Imagine Dragons Ayuda a reconstruir la casa de un chico ucraniano Que aparece en uno de sus videos musicales

Bienvenido a casa Sashko

Imagine Dragons está ayudando a la familia de un chico ucraniano de 15 años a reconstruir su casa, después de que el lugar fuera destruido por la guerra aún en curso en su país.

Sashko es el adolescente de Ucrania que aparece en el video musical de la canción "Crushed". El video y la canción se convirtieron en un gran éxito en gran parte debido a la historia de Sashko, que lo perdió todo a manos de las fuerzas rusas.

El hogar del niño fue completamente destruido durante la primavera de 2022. Poco después, el director de fotografía de Imagine Dragons, Ty Arnold, conoció a Sashko durante un viaje a Ucrania, se sintió conmovido por su historia y quiso dar a conocer al mundo los horrores que estaba enfrentando.

El video musical provocó donaciones masivas a UNITED24, una plataforma lanzada por el Presidente Zelensky para recoger donaciones para los ucranianos, con la que Imagine Dragons se asoció.

UNITED24 utilizó los fondos para pagar toda la restauración de la casa de Sashko y nos dicen que Ty entregó las llaves de la casa la semana pasada a Sashko y su madre.

Hay mucho más por reconstruir en Ucrania, pero este es un buen comienzo.

Imagine Dragons Helps Ukrainian Boy From Music Video Rebuild Home ... Village Destroyed In War


Imagine Dragons is helping a 15-year-old Ukrainian boy's family get their home back together .... after the place was destroyed during the ongoing war in his country.

Sashko is the teenager from Ukraine who was featured in the music video for the band's song, "Crushed" ... the video and song became a huge hit in large part due to Sashko's story about losing everything at the hands of Russian forces.

The boy's home was completely obliterated in 2022. Shortly after the Imagine Dragons' Director of Photography Ty Arnold met Sashko during a trip to Ukraine and was moved by Sashko's story ... and wanted to let the world know about the horrors Sashko faced.

The music video sparked massive donations to UNITED24 -- a platform launched by President Zelensky to collect donations for Ukrainian's -- because Imagine Dragons teamed up with the organization.

Thanks to the Imagine Dragons video, UNITED24 found a private donor to rebuild Sashko's house.

UNITED24 used the funds to pay for the entire restoration of Sashko's house ... and we're told Ty handed over the keys to the rebuilt home last week to Sashko and his mother.

There's a lot more rebuilding needed in Ukraine, but this is a good start.

Big Hit I'm 🅱️angin' On These Beats ... Changing The Meaning For The Streets!!!

Bangin' As Long As I'm Breathin'

Big Hit is downplaying the notion he's actively gangbanging after his viral freestyle said quite the opposite ... but he still wants fans to tackle life with the same tough-nosed approach!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Hit-Boy's father outside L.A. Fitness in Hollywood on Wednesday where he elaborated on his recent bangfest on wax.

Remember ... BH recently went nutty over Mobb Deep's "Get Away" instrumental, rhyming "bang" with every other word -- and he tells us the term is simply a macho expression that no longer motivates beef between Crips or Bloods ... at least in his eyes.

Bang on your job, bang on the schoolbooks, bang bang like Pops from "Boomerang" ... whatever you choose, do it to standard is Big Hit's motto here.


BH wasted no time dropping his debut "The Truth Is In My Eyes" -- where he managed to snag a Snoop Dogg feature -- and some friendly advice on how to stay jail-free.

The OG was released from prison this summer after serving a 9-year bid for gun possession, but he's scoffing at the folks who are telling him he's too old for this behavior.

Sounds like Big Hit is going to rep his section at all costs and bang on TMZ while he's at it!!!

Travis Kelce Gifts Designer Jumpsuits To Chiefs Teammates ... Merry Christmas!!!

Move over, Santa Claus ... Travis Kelce was the real MVP of Christmas in Kanas City this year -- 'cause the tight end gifted a grip of custom-made velour jumpsuits to his Chiefs teammates for the December holiday!!

