El juego de Kim Kardashian para móviles cierra después de una década

El juego de rol para móvil de Kim Kardashian está cerrando sus puertas virtuales, marcando el final de la aplicación casi una década después de que se puso en marcha.

Kim le dice a TMZ: "Estoy muy agradecida desde el fondo de mi corazón con todos los que han amado y jugado Kim Kardashian Hollywood los últimos 10 años. Este viaje ha significado mucho para mí, pero me he dado cuenta de que es hora de concentrar mi energía en otras pasiones. Quiero dar las gracias al equipo de Glu y a las muchas personas que han trabajado entre bastidores para que esto fuera un éxito. Estaré siempre inspirada por esta comunidad que hemos construido juntos".

Por cierto, la gente que entra en el juego de Kim y Glu Mobile, "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood", se encuentra ahora con una alerta sobre el próximo cierre del juego, diciendole a los jugadores que el juego "ya no ofrece compras dentro de la aplicación y ha sido retirado de las tiendas de aplicaciones".

Así es, ni siquiera puedes comprar el juego si estás interesado, porque ha desaparecido por completo de las tiendas de aplicaciones de Apple y Android.

Por suerte, el aviso dice que los jugadores pueden seguir utilizando las funciones del juego hasta el 8 de abril: "después de eso el juego será inaccesible. Gracias por apoyar Kim Kardashian: Hollywood". También tiene un temporizador de cuenta atrás, lo que lleva al cierre.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Kim y Glu se asociaron para lanzar el juego de 2014 que llevó a los jugadores a un viaje al estrellato de la lista vip, con el objetivo de ganar fans haciendo cosas como actuar, modelar, hacer apariciones en clubes y citas.

También tenía una moneda en el juego llamada K-estrellas, que ayudaría a los jugadores a progresar. La aplicación hizo $1.6 millones solo 5 días después de su lanzamiento el 27 de junio, a pesar de terminar con algunas críticas mixtas.

Ahora la verdadera pregunta... ¿Qué demonios haremos con todo este tiempo libre?

Nigel Lythgoe 'SYTYCD' Sex Assault Claims Spark Sony Investigation

Nigel Lythgoe is in the crosshairs of an investigation by the studio that produces his long-running show "So You Think You Can Dance" ... with his job possibly hanging in the balance.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the embattled EP of the hit reality competition show is at the center of an internal probe being conducted by Sony Pictures Television -- which co-produces 'SYTYCD' under its subsidiary 19 Entertainment, alongside Dick Clark Productions.

We're told Sony's looking into recent claims of sexual assault and harassment made against Nigel -- who created 'So You Think' with Simon Fuller, and has served as an executive producer since its inception, not to mention a consistent judge until he stepped away in '22.

Of course, what Sony's investigating here is Paula Abdul's allegations -- which she made in an explosive lawsuit ... claiming she'd been sexually assaulted by Lythgoe twice, once in the early 2000s during her 'Idol' stint and again in the 2010s while she judged on 'SYTYCD.'

Remember, as it pertains to the latter allegation -- which is what Sony's concerned with here -- she alleged Lythgoe invited her to his pad to discuss work opportunities ... only to allegedly pounce on her in an attempt to kiss her. PA also claimed Lythgoe groped one of her assistants during her time on the dance show.

Lythgoe denies Paula's claims, saying they're "deeply offensive" to everything he stands for and totally false.

Our sources say that while Sony digs into this matter, no decision has been made on whether Nigel will be allowed to stay on as an EP. It also remains to be seen if he'll serve as a judge -- this despite the fact he was announced to return to his chair last month for Season 18 ... which will start airing in March. He wasn't a judge during this past season.

Probably worth noting ... Paula named 19 Entertainment as a defendant in her suit too -- alleging sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence and negligence.

Kim Kardashian My Mobile Game's Closing Up Shop ... After 10 Years Of Playtime

Kim Kardashian's mobile roleplaying game is closing its virtual doors ... marking the end of the app nearly a decade after it went live.

