Kim Zolciak tuvo regalos de Navidad para sus hijos en medio de problemas financieros

Kim Zolciak no se quedó atrás bajo el árbol de Navidad, ya que llenó a sus hijos y a los de Kroy Biermann de regalos a pesar de sus dificultades financieras.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja distanciada le dicen TMZ que ella reunió el dinero gracias a la venta de artículos personales en línea los últimos meses, asegurando que los cuatro niños que comparten juntos no se quedaron sin regalos de Navidad de este año.

No dice que sus hijos siempre serán su prioridad y a pesar del drama creciente entre ellos, optó por no viajar para las fiestas y en su lugar de eso celebraron el gran día juntos en su mansión de Georgia.

No sabemos exactamente cuáles fueron los regalos que compró, pero debe haber sido un botín bastante decente porque ha podido hacer buen dinero vendiendo artículos de diseño en línea.

A principios de este mes, Kim se deshizo de la colección de zapatos de Kroy, vendiéndolos junto a algunos bolsos, tentando a los compradores potenciales con grandes nombres de Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Valentino y más.

Por supuesto, decidió vender, vender, vender debido a sus crecientes demandas por impagos de tarjetas de crédito.

También han puesto su mansión de Georgia a la venta a pesar de que recientemente redujo su precio de $6 millones por $500K de la desesperación.

Mientras tanto, han estado discutiendo como perros y gatos durante meses -con uno de sus hijos llamando a la policía después de una discusión explosiva en su mansión en noviembre- aunque es reconfortante saber que los niños terminarán el año con un poco de alegría festiva.


Big Ang's famous Staten Island mural is no more, but the late "Mob Wives" star's sister is vowing to find a new place for a piece of art to honor Ang.

Janine Detore tells TMZ ... her landlord covered the larger-than-life tribute to Ang that had been on the side of her store -- Country Mouse Boutique -- following a dispute over some unpaid bills.

Janine says the turmoil started in September when she underwent tests for some health issues ... and doctors ended up telling her she has severe allergies to mold.

She says the docs suggested checking her store for mold to see if anything in the building was making her sick ... so, earlier this month, she paid someone to do just that.

Janine says she gave her landlord a heads up and got a text back, saying, "Just to let you know, this is coming down" -- referring to the mural.

We're told tensions escalated ... especially 'cause Janine admits she owes $27,000 in back rent. She's convinced the mural cover-up, which Janine says left her granddaughter in tears, was retaliation.

Janine tells us she's committed to finding a new location for the mural ... remaining adamant the city deserves another one, 'cause Ang did a lot for Staten Island.

We spoke to the landlord, who told TMZ a different story ... saying he tried to fix a broken boiler at the store last month, but she wouldn't let his contractors inside. He says when he told Janine she could fix it, and he'd reimburse her, she refused.

The landlord claims she's taking advantage of him and not paying her rent -- adding he thinks she's using the mural cover-up as a publicity stunt.

As for why he painted over it ... the landlord says it's nothing personal, it's just because he's selling the building.

Tyron Woodley Offered St-Pierre Millions To Fight ... But He Said No


Tyron Woodley has been open about wanting to fight Georges St-Pierre for years, going back to their UFC days ... and even though the guys are no longer with Dana White's organization, T-Wood still wants smoke with GSP!

In fact, TMZ Sports was talking to 41-year-old Woodley this week when he revealed that he has not only launched his own fight promotion (more on that coming), but he offered St-Pierre a crapload of money to scrap.

"Like Georges St-Pierre, I offered him a dumb bag, he said 'No. I'm not in that world anymore,'" Woodley revealed.

Tyron added ... "When I say dumb, I'm talking pushing the eight figures, a lot of money."

Eight figures indicates $10,000,000 ... a lot of money by any standard.

GSP last fought in 2017 ... when he returned after a four-year layoff to fight Michael Bisping. He won by submission (rear-naked choke) in the third round.

As for the promotion ... Tyron says it's not just about fighting.

"It's called The Realest International Promotion, TRIP. We're promoting all things art, we're not just doing mixed martial arts," Tyron explained, adding, "We're doing music, concerts, festivals, cryptocurrency, e-sporting events, boxing, and then we just doing a lot of crossovers."

There's a bunch more with Tyron ... including the former longtime welterweight champ's revelation that he, not John Gotti III, was originally scheduled to fight Floyd Mayweather in an exhibition boxing match earlier this year.

Check out the clip!

BROOKLYNN PRINCE Grinnin' & Bearin' It for $65K!!! Teen's 'Cocaine Bear' Haul

Teen star Brooklynn Prince is climbing her way up the Hollywood ranks ... 'cause we've learned she cashed in for her recent role in "Cocaine Bear" with an eye-watering payday.

