Kim y Kroy Reducen el precio de su casa de nuevo en 1 millón... Por favor cómprenla!!!

Otro año, otra gran caída en el precio de la mansión de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann en Georgia y todavía no hay compradores serios.

La pareja de estrellas de televisión, que está separada, ha reducido el valor de su propiedad, una vez más, bajando de $5,5 millones a $4,5 millones. Esto sucede alrededor de un mes después de que redujeran en $500k el valor de los $6 millones iniciales.

La cueva de Kim & Kroy
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

Ya están familiarizados con la historia, la pareja tiene problemas de dinero y múltiples demandas financieras pendientes y el IRS está yendo duramente tras Kim y Kroy. La venta de la casa podría ser una salvación para la pareja. Sin embargo, parece que están teniendo problemas para deshacerse de ella.

Hay que tener en cuenta que las casas en la zona se venden por mucho menos dinero del precio que ellos ofrecieron inicialmente en diciembre, y solo se puede esperar que esta nueva caída de precios atraiga a un posible comprador.

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Los ánimos se calientan

Estas luchas financieras están causando una gran tensión en su relación personal también. Fuimos los primeros en contarles que las imágenes grabadas en cámara en noviembre mostraban una desagradable pelea entre la pareja. Kroy estaba culpando a Kim por sus luchas financieras, mientras que también la acusaba de acostarse con otros hombres".

Desde entonces se han calmado lo suficiente como para seguir viviendo en su espacio compartido (no está claro si todavía están enganchados como lo estaban justo después de que Kroy pidiera el divorcio por segunda vez) y Kim incluso se aseguró de que sus hijos recibieran regalos de Navidad a pesar de sus problemas financieros.

Kim y Kroy compraron su mansión en 2012 por un precio baratísimo de $880k, por lo que incluso $4,5 millones sería una impresionante ganancia para ellos. Pero realmente tienen que vender rápido porque Truist Bank dice que incumplieron su hipoteca y ha añadido que el banco está en su derecho de ejecutar la hipoteca en cualquier momento.

Esperemos que el nuevo precio despierte cierto interés... solo pueden vivir de bolsos y zapatos de diseño durante un tiempo.

Kim & Kroy Slash Price Again By A Million ... Please Buy Our Home!!!

Another year, another huge price dip on Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's Georgia mansion ... and still no serious takers as of now.

The estranged reality star couple have reduced the listing for their estate once again ... coming down from $5.5 million to $4.5 million -- about a month after they brought it down $500k from $6 million.

Kim & Kroy's Cove
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

You know the drill by now ... the pair's got money issues -- with multiple financial lawsuits pending, and the IRS is coming after KZ and KB hard. Selling the house could be a saving grace for the couple ... however, they seem to be having trouble unloading it.

Keep in mind ... houses in the area were going for way less money than what they listed it for when they made the first price cut in December, and they can only hope this new price drop will entice a buyer to take it off their hands.

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These financial struggles are causing a massive strain on their personal relationship too ... we broke the story, body cam footage from November showed a nasty fight between the couple in which Kroy blamed Kim for their financial struggles while also accusing her of "f***ing other men."

They've since calmed down enough to continue living in their shared space (unclear if they're still hooking up like they were right after Kroy filed for divorce for the second time) ... and KZ even made sure their kids got Christmas gifts despite their financial woes.

Kim & Kroy bought their mansion back in 2012 for the bargain price of $880k, so even $4.5 mil would be an impressive ROI for them ... but they really gotta sell quick because Truist Bank says they defaulted on their mortgage -- adding the bank is well within its rights to foreclose at any time.


Hopefully, the new price drums up some interest ... they can only live off designer handbags and shoes for so long.

Jillian Michaels Claims Oprah Profits Off Ozempic

Jillian Michaels is floating a serious accusation about Oprah and Ozempic -- suggesting the TV icon is promoting the weight-loss drug 'cause it allegedly lines her own pockets.

The legendary fitness figure did an interview with Page Six this week in which she dished her thoughts on O's stunning body transformation over the past year -- which she recently revealed was tied to a medication she says she's now taking ... without naming Ozempic.

