50 Cent I'll Take Revolt Off Your Hands, Diddy ... Fire-Sale Prices Only!!!

50 Cent has been relentlessly roasting Diddy amid his legal settlement with former girlfriend Cassie and now wants to make him an offer we're sure Puff will refuse ... to buy his Revolt TV empire.

On Tuesday, 50 gleefully took to IG and told Diddy he'd take Revolt off his hands but needed to cut a deal as he predicted his trusty sponsors in Cadillac and AT&T would likely abandon ship.

50 insisted he and Diddy would be friends if he agreed to sell him the network and it probably wasn't all snark.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The G-Unit rapper has been looking for a home to place his TV shows such as the 'Power' and 'BMF' franchises and having his own platform would solidify his empire ... although the likelihood of Diddy accepting the offer is obviously slim to none.

TMZ broke the story earlier today ... Diddy temporarily stepped down as Chairman of Revolt, leaving the day-to-day operations to his CEO Detavio Samuels and Chief Brand Officer Deon Graham.

The Bad Boy Records mogul has been laying low in the aftermath of the new lawsuits he's facing ... for a pair of alleged rapes in the early 1990s -- which he's dismissed as a money grab each time.


50 will just have to peddle his products elsewhere.

Kroy Biermann Sued by Chase ... Your Credit Card Balance is Fat!!!

Kroy Biermann is being dragged to court by Chase over what the bank says is more than $10,000 in credit card debt ... and Chase wants a judge to make him pay.

Kim Zolciak's hubby just got hit with a lawsuit by the banking giant -- and in the docs, obtained by TMZ, Chase is alleging he owes a total of $13,071.88 ... which the bank says is way past due.

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Chase attached Kroy's credit card statements in their complaint, which show the fat balances starting to rack up since summer.

Kroy and Kim's financial issues have been well documented ... starting with the alleged seven-figure sum they owe the IRS.

As we've told you, BMW just won a case against Kroy over non-payment of a Rolls-Royce ... and just this month a judge ordered Kroy to return the $400,100 SV to the car company.

Kroy was also sued by Sky Warrior over a $52,500 gambling debt from a bad run at a casino down in the Bahamas.

We reached out to Kroy ... so far no word back.

Kroy Biermann Demandado por Chase... ¡¡La deuda de tu tarjeta de crédito es abultada!!

Kroy Biermann está siendo arrastrado a los tribunales por Chase por una deuda que ellos dicen asciende a más de $10,000 en su tarjeta de crédito y, por eso, quiere que un juez se haga cargo y consiga que les pague.

El marido de Kim Zolciak acaba de ser golpeado con una demanda del gigante bancario y en los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Chase alega que debe un total de $13,071.88 y que, según dicen, se encuentra muy atrasado.

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En su demanda, Chase adjunta los estados de cuenta de la tarjeta de crédito de Kroy, que muestran los saldos adeudados, que han empezado a acumularse desde el verano.

Los problemas financieros de Kroy y Kim han sido bien documentados, a partir de la supuesta suma de siete cifras que deben al IRS.

Como les hemos contado, BMW acaba de ganar un caso contra Kroy por una factura impaga de un Rolls-Royce y justo este mes un juez ordenó que Kroy le devolviera $400,100 a la compañía de automóviles.

Kroy también fue demandado por Sky Warrior por una deuda de 52.500 dólares en apuestas, en una mala racha en un casino en las Bahamas.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Kroy, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Sofia Vergara Contractor Sues Her For $1.7 Mil ... Those Home Improvements Ain't Free!!!


9:12 AM PT -- Sofia Vergara's attorney, Marty Singer, tells TMZ it was actually Sofia who first sent a demand letter to RCH on October 4 ... claiming the company was responsible for $5 million in damages for overcharging Sofia, doing substandard work and delaying the project.

Singer says RCH never disputed the claims, but has now filed a lawsuit of their own ... Singer says he's confident Sofia will prevail and receive significant payment.

