Jason Momoa Que no tenga una casa no significa que sea un sin techo...

Jason Momoa está aclarando su situación de vida después de sugerir recientemente que técnicamente podría ser una persona "sin hogar". Ahora está diciendo que simplemente no tiene una morada y que eso no es lo mismo.

El actor hizo nuevos comentarios sobre el tema en People Mag el jueves, después de hacer la sorprendente revelación a ET a principios de esta semana. Esto es, que no tiene "un hogar en este momento" y que está pasando gran parte de su vida en la carretera.

Ahora el actor está aclarando esa observación en una nueva entrevista, diciéndole a People: "Solo estoy sin casa. No soy un sin techo. Tengo una bonita caravana". Y añade: "Todo el mundo dice: 'Jason Momoa es una persona sin hogar'. Yo digo: 'Tranquilos. Tengo un puto saco de dormir'". Mmm... okay.

Jason Momoa también dice esto: "No he comprado una casa todavía y estoy emocionado de hacerlo algún día". Piensa que cuando finalmente compre una casa, la gente dirá... "Santo cielo, ahora tiene una almohada".

Si bien puede sonar un poco chocante escuchar que Jason, que es una estrella de la lista A, no tiene propiedad, él dice en esas entrevistas que está muy bien y que la razón radica en el hecho de que está muy ocupado con películas y otros proyectos.

En resumidas cuentas... que no tenga un techo propio es una decisión totalmente suya y no es por falta de medios. Al contrario, el tipo está absolutamente forrado y simplemente prefiere este estilo de vida en este momento.

Curiosamente, tiene una nueva docuserie a punto de estrenarse llamada "On the Roam" y narra exactamente eso: Jason Momoa recorriendo el país y reuniéndose con gente interesante.

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo de esta noticia es el hecho de que él y Lisa Bonet acaban de completar su divorcio la semana pasada. Es bueno saber que no tendrán que preocuparse por quién se queda con la casa... porque parece que no habrá ninguna que repartir. 😅

Como se suele decir, papa was a rolling stone.

Yasiin Bey (alias Mos Def) La música de Drake no es hip hop de verdad...

Es una estrella pop
The Cutting Room Floor

La música de Drake podría ser considerada técnicamente "rap" si tuvieras que clasificarla en un género, pero Yasiin Bey (alias Mos Def) dice que no es puro hip hop, según lo que él entiende.

El legendario MC se sentó a conversar para una entrevista con "The Cutting Room Floor", en donde el anfitrión le preguntó directamente si consideraba que Drizzy era "hip hop", lo que se convirtió en un intercambio fascinante. Cuento corto, no ... Mos no cree que Aubrey esté en el círculo.

Echa un vistazo al video para ver su respuesta completa... porque es bastante brutal. MD dice que las canciones de Drake son como la música para ir de compras, es decir, amigables y fáciles de escuchar y digerir, tal vez con un poco de ventaja de vez en cuando.

También utiliza a Target para hacer su punto, señalando que Drake en general es tan corriente y comercial, que sería mejor llamarlo pop que hip hop. Sí, es duro.

Mos tenía aún más que decir sobre el tema. Preguntando retóricamente si Drake realmente desafiaba a su público con arte (o música) que no necesariamente disfrutaran, pasó a sugerir que todo el mundo piensa que la música de Drizzy es siempre "buena" y que hay un montón de pompones haciéndole barra.

Por supuesto, este ha sido un debate candente desde siempre, con los puristas del hip hop constantemente lanzando m**** sobre Drake por ser demasiado suave para su gusto y ahora, otro grande del hip hop se está sumando a la pila.

Drake se ha defendido sobre este tema, y ha demostrado que puede rimar con los mejores, por lo que su buena fe en el hip hop ha quedado demostrada. Sin embargo, sigue siendo considerado demasiado pop para algunos de sus contemporáneos... lo cual está bien.

El hecho es que es uno de los artistas más famosos del mundo y, además, es muy rico. Se cambia una cosa por la otra, suponemos ... Ser atractivo para las masas es bastante lucrativo.🤷🏽‍♂️

Rodney Dangerfield lo dijo mejor ... Ningún respeto.