According to her minors contract, obtained by TMZ, the 13-year-old hauled in $65k, as a base salary, for her role as Dee Dee in the "loosely based on a true story" film -- which is all about a black bear wreaking havoc after it stumbles upon a smuggler's coke stash in the Chattahoochee National Forest.

And that's not all, as the contract states Brooklynn could've bagged additional box office bonuses totaling $500k more if the movie scored big at the worldwide box office.

Unfortunately, it only made a worldwide total of $89.7M following its release on Feb 24, 2023 ... so it doesn't look like any of the box office bonuses -- which only kick in once the movie hits $160 million worldwide -- were triggered.

Brooklynn starred in the goofy horror-comedy "Cocaine Bear" -- directed by Elizabeth Banks -- alongside Keri Russell, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Alden Ehrenreich and the late Ray Liotta.

She got the gig after winning critical acclaim in some impressive roles -- mainly 2017's drama "The Florida Project."

So, just bear with Brooklynn ... as it's only a matter of time before she takes over Hollywood.

Paseo por la naturaleza en Nochebuena con la familia de Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sanchez

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez aterrizaron en Miami justo a tiempo para la Navidad, pero su "País de las Maravillas Invernal" parece un día normal de verano... basta con echarle un vistazo a sus atuendos.

La pareja fue a dar un paseo con los miembros de su familia el domingo en un parque cerca de su propiedad en Indian Creek Island, que ahora es la base de Bezos después de dejar atrás Seattle a principios de este año. Parece que están disfrutando bastante ya que se les vio muy felices.

tomando aire fresco

Además, estaban vestidos como si fuera junio en lugar de diciembre, suponemos que tiene que ver con el clima en Florida, ya que es bastante caliente durante todo el año por lo que puede salirse con la suya con esto.

Lauren llevaba un top que dejaba al descubierto sus tonificados brazos y hombros, mientras que Jeff mostraba sus piernas en pantalones cortos. Por supuesto, también llevaban gafas de sol, de hecho, toda la familia las llevaba. Es notable la vibra que desprenden como unidad.

Recordemos que Jeff y Lauren estuvieron en el Caribe la semana pasada disfrutando de una escapada de vacaciones juntos, pero parece que querían estar de vuelta en los Estados Unidos para la víspera de Navidad.

Han sido unas semanas salvajes para ellos, donde han estado navegando en alta mar y celebrando cumpleaños con amigos estilosos y dinero de sobra. Sin embargo, ahora podemos verlos en un ambiente más discreto.

Ciertamente, se ven con los pies en la tierra y felices, mentalizados en su matrimonio por venir. Debe ser agradable ser estos dos en el nuevo año ya que tienen todo un mundo por conquistar.

Felices excursiones.

Bezos & Sanchez Nature-Filled Xmas Eve Stroll ... Back in Town After Vacay

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez touched down in Miami just in time for Christmas -- but their "Winter Wonderland" looks like a regular summer day ... just peep their walking attire.

The couple went for a stroll with their family members Sunday at a park near their Indian Creek Island property -- which is now Bezos' home base after leaving Seattle behind earlier this year. Looks like they're enjoying it out there ... 'cause they had some pep to their step.


Plus, they were dressed like it was June rather than December ... which we suppose comes with the territory in Florida -- it's pretty warm all year round, so they can get away with this.

Lauren was rocking a top that exposed her toned arms and shoulders ... whereas JB was showing off his legs in shorts. Of course, they were sporting shades too ... the whole fam was in fact. Talk about a power family -- that's the kind of vibe they give off as a unit.

Remember, Jeff and Lauren were just in the Caribbean last week enjoying a little holiday getaway together ... but it seems they wanted to be back stateside for Xmas Eve/Xmas.

It caps off a wild past few weeks for them, where they've been sailing the open seas and ringing in birthdays with friends in style ... with flash and cash to spare. Seeing them in a more low-key environment here seems to be them finally coming down off a year-long high.

They certainly look grounded and in lockstep unison ... telegraphing their marriage to come. It must be nice to be these two going into the new year -- they got a whole world to conquer.

Happy (hiking) trails, y'all.

El obispo se emociona al hablar de sus presuntos vínculos con Diddy

Un predicador de Texas dio un emotivo sermón abordando escandalosos rumores de TikTok relacionados con Diddy durante su servicio de Navidad del sábado.

T.D. Jakes, que ha sido tendencia esta semana luego de  que corrieran los rumores de una asociación con el asediado productor musical Diddy.