The K.C. star revealed his act of generosity on the latest episode of his "New Heights" podcast this week ... explaining he teamed up with Los Angeles-based designer Daniel Patrick to get some of his guys some one-of-a-kind drip.

"Everyone this winter can just enjoy a nice velour top and bottom," Kelce said of the presents, "just a hoodie and sweatpants. So good."

Patrick tells TMZ Sports getting all the gifts together was a bit stressful -- as Kelce hit him up for the job only just a couple weeks before Xmas.

"We literally had to move heaven and earth to get it done in time," Patrick said.

But, DP -- who launched his luxury sports brand in 2012 -- somehow got them all ready and delivered before the 25th ... and as you can see from Chiefs offensive lineman Donovan Smith's Instagram ... the guys were clearly diggin' how they came out.

We're told Kelce got 38 custom pieces in total from Patrick -- who has worked with other A-list celebrities including Usher, Beyoncé, and Justin Bieber -- and the Chiefs players either received a black or grey oversized hoodie with parachute sweatpants.


Of course, Kelce wasn't the only Chief who hooked up his team for Xmas ... Patrick Mahomes also gifted some of the guys custom golf carts featuring their names and jersey numbers.

Not too shabby of a Christmas haul for K.C. at all!

Kodak Black le pide a Hamás que libere a los rehenes israelíes

Kodak Black está apoyando a Israel como solo él puede, con algunas joyas nuevas y un video incoherente.

TMZ obtuvo un video que hizo Kodak antes de su más reciente viaje tras las rejas. En el video le pide a Hamás que libere a los rehenes israelíes en Gaza y prometiéndole apoyo a sus "homies hebreos" mientras la guerra hace estragos en el Oriente Medio.

se me va a salir el corazón

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kodak grabó el video en su casa de Florida, sentándose delante de la cámara en algún momento entre su arresto por drogas en diciembre y su posterior regreso a la cárcel federal.

Kodak está mostrando nuevo bling en el video, un anillo personalizado con el símbolo del pueblo judío, la estrella de David.

Nos informan que la nueva joya del rapero cuenta con 7.8 quilates de diamantes VVS1 y 14 quilates de oro blanco, además es de diseñador y viene con una etiqueta de precio de $20.000.

Kodak es básicamente el anti-Kanye West en esta situación, dándole su apoyo a Israel y el pueblo judío en la guerra contra los terroristas de Hamás.

En el otro extremo del espectro, Kanye va en repugnantes diatribas antisemitas y disculparse con una declaración que parece estar escrito por la inteligencia artificial.

Kodak Black Check Out My Star of David Bling ... Release Israeli Hostages!!!

Kodak Black is supporting Israel as only he can ... with some new jewelry and a rambling video message.

TMZ obtained a video Kodak filmed before his most recent trip behind bars, and he's calling for Hamas to release Israeli hostages in Gaza and pledging his support for his "Hebrew homies" as war rages in the Middle East.

"My Heart Goes Out"

Our sources say Kodak shot the video at his home in Florida, sitting down in front of the camera sometime between his December drug bust and subsequent return to federal lockup.

Kodak's showing off some new bling in the video ... a custom ring with the symbol of the Jewish people ... the Star of David.

We're told KB's new bling features 7.8 carats of VVS1 clarity diamonds and 14-karat white gold ... it was purchased from NYC Luxury and it comes with a $20,000 price tag.

Kodak's basically the anti-Kanye West here ... supporting Israel and the Jewish people in the war against Hamas terrorists.

On the other end of the spectrum, Kanye's going on disgusting antisemitic rants ... and apologizing with a statement that seems to be written by artificial intelligence.

Cher Files For Conservatorship Over Son Elijah He's Not Competent to Manage His finances

Cher doesn't seem to trust her son Elijah to make sound financial decisions right now ... so the singer-songwriter has filed for a conservatorship to control access to his money.

In documents filed Wednesday, Cher claims her 47-year-old son is "substantially unable to manage his own financial resources due to severe mental health and substance abuse issues."

The documents state Elijah is entitled to regular payouts from a trust set up by his late father, legendary musician Gregg Allman, but Cher is concerned the money will immediately go toward drugs rather than basic living necessities.

