Lynne Spears Shops At Dollar General ... After Claims She Sells Britney's Belongings

Lynne Spears appears to be doing her shopping on a budget ... buying from Dollar General after claims she's been selling Britney's belongings to stay afloat financially.

Lynne was spotted wheeling a shopping cart filled with items out of the discount store in Britney's hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana earlier this week.

There's a lot being made about Lynne's finances these days, though she's strongly denied claims she's been hawking Britney's clothes, hats and shoes in a Kentwood consignment shop.

It's interesting to see Lynne doing some shopping at Dollar General, but it's worth noting she's also got a designer purse in the store's bright yellow shopping cart ... and eventually unloads her goods into a white Mercedes.


Earlier this month, the Daily Mail published an article with a family source claiming Lynne has spent the last 5 years selling Britney's clothes and accessories from tour performances, her personal wardrobe and appearances on TV and award shows.

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Lynne vehemently denied the report on social media ... posting a picture with some of Britney's clothes and the caption, "I would never sell my daughter's things. Get your facts straight @dailymail."

As we reported ... in her new memoir, Britney accuses Lynne of trashing her collection of antique dolls and personal journals, with Lynne denying the allegations.

Lynne's got receipts for Britney's claims too ... again defending herself on social media and telling Britney she would never do what she's being accused of here.

LYNNE SPEARS DE COMPRAS en dollar general tras las acusaciones de que vendió objetos de Britney

Lynne Spears parece estar haciendo sus compras con cuidado de no gastar mucho en Dollar General, todo esto luego de las afirmaciones de que ha estado vendiendo las pertenencias de Britney para mantenerse a flote financieramente.

Lynne fue vista con un carrito de supermercado lleno de artículos fuera de la tienda de descuento en la ciudad natal de Britney de Kentwood, Louisiana, a principios de esta semana.

Se está hablando mucho de las finanzas de Lynne estos días, aunque ella ha negado rotundamente las afirmaciones de que ha estado vendiendo ropa, sombreros y zapatos de Britney en una tienda de consignación de Kentwood.

Es interesante ver a Lynne haciendo las compras en Dollar General, pero vale la pena señalar que tiene un bolso de diseñador en el carrito de la tienda de color amarillo brillante. finalmente, descarga sus mercancías en un Mercedes blanco.


A principios de este mes, el Daily Mail publicó un artículo con una fuente de la familia afirmando que Lynne ha pasado los últimos 5 años vendiendo ropa y accesorios de las actuaciones de la gira de su hija, incluyendo su vestuario personal y apariciones en programas de televisión y premios.

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Lynne negó vehementemente el informe en redes sociales, publicando una foto con algunas de las prendas de Britney y la leyenda: "Nunca vendería las cosas de mi hija". "@dailymail debería dejar de mentir".

Como informamos, en su nuevo libro de memorias Britney acusa a Lynne de destrozar su colección de muñecas antiguas y diarios personales. Cosa que Lynne niega.

Lynne también tiene recibos de las afirmaciones de Britney, defendiéndose nuevamente en redes sociales y diciendole a Britney que ella nunca haría lo que se le acusa.

Mike Tyson Plane Punch Victim Demands $450K ... Boxer's Lawyer Calls It 'A Shakedown'


1:28 PM -- Melvin Townsend's attorney, Jake Jondle, tells TMZ Sports his client has been dealing with a myriad of injuries since the Mike Tyson attack ... including a concussion, cervical radiculopathy, and impaired vision.

"Not only is the evidence clear that Mr. Tyson committed the intentional torts of assault and battery, but he also acted recklessly and negligently," Jondle said in a statement to us Thursday.

"Additionally, Mr. Tyson admitted on national television to attacking Mr. Townsend and never once claimed a legal justification for his actions, such as self-defense. He admitted he should not have attacked Mr. Townsend. Being irritated by a fan is not a legal defense to any of Mr. Townsend's claims."

Jondle added that his letter this week to Alex Spiro was sent as simply an effort to "engage in good-faith settlement discussions to attempt to resolve this claim prior to filing a lawsuit."