Still, most people assume she's on it -- just like every other celeb in Hollywood these days -- and Jillian thinks there's a big reason Oprah hopped on the bandwagon ... a monetary one.

Jillian points out that Oprah is a significant shareholder in Weight Watchers -- indeed, she has at least a 10% stake in the company -- and notes WW did, in fact, purchase a digital health platform that dabbles in the weight management last year, including Ozempic.

These things are true, and while Oprah might technically be benefitting financially from that deal -- as a shareholder of WW -- JM makes the leap that that's her true motivation here.

Of course, there's no solid evidence that's true as she frames it -- and yet, Jillian's standing firm on her theory.


Jillian's been railing on Ozempic for a minute, BTW.

We will say that Oprah's about-face on these types of medications was surprising -- not too long ago, she was speaking out against them ... but now, she seems all in on the trend.

Jim Jones $100K Challenge For My Peers ... New Music Battle, Quit Living in Past!!!


Jim Jones is feeling froggy for the new year, and daring any rapper from his era to jump -- on his $100,000 challenge to create a better song than him.

The Harlem Diplomat made the six-figure offer Wednesday on IG, extending the invite to anyone of his rap era, which he says started around 2004.

JJ excluded his workout partners Jadakiss, Maino, Dave East and Fabolous ... but says he'll wipe the floor with his other contemporaries, which obviously includes dozens of big-time MCs.

His reason for the challenge is simple -- Jim says he's seeing too many old rappers comfortable riding on their past glory, and thinks it's time they update their catalog.


No one's taken Jim up on the challenge just yet, but he still has lingering smoke with Clipse rappers Pusha T and Malice ... after shooting a few razorblades their way in a diss-heavy freestyle.

JJ told TMZ Hip Hop last year, he still feels like he's in his prime, and is willing to bet on his skills.

unique beats

Interestingly enough, his former collaborator Ron Browz just told us his fav collab ever was "Pop Champagne" with Jim and Juelz Santana.

Maybe he'll supply the $100k beat???

Steve Wynn Relists Bev Hills Mansion Major Price Drop from $125 Mil!!!

Steve Wynn's taking another shot at unloading his massive Beverly Hills estate -- and in this economy ... he's had to slash the price by quite a bit compared to 3 years ago.

The casino mogul has put his mega-mansion back on the market after first listing in 2021 for a whopping $125 million. Now, he's willing to accept much less -- listing the pad for a cool $75 mil ... marking a huge $50 million discount.

Mind you, the dip here was gradual ... SW and co. first dropped the price 6 months after first throwing up, asking for $115M, then dropped it further in March 2022 at $100 mil ... and finally, cut it down some more in January 2023, asking for just $85 mil. Now, it's just this.

It goes without saying ... the housing market just isn't as hot as it was during the pandemic -- and this figure seems to reflect that. With that said, that dough will fetch you a palace.

The property features a humongous main house that has 11 bedrooms, 16 baths and over 27,000 square feet of living space that sits atop 3 acres total. Like we said ... it's big!!!

Of course, it's got all the bells and whistles of luxury too ... including a wine cellar, a pool house, an outdoor kitchen, a championship tennis court with a pavilion, a massage room, a full gym, a state-of-the-art screening room -- just to list a few perks.

If you've got an extra $75 mil lying around, you can live like a king ... or a real estate tycoon, more like.

Kurt Rappaport of Westside Estate Agency Inc. holds the listing.

Rick Ross Big Bank Always Takes Lil Bank ... And Smacks Em in Face!!!

Make It Rain On Rick

Rick Ross' bankroll reigns supreme ... just ask the club joker who thought it was a good idea to throw a fistful of money in the Bawse's face.

The superstar rapper recently took the stage for an appearance at E11EVEN Miami nightclub, and an overeager fan dared to deck him in the face with several bills.

A cool, calm and collected Rozay paused during his Friday night performance ... before whacking the guy with a money stack 3x the size of what he'd foolishly hurled at Rick.