Sofia Vergara skipped out on paying a contractor more than $1.7 million for a huge renovation of her luxurious home in Beverly Hills ... or so the contractor claims in a new lawsuit.

According to the suit, obtained by TMZ, the actress hired Reside Custom Homes in April 2022 to perform construction work on her $26 million mansion located in the Beverly Park neighborhood.

RCH claims Vergara agreed to pay for the work plus the contractor's fee, but claims she never followed through once the work was done.

RCH says the project was substantially completed by December 2022, but then Vergara allegedly asked for significant extra work beyond the scope of the agreement, which ended up extending the job until March 2023 ... when Sofia finally moved back into the home.

According to RCH, Vergara asked the contractor to install clay plaster in 3 powder rooms, an office, the dining room walls, the cabana bathroom and the guest house living room. She also wanted the company to remove and replace a flight of stairs.

RCH says it fronted the money for the additional work in order to finish the improvements and claims Vergara promised to pay the bill ... even allegedly telling RCH she'd approved one of the invoices for nearly $900K and "already" gave directions to her money manager to pay the bill.

But RCH says Sofia never followed through and now owes the company a whopping balance of $1,700,492.64.

We've reached out to Vergara's rep ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 6:38 AM PT

Sofía Vergara Un contratista la demanda por $1.7 millones... Esos arreglos en la casa no son gratis!!!

Sofía Vergara se saltó un pago de más de $1,7 millones a un contratista por una enorme renovación de su lujosa casa en Beverly Hills, o al menos eso afirma el contratista en una nueva demanda contra la actriz.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, Sofía Vergara contrató a Reside Custom Homes en abril de 2022 para realizar trabajos de construcción en su mansión de 26 millones de dólares, ubicada en el barrio de Beverly Park.

La empresa afirma que Vergara acordó pagar por el trabajo más la tarifa del contratista, pero que nunca cumplió su palabra una vez realizado el trabajo.

Reside Custom Homes dice que el proyecto se completó sustancialmente en diciembre de 2022, pero que luego Vergara supuestamente pidió un trabajo adicional bastante significativo, y más allá del acuerdo, que terminó extendiendo el trabajo hasta marzo de 2023 cuando Sofía se mudó finalmente de nuevo a la casa.

Según el contratista, Vergara les pidió instalar yeso de arcilla en tres salas, una oficina, las paredes del comedor, el baño de la cabaña y la sala de estar de la casa de huéspedes. Ella también quería que la empresa eliminara y reemplazara un tramo de las escaleras.

La empresa dice que adelantó el dinero para el trabajo adicional con el fin de terminar las mejoras y asegura que Vergara se comprometió a pagar la factura, incluso diciéndole a Reside Custom Homes que había aprobado una de las facturas de casi $900K y que ya había dado instrucciones a su administrador para que pagara la factura.

Pero RCH dice que Sofía nunca cumplió y ahora les debe $1.700.492,64 dólares.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el representante de Vergara, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' GRANDES GANANCIAS PARA LA ESTRELLA ADOLESCENTE MICAH ABBEY … ¿$5,000 por Día? ¡Cowabunga!

Micah Abbey no solo la rompió en la nueva versión animada de este año "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mayhem Mutant", el joven de 16 años también ganó una fortuna al hacerlo.

Según su contrato de menores, obtenido por TMZ, la estrella adolescente estaba cobrando… ¡$5,000 por cada sesión de grabación para dar voz al personaje de Donatello, con un salario garantizado de ¡$50,000!

Según el contrato, Micah podría haber ganado mucho más con las bonificaciones, incluyendo otros $225,000 si la película hubiera alcanzado los $300 millones en la taquilla nacional.

Terminó recaudando alrededor de $118 millones en taquilla nacional, así que no hay bono para Micah.