The man who Mike Tyson pummeled during a wild fight on a plane last year is now demanding the boxer pay him nearly half a million dollars to avoid a future lawsuit over the altercation.

But, the boxing legend's attorney, Alex Spiro, is adamant the whole thing is "a shakedown" attempt ... and insists absolutely no payment will be forthcoming.

A lawyer for Melvin Townsend -- the punch victim -- made the demands clear in a pre-litigation letter sent to Spiro earlier this week, according to the New York Post.

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In the document, the lawyer -- Jake Jondle -- said Tyson could have used other remedies to diffuse the situation on the April 2022 JetBlue flight ... but instead "he chose physical violence" and "viciously assaulted" Townsend.

Jondle explained as a result of the attack, Townsend sustained a "severe headache" as well as neck pain ... and "is still suffering with the effects of the assault to this day."

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Jondle wrote in the document that $450,000 from Tyson would help Townsend cover his legal bills ... as well as any future treatment Townsend would require.

According to Spiro, however, no such check will be written.

"I have received a shakedown letter related to some instigator's harassment of Mike a year ago and the aftermath," Spiro said in a statement. "There will be no shakedown payment."

Reps for Tyson had previously told TMZ Sports the entire incident happened because Townsend threw a water bottle at the former pugilist and annoyed him repeatedly. Tyson himself later said on his "Hotboxin" podcast that Townsend "was f***ing with me" prior to the incident.

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Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

For Townsend's part, Jondle said in his letter this week his client was simply "excited to see [Tyson] on the flight, began discussing the marijuana industry and psychedelic mushrooms with him, and Mr. Tyson became annoyed" and attacked.


Tyson's been in the clear criminally, meanwhile, for over a year ... as prosecutors declined to file charges against the ex-fighter in May 2022.

Originally Published -- 11:35 AM PT

Mike Tyson Víctima de un puñetazo exige $450.000 dólares ... El abogado del boxeador lo califica de chantaje

El hombre al que Mike Tyson golpeó durante una salvaje pelea en un avión el año pasado está exigiendo que el boxeador le pague casi medio millón de dólares para evitar una futura demanda por el altercado.

Sin embargo, el abogado de la leyenda del boxeo, Alex Spiro, insiste en que todo es un intento de "chantaje" del demandante e insiste en que no se efectuará ningún pago.

Un abogado de Melvin Townsend, víctima del puñetazo, dejó claras sus demandas en una carta de pre-litigio enviada a Spiro a principios de esta semana, según el New York Post.

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Puños de furia

En el documento, el abogado Jake Jondle dijo que Tyson podría haber utilizado otros recursos para calmar la situación en el vuelo de JetBlue de abril 2022, pero "eligió la violencia física" y agredió "viciosamente" a Townsend.

Jondle dijo que Townsend sufrió un "fuerte dolor de cabeza", así como dolor en el cuello como consecuencia del ataque y "todavía está sufriendo los efectos de la agresión".

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Sangrando por culpa de Tyson

Jondle escribió en el documento que los $450,000 de Tyson ayudarían a Townsend a cubrir sus facturas legales, así como cualquier otro tratamiento que requiera en el futuro.

Sin embargo, según Spiro, no se extenderá tal cheque.

"He recibido una carta de chantaje relacionada con el acoso de un instigador de Mike de hace un año", dijo Spiro en un comunicado. "No habrá pago indebido".

Representantes de Tyson le habían dicho previamente a TMZ Sports que todo el incidente ocurrió porque Townsend le tiró una botella de agua al ex pugilista y lo molestó repetidamente. El propio Tyson dijo más tarde en su podcast "Hotboxin" que Townsend "lo estuvo jodiendo" antes del incidente.

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Estaba jodiendo conmigo!!!
Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

Desde la perspectiva de Townsend, Jondle dijo en su carta de esta semana que su cliente simplemente estaba "emocionado de ver [a Tyson] en el vuelo, comenzó a discutir sobre el negocio de la marihuana y los hongos psicodélicos y el Sr. Tyson se molestó" y atacó.

