'Mob Wives' Star Natalie DiDonato Safe & Sound in Nevada, Mom Says ... IDs Stolen, Not Injured


Natalie DiDonato -- the "Mob Wives" star who went missing earlier this week -- is safe and sound, though she allegedly had her identification stolen ... TMZ has learned.

Denise Fuoco -- Natalie's mother -- tells TMZ ... she spoke to her daughter about an hour ago on the phone, and she's safe in Nevada.

Denise says her daughter's not injured ... but, Natalie says someone stole her handbag and all of her IDs.

'Mob Wives' Renee Graziano Describes Near-Fatal Fentanyl OD Had to Learn to Walk Again

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Dumb Blonde Podcast

Renee Graziano says she nearly lost her life when she overdosed last year on a bad batch of drugs -- which she calls her come-to-Jesus moment ... and which finally got her clean.

The "Mob Wives" star is the latest guest for Bunnie XO's "Dumb Blonde" podcast ... and in a sneak peek clip from their chat -- set to air in full on Wednesday -- you can hear Renee get into the details of an OD she suffered in 2023 ... which ultimately sent her to Odom Recovery Group.

The story is harrowing, to say the least -- RG describes what drug it was that ended up being laced with fentanyl, unbeknownst to her ... and she says it landed her in the hospital.

Take a listen for yourself ... Renee says she had no clue she was dabbling in bad drugs -- but before she knew it, she'd lost memory over the course of 3 days ... and was bedridden for a total of 9, a period in which she says her family never came to see or visit her.

preview of the pod
Dumb Blonde Podcast

Renee goes on to say she had to learn to walk again from this horrific episode -- and it ended up being what made her realize she had to kick her drug habit ... which she has.

As we reported ... Renee entered into treatment back in November -- a couple months after this overdose -- and it sounds like she's been on the straight and narrow ever since.

Good to hear she's doing well ... and it sounds like a lot more will be discussed on the pod.

Can't wait to hear it!

Drita D'Avanzo Defends Khloe's 'Mob Wives' Shoot ... Style Resurgence Getting Her Jobs

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Khloe Kardashian's catching flak for wearing what looks like a real fur coat, but Drita D'Avanzo's not upset at all ... telling us she's excited the look -- credited to her cast -- is coming back into vogue.


We talked to the "Mob Wives" star, who told us ... furs and leather make for a fun and sexy look and she thought Khloe looked amazing in the coat. BTW, sources in the know told us the coat is faux fur.

Drita says she's heard from a ton of fans recently who mention her and the late, great Big Ang when stars wear these extravagant fur coats. Khloe's obviously on that same page -- when she posted sexy pics from a wintry photo shoot, she captioned it, "It’s giving mob wife vibes…. Faux mob wife of course."

Not only that, but Drita says she's seen lots of kids posing in this style on social media -- a kinda weird-funny moment for DDA because she knows the true cost of those clothes.

D'Avanzo said the clothes aren't just a look to her ... it's all part of the mob wife "lifestyle," saying she and her fellow "Mob Wives" were married to their husbands and the life, which she admits ain't easy.

She says it's cute to see teens emulating the look, as it'll definitely keep them warm ... but Drita warns that's where the association should stop -- because it's a "damn sure, f***ing cold life."


On a happier note, Drita's got a whole lotta interesting projects coming her way ... partly because the "Mob wives" look is so popular again. She said she's developing a scripted series with a major studio about her life -- taking fans from her humble roots growing up to becoming a famous TV personality.

TMZ Studios

When we talked she was on the set of a Steve Madden photo shoot for his Mob Connection clothing line -- and she credits getting the gig to the resurgent aesthetic.

One thing that's clear from our talk ... this style's not gonna be sleeping with the fishes anytime soon!



Big Ang's famous Staten Island mural is no more, but the late "Mob Wives" star's sister is vowing to find a new place for a piece of art to honor Ang.

Janine Detore tells TMZ ... her landlord covered the larger-than-life tribute to Ang that had been on the side of her store -- Country Mouse Boutique -- following a dispute over some unpaid bills.

Janine says the turmoil started in September when she underwent tests for some health issues ... and doctors ended up telling her she has severe allergies to mold.