The best part might be the sight of Rick walking off with a million-dollar grin.

The fan was a good sport about it -- not like he had any choice, he started it and RR finished it.

Mark Spratley, Jacob Kohn and Doctor Garmentz -- the guys responsible for making the clips go viral -- tell TMZ Hip Hop there was no drama in the club afterward, and Rozay composed himself like a boss should.

Why make it rain when you can make it hurricane?!? 💸

El padre de Lindsay Lohan critica la nueva película de "Chicas Pesadas" por su guiño a la "entrepierna de fuego"

Michael Lohan está criticando la nueva película "Mean Girls" por revivir un golpe bajo del pasado de su hija, Lindsay Lohan, diciendo que Tina Fey y Megan Thee Stallion fueron muy bajas, igual que sus números en taquilla.

El padre de Lindsay le dice a TMZ que está enjado por el "comentario repugnante" en el reboot, pero que encuentra algo de consuelo en los números de apertura de la película, que fueron mucho más bajos que el fin de semana del debut de la original en aquel entonces.

el pasado vuelve

Michael está hablando de la frase de Megan "la entrepierna de fuego está de vuelta" en la nueva película, que hace referencia a un famoso clip de TMZ de 2006, cuando el amigo heredero de Paris Hilton, Brandon Davis llamó a LiLo "entrepierna de fuego" varias veces en cámara.

El padre de Lindsay también está señalando el hecho de que el nuevo musical "Mean Girls" haga 28 millones de dólares en taquilla el fin de semana de estreno es simplemente karma.

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el infame video

La versión original hizo 24.4 millones de dólares durante su fin de semana de apertura en 2004, no está mal cuando pensamos en la inflación. Para los estándares de hoy en día, estaría más cerca de los $40 millones, por no hablar de los $86 millones que recaudó a nivel nacional a través de su carrera teatral.

Básicamente, el padre está apostando a que la nueva "Mean Girls" no se comparará con la versión original de su hija en tereminos de recaudación. Michael también nos dice que nunca vería la nueva "Mean Girls", y mientras él dice que le encantaría aplaudir a Megan, Brandon y Tina, nos dice que está tomando el camino correcto al no involucrarse.

El padre de Lindsay añade: "Voy a decir esto, NADIE puede reemplazar a Lindsay o al elenco original en esa película. Megan tampoco puede reemplazar a Lindsay en el nuevo anuncio de Planet Fitness vestida como una stripper en un anuncio".

Por supuesto, se refiere al hecho de que Lindsay hizo algunos anuncios hace unos años, y ahora, Megan los está haciendo también. El asunto es que parece estar  dando los mismos pasos de Lindsay, pero sin el mismo talento.

En pocas palabras para Michael... alejarse de su hijo, porque él está listo para atacar en su defensa.

Papá Oso está gruñendo, para bien o para mal.

Lindsay Lohan Papa Bear Pounces on 'MG' 'Fire Crotch' Joke Is 'Disgusting'!!!

Michael Lohan is ripping the new 'Mean Girls' movie for taking a cheap shot at his daughter, Lindsay Lohan ... saying Tina Fey and Megan Thee Stallion went low, just like their box office numbers.

Lindsay's dad tells TMZ ... he's straight-up "pissed" over the "disgusting comment" in the reboot ... but he's finding some solace in the flick's opening numbers, which were far lower than the OG's debut weekend way back when.


Michael's talking about Megan's "fire crotch is back" line in the new movie ... which references a famous TMZ clip from way back in 2006, when Paris Hilton's oil heir buddy Brandon Davis called LiLo a "fire crotch" multiple times on camera.

Lindsay's dad is also pointing at the fact the new 'Mean Girls' musical made $28 million at the box office opening weekend as a bit of karma.

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infamous 'fire crotch' video

The original version made $24.4 million on its opening weekend in 2004 -- and while that's lower ... it's actually not bad when adjusted for inflation. By today's standards, it'd be closer to $40 million ... not to mention the $86 mil it grossed domestically through its theatrical run.

