Ariel Winter Sister Hit the Skids In the Money Dept.

Ariel Winter's sister -- who has a good shot at becoming the permanent guardian -- has had a storied history of financial problems ... TMZ has learned.

Shanelle Gray filed for full-blown bankruptcy back in 2000, with assets totaling a measly $385 and debts totaling $42,561.89. At the time of the filing, Shanelle declared a grand total of $10 cash and $75 in her checking account. As for her other worldly possessions, she listed a bed, dresses, an alarm clock and a radio, and that's it.

Fast forward to last month, when Ariel's mom, Chrystal Workman, argued in court Shanelle was an unfit guardian because she allegedly has a motive to get her hands on Ariel's money. When the court appointed Shanelle temporary guardian, however, she specifically did NOT ask for control of or access to Ariel's finances.

As for what Shanelle's doing these days ... she owns an actor's studio in L.A. It's unclear how well she's doing, but it's safe to say she's not raking in the $75k per week Ariel makes on "Modern Family."

Meanwhile, Ariel's mother Chrystal left court today feeling desperate in the wake of a blistering report by the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services -- which found Chrystal had emotionally abused her daughter.

Chrystal -- whom the DCFS has recommended be permanently stripped of custody -- told us, "I just want to see my daughter. I love her very much." '


Ariel's dad Glenn Workman -- who has volunteered to take custody of Ariel instead of her older sister -- was also in court today, but he wasn't too talkative on the way out.


Ariel Winter Case Children Services Says Mom Should Lose Custody

A stunning development in the Ariel Winter case -- the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services has issued a blistering report against the "Modern Family" star's mom, saying the judge should strip her of custody and award a permanent guardianship to Ariel's older sister.

The DCFS report concludes Chrystal Workman, Ariel's mom, committed emotional abuse against her 14-year-old daughter. As for the physical abuse claim, DCFS said the evidence is "inconclusive."

DCFS feels the situation is so dire, it planned to go to Dependency Court to make Ariel a ward of the state. However, DCFS officials decided to give the judge in the current case a chance to award Ariel's sister, Shanelle Gray, a permanent guardianship.

Chrystal's lawyer suggested Shanelle had ulterior motives -- i.e., a money grab -- but the judge shut that argument down.

At one point during the hearing, Shanelle's lawyer told the court ... she wants Ariel and her parents to begin family therapy sessions as soon as possible.

The report also says Ariel is articulate and has credibility and that weighed in the conclusions.

The judge must now set a trial date to determine if he will create the permanent guardianship.

Ariel Winter's Brother FLIP FLOPS She Belongs with My Dad


Ariel Winter's brother was singing a different tune outside court this morning -- claiming his little sister belongs in the custody and care of their father ... and NOT with their mother.

Ariel's bro Jimmy Workman had previously submitted a declaration in support of his mother Chrystal Workman in her custody battle over the 14-year-old actress --denying allegations his mother physically and emotionally abused Ariel.

But outside court today, Jimmy said, "Hopefully my father gets custody of my sister, which it should be."

Meanwhile, Ariel's dad Glenn Workman filed his own declaration in the case, writing, "I am physically, emotionally, and financially capable of caring for my daughter, without limitation."

The judge just recessed for lunch, so he can read the reports from the Dept. of Children and Family Services.

Ariel Winter No-Show In Court

12:11 PM PST: The judge just recessed for lunch to read the DCFS reports. Back at 1:30

11:08 AM PST:
The judge said he just received mutiple reports from the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services and is now reading them.

Ariel Winter will not be in court for the hearing which could determine if her sister gets a formal guardianship.

Ariel's sister, Shanelle Gray, will also be absent and that strongly suggests the court will not conduct a full-blown hearing today. The likely reason -- the judge is about to call the case, and as of now the report from the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services has not been filed with the court. The DCFS report is vital to the decision.

The likely resolution today will be that the judge will keep the status quo -- meaning Ariel will stay with her sis until a formal hearing can be held.

Ariel Winter's Dad She Don't Need No Guardianship

Ariel Winter's dad just filed a stunning objection to the guardianship of his daughter Ariel, calling her "My Retirement Surprise Child."

