Angelina Pivarnick baila en un club de striptease mientras el dinero vuela

¡qué caiga el dinero!
35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club

La estrella de "Jersey Shore", Angelina Pivarnick, sabe como pasar un buen rato. Supimos que se tomó el escenario de un club de striptease durante el fin de semana.

Pivarnick estuvo en 35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club el sábado por la noche en Jersey. Angelina no parecía ni un poco intimidada mientras bailaba, haciendo todos los pasos más atrevidos.

El público también parecía disfrutar del espectáculo mientras le llovían billetes a la bailarina de 37 años.

También es posible que la canción que sonaba en el club reconfortara a Angelina, teniendo en cuenta que era el tema de "Jersey Shore", "Crazy" de LMFAO.

Por supuesto, Angelina sigue siendo un elemento clásico en "Jersey Shore: Family Reunion", así que no es como si ella estuviera haciendo un cambio de carrera exactamente.

En cualquier caso, tanto ella como las decenas de asistentes disfrutaron la candente velada.

'Jersey Shore' Angelina Works the Pole as Dollars Fly In Sexy Strip Club Dance

35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club

'Jersey Shore' star Angelina Pivarnick is no stranger to having a good time ... a skill she put to good use as she worked the stage at a strip club over the weekend.

Pivarnick took center stage at 35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club Saturday night in Jersey. Angelina didn't seem the least bit intimidated as she danced, getting down on all 4s and even working the pole.

The crowd certainly seemed to enjoy the show as well ... as singles rained down on the 37-year-old.

It's also possible the song playing through the club brought Angelina an added sense of comfort, considering it was the "Jersey Shore" theme song ... "Crazy" by LMFAO.

Of course, Angelina is still a staple on "Jersey Shore: Family Reunion" ... so it's not like she's making a career change.

Regardless, both she and the dozens in attendance seemed to enjoy themselves, even without the GTL.

Gypsy Rose acumula millones de seguidores en Instagram

Gypsy Rose Blanchard se ha convertido en una gigante de las redes sociales, acumulando millones de seguidores y posiblemente preparándose para hacer una fortuna.

Gypsy tiene ahora la friolera de 4.7 millones de seguidores en Instagram. Acaba de publicar sus cuentas de Snapchat y TikTok en su página de Instagram. Además, ella tiene 1.4 millones de fans TikTok.

Ella publicó esto: "Acabo de unirme a SnapChat, estos avatares son impresionantes!" También realizó un especial de Lifetime.

Ella tenía una página de Instagram, pero no era nada fuera de lo común. De eso a 1.2 millones hay mucha diferencia, y lo ha hecho en un período de tiempo muy corto.

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En cuanto al futuro... ella se está preparando para hacer un paquete en redes sociales, lo cual es interesante. Antes de que la encerraran casi nadie podía ganarse la vida en las redes sociales, pero los tiempos cambian.

También está trabajando en algún tipo de programa/documental/reality show para A&E.

Por ahora, Gypsy está disfrutando de las cosas simples de la libertad después de cumplir siete años entre las rejas por el asesinato de su madre. Se hace selfies y visita McDonalds y Burger King.

Ahora lo hace a su manera.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Insta Social Media Giant with Big $$$ Prospects!!!

​Gypsy Rose Blanchard has become an instant social media giant since her release ... amassing millions of followers and possibly setting herself up to make a fortune.

Gypsy now has an eye-popping 4.7 million followers on Instagram. She's just pushed both her Snapchat and TikTok accounts on her Insta page. BTW she has 1.4 million TikTok fans.

She posted this ... "Just joined SnapChat. These avatars are awesome!" Also – she pushed the Lifetime special on there yesterday as well.

She had an Instagram page, but it was static at 1.2M upon her release, so she's gained millions in a super-compressed period of time.

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As for the future ... she's setting herself up to make a bundle on social media, which is interesting. When she was locked up, almost no one could make a living on social, but times change.

In the money department, she's also working on some kind of show/documentary/reality show for A&E.

For now, Gypsy is enjoying the simple things of freedom after serving 7 years behind bars for the murder of her mother. She's trying her hand at selfies, and hitting up McDonalds and Burger King.

She's having it her way now.

