

Violent Dognapping Victim Media Attention Lit Fire Under Cops ... Lady Gaga's No Different

The woman who jumped on a moving car to try and stop thieves from stealing her French bulldog says cops are finally taking her case seriously ... all thanks to the media.

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Ali Zacharias is the poor woman who had her dog, Onyx, taken from her in broad daylight in downtown Los Angeles earlier this month -- and she joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday to explain exactly how it went down, and what cops are doing now to find the culprits.

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Interestingly, she says the LAPD has been much more responsive now that video of the daring and violent dognapping is in the news -- and for good reason ... it was dramatic as hell.

As we reported, Ali was eating outside a Whole Foods in DTLA when a woman walked by and grabbed Onyx's leash and walked away.

Ali says she chased after the dognapper, who got into a car full of people. She says she stood in front of the car, then found herself clinging to the hood for dear life as the thieves sped through town ... fearing for her life as the pavement flew by.

The brazen dognapping is similar to when Lady Gaga's dogwalker got shot over her French bulldogs ... with the Gaga case leading to a huge police response and investigation.

TMZ Studios

Ali's dog was taken Jan. 18 and the video only surfaced this past weekend, and now that her story is in the media -- she says LAPD is being way more helpful and responsive ... which we suppose is a good thing if it helps get her pooch home sooner.

Gaga's dogs were ultimately returned to her safe and sound ... and Ali's hoping for a happy ending here too, and offering a reward for any info on Onyx.

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Here's hoping the added pressure gets things moving ... pet lovers unite!

Metraje inédito de la película de los Beatles "Help!" se subastará

Han aparecido imágenes inéditas de 8 mm de los Beatles y ya se han subastado.

Las raras imágenes de la película de 1965 de la banda británica "Help!" tienen un precio inicial de 1.000 dólares en RR Auction, con sede en Boston, como parte de su serie "Remarkable Rarities" (rarezas notables), aunque estiman que podrían superar con creces los 10.000 dólares.

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RR Auction

El clip de 3 min, 17 segundos se promociona como un vistazo íntimo detrás de las escenas de la filmación de la película, presumiblemente recuperado del archivo personal del equipo de producción de la película o de un amigo de los Beatles.

El material fue rodado en Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, el 3 de mayo de 1965 durante la producción de la icónica secuencia "I Need You".

Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison y John Lennon son vistos tomando un descanso del rodaje, este último haciendo el payaso con el director Richard Lester.

Con la tecnología AI restaurando viejas grabaciones de Lennon para su reciente tema, "Now and Then", estas raras y vírgenes imágenes de Los Fab 4 en su estado natural son muy raras.

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TMZ Studios

La subasta termina el 22 de febrero.


Never-before-seen 8mm candid film footage of The Beatles has surfaced ... and it's already hit the auction block.

The rare footage from the British band's 1965 feature film "Help!" has a starting bid of $1,000 on Boston-based RR Auction as part of their "Remarkable Rarities" series -- though they're estimating it could go for much more than $10K.

RR Auction

The 3 min, 17-second clip is touted as an intimate behind-the-scenes glimpse from the movie's filming ... presumably recovered from the movie production crew's personal archive or a pal of the Beatles.

It's shot on location in Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, on May 3, 1965, during the production of the iconic "I Need You" sequence.

Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon are seen taking a break from filming ... the latter clowning away with director Richard Lester.

With AI tech restoring old Lennon recordings for their recent tune, "Now and Then", this rare and unspoiled footage of The Fab 4 in their natural state is few and far between.

TMZ Studios

The auction ends February 22.

Morgan Wallen Anniversary Album Released ... Sells Well, Fans Trash It

Morgan Wallen said he didn't want several unreleased tracks to come out ... and fans are coming to his aid -- trashing the unauthorized project online.

Here's the deal ... Wallen revealed earlier this week that several formal collaborators were releasing a 10th-anniversary edition of his EP "Stand Alone" -- something he said he'd tried to stop but hadn't been able to.

Well the album came out, and it's doing pretty well on the charts ... sitting 12th on iTunes' top 100 albums list at the time of this writing -- ... falling just behind Megan Thee Stallion's controversial track "Hiss."

But, just 'cause something sells doesn't mean fans are all for it -- with many of them leaving one-star reviews on iTunes and ripping the company behind the release.

Here are just a couple of the comments we've seen ... "Tasteless of a label or ex-partners to sell someone else's voice without consent, and without care" -- and another, "Not Morgan Wallen. Don't buy or listen to."

