Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre claims she was sex trafficked to billionaire Les Wexner on multiple occasions ... according to newly unsealed court documents.

The explosive claim is from Giuffre's deposition from a 2015 lawsuit that involved allegations against Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell ... in the deposition transcript, obtained by TMZ, Giuffre claims she had sex with Wexner several times and estimates it possibly happened more than 5 times.

Wexner is the former CEO of Victoria's Secret and in 1987 he hired Epstein to work as his financial manager, with Wexner granting JE power of attorney over his massive fortune.

Also in the deposition, Giuffre says she wore different types of lingerie for Wexner, adding it was Maxwell who set it up and it wasn't Wexner's request.

Asked specifically if it was Victoria's Secret, Giuffre said she didn't recall the exact brand.

Giuffre also claims she met Bill Clinton twice and Al Gore once via Epstein ... but doesn't say she had sex with them.

Wexner has not been charged with any crimes relating to Epstein and Maxwell. After Epstein's 2019 arrest, Wexner claimed he severed ties with JE in 2007 and denied knowledge of Epstein's crimes.

The Epstein drops have continued this week ... and more and more names are being mentioned in the ongoing doc dumps.

La demandante de Jeffrey Epstein afirma que fue traficada sexualmente para Les Wexner

La demandante de Jeffrey Epstein, Virginia Giuffre, afirma que fue víctima de tráfico sexual con el multimillonario Les Wexner en múltiples ocasiones, según documentos judiciales recientemente desvelados.

La explosiva afirmación es de la deposición de Giuffre de una demanda de 2015 que involucró acusaciones contra el asociado de Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell. En la transcripción de la deposición obtenida por TMZ, Giuffre afirma que tuvo relaciones sexuales con Wexner varias veces, estima que posiblemente sucedió cinco veces.

Wexner es el ex CEO de Victoria's Secret y en 1987 contrató a Epstein para trabajar como su gerente financiero, con Wexner otorgandole a Epstein el poder notarial sobre su enorme fortuna.

En la declaración, Giuffre dice que usó diferentes tipos de lencería para Wexner, agregando que fue Maxwell quien lo organizó y no fue una petición de Wexner.

Preguntado específicamente si se trataba de Victoria's Secret, Giuffre dijo que no recordaba la marca exacta.

Giuffre también afirma que se reunió con Bill Clinton dos veces y Al Gore una vez a través de Epstein, pero no dice que tuvo relaciones sexuales con ellos.

Wexner no ha sido acusado de ningún delito relacionado con Epstein y Maxwell. Tras la detención de Epstein en 2019, Wexner afirmó que cortó lazos con JE en 2007 y negó tener conocimiento de los crímenes de Epstein.

El caso Epstein continúa, y más y más nombres salen a la luz.

Damon Dash Judge, Lower My Child Support Dues ... I Made <$6k in 2022!!!

Damon Dash says he can't afford what his baby mama is owed in monthly child support -- and he's asking a judge to significantly lower it ... claiming he's got an alarmingly low annual income.

The Roc-A-Fella Records co-founder just filed new legal docs in his custody case with Rachel Roy -- with whom he shares a daughter -- and he's yet again asking the court to lower his payments to her by quite a bit ... according to Dame, all he can afford is $428/month.

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The reason he says he can cough up just that ... per the docs, Dame says he isn't making much cheddar lately -- this as a result of some struggling business ventures, many of which he says simply haven't panned out.

Then, he mentions a somewhat startling figure when discussing his total income for the whole year of 2022 -- according to DD, he says he only hauled in about $5,000. Specifically, he says he made $5,140 ... nothing more. Dame says his cash flow has reduced significantly since 2020, insisting he never really recovered from the pandemic when there was no work for him.

Mind you, Dame is currently paying around $3,000/month to Rachel to help out with their kid.

Now, Rachel has already filed a response to this ... and she's calling BS on Dame's claim of abject poverty. In her own paperwork, obtained by TMZ, she claims Dame continues to own a major stake in Roc-A-Fella that should be lining his pockets ... and she alleges he has other lines of revenue that he's simply not disclosing to the court.

A judge has yet to rule.