Mariah Carey cierra Gucci Aspen la vida de soltera le sienta bien

Mariah Carey tiene la prueba de que es la reina de las fiestas de Navidad... ¡cerró Gucci!

Carey estaba en Aspen -como ya sabemos- se paseó por las tiendas de lujo de la calle principal en su furgoneta Sprinter.

Mariah dio algunas vueltas y luego entró a la tienda, y para hacer su experiencia más cómoda, los empleados de Gucci cerraron las puertas para que pudiera comprar sin distracciónes.

carey en colorado

Gucci puede haber tenido una buena razón para hacer esto, un grupo de curiosos se asomó a través de las ventanas para echarle un vistazo a la cantante.

Algunos clientes ya estaban dentro de la tienda cuando Mariah llegó con su vestido largo, gafas de sol, orejeras y, en particular, sin su novio de toda la vida, Bryan Tanaka, que recientemente rompió su silencio sobre la separación de la pareja.

Los testigos nos dicen que Mariah estaba relajada mientras miraba casualmente los artículos expuestos con sus cuidadores a su alrededor, incluyendo un guardaespaldas. No está claro si compró algo.

¡Qué escena! Mariah sabe cómo atraer a una multitud y atraer la atención, incluso en una ciudad que ahora está llena de celebridades.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Mariah!

Mariah Carey Single Shopping Trip In Aspen ... Gucci Shuts Down for Royal Treatment

Mariah Carey now has a golden receipt to prove she's the Queen of the XMAS holidays ... she shut down Gucci!!!

MC was in Aspen -- solo as you know -- as she rolled past the fancy stores on the main drag in her Sprinter van.

Her entourage at the ready, Mariah hopped out and entered the store, but to make her experience more comfortable, the Gucci honchos locked the doors so she could shop without distraction.


Gucci may have had good reason to batten down the hatches ... a gaggle of gawkers peered through the windows to get a look at the singer.

Some customers were already inside the store when Mariah arrived in her long dress, sunglasses earmuffs ... and notably, without her longtime boyfriend, Bryan Tanaka, who recently broke his silence on the couple's split.

Witnesses tell us Mariah was chill as she casually checked out the items on display with her handlers all around her, including a bodyguard. It's unclear if she bought anything.

What a scene! Mariah knows how to draw a crowd and steal the show ... even in a city that's now packed to the gills with celebs.

Happy New Year, Mariah!!!


Jill Biden isn't pumping the brakes on her SoulCycle obsession anytime soon -- surprising spin enthusiasts in L.A. by dropping into an early morning class for those much-needed endorphins.

Sources tell TMZ the First Lady's suited and booted Secret Service agents arrived first to the trendy cycling chain's 7 AM class in Brentwood earlier this month ... wanding down everyone and informing them a VIP would be in class.

Upon entering, Jill settled onto bike no. 42 -- at the back, right by the Secret Service team at the entrance ... just in case she needed to make a speedy escape.

There was no theme for this SC class, though we're told at one point they rode to Janet Jackson's "Escapade" ... and Jill was, noticeably, in great shape.

She even appeared to make a friend ... fist-bumping a boy riding in front of her at the end of class, but there were no photos due to SC's no-phones-in-studio policy.

Jill attended the class in the middle of a jam-packed weekend of fundraising events with President Biden -- probably hoping for some me-time, as she's previously credited the spin classes for helping her find her "inner strength so she can be strong for everyone else."

No matter how busy she is, she's always made room for a spin sesh ... whether it's San Fran, London, or home in D.C.

Jill Biden Se sube a la bicicleta en L.A. con Soulcycle Class

Jill Biden no está poniéndole freno a su obsesión con SoulCycle en el corto plazo, sorprendiendo a los entusiastas del spinning de Los Ángeles tras aparecer en una clase temprano para liberar esas tan necesarias endorfinas.

Fuentes le dicen a TMZ que los agentes del Servicio Secreto de la Primera Dama llegaron primero a la clase de la popular cadena de ciclismo a las 7 AM, en Brentwood a principios de este mes. Se dice que agitaron a todo el mundo y les informaron que una persona VIP estaría en la clase.

Al entrar, Jill se acomodó en la bicicleta número 42 -en la parte posterior-, justo al lado del equipo del Servicio Secreto en la entrada, por si necesitaba hacer una huida rápida.