Glenn Workman says in his declaration, "I am physically, emotionally, and financially capable of caring for my daughter, without limitation. No evidence has been produced that suggests any detriment to Ariel associated with my father-daughter relationship with her."

Glenn, who does not want daughter Shanelle to be Ariel's guardian, says, "I am a frugal and modest person with a moderate income who doesn't need Ariel's income to survive."

Glenn says he has a great relationship with Ariel, adding "We enjoy going on long walks together ... and I love to listen to her talk to me ... I find her to be very interesting."

Glenn also says, "I believe Ariel has demonstrated a lot of maturity and is at an age now that she should have more control over her finances."

Glenn never addresses allegations that his wife Chrystal physically and emotionally abused Ariel, except to say their relationship is strained.

Glenn says his daughter may be trying to grow up too fast, as evidenced by allegedly having an 18-year-old boyfriend.

Ariel Winter's Bro I'm Not Taking Sides .... BUT

Ariel Winter's brother filed court docs in the guardianship case in which he says he's not taking sides ... and then goes on to squarely take sides.

Jimmy Workman, an actor who famously appeared as Pugsley in "The Addams Family," says in his declaration -- obtained by TMZ -- he "NEVER" saw any physical or emotional abuse by his mother against Ariel. He concedes he saw "normal mother and daughter arguments and banter back and forth but nothing more."

Jimmy says the conflicts worsened when Ariel allegedly refused to break up with her boyfriend.

And then Jimmy says, "My position is not to take sides with anyone, but to get this family back to where it belongs." But the next sentence -- "I as well believe that Shanelle Gray is not the right person to have custody of my younger sister Ariel."

As you know, Shanelle has a temporary guardianship. The parties are back in court tomorrow and the judge could decide to make the guardianship permanent.

Ariel Winter All Smiles Before Court Date

Ariel Winter was out and about Sunday doing TOTALLY NORMAL 14-YEAR-OLD-GIRL STUFF... like chowing down on a snow cone -- days before her guardianship hearing.

Ariel and her older sister Shanelle Gray -- a.k.a Ariel's temporary guardian -- hit up the Farmer's Market in Studio City ... and smiled like two people who are really, really happy.

As TMZ previously reported ... the "Modern Family" star is the middle of a nasty court battle with her mother Chrystal Workman over guardianship ... after Ariel claimed she was physically and verbally abused. Ariel's mom has denied the allegations.

A judge has set a hearing for November 20.

'Modern Family' Art Imitates Life with Overbearing Stage Mom


Ariel Winter stared down a crazed stage mother last night ... a woman hell bent on giving her daughter a competitive edge -- but it wasn't real life, it was the storyline on "Modern Family" ... wonder where they could've found inspiration for THAT plot line???

The episode -- which was most likely written and taped months ago -- featured Julie Bowen's character confronting the judges at an academic challenge after her daughter Alex (Ariel Winter) got eliminated.

An embarrassed Alex sees the confrontation and immediately tries to stop her mom -- "You're just mad because now you can't parade me around like some show pony!"

It all seemed eerily familiar to the non-fictional mother-daughter drama that's erupted between Ariel and Chrystal Workman behind the scenes.

As we reported, Chrystal has developed a reputation as a terror on the set ... in fact, sources say producers have blocked her from various places on the set, including hair and makeup.

So, was last night's episode a coincidence ... or a not-so-subtle message?

Ariel Winter's Babysitter Mom NEVER Abused Her ... In Any Way Whatsoever

More friends and family members are rallying around the mother of "Modern Family" star Ariel Winter -- including Ariel's old babysitter -- claiming Ariel's mom never abused her daughter ... sexually, physically, or emotionally.

Two new declarations have been filed in the custody case involving 14-year-old Ariel and her mother Chrystal Workman -- after a judge ordered Ariel be taken out of the home in light of abuse allegations.

Ariel is currently in the temporary guardianship of her older sister Shanelle -- but Ariel's former babysitter and her mom's cousin have both filed declarations supporting the return of Ariel to Chrystal's care.

