Mia Thermopolis' high school from "The Princess Diaries" has found a buyer ... after nearly 3 months on the market ... TMZ has learned.

According to real estate records ... the owners of the eye-watering $6.5 million sprawling Mediterranean-style abode in San Francisco ... which doubled as the exterior of the high school in the 2001 comedy starring Anne Hathaway ... accepted an offer on the home last Friday.

The 4-bed, 4-bath 12-room villa with 4,554 square feet of living space is undoubtedly fit for royalty ... boasting a media room, elevator, a lower-level gym, and a one-car garage with a laundry closet.

On the outside, there's a roof garden with an outdoor kitchen and firepit ... with majestic views over the San Fran Bay, city views to the north and east and forest views to the west.

Of course, the best selling point of the property is that it's featured as the fictional Grove High School in "The Princess Diaries" ... which Anne's character Mia attended before learning she was Princess of Genovia.

Only the exterior shots of the home were used as the school ... scenes inside the school were filmed at Alverno High School in Sierra Madre, near Pasadena.

The home was owned by the former CEO of Just Desserts and his wife ... undergoing plenty of renovations over the last 2 decades.

Steven Mavromihalis and John C. Fitzgerald of Compass held the listing.


A swimmer who won gold during the 1972 Olympics shortly after suffering from a collapsed lung has his collection of medals going up for auction.

Steve Genter's set of gold, silver, and bronze medals from the '72 Summer Games in Munich are estimated to go for more than $50K during RR Auction's Olympic-themed auction.

The American athlete risked his life to compete in the games ... after undergoing minor surgery for a partly collapsed lung just one week before competing -- which was said to have been brought on by a persistent cough from bronchitis and altitude changes during the cramped plane ride to Munich.

Steve went on to win the gold medal in the 4 x 200-meter freestyle relay, silver in the 200-meter freestyle, and bronze in the 400-meter freestyle.

Steven Genter told the auction house...  "For most of my life, the medals represented a defining moment in time. Each medal is uniquely intertwined with the Olympic experience, making those memories lifelong. I get goosebumps every time I recall those moments."

Steve gifted the medals to help someone whom he cares deeply about, who wished to remain anonymous. This person will pocket the proceeds. The winning bidder will also get a one-on-one call with Steve.

Bobby Livingston, executive vice president at the auction house, gushed of the extraordinary narrative behind the medals ... saying they didn't just symbolize winning ... but the character and heart that defines a true champion.

The auction kick-started on Dec. 15 and will end on Jan. 18.

Nadador olímpico Steve Genter Se subastan sus medallas ... Después de ganar con un colapso pulmonar!!!

Un nadador que ganó el oro durante los Juegos Olímpicos de 1972 poco después de sufrir un colapso pulmonar puso su colección de medallas a subasta.

Se estima que el conjunto de medallas de oro, plata y bronce de Steve Genter correspondientes a los Juegos Olímpicos de 1972 en Múnich superará los 50.000 dólares en la subasta de RR Auction, con la temática olímpica.

El atleta estadounidense arriesgó su vida al competir en los juegos solo una semana después de someterse a una cirugía menor por un pulmón parcialmente colapsado. Se dijo que tenía una tos persistente por la bronquitis y los cambios de altitud durante el viaje en avión a Munich.

Steve ganó la medalla de oro en el relevo de 4 x 200 metros estilo libre, la de plata en 200 metros estilo libre y la de bronce en 400 metros estilo libre.

Steven Genter le dijo a la casa de subastas: "Durante la mayor parte de mi vida, las medallas representaron un momento decisivo en el tiempo. Cada medalla está entrelazada de forma única con la experiencia olímpica, haciendo que esos recuerdos sean para toda la vida. Se me pone la piel de gallina cada vez que recuerdo esos momentos".

Steve donó las medallas para ayudar a una persona que aprecia profundamente y que desea mantener en el anonimato. Esta se embolsará la recaudación. El ganador de la puja también tendrá una entrevista personal con Steve.

Bobby Livingston, vicepresidente ejecutivo de la casa de subastas, se deshizo en elogios hacia la extraordinaria narrativa que hay detrás de las medallas, afirmando que no solo simbolizan la victoria, sino que el carácter y el corazón que definen a un verdadero campeón.

La subasta comenzó el 15 de diciembre y finalizará el 18 de enero.

