Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann se someten a mediación para resolver su divorcio

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann tienen un montón de problemas, y ahora el juez en su caso de divorcio está tomando medidas enérgicas, ordenando a la mediación en un intento de llegar a un acuerdo.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, a Kim y Kroy se les ordena completar una sesión de mediación antes de la fecha límite del 31 de enero.

El juez dice que Kim y Kroy tienen "numerosos problemas sin resolver" y cree que podrían beneficiarse de la mediación a través del programa de resolución alternativa de disputas del condado.

Obviamente, la mediación no siempre funciona ni garantiza que Kim y Kroy resuelvan sus problemas, pero el tribunal al menos los está obligando a intentarlo.

es suficiente

Como te hemos dicho, Kim y Kroy se están divorciando en medio de toneladas de problemas financieros y ha habido varias visitas de la policía a su casa de Georgia por peleas explosivas.

Kim y Kroy también tienen cuatro niños pequeños, por lo que resolver los problemas de custodia a través de la mediación puede no ser pan comido.

Estén atentos ...

Kim and Kroy Divorce Judge Orders Them to Mediation ... Work Out Your Issues!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann have plenty of issues, and now the judge in their divorce case is cracking down ... ordering them to mediation in an attempt to hammer out a settlement.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kim and Kroy are being directed to complete a mediation session by a Jan. 31 deadline.

The judge says Kim and Kroy have "numerous unresolved issues" and thinks they could benefit from mediation through the county's alternative dispute resolution program.

Obviously, mediation does not always work or guarantee Kim and Kroy will resolve their issues ... but the court is at least forcing them to give it the old college try.


As we've told you ... Kim and Kroy are divorcing amid tons of financial woes, and there's been several police visits to their Georgia home over explosive fights.

Kim and Kroy also have 4 young children so working out custody issues through mediation may be no cakewalk.

Stay tuned ...

La estrella de "RHOSLC" Jen Shah quiere que Kim Kardashian la interprete en un posible biopic

De estrella de reality a la cárcel, Jen Shah tiene toda una historia que contar, y TMZ ha descubierto que ella espera que Kim Kardashian pueda contarla en una película biográfica.

Las conversaciones de la aventura en pantalla surgió cuando Emma Stone, en broma, puso en marcha una campaña para que se realizara el biopic de la estrella de "RHOSLC", luego de que un fan de toda la vida de "Real Housewives" le preguntara a la actriz en el estreno de Nueva York de "Poor Things": "¿que Housewife encajaría en una película dirigida por Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos es conocido por sus personajes inesperadamente extraños y excéntricos, y las pruebas y tribulaciones de Jen son más que suficientes para que Yorgos lleve su viaje a la gran pantalla, según la ganadora del Oscar Emma.

Jen rápidamente se enteró del apoyo de la estrella, cuando su manager Chris Giovanni le dijo a TMZ que estaba "alucinando por teléfono" de la emoción cuando la llamó a la cárcel para decirle el viernes por la mañana.

Chris nos dice Jen reconoció el respaldo de Emma para el proyecto como un honor, pero cuando se trata de quién le gustaría que la interpretara, menciona a Kim.

Chris dice que Jen no entró en muchos detalles acerca de por qué ella quiere a la Kardashian, pero no es ningún secreto que ella es una gran fan de la multimillonaria, recuerde que antes de su condena por fraude electrónico y lavado de dinero, dijo que quería abogado experto en Kim a unirse a su equipo legal.

La participación de Kim puede no ser demasiado descabellada, ella ha estado haciendo progresos serios en el negocio de la actuación. Ganando críticas muy favorables por "American Horror Story", impresionando tanto a su productor Ryan Murphy que la ha enganchado para su nueva serie basada en la famosa abogada de divorcios de celebridades, la reina de la disolución Laura Wasser.

Kim está reservada y ocupada, así que quién sabe si va a tener tiempo para un biopic. Sin embargo, Jen dice que no puede esperar para decirle a todas sus compañeras de prisión sobre Emma.

Aunque por ahora no se habla de una película biográfica, Chris nos dice que si las cámaras ruedan, Jen estaría lista para interrogar a cualquier actriz que se haga con el papel. Ha estado documentando su experiencia en la cárcel y ya ha escrito entre 100 y 150 páginas de notas.