The 77-year-old singer argues that she, as Elijah's mother, is in the best position to serve as conservator and also notes two of Elijah's siblings have nominated her to fill the role.

She also takes a dig at Elijah's estranged wife, Marieangela King, who she says is undermining Elijah's attempts at getting the mental health and substance abuse help he needs.

As we previously reported ... Marieangela accused Cher of kidnapping Elijah to force him into rehab last year, a claim Cher has unequivocally denied.

The court set a hearing date for March 6, 2024, to determine whether Cher will become conservator of his estate.

Cher Solicita la tutela de su hijo Elijah No es competente para administrar sus finanzas

Cher no parece confiar en la capacidad de su hijo Elijah para tomar decisiones financieras en este momento, por lo que la cantante y compositora ha decidido solicitar una tutela para controlar el acceso a su dinero.

En los documentos presentados el miércoles, Cher afirma que su hijo de 47 años es "sustancialmente incapaz de administrar sus propios recursos financieros debido a graves problemas de salud mental y abuso de sustancias".

Los documentos afirman que Elijah tiene derecho a pagos regulares de un fideicomiso creado por su difunto padre, el legendario músico Gregg Allman, pero Cher teme que el dinero se destine a las drogas en lugar de a las necesidades básicas de la vida.

La cantante de 77 años argumenta que ella, como madre de Elijah, está en una mejor posición para servir como conservadora. También señala que dos de los hermanos de Elijah la han nominado para desempeñar ese papel.

También se burla de la esposa de Elijah, Marieangela King, de quien dice que está socavando los intentos de Elijah para obtener la ayuda que necesita para abordar sus problemas de salud mental y abuso de sustancias.

Como informamos anteriormente, Marieangela acusó a Cher de secuestrar a Elijah para obligarlo a rehabilitarse el año pasado, una afirmación que Cher ha negado inequívocamente.

El tribunal fijó una fecha de audiencia para el 6 de marzo de 2024, para determinar si Cher se convertirá en curador de su patrimonio.

Russell Wilson Benched In Denver

Russell Wilson has been sidelined in Denver ... the Broncos are benching the future Hall of Famer.

Head coach Sean Payton made the decision this week, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter, informing his team Wednesday that backup Jarrett Stidham will now be the starting signal-caller going forward.

Wilson has been largely a disappointment since Denver traded a bevy of picks and players for him prior to the 2022 season ... but, per Schefter, the move also has a lot to do with the 35-year-old's contract.

Schefter reported Wednesday that leaving Wilson on the bench will ensure he won't get injured -- and therefore $37 million of his contract will not become guaranteed in 2024.

The former Super Bowl champ had arrived in Colorado with huge expectations, but he was one of the worst QBs in the NFL in '22 -- throwing just 16 TD passes to 11 interceptions.

His 2023 campaign, however, had seen far more ups -- he's thrown for 26 TDs and just 8 INTs this season -- but the Broncos are still just 7-8 ... and have lost three of their last four.

Complicating matters further for Wilson, Payton was seen screaming at him on the sidelines during Denver's blowout loss to Detroit earlier this month.

Stidham, meanwhile, has played sparingly in his four-year NFL career ... logging just two starts. He'll get a chance to show what he can do next when Denver plays on Sunday against the Chargers.

La verdadera lista de Schindler vuelve a estar a la venta tras una rebaja de precio

La única copia de la Lista de Schindler está volviendo al mercado de nuevo después de un recorte de precios.

La reliquia histórica está actualmente a la venta por $1.8 millones a través de la compañía de recuerdos Momentos en el Tiempo a través de un coleccionista que obtuvo la lista de la familia de Itzhak Stern contador de Schindler y mano derecha.

Con los años, la lista ha estado a la venta un par de veces ... con su precio de venta siempre por encima de $ 2M - el más alto es de $ 2.5M ... aunque nunca ha tenido ningún comprador.

El coleccionista espera que el precio rebajado sea más asequible ... con el sitio entusiasmado por la oportunidad de "adquirir un artículo de magnitud verdaderamente increíble".

Esta lista, fechada el 18 de abril de 1945, es la penúltima de un total de 7 ... con 14 páginas y 801 nombres.