A pesar de no alcanzar el gran objetivo de taquilla, la película, que también contó con la participación de John Cena, Seth Rogen y Rose Byrne, fue bien recibida por la mayoría de los fanáticos, quienes le dieron un 90% de calificación del público en Rotten Tomatoes.

Y con respecto al talentoso adolescente Micah… los cheques seguirán llegando, ya que repetirá su papel en la serie "Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", que se estrenará en Paramount+ el próximo año.

'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' BIG BUCKS FOR TEEN STAR MICAH ABBEY ... $5K Per Day? Cowabunga!!!

Micah Abbey not only kicked butt in this year's animated reboot "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem" ... but the 16-year-old also made big bucks doing so.

According to his minors contract, obtained by TMZ, the teen star was bringing in the dough ... earning $5,000 a day for each recording session to voice the role of Donatello, with a guaranteed payday of $50K!!!

According to the contract, Micah could've scored much more from bonuses, including another $225K if the movie had hit $300M at the domestic box office.

It ended up grossing around $118M domestically, so, no bonus round for Micah.

Despite not hitting the huge box office target, the movie -- which also starred John Cena, Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne -- was largely received as a treat for most fans, who've given it a 90% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

And, as for talented teen Micah ... the checks will continue rolling in as he's reprising his role for the "Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" series .. hitting Paramount+ next year.

DON LEMON RESPALDA LA VISITA DE ELON MUSK A ISRAEL … "Movimiento De Relaciones Públicas O No", Es Realmente Inteligente

en general, un buen movimiento

Don Lemon está respaldando el viaje de Elon Musk a Israel después de que el magnate de la tecnología aterrizara el lunes en Medio Oriente para inspeccionar la destrucción dejada por Hamás.

El ex anfitrión de CNN llegó a LAX el lunes y nos cuenta que es posible que el viaje del multimillonario se vea como un intento de control de daños después de ser acusado de antisemitismo. Sin embargo, Lemon cree que Elon aún aprenderá algo valioso, sea un movimiento de relaciones públicas o no.

En caso de que te lo hayas perdido, Elon escribió en X que había "verdad" en una publicación sugiriendo que los judíos odian a los blancos, recibiendo obviamente muchas críticas en el proceso.

Don cree que cuanto más vea Elon durante su viaje, mejor, incluyendo el daño infligido por Israel a Gaza, aunque advierte que solo debería visitarlo si es seguro hacerlo.

Aunque Elon es una figura divisiva, Don destaca sus contribuciones a los vehículos eléctricos y las industrias espaciales, que lo han convertido en una figura influyente en la historia mundial. Naturalmente, debería ser algo positivo que el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu le muestre su país.

Funcionarios del gobierno se unieron a Elon durante el recorrido por los restos del ataque terrorista del 7 de octubre en una de las aldeas objetivo de ese día.

El viaje de EM se produce durante una breve ventana de oportunidad, con Israel y Hamás acordando un alto el fuego temporal mientras negocian la liberación de rehenes y la entrega de ayuda a Gaza.

D.L. HUGHLEY EL HIJO DE T.I. Y TINY LOS INSULTÓ … ¡Lás únicas cucarachas que conocía eran actores pagados!

es un insulto

D.L. Hughley le aconseja al hijo de T.I. y Tiny, King, que escuche la voz de la razón y comprenda por qué su colapso durante un juego de los Atlanta Falcons es "vergonzoso" para sus padres.

TMZ Hip Hop habló con D.L. el lunes en el aeropuerto LAX, donde llamó al estallido de King, insistiendo en que creció medio pobre, lo que es absolutamente "insultante" para los logros de vida de Tip y Tiny.

En caso de que te lo hayas perdido, King terminó sometido por su padre dentro de su lujoso palco en el estadio Mercedes-Benz, resultado de King afirmando que conocía la vida en el trap por haber crecido en la casa de su abuela e incluso experimentado ver cucarachas que se le arrastraban por la cara.