Basically, ML is betting the new 'Mean Girls' won't hold a candle to his daughter's initial take on it when it's all said and done. Michael also tells us he would never see the new 'Mean Girls' ... and while he says he'd love to clap back at Megan, Brandon and Tina, specifically ... he tells us he's taking the high road and not getting in the gutter with them.

Lindsay's father adds ... "I will say this however, NOBODY can replace Lindsay or the original cast in that film. Nor can Megan replace Lindsay in the new Planet Fitness commercial dressed like a stripper in a fitness commercial."

Of course, what he's referring to there is the fact that Lindsay did some PF commercials a few years ago ... and now, MTS is doing them as well -- the implication being, she's kinda riding Lindsay's coattails, and not doing it nearly as well as she did.

Bottom line for Michael ... back off from his kid, 'cause he's ready to pounce in her defense.

Papa Bear's growling here ... for better or worse.

R. Kelly se opone a una sentencia de 10.5 millones de dólares y dice desconocer la demanda

R. Kelly se defiende de una enorme sentencia en su contra en una demanda que involucra a mujeres que afirmaron haber sido víctimas de él... dice que no sabía de la demanda y no debe ser considerado responsable.

Así es la cosa, seis mujeres recibieron 10.5 millones de dólares en agosto después de demandarlo a él y a su ex gerente, Donnell Russell, alegando que eran responsables de un esfuerzo por cerrar una proyección de diciembre de 2018 en Nueva York de la docuserie "Surviving R. Kelly" con una amenaza de tiroteo masivo.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kelly afirma que se habría defendido de la demanda si hubiera sabido sobre el asunto.

El cantante en desgracia afirma que su cabeza ya está dando vueltas sobre sus diversos casos penales y procesamientos y que ha sido demandado tantas veces últimamente que apenas puede mantenerse al día con todo desde su celda de la prisión en Carolina del Norte.

Kelly también afirma que también ha barajado los equipos legales desde que fue encerrado y dice que esta demanda debe haber deslizado a través de las grietas, o no han sido entregados a él detrás de las rejas en absoluto.

Aun si hubiese recibido la demanda, Kelly dice que no sería capaz de entenderla o distinguirla de cualquier otro documento legal, diciendo que confía en sus abogados para que le expliquen las cosas porque "no puedo leer o entender palabras más allá de la de un niño de primaria".

Lo que es más, Kelly afirma que Donnell nunca fue su manager como la demanda afirmó y dice que no tenía ni idea de que Russell estaba tratando de detener la proyección de "Surviving".

Kelly dice que no le pidió a Donnell que lo hiciera y dice que si Russell hizo una amenaza de tiroteo para detener la proyección, "lo hizo por sus propias razones."

Todavía está la pregunta de si las mujeres verán un centavo de la sentencia de $10.5 millones, pero está claro Kelly no cree que él sea responsable.

R. Kelly Pushes Back Against $10.5M Lawsuit ... I'm Not Responsible!!!

R. Kelly is firing back against a huge judgment leveled against him in a lawsuit involving women who claimed they were victimized by him ... he says he didn't know about the suit and shouldn't be held accountable.

Here's the deal ... six women were awarded $10.5 million in August after suing him and his former manager, Donnell Russell, claiming they were responsible for an effort to shut down a December 2018 NYC screening of the 'Surviving R. Kelly' docuseries with a mass shooting threat.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kelly claims he would have defended himself against the lawsuit if he knew about the darn thing.

The disgraced singer claims his head is already spinning over his various criminal cases and prosecutions ... and he's been sued so many times lately he can hardly keep up with it all from his prison cell in North Carolina.

Kelly also claims he's also shuffled legal teams since being locked up ... and he says this lawsuit must have slipped through the cracks, or not have been delivered to him behind bars at all.

Even if the lawsuit had been received, Kelly says he wouldn't be able to understand it or distinguish it from any other legal documents ... saying he relies on his lawyers to explain things to him because "I cannot read or understand words beyond that of a grade schooler."