También es una de las cuatro únicas listas que existen, una de las cuales se encuentra en el Museo del Holocausto de Washington D.C. y las otras dos en el Centro para la Memoria del Holocausto Yad Vashem, en Jerusalén.

La venta de este artículo es especialmente relevante hoy en día ... dado el rápido surgimiento del antisemitismo en medio del conflicto Israel-Palestina.

Los documentos fueron utilizados por el industrial alemán Oskar Schindler, que salvó la vida de más de 1.200 judíos durante el Holocausto empleándolos en sus fábricas de esmaltes y municiones.

Schindler fue el protagonista de la aclamada película de Steven Spielberg "La lista de Schindler" (1993), que recibió siete Oscars por la interpretación de Liam Neeson y Sir Ben Kingsley.


The only copy of Schindler's List ever for sale is hitting the market again ... following a price cut.

The rare historical relic is currently on sale for $1.8 million through memorabilia company Moments in Time ... via a collector who obtained the list from the family of Itzhak Stern -- Schindler's accountant and right-hand man.

Over the years, the list has been up for sale a few times ... with its asking price always over $2M -- the highest being $2.5M ... though it's never had any takers.

The collector hopes the lowered price is more affordable ... with the site gushing over the opportunity to "acquire an item of truly incredible magnitude."

This list, dated April 18, 1945, is the penultimate list of a total of 7 ... coming in at 14 pages long and listing 801 names.

It's also one of the only 4 lists in existence -- one is homed at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C ... the other two are in Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Center Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem.

The sale of this item is especially relevant today ... given the rapidly emerging antisemitism amid the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The docs were used by German industrialist Oskar Schindler ... who saved more than 1,200 Jews' lives during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunition factories.

He was the subject of Steven Spielberg's critically acclaimed 1993 film "Schindler's List" ... with the Liam Neeson/Sir Ben Kingsley-starring movie bagging 7 Oscars.

'The Sandlot' Cast Reunites For Charity Event ... Play Ball!!!

Talk about heartwarming for the holidays ... the former child stars of "The Sandlot" reunited in Florida to play a little ball, and raise money for charity while they were at it.

Fans of the film got to hang out with 'Sandlot' stars Marty York, Tom Guiry, Victor DiMattia, Shane Obedzinski and Grant Gelt for 2 days in New Smyrna Beach ... with movie screenings, meet and greets and a celebrity softball game to cap it all off.

Back To The Ballpark
Tiffany Evers

The featured 'Sandlot' characters include Scotty Smalls, Alan 'Yeah-Yeah' McClennan, Bertram Grover Weeks, plus Tommy 'Repeat' Timmons and his twin brother Timmy. Pretty good squad, right?!?

The 2-day charity event followed the 30th anniversary of the iconic movie's release ... and proceeds benefitted Table 2 Committee, a nonprofit that raises money for local youth sports programs.

'Sandlot' writer, director and narrator David Mickey Evans organized the whole shebang ... and it looks like there was quite a turnout.

Heroes get remembered, but legends never die!!!

El reparto de "The Sandlot" se reúne para un partido benéfico de softball

Las ex estrellas infantiles de "The Sandlot" se reunieron en Florida para jugar un poco de pelota y recaudar dinero para la caridad.

Los fans de la película pudieron pasar el rato con las estrellas de "Sandlot" Marty York, Tom Guiry, Victor DiMattia, Shane Obedzinski y Grant Gelt durante dos días en New Smyrna Beach, con proyecciones de películas, encuentros, saludos y un partido de softball de celebridades para rematar.

de vuelta al juego
Tiffany Evers

Entre los personajes de "Sandlot" figuran Scotty Smalls, Alan "Yeah Yeah" McClennan, Bertram Grover Weeks, Tommy "Repeat" Timmons y su hermano gemelo Timmy. Un buen equipo, ¿verdad?

El evento de caridad de dos días siguió el aniversario número 30 del estreno de la película y los ingresos beneficiaron a Table 2 Committee, una organización sin fines de lucro que recauda dinero para programas deportivos juveniles locales.