Pee-wee Herman Famous Bike Outside Auction House ... After Selling For Big $$$


An iconic piece of Paul Reubens' past is heading home to a lucky bidder -- the bicycle he rode as Pee-wee Herman was sitting outside an auction house after it sold for 6-figures.

We spotted the 1953 Schwinn DX Cruiser in the back of a truck Monday afternoon while the TMZ Celebrity Tour was taking some lucky guests around Hollywood. Normally, we spot celebs, but this time we found this memorable celeb ride outside Bonhams auction house on Sunset Blvd.

Bonhams is known for its unique auctions, with sales of everything from Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol art to Rush drummer Neil Peart's drumkit -- and everything in between.

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The auction house had its Pop Culture: Then & Now auction last month, with the whimsical bicycle from "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" fetching $140,000 ... so it seems the sweet ride was about to be shipped to the winning bidder.

As we reported, Paul died back in July after a private battle with cancer.

That's one iconic piece of cinema history right there ... so, here's hoping it's going to someone who will cherish it BIG time.

Mike Francesa Rips 'Greedy' NFL For Hosting Playoff Game Exclusively On Peacock

Legendary NY sports radio host Mike Francesa blasted the NFL this week ... accusing the league of putting profit over loyal fans, opting to exclusively stream the Chiefs vs. Dolphins playoff game on a paid streaming platform, and NOT free TV.

"The NFL, which has the biggest, the best, and the most loyal fanbase anywhere, decides to basically thumb its nose at its fanbase and just make another greedy reach for another bundle of money, like they need it," Francesa said on his BetRivers show, ripping the NFL for the decision which reportedly netted the league around $110 million.

Mike added, "How many people in America don't even know what streaming is?" ... referencing the scores of fans who don't have access to the streaming platform.

Of course, the Chiefs vs. Dolphins playoff game is one of the weekend's most anticipated (and likely would've brought in 30+ million viewers on broadcast TV) ... but unless you live in Miami or K.C., the game won't be on television.

Instead, fans will have to shell out at least $5.99 for a monthly subscription.

The remaining five Wild Card games will air for free on CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX.

“People wait all year for these playoff games. They love these playoff games and you’re gonna now charge them extra for a playoff game? They don’t give enough, you don’t make enough?” Francesa asked.

Mike isn't the only one ticked off ... loads of fans have blasted the league for the Peacock decision. Chiefs DE Charles Omenihu, who will be playing in the game called the move "insane."

Before moving on with his show, Francesa took a parting shot at the decision-makers inside the league offices.

“They show up and are there religiously every Sunday, and now you’re gonna charge them for a playoff game? It is the ultimate slap in the face to the best and most ardent and most dramatically important fanbase in America."

"Nobody gets the ratings even close to what the NFL gets. It’s never enough. Anytime they can find another pile of money to grab, they grab it with both hands, and it never stops.”

Tupac Shakur Murder Suspect Keefe D Gets Bail ... You're Free for $750k!!!

The man cops say is responsible for Tupac Shakur's death can walk out of jail today as he waits for his criminal trial to get going -- but only if he can come up with a helluva lot of cash.

Duane Davis -- AKA, Keefe D -- was in court out in Vegas Tuesday for a hearing on his potential release on bail pending his criminal trial ... where his legal team was arguing before a judge that their client wasn't a danger to society, nor was he a flight risk if they'd agree to cut him loose from lockup until the trial.

Mind you, Keefe's been in the Clark County jail since late September -- when he was first indicted for the murder of Tupac and taken into custody by cops ... the first big break in the cold case for a long, long time.

Remember ... Keefe's been out there publicly claiming to have been in the car that night way back in 1996, when Tupac was shot and killed while riding passenger with Suge Knight.

Keefe has suggested he wasn't the trigger man himself, but he's also the only one left alive to prosecute over the long-unsolved crime -- and Vegas officials finally brought him in.

Keefe's legal team pointed out that the proof was in the pudding in terms of Keefe not being a risk -- openly asking the court, if he was so dangerous, why did it take so long for cops to haul him in, even though his affiliation with the Tupac murder was well-known for a while.