What's more, Kelly claims Donnell was never his manager as the lawsuit claimed ... and he says he had no idea Russell was trying to stop the 'Surviving' screening.

Kelly says he didn't ask Donnell to do so and says if Russell did make a mass shooting threat to stop the screening, "he did that for his own reasons."

There's still a question if the women will see a dime of the $10.5 million judgment ... but it’s clear Kelly doesn’t think he’s responsible for this one.

Se vende una carta de Martin Luther King Jr. en la que esboza sus planes de viaje a la Unión Soviética

Martin Luther King Jr. planeaba un viaje a la Unión Soviética tras sobrevivir a un intento de asesinato y su carta explicando los motivos de la visita está a la venta.

El famoso líder de los derechos civiles fue a una firma de libros en Harlem solo dos meses después de ser apuñalado, cuando le escribió al Consejo Nacional de Iglesias, explicando sus motivaciones detrás de una visita a la URSS.

La carta de 1958 esboza 6 razones para querer programar una escala en la Unión Soviética en su camino de regreso de la India, incluyendo el deseo de investigar por qué los soviéticos seguían siendo religiosos a pesar del ateísmo patrocinado por el Estado.

El Dr. King también le dijo al Consejo Nacional de Iglesias que quería reunirse con los bautistas en la Unión Soviética y averiguar cómo las políticas soviéticas afectan a las minorías.

Algo que llama la atención, es que el señor King calculó que el viaje le costaría 35 dólares diarios sumando hoteles, trenes, aviones, intérpretes, carros y choferes... lo que hoy en día equivale a unos 370 dólares diarios.

La rara pieza historica se va a la venta a través de Moments In Time por $54.000, después de haber sido conservado durante años por un coleccionista privado.

Por cierto, el doctor Martin acabó desechando el viaje unos meses después, por temor a que la visita soviética se considerara un acto político.

Martin Luther King Jr. Letter Details of Soviet Trip Up For Sale ... Planned After 1958 Stabbing

Martin Luther King Jr. was planning a trip to the Soviet Union after surviving an assassination attempt, and his letter explaining his reasons for the visit is up for grabs.

The famed civil rights leader was only 2 months removed from being stabbed at a book signing in Harlem when he wrote to the National Council of Churches, explaining his motivations behind a visit to the USSR.

MLK's 1958 letter outlines 6 reasons for the stopover, on his way back from India, including a desire to investigate why Soviet citizens were still religious despite state-sponsored atheism.

Dr. King also told the National Council of Churches he wanted to meet with Baptists in the communist nation to figure out how Soviet policies affected minorities.

One really eye-opening part of the letter is the price ... MLK estimated the trip would cost a whopping $35 per day for his hotels, trains, planes, interpreters, cars and chauffeurs. Yeah, different time -- today that would be about $370 per day.

The rare piece of MLK history is going up for sale through Moments In Time for $54,000 ... after being stored for years by a private collector.

By the way, MLK ended up scrapping the trip a few months later, for fear the Soviet visit would be seen as political.

Lena Waithe Latest Celeb Burglary Victim ... Thieves Take $200k in Jewelry

Lena Waithe is the latest celeb to fall victim to smash-and-grab burglars ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a group of burglars smashed a window to the actress/comedian's Los Angeles-area home last week while she was out of town.

Our sources say the thieves made off with $200k worth of jewelry. One of Lena's staff discovered the break-in after coming to the home the following day and finding the front door unlocked.

Lena, best known as Denise from "Master of None" and creator of "The Chi," isn't alone ... several other stars have fallen victim to similar crimes in the past couple months.

Burglars in ski masks smashed one of Keanu Reeves' windows and entered his home in early December, and "Entourage" star Kevin Connolly's house was given similar treatment on Christmas Eve.

Model Abigail Ratchford might've endured the most terrifying situation of all ... actually being in the upstairs bedroom when someone broke in.

Scary time to be a celeb in L.A.

Tom Brady Baseball Card Sells For Big $$$ ... Never Played An Inning

Tom Brady never netted a dollar playing professional baseball ... but a card of him in uniform just made one seller a boatload of cash.