Mientras tanto, Tyson ha estado libre de cargos criminales durante todo este año. Los fiscales se negaron a presentar cargos contra el ex luchador en mayo de 2022.

Lauren Sanchez Debuta joya con el título de 'Sra. B'... ¿Por billonario o por Bezos?

¡Abran paso a la Sra. B! Lauren Sanchez salió a cenar con su multimillonario prometido Jeff Bezos y sus amigos el miércoles en Malibú, particularmente al restaurante Nobu, en donde lució una nueva y asombrosa pieza de joyería.

El anillo de compromiso de 20 quilates de la ex presentadora de televisión, según dicen los medios, costó $2.5M, y parece que no es suficiente para consolidar su futura unión, ya que decidió llevar un sutil collar de oro con el título de "Sra. B" también.

Si la "B" es por "Bezos" o por "multimillonario" sigue siendo un misterio, pero una cosa es segura, la cadena estaba poniendo toda la atención en su escote y complementando su atuendo completamente de negro, con un abrigo forrado de color rosa.

Lauren claramente está disfrutando cada momento de su compromiso. A principios de este mes posó para un anuncio de temática western con Jeff, y le dijo a la biblia de la moda que aún no han hecho ningún avance en la planificación de su boda.

Aunque podemos asumir que van a contratar a un equipo para que planifique el evento y orqueste diligentemente sus nupcias A-list, el dúo actualmente está absorto con la planificación de su mudanza dentro de Estados Unidos.

Jeff anunció recientemente sus planes de trasladarse a Indian Creek Island en Miami Beach y cerrar el capítulo de Seattle, donde fundó su icónica empresa de tecnología.

Su barco de $500 millones de dólares también está atracado en Ft. Lauderdale, señal de que su mudanza es inminente.

LAUREN SANCHEZ DEBUTS 'MRS. B' BLING ... For Billionaire or Bezos???

Make way for Mrs. B! Lauren Sanchez was out for dinner at Nobu in Malibu with her billionaire fiancé Jeff Bezos and pals Wednesday ... rocking a jaw-dropping new piece of bling.

The former TV anchor's 20-karat engagement ring -- reportedly worth $2.5M -- clearly isn't enough to cement their pending union ... as she took a subtle "Mrs. B" gold necklace out for a spin.

Whether the "B" symbolizes "Bezos" or "billionaire" remains a mystery ... but one thing's for sure, the chain was putting all focus on her decolletage ... complementing her plunging all-black look and pink-lined coat.

Lauren is clearly loving every moment of their engagement ... earlier this month she posed for a western-themed spread with Jeff, and told the fashion bible they haven't made any headway with wedding planning yet.

While we can only assume they'll hire a team of wedding planners to diligently orchestrate their A-list nuptials ... the duo is currently engrossed in planning a cross-country move.


Jeff recently announced their plans to relocate to Indian Creek Island in Miami Beach ... closing the chapter on Seattle, where the businessman founded his iconic tech company.

Jeff's $500-million dollar vessel is also docked in Ft. Lauderdale now ... signaling the impending move.


John Oates dice que está muy dolido por las acusaciones de su socio musical distanciado, que trató de vender en secreto su mitad de la empresa Hall & Oates.

John presentó una declaración en un tribunal de Tennessee, diciendo que está "profundamente herido" porque Daryl Hall tomó una disputa privada que estaban teniendo y la hizo vergonzosamente pública.

Como ya informamos, Hall ha acudido a los tribunales, por lo que afirma fue una maniobra de Oates para vender su parte de "Whole Oats Enterprises", la empresa que formaron para controlar algunos de los activos del grupo.

Hall afirma que Oates lo puso en una situación incómoda al encontrar un comprador al que Hall no quiere. Hall consiguió una orden de restricción temporal, deteniendo la venta hasta que un juez pueda determinar si Oates tenía derecho a hacer el trato.