JEN SHAH 'I WANT KIM K TO PLAY ME IN BIOPIC!' ... After Emma Stone Endorsement

From reality star to behind bars, Jen Shah has quite the life story to tell ... and TMZ has learned she's hoping Kim Kardashian can tell it in a biopic.

Talks of the on-screen venture emerged when Emma Stone facetiously kick-started a campaign for the 'RHOSLC' star's biopic ... after the longtime 'Real Housewives' fan was asked at the NYC premiere of "Poor Things" ... which Housewife was worthy of the film treatment by the flick's director Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos is known for taking on unexpectedly bizarre, eccentric characters -- and Jen's eyebrow-raising trials and tribulations are more than enough for Yorgos to bring her journey to the silver screen, according to Oscar-winner Emma.

Jen quickly caught wind of the A-list backing ... with her manager Chris Giovanni telling TMZ she was "freaking out over the phone" with excitement when he called her in prison to tell her Friday AM.

Chris tells us Jen acknowledged Emma's endorsement for the project as an honor ... but when it comes to who she'd actually like to play her ... that would be Kim K.

Chris says Jen didn't go into much detail about why she wants Kim ... but it's no secret she's a massive fan of the billionaire -- remember, before her sentencing for wire fraud and money laundering she said she wanted lawyer-in-training Kim to join her legal team.

Kim's involvement may not be too far-fetched ... she's been making serious headway in the acting biz -- earning rave reviews for "American Horror Story," impressing its producer Ryan Murphy so much he's snagged her for his new series, based on famous celebrity divorce lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser.

Kim's booked and busy ... so who knows if she'll have time on her hands for a Jen biopic ... but Jen says, nonetheless, she can't wait to tell all the ladies, AKA, her fellow prisoners, about Emma's fangirling.

While there's no real talk about a biopic for now, Chris tells us that if and when cameras do roll, Jen's ready to debrief whichever actress bags the role ... she's been documenting her prison experience and has already written 100-150 pages of notes.

Beyoncé 'Renaissance' Film Drops Off Big ... In 2nd Box Office Week

Beyoncé's reign as queen of the box office quickly came to an end this weekend, 'cause she fell from the top spot ... and slipped all the way down to #5, marking a massive drop-off.

The singer's 'Renaissance' concert film endured a 77% collapse domestically, coming in fifth place behind a handful of movies that have been in theaters for a while ... and losing out to a surprising newcomer claiming #1 -- an anime film from the great Hayao Miyazaki.

Of course, we're referring to "The Boy and the Heron," which snagged $12.8 million through Sunday. Obviously, that's not a huge number, which makes Bey's haul even more shocking.

'Renaissance' made only $5 million domestically this weekend ... quite different from last weekend's high mark of $21 million in North American markets. While that initial figure was solid, for sure, it didn't compare to Taylor Swift's opening weekend for the 'Eras' flick.

Remember, Taylor's concert movie made $92 mil in its opening weekend ... and then experienced about a 65% drop-off the next week, with $33 mil -- but it remained the top-grossing movie at the time, beating out Scorsese's "Killers of the Flower Moon." Of course, the film went on to maintain a stronghold at the box office for several weeks thereafter.

The other films that came ahead of Bey's flick this week ... "Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" (#2), "Godzilla Minus One" (#3) and "Trolls Band Together" (#4).

Of course, regardless of the actual numbers ... ya gotta imagine Bey (and certainly AMC) see the ticket sales as a win -- and as a new way to distribute these kinds of films where the artist themselves can reap a higher percentage of the profits. More to come, we're sure.

Alex Jones Reinstated on X ... After Elon Musk Poll

Alex Jones is back on X (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk randomly decided to leave it to a vote among users to see how they felt about it ... and as they say, the people have spoken.

The notorious conspiracy theorist -- who infamously questioned the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook shooting, and got taken to court over it -- regained control of his account again late Saturday after being removed from the platform years ago.

This all happened back in 2018 when tech companies banned him en masse. At the time, he was embroiled in defamation lawsuits from the families of the Sandy Hook victims ... but that controversy, in and of itself, wasn't why he got banned -- different orgs. cited different reasons, but it all boiled down to what they said were violations of their policies.

