buenas noticias

La leyenda de la UFC Mark Coleman está respirando por sí mismo y hablando con su familia, pocos días después de que fue trasladado a un hospital con lesiones potencialmente mortales sufridas mientras rescataba a sus padres de un incendio en su casa.

La hija de Coleman, Kenzie, compartió un emotivo clip en el Instagram de Mark, solo dos días y medio después de que el luchador inhalara humo mientras salvaba a sus padres de un terrible incendio.

"Tuve que tomar una decisión", dijo Coleman, sobre el incendio de la casa desde su cama de hospital. "¡Fue horrible! No podía respirar".

"Soy el hombre más feliz del mundo. ¡Juro por Dios que soy tan afortunado! No puedo creer que mis padres estén vivos".

Por desgracia, su perro, Hammer, falleció, y Coleman -que se retiró de las MMA en 2013- está completamente devastado.

"¡No podía encontrar a Hammer!", dijo Coleman mientras lloraba con su familia.

Se creó un GoFundMe para los seres queridos de Coleman, ya que sus hijas tomarán tiempo libre del trabajo para ayudarlo durante su recuperación. Hasta el jueves, se habían recaudado más de 68.000 dólares.

¡Mejórate, Mark!

UFC's Mark Coleman Conscious, Responsive ... After Saving Parents From House Fire


UFC legend Mark Coleman is breathing on his own and talking to his family ... just days after he was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries sustained while rescuing his parents from a house fire.

Coleman's daughter, Kenzie, shared an emotional clip on Mark's Instagram ... just 2.5 days after the MMA great suffered smoke inhalation while saving his mom and dad from a giant blaze.

"I had to make a decision," Coleman said about the house fire from his hospital bed, "It was already horrible! I couldn't breathe!"

"I'm the happiest man in the world. I swear to God I'm so lucky! I can't believe my parents are alive!"

Unfortunately, his dog, Hammer, passed away ... and Coleman -- who retired from MMA in 2013 -- is completely devastated.

"I couldn't find Hammer!" Coleman said as he cried with his family.

A GoFundMe was set up for Coleman's loved ones as his daughters will take time off work to help him during his recovery. As of Thursday, over $68K was raised.

Get well, Mark!

Nate Diaz, Jorge Masvidal We're Taking Our Beef To Boxing Ring ... Announce Fight

Nate Diaz and Jorge Masvidal are moving their heated rivalry from the Octagon to the ring -- the two MMA superstars just announced they're going to duke it out once again ... this time, in a 10-round professional boxing match.

The light heavyweight fight is being dubbed "Last Man Standing" ... and will settle the score after their first fight -- for the UFC's inaugural BMF belt -- ended in controversy.

Of course, Masvidal won by TKO at UFC 244 back in 2019 ... after refs stopped the fight due to a nasty cut above Diaz's eyebrow.

A lot of fight fans felt it wasn't the right call ... so now, Diaz and Masvidal hope to give viewers the whole package.

Gamebred spoke about the fight ... and he had some harsh words for his opponent, saying, "Nate's a dead man walking."

"I can’t wait to prove that last time was no fluke. He got saved by the referee. Now we are boxing, which he says is his forte, but he’s got no shot at beating me. I’m not going to give him an inch in that ring to even breathe. If he thought our MMA match was bad, this is going to be much worse. I’m going to drown him. I want to put away any talk that him and I are the same, or that the referee saved the day."

The big event is slated to go down at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles on June 1 ... and will be put on by both fighters' promotions.

"All of that talk ends June 1," Masvidal added. "Violence and throwing hands are in both of our bloods but as I proved before, I’m a far superior athlete and I’m a meaner fighter. When June 1 comes I’ll put all unanswered questions to rest, live for the world to see."


Las heroicas acciones de Mark Coleman han salido a la luz tras el terrible incendio que calcinó su casa, hiriendo gravemente a la leyenda de la UFC y llevándose trágicamente la vida del cachorro de su familia, Hammer.