En su declaración, Oates dice: "Daryl ha sido constante y públicamente inflexible en ser percibido como un individuo y no como parte de un dúo o grupo".

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Club Random with Bill Maher

Quedó claro el año pasado, cuando Hall apareció en el podcast "Club Random" de Bill Maher, que no había amor perdido entre los dos.

Oates dice que no puede hablar de los detalles, pero reconoce que "Daryl y yo no hemos estado de acuerdo". La cosa es que quiere que esos mirones sean ojos privados.

Oates insiste en que está tratando de mantener la integridad de Hall & Oates, pero está teniendo problemas porque Hall no quiere trabajar con él.

Quédense atentos...

Hall & Oates Oates 'Deeply Hurt' By Hall's Allegations ... I'm Not a Backstabber!!!

John Oates says he's gutted by his estranged musical partner's allegations ... that he tried to secretly sell his half of a Hall & Oates enterprise.

John filed a declaration in a Tennessee court, saying he's "deeply hurt" that Daryl Hall took a private dispute they were having and made it embarrassingly public.

As we reported, Hall has gone to court over what he claims was a move by Oates to sell off his share of "Whole Oats Enterprises," the company they formed to control some of the group's assets.

Hall claims Oates ambushed him by finding a buyer whom Hall does not want. Hall got a temporary restraining order, halting the sale until a judge could determine whether Oates had the right to make the deal.

In his declaration, Oates says, "Daryl has consistently and publicly been adamant about being perceived as an individual rather than as part of a duo or group."

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Club Random with Bill Maher

It was clear last year when Hall appeared on Bill Maher's "Club Random" podcast, there was no love lost between the two.

Oates says he can't talk about the specifics, but acknowledges "Daryl and I have not seen eye to eye." Thing is ... he wants those peepers to be private eyes.

Oates insists he's trying to maintain the integrity of Hall & Oates, but he's having trouble because Hall will not work with him.

Stay tuned ...

Kelly Clarkson Ex marido le cobró de más al agendar actuaciones Debe devolver millones

Kelly Clarkson continúa su racha ganadora en su divorcio contra Brandon Blackstock. En esta oportunidad, un comisionado de trabajo dictaminó que Brandon le cobró millones de más cuando representó a Kelly como su manager.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, un comisionado de trabajo de California dictaminó que Brandon cruzó la línea como gerente cuando agendó conciertos y firmó acuerdos por Kelly en "The Voice", Norwegian Cruise Line, Wayfair y como anfitriona de los Billboard Music Awards. Salvo contadas excepciones, solo los agentes -no los managers- pueden legalmente contratar a artistas.

Al parecer, Brandon cobró honorarios por agendar conciertos y el comisionado de trabajo le ordenó que devuelva esas comisiones a su exesposa, por un total de $2,641,374.

Un dato curioso en todo esto, por cierto, es que Brandon anotó $1,98 millones en comisiones por el papel de Kelly en "The Voice". Por el contrario, solo recibió $93,30 en comisión por su rol como anfitriona en los Billboard Music Awards.

Brandon dice que va a apelar el fallo. Un punto bueno para él es que Kelly también quería de vuelta el dinero que su exmarido consiguió de su programa de entrevistas, "The Kelly Clarkson Show". Pero Brandon mantendrá lo que consiguió en ese caso.

Kelly solicitó el divorcio en 2020 tras 7 años de matrimonio. El divorcio fue definitivo en marzo de 2022. Ella logró quedarse con el rancho de Montana, muy disputado en el acuerdo.

Kelly tuvo que pagarle $1,3 millones a Brandon y debe $45k al mes en manutención de sus 2 hijos, de 9 y 7 años. Brandon también recibe $115.000 al mes en manutención conyugal, pero esto termina en enero de 2024.

Kelly, representada por su abogado Ed McPherson, ha conseguido las mascotas de la familia, varios carros como un Ford Bronco, un Ford F-250 y un Porsche Cayenne, así como un simulador de vuelo.