Yasiin Bey (AKA Mos Def) Drake's Music Isn't Real Hip Hop ... Like Target Shopping Tunes

champagne poppy
The Cutting Room Floor

Drake's music might technically be considered "rap" if you had to throw it in a genre bin -- but Yasiin Bey (aka, Mos Def) says it ain't pure hip hop as far as he's considered.

The legendary MC recently sat down for an interview on "The Cutting Room Floor" ... where the host asks him straight up if he considers Drizzy to be "hip hop," which made for a fascinating exchange. Long story short, no ... Mos doesn't think Aubrey's in the circle.

Check out the video to see his full response on this ... 'cause it's pretty brutal. MD says Drake's tunes are like shopping music -- namely, friendly/easy to listen to and digest ... perhaps with a little edge every now and then.

He also uses Target to make his point here ... noting Drake, by and large, is as mainstream and commercial as they come, and calling him pop more than hip hop. Yeah, it's harsh.

Mos had even more to say on the topic ... rhetorically asking if Drake actually challenges his audience with art they might not necessarily enjoy -- going on to suggest that everybody thinks Drizzy's music is always "great," and that there's a lot of pom-pom cheering.

Of course, this has been a raging debate forever now -- with hip hop purists constantly s****ing on Drake as too soft for their taste ... and now, a hip hop great is piling on.

Drake has defended himself on this issue, and yes ... he's proven he can spit with the best of them, so his hip hop bona fides have been proven. Still though, it sounds like he continues to be considered a little too pop-y for some of his contemporaries... which is fine.

Fact is, he's one of the most famous artists in the world, and he's wildly wealthy too. You trade one thing for the other, we suppose ... mass appeal is pretty freaking profitable.🤷🏽‍♂️

Rodney Dangerfield said it best ... no respect.

Jason Momoa Look, I Just Don't Have a House RN ... Doesn't Mean I'm Homeless

Jason Momoa is clarifying his living situation after recently suggesting he might technically be "homeless" -- now saying he's simply without an abode ... noting it ain't the same thing.

The actor dished some fresh comments on the subject to People Mag Thursday -- this after making the startling revelation to ET earlier in the week ... namely, saying he didn't "have a home right now." He went on to note that he's largely living his life on the road right now.

Welp, he somewhat cleared up that remark in this new interview -- telling People ... "I'm just houseless. I'm not homeless. I have a nice trailer." He goes on to say, "Everyone's like, 'Jason Momoa's homeless.' I'm like, ‘Relax. I got a f***ing sleeping bag." Hmm ... okay.

JM also says this ... "I've never bought a house yet, so I'm excited to one day." He thinks when he does eventually purchase a pad, folks will say ... "Holy s***. He's got a pillow now."

While it might sound a little shocking to hear that Jason -- who's a freaking A-lister -- doesn't own property ... he does point out in these interviews that he's doing just fine ... and that the reason lies in the fact that he's so damn busy with movies and other projects.

Bottom line ... him not having his own roof over his head is entirely his decision -- and it's not for a lack of means. On the contrary, the guy's absolutely loaded ... he just prefers this lifestyle at the moment.

Interestingly enough, he's got a new docuseries coming out called "On the Roam" ... and it chronicles exactly that -- JM traversing the country and meeting with interesting people.

Of course, the backdrop to this news is the fact that he and Lisa Bonet just finalized their divorce this past week. Good to know they won't have to worry about figuring out who gets the house ... 'cause it sounds like there just might not be one to divvy up. 😅

As they say ... papa was a rolling stone.

Nas 'Ether' Royalties Good on TikTok ... Producer Ron Browz Says IG, X Gotta Buck Up!!!


Ron Browz's name is etched in rap history for producing Nas' brutal Jay-Z diss track "Ether," and more than 20 years later he's still collecting residuals ... at least, on some social platforms, but he says others are robbing him blind!!!

TMZ Hip Hop sat down with "Etherboy" this week after his beat was used TWICE to highlight 2 of the biggest moments of the week on the internet ... both of which involved lots of "Ether" level disrespect.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The first was Katt Williams' "Club Shay Shay" interview where he mentioned virtually every comedian in his lane -- and the second came with Stephen A. Smith's hour-long flogging of Jason Whitlock.