There are a ton of these comments, but the main gist is this ... the label's doing MW dirty by releasing tracks that he said aren't up to his standard -- and art should always belong to the artists.

But, as we previously reported ... Wallen wasn't just sitting back and letting his fans handle his business for him -- he re-recorded "Spin You Around" and released it in response.

Unfortunately for Wallen, his gambit doesn't seem to have paid off yet -- his re-recorded "Spin You Around" doesn't appear to be charting quite yet though his original release of the song seems to be making a comeback -- no doubt fueled on by the controversy.

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At the very least, Morgan can take comfort in knowing his biggest fans have his back ... even if others keep buying tracks he wants to bury.

Una mujer se aferra a un carro en movimiento Después de que le robaran su bulldog francés

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Una mujer fue víctima de robo, pero se hizo cargo y terminó arriba del capó de un carro que huyó a toda velocidad.

Ali Zacharias estaba disfrutando de un almuerzo en un Whole Foods en el centro de Los Ángeles con su Bulldog Francés Onyx sentado a sus pies debajo de la mesa, cuando una mujer se acercó y comenzó a llamar al perro.

¡Resulta que ella era una secuestradora de perros! Agarró la correa y comenzó a alejarse.

Ali inicialmente pensó que era un simple caso de confusión de identidad y comenzó a gritar: "Disculpe, ese es mi perro".

Cuando la mujer la ignoró y siguió alejándose, Ali empezó a perseguirla, pero la mujer saltó a un carro cercano que estaba ahí para arrancar.

Ali intentó entrar en el carro, pero estaba lleno de personas, quienes empujaron a Ali y cerraron las puertas. Ali se paró frente al vehículo y gritó pidiendo ayuda, pero nadie acudió.

El conductor se fue, golpeando Ali con el capó del vehículo a toda velocidad mientras ella se aferraba para salvar su vida.

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El carro recorrió varias manzanas antes de hacer un giro brusco, arrojando violentamente a Ali desde el capó a la calle.

Ali denunció el secuestro a la policía de Los Ángeles, quienes rastrearon la zona en busca de imágenes de vigilancia de los sospechosos.

El carro fue descrito como un Kia Forte sedán blanco al que le faltaba el tapacubos delantero del lado del conductor.

Onyx es un Merle Frenchie negro con dos ojos de distinto color y un pelaje moteado que sigue desaparecido.

Ali le dijo a KTLA TV que "me robaron a mi hijo".

Ella continuó: "Solo estoy rezando para poder recuperarlo".

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El robo de Bulldogs franceses se ha vuelto bastante común, siendo el robo más famoso el de los perros de Lady Gaga. Sabemos que el paseador les estaba dando un paseo cuando un carro se detuvo y dos hombres salieron a robar los perros.

Finalmente, los perros fueron devueltos y se practicaron detenciones.

Ali ofrece una importante recompensa por la devolución de Onyx y pide a quien tenga información que se ponga en contacto con ella en el 626-264-7923 o llame a la policía de Los Ángeles al 1-877-275-5273.

Violent Dognapping Woman Clings to Speeding Car ... After French Bulldog Stolen

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When a French Bulldog was stolen right from under the owner's feet, she took matters into her own hands ... with the Dog Mom clinging to the hood of the thieves’ speeding getaway car.

Ali Zacharias was enjoying lunch at a Whole Foods in Downtown L.A. with her French Bulldog Onyx sitting by her feet under the table, when a woman walked up and began calling for the dog.

Turns out she was a dognapper, and grabbed the leash and began walking away.

Ali initially thought it was a simple case of mistaken identity, and started calling out, “Excuse me, that’s my dog.”

When the woman ignored her and continued walking away, Ali gave chase, but the woman jumped in a nearby getaway car that was lying in wait.

Ali tried to enter the car, but it was packed with other people ... they shoved Ali out and locked the doors. Ali stood in front of the vehicle and screamed for help ... but no one came.

The driver took off, knocking Ali onto the hood of the speeding vehicle, while she clung on for dear life.

TMZ Studios

The car went several blocks before making a sharp turn, violently throwing Ali from the hood of the car into the street.

Ali reported the dognapping to LAPD, which canvassed the area for any surveillance footage of the suspects.

The car was described as a white Kia Forte sedan with a missing front driver’s side hubcap.

Onyx is a black Merle Frenchie with 2 different colored eyes and a spotted coat and is still missing.

Ali told KTLA TV, they “stole my child away from me.”