They also doubled down on his not guilty plea -- saying he only said all that stuff about Pac's murder for entertainment/monetary gain ... but prosecutors pushed back, arguing this guy was a cold-blooded killer and absolutely should not be out on the streets.


In the end, the judge agreed to let him out pending trial ... but set his bail pretty high at $750,000. He also said even if Keefe could cough up the dough, he'll be confined to house arrest with electronic monitoring while he waits for his trial.

Until he's able to post bail, Keefe will remain behind bars.

Kroy Biermann no sabe lo que hizo Kim Zolciak con el dinero de las ventas

Kroy Biermann y Kim Zolciak están discutiendo sobre las finanzas de nuevo y esta vez es sobre el dinero que él piensa que ella está haciendo de la venta de su ropa de diseño.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kroy dice que su esposa separada ha estado vendiendo su amplia colección de bolsos de diseño, zapatos y ropa, pero él dice que no está claro lo que está haciendo con los beneficios y si alguna de las cosas que se venden es propiedad conyugal a diferencia de sus cosas por separado.

Kroy está seguro de una cosa, afirma que nada del dinero va a apoyar a su patrimonio conyugal y que dice que está "agobiado por la deuda significativa".

En los documentos, Kroy estima que la colección de diseñadores de Kim vale cientos de miles de dólares y él cree que ella adquirió la mayor parte de mientras estaban casados.

Kroy dice que él y Kim están en una "grave situación financiera", que consta de una deuda de $1.1 millones que le deben al IRS y quiere que el tribunal para identificar y dividir equitativamente sus bienes conyugales, incluyendo su mansión de Georgia y bienes personales.

Sin embargo, fuentes cercanas a Kim le dicen a TMZ que está vendiendo ropa de diseño que adquirió antes de casarse y utilizó parte del dinero para comprarle a sus hijos regalos de Navidad.

Nuestras fuentes también dicen que Kim ha pagado durante años los gastos de la casa y las facturas en solitario.

Recordemos que Kim y Kroy tienen mucho que hacer a medida que navegan su divorcio, sus deudas siguen aumentando y también están tratando de vender su enorme mansión.

Un montón de dinero para hacerle un seguimiento... y eso es exactamente lo que Kroy quiere hacer aquí en la corte.

Kroy Biermann To Kim Zolciak Where's The $$$ From Designer Sales?!?

Kroy Biermann and Kim Zolciak are bickering over finances again ... and this time it's all about the money he thinks she's making from selling her designer gear.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kroy says his estranged wife's been selling off her expansive collection of designer purses, shoes and clothes ... but he says it's unclear what she's doing with the profits and whether any of the stuff being sold is marital property, as opposed to her separate stuff.

Kroy is confident in one thing ... he claims none of the money is going to support their marital estate, which he says is "weighed down by significant debt."

In the docs, Kroy estimates Kim's designer collection is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars ... and he believes she acquired most of it while they were married.


Kroy says he and Kim are in a "dire financial situation" -- including the $1.1 million debt they owe to the IRS -- and he wants the court to identify and equitably divide their marital assets, including their Georgia mansion and personal property.

However, sources close to Kim tell TMZ ... she's selling designer gear she acquired before they were married and used some of the money to buy their kids Christmas presents.

Our sources also say Kim has for years paid house expenses and bills solo.

Remember, Kim and Kroy got a lot going on right now -- as they navigate their divorce, their debts continue to mount ... and they're also trying to unload their massive GA mansion.

Lots of money to keep track of ... and that's exactly what Kroy wants to do here in court.

'24 Citrus Bowl Cheez-It Hot Tub Sells For $3,575 ... Bargain Alert! 🚨🚨🚨

The *used* Cheez-It's Hot Tub from the 2024 Citrus Bowl has a proud new owner ... and it didn't even cost 'em $4k!!

What👏 a👏 bargain👏!

The infamous Cheez-It jacuzzi sold Monday on eBay for $3,575 ... after receiving 36 bids between January 2nd, when the auction started, and yesterday afternoon, when it closed.

It's unclear who bought the item (it's likely someone in the Orlando area), described as ... "Used during the 2024 Cheez-It Citrus Bowl. Selling as is, in great working condition as of 1/1/24. Proceeds benefit the Florida Citrus Sports Foundation."