No había un tema particular para esta clase de SoulCycle, aunque nos dicen que en un momento dado montaron al ritmo de "Escapade", de Janet Jackson, y Jill estaba notablemente en gran forma.

Incluso parece que hizo un amigo, tras chocar los puños con un niño que estaba montado delante de ella al final de la clase, pero no hay fotos de ellos, debido a la política de la cadena de no usar teléfonos en el estudio.

Jill asistió a la clase en medio de un ocupado fin de semana con eventos de recaudación con el Presidente Biden, probablemente con la esperanza de tener algo de tiempo para ella. Previamente, ha dicho que las clases de spin la ayudan a encontrar su "fuerza interior para ser fuerte para todos los demás."

No importa lo ocupada que esté, siempre hace un hueco para una sesión de spinning, ya sea en San Francisco, Londres o en D.C.

Paula Abdul Sues 'Idol' Exec Nigel Lythgoe for Sexual Assault

Paula Abdul claims one of the "American Idol" executive producers, Nigel Lythgoe, sexually assaulted her multiple times while she was judging 'Idol' and "So You Think You Can Dance" ... according to a new lawsuit she's filed.

Paula filed the lawsuit Friday in L.A. County ... and in the docs, obtained by TMZ, she alleges the first assault happened during "one of Idol's initial seasons" while they were on the road for regional auditions. Paula claims she and Lythgoe got into an elevator at their hotel, and once the doors closed he shoved her against the wall and grabbed her genitals and breasts ... and tried to tongue-kiss her.

In the suit, Paula says she tried to push him away, and then ran to her room once the elevator doors opened. Paula says she immediately called one of her reps to inform them about the alleged incident -- but fearing she'd be fired in retaliation, she decided to keep quiet.

She says the second alleged encounter happened after she signed a new contract in 2015 to be a judge on 'SYTYCD' -- which was also executive produced by Lythgoe. According to the docs, at some point during her 2 seasons on the show, Lythgoe invited Paula to his house to discuss work opportunities ... and she says she accepted because she thought it was a professional situation.

However, she claims the evening ended with Lythgoe forcing himself on top of her while she was on a couch ... and trying to kiss her. In the suit, she says he was telling her they would make an "excellent power couple." Paula says she pushed him off of her, said she was not interested and immediately left.

Paula alleges there was another instance during her 'SYTYCD' that happened in 2015 -- she claims she witnessed Lythgoe grope one of her assistants.

Aside from the disturbing allegations of assault, Paula also claims Lythgoe "taunted" her by calling her at some point to say they should celebrate because it had been "7 years and the statute of limitations had run."

More broadly, Paula alleges she was the victim of harassment and discrimination -- in terms of compensation -- during her time judging 'Idol.'

She is suing Lythgoe, 19 Entertainment and FremantleMedia North America for sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence and negligence.

Paula says she's coming forward now due to California's Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act ... which gives plaintiffs a window to file claims that would otherwise be barred by the statute of limitations.

We have reached out to Lythgoe for comment, but no word back yet.

Frankie Sullivan de Survivor La casa del guitarrista es saqueada $300k en relojes perdidos...

El guitarrista Frankie Sullivan, miembro fundador de la banda Survivor, sufrió un robo en su casa de Los Ángeles y la policía dice que los ladrones se llevaron unos relojes de lujo que cuestan una tonelada de dinero.

La policía le dice a TMZ que los ladrones entraron a principios de este mes a su casa de San Fernando Valley, ubicada en las colinas, a través de la ventana del guitarrista de "Eye of the Tiger". Se llevaron un montón de relojes avaluados en más de $300.000.

La policía cree que fue obra de un grupo de ladrones sudamericanos que vuelan al país para asaltar casas caras -varias de ellas pertenecientes a famosos- y que supuestamente utilizan caminos de herradura en las montañas para acceder a las propiedades de lujo.

Los oficiales están instando a colocar cámaras de vigilancia en las propiedades, a asegurarse de que la zona esté bien iluminada y a poner alarmas en las puertas correderas de cristal y en las ventanas del segundo piso. Dicen que así es como los ladrones están entrando a las casas.