D.L. menciona que King creció como estrella de reality a través de "The Family Hustle" de VH1 y que cualquier cucaracha que haya encontrado eran ¡actores pagados!

Como padre, D.L. piensa que las palabras de King cortan aún más hondo de lo que parece en el video. Afirma que todos los padres decentes se enorgullecen de que sus hijos estén alimentados y limpios, que la infancia de King pasa esa prueba con creces.

D.L. nos cuenta que sus propios hijos ni siquiera soñarían con expresar tal falta de respeto; son mayores y saben mejor las cosas.

King seguía furioso en redes sociales, a un día después de enfrentarse a sus padres, pero D.L. está seguro de que eventualmente se dará cuenta de lo tonto que es todo esto.

¡Es rico, por amor al cielo!

DON LEMON BACKS ELON MUSK'S ISRAEL VISIT ... 'PR Move Or Not, I Think It's Really Smart!'


Don Lemon is backing Elon Musk's trip to Israel ... after the tech mogul touched down in the Middle East Monday to survey the destruction left behind by Hamas.

The ex-CNN host landed at LAX Monday, telling us it's possible the billionaire's trip could be seen as damage control after he was accused of being antisemitic. However, Lemon believes Elon will still learn something worthwhile -- PR move or not.

In case you missed it, Elon wrote on X there was "truth" in a post that suggested Jews hate white people ... obviously getting a ton of heat in the process.


Don believes the more Elon sees during his trip, the better ... including the damage inflicted by Israel in Gaza -- only warning he should only visit if it's safe to do so.

While Elon is a divisive figure, Don notes his contributions to electric vehicles and space industries have made him influential in world history -- so naturally, it should be a good thing for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to show him around his country.

Government officials joined Elon during a tour of the wreckage of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in one of the targeted villages that day.

EM's trip comes during a brief window of opportunity, with Israel and Hamas agreeing to a temporary ceasefire as they negotiate the release of hostages and the delivery of aid to Gaza.


Shakira no está exenta de problemas fiscales, El gobierno Español la investiga de nuevo en un caso separado y ha tenido que pagar millones mientras los fiscales siguen investigando, de acuerdo con un nuevo informe.

Sabemos que Shakira resolvió su caso penal con el gobierno Español la semana pasada, pagando alrededor de $27 millones para obtener una sentencia más leve después de admitir los cargos por fraude fiscal entre 2012 y 2014, con su reconocimiento en el tribunal ante un juez.

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Sin embargo, de acuerdo con el artículo reciente del periódico Español El Periódico, esto no es todo, ya que ahora los fiscales están indagando sobre un supuesto fraude fiscal de 2018, un caso completamente diferente al que se trató hace apenas 6 días.

El medio afirma que Shakira ha “depositado” un extra de $7.2 millones en esta nueva investigación, aunque no está claro si esto es simplemente una fianza que está entregando para evitar problemas o si es una cantidad completamente nueva que está pagando para deshacerse de los cargos.

El Periódico, citando fuentes anónimas del tribunal, sugiere que este último pago en efectivo es un gesto de Shakira para recibir más indulgencia cuando el caso finalmente se resuelva, lo cual es un tanto extraño y muy diferente a cómo se manejan las cosas aquí, en Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, el medio señala que su pago no es necesariamente una admisión de culpabilidad.

De ser cierto, ella terminará perdiendo estos $7.2 millones más adelante, con un total pagado de alrededor de $34 millones para resolver sus problemas fiscales, los cuales la han perseguido durante años.

Honestamente, es bastante impactante, pero suponemos que este tipo de cosas pueden ocurrir cuando eres tan rica como ella. Se estima que tiene un patrimonio neto de alrededor de $300 millones.

Nos hemos comunicado con el representante de Shakira… pero hasta el momento, no hemos recibido respuesta.

Novak Djokovic '16 French Open Winning Racket Up For Auction ... Caught By Lucky Fan!