Kim tells TMZ, "I'm so grateful from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has loved and played Kim Kardashian: Hollywood in the past 10 years. This journey has meant so much to me but I’ve realized that it’s time to focus that energy into other passions. I want to thank the Glu team and the many people behind the scenes who have worked diligently on making it a success. I will be forever inspired by this community that we built together."

BTW, folks logging on to Kim and Glu Mobile's game, "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood," have now been met with an alert about the game's upcoming shutdown -- telling players the game "no longer offers in-app purchases and has been removed from app stores."

That's right, ya can't even go get the game for yourself if you're now interested, because it's completely vanished from Apple and Android's app stores.

Luckily, the notice says gamers can continue to use the game's features until April 8 ... "after which the game will become inaccessible. Thank you for supporting Kim Kardashian: Hollywood!" It's also got a countdown timer, leading to the shutdown.

For those unaware, KK and Glu teamed up to release the 2014 game which took players on a journey to A-list stardom ... with the goal of gaining fans by doing things like acting, modeling, making club appearances, and dating.

It also had an in-game currency called K-stars that would help players progress -- and the app made $1.6 million just 5 days after its June 27 release, despite ending up with some mixed reviews.

Now the real question ... what the hell will we do with all this free time??

Yung Bleu My Univ. Will Lead Rap for Next 50 Yrs ... Everyone's Invited, Even Boosie!!!


Yung Bleu is set to open his Moon Boy University campus to all comers next month, and predicts his halls will lead the next generation of great music.

The "You're Mines Still" singer opened up to TMZ Hip Hop about operating the 24,000-sq-ft super studio, and he scoffs at the notion the genre's glory years have passed ... in the wake of all the 50th-anniversary celebrations.

Bleu says he mainly identifies on the R&B side, but subscribes to the age-old theory that most fans champion the music released during their carefree adolescent years, and his MBU will produce sounds to supplement those times.

He tells us admission packages can range from $1500 - $10K and unlike record labels, MBU isn't looking to get a chunk of their credits and earnings ... they're simply here to teach and steer artists away from bad contracts!!!

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To date, Bleu has already invested $2.6 million of his own money, with another $1 million pledge toward content production over the next 2 years.

He's already had artists such as Sukihana, Kirk Jay and Seddy Hendrinx touch grass on the Atlanta-based hub and expects many more visitors this year -- even the ones who'd be totally unexpected.

For instance, Bleu says his former mentor, Boosie Badazz, is on the welcome list -- and who knows ... maybe they could resolve their money dispute with a Moon Boy U. collab!!!

Yung Bleu dice que la Universidad Moon Boy impulsará una nueva era dorada del rap

solo para miembros

Yung Bleu está a punto de abrir su campus Moon Boy University para todos los interesados el próximo mes y predice que sus pasillos conducirán a la próxima generación de la música.

El cantante de "You're Mines Still" se abrió con TMZ Hip Hop sobre el funcionamiento del super estudio de 24.000 pies cuadrados y se burla de la idea de que los años de gloria del Hip Hop han pasado a raíz de todas las celebraciones de 50 años.

Bleu dice que se identifica principalmente con el R&B, pero se adhiere a la vieja teoría psicológica de que la mayoría de los fans defienden la música que se editó durante sus años de adolescencia, y su proyecto producirá los sonidos que complementen aquellos tiempos.

Nos dice que los paquetes de admisión pueden oscilar entre los $1500 y $10K y a diferencia de los sellos discográficos, MBU no busca obtener parte de los créditos y las ganancias, ¡están aquí para enseñar y alejar a los artistas de los malos contratos!

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Hasta la fecha, Bleu ya ha invertido 2.6 millones de dólares de su propio dinero, con otra promesa de 1 millón de dólares hacia la producción de contenidos en los próximos dos años a seguir.