The FCSF is a non-profit that aims to help uplift kids in central Florida by putting on big events ... like the Citrus Bowl.

Of course, Tennessee absolutely smacked Iowa on the field, beating them 35-0 on New Year's Day. Despite the great performance by the Vols, none of their guys were the stars of the show ... that honor belonged to the Cheez-It Hot Tub.

The hot tub, a normal jacuzzi, was wrapped in Cheez-It decor ... and used by fans and players alike during the afternoon.

Congrats to the winner!

And, if you were one of the many people who lost out on the jacuzzi ... the 2025 Citrus Bowl is just 51 weeks away!

VIVICA A. FOX Siento empatía por Taraji … PERO ESA NO ES MI REALIDAD 🤷

no es mi experiencia

Vivica A. Fox tiene toda la empatía del mundo por los problemas que Taraji P. Henson alega haber experimentado en la industria, incluyendo la disparidad salarial, pero también comenta que esa no ha sido su experiencia en lo absoluto.

Conseguimos a la actriz el lunes en Nueva York, donde firmaba autógrafos y respondía preguntas de nuestros fotógrafos… quienes le preguntaron sobre esta creciente conversación acerca de las malas condiciones laborales que aparentemente experimentaron TPH y otros miembros del elenco de ‘Color Purple’.

cansada del maltrato
Sirius XM

Como saben, Taraji y un suficiente número de grandes estrellas de la película han expuesto recientemente sus quejas públicamente, a veces incluso rompiendo en llanto al hablar de ello.

Como mencionamos, Vivica tiene empatía por su situación… y dice que es importante que la gente exprese su opinión y diga su verdad, señalando que aprecia cómo las mujeres se apoyaron mutuamente y abogaron por sus derechos fundamentales mientras filmaban la gran producción cinematográfica.

Dicho esto, VAF también deja en claro que lo que está diciendo Taraji es ajeno para ella.

Mira el clip… Vivica mencionó que simplemente no puede relacionarse con lo que ha pasado Taraji en el negocio, y termina diciéndonos, con cierto orgullo…”Estoy bien”. ¡Anotado!

Si suena como si estuviera menospreciando a Taraji… suponemos que depende de la interpretación. El punto es… definitivamente está distanciándose de cualquier tipo de energía que TPH esté soportando. Cabe mencionar que Vivica y Taraji son muy amigas… ambas han tenido éxito en el negocio durante mucho tiempo.

Es por eso que la respuesta directa de Viv parece osada, podría decirse. Y como ella dice… cada uno tiene su experiencia.

Por cierto, Vivica no es la única que ha dado su opinión sobre este tema que va al alza… LaKeith Stanfield también habló al respecto cuando lo entrevistamos en la Gran Manzana, y respalda por completo a Taraji al decir su verdad.

di tu verdad

Mira cómo enmarca esto, porque es bastante interesante… no aclara si esto podría afectar negativamente la carrera de Taraji, pero parece estar de acuerdo con que ella continúe abogando por su causa.

Vivica A. Fox Feel for Taraji and All ... But That's Not My Reality 🤷


Vivica A. Fox has all the sympathy in the world for the issues Taraji P. Henson says she's experienced in the industry -- including unequal pay -- but says that isn't her experience at all.

We got the actress out Monday in NYC, where she was busy signing autographs in between fielding questions from our photog ... who asked about this growing convo about crappy working conditions that TPH and other 'Color Purple' cast members apparently experienced.

Sirius XM

As you know, Taraji and a good handful of big stars from the film have been airing their grievances very publicly lately -- sometimes breaking down while discussing it.

Like we said, Vivica has empathy for their situation ... and says it's important for folks to speak their piece and get their truth out there -- noting she appreciates how the ladies stuck together and advocated for one another (and basic privileges) while filming the big budget film.

With that said, VAF also makes this very clear -- what Taraji's talking about is foreign to her.

Watch the clip ... Vivica says she just can't relate to what Taraji's gone through in the biz -- and ends by telling us, somewhat proudly ..."I'm good." Noted!