Como informamos anteriormente -Coleman de 59 años de edad- se encuentra actualmente en un hospital en Ohio, donde está luchando por su vida como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en el incendio, y ahora tenemos más detalles acerca de lo que Coleman hizo la madrugada del martes.

Coleman -que estaba visitando a sus padres en su casa de la infancia- se despertó alrededor de las 4 AM por su rottweiler -Hammer- cuando el fuego se puso violento, según su hija Morgan.

Mark entró en acción, corriendo inmediatamente hacia mamá y papá y llevándolos a un lugar seguro. Resultaron ilesos.

Sabiendo que Hammer seguía adentro, Coleman volvió corriendo a la casa en llamas para intentar salvar a su querido perro, arriesgando su propia vida.

Trágicamente, Hammer no sobrevivió y la casa se perdió totalmente.

La hija de Mark confirma que fue trasladado por aire a un hospital local donde está recibiendo tratamiento las 24 horas del día.

El amigo de Mark, Wes Sims, proporcionó una actualización médica a última hora, diciendo que Mark "hizo movimientos" en el hospital, aunque está claro que tendrá un largo camino hacia la recuperación y no será barato.

La hija de Mark incluso comenzó un GoFundMe el miércoles para recaudar dinero para los gastos relacionados con el cuidado de su padre, con el objetivo de recaudar $50k.

Es probable que alcanzar esa meta no sea un problema. En solo unas horas ya se han hecho 250 donaciones, por un total de más de 13.000 dólares.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman Risked Life In Attempt To Save Beloved Dog During Massive House Fire

Mark Coleman's heroic actions are coming to light in the wake of the terrible blaze that burned down his home, severely injuring the UFC legend, and tragically taking the life of his family pup, Hammer.

As we previously reported, 59-year-old Coleman is currently in a hospital in Ohio where he's fighting for his life as a result of injuries sustained in the fire ... and now we're learning more about what Coleman did early Tuesday morning.

Coleman, who was visiting his parents at his childhood home, was woken up around 4 AM by his rottweiler Hammer as the fire began to burn, according to his daughter Morgan.

Mark sprung into action, immediately rushing to Mom and Dad, and escorting them to safety. They were unharmed.

Knowing Hammer was still inside, Coleman rushed back into the burning house in an attempt to save his beloved dog, risking his own life.

Tragically, Hammer didn't survive ... and the home was totally lost.

Mark's daughter confirms he was airlifted to a local hospital where he is receiving around-the-clock treatment.

MC's friend, Wes Sims, provided a bit of a medical update late last night, saying Mark "made movements" at the hospital ... though it's clear he'll have a long road to recovery, and it won't be cheap.

Mark's daughter even started a GoFundMe on Wednesday to raise money for expenses related to her dad's care ... with a goal of raising $50k.

It's likely meeting that goal won't be a problem. In just a few hours, there have already been 250 donations made, totaling over $13k.

Chuck Liddell On Tyson Vs. Jake Paul ... If Iron Mike Hits him, It's Over!!!

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You better not blink if Mike Tyson connects during his bout with Jake Paul ... 'cause Chuck Liddell tells TMZ Sports a KO is guaranteed if an Iron Mike haymaker lands.

"As soon as Tyson hits him," the UFC legend said of the upcoming boxing match, "it's over."

Liddell didn't mince any words when giving his thoughts on the superfight out at LAX this month ... saying he believes even at 57 years old, Tyson's got to be the favorite.

As for why, the Iceman made it clear he's still a huge believer in the former heavyweight champ's hands.

"The last thing to go is power," Liddell said. "Last thing to go is power."

"If he hits him, it's over."

Most betting websites feel differently -- Paul is the favorite on the majority of them. After all, he is only 27 years old and 9-1 in his career -- and he's coming off two easy victories.

But, listen to Liddell ... he seems to think there's just no chance.

"If you've seen Mike," he said, "he still hits."

As for any advice he's got for Paul ... Chuck made it short and sweet -- "Keep covered up, man."

Fight's slated to go down in four months -- be warned, Jake!