For Twitter -- the last social media company to ban him -- they ended up citing abusive behavior by Jones and his account ... similar to what the other companies ended up saying.

In any case, Musk reversed the decision with a poll. He wrote, "Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi, Vox Dei." After leaving the poll up for a full day, the results came in -- and out of nearly 2 million people that participated, 70% said he oughta be brought back.

Once the poll wrapped, EM wrote ... "The people have spoken and so it shall be." He also responded to some concerned users who felt Jones could potentially pose a threat on X -- but Elon clarified, "He cannot break the law." So, it sounds like AJ will be monitored.

Jones hasn't tweeted any new original content after being reinstated, but he has retweeted a few people who are celebrating his return -- including Andrew Tate, who wrote ... "To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero -  tell a globalist to get f****d today." Jones has retweeted other far-right figures too.

Jones continues to run his InfoWars website and channel, and broadcasts his program from there daily -- but, he doesn't have mainstream distribution on social media or otherwise.

He remains controversial for many reasons, some of which he addressed in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson ... who sat down with Jones for a wide-ranging interview.

Now that he has a big platform again, we'll see what he says ... and if he goes too far for Elon's taste. These days, the guy seems to be embracing a wide range of speech, period.

La película "Renaissance" de Beyoncé cae en taquilla en su segunda semana

El reinado de Beyoncé como reina de la taquilla llegó rápidamente a su fin este fin de semana, porque cayó desde el primer puesto, y se deslizó todo el camino hasta el # 5, marcando una caída estrepitosa.

La película del concierto de la cantante "Renaissance", sufrió un desplome del 77% a nivel nacional, quedando en quinto lugar por detrás de un puñado de películas que han estado en los cines durante un tiempo y perdiendo ante un sorprendente recién llegado que reclamaba el # 1, una película de anime del gran Hayao Miyazaki.

Por supuesto, nos referimos a "El niño y la garza", que obtuvo 12.8 millones de dólares hasta el domingo. Obviamente, no es una cifra enorme, lo que hace que el botín de Bey sea aún más impactante.

Este fin de semana, "Renaissance" solo ha recaudado 5 millones de dólares en el mercado nacional, muy lejos de los 21 millones del fin de semana pasado en los mercados norteamericanos. Si bien esa cifra inicial fue sólida, sin duda, no se compara con el fin de semana de apertura de Taylor Swift para la película "Eras".

Recuerde, la película del concierto de Taylor hizo 92 millones de dólares en su fin de semana de apertura y luego experimentó una caída de alrededor del 65% a la semana siguiente, con 33 millones de dólares, pero se mantuvo como la película más taquillera del momento superando a "Killers Of The Flower Moon" de Scorsese. Por supuesto, la película se mantuvo en la taquilla durante varias semanas.

Las otras películas que llegaron por delante de la película de Bey esta semana fueron "Los Juegos del Hambre: La balada de los pájaros cantores y serpientes" (# 2) "Godzilla menos uno" (# 3) y "Trolls Band Together" (# 4).

Por supuesto, independiente de las cifras reales, hay que imaginar Bey (y ciertamente AMC) ver las ventas de entradas como una victoria - y como una nueva forma de distribuir este tipo de películas en las que el propio artista puede cosechar un mayor porcentaje de los beneficios. Seguro que habrá más.

Drew Pearson Cowboys Will Re-Sign Dak Prescott ... Likely To Richest NFL Deal Ever!!!


The Dallas Cowboys WILL re-sign Dak Prescott ... at least, that's according to Drew Pearson, who tells TMZ Sports the QB's new deal will almost certainly be the richest one in NFL history.

Pearson spelled it out loud and clear for us during an interview earlier this week ... saying there's just no way in hell Jerry Jones will let his star signal-caller get away from Dallas after this season.

"Dak ain't going anywhere, OK?" the Hall of Famer says. "Jerry Jones is not going to let Dak Prescott go away. He's everything we want in a Dallas Cowboy quarterback."

Of course, some have wondered if this could be Dak's last year in Big D -- because while he does have one year left on his current contract, his cap number is slated to be monstrous in 2024. Plus, the Cowboys traded for former top-five pick Trey Lance in August.