The babysitter writes, "As a former licensed in-home daycare provider trained to recognize abuse, I saw no signs nor did I witness abuse of any kind (sexual, physical, or emotional) against Ariel."

Meanwhile, Chrystal's cousin calls Chrystal "a morally sound, extremely loving and protective parent."

The cousin writes, "It is without doubt that Ariel is thinking evidently of her age, without understanding the severity of her actions ... Still early in these teenage development years, Ariel must have limits that only a parent can determine" -- a thinly-veiled reference to Ariel's alleged tryst with an 18-year-old boy.

For Ariel's part -- her friends insist she isn't lying about the abuse ... and multiple sources say Chrystal is an overbearing stage mom whom "Modern Family" producers wanted to ban from the set.

A judge has yet to rule on Ariel's guardianship status.

Ariel Winter's Mom She Attacked Me and Said "I'll Make You Pay!"

Ariel Winter's mom told the guardianship judge when she confronted her daughter about her relationship with an 18-year-old boy, Ariel attacked her and threatened to make her pay ... this according to court transcripts obtained by TMZ.

Before the court heard Chrystal Workman's side, the judge heard exactly what we reported this morning ... that Ariel's mom, Chrystal was "a terror on the set of 'Modern Family' and that the producer and others there have expressed grave concern ..." this according to the lawyer for Ariel's sister.

The transcript chronicles the court hearing last month, at which the judge removed Ariel from the care of her mother and created a temporary guardianship.

According to the lawyer for Shanelle Gray, "The child [Ariel] is, apparently, struck repeatedly, slapped, hit, pushed, not so as to leave marks. Mother is smart enough not to do that."

But Chrystal fired back, "She is an actress so I'm sure she can cry at the drop of a hat." In other words, Chrystal was warning the judge that her daughter was making up her story.

The lawyer for Shanelle also claimed Chrystal "sexualizes the child," and showed the judge a pic of Ariel "dressed up to show off her breasts and otherwise."

The lawyer also mentions what we said this morning ... that people on the set of "Modern Family" were "having to sneak this child food because the mother deprives the child of food."

Shanelle, who was in court, told the judge her mom physically abused her 20 years ago. But Chrystal said the allegation was false, and what really went down was that Shanelle ran off with a gang member wannabe and they found her at a crack house -- i.e., she has no credibility.

Ariel Winter's Mom 'Modern Family' Wanted Her Banned From Set

Ariel Winter's mom was an abusive menace on the set of "Modern Family" ... so much so, producers wanted her BANNED from set -- this according to a source close to the situation.

TMZ spoke with a source -- who worked on the show for over a year and had constant contact with Ariel -- who says Chrystal Workman (Ariel's mom) was "hated" by the crew, producers, actors and other mothers ... because she made Ariel's life a living Hell.

Specifically we're told Chrystal would sit on set and watch Ariel like a hawk -- and then berate her for her physical appearance, saying her ears were too big and she looked ugly in her clothes. She also blocked Ariel from eating anything but egg whites and raw veggies.

Our source tells us, the mom's obsession with Ariel's diet was so extreme ... crew members contrived a plan to "sneak" the 14-year-old food (like grilled cheese sandwiches) when her mom wasn't looking.

And there's more. We're told ... Chrystal was very vocal about Ariel's money -- claiming her daughter needed to rake in more cash to pay for their house, her agents, managers and publicists.

Our source adds, "I'm so happy for Ariel that she went to the extreme and got out from under that miserable woman's care."

As TMZ previously reported ... Chrystal has denied all allegations of physical and / or verbal abuse.

Ariel Winter I Was NEVER Intimate With That Boy

Close friends of Ariel Winter tell TMZ ... she NEVER got intimate with an 18-year-old boy, and her mother has manufactured the story to get back at her for trying to break from her maternal grip.

Ariel has told friends her mom is "flat out lying" when she claimed she walked into the guest bedroom and found her 14-year-old in bed with Cameron Palatas. One source says, "Ariel is so innocent, she never even kissed a boy until her first kiss in a 'Modern Family' episode."