A tennis fan, like a lottery ticket landing in her lap, caught Novak Djokovic's French Open final-winning racket after an epic match with Andy Murray in 2016 ... and now the piece of tennis history is up for auction!

The backstory is awesome -- Abby Doherty, a college student in 2016, traveled to Paris with her family to watch the famed French Open at Roland-Garros ... where she witnessed several matches, including the much-awaited tourney final between top-seeded Djokovic and 2nd-seeded Murray. Two all-time players.

Novak dropped the opening set of the June match, 3-6, before ticking off three sets in a row (6-1, 6-2, 6-4), and securing another F.O. title.

Djokovich was over the moon ... and after a bunch of celebrating (and a moment of good sportsmanship with Murray), the tennis legend used his Head racket to draw a heart in the famous clay court.

Then, Novak launched the Head racket into the crowd ... right where Abby was seated. She stuck her hand out, and boom -- snatched it out of the air!

Her dad almost immediately took a photo of his daughter, who was beaming.

That same Head Speed Graphene Touch PT113B racket, which has been photo-matched by experts to the French Open final (and several other French Open matches, including the Semifinals), is now available at SCP Auctions ... and their experts believe it could sell in excess of $100 grand!

The 27-inch long racket features Novak's custom double-wrapped, calfskin leather grip ... and shows signs of wear and tear from the match with Murray.

The win also marked a "calendar year" Grand Slam for N.D. ... meaning he won all 4 Major events (Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, US Open) within a 365-day period.

With 24 Major titles (including 3 French Open wins), Djokovic is widely considered the greatest tennis player of all time. Rafael Nadal has 22, followed by Roger Federer at 20, and Pete Sampras with 14.

Bidding ends for the Novak racket on December 2. Good luck!

Kanye West Wants to Buy Out Lil Durk's Contract After Dubai Show Together

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Club Blu Dubai

Kanye West and Lil Durk may be working together a lot more in the future if all goes according to Ye's plan ... which is to free Durk of his current label situation.

Sources close to Kanye's camp tell TMZ Hip Hop that Ye is currently in talks to buy Durk out of his contract with Alamo Records in the aftermath of their new "Vultures" collaboration. That's the one where Ye claims he can't be antisemitic because, "I just f***** a Jewish bitch."

Our sources tell us 300 Records co-founder and current Alamo Records CEO Todd Moscowitz refused to clear Durk for another song he worked on for Kanye's upcoming album ... and now the paperwork battle is upon us.

Kanye was joined by Durk and the song's other featured artists, Ty Dolla $ign and Chicago rap legend Bump J at Blu Dubai nightclub over the weekend where they performed "Vultures" live for the first time ever.


The "Dark Twisted Fantasy" rapper's Dubai trip has been an eventful one so far ... he and his former personal trainer had a tense interaction inside a hotel lobby last week.

Chris Brown has also been taking heat after he was filmed dancing with Ye and crew along to the "Vultures" song -- no different, though, from everyone else inside the club during the performance.

Shakira Pays An Extra $7 Mil in New Tax Probe ... Alleged 2018 Fraud: Report

Shakira isn't out of the woods on the tax front -- Spain is coming after her again in a separate probe, and she's had to pay millions as prosecutors keep digging ... this per a new report.

We know Shakira settled her criminal case with the Spanish government last week -- having shelled out around $27 million to receive a lighter sentence after copping to tax fraud charges between 2012 and 2014 ... with an in-court acknowledgment she made before a judge.

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However, according to a recent story from Spanish newspaper El Periodico -- she ain't done just yet ... 'cause now, prosecutors are drilling down on alleged tax fraud from 2018, which is a completely different case than what was dealt with just 6 days ago.

The outlet says Shakira has "deposited" an extra $7.2 million in this new investigation -- although it's unclear if this is just a bond, of sorts, she's forking over to stay out of trouble ... or if it's a straight-up new settlement amount she's paying to make the charges go away.