Kelly Clarkson Ex-Husband Overcharged Her in Booking Gigs ... Ordered to Return Millions

Kelly Clarkson continues her winning streak in her divorce from Brandon Blackstock ... this round a labor commissioner ruled Brandon had overcharged her by millions when he represented Kelly as her manager.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a California labor commissioner ruled Brandon crossed the line as a manager when he booked gigs and inked deals for Kelly on "The Voice," Norwegian Cruise Line, Wayfair, and as host of the Billboard Music Awards. Aside from a few exceptions, only agents -- not managers -- can lawfully secure roles for talent.

Apparently, Brandon collects fees for booking the gigs, and the labor commissioner ordered Brandon to fork over those commissions to his former wife ... totaling $2,641,374.

BTW ... fun fact -- Brandon scored $1.98 million for commissions from her role on "The Voice." By contrast, he only got $93.30 in commission for Kelly hosting the Billboard Music Awards.

Brandon says he'll appeal the ruling. One bright spot for him ... Kelly also wanted the money Brandon got for scoring her the gig on her talk show, "The Kelly Clarkson Show." The labor commissioner begged to differ, so Brandon keeps whatever he got on that one.

Kelly filed for divorce back in 2020 after 7 years of marriage. The divorce was final in March 2022. She got the hotly-contested Montana ranch in the settlement.

Kelly had to pay Brandon $1.3 million and is on the hook for $45k a month in child support for their 2 kids, ages 9 and 7. Brandon also gets $115,000 a month in spousal support, but that ends in January 2024.

Kelly, repped by her attorney Ed McPherson, got the family pets, multiple cars including a Ford Bronco, a Ford F-250, and a Porsche Cayenne, as well as a flight simulator.

Elon Musk Rips Iger, X Advertisers ... 'Go F*** Yourself!!!'


Elon Musk has a message for Disney CEO Bob Iger and all the other advertisers fleeing his social media platform -- don't let the door hit ya on the way out, and go screw yourselves while you're at it.

The owner of X was talking shop on CNBC -- on the heels of his recent Israel visit, and in the wake of antisemitism allegations -- and he fired away about the exodus of corporations cutting ties with him.

Check it out ... he says he actually hopes they stop advertising permanently, and then dropped a very clear "Go f*** yourself" proclamation to everybody who's jumping ship.

You can tell the host was shocked by Elon's choice words -- especially while live on the air -- so, naturally, EM said it again, and then asked if he'd made himself clear. He certainly had!

Elon explained that he feels like he's being blackmailed by these companies with the hope of paying for ads, and emphasized he wouldn't sacrifice his free speech policies for monetary gain ... even if, apparently, it means hurting his bottom line.

Funny enough, Elon singled out Iger in his remarks here, playfully calling out "Bob" as someone who was probably watching in the audience. Indeed, Disney was one of the major companies to pause its advertising with X ... as did many others.


Iger actually addressed that today as well -- before Elon's snipe -- and said, "We know that Elon is larger than life in many respects, and that his name is very much connected to the companies he founded or owns. By him taking the position he took in a public manner, we felt that the association was not necessarily a positive one for us."

Seems like the relationship's getting worse, not better.

KIM ZOLCIAK AND KROY BIERMANN Hibachi Lunch Date ... Week After Cops Called For Explosive Fight

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are seemingly back on track once again after an explosive fight prompted one of their kids to call the cops ... this time, grabbing some lunch together with plenty of laughs.

The former reality TV stars went out Wednesday to a Japanese steakhouse and sushi joint, Kani House, in Duluth, Georgia ... sitting down for lunch in front of the hibachi grill.

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Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Kim documented the date for social media -- as usual -- mentioning Kroy while filming and asking why he doesn't do knife tricks in the kitchen like the hibachi chef. Kroy laughs from off camera, joking that's what he does when Kim's not around ... which could actually make sense given the fact they're supposed to stay separated in the house.

The hibachi chef also created a rice heart for Kim and Kroy ... and she loves it, calling it "cute."