Prescott's stellar play this year has quieted a lot of that chatter ... although without a deep playoff run this season, it's likely the talk will loom around the team for the entire offseason.

But, Pearson made it clear, he doesn't believe Prescott will go anywhere one way or another.

"He's going to end up being the highest-paid player probably in NFL history," Pearson said. "Because Jerry Jones is not going to let Dak Prescott go. We are going to sign Dak Prescott and he'll be a Cowboy for life."

In fact, Pearson said he's so high on Prescott -- he'd actually take him over Jalen Hurts right now.

"You're talking to a receiver, OK?" he said. "I want the guy that's throwing it right here."

Hurts and Prescott will face off later Sunday ... and if you haven't already guessed -- Pearson tells us he's picking Dallas to win the huge matchup with Philadelphia.

John Lennon Rare Beatles Grammy Up For Auction ... Could Go for $500K!!!

A rare piece of Beatles' history is hitting the auction block ... a Grammy given to John Lennon is expected to bring in a fortune -- so, something tells us if you wanna come together with this trophy, ya better be a multimillionaire.

Gotta Have Rock and Roll, the music memorabilia-based auction house, has a unique Grammy Trustee award given to John as one of its many new lots, and this golden trophy is estimated to make up to $500,000 when it closes next week.

John, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Paul McCartney were each given one of the pieces of golden glory in 1972 ... and the one up for auction initially went to John.

The Trustee Award is given to those who made significant contributions to the field of recording during their careers as musicians.

Obviously, The Beatles were more than deserving, but according to the auction house John didn't see it that way -- when he was awarded the Grammy over 50 years ago, John told the president of the Grammys, "I'm not a Beatle anymore, you can keep it."

Since then, the golden gramophone has been in possession of one of John's close friends, who was also a former head of Apple Records, but now a lucky, wealthy fan can secure it for their Beatles collection.

The auction's got some other great finds in the world of music ... including a 14-carat gold and diamond money clip owned by Elvis Presley and a 2004 demo CD from Taylor Swift.

John Lennon Se subasta un raro Grammy de los Beatles ... ¡Podría hacer $800K!

Una rara pieza de la historia de los Beatles ha salido a subasta. Se trata de un Grammy que le dieron a John Lennon, que se espera que haga una fortuna, por lo que algo nos dice que si quieres quedarte con este trofeo, más vale que seas un multimillonario.

Gotta Have Rock and Roll, la casa de subastas dedicada a recuerdos de la música, tiene un único Grammy Trustee Award que le dieron a John, entre sus muchos nuevos lotes, y se estima que podría llegar a costar hasta $800.000 cuando se cierre la próxima semana.

John, Ringo Starr, George Harrison y Paul McCartney recibieron cada uno de ellos este trofeo en 1972 ... y el primero en salir a subasta fue el de John.

El Premio Trustee se otorga a aquellos que hicieron contribuciones significativas al campo de la grabación durante su trayectoria como músicos.

Obviamente, los Beatles eran más que merecedores de este premio, pero según la casa de subastas, John no lo veía así: cuando le concedieron el Grammy hace más de 50 años, John le dijo al presidente de la organización: "Ya no soy un Beatles, puedes quedártelo".

Desde entonces, el gramófono de oro ha estado en posesión de un amigo cercano a John Lennon, que también fue un ex jefe de Apple Records, pero ahora un afortunado fan podría asegurarlo para su propia colección.

La subasta tiene algunos otros grandes hallazgos del mundo de la música, incluyendo un objeto preciado de Elvis Presley y un CD de demostración de 2004 de Taylor Swift.

Jerry West Dinner W/ Logo ... Goes For $25,000 At Auction!!!

The classic "$500k or a dinner with Jay-Z?" debate just turned into "$25k or dinner with Jerry West?" ... 'cause that's what one lucky bidder shelled out for an evening with the Logo at a big charity event.

TMZ Sports has learned ... a special one-on-one with the Pro Basketball Hall of Famer was one of the big auction items at a gathering for the Aiming High Foundation this week ... with an anonymous bidder winning the RSVP with a massive, quarter-hundred thou donation.

Not only did the winner get a din-din with West, but two VIP passes to an upcoming L.A. Clippers game were also included in the bundle.