El predicador de 66 años comenzó diciendo que algunas personas entraron únicamente para escuchar lo que tenía que decir sobre los rumores y rápidamente dejó claro que no lo haría.

"Todos ustedes que están esperando que diga mentiras... olvídenlo", dijo Jakes con voz desafiante.

Y continuó: "No voy a utilizar este día sagrado y este púlpito sagrado para hablar de una mentira cuando tengo la oportunidad de predicar una verdad. Me mantendré erguido, con la cabeza erguida, la espalda recta y predicaré la palabra infalible y no adulterada de Dios".

Esta semana, el nombre de Jakes se ha visto envuelto en una maraña de rumores en Internet, con usuarios de las redes sociales afirmando que el predicador asistía a fiestas sexuales organizadas por Diddy y cuestionando su sexualidad.

Él ya había negado la afirmación a través de un representante de relaciones públicas, que calificó los rumores de "inequívocamente falsos y sin fundamento".

Por supuesto, una asociación con Diddy no siempre fue tabú, pero a raíz de múltiples demandas por agresión sexual, incluyendo una que resolvió con su ex, Cassie, las relaciones con él han atraído el escrutinio.

Sin embargo, todo parece como de costumbre para Jakes... predicando su verdad el día de Navidad.

Bishop T.D. Jakes Emotional Response to Diddy Connection ... Lies, Lies, Lies!!!

A Texas preacher gave an emotional sermon ... addressing scandalous Diddy-related TikTok rumors about himself during his Christmas service Saturday.

T.D. Jakes, who has been trending this week after rumors of an association with embattled music producer Diddy took hold online, denounced the rumors.

The 66-year-old preacher began by saying some people came in solely to hear what he had to say about the buzz ... and quickly made it clear he wouldn't.

"All of you who expect me to address a lie, you can log off," Jakes said in a defiant voice.

He continued, "I will not use this sacred day and this sacred pulpit to address a lie when I have chance to preach a truth. I will stand straight up, head up, back straight and preach the unadulterated, infallible word of God."

Jakes' name has swirled on the internet rumor mill this week with social media users claiming the preacher attended sex parties hosted by Diddy and questioning his sexuality.

He'd already denied the claim through a PR rep, who called the rumors "unequivocally false and baseless."

Of course, an association with Diddy wasn't always taboo, but in the wake of multiple sexual assault lawsuits, including one he settled with ex Cassie, relationships with him have drawn scrutiny.

It all seems like business as usual for T.D. though ... preaching his truth for Christmas Day.

Entourage star Kevin Connolly's L.A. Home Hit By XMAS Eve Burglar

Kevin Connolly had a visitor on XMAS Eve, and it wasn't Santa ... the "Entourage" star’s L.A.-area home was burglarized just before midnight ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a burglar forced open a backdoor and entered Kevin's home. The actor was not there. The thief stole an antique gun and some other minor items before beating it.

Kevin was notified of the break-in and met the cops at his home, where they took a report.

Cops reviewed surveillance footage from the area and determined the suspect appeared to be a homeless man and not a member of the burglary rings that have been targeting high-dollar homes around L.A. in recent months.

TMZ broke the story ... thieves smashed a window at Keanu Reeves' home this month and stole his Glock.

A dollar amount will be determined after Kevin goes through the home to see what else if anything is missing. There have been no arrests and LAPD is investigating.

Beyoncé Childhood Home Goes Up in Flames on XMAS Day

Beyoncé's childhood home went up in flames on Christmas Day.


Officials say at around 2 AM, they responded to reports of a fire at the home, located in the city's Third Ward.

The two-story house was in flames, but first responders put out the fire in roughly 10 minutes.

Thankfully the family -- a couple with two young kids -- were able to evacuate the house. No one was injured.

As we previously reported ... Beyoncé's family bought the house way back in 1981 for $64k, but they moved out just a few years later, before Solange was born in 1986.

The house went up for sale in 2019. It has three bedrooms, three bathrooms, with a spiral staircase leading to a third-floor office space.

A buyer bought the 8,640-square-foot-lot lot next to the home in 2022 for $310,000.

Mariah Carey All I want for XMAS is to Break Spotify Record ... And I Did!!!

Mariah Carey broke the all-time record for most Spotify streams in a single day on Christmas Eve!!!

"All I Want For Christmas Is You" was streamed 23,701,697 times. Mariah shattered the record, which she set on Christmas Eve last year when the song was streamed 21,273,357 times.

It's nothing new to Mariah. She breaks this record every year. We previously reported that she set a new mark way back in 2020 when the song was streamed just over 17.2 million times on Christmas Eve that year, and then she broke that record the following year.