In the clips, Kim and Kroy are both laughing and seem to be having a good time ... a stark contrast from last week, when cops responded to their home for an explosive fight in front of their kids.


As we've told you ... Kim and Kroy were bickering over finances for weeks before things reached a boiling point, fighting after a seemingly nice public outing with their kids.

The estranged couple's in dire financial straits, but we've seen them go out for fancy dinners amid their money woes and nasty divorce ... and this seems to be a similar situation.

No boring moments with these two.

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann Comparten un almuerzo hibachi A una semana de explosiva pelea

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann están aparentemente en marcha una vez más, después de que una explosiva pelea provocara que uno de sus hijos llamara a la policía. Esta vez, compartieron un almuerzo juntos con un montón de risas.

Las ex estrellas de reality shows fueron a un restaurante japonés este miércoles, llamado Kani House, en Duluth, Georgia y se sirvieron una parilla hibachi para almorzar.

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Preparando el almuerzo
Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Kim documentó la cita en sus redes sociales, como de costumbre, mientras filmaba a Kroy y le preguntaba por qué no hacía unos trucos con el cuchillo de cocina como el chef hibachi. Ahí, Kroy se ríe fuera de cámara y bromea que eso es lo que hace cuando Kim no está cerca, lo que podría tener sentido dado que deberían estar separados en casa.

El chef hibachi también creó un corazón de arroz para Kim y Kroy, lo que a ella le encantó y calificó como "lindo".

En los clips, ambos Kim y Kroy están riendo y parecen estar pasando un buen rato, algo que contrasta con lo ocurrido la semana pasada, cuando los policías respondieron a una llamada de sus hijos por una explosiva pelea en casa.

Ya es suficiente

Como les hemos contado, Kim y Kroy venían discutiendo sobre sus finanzas en las semanas previas a que las cosas llegaran a un punto de ebullición. La pelea también se dio después de una aparentemente agradable salida pública con sus hijos.

La pareja separada está en graves apuros financieros, pero los hemos visto tener varias cenas de lujo en medio de su desagradable divorcio, y esto parece ser algo similar.

Defnitivamente no hay momentos aburridos con estos dos.

Daryl Hall Et Tu, Oates??? He Backstabbed Me, Secretly Tried to Sell Out

Hall & Oates are dunzo ... at least in the eyes of Daryl Hall who's accusing John Oates of intentionally going behind his back to sell his half of their partnership to a third party that Daryl doesn't trust.

Hall lays out his beef with Oates in legal docs the judge is now unsealing ... and they reveal exactly why the legendary duo is at war. As we reported, Daryl got a restraining order last week against John, and we now know he got it to block the sale of John's half of Whole Oats Enterprises (WOE) -- a company they'd formed to control some of the group's assets.

In the docs, Daryl explains they'd agree to a business divorce, of sorts, in 2022 ... where they'd start splitting up assets. Where things went south, according to Daryl, is when John secretly decided to sell his half of WOE to a company called Primary Wave.

Daryl says he was "blindsided" by this decision -- which was revealed to him 2 days before he was leaving on a tour ... and he thinks John's timing was intentional. According to the docs, John knows he needs Daryl to approve that sale, and Daryl says, "I have no intention of becoming partners with Primary Wave, and [Oates] cannot be permitted to thrust a new partner upon me in this outrageous fashion."

And here's a sign of how petty this is getting ... Daryl even thinks John timed the Primary Wave deal to coincide with start of Daryl's tour to "ambush" and distract him, potentially screw up his performance ... and intentionally "cause me the maximum amount of harm."

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Instagram / @realdarylhall

As for why Daryl's saying "I Can't Go For That" with Primary Wave -- in the docs, he says the company has a rep for exploiting copyrights and trademarks of artists after purchasing their catalogs. Bottom line, he doesn't want PW controlling his name and likeness.

He wants the dispute to be settled in arbitration, and until it is ... he wants a judge to block Hall's sale to PW.

If you wanna know just how nasty this split is, consider this -- it's almost a carbon copy of what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are going through in the war over their French winery ... where she tried to sell her half to a Russian oligarch, pissing off Brad.