The Aiming High Foundation -- founded by celebrity agent Darren Prince -- raises funds for those seeking help with mental health and substance abuse issues ... so the money is going to a good cause!!

Prince's clients like Brande Roderick, Jesse Metcalfe, American Idol star Nutsa and influencer Rudy Mawyer were also present at Komodo in Miami ... so it sounds like it was quite the shindig.

Now, the only questions -- where do you go to dinner with one of the most iconic sports figures of all time ... and who's picking up the bill??

Shohei Ohtani I'm A Dodger!!! ... Inking $700 Million Deal

Shohei Ohtani just announced he will be a Los Angeles Dodger ... reportedly landing a massive 10-year, $700 million contract -- the richest deal in Major League Baseball and North American sports history.

The Japanese two-way superstar personally shared the news on his Instagram page just minutes ago ... apologizing for keeping the baseball world on pins and needles as he came up with his decision to leave the Los Angeles Angels.

"First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone involved with the Angels organization and the fans who have supported me over the past six years, as well as to everyone involved with each team that was part of this negotiation process," Ohtani said in his post. "Especially to the Angels fans who supported me through all the ups and downs, your guys’ support and cheer meant the world to me. The six years I spent with the Angels will remain etched in my heart forever."

Ohtani also pledged to give his absolute best on the field for the Dodgers fanbase ... adding, "Until the last day of my playing career, I want to continue to strive forward not only for the Dodgers but for the baseball world."

The Dodgers are getting the most entertaining player in the sport -- as Shohei is a dominant force on both sides of the ball.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He played the first six seasons of his MLB career with the crosstown rival Angels ... racking up 681 hits, 171 homers and 437 RBI ... as well as a 38-19 record with a 3.01 ERA and 608 strikeouts on the mound.

Other organizations reportedly had a chance at landing the two-time MVP -- including the San Francisco Giants and Toronto Blue Jays -- but the free agency process was super secretive, per Ohtani's request.

The 29-year-old said he will speak on the decision more at a later press conference ... as there are some thoughts he can't put into words at this time.

Joe Biden Fundraiser Interrupted By Pro-Palestinian Marchers ... 'No Votes For Mass Murderer'

Joe Biden's L.A. fundraiser was interrupted Friday by screaming pro-Palestinian demonstrators as police in riot gear stood guard, trying to keep the peace.

The 46th Prez arrived by motorcade to last night's political event in Holmby Hills, where dozens of demonstrators had gathered to voice their anger over what they see as the extermination of the Palestinians by Israel.

Scores of Palestinians have been killed since the bloody Israel-Hamas war began in October. At the time, Hamas terrorists invaded the Jewish state and slaughtered 1,400 Israelis, triggering the deadly conflict. Hamas rules over the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.


During Friday's fundraiser, demonstrators threw objects at officers and passing vehicles, while holding up signs that read, "No votes for mass murderer," a reference to Biden's 2024 presidential bid. They were also chanting "Free free, Palestine" and "Long Live Palestine."


LAPD Chief Michel Moore said his officers did not have to use force or make any arrests because the demonstrators eventually dispersed.

Meanwhile, Biden delivered a short speech at the celebrity-studded event, calling his 2024 Republican rival, Donald Trump, a threat to democracy. He also talked about his first-term economic successes and the federal judges he has confirmed to the courts.

Among the notable attendees were Jill Biden, Steven Spielberg, Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff. Rock 'n' roll star Lenny Kravitz also showed up to perform for the crowd.

Bill Maher To Critics of People Who Do Good ... You're F**king Idiots!!!

Bill Maher can't understand how people can criticize folks like MrBeast who are helping cure blindness, provide clean drinking water to villages that don't have it, and on and on ... well, actually he does understand -- he says the critics are f**king idiots.

The 'Real Time' host used MrBeast -- an insanely popular YouTuber with 38 billion views -- as an example of how we have lost all common sense and how lazy critics condemn acts of kindness and helpfulness that are objectively good.

Example -- MrBeast gave a pile of loot to doctors to perform cataract surgeries to restore sight. Buzzfeed, among others, condemned it, saying "MrBeast seemed to regard disabilities as something that needs to be solved." Seriously.