Mariah's been in a "Queen of Christmas" battle with Brenda Lee this year, and for the first time since Mariah's reign began, Brenda snagged the number 1 spot on Billboard's Hot 100 for one week during the lead-up to XMAS.

She was a good sport about it, sending Brenda some flowers and a congratulatory note.

Mariah recaptured the top spot the following week.

YouTube / Acairoe Fourth

Congrats, Mariah ... and Merry XMAS!!!

Shohei Ohtani Gifts Wife of Dodgers Teammate a Porsche!!! Thanks for Getting Me On Board

Shohei Ohtani is not only rich, he's strategically brilliant, because he figured out an instant way of ingratiating himself with his new teammates, and it involves a Porsche!

The Dodgers star gifted an awesome Porsche to the wife of teammate Joe Kelly. Why, you ask? Turns out she mounted a full-on campaign to get Ohtani to sign with her hubby's team.


Check out the video ... Ashley Kelly is stunned as she peers out her front door and Joe tells her the car parked on the curb next to their house ... well, the car is now hers!!!

Ashley was on a relentless campaign to snag Ohtani, telling her Insta followers she changed the name of her 7-month-old child from Kai to ShoKai. Not true, but funny -- and effective. She did a ton more, including offering up her husband's number as an incentive. An offer Ohtani took her up on!

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In turn, Shohei showed his appreciation for the number swap with the brand-new whip.

Shohei can certainly afford it ... he signed a 10-year contract worth $700 million earlier this month, although he's deferring almost all of it for years. It's the biggest contract in the history of sports.

Merry Xmas, Ashley!

Estrella de los Dodgers le regala un Porsche... ¡a la mujer de su compañero por Navidad!

Shohei Ohtani no solo es rico, sino estratégicamente brillante, porque ha encontrado una forma instantánea de congraciarse con sus nuevos compañeros de equipo, ¡y se trata de un Porsche!

La estrella de los Dodgers le regaló un impresionante Porsche a la esposa de su compañero de equipo Joe Kelly. ¿Por qué? Resulta que ella montó una campaña para conseguir que Ohtani firmara con el equipo de su marido.


Mira el video, Ashley Kelly quedó atónita cuando se asomó a la puerta de su casa y Joe le dice que el carro estacionado en la acera junto a su casa es suyo.

Ashley estuvo involucrada en una campaña implacable para enganchar Ohtani, diciendole a sus seguidores Insta que cambió el nombre de su hijo de siete meses de Kai a ShoKai. No es cierto, pero es divertido y efectivo. Hizo mucho más, incluso ofreció el número de su marido como incentivo. Una oferta que Ohtani aceptó.

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A su vez, Shohei mostró su agradecimiento por el intercambio de números con el flamante látigo.

Shohei ciertamente puede permitírselo... firmó un contrato de 10 años por valor de 700 millones de dólares a principios de este mes, aunque está aplazando casi todo durante años. Es el mayor contrato en la historia del deporte.

¡Feliz Navidad Ashley!

Derek Carr Hey, Saints WRs ... You Get A Rolex, You Get A Chain!!!

Move over Santa Claus, it's all about Santa Carr -- 'cause New Orleans Saints quarterback Derek Carr showed his receivers some major love for the holidays ... by gifting them Rolex watches and diamond chains!!

TMZ Sports has learned ... the four-time Pro Bowler wanted to do something super special for his wideouts this season as a sign of appreciation, so he hit up Al the Jeweler of Labelle Jewelry in Totowa, NJ to make some custom pieces.


We're told Chris Olave and Rashid Shaheed received the iced-out time pieces ... and others in the crew received chains.

Carr didn't forget about his guy Michael Thomas ... we're told he'll have a present, too -- as soon as the two get in touch.

Carr is a loyal customer of Al's -- as we previously reported, the quarterback also went to him to make custom number pendants for Maxx Crosby and Davante Adams before he left the Raiders earlier this year.

The whole Carr clan also has new jewelry -- each family member has a custom iced-out part of a puzzle that comes together to be one whole piece!! How cool is that??

Amber Heard Solo 11 líneas y 20 minutos de pantalla ... En 'Aquaman 2'

Amber Heard fue, en efecto, marginada de la nueva película de 'Aquaman', tal como un ex jefe de Warner Bros confirmó bajo juramento el año pasado, y la verdad es que ella es apenas un personaje secundario.

"Aquaman y el Reino Perdido", la secuela del éxito de superhéroes de 2018 protagonizada por Jason Momoa, acaba de estrenarse en los cines este fin de semana y hay muy malas noticias en términos de taquilla y de críticas, pero quizás lo más interesante es el tiempo en pantalla de Heard.