Él ya ha tenido artistas como Sukihana, Kirk Jay y Seddy Hendrinx tocar la hierba en el centro con sede en Atlanta y espera que muchos más visitantes este año, incluso los que son inesperados.

Bleu dice que su antiguo mentor, Boosie Badazz, está en la lista de invitados bienvenidos, ¡quizá podrían resolver su disputa de dinero con una colaboración de Moon Boy!

Las concursantes de "All American Girl" demandan a Nigel Lythgoe por agresión sexual y lesiones

Tras la demanda de Paula Abdul, el veterano productor de televisión Nigel Lythgoe se enfrenta a una segunda demanda, en la que se le acusa de haber agredido y acosado sexualmente a dos concursantes hace 20 años en un programa de telerrealidad.

Ambas eran concursantes de "All American Girl" —que se emitió durante una temporada en 2003— y Lythgoe era productor del programa. Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, las mujeres alegan que en repetidas ocasiones se presentaba en el set y en los vestuarios cuando llevaban trajes de baile y "abiertamente manoseaba" sus traseros.

En la demanda —que los demandantes están presentando como Jane Does— dicen que la producción organizó una fiesta para celebrar el final de la filmación, pero al final de la fiesta, afirman que Lythgoe insistió en que una de las mujeres fuera con él de vuelta al estudio cuando el resto del elenco ya se había ido.

La segunda demandante insistió en ir con ellos para proteger a su compañera pero afirman que Lythgoe las llevó a su casa, donde les hizo proposiciones sexuales a ambas. En la demanda, alegan que se levantó el jersey que llevaba puesto y "engulló" a una de las mujeres mientras intentaba besarla, cosa que ella le rechazó inmediatamente.

La otra demandante afirma que se puso agresivo con ella, empujándola contra un piano de cola y forzándola con la boca y la lengua mientras ella protestaba y se negaba.

Las mujeres están demandando a Lythgoe y a una productora sin nombre por asalto sexual, agresión, acoso sexual, imposición intencional de angustia emocional y negligencia.

Como hemos dicho, los demandantes se han presentado de forma anónima y solo identifican al demandado como "John Roe N.L." y al espectáculo como "AAG", pero TMZ ha confirmado a través de fuentes con conocimiento que se refieren a Nigel Lythgoe y "All American Girl".

Los demandantes citan la Ley de Responsabilidad por Abusos Sexuales y Encubrimiento de California (Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act) que, en su opinión, permite reactivar sus demandas, aunque de otro modo hubiera prescrito.

TMZ publicó la historia, Paula Abdul también citó esa Ley cuando demandó a Lythgoe la semana pasada por supuestamente agredirla sexualmente mientras trabajaban juntos en "American Idol" y "So You Think You Can Dance".

Lythgoe calificó la demanda de Paula de "totalmente falsa" y añadió que las acusaciones son "profundamente ofensivas para mí y para todo lo que represento".

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con sus representantes para que comenten esta última demanda, pero aún no nos han contestado.

Nigel Lythgoe 'All American Girl' Contestants Sue E.P. ... Allege Sexual Assault & Battery

On the heels of Paula Abdul's lawsuit, veteran TV producer Nigel Lythgoe finds himself facing a second lawsuit, claiming he sexually assaulted and harassed 2 contestants 20 years ago on a reality competition show.

Both women were contestants on the show, "All American Girl" -- which aired for one season back in 2003 -- and Lythgoe was a producer on the program. According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, the women allege he would repeatedly show up on the set, and in dressing rooms, when they were wearing dance costumes ... and "openly swatted and groped" their butts.

In the suit, which the plaintiffs are filing as Jane Does, they say production hosted a party to celebrate the end of filming ... but at the end of the party, they claim Lythgoe insisted one of the women ride with him back to the studio where everyone else on the cast was going.