MrBeast has done so much more. Example -- He funded 100 wells in Africa to provide clean drinking water to 500,000 people. He was condemned by a charity as a white male figure with a huge platform who was grabbing all the attention. As BM said, "You know what else is frustrating? Dying of thirst."

And another example -- MrBeast paid to rebuild an orphanage in Africa, and was trashed as being the classic "white savior."

And this craziness even seeps into our government ... the NIH proposed an amendment to axe the word "disability," because it implies disabled people are flawed and need to be fixed. Bill says if he ever loses his sight or hearing, don't praise him, fix him.

He goes on and on ... but in this season of giving, why are we trashing the givers?

Ken Hudson Campbell 'Home Alone' Actor Has Cancerous Tumor Removed

Ken Hudson Campbell, famous for playing Santa in "Home Alone," is the one getting a great gift this time ... TMZ has learned doctors successfully removed the cancer that had been spreading in his mouth.

Ken's daughter Michaela tells TMZ ... her dad went into surgery Thursday morning, and the whole procedure went off without a hitch. She says the family was able to visit him later that night once he was out of the OR.

He's not home-free just yet ... we're told Ken will remain in ICU for another 2-3 days, before he's transferred to regular inpatient hospital care for about another week. But, he is awake and doing really well -- and it will take about 6 weeks of recovery before he can get back to normal, everyday activity.

As we reported, Ken was diagnosed with cancer in October after a tumor grew on the bottom of his mouth and "began encroaching on his teeth" ... according to Michaela, who laid it all out on a GoFundMe she set up for her pops.

She started the GFM because Ken, unfortunately, lost his SAG-AFTRA health insurance at the beginning of last year after the pandemic -- but the support's been overwhelming, they're over $96,000 of the $100k goal.

There have been some heavy hitters offering donations -- including $1k from Jeff Garlin and Tim Meadows, $5k from "The Big Bang Theory" creator Bill Prady and $10,000 from Steve Carell.

Michaela tells us Steve and Ken are old friends from their time in Second City Chicago improv, and the family is extremely grateful for all the support.

Ken will still have to undergo reconstructive surgery, as well as radiation and possibly chemo, which comes with a lengthy 6-month recovery period ... but he's crossed a huge hurdle.

Actor de "Mi pobre angelito" Ken Hudson Campbell Tiene exitosa cirugía para remover su cáncer

Ken Hudson Campbell, famoso por interpretar a Santa Claus en "Mi pobre angelito", está recibiendo un gran regalo esta vez. TMZ ha indagado que los médicos eliminaron con éxito el cáncer que se había estado extendiendo en su boca.

La hija de Ken Michaela le dice a TMZ que su padre se sometió a la cirugía el jueves por la mañana, y todo el procedimiento salió sin problemas. Ella dice que la familia pudo visitarlo más tarde esa misma noche, cuando ya estaba fuera de la sala de operaciones.

Aún no está en casa...  Nos han dicho que Ken permanecerá en la UCI otros dos o tres días y que luego sería trasladado a una sala normal del hospital para permanecer allí una semana más. Pero está despierto y se encuentra muy bien, y tardará unas seis semanas en recuperarse y poder volver a su actividad cotidiana normal.

Como informamos, Ken fue diagnosticado con cáncer en octubre después de que un tumor creciera en la parte inferior de la boca y "comenzara a invadir sus dientes". Esto, de acuerdo a lo que cuenta Michaela, quien expuso todo en un GoFundMe que creó para sus papás.

Ella comenzó la recaudación porque Ken lamentablemente perdió su seguro de salud SAG-AFTRA a principios del año pasado después de la pandemia. Pero el GoFundMe ya ha pasado los $90.000 de una meta de $100k.

Ha habido algunos pesos pesados corriendo al GoFundMe para ayudarlo, incluyendo $1k de Jeff Garlin y Tim Meadows, $5k del creador de "The Big Bang Theory" Bill Prady, y la suculenta suma de $10.000 de Steve Carell.

Michaela nos cuenta que Steve y Ken son viejos amigos desde su época en Second City en Chicago y la familia está muy agradecida por todo el apoyo.

Ken todavía tendrá que someterse a cirugía reconstructiva, así como a radiación y posiblemente quimioterapia, lo que conlleva un largo período de recuperación de 6 meses... pero a pesar de todo ha superado un gran obstáculo.