If it sounds like she's talking down on Taraji -- eye of the beholder, we suppose. The point is ... she's certainly distancing herself from whatever sort of energy TPH is enduring. Mind you, Vivica and Taraji are pretty friendly ... both have been successful in the biz for a long time.

That's why this matter-of-fact response from Viv here comes across as ... dare we say, cold. Like she says, though -- to each their own.


BTW, Vivica ain't the only one who weighed in on this ever-growing topic ... LaKeith Stanfield spoke on it too when we got him in the Big Apple, and he completely backed Taraji speaking truth to power.


Check out how he frames this, 'cause it's pretty interesting ... he doesn't say whether this might negatively affect Taraji's career, but does seem to cosign her continuing to rally.

Tyreek Hill House Fire Caused $2.3 Mil In Damages ... Officials Say

The inferno at Tyreek Hill's mansion caused the NFL superstar's property to lose over $2 million in value ... this according to an incident report obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs, officials say the Southwest Ranches, Fla. residence -- which the wide receiver bought for $6.9 million in 2022 -- had an estimated value of $5.6 million before the flames ... but the blaze caused some $2.3 million in damages.

What's worse for Hill ... officials also said in the docs they believe around $1 million worth of stuff was destroyed during the incident as well.

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Authorities provided a little more detail on how they believe the blaze all started ... writing in the documents that two kids at the home told them they had been playing with a lighter which they "thought was a toy and accidentally lit a toy on fire."

"They got scared," officials said, "threw the toy, and ran."

According to the report, the child who started the fire was a 4-year-old.


The report states no one was injured ... and an investigation into the blaze is now closed.

As we reported, a 911 caller initially told law enforcement of the fire at around 1:50 PM ET on Jan. 3. Hill was not present at the time it broke out ... though he did leave Dolphins practice early to tend to the matter.

Hill still managed to play in Miami's game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday night despite the distraction ... and he logged 82 yards and a score in a 21-14 loss.

'Saltburn' 'Murder on the Dancefloor' Charts Thanks to Raunchy Scene!!!

Barry Keoghan's new movie got a song that came out over 20 years ago back on the charts -- and it's all thanks to a neat little dance he did at the end where he's butt-ass naked.

Of course, we're talking about "Saltburn" and the end scene where the main character successfully snuffs out an uber-rich family in the UK to inherit their wealth and estate. To celebrate he does an intricate number through the house in his birthday suit ... with Sophie Ellis-Bextor's 2001 song "Murder on the Dancefloor" blaring in the background.

In the context of the film, the track makes sense ... and it's very fitting for what's going on. But it seems folks are rediscovering this oldie-but-goodie anew ... 'cause it's back at #8 on the Official UK Singles Chart -- not to mention surging on Billboard's Dance/Electronic Digital Song Sales Chart, where it sits 3rd behind songs from Cher and Dua Lipa.

Elsewhere, Ellis-Bextor's memorable is charting on different trending lists, on Spotify, etc.

"Saltburn" is obviously stuck in people's minds -- because audiences left the theater and went searching for 'Murder,' driving the song across all these different platforms/streamers.

SEB's grateful for the attention -- and extra money lining her pocket, we're sure -- telling the BBC ... "It's extraordinary. It's a song I've been singing for over 20 years, I still love singing it. I love the way people react when I do it live."

She adds, "For new people to be discovering it, for it to be making new memories with people is kind of beautiful," noting she hasn't really processed all the newfound attention.

Mind you, the all-nude dance throughout the castle is perhaps one of the least shocking moments of the film ... there's a lot of others, including a sex-with-a-grave scene, a semen-slurping bathtub highlight, etc. Yeah, it's that kind of movie -- totally freaking out there.

With all that said, dropping dead on the dancefloor and dropping trou on-screen is clearly a winning combination. Congrats to Sophie ... and to Barry Keoghan fans too, we suppose.

Blueface $13 Mil Vegas Judgment ... Now Up to $14 Mil, Interest's a Bitch!!!

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Blueface escaped jail time in his Las Vegas shooting case, but his debt to the shuttered strip club's owner is growing even bigger by the day.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Euphoric Gentleman's Club's $13,072,482 judgment has gone unpaid since the judge ordered it in October 2023 ... and accrued interest has raised the new total due to a staggering $14,386,164.23.