Donald Trump Seems to Ignore Grandson ... In Front of Ivanka, Jared

Donald Trump seemed to snub his own grandson at the UFC event over the weekend -- and the video is pretty brutal ... with the kid being left in the wind next to his mom and dad.

Different videos capturing the awkward moment have been spliced together into one clip -- and it makes for a tough scene for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner ... who were on hand Saturday to watch UFC 299 in Miami, something DT himself also crashed.

As you can see, when Trump was making his entrance ... he was hand-shaking and hobnobbing with a lot of notable people -- including Dave Portnoy -- but when he finally landed at where Ivanka and Jared were standing, things got a little icy.

Check it out ... Donald kisses Ivanka and hugs Jared, but when they try to present their son, Joseph, to his grandfather -- DT appears to turn away without acknowledging him.

The ex-Prez continues on his way without even so much as saying hello -- and Joseph is seen standing still in the immediate aftermath ... looking pretty sad. His mom goes down to seemingly console him before the clip cuts out entirely -- but on its face, it looks harsh.

Unclear if Trump was just in a hurry or what the deal was -- but in any case, he didn't give his 10-year-old grandkid the time of day ... and it seemed to hurt the boy.

We should note ... Don has been fond of and friendly with his grandchildren, in general, in the past -- including with Joseph specifically. He's been photographed holding his hand while walking across the White House lawn on at least a couple of occasions.

Ya gotta figure he loves the kid, but might've been distracted considering everything that was going on in the moment. He was arguably the most important person in the room that night.

BTW, Donald has a massive brood thanks to his five children -- Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron. He has since become a grandfather 10 times over.

Lots of grandkids to keep track of ... and sometimes they might slip through. 🤷🏽‍♂️

UFC Legend Mark Coleman Hospitalized ... After Saving Parents From House Fire

Mark Coleman is retired, but he's not done fighting ... the UFC legend was airlifted to a local hospital after sustaining injuries while rescuing his mom and dad from a raging house fire.

59-year-old Coleman, one of the MMA promotion's earliest stars who beat legends like Stephan Bonnar, Don Frye, and Dan Severn, played hero Tuesday morning in Toledo, OH, when his parents and dog Hammer were trapped in an inferno.

Mark was able to get his mother and father out of the burning house and to a safe area before returning for his pup. Tragically, the dog didn't make it, according to the local fire department chief.

As tragic as it was, it could've been much worse ... the chief told reporters the roof of the structure collapsed shortly after firefighters entered the premises.

Although mom, dad, and Mark got out, the UFC Hall of Famer was in such rough shape that he had to be airlifted to a hospital, according to MC's good buddy, Wes Sims.

Sims added that Coleman was intubated and sedated, but provided no further update on his friend's condition.

The cause of the fire isn't yet known.

It's clear Mark has a close relationship with his mom, Connie. On Mother's Day in 2022, he posted a photo with her, along with a sweet caption.

"You are my favorite thank you for everything u are my inspiration. I love u so much."

Wes ended his health update like this ... "I swear to GOD-he’s one of the toughest individual ever created, been thru so much a Movie at this point could not give his life work Justice! Please 🙏 and Share! Life is Precious!"

Get better soon!

Donald Trump Parece ignorar a su nieto... En frente de Ivanka y Jared

Donald Trump pareció desairar a su propio nieto en el evento de la UFC el fin de semana y el video es bastante brutal, pues muestra cómo el niño es pasado por alto mientras está de pie junto a sus padres.

Diferentes videos que captaron el incómodo momento se han montado en un solo clip y parece ser una escena difícil para Ivanka Trump y Jared Kushner, quienes estaban de la mano el sábado para ver UFC 299 en Miami, al igual que Donald Trump.

Como se puede ver, Trump le estaba dando la mano a un montón de gente notable cuando entró al lugar, incluyendo a Dave Portnoy, pero cuando finalmente llegó a donde estaban Ivanka y Jared, las cosas se pusieron un poco frías.