She says the docs suggested checking her store for mold to see if anything in the building was making her sick ... so, earlier this month, she paid someone to do just that.

Janine says she gave her landlord a heads up and got a text back, saying, "Just to let you know, this is coming down" -- referring to the mural.

We're told tensions escalated ... especially 'cause Janine admits she owes $27,000 in back rent. She's convinced the mural cover-up, which Janine says left her granddaughter in tears, was retaliation.

Janine tells us she's committed to finding a new location for the mural ... remaining adamant the city deserves another one, 'cause Ang did a lot for Staten Island.

We spoke to the landlord, who told TMZ a different story ... saying he tried to fix a broken boiler at the store last month, but she wouldn't let his contractors inside. He says when he told Janine she could fix it, and he'd reimburse her, she refused.

The landlord claims she's taking advantage of him and not paying her rent -- adding he thinks she's using the mural cover-up as a publicity stunt.

As for why he painted over it ... the landlord says it's nothing personal, it's just because he's selling the building.

Cubren el mural de "Mob Wives" Big Ang


El famoso mural de Big Ang en Staten Island ya no existe, pero la hermana de la difunta estrella de "Mob Wives" se compromete a encontrar un nuevo lugar para una obra de arte en honor a Ang.

Janine Detore le dice a TMZ que su propietario cubrió el enorme tributo que había estado al lado de su tienda -Country Mouse Boutique- a raíz de una disputa sobre algunas facturas pendientes de pago.

Janine dice que la agitación comenzó en septiembre, cuando se sometió a pruebas para algunos problemas de salud y los médicos terminaron diciéndole que tiene alergias graves al moho.

Ella dice que los médicos sugirieron la comprobación de su tienda de moho para ver si algo en el edificio estaba haciendo su enfermo ... por lo que a principios de este mes, le pagó a alguien para hacer precisamente eso.

Janine dice que le dio a su propietario un aviso y recibió un texto de vuelta, diciendo: "Solo para hacerle saber que esto se viene abajo", en referencia al mural.

Nos dicen que las tensiones aumentaron... sobre todo porque Janine admite que debe 27.000 dólares de alquiler atrasado. Ella está convencida de que el encubrimiento del mural, que Janine dice que dejó a su nieta llorando, fue una represalia.

Janine nos dice que se ha comprometido a encontrar una nueva ubicación para el mural, ya que siente que la ciudad merece otro por que "Ang hizo mucho por Staten Island".

Hablamos con el propietario y nos dijo una historia diferente, diciendo que trató de arreglar una caldera rota de la tienda el mes pasado, pero ella no dejó a sus contratistas en el interior. Dice que cuando le dijo a Janine que podía arreglarlo y que le reembolsaría, ella se negó.

El propietario afirma que ella se está aprovechando de él y no pagar su alquiler - añadiendo que él piensa que ella está utilizando el mural encubrimiento como un truco publicitario.

En cuanto a por qué cubrieron el mural... el propietario dice que no es nada personal, es solo porque él está vendiendo el edificio.



"Mob Wives" star Renee Graziano has checked in to a Texas rehab facility following a drug relapse.

Renee's manager, Chris Giovanni, tells TMZ ... she called him Monday from the treatment center, where she was accompanied by a counselor and only had 10 minutes to talk.

He says Renee told him she overdosed back in mid-September on what she described as a "bad batch" of an unspecific drug she'd gotten from a dealer. She didn't give Chris any other details about the OD.

Chris says what she did tell him, though, aligns with his struggles to get in touch with Renee from September to now ... adding any contact they had during that period was sporadic and brief.

Chris says Renee attributes her relapse to struggles related to the death of her father, Anthony Graziano, who passed away in May 2019.

Renee's life in the spotlight has been marred by hardship -- particularly in January 2022, when she was arrested for driving while impaired after crashing her car into a parked SUV on Staten Island.

Soon after, Renee pledged to kick her sleeping pill addiction by seeking treatment from "The Hills" star Jason Wahler and his Red Songbird Foundation ... in the hopes of getting her life back on track.

While Renee's getting treatment once again, there's no apparent investigation into her September OD. Chris says she did not report it, or the "bad batch" of drugs to police.