The internet -- undefeated, as it is -- seized the moment and put the Ron-produced track over Katt and Stephen's highlights. That's not great for Ron, because he says if those posts aren't on TikTok or YouTube, which track music, then he's ass out ... and has no clue how much money he's missing.

He says the powers that be at other social platforms have yet to creat their royalty road map.

BTW, there's an interesting backstory on the making of the track -- Ron says the aggressive DNA of the song came from him desperately looking for a way out of his Harlem hood, and had the coin flipped on the other side, the instrumental could've belonged to Jay!!!

Ron says he passed the beat, and several others, to Jay's A&R at the time, Kyambo "Hip Hop" Joshua, but it never fell into Hov's lap.

unique beats

"Ether" is not the only instrumental RB produced that morphed into a problematic track ... Busta Rhymes' 2008 hit "Arab Money" can easily be misconstrued for bigotry, especially in the current social media landscape.

Ron says he was simply inspired by the Arabic music playing inside NYC bodegas and added his 1uto-tuned twist to the hook.

However, it includes a recanting of the Islamic Shahada -- a profession of faith -- and that almost got Busta in hot water, and Ron too when he got booked for a Dubai gig ... but he swears the track is all positive.

Despite both beats taking a life of their own, Ron tells us his fav track he did was actually "Pop Champagne" with Jim Jones and Juelz Santana.

Harlem, stand up!!!

Jeremy Allen White I Don't Want Couch From Calvin Shoot Honestly, Sofa King What?!?


Jeremy Allen White says he ain't interested in the sofa from his Calvin Klein underwear shoot -- even though it's free on the web right now ... for whoever wants to come claim it.

We got Jeremy at the Four Seasons in Los Angeles Friday and our photog asked him how he felt about the couch being listed for $0 on Facebook Marketplace by a woman claiming the orange couch is literally sitting on top of her NYC building right now ... up for grabs!

You'll recall ... this is the same sofa on which Jeremy stripped down to his underwear for a recent rooftop photo shoot for Calvin Klein in New York City ... snapping a few pics on the rooftop furniture in a spread everyone's going wild for, even now.

Jeremy's a pretty humble guy ... he says the $0 price tag is about what it's worth, and he doesn't think the couch belongs in a museum somewhere either. Dude ain't interested in it for himself either, BTW ... he says he's got more couches than he can deal with.

The famous piece of furniture popped up on FB this week for free ... with the lady listing it writing, "Guess what? I've got the hottest seat in town – the legendary red corduroy couch that a famous celebrity chef (in not-so-many clothes) sat on in the commercial everyone’s talking about." She goes on to say her hubby had the hookup, but it's been left behind.


She's offering it up for free to anyone who wants to come and grab it -- but they gotta do all the heavy lifting themselves. As for the price tag ($0), JAW thinks that sounds about right.

Talk about no love lost for some cool memorabilia, huh cousin?

Nicole Kidman Suit From Iconic AMC Ad Up For Auction

The suit Nicole Kidman wore in her memorable AMC ad is heading to the auction block ... and heartbreak's gonna feel real good for whoever gets an outfit like this.

Nicole's grey, pin-striped Michael Kors suit is a part of Sotheby's new "Visions of America" series, and is expected to fetch $5-10k ... that's a whole lotta popcorn.

The iconic fit is known by AMC theatergoers everywhere for being pretty dazzling -- just like the images on a huge silver screen, to quote the ad that plays before every flick in the chain's theaters.

Nicole's ad quickly gained a cult following, debuting as theaters opened after the pandemic shut it all down ... and fans today are reciting her lines, cheering, and even saluting the actress when she shows up.

It's spawned a bunch of (unofficial) merch like shirts, pins, hats, bumper stickers, and more -- all referencing Nicole's brief time on the screen.

Her ad also has been getting the true parody treatment -- with the 'SNL' cast and even the promotion team behind "Saw" getting in on the fun. Also, it's just become a pop culture phenomenon in general ... people recite this thing when they go to AMC theaters now.

Anyone looking to recreate that indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim should head to Sotheby's to get in on the action, but hurry -- true film buffs are gonna go ballistic over it, we're sure. Buy, buy, buy!