Echa un vistazo, Donald besa a Ivanka y abraza a Jared, pero cuando tratan de señalarle a su hijo José, el ex presidente parece alejarse sin reconocerlo.

Donald Trump continúa su camino sin siquiera decir hola y Joseph se queda ahí parado mirando bastante triste. Su madre baja a consolarlo aparentemente antes de que el clip se corte por completo, pero a primera vista, parece duro.

No está claro si Trump estaba en un apuro o cómo era la cuestión, pero en cualquier caso, no le dio a su nieto de 10 años lo que esperaba y pareció herir al pequeño.

Hay que señalar que Don suele ser cariñoso y amable con sus nietos en general, al menos en el pasado, incluyendo con José. Ha sido fotografiado cogiéndole la mano mientras caminaban por el césped de la Casa Blanca en al menos un par de ocasiones.

Hay que suponer que lo quiere, pero puede que estuviera distraído por todo lo que estaba pasando. Probablemente, era la persona más importante en la sala esa noche.

Por cierto, Donald tiene una enorme prole gracias a sus cinco hijos: Donald Jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany y Barron. Desde entonces ya ha sido abuelo 10 veces.

Un montón de nietos a los que seguirle la pista y a veces pueden colarse. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Chuck Liddell Explains Viral Yacht Mishap ... Here's What Happened!!!


Chuck Liddell is finally addressing what led to him going overboard on a Lamborghini yacht last month ... telling TMZ Sports it was a simple whoopsie-daisy moment.

The Iceman turned into Aquaman during a recent trip to San Diego ... falling off the side of the luxurious watercraft in front of all his peers -- requiring some serious assistance to get out of the water.

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Accidental Plunge

Liddell chalked the fall up to his animated hand gestures while talking ... and once he lost his balance, he only had two options -- hit the deck or aim for the H20.

Of course, Liddell chose the latter ... and in his opinion, that was the best way to avoid getting hurt.

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Nice And Dry

The former UFC superstar says he's a pro when it comes to boats ... and he's pretty adventurous at sea, even doing flips off top decks of much bigger vessels in the past.

As for how he's doing, Liddell says he's completely fine ... so everyone can relax.

In fact, he tells us he's heading to Miami ... and chances are he'll be back on the water again.

Michael 'Venom' Page On Fight Vs. Kevin Holland ... I'll Turn Him From Striker To Wrestler!


Kevin Holland is usually trying his darnedest to stay off his back, but the UFC star will be playing a different role Saturday night, according to Michael Page, who is making his promotion debut ... 'cause Venom tells us he's going to turn Trailblazer into a wrestler!

"Any intelligent mixed martial artist, any smart mixed martial artist, 100% we've got our egos, we've got that tough bravado, but at the same time we want to win, and if it gets further and further away from looking like you're going to win, you have to change tactics," 36-year-old Venom Page told TMZ Sports.

"So, we're prepared for [Kevin] to become a wrestler. I've turned many strikers into wrestlers before, and I'm sure at some point he's gonna want to do the same."

Of course, fans who have watched 31-year-old Holland fight throughout his MMA career know he's a dangerous striker, and his opps have done nearly everything to get him off his feet and on his back ... which is what makes MVP's prediction so bold.

It's also worth noting the UFC isn't giving Page a cupcake of a first fight ... he's going straight into the fire, and that's how he wanted it!

In fact, Michael says he met with UFC execs before signing, and he expressed a desire to fight the best straight away.

"I just want to jump right in the deep end. I've been in the game long enough now to not need warm-ups. Just let me at them and let's see if I sink or swim and we go from there."

Venom, 21-2 as a pro, counts wins over the likes of Douglas Lima, Derek Anderson, and Paul Daley.

As for what he hopes to accomplish, MVP is gunning for nothing short of a title.


Page vs. Holland is far from the only big fight on the UFC 299 card ... the event is anchored by the main event, a rematch between Marlon Vera and "Suga" Sean O'Malley.

We recently talked to 31-year-old Chito about the fight with his rival, what the UFC title would mean to him, and much more!