The second plaintiff insisted on going with them to protect her fellow contestant -- but they allege Lythgoe drove them back to his home, where he made sexual advances on both of them. In the suit, they allege he lifted up the sweater she was wearing, and "engulfed" one of the women while trying to kiss her ... and she immediately rejected him.

The other plaintiff claims he got aggressive with her by pushing her against a grand piano and forcing his mouth and tongue on her ... all of which she protested.

The women are suing Lythgoe and an unnamed production company for sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence.

As we said, they've filed anonymously, and the suit only identifies the defendant as "John Roe N.L." and the show as "AAG" -- but TMZ has confirmed through sources with knowledge ... they're referring to Nigel Lythgoe and "All American Girl."

The plaintiffs cite California's Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act ... which they believe allows for the revival of their claims even though the statute of limitations would have otherwise run.

TMZ broke the story ... Paula Abdul also cited that Act when she sued Lythgoe last week for allegedly sexually assaulting her while they were working together on "American Idol" and "So You Think You Can Dance."

Lythgoe called Paula's lawsuit "wholly untrue" -- adding the allegations are "deeply offensive to me and to everything I stand for."

We've reached out to his reps for comment on this latest suit, but no word back yet.

David Tepper Panthers Owner Fined $300k ... For Throwing Drink At Fans

Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper is going to have to bust out his check book -- he was just fined $300k for chucking his drink toward a group of fans during Sunday's loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars.

The billionaire hedge fund manager -- the richest owner in the league -- was spotted dumping his beverage in anger after an apparent exchange with a group of supporters amid the 26-0 blowout ... and the whole thing was caught on video.

The clip is short ... and it's unclear what led to the incident.

The NFL announced the punishment on Tuesday ... labeling the incident "unacceptable conduct."

Tepper -- who bought the Panthers in 2018 for $2.3 billion -- released a statement following the news ... saying, "I am deeply passionate about this team and regret my behavior on Sunday."

"I should have let NFL stadium security handle any issues that arose. I respect the NFL’s code of conduct and accept the League’s discipline for my behavior."

It's been a disastrous 2023 season for the Panthers -- they're 2-14 and will not have their first-round pick next season.

As for the fine, it's just a drop in the bucket for Tepper -- the guy's worth around $20.6 billion, according to Forbes.

Roberto Clemente Game-Used Bat Set To Hit Auction ... Could Fetch $250K!!!

If you're a baseball fan with a quarter of a million dollars lyin' around -- you're in luck ... 'cause an ultra-rare bat that Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente once used and signed is about to go on sale!!

TMZ Sports has learned ... the Hillerich & Bradsby signature model U1 bat that Clemente swung during the 1971 season is hitting Heritage Auctions in February -- and it's awesome.

The 36-inch, 35.5-ounce relic has been photo-matched ... and it's also been autographed by Clemente himself.

The inscription -- which Clemente made out to famed memorabilia collector Carey Diab -- reads, "To my friend Carey, Best Wishes Always, Roberto Clemente." It also has the No. 21 written on the knob.

Experts at Heritage Auctions expect it to go for $250K when it ultimately sells ... explaining, "It is one of a tiny handful of known photo-matched Clemente gamers."

Clemente was the first Caribbean and Latin-American MLB player to be inducted into the Hall of Fame after playing 18 seasons in the pros. In his career, he logged 3,000 hits and 240 home runs.

He also won two World Series with the Pittsburgh Pirates and became a 15-time All-Star, a four-time NL batting champ, and an NL MVP. Clemente also won 12 Gold Gloves.

Tragically, Clemente was killed in a plane crash that was en route to deliver emergency aid to Nicaragua earthquake victims in 1972. He was only 38.

VIRAL BURGER KING EMPLOYEE Buys 1st Home with Fundraiser Money ... From Goodie Bag Fame

The Burger King employee who went viral for getting a mediocre goodie bag in recognition of 27 years without missing work is finally seeing his dedication pay off ... in a massive way.

Kevin Ford tells TMZ … he bought a house on Dec. 13 with money raised from the GoFundMe his daughter set up for him in the wake of last summer's online fame.