Kim and Kroy Bank Says It Has Right To Foreclose

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are still beefing with a bank over their Georgia mansion ... and now the bank says it has every right to foreclose on the place to collect the money it’s owed.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Truist Bank claims the couple defaulted on their mortgage … and now the bank has the right to foreclose on their mansion.

Kim and Kroy are going through a messy divorce, but they're still living inside the family residence ... remember, Kroy's got the primary bedroom and Kim has the nanny suite and basement.

Truist Bank says it's well aware of the divorce proceedings, but it claims that's not enough to block its foreclosure rights.

TMZ broke the story ... in October, Kim and Kroy asked a judge to stop the bank's foreclosure auction so they could sell it on their own ... and they've slashed the price on the estate to $5.5 million.

Truist Bank says it voluntarily delayed the auction in November ... but Kim and Kroy haven't been able to sell it themselves, and now the bank is apparently getting impatient and intends to exercise its foreclosure rights so it can collect on the debt.

Kim & Kroy's Cove
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

Meanwhile, Kim and Kroy remain at each other's throats over their finances and divorce proceedings ... that is, when they're not banging.

We reached out to reps for Kim and Kroy ... so far no word back.

Todd & Julie Chrisley Sell Tennesse Estate On the DL ... $5.2 Mil Price Tag

Todd and Julie Chrisley are locked up, but still making some dough in real estate -- TMZ has learned they unloaded their Tennessee mansion months after starting their prison sentences.

Property records show the Chrisleys sold their 13,279 square foot Brentwood, TN property for $5.2 million in April 2023. The place was sold off-market, which is why the sale has flown under the radar for so long... but, even on the down-low, the buyer picked a fantastic spot.

Todd and Julie's former property comes with an indoor sports court, a professional chef's kitchen, a sprawling pool with a jacuzzi, and gorgeous architecture throughout.

It's the same place Todd spent his days on house arrest in 2022 following his guilty verdict for tax evasion and bank fraud ... while he was awaiting his sentencing.

Remember, Todd and Julie were sentenced to a combined total of 19 years in prison at the end of 2022, starting their prison time about a year ago.

BTW, they bought the huge home in 2019 for $3.375M ... so, they likely made a bit of a profit, but it doesn't look like they're pocketing any of that cash.

As part of their sentencing, they were also ordered by a judge to cough up $17.2 million in restitution for their crimes ... so this likely was to start paying down their debt. They also have another home in Nashville, but it's unclear if they sold that property as well.

Just like losing in Monopoly, folks -- just hurts more IRL!!!

Sean Rad, cofundador de Tinder, vende su casa de Los Ángeles por 28.5 millones de dólares

El cofundador de Tinder, Sean Rad, ha puesto a la venta su gran mansión de Los Ángeles, y puede que te interese, eso si eres alguien que tiene 8 cifras extra por ahí.

El gurú de la aplicación de citas tiene su casa de más de 10.000 pies cuadrados a la venta de nuevo, con la friolera de $28.5 millones, y como se puede imaginar, los 5 dormitorios y 9 baños no son las únicas ventajas del lugar.

Hay un montón de comodidades que vienen con este inmueble de 3 pisos; incluyendo una piscina, cocina de un chef completo, un camino de entrada de adoquines, un bar speakeasy completo, 2 chimeneas, un patio cubierto, una bodega, un gimnasio, una biblioteca y un teatro privado... solo para nombrar unos pocos.

Por cierto, la finca de Sean ha estado en el ojo de algunas personalidades notables de Hollywood como Jason Oppenheim y Mary Fitzgerald...

Sean puso su casa en el mercado en julio, pidiendo $32M por el lugar, esto después de comprar originalmente la morada no tan humilde en 2018, recogiéndolo de Kurt Rappaport por $26.5 millones. Ahora está buscando un par de millones para llenarse los bolsillos.

Obviamente ha bajado el precio desde que trató de venderla el verano pasado, pero sigue siendo una ganancia que no dejaríamos escapar.

Tinder Co-Founder Lists Swanky L.A. Pad ... Swipe Right for Nearly $30 Million

Tinder's co-founder, Sean Rad, has put his fat L.A. mansion on the market -- and you might be a match for it ... that is, if you're someone who's got an extra 8 figures lying around.