Como informamos, la casa de Keanu Reeves también fue asaltada a principios de este mes, y fuentes policiales nos dicen que el arma robada de su propiedad era una pistola Glock.

También nos enteramos de que la casa del vecino de Leonardo DiCaprio, que vive en la misma zona que Keanu, también fue allanada esa misma noche con más de $100k en joyas arrebatadas. La policía cree que el robo está relacionado con el de Keanu.

Survivor's Frankie Sullivan Guitarist's Home Ransacked ... $300k in Watches Gone

Guitarist Frankie Sullivan -- a founding member of the band Survivor -- had his L.A. home burglarized ... and cops say the thieves made off with fancy watches worth a ton of dough.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... burglars smashed their way through the window at the "Eye of the Tiger" guitarist's San Fernando Valley home in the hills earlier this month, taking a bunch of timepieces, worth more than $300,000.

Cops think it was the work of a South American burglary crew that flies into the country to hit expensive homes -- several belonging to celebs -- and they allegedly use fire roads in the mountains to access the luxury properties.

Law enforcement is urging folks to put trail cams around their property, make sure the area is well-lit ... and put alarms on sliding glass doors and second-story windows. They say that's how the burglars are getting into the homes.

As we reported, Keanu Reeves' home was raided earlier this month, too ... and law enforcement sources now tell us the gun stolen from his property was a Glock pistol.

We also learned the home of Leonardo DiCaprio's neighbor -- who lives in the same area as Keanu -- was also broken into that same night, with more than $100k in jewelry getting snatched. Police think that the break-in is connected to Keanu's.

Madonna Boston Shows Not Postponed ... Despite Ticketmaster Claiming Otherwise

Madonna is NOT pushing pause on her big tour again, despite a huge ticket provider claiming she's postponing upcoming shows.

Here's the deal ... a message popping up on Ticketmaster is claiming Madonna's upcoming shows in Boston are postponed, and now her fans are freaking out.

However, a rep for Madonna tells TMZ ... the shows are not postponed or canceled and she'll be in Boston Jan. 8-9 for her two scheduled shows at TD Garden.

It's unclear why Ticketmaster is giving a pop-up notice that reads, "The Event Organizer has had to postpone your event." We reached out to Ticketmaster ... so far no word back.

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YouTube/Thomas Lambert

As we reported, Madonna announced "The Celebration Tour" back in January 2023 ... it covers her long discography -- spanning over 4 decades.

The 35-city megatour was set to begin in July, but had been postponed for several months in June after Madonna fell ill with a terrible bacterial infection ... something she later revealed put her in a coma for 2 days.

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Madonna's been touring since October ... and there have already been a few highlights... like when she gave Santa Claus a holiday lap dance at last week's show in D.C. -- and the man with the bag, aka Jerry Wise, took a rough tumble while on stage. Saint Nick let us know he's doing just fine after the spill.

Bottom line ... the Boston show postponement claim is just a false alarm.

Presunto asesino de Tupac Muy peligroso para ser liberado antes del juicio... Fiscales no quieren fianza

El estado de Nevada está tratando de evitar la solicitud de Duane "Keefe D" Davis de salir de la cárcel antes del juicio, pues insisten en que el presunto asesino de Tupac Shakur es demasiado peligroso.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, los abogados de Keefe D le pidieron a un juez la semana pasada que lo liberara de la custodia en su propio reconocimiento antes del juicio, que actualmente está programado para comenzar en junio, y si el tribunal no lo permite, están pidiendo en su lugar establecer una fianza no superior a los $100k.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales dicen que la solicitud de Keefe D es absurda y entregan varias razones de por qué no debería estar en libertad antes de su juicio. Por ejemplo, dicen que es un ex miembro de alto rango de la South Side Compton Crips y que ha confesado en varias ocasiones su participación en el asesinato de Tupac en los últimos años.

Los fiscales también afirman que Keefe le hizo amenazas creíbles a los testigos mientras estaba encerrado.

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Capturado durante un paseo

También aseguran que tienen montañas de pruebas, incluyendo las propias palabras de Keefe D, que apuntan a Keefe como la persona que orquestó el asesinato de Tupac en 1996, a pesar de que Keefe se ha distanciado de esas antiguas declaraciones.