Taraji P. Henson sobre nuevo filme Casi tuve que ir por mi cuenta al set ... Quejas sobre la película

Taraji P. Henson ahora está disparando contra su nueva película "El color púrpura", alegando que fue relegada a un trato de segunda clase durante la producción ... hasta que ella se defendió.

La actriz hizo una crítica mordaz sobre cómo, según ella, fue tratada (al principio) en el set de "El color púrpura", una película de Warner Bros, y cómo tuvo que exigir mejores condiciones de trabajo, incluyendo conseguir alguien que la llevara hasta el propio set.

En una nueva entrevista con el NYT, Taraji revela que tuvo que abogar no solo por sí misma, sino también por sus compañeros de reparto, diciendo: "Nos dieron carros de alquiler y yo estaba como, 'No puedo conducir hasta el set en Atlanta'. Esto es responsabilidad del seguro, es peligroso. Ahora le roban a la gente. ¿Qué aspecto tengo yo, yendo sola al trabajo en un carro de alquiler?".

La actriz añade: "Así que les dije: '¿Pueden llevarme a un chófer o alguien de seguridad? Me decían: 'Bueno, si lo hacemos por ti, tenemos que hacerlo por todos'. ¡Pues háganlo por todos! Son cosas así, cosas por las que no debería tener que luchar. Estaba en el plató de "Empire" luchando por remolques que no estuvieran infestados de bichos".

Taraji tenía más quejas que airear sobre la película, como por ejemplo, la afirmación de que el estudio, al parecer, no estaba interesado en llevar al elenco a una gira de prensa internacional, así como quejas porque tuvo que hacer una audición y romperse el culo por su papel en la película.

Ella explica: "¿Qué más tengo que hacer para demostrar mi valía? Ahora que estoy cantando y bailando para ti, y me subí a la mesa 88 veces con mis rodillas nudosas y tuve que ponerme hielo en las rodillas entre toma y toma, ¿qué más tengo que hacer?".

Cansada de que me traten mal
Sirius XM

Todo esto sigue a varias semanas de Taraji y otras estrellas de la película discutiendo su bajo salario en Hollywood, y ha sido revelador, especialmente con nombres tan grandes unidos a esta película, incluyendo el de Oprah, que es productora y ha sido una parte clave de la promoción.

Taraji dice que Oprah tuvo que intervenir en su nombre un puñado de veces debido a sus quejas y, finalmente, todo se solucionó, pero parece haber sido una batalla cuesta arriba durante un tiempo. Una vez más, Taraji es una ganadora del Globo de Oro y actriz nominada al Oscar.

Si lo que ella ha estado diciendo es cierto, hablar de un comportamiento patas arriba hacia un A-lister. 🥴

Taraji P. Henson on 'TCP' I Almost Had to Drive Myself to Set ... Complains About Film

Taraji P. Henson is now taking shots at her own new film "The Color Purple," claiming she was relegated to second-class treatment while in production ... that is, until she fought back.

The actress gave a scathing critique over how she says she was dealt with as talent (at first) on the set of 'TCP' -- a WB film -- and how she had to demand better working conditions ... including getting a lift to and from the set itself.

In a new NYT interview, Taraji reveals she had to advocate not just for herself, but for her castmates as well ... saying, "They gave us rental cars, and I was like, 'I can’t drive myself to set in Atlanta.' This is insurance liability, it’s dangerous. Now they robbing people. What do I look like, taking myself to work by myself in a rental car?"

TPH adds, "So I was like, 'Can I get a driver or security to take me?' I’m not asking for the moon. They’re like, 'Well, if we do it for you, we got to do it for everybody.' Well, do it for everybody! It’s stuff like that, stuff I shouldn’t have to fight for. I was on the set of "Empire" fighting for trailers that wasn’t infested with bugs."

Taraji had more grievances to air about 'TCP' ... including the claim that the studio, apparently, wasn't interested in bringing the cast out internationally for a press run -- as well as complaints about the fact she had to audition and bust her ass for her role in the flick.

She explains ... "What else do I need to do to prove my worth? Now that I’m singing and dancing for you, and I climbed up on the table 88 times with my knobby knees and had to ice my knees in between takes, what else do I need to do?"

Sirius XM

All this follows several weeks of Taraji and other stars of the film discussing their low pay in Hollywood ... and it's been eye-opening to watch -- especially with such big names attached to this film, including Oprah ... who's a producer and has been a key part of promotion.

Taraji says Oprah actually had to step in on her behalf a handful of times over these complaints of hers -- and eventually, everything got sorted out ... but it seems to have been an uphill battle for a while. Again, Taraji is a Golden Globe winner/Oscar-nominated actress.