Según Business Insider, Amber Heard solo aparece en cámara durante unos 20 minutos más o menos y aunque su personaje habla, apenas dice unas míseras 11 líneas, al parecer.

Business Insider dice que Amber aparece en algunas secuencias de acción al principio y al final, pero está mayormente alejada de la historia principal, a pesar de que su bebé junto a Jason Momoa, es un punto central de la trama. Algunas de las líneas que al parecer dice son también bastante risibles.

He aquí algunos de sus diálogos: "No ha habido brotes como este en años. ¿Por qué ahora?", "Asaltaron la bóveda de almacenamiento, no podemos dejar que se escapen", "¿Dónde está Jr.?", "¡No!", "Siento algo en el agua" y "Gracias." Hay otras líneas, pero también son mínimas.

En lugar de que Amber sea la protagonista, Momoa y Patrick Wilson acaban formando equipo y protagonizando la mayor parte del filme. Yahya Abdul-Mateen y Nicole Kidman también están en la mezcla.

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Ningún drama con Johnny en DC

No es de extrañar que el papel de Amber haya sido reducido, esto se remonta a 2022, cuando estaba en juicio después de que Johnny Depp la demandara. Walter Hamada, el ex jefe de Warner Bros, fue interrogado en una declaración y explicó que el estudio decidió marginarla por la falta de química percibida entre ella y Momoa, y porque querían una historia diferente.

Por supuesto, el equipo de Amber sospechaba que esto se debía a todo lo que estaba pasando con Depp en ese momento, pero el estudio lo negó. En cualquier caso, ella es una ocurrencia tardía en la película.

Una vez que Johnny Depp ganó el juicio, muchos se comprometieron a boicotear la película si ella no se retiraba de ella, pero a estas alturas, era difícil saber si el factor de Amber realmente jugó un rol en los números de taquilla a la fecha, que no son tan grandes, a pesar de ser la película número 1 en este momento.

"Aquaman 2" va camino a recaudar unos 40 millones de dólares hasta el lunes, una cifra pésima para los estándares de las películas de superhéroes. Dicho esto, liderará el fin de semana festivo, así que, ¿felicidades?

Por cierto, ni rastro de Amber en la rueda de prensa de la película, que fue de lo más discreta y ni siquiera tuvo un estreno oficial. WB/DC está listo para pasar la página.

Amber Heard 11 Lines & Only 20 Min. of Screen Time ... In 'Aquaman 2'

Amber Heard was indeed sidelined in the new 'Aquaman' movie -- just as an ex-WB honcho confirmed under oath last year -- and the word is ... she's barely even a side character.

"Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom" -- the sequel to the 2018 superhero hit starring Jason Momoa -- just got released in theaters this weekend ... and there's a lot of bad news in terms of box office and reviews, but perhaps the most interesting is Heard's screen time.

According to Business Insider, AH only appears on camera for about 20 minutes or so ... and while she does talk in the film, it ain't very much -- just a measly 11 lines apparently.

BI says Amber shows up for a few action sequences toward the beginning and the end, but she's largely removed from the main story ... even though her and JM's movie baby serves as a central plot point. Some of the lines she reportedly delivers are also pretty laughable.

Here's some of her dialogue ... "There haven't been outbreaks like this in ages. Why now?" ... "They raided the storage vault, we can't let them get away" ... "Where's Jr.?" ... "No!" ... "I sense something in the water" ... "Thank you." There are other lines, but they're also minimal.

Instead of Amber taking center stage, Momoa and Patrick Wilson end up teaming up and leading most of the film. Yahya Abdul-Mateen and Nicole Kidman are also in the mix.

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Not surprising that AH was downplayed -- that was being telegraphed dating back to 2022, when she was on trial after Johnny Depp sued her. Walter Hamada -- the ex-Warner Bros. boss -- got grilled in a deposition, and explained the studio decided to sideline her based on a lack of perceived chemistry between her and Momoa, and wanting a different story.

Of course, Amber's team suspected this was because of everything that was going on with Depp at the time -- but the studio denied that. In any case, she's an afterthought in the film.

Once JD scored his W in the trial, many vowed to boycott the film if she wasn't dropped from it -- but at this point, it's hard to tell if the Amber factor really played into the box office numbers thus far ... which aren't all that great, despite the flick being #1 right now.

'Aquaman 2' is on pace to make about $40 mil through Monday ... crappy by superhero movie standards. With that said, it'll lead the holiday weekend pack -- so ... congrats?

BTW, no sign of Amber for the press run on this film ... which was about as low-key as you can imagine, and didn't even have an official premiere. WB/DC's ready to turn the page.