Kevin says he walked away with about $350,000 from the crowdsourcing fund -- it raised almost $500K but GoFundMe took a sizeable chunk -- and he used about half to buy a place in Pahrump, Nevada for $177,000.

Kevin's new place has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and is 846 square feet ... with a covered front deck, fenced-in yard and views of the surrounding mountains. He says he's gonna invest more money into the place too.

With the rest of his GoFundMe cash, Kevin says he gave his daughter a chunk so she could put it toward a home for herself and his grandkids ... and he put the rest away for retirement.

Remember ... Kevin went viral back in June 2022 when his employer gave him a goodie bag with random candies to celebrate him going 27 years without missing a day on the job.

Kevin's daughter piggybacked off his viral moment and set up a GoFundMe so he could visit his family in Texas ... and David Spade was among the big-money donors.

Naturally, Kevin is still working at BK, but there's been a big change -- he says he's now missed one day ... for an appearance on the "Today" show.

Kevin says his new digs are about an hour away from work, but he likes driving so he doesn't mind the long commute.


It's pretty incredible ... Kevin tells us the viral fame literally saved his life. He says he was depressed and the support from strangers not only put a new roof over his head, but also saved his life.

Kevin says he's forever grateful and his whole life has been turned around in a "beautiful" chain of events.

Empleado de Burger King compra su primera casa con la recaudación de fondos de Goodie Bag Fame

El empleado de Burger King que se hizo viral por conseguir una miserable bolsa de golosinas en reconocimiento a 27 años sin faltar al trabajo, finalmente está viendo su dedicación rendir frutos.

Kevin Ford le dice a TMZ que compró una casa el 13 de diciembre con el dinero recaudado del GoFundMe que su hija creó para él a raíz de la fama en línea del verano pasado.

Kevin dice que se fue con alrededor de $350.000 del fondo de crowdsourcing que recaudó casi $500K, pero GoFundMe tomó una parte considerable y utilizó alrededor de la mitad para comprar un lugar en Pahrump, Nevada por $177.000.

El nuevo lugar de Kevin tiene tres dormitorios, dos baños y 846 pies cuadrados. Además, cuenta con un patio vallado y vistas a las montañas de los alrededores. Él dice que va a invertir más dinero en el lugar.

Con el resto de su dinero en efectivo  obtenido en GoFundMe, Kevin le dio a su hija una parte para que pudiera ponerlo en una casa para ella y sus nietos y puso el resto lejos para la jubilación.

Recordemos que Kevin se hizo viral en junio de 2022 cuando su empleador le dio una bolsa de golosinas con dulces al azar para celebrar que iba 27 años sin perder un día en el trabajo.

La hija de Kevin se aprovechó de su momento viral y creó un GoFundMe para que pudiera visitar a su familia en Texas y David Spade estaba entre los grandes donantes de dinero.

Naturalmente, Kevin sigue trabajando, pero ha habido un gran cambio, dice que ahora ha faltado un día... para aparecer en el programa "Today".

Kevin dice que sus nuevas excavaciones son alrededor de una hora de distancia del trabajo, pero le gusta conducir, por lo que no le importa el largo viaje.


Es bastante increíble... Kevin nos dice que la fama viral, literalmente, le salvó la vida. Él dice que estaba deprimido y el apoyo de extraños no solo puso un nuevo techo sobre su cabeza, sino que también salvó su vida.

Kevin dice que está eternamente agradecido y que toda su vida ha dado un giro en una "hermosa" cadena de acontecimientos.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Strip Club Offers Gainful Employment After Prison

Gypsy Rose Blanchard already has a titillating job offer on the table following her release from prison ... a strip club's hoping the ex-con would do her big reveal on its stage.

Dream Girls Detroit fired off a job offer to Gypsy ... the club wants to show it's there to help people who ran afoul of the law post-confinement.