Renee Graziano Ingresa a rehabilitación Después de una sobredosis de drogas


La estrella de "Mob Wives" Renee Graziano ingresó a un centro de rehabilitación en Texas tras una recaída en las drogas.

El manager de Renee, Chris Giovanni, le dice a TMZ que ella lo llamó el lunes desde el lugar, donde estuvo acompañada por un consejero. Solo tuvo 10 minutos para hablar.

Dice que Renee le dijo que tuvo una sobredosis a mediados de septiembre, con lo que ella describió como un "lote malo" de una droga no especificada que consiguió de un distribuidor. No le dio más detalles a Chris sobre la sobredosis.

Chris dice que la historia coincide con sus dificultades para ponerse en contacto con Renee desde septiembre. Añade que el contacto entre ellos fue esporádico y breve durante ese periodo.

También dice que Renee atribuye su recaída a las luchas relacionadas con la muerte de su padre, Anthony Graziano, quien falleció en mayo de 2019.

La vida pública de Renee se ha visto empañada por las dificultades, sobre todo en enero de 2022, cuando fue detenida por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol tras estrellar su carro contra un todoterreno aparcado en Staten Island.

Poco después, Renee se comprometió a dejar su adicción a las pastillas para dormir, buscando ayuda con la estrella de "The Hills", Jason Wahler y su Red Songbird Foundation, con la esperanza de poner en marcha su vida nuevamente.

Aunque Renee está recibiendo tratamiento una vez más, no hay ninguna investigación aparente sobre su sobredosis de septiembre. Chris dice que ella no informó del incidente ni del "mal lote" de medicamentos a la policía.

'Mob Wives' Renee Graziano Getting Treatment for Pill Addiction 'The Hills' Jason Wahler Helps

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Renee Graziano is getting the help she needs to kick a pill addiction she's been battling for years -- and doing it side by side with another reality TV vet, no less ... Mr. Jason Wahler.

The "Mob Wives" star tells TMZ ... she recently linked up with her "The Hills" compadre and his foundation, Red Songbird, to get treatment for a number of issues she's suffered from since her 20s -- namely, being hooked on prescribed sleeping meds.

We're told just last month, Dr. Drew put her in touch with Jason -- who's since been brought into the fold over at Songbird ... which Renee says has been working wonders in getting her back to a good place.

She tells us a lot of these issues stem from anxiety, depression and former abusive relationships -- which included sexual assault -- and because of her new regimen ... her life is finally getting on track in a healthy and productive way.

In addition to having one-on-one chats with Songbird staffers to talk through her issues, RG is also delving into EMDR -- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing ... allowing someone to deal with old wounds, but from a safe distance. It also gives recipients a new perspective on how to deal with the hurt.

Renee also gets therapy ... joining processing groups, anger management sessions, wellness discussions and other meetups that help keep her grounded.

We're told Renee came into treatment in California on Feb. 6, and that she's about a month sober at this point -- with no plans to leave until she feels grounded.

As for the Jason connection, Wahler has had substance abuse issues of his own in the past, with more than a dozen arrests. He said back in 2019 that at age 18-23 he was a "womanizing alcoholic" and went to 12 different rehab centers. He's now dedicated his life to helping others.

BTW ... Renee was booked for DWI in January after hitting a parked vehicle and rolling over on the road ... and allegedly told cops she'd taken Adderall earlier in the day. She tells us that arrest didn't push her to get help ... she'd already been planning for it.

'Mob Wives' Star Drita D'Avanzo Hubby Gets 64 Months in Prison In Federal Gun Case

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"Mob Wives" star Drita D'Avanzo asked the judge to go easy on her husband in his federal gun case ... but instead, the judge dropped the hammer.

Drita and her 2 daughters were in court Friday for her husband Lee D'Avanzo's sentencing in New Jersey where judge Rachel P. Kovner sentenced Lee to 64 months in prison.

Lee's counsel argued a sentence of 37 months was more than enough because he took responsibility for the crime ... but federal prosecutors in Brooklyn wanted up to 46 months. Kovner wasn't having it, saying keeping 2 loaded guns with hollow point ammunition in a home with 2 daughters was extremely dangerous.