"Sandlot" escritor, director y narrador David Mickey Evans organizó todo el tinglado y parece que había un buen número de asistentes.

A los héroes se les recuerda, ¡pero las leyendas nunca mueren!

'Jeopardy!' Champ Austin Rogers Ken Earned Sole Daily Host Duty ... Mayim Should Do Specials


One of the biggest "Jeopardy!" champs of all time says the show is in good hands with Ken Jennings ... but he doesn't want Mayim Bialik to vanish completely.

We got Austin Rogers -- who went on a major hot streak in 2017 -- at Gaf East, a bar he just bought in New York City, and we asked him about Mayim announcing her exit as one of the "Jeopardy!" hosts.

Austin says the show will be just fine with Ken taking on an even larger role. Ken's become synonymous with "Jeopardy!" and AR feels he's a big enough name now to soften the blow of Mayim's departure.

Ken Is The Man For The Job

Another "Jeopardy!" champ, Amy Schneider agrees ... telling us Ken is the right choice for the everyday hosting gig, in part because he's a big hit with the contestants.

While Mayim says Sony brass told her she won't be hosting the syndicated daily show, the studio is leaving the door open for her to host special episodes ... like "Celebrity Jeopardy" and other primetime tournaments -- and Austin explains why she's a good fit there.

TMZ broke the story ... Mayim's absence during the writers' strike made Sony execs realize they didn't need 2 hosts, and ultimately her loss was Ken's gain.

Austin says Mayim was still right to stand in solidarity with the writers, and he hopes she remains involved ... even if it's not on a daily basis.

Ken's not on Alex Trebek's level yet -- but Austin says he's doing a good job filling those massive shoes.

Rudy Giuliani Prays To God At Christmas Mass ... After Judge's Order To Pay $146 Million

Rudy Giuliani might be praying to God to help him pay the $146 million debt he owes to two former Georgia election workers he defamed -- and we got the pictures to prove it!!

The former NYC mayor was photographed attending the Christmas midnight mass with other worshippers at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan. Rudy, accompanied by a brunette woman, sat down in one of the pews to listen to the priest's sermon -- and possibly ask the Lord for a large infusion of cash!!!

Strangely, Rudy was wearing a big grin on his face when he has very little to smile about lately. Case in point: Rudy just lost a massive legal battle in a Georgia civil court where a judge recently ordered him to pay the whopping sum of money to the two ex-election workers, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss.

In their defamation suit, Freeman and Moss claimed Rudy had spread lies about them as he tried to overturn the 2020 Presidential election on behalf of Donald Trump, working as 45's personal attorney.

The women have filed a second defamation suit against Rudy for similar statements he made after the judge's first ruling.

As for Rudy, he has reportedly filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to seek protection from creditors given the massive sum of money he owes them.

But Rudy seemed to have a few bucks still stashed away in his bank account. On Thursday, TMZ obtained photos of Rudy pulling out cash from an ATM inside a Citi Bank.

Jesus, what a mess!!


Kim Zolciak showered her kids with gifts for Christmas despite her financial hardships.

Sources close to Kim tell TMZ ... she pulled together the dough she's made selling personal items online over the last few months ... ensuring the 4 kids she shares with Kroy Biermann didn't go without Xmas presents this year.

We're told the estranged couple's brood will always be their priority ... and despite the heightened drama between them, they chose not to travel for the holidays and instead were at home for the holiday at their Georgia mansion.

We don't know exactly what gifts she bought, but it must've been a pretty decent haul ... cause K&K have been making some serious $$$ selling designer goods online.

Earlier this month, Kim gave the boot to Kroy's shoe collection, selling them alongside her footwear and handbags ... tempting potential buyers with big names from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Valentino & more.

Of course, they decided to sell, sell, sell due to their mounting lawsuits over unpaid credit card bills.

They've also put their Georgia mansion on sale ... though they recently slashed the $6 mil price by $500K out of desperation.

Meanwhile, they've been squabbling like cats and dogs for months -- with one of their kids calling the cops on them following an explosive argument at their mansion in Nov. -- though it's heartwarming to know the kiddos ended the year with some festive cheer.