She continued, “I’m just praying that I can get him back.”

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This has been a significant problem in recent years -- stealing French Bulldogs. The most famous theft, of course, Lady Gaga's dogs who were being walked by her dogwalker when a car rolled by, stopped, and 2 men got out to steal the dogs.

The dogwalker was shot and the dogs were taken. Eventually, the dogs were returned and arrests were made.

Ali’s offering a significant award for Onyx’s return, and is asking anyone with info to contact her at 626-264-7923 or call the LAPD at 1-877-275-5273.

'Juno' Writer Diablo Cody Oscars Are Cool I Guess ... But Gimme 'Barbie' 💰!!!

Diablo Cody's all about the dollar bills, and she'd give up seemingly anything for enough of them ... including her Oscar!

The writer/producer talked about Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig getting snubbed for Best Actress and Best Director respectively in an interview with People ... and insisted she'd give back her Academy Award for penning "Juno" if she'd get a "Barbie"-level box office return.

DC basically told the mag that of course Margot and Greta got snubbed ... but who cares about that when you just made 10 figures at the box office -- before adding she'd "trade my Oscar for a billion-dollar movie right now, if I could flip a switch!"

Cody said she meant to disrespect to the Academy ... though it kinda felt like saying "no offense" after you've low-key shaded a friend if we're being honest. But, let's be real -- a ton of stars would make that deal for a billion-dollar movie.

Another interesting note ... Diablo took a stance similar to a lot of people online -- mainly that both Robbie and Gerwig got nominated in other categories -- so not a total snub for either star.

To be fair, Cody's a bit of an expert in this field ... 'cause she worked on the "Barbie" project that was meant to star Amy Schumer way back in the day -- though hers never quite got off the ground, saying it's a hard IP to make believable.

TMZ Studios

Still, lots of fans are outraged at MR and GG getting left out of their biggest categories ... with some calling the voting sexist and even celeb fans like Hillary Clinton weighing in.

Welp, it seems there's only one way to settle this ... vote below!

I Would Rather Have ...

NFL Star Chandler Jones Gets Iced-Out Chain ... Worth $1 Million!!!

Chandler Jones' jewelry shopping spree didn't stop with iced-out Jesus pieces ... TMZ Sports has learned the NFL star also just got a chain that's worth $1 MILLION too!!

We're told the former Las Vegas Raiders pass rusher reached out to Gabriel Jacobs this week after coppin' the religious bling to get even more new drip made ... and, as he normally he does, the celeb jeweler came through big time.

Jacobs made Jones a chain that's loaded with 300 carats of diamonds that, as you can see, shine ultra bright.

Unclear what Jones paid for it, but Jacobs says it's worth $1.1 million!!!

Even though the bill for all the recent jewelry certainly wasn't cheap ... Jones, of course, can afford it, as he earned over $131 million in NFL contracts after recording 112 sacks and 34 forced fumbles in 12 seasons.

As for his career moving forward, he's still a free agent ... this after he was released from the Raiders early in the 2023 season.

Donald Trump Jury Says He Oughta Pay $83 Mil Re: Defaming E. Jean Carroll

A jury of Donald Trump's peers just decided he oughta pay E. Jean Carroll a fortune for defaming her while denying her sexual assault allegation ... tens of millions, in fact.

A verdict was reached Friday in DT's defamation damages trial -- this after he was found liable for defaming her in September ... not to mention an entirely separate civil case, where he was found liable for sexually abusing her way back in the day.

Trump had already been ordered to pay Carroll $5 million in the sexual abuse case -- something he's currently appealing -- and now ... on the defamation front, a jury came back with an astronomical figure, saying DT has to cough up $83.3 million to the woman.

Indeed, it's a massive amount of cash -- something that apparently shocked the courtroom in NYC -- and a lot of it actually comes in the form of punitive damages, the ones meant to teach somebody a lesson.

Trump was ordered to pay about $65 million in punitive damages, and about $18.3 mil in compensatory damages -- otherwise known as actual damages, meaning the harm she says she literally suffered as a result of Trump's statements about her.

It's interesting ... there are two statements, specifically, that Carroll had sued over -- one in which Trump called her story about the alleged sexual assault a "con job" and another in which he said something to the effect of never having met her, which she called a lie.

Carroll's attorneys wanted $12 million in actual damages for each statement -- and in the end, she got about 70% of that. The astounding number, of course, is the $65 mil ... and that itself speaks volumes about how the jury felt in terms of sending a message to the ex-Prez.