Kovner added she didn't have confidence Lee would learn his lesson if she gave him a lighter sentence. She also noted Lee has 6 prior convictions and had previously violated supervised release. She said she had a duty to protect the public. Once he's done serving his sentence ... Lee will be on 2 years of supervised release.

As we reported ... Lee apologized for his actions and pled guilty to gun possession charges in back March after the NYPD raided the family home and found the guns. Drita was eventually cleared of all charges.

Drita wrote a letter to the judge asking her to cut Lee a break because he's a good father to their two daughters. That plea obviously fell on deaf ears.

'Mob Wives' Star Drita D'Avanzo Please Go Easy on My Hubby, Judge!!! Lee's 'An Amazing Father'


"Mob Wives" star Drita D'Avanzo wants the judge in her husband's federal gun case to cut him a little slack come sentencing, and she fired off a handwritten letter to make her case.

Drita wrote to Judge Kovner, pleading with him to show leniency on Lee D'Avanzo because he's a caring family man who needs to come home to his wife and kids.

In the handwritten letter, obtained by TMZ, Drita says Lee is an amazing father to their children who "never missed a soccer game and was very involved in our kids school work and any activities they were involved in. He is a family man and is missed!"

Drita adds ... Lee "has a family that is fully supporting him and hoping he comes home soon!"

Lee pled guilty to gun possession charges in March after the NYPD raided the family home and allegedly found 2 loaded handguns. Drita was eventually cleared of all charges.

Acting Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Seth D. DuCharme prosecuted the case against Lee, and the sentencing hearing is scheduled for Wednesday.

Based on the penal code and the probation department's recommendations D'Avanzo could get anywhere from about 3 to 6 years ... it's totally up to the judge. So, we'll see if Drita's letter had makes a difference.

'Mob Wives' Star Drita D'Avanzo Gun, Drug Charges Dropped, But ... Hubby's Still on the Hook


"Mob Wives" star Drita D'Avanzo isn't losing sleep over her gun and drugs case anymore, but her husband -- he's still sweating it out.

According to the DA's Office in Staten Island ... prosecutors have dropped all charges against Drita, 2 months after cops raided the house where she and Lee D'Avanzo live. The announcement was made in court Thursday morning with Drita present.

The DA now says Drita was NOT the target of the search warrant. As for Lee, the feds are now taking over -- he's been indicted for possession of firearms and weed by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York.

Outside of court, Drita told reporters, "I have no time to celebrate because my husband is not home, but I am very happy with the outcome. All I'm focusing on right now is the fact that this turned out good."

As we previously reported ... NYPD raided the D'Avanzo's pad and allegedly found 2 loaded handguns, a Smith & Wesson 9mm and a 38 caliber. Cops say they also found 120 pills of hydrocodone/acetaminophen, 22 Xanax pills and a large amount of weed.

Farrah Abraham Counted Out of Celeb Boxing 'Mob Wives' Star Replaces Her

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Farrah Abraham will NOT strap on boxing gloves after all, and another reality TV star will be her replacement in the upcoming celebrity boxing match ... TMZ has learned.

Our sources say the ex-'Teen Mom' star stood her ground with the promoter, saying she'd been screwed out of freebies, and refused to show up to Saturday night's bout. So, we're told the fight organizer, Samantha Goldberg, decided to pull the plug ... and immediately signed "Mob Wives" star Natalie DiDonato to replace Farrah.

So, the new main event is Natalie taking on Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander on Nov. 10 in Atlantic City. Another 'Mob' star, Drita D'Avanzo, will be the referee. Bias??

TMZ broke the story, Farrah felt she had an agreement the promoter, Damon Feldman, would hook her up with free fight tickets, hotel rooms and flights for her friends and family. But, Feldman insisted he'd hooked up Farrah and her daughter -- first-class, no less -- and she was just making outlandish demands at the last minute.

Bottom line, Farrah's ass won't be in a boxing ring. Don't fret ... we think it'll find work.

Drita D'Avanzo Farrah Wouldn't Fight Me 'Cause ... She's a Scared Little Bitch!!!