Anthony Joshua Brutally KOs Francis Ngannou ... In 2nd Round

Anthony Joshua dropped Francis Ngannou three times inside two rounds ... including a massive right hand that left The Predator out on the canvas!

The 34-year-old former 2x heavyweight champion was sharp from the very start of the bout ... putting 37-year-old Francis down in the first round with a hard straight right. Ngannou returned to his feet and even landed a hard punch towards the end of the round.

In the second, AJ again knocked Francis down ... but the former UFC champ beat the count, and the round continued.

But, just a short time later, Anthony uncorked a devastating right that landed flush to Francis' face, bending him backward (similar to the way Ngannou stopped Stipe Miocic), and immediately prompting the referee to stop the fight.

No count needed.

Ngannou, as doctors and medical professionals rushed in, remained down on the canvas for a couple of minutes ... and was even given oxygen.

Thankfully, Francis eventually got back on his feet, and appeared to be okay.

Despite less than 6 minutes of fighting, AJ encouraged Francis, who pushed Tyson Fury to the brink last year, to stick with boxing.

Promoter Eddie Hearn, who has worked with many of the biggest and best in the sport, called the KO punch one of the "most destructive knockouts" he'd ever seen.

Now, Joshua plans to wait for the winner of The Gypsy King and Oleksandr Usyk. Francis' plans are unclear ... but he could decide to temporarily go back to MMA.

Herb Dean Talks Open Scoring, Fighters Judging Referee State Of The Union


Fans and fighters alike will tell you MMA judging is largely broken ... and the solution? Some say open scoring, while others suggest turning former competitors into judges. What's the right answer? If anyone knows, it's Herb Dean.

TMZ Sports ran into the legendary referee at the airport in Los Angeles earlier this week and asked about open scoring ... which would make judge's scorecards visible to everyone in the arena, and watching at home.

Instead of finding out what the judge's scorecards look like after the bout, we'd all know in real time ... a point some argue would make fights more exciting. In other words, a fighter might've previously thought they were up on the cards, but with open scoring, that same fighter would have the benefit of knowing exactly where they stand, and what they need to do to earn a victory.

So, good idea, right? Not so fast.

"There's always an argument for [open scoring]," Dean said, before suggesting it could potentially be dangerous.

"I think there's things that could be problems with it. One, if the scoring is open, and some places where there's a heavy crowd effect, the crowd could track [the scoring], and that might be a problem."

Herb, who made his UFC debut at UFC 47 in 2004 (UFC 299 is next week!), added ... "Sometimes crowds can get violent over sports. I'm not saying that something is gonna happen, but it's something you might consider."

The longtime ref, who runs a top-notch ref/judging program, also talked about the push to bring retired fighters into the mix after they hang up the gloves ... something Herb's actively doing.

Some of his students include Joe Stevenson, John Romero, and Chris Leben ... three guys who have decided to stick around the sport in a different capacity. And there are others.

Dean, who fought back in the day, does caution simply being a fighter doesn't automatically mean you're a superior judge or ref.

"Just because someone's a fighter doesn't mean they're gonna be a better referee. But the bottom line is if somebody is a fighter and wants to continue, I think that's a good thing and the bottom line that if somebody wants to be a judge or referee they should have a knowledge of the techniques that the athletes are doing."

Sean O'Malley To Chito Vera 'F*** You!!!' ... I'm Putting You To Sleep!

I'm Gonna Knock You Out

"F*** you [Chito]! I'm gonna knock you out, buddy!" 😲

Time doesn't heal all wounds ... more than 3 1/2 years after fighting, Sean O'Malley still ain't fond of Marlon Vera (and the feeling's mutual), with the reigning champ telling TMZ Sports he's going to render Chito unconscious!

We talked to 29-year-old "Suga" just days before he heads to Miami for the main event fight against his 31-year-old rival ... about everything from the effect of his only loss (Vera injured O'Malley during the fight) to if he'll chase double champ status against Ilia Topuria.