If what she's been saying is true ... talk about topsy-turvy behavior toward an A-lister. 🥴

Pánico en Alaska Airlines La ventana de la cabina explota en pleno vuelo ... el avión hace un aterrizaje de emergencia

010624_alaska_airlines-kal JANUARY 2024
Tratando de mantener la calma

Un vuelo de Alaska Airlines se vio obligado a realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia en Portland después de que una de las ventanas de la cabina explotara, creando un enorme agujero y succionando las pertenencias de los asustados pasajeros.

El avión comercial lleno de pasajeros despegó del Aeropuerto Internacional de Portland alrededor de las 5 PM del viernes, con destino a Ontario, California, pero tuvo que dar la vuelta rápidamente después de que la ventana estallara.

Mientras el avión regresaba al aeropuerto de Portland, se desató el caos cuando las máscaras de oxígeno cayeron sobre los 171 pasajeros y vientos parecidos a los de un tornado azotaron la cabina, causando un "problema de presurización", según la Administración Federal de Aviación.

Durante los 15 minutos siguientes, los pasajeros grabaron videos de la angustiosa experiencia y los compartieron en sus redes, donde se ve el gran agujero en el lateral del avión, por donde fueron succionados varios objetos, entre ellos teléfonos móviles.

Afortunadamente, el Boeing 737-9 aterrizó sin problemas y nadie resultó herido de gravedad. Una azafata sufrió heridas leves.

Una pasajera, Vi Nguyen, le dijo al New York Times que se despertó sobresaltada por un fuerte golpe durante el vuelo y se volvió hacia su izquierda, cuando vio que "la pared lateral del avión había desaparecido". Y añadió: "Lo primero que pensé fue: 'Voy a morir'".

Su compañera, Elizabeth Le, también habló con el NYT, diciendo que un adolescente había perdido su camisa y su piel estaba roja e irritada mientras estaba sentado con su madre en sus asientos.

Los auxiliares de vuelo intentaron ayudarlos a que se trasladaran a otra sección del avión, dijo Le y recordó: "Fue sinceramente horrible. Estuve a punto de derrumbarme, pero me di cuenta que tenía que mantener la calma".

El CEO de Alaska Airlines, Ben Minicucci, emitió un comunicado el viernes por la noche, diciendo que la compañía está dejando temporalmente en tierra su flota de 65 aviones Boeing 737-9 para una inspección y mantenimiento completo como medida de precaución.

Minicucci también pidió disculpas a los pasajeros del vuelo y confirmó que la Junta Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte está dirigiendo una investigación sobre las causas del incidente.

Alaska Airlines Freak-Out Cabin Window Explodes Mid Flight ... Plane Makes Emergency Landing

010624_alaska_airlines-kal JANUARY 2024

An Alaska Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Portland after one of the cabin windows exploded, creating a gaping hole and sucking out belongings from frightened passengers.

The packed commercial airliner took off from Portland International Airport around 5 PM Friday, heading for Ontario, California, but it had to quickly turn around after the window blew out.

As the plane flew back to Portland airport, sheer chaos ensued as oxygen masks rained down on the 171 passengers and tornado-like winds gusted through the cabin, causing a "pressurization issue," according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

During the next 15 minutes, scared passengers recorded videos of the harrowing experience and posted them on social media, showing the large hole in the side of the plane, where several items, including cell phones, were suctioned out.

Luckily, the Boeing 737-9 aircraft touched down safely and no one was seriously hurt, but a flight attendant sustained minor injuries.

One passenger, Vi Nguyen, told the New York Times ... she was jolted awake by a loud bang during the flight and turned to her left, seeing "the wall on the side of the plane is gone.” She added, “The first thing I thought was, ‘I’m going to die.'"

Her pal, Elizabeth Le, also spoke to the NYT, saying a teenage boy had lost his shirt and his skin was red and irritated as he sat with his mom in their seats.

Flight attendants were trying to help them move to another section of the plane, Le said, recalling, “It was honestly horrifying. I almost broke down, but I realized I needed to remain calm.”

Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci issued a statement Friday night, saying the company is temporarily grounding its fleet of 65 Boeing 737-9 aircraft for full inspection and maintenance as a precautionary measure.

Minicucci also apologized to the passengers on the flight and confirmed the National Transportation Safety Board is spearheading an investigation into what caused the incident.