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Drita D'Avanzo was dead set on rearranging Farrah Abraham's face, but Farrah backed out 'cause getting mangled in a celebrity boxing match was just too much to handle ... this according to Drita.

Drita tells TMZ ... Farrah's camp reached out to her manager about making her the opponent for a celebrity boxing match. ICYMI ... Farrah had said she would be interested in fighting Kim Kardashian or even the "Mob Wives" star.

After getting called out on social media, Drita responded saying she'd be down to fight "in a #cage where u belong u filthy #animal." Shortly after that post, Farrah rescinded the offer ... reportedly saying bullies aren't allowed in the ring with her.

But, Drita tells a different story ... saying Farrah called up the event promoter and expressed she was too scared after hearing what Drita wanted to do to her -- punch her squarely in the face for the knockout. Drita says she's pissed and annoyed at losing out on the chance.

Farrah's instead gonna fight 'Flavor of Love' star Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander. As far as Drita's concerned ... Farrah's lucky she went with someone besides her.

No love lost, obviously.

Farrah Abraham to Drita D'Avanzo Slap Me When You See Me? Good Luck w/ That!!

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Farrah Abraham's seen the last of Drita D'Avanzo's face ... Farrah doesn't run in pathetic circles and that's why Drita's slap to the face will NEVER come to fruition.

Farrah tells TMZ ... the ex-'Teen Mom' OG star has zero plans to ever be near the likes of the former "Mob Wives" star, and the reason's simple ... Farrah doesn't ever want to associate with someone like her. As Farrah put it, "I don't see pathetic people."


As we reported ... the reality stars are beefing after Farrah called out Drita on Instagram. Farrah tells us Drita's "lack of professionalism started it" when Drita bailed after dinner for the event they were supposed to co-host in Atlantic City. Drita reportedly said she was there and no one paid attention to Farrah.

Farrah scoffs at the notion she's an unknown. She says, "I'm sure she's not invited to the ESPYs."

As for reports her lawyers are gunning for a restraining order ... Farrah tells us the only thing her lawyers have fired off is a cease and desist to get Drita to stop making threats against her.

7/3 6:27 AM PT -- Drita tells TMZ ... "She already backed down by getting a lawyer involved with the restraining order bulls**t. Tell that pig I'm going to call her people and book an appearance for her at my house! I'll pay her the 2 hrs even though her appearance will last about a minute."

Ex-'Mob Wives' Star Drita D'Avanzo Don't Come Near Me, Farrah Slap Threat Still Stands, Jail or Not!

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Drita D'Avanzo threatened to slap Farrah Abraham in the face if she comes across her in person again -- and now she's doubling down on that promise ... saying it's very real.

We spoke to the former "Mob Wives" reality star about her beef this weekend with the ex-"Teen Mom" OG after Farrah called her a "has been" and unprofessional following an event they co-hosted together in Atlantic City. Farrah even cropped a clown face over Drita on IG.

Drita responded to the hate on social media, saying she'd be happy to deliver an open-palm whack to Farrah's noggin if she came within arm's length. She now tells us she's serious about that hypothetical, and it sounds like she's willing to do jail time to send a message.

Meanwhile, Farrah has already threatened legal action -- and she's reportedly gunning to file a restraining order soon through her lawyers.

It's possible she might need it against Drita -- this lady ain't playing around. That ... or just offer a simple apology. Apparently, that'd square things away in Jersey.

'Mob Wives' Star Drita D'Avanzo Tourists Love The Big Ang Mural! 'Offensive' Excuse is BS

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Drita D'Avanzo thinks the landlord trying to remove a mural of her late "Mob Wives" friend and co-star Angela Raiola from his building is BS -- literally -- 'cause it's a hit with tourists.

Drita tells us the excuse the landlord's offering of the Big Ang tribute being "offensive" doesn't hold water ... since she has folks from all over the globe tell her otherwise everyday.

She gets pretty emotional talking about the mural -- which is in jeopardy of being removed entirely. It's been almost 18 months since Big Ang died from cancer, but Drita still gets choked up talking about her.

Still, Drita admits saving the mural will be an uphill battle. The guy owns the place, after all.