Another independent and credible source tells TMZ ... he saw Ariel and Cameron kissing and "touchy feely" at a WWE party over the summer, but he did not see anything more intimate than that.

As we previously reported, Ariel's mom, Chrystal Workman, didn't report the alleged encounter to authorities for a long period of time, and only AFTER a judge gave Ariel's sister temporary guardianship of the girl and ordered Chrystal to stay clear of her.

Several sources close to Ariel say the girl believes her mom is lying to save face.

Ariel Winter's BFF She's BETTER OFF with Her Older Sister


"Modern Family" star Ariel Winter is in a "much better situation" now that she's away from her mother and living with her older sister ... this according to one of Ariel's closest friends.

TMZ spoke with Sterling Beaumon -- a fellow child star who met Ariel on the set of a Nintendo commercial a few years ago. He also starred as a young Ben Linus on "Lost."

Beaumon tells us he's still very tight with Ariel -- and has had extensive conversations with the 14-year-old actress since a judge removed her from her mother's home and named her older sister Shanelle as her temporary guardian.

"Everything is good with her," Sterling said ... "She's in a much better situation now."

He adds, "I actually know her sister as well ... her sister is a wonderful girl, woman actually ... great person. "

When asked about allegations that Ariel's mother Chrystal has abused the actress both mentally and physically ... Sterling said, "I can say that [Ariel is] not lying ... there's no reason for her to lie about something like this."

While he wouldn't say if he saw any of the alleged abuse firsthand, Sterling added, "She's in a great situation now."

Ariel Winter UNITED FRONT with Big Sister

Ariel Winter sent a very public message to her mother ... she's STANDING STRONG with her big sister and temporary guardian Shanelle Gray.

In a major show of support, Ariel clutched her sister's hand as they walked into a hair salon in Los Angeles earlier today ... and, of course, it was all captured by the paparazzi.

Ariel's mother has accused Shanelle of using the "Modern Family" actress as a "stepping stone" to launch her own acting career. She also claims Shanelle might blow Ariel's fortune on herself.

Shanelle claims she's rescuing Ariel from a physically and emotionally abusive mother.

No word on who paid for the trip to the salon.

Ariel Winter's Mother [VIDEO] Just Give Me My Daughter Back!


"Modern Family" star Ariel Winter's mother wants to put this whole child abuse scandal behind her -- claiming, "I love Ariel. I want to work things out, and I want her to come home."

Ariel's mom Chrystal Workman wasn't feeling too talkative out in L.A. earlier today -- but said she wants to put an end to the mother-daughter dispute ASAP.

As we reported, Chrystal is accused of being physically and emotionally abusive toward Ariel -- and as a result, authorities have removed Ariel from the home ... temporarily placing Ariel with her older sister.

There's now a full-blown court battle for custody of 14-year-old Ariel between Ariel's mom and her older sister Shanelle.

Ariel Winter's Mom I NEVER Called My Daughter Fat

Ariel Winter's mother told the court ... she NEVER trashed her daughter or called her fat ... despite allegations to the contrary ... TMZ has learned.

Chrystal Workman filed a declaration with the court, obtained by TMZ, in which she fires back at allegations made by Ariel's older sister Shanelle ... that Chrystal would constantly say horrible things to Ariel.

In the docs, Chrystal says, "The allegations in [Shanelle's] petition are untrue. I have never put Ariel down or told her that she is overweight."

In fact, Chrystal says she constantly told her daughter that she is "smart, beautiful and talented."

"Since birth, I have loved and cared for Ariel in all her physiological and emotional needs," Chrystal says ... adding, "I have always been her caretaker and looked out for her best interests."

We broke the story ... Shanelle was awarded temporary guardianship of Ariel over allegations that Chrystal physically and emotionally abused Ariel. Chrystal has denied the allegations.

In the docs, Chrystal also claims Shanelle is only using Ariel as a "stepping stone to further her own career as an actress."

Chrystal says Ariel makes $75k per week from "Modern Family" alone ... and is concerned Shanelle will misuse the money to buy herself a new house.

In the docs, Chrystal says her relationship with Ariel went south when she found out her 14-year-old daughter was involved in a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old man.

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