A baseball card of the seven-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback sold for $158,600 online Saturday after a contentious bidding war on the site Goldin.

As we previously reported ... the happy seller is a Minnesota card collector who pulled the one-of-a-kind signed Bowman Tom Brady Montreal Expos Superfractor card ... talk about a lucky draw!

TB12 played catcher for his high school baseball team, and the Montreal Expos (now the Washington Nationals) took him in the 18th round, 507th overall ... not high enough to entice Tom away from his University of Michigan scholarship.

The rest is history ... Brady's gone down as the greatest QB of all time, a surefire Hall of Famer -- though it hasn't stopped people from imagining what could've been.

Topps put out a commercial reimagining Brady's life as an MLB player instead ... guy ended up being the G.O.A.T. in a different sport (no surprise there).

Six figures for a guy who never played an out of pro baseball ... who knew the road not taken could pay so well?

H.S. Sports Star Noah Knigga Fans Want Me To Make Jerseys ... I'm Working On It!!!

TMZ Sports

Noah Knigga is looking to give the people what they want ... telling TMZ Sports he's gotten a ton of requests to sell jerseys and merch after becoming an internet sensation -- and he wants to help make it happen!!

The two-sport junior from Lawrenceburg H.S. in Indiana went viral after the masses got wind of his unique surname (relax, it's pronounced Kuh-Nay-Guh) this week ... which, naturally, resulted in thousands of social media users chiming in on the phenomenon.

We caught up with Noah -- a three-star linebacker -- about his new fame ... and he says the whole experience has been life-changing.

The football and basketball star says his accounts have been flooded with people inquiring about getting their hands on some apparel ... and while he would love to fulfill the demand, Knigga explained he's gotta make sure anything he pursues won't hurt his eligibility with the Indiana High School Athletic Association.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

FYI -- Indiana is one of the handful of states that has not allowed Name, Image and Likeness monetization at the high school level yet, so Knigga says he's looking to meet with officials before giving anything the green light.

Aside from a potentially booming business on his hands, Noah also tells us he's gotten a lot more interest from college coaches about playing ball at the next level ... naming schools like Indiana, Eastern Michigan, Kentucky, Northwestern and more that have reached out.

Knigga says his goal was always to get a scholarship to play in college ... but given how the past week has gone, he's ready to put in the work and see how far his athletic abilities can take him.

Jeff Bezos Rings in the Big 6-0 in Style ... W/ Lauren S. in Milan!!!

Jeff Bezos turned 60 yesterday, and a day later -- he emerged looking like he's in his 20s again ... at least that's what his outfit's screaming here all the way over in Europe.

The Amazon founder/multibillionaire hit the town Saturday in Milan -- where he and his fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, are visiting as he celebrates the big 6-0 in style. Emphasis on that last part ... 'cause, as you can see here, they left their hotel dressed to the nines.

JB was in an all-black getup ... rocking a leather jacket and some nifty shades, while his lady was in a matching black-and-white ensemble. Indeed, they look very power couple-y.

Of course, there were a ton of paps around snapping their exit, and Jeff made sure Lauren got into their waiting car first -- ever the gentleman. Gotta say ... dude's a bit of a butterfly.

By that ... we mean he's glowed up quite a bit over the past 2 decades -- especially ever since he got with Lauren. Jeff's in the best shape of his life, and he's finally dressing like the uber-wealthy tech mogul that he is. This fashionable outfit is Exhibit A on that.

Consider what he looked like when he first started Amazon in the '90s .. a stark difference.

Now, homeboy's in his Lex Luthor phase ... and he's definitely living it big as one of the richest men on the planet. Luckily for him, Lauren completely complements that vibe too.


They've been on a nonstop unofficial honeymoon ever since they got together -- traveling the world and soaking in vacays everywhere you can imagine. Safe to say, she's brought him out of his shell a bit ... or dare we say, his cocoon!

Like we said, they're set to get married in the near future ... and we're sure that era will be loads of fun as well. Happy bday, Mr. B -- you sure are a sight to behold at 60.