Joe Flacco Browns Jersey Sales Up 400% ... Amid Win Streak

The Dawg Pound is rallying behind Joe Flacco with their wallets amid the Browns' surprising winning streak ... with fans rushing to buy the backup-backup-backup QB's jersey!!!

The former Super Bowl winner's journey back to the gridiron has been one of the biggest storylines of the season -- he went from sitting on the couch on Sundays to leading the Browns to a 4-1 record after Cleveland lost Deshaun Watson and rookie Dorian Thompson-Robinson to injuries.

TMZ Sports has learned ... No. 15 threads have been a hot commodity since Flacco took over under center in December.

Fanatics -- the league's official e-commerce partner -- tells us Flacco is among the top 20 most popular jerseys in the NFL ... and is currently the top-selling Browns player.

In fact, we're told the sales spiked more than 400% during the span of his first victory on Dec. 10 to his playoff berth-clinching performance on Thursday Night Football against his former New York Jets team on Dec. 28.

FYI, Flacco has led the Browns with 1,616 yards and 13 touchdowns in just five games ... which is more than he had when he played for the Jets in TWO seasons.

It's been quite the feel-good story after Flacco tried to find a new home for the past five seasons. Remember, Joe signed with the Denver Broncos, Jets and Philadelphia Eagles after spending 11 years with the Baltimore Ravens.

He won Super Bowl XLVII with the Ravens in 2013, their second in franchise history.

Now, he has a chance for another championship run with the Browns ... who will face either the Jaguars or the winner of the Texans vs. Colts matchup during Wild Card Weekend.

Jerry Buss Cali Vacation Home Listed For $11.85M ... Once Hangout Of Kobe, Shaq, Magic

How's this for a sports lover's dream ... the vacation home custom-built by the late Lakers owner Jerry Buss, and visited by some of the greatest hoopers to ever grace a basketball court, is now on the market, and could be yours if you've got $12 million!

TMZ Sports has learned the 9,792-square-foot property, located on a 3.18-acre lot in Rancho Santa Fe (about 100 miles outside L.A.), recently hit the open market for $11.85 million. The land was purchased by Dr. Buss in 1994 for less than $300k, and the house, known as the "Dream Ranch," was built to his exact specifications to resemble the Rosewood Miramar Beach Resort in Montecito.

We're told Jerry wanted a place outside of Los Angeles that felt far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the city ... all while being close enough to the arena where his team played.

Buss often had company ... and they were some of the most famous athletes in the world like Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson, and Shaquille O'Neal.

In fact, Jerry installed an extra-long driveway (it fits 25 cars!) to accommodate the stars' stretch limos.

The mansion features eight bedrooms and 10 bathrooms (8 full, 2 half) -- five in the main house and three in the guest house -- with the master suite, clad in marble, overlooking a rose garden.

There's also a 3-stall barn, two putting greens, a swimming pool with a pool house, a basketball court (of course), and a tennis court where none other than Andre Agassi once played.

Buss passed away in 2013 ... and the home was ultimately sold years later in 2022. The new buyers renovated the home, transforming it into a modern mansion.

The house is listed by Compass agent Khaki Wennstrom.

Mark Cuban Shelling Out $35 Mil In Bonuses To Mavs Employees After Selling Stake In Team

Mark Cuban is making sure his Mavericks employees are being taken care of following his sale of the majority stake in the NBA franchise ... promising to dole out $35 million-plus in bonuses in the near future.

The former Dallas owner made the announcement in an email to Mavs staffers on Friday, according to ESPN ... explaining new owners Miriam Adelson and Sivan and Patrick Dumont will be helping to contribute to the large bonus pool as well.

Cuban said the payouts will be based on "a framework that took into consideration how long you have worked for the Mavs." He added the cash will be hitting bank accounts "in the very near future."

"I'm excited to continue our work making the Mavs the best franchise in all of sports!" Cuban said in the letter.

Of course, Cuban officially gave way to Adelson and the Dumonts late last month ... selling the families his controlling interest in the team for $3.5 billion.

The 65-year-old, however, still maintains a 27% stake in the org. ... and he told reporters after it all became official that he'll still have control of basketball operations.

As for why he made the surprising move ... he said it's simple -- he thinks the new owners can grow the business exponentially.

"When you get a world-class partner who can come in and grow your revenue base and you're not dependent on things that you were in the past," Cuban said, "that's a huge win."

Seems Mavs employees are already reaping the benefits of that vision.