It sounds like the jury's recommendation for this huge amount is going to be upheld by the judge -- there was no indication from Lewis Kaplan that he thought it needed to be lowered.

It's being reported that E. Jean was emotional after hearing the number, and earlier in the day -- Trump was said to be furious while leaving court, this after closing arguments.

TMZ Studios

In terms of how Trump feels about it, he hit Truth Social and called the verdict "absolutely ridiculous!" He added ... "Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. They have taken away all First Amendment Rights. THIS IS NOT AMERICA!"

Donald Trump Un jurado dice que debe pagar $83M Por difamar a E. Jean Carroll

Un jurado de pares de Donald Trump acaba de decidir que deberá pagarle una fortuna a E. Jean Carroll por difamarla, al mismo tiempo que Trump niega la acusación de agresión sexual de parte de ella, y tendrá que pagar decenas de millones, de hecho.

El veredicto se dio a conocer el viernes en el juicio de daños y perjuicios por difamación de Donald Trump. Esto, después de que fuera declarado responsable de difamarla en septiembre, por no hablar de un caso civil totalmente independiente, en el que fue declarado responsable de abusar sexualmente de ella.

Trump ya había sido condenado a pagarle $5 millones a Carroll en el caso de abuso sexual, algo por lo que está apelando actualmente, y en el caso de difamación, el jurado volvió a golpearlo con una cifra astronómica de $83,3 millones.

De hecho, es una cantidad enorme de dinero en efectivo, algo que al parecer sorprendió a la sala del tribunal en Nueva York, y una gran parte de la suma en realidad proviene de los daños punitivos, destinados a dar una lección al respecto.

Trump fue condenado a pagar alrededor de $65 millones en daños punitivos y alrededor de $18,3 millones en daños compensatorios, también conocido como daños reales, es decir, los que ella dice que literalmente sufrió como consecuencia de las declaraciones de Trump.

Es interesante, porque hay dos declaraciones por las que Carroll demandó: una en la que Trump calificó su historia sobre el presunto asalto sexual como una "estafa" y otra en la que decía que nunca la había conocido, cosa que ella llamó una mentira.

Los abogados de Carroll querían 12 millones de dólares en daños reales por cada declaración, y al final, consiguieron alrededor del 70% de eso. El número sorprendente, por supuesto, es el de $65 millones, y que en sí mismo dice mucho acerca de cómo el jurado se sentía en términos de enviar un mensaje al expresidente.

Suena como que la recomendación del jurado de esta enorme suma va a ser confirmada por el juez. No hay ninguna indicación de que Lewis Kaplan piense que deba ser reducida.

Se ha informado que E. Jean se emocionó temprano en el día y después de escuchar la cifra y que Trump estaba furioso al salir de la corte después de los argumentos de cierre.

En términos de cómo Trump se siente al respecto, fue a Truth Social y calificó el veredicto de "absolutamente ridículo". Añadió: "La Caza de Brujas dirigida por Biden se centró en mí y en el Partido Republicano. Han quitado todos los Derechos de la Primera Enmienda. ESTO NO ES AMERICA!"

Michael B. Jordan Ferrari Up For Auction ... Banged Up After Crash

The Ferrari Michael B. Jordan crashed in a Hollywood street race is on the open market, but it's an "as is" situation ... and the sports car is still a mangled mess.

The "Creed" star's ride is being auctioned off to the highest bidder ... and the minimum sale price is $58,000.

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Remember ... Michael wrecked his blue 2021 Ferrari 812 back in December ... video shows him racing another Ferrari down Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, with MBJ ultimately crashing his whip into a parked KIA.

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Michael ended up being the subject of a police investigation into the incident, but, as we reported, the case has been closed and he won't face any criminal repercussions.

The damage on the Ferrari looks the same as the night of the crash ... so it seems there haven't been any repairs made.

If $58,000 -- at a minimum -- sounds steep for a wrecked sports car, you should keep in mind that exotic ride costs about $400K out of the showroom.

Michael's not the one auctioning off the car here though ... the owner is listed as a Cincinnati insurance company, which clearly took ownership after the MBJ wrecked it.

The Ferrari shows a salvage certificate was issued Dec. 2, the same date as the crash, and the auction website is exclusively for salvaged cars.

TMZ Studios

The auction ends Feb. 8. In the meantime ... drive safe, folks.

'Biggest Loser' Trainer Dolvett Quince Owes Me $10K ... Ex-Wife Claims in Docs

Dolvett Quince -- of 'Biggest Loser' fame -- is being dragged to court by his ex-wife ... 'cause she says he owes her a fat stack of cash, and she wants to collect.