Sooo ... Daryl is Brad, and John is Angelina. This should end well.

Daryl Hall Y tú, Oates??? Me apuñaló por la espalda

Hall & Oates son cosa del pasado, o al menos eso piensa Daryl Hall, quien está acusando a John Oates de ir intencionalmente a sus espaldas para vender la mitad de su asociación a un tercero, en quien Daryl no confía.

Hall expuso su enemistad con Oates en documentos legales que el juez está desclasificando, los que revelan exactamente por qué el legendario dúo está en guerra.

Como informamos, Daryl obtuvo la semana pasada una orden de restricción contra John y ahora sabemos que lo hizo para bloquear la venta de la mitad de Whole Oats Enterprises (WOE), correspondiente a John. Para su información, esta es una empresa que el dúo formó para controlar algunos de los activos del grupo.

En los documentos, Daryl explica que habían llegado a un acuerdo para dividir los negocios o algo por el estilo. Se supone que empezarían a repartir los activos en 2022. Pero, según Daryl, las cosas se torcieron cuando John decidió vender su mitad de WOE en secreto, a una empresa llamada Primary Wave.

Daryl dice que fue "sorprendido" por esta decisión, la que le fue informada apenas dos días antes de que se fuera de gira. Cree también que el momento elegido por John fue intencional. Según los documentos, John sabía que necesitaba a Daryl para aprobar esa venta y Daryl dijo: "No tengo ninguna intención de convertirme en socio de Primary Wave, y [Oates] no se puede permitir imponerme a un nuevo socio de esta manera escandalosa".

Y aquí hay una señal de cuán mezquino se está volviendo este divorcio. Daryl cree que John planeó que el acuerdo con Primary Wave coincidiera con el inicio de la gira de Daryl para "emboscarlo", distraerlo y potencialmente arruinar su actuación para causarle el "máximo daño" posible e "intencionadamente".

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Tocando en Japón
Instagram / @realdarylhall

En cuanto a por qué Daryl está totalmente en contra de Primary Wave, en los documentos dice que la empresa tiene la reputación de explotar los derechos de autor y marcas registradas de los artistas cuando logra comprar sus catálogos. En pocas palabras, no quiere que Primary Wave controle su nombre y su imagen.

Daryl quiere que la disputa se resuelva en el arbitraje y hasta entonces desea que un juez bloquee la venta de Hall a PW.

Si quieren saber cuán desagradable se está volviendo esta división, consideren que es casi una copia de la guerra que Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie están viviendo por su viña francesa, cuando ella trató de venderla a un oligarca ruso, lo que cabreó a Brad.

Así que si Daryl es Brad y John es Angelina... Esto debería terminar bien.

Jay-Z Album Trophy Case Auction Begs Question ... New One Dropping Soon???

Jay-Z and the Brooklyn Public Library are auctioning off a one-of-a-kind trophy case to highlight each of his albums ... but the piece has now caused many to speculate Hov has another project on the way.

Roc Nation and Christie's introduced the limited edition Jay-Z treasure from his "Book of HOV" Wednesday ... a black leather case made by Pinel et Pinel, and personally autographed by the Grammy-winning rapper himself.

Proceeds for the auction will directly benefit the Brooklyn Public Library and any Hov stan.

The case features 13 metal library cards sporting all of Jay's solo studio albums but has 14 slots, the empty space can be seen next to Jay's last released album "4:44" ... which arrived 6 years ago.

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Gayle King recently quizzed Jay on the possibility of his releasing new music ... which he says he intends to -- the rollout just has to have a bigger meaning.

There's a chance Jay's next release could coincide with his biblically-themed film "The Book of Clarence" which drops in January 2024 -- much like he did with his album inspired by the 2007 film "American Gangster."

The "Book of HOV" has a nice album title ring to it all the same. 🤔 We reached out to Roc Nation for comment on the missing puzzle piece ... no word back yet!!!

People was first to report on the Jay-Z auction.