Damar Hamlin Honored With NFL Community Award ... After Holiday Toy Drive

The NFL is shining a light on Damar Hamlin's recent charitable efforts -- the Buffalo Bills safety was just selected as the Community MVP for Week 18 after giving back to his hometown during the holidays.

Hamlin received the honor for his 4th annual toy drive that went down last month ... where he distributed more than 2,000 toys, hundreds of books, and 50 bikes to hundreds of kids in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Hamlin has been helping out those in his area since before his NFL days, but this one was extra special -- it was the first toy drive since he suffered cardiac arrest against the Bengals on Jan. 2, 2023.

Hamlin said one of his first memories waking up after the incident was seeing the $9 million raised for his fundraiser. With the exceeded amount, Hamlin did his own personal Santa Claus impression, donning the big man's classic red suit and spreading some holiday cheer.

In a year that began with turbulence, this was one of the brightest moments for Damar ... which he explained when speaking about the drive.

"I just couldn’t wait for this," Hamlin said. "I've received so much love, so many blessings. I just couldn’t wait to pay them all forward."

The full $9 million raised after Hamlin's medical emergency won't just help his toy drive -- he said it will also go toward improving his community through CPR education, sporting events in the summer, and turkey drives.

Hamlin may earn another award in the near future -- he's currently the front-runner for the NFL Comeback Player of the Year honor.

Starbucks Pink Stanley Cups RE$ELLING FOR BIG MONEY ONLINE ... Amid Target Store Chaos

If people risking jail time for a mug -- like some are to nab a limited edition Stanley Quencher Starbucks cup -- here's what ya gotta know ... they're making tons of money on the resale market.

It's pretty wild, and a sign of the times ... the pink cups retail for $49.95 at Starbucks branches inside Targets, and folks who've been able to snag them are turning around, and hawking them online for hundreds of dollars.

The resellers are working hard for that big payday, though ... the only way to get the cups seems to be camping outside Target for hours, or fighting through massive crowds in scenes straight out of Black Friday.


Other people are going to even greater lengths to try and cash in -- like the guy who hopped a counter and tried, unsuccessfully, to steal a whole box of the pink goodies.

On eBay, the pink cups are going for $250 to $280 ... and Mercari has them on sale for $225 to $300.

Social media is a factor too ... Stanley cups are wildly popular on Instagram and TikTok ... so there's huge demand and limited supply.

Economics 101, folks.

Polo G Mo Music, Mo Money ... That's My Resolution!!🎉


Polo G is feeling optimistic about 2024, especially if this leap year can boost the 2 things he cares about most -- making money and finally getting his delayed album off the ground!!!

We recently caught up with Polo in Bev Hills while he was doing some shopping with his sister Leia, and he made a vow to pad his discography by dropping more music.

polo g MAY 2023

Fans were eager for Polo G to drop last September, and he had told us he was just as excited, but legal issues put his "Hood Poet" album release on ice ... the kind that's slow to melt.

TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Polo and his brother Trench Baby were arrested in August 2023 following a police raid where Polo was charged with gun possession, and his bro is being accused of a drive-by murder.

Polo tells us he's still sticking with the "Hood Poet" title -- the single "Barely Holdin' On" was used as a charitable vessel for the music video's actors.

Barring any major changes, Polo says the project's coming in August '24 -- can't keep playing with the fans' emotions!!!

Polo G lanzará su álbum "Hood Poet" en agosto

hay más música en camino

Polo G se siente optimista con respecto a 2024... sobre todo si el año bisiesto actual puede impulsar todas las cosas que le importan: ¡el dinero y sacar adelante su retrasado álbum!

Nos encontramos con Polo en Bev. Hills, cuando estaba haciendo algunas compras con su hermana Leia, y nos dijo que próximamente va a haber más música.

polo g MAY 2023
comprando sin seguridad

Los fans estaban ansiosos el pasado mes de septiembre. El rapero dijo estar emocionado, pero que tuvo que detener el lanzamiento de "Hood Poet" por problemas legales.

TMZ Hip Hop publicó la historia, Polo y su hermano Trench Baby fueron detenidos en agosto de 2023 después de una redada policial donde Polo fue acusado de posesión de armas, y su hermano está siendo acusado de asesinato.

Polo nos dice que sigue manteniendo el título de "Hood Poet": el single "Barely Holdin' On" se utilizó como recipiente benéfico para los actores del video musical.