On the August 2020 fight -- which Sean lost by TKO late in the first round -- O'Malley had this to say:

"I got a lot of hate for saying mentally I didn't lose that fight. I didn't feel like my skills were beat. It was a freak accident. Yeah, he threw the kid. Yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I've heard it all. Mentally undefeated, going in there with that mindset. Going in there with the mindset to kill this dude, and it's as simple as that," Suga told us.

We asked O'Malley, brevity of the fight aside, if he could take away anything from the first outing.

"Not really," he added. "Like you said, it was such a short fight, there really wasn't too much to take away from it. I was confident. I felt very confident in there. Even with the injury, my foot was shut off and I was still piecing him up. Dotting him up, chasing him down. I'm just very confident going into this fight."

It's Sean's first fight as defending champion ... we asked what, if anything, was unique this time around.

"Nothing's been different. My second 5 round training champ. Obviously, that last fight didn't go 5 rounds, it only went 2, 1 1/2. Nothing's really been different other than Chito, big fight, rematch. Same s***, different day. I've been doing this for 13 years."

Speaking of his belt, Sean won it with a masterful performance against Aljamain Sterling at TD Garden in Boston at UFC 292 in August 2023 ... in front of a decidedly pro-O'Malley crowd.

299 isn't in Beantown ... instead, the March 9 event will take place in sunny Miami, a city with a large Ecuadorian population. Chito was born in Chone, Ecuador.

Is Suga worried the crowd will be against him? Not a chance. Check out the full interview!

Matt Riddle 'Perfect Storm' Led To J.F.K. Outburst ... Alcohol, Ear Infection, Travel

Ex-WWE Superstar Matt Riddle is finally sharing his side of his eventful visit to JFK Airport last year ... claiming cocktails, an ear infection, and an awful travel experience sed his belligerent antics.

As we previously reported, Riddle appeared wasted before catching a flight to Orlando back in September ... grabbing a mic and shouting at passengers during a delay -- the same day he accused a Port Authority police officer of sexual assault.

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The former Tag Team Champion explained he felt he was overworked at the time -- doing a four-day tour before flying to India for a one-day event and heading back to the States -- and that all "took a toll on me," he told "The MMA Hour."

On his flight back to the U.S., Riddle said he got a "really bad" ear infection ... and after a few alcoholic bevvies and flight delays, he was dealing with a "perfect storm."

Riddle is taking the whole thing in stride, though ... saying his bad time at the airport made him realize he needed to take a step back and stop working himself so much.

As for the sexual harassment accusation, Riddle also admitted alcohol played a factor ... and while he didn't wish to pursue charges, he now understands that he put himself in that situation.

Ultimately, Riddle lost his gig with WWE ... but has since returned to wrestling under other promotions.

Ex-UFC Star Brendan Schaub Flips Truck Off-Roading ... Wild Crash Caught On Video

Crashing & Dashing
Instagram/ @brendanschaub

Brendan Schaub flipped his truck in a terrifying off-roading crash earlier this month ... and the wild accident was all captured on video.

It happened while the former UFC fighter was trying to show off his souped-up TRX for an episode of his "Tune Town" YouTube show.

The 40-year-old took the ride to Johnson Valley, Calif. for a day of fun after getting it all tricked out ... and, initially, everything was going according to plan.

He and the vehicle were getting good shots blowing through dirt, sand and boulders -- and despite getting stuck at one point, the afternoon still appeared to be a success.

But, as he was getting set to leave, Schaub tried to spin some donuts ... and lost control.

You can see in video that Schaub posted to his social media pages, his airbag exploded as he was thrown around inside of the cab.

Thankfully, he was able to make it out of the car relatively unscathed ... though he did reveal he suffered a concussion in the wreck.

"Definitely didn't need another one," he said of the head injury. "But it could be a whole lot worse."

Schaub wrote on his YouTube page that the truck cost him in the area of $200,000.

TMZ Studios

"My favorite vehicle I've ever owned is that TRX," he said.

Schaub noted that he learned from the incident that he needs to be more patient ... but he was able to joke about it all -- writing on his X page, "The only question after flipping your truck is….but did you have fun tho?"