El estado le está pidiendo a la corte que lo mantenga tras las rejas hasta la fecha del juicio en junio, y cree que hay razones más que suficientes para hacerlo.

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Breve audiencia

Como informamos, Keefe D se declaró no culpable el mes pasado por el cargo que enfrenta actualmente de asesinato. Esto, después de aparecer dos veces en la corte previamente, aparentemente sin que su abogado se presentara.

Tupac's Alleged Killer Too Dangerous to Free Pre-Trial ... Prosecutors Want No Bail

The state of Nevada is pushing back on Duane "Keefe D" Davis' request to be let out of jail ahead of the trial ... because they insist Tupac Shakur's alleged killer is just too dangerous.

For those unaware, Keefe D's lawyers asked a judge last week to release him from custody on his own recognizance before his trial, which is currently set to start in June ... and if the court wouldn't allow it, asking instead to set his bail no higher than $100k.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, prosecutors say Keefe D's request is absurd, and they provide several reasons why he shouldn't get to walk free until his trial. For instance, they claim he's a former high-ranking member of the South Side Compton Crips, and has confessed multiple times to involvement in the Tupac murder over the years.

Prosecutors also claim Keefe's made credible threats to witnesses while being locked up.

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They also continue to claim they have mountains of evidence -- including Keefe D's own words -- pointing to Keefe orchestrating Tupac's murder back in 1996 ... despite Keefe now distancing himself from those previous statements.

The state's asking the court to keep him behind bars until his trial date ... and believes there are more than enough reasons to do so.

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As we reported, Keefe D pled not guilty last month for the murder charge he's currently facing ... after appearing in court 2 times before with his attorney apparently being a no-show.

Denver Broncos Trade For Russell Wilson Is 'Worst Of All Time' ... Ex-NFL GM Says


No deal in the history of the NFL has been more awful than the one the Broncos made to get Russell Wilson ... at least, that's according to ex-NFL general manager Michael Lombardi, who tells TMZ Sports Denver's trade for the QB "is going to go down as the all-time worst."

The former Cleveland Browns decision-maker didn't mince words when discussing Wilson's benching with us this week ... explaining he believes the Broncos' 2022 swap with the Seahawks will now go down as a historic blunder.

"When you add the contract and the trade," Lombardi said, "it's the worst of all time."

The Broncos gave up a bevy of picks -- including a first-rounder and a second-rounder -- plus three other players in the move to acquire Russ before the '22 season. They then signed the 35-year-old to a massive $245 MILLION contract extension.

But, Russ played terribly in 2022 ... and wasn't all that much better in 2023 -- which forced Sean Payton to sideline him this week for Jarrett Stidham.

The head coach's decision likely signals the end of Wilson's Denver tenure -- and with it all but over, Lombardi's ready to dub it the most disastrous NFL deal ever.

Lombardi said prior to the Broncos' move, there had been other historically bad ones -- including the Vikings' infamous 1989 trade with the Cowboys for Herschel Walker -- but he said "none of those trades had contracts attached to them that impact the salary cap in future years."

"Russell will move from Denver," Lombardi said. "But his cap problems will remain for two more years."

There is at least good news for Wilson on the horizon, according to Lombardi ... the former NFL exec says the QB should have a market if/when the Broncos officially cut him.


"General Hospital" star Steve Burton has finalized his divorce ... TMZ has learned.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the judge signed off the settlement reached by Steve and his now-ex-wife, Sheree Gustin, on Wednesday ... agreeing to joint legal and physical custody of their two minor children, Jack and Brooklyn.

Steve's paying Sheree $12,500 per month for child support ... $10,000 for 9-year-old Brooklyn and $2,500 for 17-year-old Jack.

When Jack turns 18 at the end of March, Steve's child support obligations to him will go away ... but he’ll continue to fork over the $10K for Brooklyn until she turns 18.

Steve and Sheree also agreed to waive any and all rights to spousal support ... but he's going to pay her $50,000 in $ 2,500-per-month installments.

TMZ broke the story ... Steve filed for divorce in July 2022 after 23 years of marriage, only two months after he claimed Sheree was having a baby and he wasn't the father.

Now, they're officially moving on.