Salvo cambios importantes, Polo dice que el proyecto saldrá en agosto del '24 -- ¡no se puede seguir jugando con las emociones de los fans!

Logan Paul compra los NFT de CryptoZoo por 2.3 millones de dólares

Logan Paul dice que está comprometiendo más de 2.3 millones de dólares para corregir los errores de su fracasado CryptoZoo y también está presentando una demanda contra la gente que afirma que descarriló su juego.

Logan está cumpliendo su promesa de volver a comprar Base Egg y Base Animal tokens no fungibles de CryptoZoo, por su precio de compra original a través de un sitio web donde los inversores pueden presentar reclamaciones.

Recordemos que Logan anunció el juego CryptoZoo en 2021, facturando el proyecto animado NFT como "un juego muy divertido que hace dinero." Según se informa, el juego se inspiró en Pokémon y a las personas que pagaron $1.100 se les dijo que podían incubar, criar, coleccionar y comercializar híbridos de animales exóticos en la blockchain. La primera tanda de 11.000 NFT se agotó rápidamente, pero CryptoZoo nunca llegó a comercializarse.

Logan dice que tenía "las mejores intenciones" para CryptoZoo y "nunca ganó un solo centavo con el proyecto". Dice que gastó $400K desarrollando el juego y dice que se completó a principios de 2023, pero no fue lanzado debido a "obstáculos con la regulación que no comprendía realmente en un principio".

Logan añade: "Al igual que usted, yo estaba muy decepcionado porque el juego no fue entregado".

Logan dice que su programa de recompra de 2.3 millones de dólares "no está destinado a compensar a aquellos que apostaron en el mercado de criptomonedas y perdieron".

Además de la recompra de NFT, Logan también está tomando medidas legales, alegando en una nueva demanda que el desarrollador principal de CryptoZoo —Eduardo Ibáñez— y el "Crypto King" Jake Greenbaum son los culpables del fracaso del juego y no él.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, una de las primeras banderas rojas en el proyecto ocurrió justo después del día de lanzamiento, con la actividad comercial sospechosa sucediendo, donde parecía docenas de personas ajenas al proyecto que de alguna manera obtuvieron información de la existencia del nuevo mercado de ZOO Tokens.

La demanda afirma que la actividad comercial poco clara hizo que la capitalización de mercado de ZOO Tokens cayera de unos 130 millones de dólares a 26 millones de dólares.

En cuanto al CryptoZoo, Logan dice que el juego no se lanzará, pero todavía podría haber una oportunidad para que él consiga un poco de justicia en los tribunales.

Logan Paul Buying Back $2.3M In CryptoZoo NFTs Suing Over Derailed Game

Logan Paul says he's committing more than $2.3 million to right the wrongs of his failed CryptoZoo ... and he's also filing a lawsuit against the folks he claims derailed his game.

Logan's delivering on his promise to buy back Base Egg and Base Animal non-fungible tokens from CryptoZoo for their original purchase price ... via a website where investors can submit claims.

Remember ... Logan announced the CryptoZoo game back in 2021, billing the animated NFT project as "a really fun game that makes you money." The game reportedly drew inspiration from Pokémon and folks who paid .1 Ethereum were told they could hatch, breed, collect and trade  exotic animal hybrids on the blockchain. The first wave of 11,000 NFTs quickly sold out but CryptoZoo was never released.

Logan says he had "only the best possible intentions" for CryptoZoo and "never made a single penny from the project." He says he spent $400K developing the game and says it was completed in early 2023 but wasn't released due to "regulatory hurdles that would need to be cleared that I did not originally understand."

LP adds ... "Like you, I was highly disappointed the game was not delivered."

Logan says his $2.3 million buyback program "is a way for me to make whole those who intended to play CryptoZoo. The buyback is not intended to compensate those who gambled on the crypto market and lost."

In addition to the NFT buyback, Logan is also taking legal action ... claiming in a new lawsuit that CryptoZoo lead developer Eduardo Ibanez and "Crypto King" Jake Greenbaum are to blame for the game's failure and not him.

In the docs -- obtained by TMZ -- one of the first red flags in the project happened just after launch day, with suspicious trading activity happening ... where it appeared dozens of project outsiders somehow got info of the existence of the new market for ZOO Tokens.

The lawsuit claims the sketchy trading activity caused the market capitalization of ZOO Tokens to drop from about $130 million to $26 million.

As for CryptoZoo, Logan says the game will not be released ... but there still might be a chance for him to get some justice in court.