El Periodico, which is citing anonymous court sources here, makes it seem like this latest cash payment is a gesture from Shakira to receive further leniency when the case eventually wraps up ... which is a little strange and quite different than how we do things here in the States. The outlet notes, though, that her paying this isn't exactly an admission of guilt.

If this is true, and she ends up losing this $7.2 million down the line ... that would mean, all told, she's paid about $34 million or so to clear up her tax problems -- which have been dogging her for years.

Pretty shocking, to be honest ... but hey, we suppose this sorta thing can happen when you're as rich as she is. She's got an estimated net worth of about $300 million.

We've reached out to Shakira's rep for comment ... so far, no word back.

Kyle Kuzma Donates $60K In Clothing To Female Inmates ... Refurbishing Housing Conditions, Too!

'Tis the season of giving and Kyle Kuzma is off to an amazing start ... the NBA star donated $60k worth of clothes to female inmates preparing for release from county jail in his hometown of Flint, Michigan!

The Washington Wizards forward also launched an initiative to refurbish housing conditions for the women who are locked up.

The Kyle Kuzma Family Foundation partnered with I.G.N.I.T.E. and R.I.S.E., two jail reform organizations that support incarcerated women as they prepare to re-enter society.

Kuzma revealed the collaboration at the 23rd I.G.N.I.T.E. graduation ceremony at the county jail on Sunday ... by surprising the female inmates, and announcing the big $60k donation.

The 6'9" baller also handed out presents to kids who were there to visit their moms.

That's not all Kyle's doing ... the 28-year-old also launched "Kuz's Corner," which will help refurbish living conditions at the Genesee County Jail.

"Kuz’s Corner provides incarcerated female inmates something to reach towards, and prove to themselves, and others of their worth and value," the foundation said in a press release.

"The females chosen to reside in Kuz’s Corner have set themselves apart as role models in their behavior, mentorship, and strive to return to the community as a better neighbor."

Kuzma -- who's averaging nearly 23 points a game this season -- cares deeply about his foundation which helps single mothers and children in Michigan, the DMV (D.C. Metro area), and Los Angeles ... a cause that hits close to home.

"When I was growing up, she worked two jobs and that hard work and dedication, just to make ends meet, put food on the table," Kuzma said about his mom Karri on GMA.

"That’s been my inspiration my entire life."

Kuzma -- who launched his foundation in 2019 -- is the first NBA player to lock in a jail reform program.



Aquí hay una historia loca -- Dominique Wilkins abrió recientemente un paquete de antiguas tarjetas de la NBA... y para su suerte, ¡¡sacó su propia tarjeta de novato!!

Todo esto fue documentado en video... cuando la leyenda de los Hawks se unió al director general de OTIA Sports, Jason Koonce, para romper un lote sin abrir de tarjetas de baloncesto Fleer de 1986 con la esperanza de encontrar una tarjeta de novato de Michael Jordan en el paquete.

Para su información -- la serie Fleer de 1986 está repleta de tarjetas de novatos de la época... incluidos MJ, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Hakeem Olajuwon y, por supuesto, Dominique Wilkins.

El tirón fue bastante divertido -- el "Human Hightlight Film" recordó cómo jugó contra varios jugadores a medida que iba desvelando la baraja... que contenía grandes nombres como Magic Johnson, Larry Bird y Bill Walton.

Una vez que Wilkins se topó con su propia cara, el grupo de chicos empezó a alborotarse... con Koonce jurando hasta la extenuación que la carta no había sido plantada.

"Esto estaba sellado, no estaba planeado", dijo Koonce en el video. "Eso es una locura".

"Por la vida de mis hijos, ¡esto no fue montado!"

La tarjeta podría tener un alto valor dependiendo de su estado... ¡algunas en muy buen estado se cotizan actualmente en internet por miles de dólares!

Lamentamos que no hayas sacado una de M.J., Dominique... ¡pero tú también fuiste un muy buen jugador!