According to new legal documents, obtained by TMZ, the famed TV trainer Dolvett's ex, Amanda Quince, claims he's falling way behind on spousal support -- to the tune of 5 figures, in fact. Amanda claims Dolvett is supposed to pay her $2,500 on the first of every month ... but she says the money isn't flowing her way of late.

In the docs, Amanda says Dolvett now owes her $10,000 because of this ... explaining that over the past six months or so, he's only given her $5,000 of the $15,000 he was supposed to shell out.

Amanda claims Dolvett has the money ... she says he's making upwards of $35,000 a month and has no problem shelling out over $8,300 for his Santa Monica penthouse. If he can afford that, she's questioning why he can't cover the money he's allegedly behind on.

Probably worth noting -- Dolvett and Amanda have been divorced since January 2023 ... and she says he's given her hardly any financial support since their marriage ended, this despite the fact that he's supposed to. Amanda claims she's now unemployed and barely scraping by as she navigates a new country. She's asking a court to make him pay her what she says he owes.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Dolvett for comment ... so far, no word back.

Mary J. Blige Back On Lovers & Friends Fest!!! Bumped Up On Lineup 👀

Mary J. Blige shocked Lovers and Friends festival fans just by announcing yesterday she would NOT be performing, and her name was put on the flyer by accident -- but lo and behold, she's back!

On Friday, MJB was re-added to the lineup, and it appears the "error" was really about where she'd been placed on the promotional flyer -- because she's been bumped up several slots to reflect her headliner status ... and she's now happily posting about the event.

Shortly after the changes, Mary posted a smirking emoji and money bag on her IG -- so, basically, she's chuckling all the way to the bank.

Lovers and Friends had originally squashed MJB's name in between the likes of Snoop Dogg, Alicia Keys, Ashanti and several other recognizable music legends.

The updated artwork moves her billing up to the top of the third column, now dwarfing Gwen Stefani, Nelly Furtado, Ciara and more.

Essentially, on the day Lovers and Friends tickets went on sale, the event's promoter had to bow to the Queen of Hip Hop Soul.

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Soooo .... let's get crunk, 'cause Mary's back!!!

MJB had also claimed her annual Strength of a Woman Summit conflicted with her scheduled performance ... but fans weren't really buying she couldn't do both as they're happening a week apart!!!

Hugh Hefner Ex-Wife Kimberly Defends Him ... Slams Crystal, Ex-GFs

Hugh Hefner's ex-wife Kimberly is defending the Playboy founder against an onslaught from his widow Crystal ... 'cause Kim suggests Crystal's just bashing Hef to make a buck.

Kimberly -- who was married to Hef from 1989 to 2010 and had two kids with him -- tells TMZ ... Crystal, in her mind, has no credibility and goes on to claim it was actually her who was exploiting Hef while he was still alive, not the other way around.

As we've reported ... Crystal has a new memoir out about her marriage to Hef and their life at the Playboy Mansion, and she's taken a ton of shots at both ... ripping his bedroom skills, calling their relationship toxic and backward and saying she felt trapped/hypnotized.

But Kimberly's firing back on behalf of her ex-hubby, saying ... "As a few people speak their version of their idea of events in hopes of riding a wave of headline relevance, and making a quick buck, we should all ask ourselves whether we want to live in an environment where people refuse to take accountability and use words loosely like 'force' and 'survive' to describe choices they made willingly at a certain point in their own lives." Oof, talk about harsh!

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The way Kimberly sees it ... Crystal wasn't forced into marrying Hef or living at the Playboy Mansion Crystal now despises. Kimberly tells us Crystal made choices that gave her "notoriety, opportunity, and money."

Now that Crystal seems to have turned on Hef, who has been dead since 2017, Kimberly adds ... "We should be wary of those who try to destroy things because they are no longer benefiting from them."

Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

Remember ... Crystal's also told us she felt like she lost herself in her marriage with Hugh,  and she's said she wants to drop his famous last name because it's not clear if it's helping or hurting her these days.

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Kimberly says it's not fair Hef's not here to defend himself ... praising him as a "pioneer of free thought and expression" and a "leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time, advocating for free speech, integrity, sexual freedoms, and civil rights."

Bottom line for Kimberly ... she doesn't appreciate Crystal's about-face, finishing by saying ... "If you want to talk about exploitation, this is exactly what these women have done with Hef in his later years and at the end of his life."