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The Vegas Arrest

The judge hit the rapper with probation after he took a plea deal for his role in the Nov. 2022 shooting. However, he was still ordered to shell out over $12 million for the venue's lost revenue and another $84k to cover lost wages for the employees.

Euphoric's owner slammed Blueface and his buddies with a passionate response at the time of the incident ... vowing to make him pay off the debt until the day he leaves this earth.

Unfortunately for him, IG likes don't enforce court orders. On the positive side, that interest is pilling up in his favor.

The guy who claimed he was shot by BF wasn't a happy camper in court, either, as he snapped a solemn selfie with the rapper/boxer in the background.

Instagram / @officialjaidynalexxis

Blueface recently bought a house for his child's mother Jaidyn Alexis -- so, he's spending, but very selectively.

Blueface Debe $13 mil por la sentencia en Las Vegas Ahora hasta $14 mil por los intereses!!!

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Blueface escapó de pasar tiempo en la cárcel por el tiroteo en Las Vegas, pero su deuda con el propietario del cerrado club de striptease está creciendo cada día.

De acuerdo con los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ Hip Hop, el monto de $13,072,482 por el juicio con Euphoric Gentleman's Club no ha sido pagado desde que el juez lo ordenó en octubre de 2023, y los intereses devengados han elevado el nuevo total a la asombrosa suma de $14,386,164.23.

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Sorpresivo arresto

El juez le otorgó al rapero la libertad condicional después de que aceptara un acuerdo de culpabilidad por su papel en el tiroteo de noviembre 2022. Sin embargo, también se le ordenó pagar más de $12 millones por los ingresos perdidos del lugar y otros $84k para cubrir los salarios de los empleados.

El propietario de Euphoric golpeó a Blueface y sus amigos con una respuesta apasionada en el momento del incidente, prometiendo que los haría pagar hasta el día de su muerte.

Por desgracia para él, los me gusta de Instagram no hacen cumplir las órdenes judiciales. Por el lado positivo, los intereses se están acumulando a su favor.

El hombre que asegura que recibió un disparo de Blueface tampoco estaba feliz en la corte, y se tomó una solemne selfie con el rapero y boxeador de fondo.

Sorpresa de Navidad
Instagram / @officialjaidynalexxis

Recientemente, Blueface compró una casa para la madre de su hijo Jaidyn Alexis, por lo que está gastando, pero muy selectivamente.

'El diario de la princesa' Villa de San Francisco usada en el filme encuentra nuevo comprador

La escuela secundaria de Mia Thermopolis en "El diario de la princesa" ha encontrado un comprador después de casi 3 meses en el mercado... TMZ ha averiguado.

De acuerdo con los registros de bienes raíces, los propietarios del inmueble de 6,5 millones de dólares de estilo mediterráneo en San Francisco, que se duplicó como exterior de la escuela secundaria en la comedia protagonizada por Anne Hathaway en 2001, aceptaron una oferta por la casa el pasado viernes.

La propiedad de 4 cuartos, 4 baños y 12 habitaciones con 4.554 pies cuadrados de espacio, sin duda es apta para la realeza. Cuenta con una sala de medios de comunicación, ascensor, un gimnasio en el nivel inferior y un garaje para un carro con un armario de lavandería.

En el exterior, hay un jardín en la azotea con una cocina al aire libre y fogata con majestuosas vistas a la bahía de San Francisco, a la ciudad al norte y al este y al bosque al oeste.

Por supuesto, el mejor punto de venta de la propiedad es que aparece como la ficticia Grove High School en "El diario de la princesa", a donde asistió el personaje de Anne Mia antes de enterarse de que era princesa de Genovia.

Solo se utilizaron las tomas exteriores de la casa para la escuela. Las escenas al interior fueron filmadas en Alverno High School en Sierra Madre, cerca de Pasadena.

La casa era propiedad del ex director general de Just Desserts y su esposa y ha sido sometida a numerosas reformas en las últimas 2 décadas.

Steven Mavromihalis y John C. Fitzgerald de Compass celebraron el acuerdo.