The dating app guru has his 10,000-plus square foot home for sale again, with a whopping asking price of $28.5 million -- and as you can imagine ... the 5 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms aren't the only perks of the place.

There's a lot of amenities that come with this 3-story pad -- including a pool, a full chef's kitchen, a cobblestone driveway, a full speakeasy bar, 2 fireplaces, a covered patio, a wine cellar, a gym, a library, and a private theater ... just to name a few.

BTW, Sean's estate -- being listed by some notable people in H'wood ... "Selling Sunset" stars Jason Oppenheim and Mary Fitzgerald ... in case you're a fan of the show.

Sean put his home on the market back in July, asking $32M for the spot -- this after originally buying the not-so-humble abode in 2018, picking it up from Kurt Rappaport for $26.5 mil. Now he's looking for a couple mil to line his pockets.

He's obviously brought the price down since trying to sell it last summer, but it's still a profit we'd swipe right on regardless.

El Range Rover 2022 de Kim Kardashian está a la venta en Carfax... y parece bastante golpeado

El Range Rover de Kim Kardashian de hace un año y medio está a la venta en todo el país y parece que ha sufrido un accidente.

El anuncio de su antiguo carro, un modelo de plata 2022 que fue enchulado con llantas personalizadas y todo, apareció en un listado de Carfax esta semana ... y como se puede ver, está bastante magullado. Los parachoques están fuera y los airbags están desplegados.

Aparte de ser similar al carro Kim una vez condujo, la matrícula real coincide y TMZ ha comprobado los registros en DMV y aparece ella como propietario anterior.

Ahora, se está vendiendo todo el camino en la Florida por una empresa llamada Elite Motor Cars de Miami - que está utilizando Carfax para descargar esta cosa (dañado y todo) y que están pidiendo un paquete ... listado por poco menos de $100k. Así es... ¡puedes llevártelo por ese precio!

Ahora, en cuanto a cómo es que el carro terminó en un lote en Miami... tenemos respuestas para eso también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el vehículo había sido conducido por un ex empleado de Kim que tuvo un accidente en algún momento del año pasado... conduciendo solo.

Nos dicen que nadie resultó herido, pero que a raíz de eso Kim y compañía lo vendieron a un tercero que se hizo cargo y que ahora están aparentemente tratando de darle la vuelta.

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siempre con estilo

Recordemos que Kim ha conducido esta cosa por todo Los Ángeles durante todo el año pasado. Ella lo recibió como regalo de cumpleaños de su madre, Kris Jenner, en octubre de 2022 y luego lo personalizó en un lugar de la ciudad llamado Platinum Motorsports.

En ese momento, los informes tenían el carro por el valor de $125k. Parece que todavía vale mucho, incluso después de ser destrozado, al menos eso es lo que los nuevos propietarios sienten.

Veremos si alguien suelta el dinero, mientras tanto, conduzcan con cuidado.

Kim Kardashian 2022 Range Rover For Sale on Carfax ... Looks a Lil' Banged Up

Kim Kardashian's Range Rover from about a year and a half ago is all of a sudden hitting the open market all the way across the country -- and it looks like it's been in an accident.

The listing featuring her old ride -- a silver 2022 model that was pimped out with custom rims and all -- popped up on a Carfax listing this week ... and as you can see, it's pretty smashed up from front to back. The bumpers are off, and the airbags are deployed.

Aside from the similar look to the car Kim once drove, the actual license plate matches up too ... and TMZ checked DMV records as well on this, and she's listed as a previous owner.

Now, it's being sold all the way over in Florida by a company called Elite Motor Cars of Miami -- which is using Carfax to unload this thing (damaged and all) and they're asking for a bundle ... listing it for just under $100k. That's right ... you can take it as is for that price!

Now, as for how the hell KK's whip ended up on some random lot in Miami -- we have answers for that too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us the vehicle had been driven by a former Kim K staffer who got into an accident at some point last year ... driving solo.


We're told nobody was hurt, but that in the aftermath of that ... Kim and co. sold it to a 3rd party who took it over -- and who is now apparently trying to flip it.