The club's general manager, Dan Wilhelm, says, "We stand in solidarity with everyone who is showing support to Gypsy Rose as she embarks on her new life" ... adding the cash she can make will help her "get the tools needed to be able to live a quality life in the real world."

Job offer aside, Dream Girls is also looking to host a release party for the 32-year-old ... something they're calling "Let's Get Tipsy With Gypsy."

As you know, Gypsy was released from the Chillicothe Correctional Center in Chillicothe, MO early Thursday morning -- and has already spent time shopping for shoes, posting selfies, and celebrating with family.

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She's also rented out a cozy Airbnb in Kansas City ... remember, she had tickets to the Chiefs' NYE game and was hoping to meet Taylor Swift, but she was unable to attend because her parole officer told her she had to leave the state.

Gypsy has a week to respond to Dream Girls' offers. No word if she'll be working the pole anytime soon.

le ofrecen trabajo a Gypsy Rose Blanchard en un club de striptease

Gypsy Rose Blanchard tiene una oferta de trabajo excitante sobre la mesa después de su salida de la cárcel... un club de striptease espera que la ex-convicta debute en su escenario.

Dream Girls Detroit le disparó una oferta de trabajo a Gypsy, el club quiere demostrar que está ahí para ayudar a las personas que vienen saliendo de prisión.

El gerente general del club, Dan Wilhelm, dice: "Solidarizamos con todos los que le muestran su apoyo a Gypsy Rose mientras se embarca en su nueva vida", añadiendo que el dinero en efectivo puede ayudarle a "obtener las herramientas necesarias para poder vivir una vida de calidad en el mundo real".

Dream Girls también está buscando organizar una fiesta de lanzamiento para la recién salida de 32 años, algo que están llamando "Let's Get Tipsy With Gypsy".

Como ustedes saben, Gypsy fue liberada del Centro Correccional de Chillicothe la madrugada del jueves y ya ha pasado el tiempo de comprando de zapatos, publicando selfies y celebrando con la familia.

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fuera de prisión

También ha alquilado un acogedor Airbnb en Kansas City, recordemos que ella tenía entradas para el juego de los Chiefs NYE y tenía la esperanza de conocer a Taylor Swift, pero no pudo asistir porque su oficial de libertad condicional le dijo que tenía que salir del estado.

Gypsy tiene una semana para responder a las ofertas de Dream Girls. No se sabe si va a trabajar en el poste pronto.

Timothée Chalamet 'Wonka' Back at #1 to End the Year ... Box Office Boom in '23!!!

Timothée Chalamet is entering 2024 as king of the box office -- marking the end of what's been been a pretty damn good year in terms of ticket sales at the movies. Go figure!

The actor's latest offering, "Wonka," returned to #1 this weekend -- this after claiming the same spot two weeks ago when it first debuted and slipping to #2 last week after the release of 'Aquaman 2,' which technically came in first ... but still underperformed by a lot.

Those woes continued this week, with 'A2' slipping to second and Timmy's film retaking its position as top dog to end 2023 -- raking in about $24 mil through Sunday ... and bringing its total domestic haul to about $142 mil, and its worldwide gross to a whopping $387 mil.

Considering this thing only cost about $100 mil to make, that's a helluva good return. And considering WB has 3 films in the top 5 slots this weekend, we're sure they're happy too.

If you're wondering what 2023 has been like, generally, at the box office well ... movie fans might be in for a pleasant surprise -- 'cause as it turns out, theaters cleaned up quite a bit.

This year saw a domestic box office gross of over $9 billion -- which is actually great compared to recent years post-pandemic ('21's $4.3B & '22's $7.3B). Now, it does pale in comparison to what theaters used to bring in -- see 2019's domestic haul of $11.4B -- but still solid all things considered, and presumably an encouraging sign that theaters ain't dead!

Of course, there's a select few films we have to thank for this result ... especially "Barbie," which was the highest-earning movie this year by a long shot. Other honorable mentions go to 'Super Mario Bros.,' "Oppenheimer," 'Across the Spider-Verse,' and some Disney additions.

As far as superhero movies, though ... those, by and large, turned out to be major stinkers.

So what have we learned about getting asses in seats going forward? Big IPs are winners, and so are splashy biopics. Now, it seems like folks might be tired of seeing capes and tights, though ... so less of that and newer (familiar) wells of content might be the ticket.

Here's to more popcorn in the new year. 🍿

Timothée Chalamet 'Wonka' vuleve al número 1 al final del año... Boom de taquilla en 2023!!!

Timothée Chalamet está entrando al 2024 como el rey de la taquilla, marcando el fin de un año bastante bueno en términos de venta de entradas en el cine. Y no es para menos...

Su última película "Wonka" volvió al número 1 este fin de semana, después de ocupar el mismo lugar hace dos semanas cuando se estrenó en cines y de caer al número 2 la semana siguiente tras el estreno de "Aquaman 2", que técnicamente quedó en primer lugar... pero aun así tuvo un rendimiento muy inferior al esperado.

Los problemas continuaron esta semana y "Aquaman 2" cayó al segundo puesto, lo que le permitió a Timmy retomar su posición de liderazgo de fin de año, recaudando unos 24 millones de dólares hasta el domingo y elevando su recaudación nacional a unos 142 millones de dólares. A nivel mundial, la suma es de 387 millones de dólares.

Teniendo en cuenta que solo costó unos 100 millones de dólares hacerla, es un buen rendimiento. Y teniendo en cuenta que Warner Bros tiene 3 películas en los 5 primeros puestos este fin de semana, estamos seguros de que también están contentos.

Si se están preguntando cómo fue el 2023 en general, pues fue muy bueno.

Este año la taquilla nacional recaudó más de 9.000 millones de dólares, una cifra excelente en comparación con los años posteriores a la pandemia ($4.300 millones en el 21 y $7.300 millones en el 22). Ahora bien, palidece en comparación con lo que los cines solían recaudar (véase la recaudación nacional de 2019 de 11.400 millones de dólares), pero sigue siendo sólida en general y una señal alentadora de que los cines no están muertos.

Por supuesto, hay unas pocas películas a las que tenemos que dar las gracias por este resultado, especialmente a "Barbie", que fue la película más taquillera de este año con mucha diferencia. Otras menciones honoríficas son para "Super Mario Bros", "Oppenheimer", "Across the Spider-Verse" y algunas adiciones de Disney.

En cuanto a las películas de superhéroes, sin embargo, en general estas resultaron ser un fracaso importante.

Entonces, ¿qué hemos aprendido del éxito de este año para el futuro? Las grandes películas son las ganadoras, al igual que las biopics. Sin embargo, parece que la gente está cansada de ver capas y mallas... así que menos de eso y más contenido nuevo (familiar) podría ser.

Salud por más palomitas en el nuevo año. 🍿

Tom Brady Megamansion in FL Taking Shape

Tom Brady's massive new home is seemingly nearing the end of construction, as new photos show the extent of the build taken on by contractors for the NFL legend.

The home is huge, no doubt, but it's the extent of accessories and add-ons that the finished project is set to contain that is really the shock factor.

According to Daily Mail -- the home is estimated to cost close to $11.5 million when all is said and done -- complete with a waterfront, a massive pool with spa, multiple gyms and room for plenty of cars in his garage.

Of course, Tom purchased the property back in 2020 when he was still married to Gisele Bundchen for a reported $17 million.

Tom's taken the last year off after retiring last season from the NFL, considered the best QB to ever do it. Don't worry though, the lack of work doesn't have him strapped for cash -- Tom's worth an estimated $500 million.

Not to mention, whenever he's ready for it, he's signed on with FOX as an NFL commentator for $375 million ... so ya, if he wanted, he could build the same house a bunch of times over.

It's good to be the best.