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Remember, Kim has driven this thing pretty consistently all over L.A. throughout the past year and change. She received it as a birthday gift from her mom, Kris Jenner, in Oct. 2022 ... and then got it customized by a place here in town called Platinum Motorsports.

At the time, reports had this thing pegged in value at about $125k. Looks like it's still worth quite a lot even after getting wrecked -- at least that's how the new owners feel, anyway.

We'll see if anyone coughs up that kinda dough for this. In the meantime -- drive safe, y'all.

Nick Saban I Didn't Retire Due To NIL Era ... 'Don't Make It About That'

Nick Saban is clearing the air on his decision to retire ... adamantly denying he is walking away from his legendary career due to the NIL era.

It's no secret -- the seven-time national championship winner was a huge critic of allowing student-athletes to cash in on their popularity ever since it was introduced in 2021 ... and now that it's resulted in massive checks for some of the top stars in the country, he felt it was just a fancy way of saying "pay for play," which could lead to tampering through the transfer protocol.

Deion Sanders' farewell post about Saban even seemingly hinted at the 72-year-old not being able to keep up with the NIL and transfer facet of his job ... saying, "The game has change so much that it chased the GOAT away."

But, Saban is shooting down that notion in an interview with ESPN on Thursday ... explaining that's not what led him to retirement.

"Don't make it about that. It's not about that," Saban said of the speculation. "To me, if you choose to coach, you don't need to be complaining about all that stuff. You need to adjust to it and adapt to it and do the best you can under the circumstances and not complain about it."

Saban feels like he's not alone in thinking the NCAA has a big issue on its hands ... adding, "I think everybody is frustrated about it."

He also pointed out Bama continued to find success in the NIL era ... but at the end of the day, it was time to move on and hand over the reins to someone else.

Saban did, however, open up on the challenges he faced this past season ... saying he didn't experience any major health issues, but seemingly suggested his age was finally catching up to him.

The good news for Bama?? Saban said he'll stick around and help with the transition ... which was made clear when he arrived on campus Thursday morning.

As we previously reported, Saban told his players and staffers Wednesday afternoon he was done coaching ... capping off the most dominant career in college football history.

Fat Joe, Wyclef Jean & Jelly Roll We Gotta Urge Prez Biden ... Fix Healthcare's Hidden Fees, ASAP!!!


Fat Joe, Wyclef Jean and Jelly Roll used their combined musical talents to spread more awareness for their Power to the Patients healthcare advocacy ... by bringing the message right to Congress' doorstep.

The artists performed last night at Hamilton Live in D.C. for about 500 Congressional and government officials, and TMZ Hip Hop got video from inside the show.

The trio's message was clear -- they're all calling for President Joe Biden to act immediately!!!

Wyclef corralled members of Congress onto the stage and passed them the mic while having them chant to Biden, "Power to the Patients" much to the amusement of Joe in the back ... pretty funny stuff.


Jelly Roll is coming off his Best New Artist win at the CMTs, but flexed his hip hop roots performing Eminem's "Lose Yourself" ... a motto he's applied to his career given his recent success.

Sources at the event tell us Joe, Clef and Jelly all met backstage and shared their fondness for each other's careers -- we hear Joe in particular is a huge fan of JR's "Need A Favor" hit from last year.

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April 2023

Fat Joe's been campaigning for PTTP in Washington heavily... he expressed to us how folks on Capitol Hill need to drastically change the system so patients aren't unfairly charged for hidden costs.

Fridayy Dinner With Jay & Khaled ... The Tab's All Mine!!!

$500k or jay?

Fridayy is one of the hottest new artists around -- having rubbed shoulders with DJ Khaled, Jay-Z, and Rick Ross at last year's Grammy's, and let him tell it, he'll gladly pay to be in their company!!!

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We linked up with the "God Did" crooner outside "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" and quizzed him on one of those fancy dinners the internet is obsessed with -- which Fridayy's experienced IRL.

When it comes time to pay the check, Fridayy tells us he has no problem footing the bill .. an interesting tidbit considering Jay's an entire billionaire!!!

Jay advised fans to take the hypothetical "$500k" over a dinner convo with him but we're sure money ain't a thang for Fridayy these days.

He's prewarning us that his new music will be the hottest thing moving in 2024 ... perhaps hot enough for those to grab the tab one time!!!